/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: moduldlg.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.28 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-07 20:07:25 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #include #include #pragma hdrstop #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_IO_XINPUTSTREAMPROVIDER_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_SCRIPT_XLIBRYARYCONTAINER2_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_SCRIPT_XLIBRARYCONTAINERPASSWORD_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _SBXCLASS_HXX //autogen #include #endif using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; ExtBasicTreeListBox::ExtBasicTreeListBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& rRes ) : BasicTreeListBox( pParent, rRes ) { } ExtBasicTreeListBox::~ExtBasicTreeListBox() { } BOOL __EXPORT ExtBasicTreeListBox::EditingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, Selection& ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; if ( pEntry ) { USHORT nDepth = GetModel()->GetDepth( pEntry ); if ( nDepth == 2 ) { BasicEntryDescriptor aDesc( GetEntryDescriptor( pEntry ) ); SfxObjectShell* pShell( aDesc.GetShell() ); ::rtl::OUString aOULibName( aDesc.GetLibName() ); Reference< script::XLibraryContainer2 > xModLibContainer( BasicIDE::GetModuleLibraryContainer( pShell ), UNO_QUERY ); Reference< script::XLibraryContainer2 > xDlgLibContainer( BasicIDE::GetDialogLibraryContainer( pShell ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( !( ( xModLibContainer.is() && xModLibContainer->hasByName( aOULibName ) && xModLibContainer->isLibraryReadOnly( aOULibName ) ) || ( xDlgLibContainer.is() && xDlgLibContainer->hasByName( aOULibName ) && xDlgLibContainer->isLibraryReadOnly( aOULibName ) ) ) ) { // allow editing only for libraries, which are not readonly bRet = TRUE; } } } return bRet; } BOOL __EXPORT ExtBasicTreeListBox::EditedEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const String& rNewText ) { BOOL bValid = BasicIDE::IsValidSbxName( rNewText ); String aCurText( GetEntryText( pEntry ) ); if ( bValid && ( aCurText != rNewText ) ) { BasicEntryDescriptor aDesc( GetEntryDescriptor( pEntry ) ); SfxObjectShell* pShell( aDesc.GetShell() ); String aLibName( aDesc.GetLibName() ); BasicEntryType eType( aDesc.GetType() ); try { if ( eType == OBJ_TYPE_MODULE ) BasicIDE::RenameModule( pShell, aLibName, aCurText, rNewText ); else if ( eType == OBJ_TYPE_DIALOG ) BasicIDE::RenameDialog( pShell, aLibName, aCurText, rNewText ); BasicIDE::MarkDocShellModified( pShell ); } catch ( container::ElementExistException& ) { ErrorBox( this, WB_OK | WB_DEF_OK, String( IDEResId( RID_STR_SBXNAMEALLREADYUSED2 ) ) ).Execute(); return FALSE; } catch ( container::NoSuchElementException& e ) { ByteString aBStr( String(e.Message), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); DBG_ERROR( aBStr.GetBuffer() ); } BasicIDEShell* pIDEShell = IDE_DLL()->GetShell(); SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = pIDEShell ? pIDEShell->GetViewFrame() : NULL; SfxDispatcher* pDispatcher = pViewFrame ? pViewFrame->GetDispatcher() : NULL; if( pDispatcher ) { SbxItem aSbxItem( SID_BASICIDE_ARG_SBX, pShell, aLibName, rNewText, ConvertType( eType ) ); pDispatcher->Execute( SID_BASICIDE_SBXRENAMED, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON, &aSbxItem, 0L ); } // OV-Bug?! SetEntryText( pEntry, rNewText ); SetCurEntry( pEntry ); SetCurEntry( pEntry ); Select( pEntry, FALSE ); Select( pEntry ); // damit Handler gerufen wird => Edit updaten } if ( !bValid ) ErrorBox( this, WB_OK | WB_DEF_OK, String( IDEResId( RID_STR_BADSBXNAME ) ) ).Execute(); return bValid; } DragDropMode __EXPORT