apply plugin: '' // buildhost settings - paths and the like apply from: 'liboSettings.gradle' allprojects { repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url "" } google() } } //build-time dependencies - android plugin for gradle buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url "" } google() } dependencies { classpath '' } } // compile-time dependencies dependencies { implementation fileTree(dir: "${liboInstdir}/${liboUREJavaFolder}", include: [ "java_uno.jar", "libreoffice.jar", "unoloader.jar" ]) implementation '' implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.4' implementation "androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.1" } android { namespace 'org.libreoffice' compileSdk 34 buildFeatures { buildConfig = true } // uses non-conventional source layout, so need to reconfigure accordingly // ToDo move to conventional layout, so stuff can be stripped down. sourceSets { main.manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml' main.assets.srcDirs = ['assets'] main.res.srcDirs = ['res', 'res_generated'] = ['../Bootstrap/src', 'src/java'] main.jniLibs.srcDirs = ["${liboJniLibsdir}"] // the configuration data that might be stripped or not fullUI.assets.srcDirs 'assets_fullUI' strippedUI.assets.srcDirs 'assets_strippedUI' strippedUIEditing.assets.srcDirs 'assets_strippedUI' } defaultConfig { // minSdkVersion is set in liboSettings.gradle targetSdkVersion 34 // multidex needed when > 65,536 methods referenced with minSdKVersion < 21 // s. multiDexEnabled true vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true } buildTypes { debug { // make android studio happy... jniDebuggable true // would work just fine with external, but setting emulator up is a little more work manifestPlaceholders = [installLocation: "auto"] } release { manifestPlaceholders = [installLocation: "preferExternal"] } } flavorDimensions "default" productFlavors { strippedUI { dimension "default" buildConfigField 'boolean', 'ALLOW_EDITING', 'false' } strippedUIEditing { dimension "default" buildConfigField 'boolean', 'ALLOW_EDITING', 'true' } fullUI.dimension "default" } lint { warningsAsErrors true // ignore missing or extra translations, since these are tracked/managed via Weblate ignore 'ExtraTranslation', 'MissingTranslation' // don't error-out on external updates (new gradle plugin, library versions // or target API become available) // don't error-out on TypographyEllipsis, since this can be introduced with // new translations, and those are handled in Weblate informational 'AndroidGradlePluginVersion', 'GradleDependency', 'NewerVersionAvailable', 'OldTargetApi', 'TypographyEllipsis' // don't fail on pre-existing issues // These should be dealt with at some point, though. // To update lint-baseline.xml, just remove the file and run the build again. baseline file("lint-baseline.xml") // s.a. lint.xml that contains further config } } // show warnings about use of deprecated API tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach { options.deprecation = true } /* remark inherited from makefile: Then "assets". Let the directory structure under assets mimic that under solver for now. Please note that I have no idea what all of this is really necessary and for much of this stuff being copied, no idea whether it makes any sense at all. Much of this is copy-pasted from android/qa/sc/Makefile (where a couple of unit tests for sc are built, and those do seem to mostly work) and android/qa/desktop/Makefile (mmeeks's desktop demo, also works to some extent) */ // Assets that are unpacked at run-time into the app's data directory. These // are files read by non-LO code, fontconfig and freetype for now, that doesn't // understand "/assets" paths. task copyUnpackAssets(type: Copy) { description "copies assets that need to be extracted on the device" into 'assets/unpack' into('program') { from("${liboInstdir}/${liboEtcFolder}/types") { includes = [ "offapi.rdb", "oovbaapi.rdb" ] } from("${liboInstdir}/${liboUreMiscFolder}") { includes = ["types.rdb"] rename 'types.rdb', 'udkapi.rdb' } } into('user/fonts') { from "${liboInstdir}/share/fonts/truetype" // Note: restrict list of fonts due to size considerations - no technical reason anymore // ToDo: fonts would be good candidate for using Expansion Files instead includes = [ "Liberation*.ttf", "Caladea-*.ttf", "Carlito-*.ttf", "Gen*.ttf", "opens___.ttf" ] } into('etc/fonts') { from "./" includes = ['fonts.conf'] filter { String line -> line.replaceAll( '@@APPLICATION_ID@@', new String("${android.defaultConfig.applicationId}") ) } } } task