On Error Resume Next Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\SecurityCenter2") If objWMIService is Nothing Then Wscript.StdOut.Write "NULL" Else Set installedAntiviruses = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from AntivirusProduct") 'Iterates through all the antivirus software,retrieved by the WMI query,present on the system and prints only the ones that are active 'this is done by checking the 12th bit of the productState property of the antivirus 'if 12th bit is on then it means that the antivirus is in active state 'if 12th bit is off then it is inactive. 'see http://neophob.com/2010/03/wmi-query-windows-securitycenter2/ count=0 list="" For Each antivirus in installedAntiviruses If antivirus.productState And &h01000 Then 'checking the state of the 12th bit of productState property of the antivirus count=count+1 list=list & VBNewLine & VBtab & "*" & antivirus.displayName End if Next If count = 0 Then Wscript.StdOut.Write "NOT_FOUND" Else Wscript.Echo list End if End if/capgemini/cg-4.1'>distro/capgemini/cg-4.1 LibreOffice 核心代码仓库文档基金会
path: root/oovbaapi
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-02-14vba: add support for Application.WindowState + testTomaž Vajngerl
2022-02-14tdf#118246 add support for Application.GetOpenFilename func.Tomaž Vajngerl
2021-04-09[API-CHANGE] tdf#141543 VBA Range.Formula Range.FormulaR1C1 non-localizedEike Rathke
2021-04-07Updated README.md files to represent current code / use Markdown formatHossein
2021-03-24Using .md extension/Markdown syntax for modules READMEHossein