ExtBasicTreeListBox::NotifyStartDrag( TransferDataContainer& rData, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) { DragDropMode nMode = SV_DRAGDROP_NONE; if ( pEntry ) { USHORT nDepth = GetModel()->GetDepth( pEntry ); if ( nDepth == 2 ) { nMode = SV_DRAGDROP_CTRL_COPY; BasicEntryDescriptor aDesc( GetEntryDescriptor( pEntry ) ); SfxObjectShell* pShell( aDesc.GetShell() ); ::rtl::OUString aOULibName( aDesc.GetLibName() ); Reference< script::XLibraryContainer2 > xModLibContainer( BasicIDE::GetModuleLibraryContainer( pShell ), UNO_QUERY ); Reference< script::XLibraryContainer2 > xDlgLibContainer( BasicIDE::GetDialogLibraryContainer( pShell ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( !( ( xModLibContainer.is() && xModLibContainer->hasByName( aOULibName ) && xModLibContainer->isLibraryReadOnly( aOULibName ) ) || ( xDlgLibContainer.is() && xDlgLibContainer->hasByName( aOULibName ) && xDlgLibContainer->isLibraryReadOnly( aOULibName ) ) ) ) { // allow MOVE mode only for libraries, which are not readonly nMode |= SV_DRAGDROP_CTRL_MOVE; } } } return nMode; } BOOL __EXPORT ExtBasicTreeListBox::NotifyAcceptDrop( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) { // don't drop on a BasicManager (nDepth == 0) USHORT nDepth = pEntry ? GetModel()->GetDepth( pEntry ) : 0; BOOL bValid = nDepth ? TRUE : FALSE; // don't drop in the same library SvLBoxEntry* pSelected = FirstSelected(); if ( ( nDepth == 1 ) && ( pEntry == GetParent( pSelected ) ) ) bValid = FALSE; else if ( ( nDepth == 2 ) && ( GetParent( pEntry ) == GetParent( pSelected ) ) ) bValid = FALSE; // don't drop on a library, which is not loaded, readonly or password protected // or which already has a module/dialog with this name if ( bValid && ( nDepth == 1 || nDepth == 2 ) ) { // get source module/dialog name BasicEntryDescriptor aSourceDesc( GetEntryDescriptor( pSelected ) ); String aSourceName( aSourceDesc.GetName() ); BasicEntryType eSourceType( aSourceDesc.GetType() ); // get target shell and target library name BasicEntryDescriptor aDestDesc( GetEntryDescriptor( pEntry ) ); SfxObjectShell* pDestShell( aDestDesc.GetShell() ); String aDestLibName( aDestDesc.GetLibName() ); ::rtl::OUString aOUDestLibName( aDestLibName ); // check if module library is not loaded, readonly or password protected Reference< script::XLibraryContainer2 > xModLibContainer( BasicIDE::GetModuleLibraryContainer( pDestShell ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xModLibContainer.is() && xModLibContainer->hasByName( aOUDestLibName ) ) { if ( !xModLibContainer->isLibraryLoaded( aOUDestLibName ) ) bValid = FALSE; if ( xModLibContainer->isLibraryReadOnly( aOUDestLibName ) ) bValid = FALSE; Reference< script::XLibraryContainerPassword > xPasswd( xModLibContainer, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xPasswd.is() && xPasswd->isLibraryPasswordProtected( aOUDestLibName ) && !xPasswd->isLibraryPasswordVerified( aOUDestLibName ) ) bValid = FALSE; } // check if dialog library is not loaded or readonly Reference< script::XLibraryContainer2 > xDlgLibContainer( BasicIDE::GetDialogLibraryContainer( pDestShell ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xDlgLibContainer.is() && xDlgLibContainer->hasByName( aOUDestLibName ) ) { if ( !xDlgLibContainer->isLibraryLoaded( aOUDestLibName ) ) bValid = FALSE; if ( xDlgLibContainer->isLibraryReadOnly( aOUDestLibName ) ) bValid = FALSE; } // check, if module/dialog with this name is already existing in target library if ( ( eSourceType == OBJ_TYPE_MODULE && BasicIDE::HasModule( pDestShell, aDestLibName, aSourceName ) ) || ( eSourceType == OBJ_TYPE_DIALOG && BasicIDE::HasDialog( pDestShell, aDestLibName, aSourceName ) ) ) { bValid = FALSE; } } return