copyAssets(type: Copy) { description "copies assets that can be accessed within the installed apk" into 'assets' // include icons, Impress styles and required .ui files into ('share') { into ('config') { from ("${liboInstdir}/share/config") includes = ['images_**.zip', '**/simpress/**.xml', '**/annotation.ui', '**/hfmenubutton.ui', '**/inforeadonlydialog.ui', '**/pbmenubutton.ui', '**/scrollbars.ui', '**/tabbuttons.ui', '**/tabviewbar.ui' ] } } into('program') { from "${liboInstdir}/program" includes = ['services.rdb', 'services/services.rdb'] into('resource') { from "${liboInstdir}/${liboSharedResFolder}" includes = ['*en-US.res'] } } into('share') { from("${liboInstdir}/share") { // Filter data is needed by e.g. the drawingML preset shape import. includes = ['registry/**', 'filter/**'] // those two get processed by excludes = ['registry/main.xcd', 'registry/res/registry_en-US.xcd'] } // separate data files for Chinese and Japanese from("${liboWorkdir}/CustomTarget/i18npool/breakiterator/") { include '*.data' } } } task copyAppResources(type: Copy) { description "copies documents to make them available as app resources" into 'res_generated/raw' from("${liboInstdir}") { includes = ["LICENSE", "NOTICE"] rename "LICENSE", "license.txt" rename "NOTICE", "notice.txt" } } task createFullConfig(type: Copy) { // grab dir to clear whole hierarchy on clean target outputs.dir "assets_fullUI" into 'assets_fullUI/share/config/soffice.cfg' from "${liboInstdir}/share/config/soffice.cfg" } task createStrippedConfig { def preserveDir = file("assets_strippedUI/share/config/soffice.cfg/empty") outputs.dir "assets_strippedUI" outputs.dir "assets_strippedUI/share/registry/res" outputs.file preserveDir doLast { file('assets_strippedUI/share/registry/res').mkdirs() file("assets_strippedUI/share/config/soffice.cfg").mkdirs() // just empty file preserveDir.text = "" } } task createStrippedConfigMain(type: Exec) { dependsOn 'createStrippedConfig' inputs.files "${liboInstdir}/share/registry/main.xcd", "${liboSrcRoot}/android/" outputs.file "assets_strippedUI/share/registry/main.xcd" executable "${liboSrcRoot}/android/" args = ["${liboInstdir}/share/registry/main.xcd", "assets_strippedUI/share/registry/main.xcd"] } task createStrippedConfigRegistry(type: Exec) { dependsOn 'createStrippedConfig' inputs.files "${liboInstdir}/share/registry/res/registry_en-US.xcd", "${liboSrcRoot}/android/" outputs.file "assets_strippedUI/share/registry/res/registry_en-US.xcd" executable "${liboSrcRoot}/android/" args = ["${liboInstdir}/share/registry/res/registry_en-US.xcd", "assets_strippedUI/share/registry/res/registry_en-US.xcd"] doFirst { file('assets_strippedUI/share/registry/res').mkdirs() } } task createRCfiles { inputs.file "liboSettings.gradle" dependsOn copyUnpackAssets, copyAssets def sofficerc = file('assets/unpack/program/sofficerc') def fundamentalrc = file('assets/program/fundamentalrc') def bootstraprc = file('assets/program/bootstraprc') def unorc = file('assets/program/unorc') def versionrc = file('assets/program/versionrc') outputs.files sofficerc, fundamentalrc, unorc, bootstraprc, versionrc doLast { sofficerc.text = '''\ [Bootstrap] Logo=1 NativeProgress=1 URE_BOOTSTRAP=file:///assets/program/fundamentalrc HOME=$APP_DATA_DIR/cache OSL_SOCKET_PATH=$APP_DATA_DIR/cache '''.stripIndent() fundamentalrc.text = '''\ [Bootstrap] LO_LIB_DIR=file://$APP_DATA_DIR/lib/ BRAND_BASE_DIR=file:///assets BRAND_SHARE_SUBDIR=share CONFIGURATION_LAYERS=xcsxcu:${BRAND_BASE_DIR}/share/registry res:${BRAND_BASE_DIR}/share/registry URE_BIN_DIR=file:///assets/ure/bin/dir/nothing-here/we-can/exec-anyway '''.stripIndent() bootstraprc.text = '''\ [Bootstrap] InstallMode= ProductKey=LibreOffice '''+ "${liboVersionMajor}.${liboVersionMinor}" + ''' UserInstallation=file://$APP_DATA_DIR '''.stripIndent() unorc.text = '''\ [Bootstrap] URE_INTERNAL_LIB_DIR=file://$APP_DATA_DIR/lib/ UNO_TYPES=file://$APP_DATA_DIR/program/udkapi.rdb file://$APP_DATA_DIR/program/offapi.rdb file://$APP_DATA_DIR/program/oovbaapi.rdb UNO_SERVICES=file:///assets/program/services.rdb file:///assets/program/services/services.rdb '''.stripIndent() versionrc.text = '''\ [Version] AllLanguages=en-US buildid=''' + "${liboGitFullCommit}" + ''' ReferenceOOoMajorMinor=4.1 '''.stripIndent() } } // creating the UI stuff is cheap, don't bother only applying it for the flavor... preBuild.dependsOn 'createRCfiles', 'createStrippedConfigMain', 'createStrippedConfigRegistry', 'createFullConfig', 'copyAppResources' clean.dependsOn 'cleanCopyAssets', 'cleanCreateStrippedConfig', 'cleanCreateFullConfig'