bValid; } BOOL __EXPORT ExtBasicTreeListBox::NotifyMoving( SvLBoxEntry* pTarget, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxEntry*& rpNewParent, ULONG& rNewChildPos ) { return NotifyCopyingMoving( pTarget, pEntry, rpNewParent, rNewChildPos, TRUE ); } BOOL __EXPORT ExtBasicTreeListBox::NotifyCopying( SvLBoxEntry* pTarget, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxEntry*& rpNewParent, ULONG& rNewChildPos ) { // return FALSE; // Wie kopiere ich ein SBX ?! return NotifyCopyingMoving( pTarget, pEntry, rpNewParent, rNewChildPos, FALSE ); } BOOL __EXPORT ExtBasicTreeListBox::NotifyCopyingMoving( SvLBoxEntry* pTarget, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxEntry*& rpNewParent, ULONG& rNewChildPos, BOOL bMove ) { DBG_ASSERT( pEntry, "Kein Eintrag?" ); // Hier ASS ok, sollte nicht mit DBG_ASSERT( pTarget, "Kein Ziel?" ); // NULL (ganz vorne) erreicht werden USHORT nDepth = GetModel()->GetDepth( pTarget ); DBG_ASSERT( nDepth, "Tiefe?" ); if ( nDepth == 1 ) { // Target = Basic => Modul/Dialog unter das Basic haengen... rpNewParent = pTarget; rNewChildPos = 0; } else if ( nDepth == 2 ) { // Target = Modul/Dialog => Modul/Dialog unter das uebergeordnete Basic haengen... rpNewParent = GetParent( pTarget ); rNewChildPos = GetModel()->GetRelPos( pTarget ) + 1; } USHORT nDestPos = (USHORT)rNewChildPos; // evtl. anpassen... // get target shell and target library name BasicEntryDescriptor aDestDesc( GetEntryDescriptor( rpNewParent ) ); SfxObjectShell* pDestShell( aDestDesc.GetShell() ); String aDestLibName( aDestDesc.GetLibName() ); // get source shell, library name and module/dialog name BasicEntryDescriptor aSourceDesc( GetEntryDescriptor( FirstSelected() ) ); SfxObjectShell* pSourceShell( aSourceDesc.GetShell() ); String aSourceLibName( aSourceDesc.GetLibName() ); String aSourceName( aSourceDesc.GetName() ); BasicEntryType eType( aSourceDesc.GetType() ); // get dispatcher BasicIDEShell* pIDEShell = IDE_DLL()->GetShell(); SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = pIDEShell ? pIDEShell->GetViewFrame() : NULL; SfxDispatcher* pDispatcher = pViewFrame ? pViewFrame->GetDispatcher() : NULL; if ( bMove ) // move { // remove source module/dialog window if ( pSourceShell != pDestShell || aSourceLibName != aDestLibName ) { if( pDispatcher ) { SbxItem aSbxItem( SID_BASICIDE_ARG_SBX, pSourceShell, aSourceLibName, aSourceName, ConvertType( eType ) ); pDispatcher->Execute( SID_BASICIDE_SBXDELETED, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON, &aSbxItem, 0L ); } } try { if ( eType == OBJ_TYPE_MODULE ) // module { // get module ::rtl::OUString aModule = BasicIDE::GetModule( pSourceShell, aSourceLibName, aSourceName ); // remove module from source library BasicIDE::RemoveModule( pSourceShell, aSourceLibName, aSourceName ); BasicIDE::MarkDocShellModified( pSourceShell ); // insert module into target library BasicIDE::InsertModule( pDestShell, aDestLibName, aSourceName, aModule ); BasicIDE::MarkDocShellModified( pDestShell ); } else if ( eType == OBJ_TYPE_DIALOG ) // dialog { // get dialog Reference< io::XInputStreamProvider > xISP( BasicIDE::GetDialog( pSourceShell, aSourceLibName, aSourceName ) ); if ( xISP.is() ) { // remove dialog from source library BasicIDE::RemoveDialog( pSourceShell, aSourceLibName, aSourceName ); BasicIDE::MarkDocShellModified( pSourceShell ); // insert dialog into target library BasicIDE::InsertDialog( pDestShell, aDestLibName, aSourceName, xISP ); BasicIDE::MarkDocShellModified( pDestShell ); } } } catch ( container::ElementExistException& e ) { ByteString aBStr( String(e.Message), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); DBG_ERROR( aBStr.GetBuffer() ); } catch ( container::NoSuchElementException& e ) { ByteString aBStr( String(e.Message), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); DBG_ERROR( aBStr.GetBuffer() ); } } else // copy { try { if ( eType == OBJ_TYPE_MODULE ) // module { // get module ::rtl::OUString aModule = BasicIDE::GetModule( pSourceShell, aSourceLibName, aSourceName ); // insert module into target library BasicIDE::InsertModule( pDestShell, aDestLibName, aSourceName, aModule ); BasicIDE::MarkDocShellModified( pDestShell ); } else if ( eType == OBJ_TYPE_DIALOG ) // dialog { // get dialog Reference< io::XInputStreamProvider > xISP( BasicIDE::GetDialog( pSourceShell, aSourceLibName, aSourceName ) ); if ( xISP.is() ) { // insert dialog into target library BasicIDE::InsertDialog( pDestShell, aDestLibName, aSourceName, xISP ); BasicIDE::MarkDocShellModified( pDestShell ); } } } catch ( container::ElementExistException& e ) { ByteString aBStr( String(e.Message), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); DBG_ERROR( aBStr.GetBuffer() ); } catch ( container::NoSuchElementException& e ) { ByteString aBStr( String(e.Message), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); DBG_ERROR( aBStr.GetBuffer() ); } } // create target module/dialog window if ( pSourceShell != pDestShell || aSourceLibName != aDestLibName ) { if( pDispatcher ) { SbxItem aSbxItem( SID_BASICIDE_ARG_SBX, pDestShell, aDestLibName, aSourceName, ConvertType( eType ) ); pDispatcher->Execute( SID_BASICIDE_SBXINSERTED, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON, &aSbxItem, 0L ); } } return 2; // Aufklappen... } OrganizeDialog::OrganizeDialog( Window* pParent, INT16 tabId, BasicEntryDescriptor& rDesc ) :TabDialog( pParent, IDEResId( RID_TD_ORGANIZE ) ) ,aTabCtrl( this, IDEResId( RID_TC_ORGANIZE ) ) ,m_aCurEntry( rDesc ) { FreeResource(); aTabCtrl.SetActivatePageHdl( LINK( this, OrganizeDialog, ActivatePageHdl ) ); if( tabId == 0 ) { aTabCtrl.SetCurPageId( RID_TP_MOD ); } else if ( tabId == 1 ) { aTabCtrl.SetCurPageId( RID_TP_DLG ); } else { aTabCtrl.SetCurPageId( RID_TP_LIB ); } ActivatePageHdl( &aTabCtrl ); BasicIDEShell* pIDEShell = IDE_DLL()->GetShell(); SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = pIDEShell ? pIDEShell->GetViewFrame() : NULL; SfxDispatcher* pDispatcher = pViewFrame ? pViewFrame->GetDispatcher() : NULL; if( pDispatcher ) { pDispatcher->Execute( SID_BASICIDE_STOREALLMODULESOURCES ); } } __EXPORT OrganizeDialog::~OrganizeDialog() { for ( USHORT i = 0; i < aTabCtrl.GetPageCount(); i++ ) delete aTabCtrl.GetTabPage( aTabCtrl.GetPageId( i ) ); }; short OrganizeDialog::Execute() { Window* pPrevDlgParent = Application::GetDefDialogParent(); Application::SetDefDialogParent( this ); short nRet = TabDialog::Execute(); Application::SetDefDialogParent( pPrevDlgParent ); return nRet; } IMPL_LINK( OrganizeDialog, ActivatePageHdl, TabControl *, pTabCtrl ) { USHORT nId = pTabCtrl->GetCurPageId(); // Wenn TabPage noch nicht erzeugt wurde, dann erzeugen if ( !pTabCtrl->GetTabPage( nId ) ) { TabPage* pNewTabPage = 0; switch ( nId ) { case RID_TP_MOD: { pNewTabPage = new ObjectPage( pTabCtrl, IDEResId( RID_TP_MODULS ), BROWSEMODE_MODULES ); ((ObjectPage*)pNewTabPage)->SetTabDlg( this ); ((ObjectPage*)pNewTabPage)->SetCurrentEntry( m_aCurEntry ); } break; case RID_TP_DLG: { pNewTabPage = new ObjectPage( pTabCtrl, IDEResId( RID_TP_DLGS ), BROWSEMODE_DIALOGS ); ((ObjectPage*)pNewTabPage)->SetTabDlg( this ); ((ObjectPage*)pNewTabPage)->SetCurrentEntry( m_aCurEntry ); } break; case RID_TP_LIB: { pNewTabPage = new LibPage( pTabCtrl ); ((LibPage*)pNewTabPage)->SetTabDlg( this ); } break; default: DBG_ERROR( "PageHdl: Unbekannte ID!" ); } DBG_ASSERT( pNewTabPage, "Keine Page!" ); pTabCtrl->SetTabPage( nId, pNewTabPage ); } return 0; } ObjectPage::ObjectPage( Window * pParent, const ResId& rResId, USHORT nMode ) : TabPage( pParent, rResId ), aLibText( this, IDEResId( RID_STR_LIB ) ), aBasicBox( this, IDEResId( RID_TRLBOX ) ), aEditButton( this, IDEResId( RID_PB_EDIT ) ), aCloseButton( this, IDEResId( RID_PB_CLOSE ) ), aNewModButton( this, IDEResId( RID_PB_NEWMOD ) ), aNewDlgButton( this, IDEResId( RID_PB_NEWDLG ) ), aDelButton( this, IDEResId( RID_PB_DELETE ) ) { FreeResource(); pTabDlg = 0; aEditButton.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ObjectPage, ButtonHdl ) ); aDelButton.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ObjectPage, ButtonHdl ) ); aCloseButton.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ObjectPage, ButtonHdl ) ); aBasicBox.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ObjectPage, BasicBoxHighlightHdl ) ); if( nMode & BROWSEMODE_MODULES ) { aNewModButton.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ObjectPage, ButtonHdl ) ); aNewDlgButton.Hide(); } else if ( nMode & BROWSEMODE_DIALOGS ) { aNewDlgButton.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ObjectPage, ButtonHdl ) ); aNewModButton.Hide(); } aBasicBox.SetDragDropMode( SV_DRAGDROP_CTRL_MOVE | SV_DRAGDROP_CTRL_COPY ); aBasicBox.EnableInplaceEditing( TRUE ); aBasicBox.SetMode( nMode ); aBasicBox.SetWindowBits( WB_HASLINES | WB_HASLINESATROOT | WB_HASBUTTONS | WB_HASBUTTONSATROOT | WB_HSCROLL ); aBasicBox.ScanAllEntries(); aEditButton.GrabFocus(); CheckButtons(); } void ObjectPage::SetCurrentEntry( BasicEntryDescriptor& rDesc ) { aBasicBox.SetCurrentEntry( rDesc ); } void __EXPORT ObjectPage::ActivatePage() { aBasicBox.UpdateEntries(); } void __EXPORT ObjectPage::DeactivatePage() { } void ObjectPage::CheckButtons() { // enable/disable edit button SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry = aBasicBox.GetCurEntry(); USHORT nDepth = pCurEntry ? aBasicBox.GetModel()->GetDepth( pCurEntry ) : 0; if ( nDepth == 2 ) aEditButton.Enable(); else aEditButton.Disable(); // enable/disable new module/dialog buttons BasicEntryDescriptor aDesc( aBasicBox.GetEntryDescriptor( pCurEntry ) ); LibraryLocation eLocation( aDesc.GetLocation() ); BOOL bReadOnly = FALSE; if ( nDepth == 1 || nDepth == 2 ) { SfxObjectShell* pShell( aDesc.GetShell() ); ::rtl::OUString aOULibName( aDesc.GetLibName() ); Reference< script::XLibraryContainer2 > xModLibContainer( BasicIDE::GetModuleLibraryContainer( pShell ), UNO_QUERY ); Reference< script::XLibraryContainer2 > xDlgLibContainer( BasicIDE::GetDialogLibraryContainer( pShell ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( ( xModLibContainer.is() && xModLibContainer->hasByName( aOULibName ) && xModLibContainer->isLibraryReadOnly( aOULibName ) ) || ( xDlgLibContainer.is() && xDlgLibContainer->hasByName( aOULibName ) && xDlgLibContainer->isLibraryReadOnly( aOULibName ) ) ) { bReadOnly = TRUE; } } if ( bReadOnly || eLocation == LIBRARY_LOCATION_SHARE ) { aNewModButton.Disable(); aNewDlgButton.Disable(); } else { aNewModButton.Enable(); aNewDlgButton.Enable(); } // enable/disable delete button if ( nDepth == 2 && !bReadOnly && eLocation != LIBRARY_LOCATION_SHARE ) aDelButton.Enable(); else aDelButton.Disable(); } IMPL_LINK( ObjectPage, BasicBoxHighlightHdl, BasicTreeListBox *, pBox ) { if ( !pBox->IsSelected( pBox->GetHdlEntry() ) ) return 0; CheckButtons(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( ObjectPage, ButtonHdl, Button *, pButton ) { if ( pButton == &aEditButton ) { SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::Current(); SfxAllItemSet aArgs( SFX_APP()->GetPool() ); SfxRequest aRequest( SID_BASICIDE_APPEAR, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON, aArgs ); SFX_APP()->ExecuteSlot( aRequest ); BasicIDEShell* pIDEShell = IDE_DLL()->GetShell(); pViewFrame = pIDEShell ? pIDEShell->GetViewFrame() : NULL; SfxDispatcher* pDispatcher = pViewFrame ? pViewFrame->GetDispatcher() : NULL; SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry = aBasicBox.GetCurEntry(); DBG_ASSERT( pCurEntry, "Entry?!" ); if ( aBasicBox.GetModel()->GetDepth( pCurEntry ) == 2 ) { BasicEntryDescriptor aDesc( aBasicBox.GetEntryDescriptor( pCurEntry ) ); if ( pDispatcher ) { SbxItem aSbxItem( SID_BASICIDE_ARG_SBX, aDesc.GetShell(), aDesc.GetLibName(), aDesc.GetName(), aBasicBox.ConvertType( aDesc.GetType() ) ); pDispatcher->Execute( SID_BASICIDE_SHOWSBX, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON, &aSbxItem, 0L ); } } else // Nur Lib selektiert { DBG_ASSERT( aBasicBox.GetModel()->GetDepth( pCurEntry ) == 1, "Kein LibEntry?!" ); SfxObjectShell* pShell = 0; SvLBoxEntry* pParentEntry = aBasicBox.GetParent( pCurEntry ); if ( pParentEntry ) { BasicShellEntry* pBasicShellEntry = (BasicShellEntry*)pParentEntry->GetUserData(); if ( pBasicShellEntry ) pShell = pBasicShellEntry->GetShell(); } SfxObjectShellItem aShellItem( SID_BASICIDE_ARG_SHELL, pShell ); String aLibName( aBasicBox.GetEntryText( pCurEntry ) ); SfxStringItem aLibNameItem( SID_BASICIDE_ARG_LIBNAME, aLibName ); if ( pDispatcher ) { pDispatcher->Execute( SID_BASICIDE_LIBSELECTED, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON, &aShellItem, &aLibNameItem, 0L ); } } EndTabDialog( 1 ); } else if ( pButton == &aNewModButton ) NewModule(); else if ( pButton == &aNewDlgButton ) NewDialog(); else if ( pButton == &aDelButton ) DeleteCurrent(); else if ( pButton == &aCloseButton ) EndTabDialog( 0 ); return 0; } bool ObjectPage::GetSelection( SfxObjectShell*& rpShell, String& rLibName ) { bool bRet = false; SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry = aBasicBox.GetCurEntry(); BasicEntryDescriptor aDesc( aBasicBox.GetEntryDescriptor( pCurEntry ) ); rpShell = aDesc.GetShell(); rLibName = aDesc.GetLibName(); if ( !rLibName.Len() ) rLibName = String::CreateFromAscii( "Standard" ); // check if the module library is loaded BOOL bOK = TRUE; ::rtl::OUString aOULibName( rLibName ); Reference< script::XLibraryContainer > xModLibContainer( BasicIDE::GetModuleLibraryContainer( rpShell ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xModLibContainer.is() && xModLibContainer->hasByName( aOULibName ) && !xModLibContainer->isLibraryLoaded( aOULibName ) ) { // check password Reference< script::XLibraryContainerPassword > xPasswd( xModLibContainer, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xPasswd.is() && xPasswd->isLibraryPasswordProtected( aOULibName ) && !xPasswd->isLibraryPasswordVerified( aOULibName ) ) { String aPassword; bOK = QueryPassword( xModLibContainer, rLibName, aPassword ); } // load library if ( bOK ) xModLibContainer->loadLibrary( aOULibName ); } // check if the dialog library is loaded Reference< script::XLibraryContainer > xDlgLibContainer( BasicIDE::GetDialogLibraryContainer( rpShell ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xDlgLibContainer.is() && xDlgLibContainer->hasByName( aOULibName ) && !xDlgLibContainer->isLibraryLoaded( aOULibName ) ) { // load library if ( bOK ) xDlgLibContainer->loadLibrary( aOULibName ); } if ( bOK ) bRet = true; return bRet; } void ObjectPage::NewModule() { SfxObjectShell* pShell = 0; String aLibName; if ( GetSelection( pShell, aLibName ) ) { String aModName; createModImpl( static_cast( this ), pShell, aBasicBox, aLibName, aModName, true ); } } void ObjectPage::NewDialog() { SfxObjectShell* pShell = 0; String aLibName; if ( GetSelection( pShell, aLibName ) ) { if ( !BasicIDE::HasDialogLibrary( pShell, aLibName ) ) BasicIDE::CreateDialogLibrary( pShell, aLibName ); std::auto_ptr< NewObjectDialog > xNewDlg( new NewObjectDialog(this, NEWOBJECTMODE_DLG, true)); xNewDlg->SetObjectName( BasicIDE::CreateDialogName( pShell, aLibName ) ); if (xNewDlg->Execute() != 0) { String aDlgName( xNewDlg->GetObjectName() ); if (aDlgName.Len() == 0) aDlgName = BasicIDE::CreateDialogName(pShell, aLibName); try { Reference< io::XInputStreamProvider > xISP( BasicIDE::CreateDialog( pShell, aLibName, aDlgName ) ); SbxItem aSbxItem( SID_BASICIDE_ARG_SBX, pShell, aLibName, aDlgName, BASICIDE_TYPE_DIALOG ); BasicIDEShell* pIDEShell = IDE_DLL()->GetShell(); SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = pIDEShell ? pIDEShell->GetViewFrame() : NULL; SfxDispatcher* pDispatcher = pViewFrame ? pViewFrame->GetDispatcher() : NULL; if( pDispatcher ) { pDispatcher->Execute( SID_BASICIDE_SBXINSERTED, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON, &aSbxItem, 0L ); } LibraryLocation eLocation = BasicIDE::GetLibraryLocation( pShell, aLibName ); SvLBoxEntry* pRootEntry = aBasicBox.FindRootEntry( pShell, eLocation ); if ( pRootEntry ) { if ( !aBasicBox.IsExpanded( pRootEntry ) ) aBasicBox.Expand( pRootEntry ); SvLBoxEntry* pLibEntry = aBasicBox.FindEntry( pRootEntry, aLibName, OBJ_TYPE_LIBRARY ); DBG_ASSERT( pLibEntry, "Libeintrag nicht gefunden!" ); if ( pLibEntry ) { if ( !aBasicBox.IsExpanded( pLibEntry ) ) aBasicBox.Expand( pLibEntry ); SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aBasicBox.FindEntry( pLibEntry, aDlgName, OBJ_TYPE_DIALOG ); if ( !pEntry ) { pEntry = aBasicBox.AddEntry( aDlgName, Image( IDEResId( RID_IMG_DIALOG ) ), Image( IDEResId( RID_IMG_DIALOG_HC ) ), pLibEntry, false, std::auto_ptr< BasicEntry >( new BasicEntry( OBJ_TYPE_DIALOG ) ) ); DBG_ASSERT( pEntry, "InsertEntry fehlgeschlagen!" ); } aBasicBox.SetCurEntry( pEntry ); aBasicBox.Select( aBasicBox.GetCurEntry() ); // OV-Bug?! } } } catch ( container::ElementExistException& ) { ErrorBox( this, WB_OK | WB_DEF_OK, String( IDEResId( RID_STR_SBXNAMEALLREADYUSED2 ) ) ).Execute(); } catch ( container::NoSuchElementException& e ) { ByteString aBStr( String(e.Message), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); DBG_ERROR( aBStr.GetBuffer() ); } } } } void ObjectPage::DeleteCurrent() { SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry = aBasicBox.GetCurEntry(); DBG_ASSERT( pCurEntry, "Kein aktueller Eintrag!" ); BasicEntryDescriptor aDesc( aBasicBox.GetEntryDescriptor( pCurEntry ) ); SfxObjectShell* pShell( aDesc.GetShell() ); String aLibName( aDesc.GetLibName() ); String aName( aDesc.GetName() ); BasicEntryType eType( aDesc.GetType() ); if ( ( eType == OBJ_TYPE_MODULE && QueryDelModule( aName, this ) ) || ( eType == OBJ_TYPE_DIALOG && QueryDelDialog( aName, this ) ) ) { aBasicBox.GetModel()->Remove( pCurEntry ); if ( aBasicBox.GetCurEntry() ) // OV-Bug ? aBasicBox.Select( aBasicBox.GetCurEntry() ); BasicIDEShell* pIDEShell = IDE_DLL()->GetShell(); SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = pIDEShell ? pIDEShell->GetViewFrame() : NULL; SfxDispatcher* pDispatcher = pViewFrame ? pViewFrame->GetDispatcher() : NULL; if( pDispatcher ) { SbxItem aSbxItem( SID_BASICIDE_ARG_SBX, pShell, aLibName, aName, aBasicBox.ConvertType( eType ) ); pDispatcher->Execute( SID_BASICIDE_SBXDELETED, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON, &aSbxItem, 0L ); } try { if ( eType == OBJ_TYPE_MODULE ) BasicIDE::RemoveModule( pShell, aLibName, aName ); else if ( eType == OBJ_TYPE_DIALOG ) BasicIDE::RemoveDialog( pShell, aLibName, aName ); BasicIDE::MarkDocShellModified( pShell ); } catch ( container::NoSuchElementException& e ) { ByteString aBStr( String(e.Message), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); DBG_ERROR( aBStr.GetBuffer() ); } } } void ObjectPage::EndTabDialog( USHORT nRet ) { DBG_ASSERT( pTabDlg, "TabDlg nicht gesetzt!" ); if ( pTabDlg ) pTabDlg->EndDialog( nRet ); } LibDialog::LibDialog( Window* pParent ) : ModalDialog( pParent, IDEResId( RID_DLG_LIBS ) ), aOKButton( this, IDEResId( RID_PB_OK ) ), aCancelButton( this, IDEResId( RID_PB_CANCEL ) ), aStorageName( this, IDEResId( RID_FT_STORAGENAME ) ), aLibBox( this, IDEResId( RID_CTRL_LIBS ) ), aFixedLine( this, IDEResId( RID_FL_OPTIONS ) ), aReferenceBox( this, IDEResId( RID_CB_REF ) ), aReplaceBox( this, IDEResId( RID_CB_REPL ) ) { SetText( String( IDEResId( RID_STR_APPENDLIBS ) ) ); FreeResource(); } LibDialog::~LibDialog() { } void LibDialog::SetStorageName( const String& rName ) { String aName( IDEResId( RID_STR_FILENAME ) ); aName += rName; aStorageName.SetText( aName ); } // Helper function SbModule* createModImpl( Window* pWin, SfxObjectShell* pShell, BasicTreeListBox& rBasicBox, const String& rLibName, String aModName, bool bMain ) { SbModule* pModule = NULL; String aLibName( rLibName ); if ( !aLibName.Len() ) aLibName = String::CreateFromAscii( "Standard" ); if ( !BasicIDE::HasModuleLibrary( pShell, aLibName ) ) BasicIDE::CreateModuleLibrary( pShell, aLibName ); if ( !aModName.Len() ) aModName = BasicIDE::CreateModuleName( pShell, aLibName ); std::auto_ptr< NewObjectDialog > xNewDlg( new NewObjectDialog( pWin, NEWOBJECTMODE_MOD, true ) ); xNewDlg->SetObjectName( aModName ); if (xNewDlg->Execute() != 0) { if ( xNewDlg->GetObjectName().Len() ) aModName = xNewDlg->GetObjectName(); try { ::rtl::OUString aModule = BasicIDE::CreateModule( pShell, aLibName, aModName, bMain ); BasicManager* pBasMgr = pShell ? pShell->GetBasicManager() : SFX_APP()->GetBasicManager(); if ( pBasMgr ) { StarBASIC* pBasic = pBasMgr->GetLib( aLibName ); if ( pBasic ) pModule = pBasic->FindModule( aModName ); } SbxItem aSbxItem( SID_BASICIDE_ARG_SBX, pShell, aLibName, aModName, BASICIDE_TYPE_MODULE ); BasicIDEShell* pIDEShell = IDE_DLL()->GetShell(); SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = pIDEShell ? pIDEShell->GetViewFrame() : NULL; SfxDispatcher* pDispatcher = pViewFrame ? pViewFrame->GetDispatcher() : NULL; if( pDispatcher ) { pDispatcher->Execute( SID_BASICIDE_SBXINSERTED, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON, &aSbxItem, 0L ); } LibraryLocation eLocation = BasicIDE::GetLibraryLocation( pShell, aLibName ); SvLBoxEntry* pRootEntry = rBasicBox.FindRootEntry( pShell, eLocation ); if ( pRootEntry ) { if ( !rBasicBox.IsExpanded( pRootEntry ) ) rBasicBox.Expand( pRootEntry ); SvLBoxEntry* pLibEntry = rBasicBox.FindEntry( pRootEntry, aLibName, OBJ_TYPE_LIBRARY ); DBG_ASSERT( pLibEntry, "Libeintrag nicht gefunden!" ); if ( pLibEntry ) { if ( !rBasicBox.IsExpanded( pLibEntry ) ) rBasicBox.Expand( pLibEntry ); SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = rBasicBox.FindEntry( pLibEntry, aModName, OBJ_TYPE_MODULE ); if ( !pEntry ) { pEntry = rBasicBox.AddEntry( aModName, Image( IDEResId( RID_IMG_MODULE ) ), Image( IDEResId( RID_IMG_MODULE_HC ) ), pLibEntry, false, std::auto_ptr< BasicEntry >( new BasicEntry( OBJ_TYPE_MODULE ) ) ); DBG_ASSERT( pEntry, "InsertEntry fehlgeschlagen!" ); } rBasicBox.SetCurEntry( pEntry ); rBasicBox.Select( rBasicBox.GetCurEntry() ); // OV-Bug?! } } } catch ( container::ElementExistException& ) { ErrorBox( pWin, WB_OK | WB_DEF_OK, String( IDEResId( RID_STR_SBXNAMEALLREADYUSED2 ) ) ).Execute(); } catch ( container::NoSuchElementException& e ) { ByteString aBStr( String(e.Message), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); DBG_ERROR( aBStr.GetBuffer() ); } } return pModule; }