' ' This file is part of the LibreOffice project. ' ' This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public ' License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this ' file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ' Option VBASupport 1 Option Explicit Function doUnitTest() ''' This routine is QA/…/test_vba.cxx main entry point ''' Const MIN_ERR = &hFFFFFFFF : Const MAX_ERR = 2^31-1 ''' Raise one-to-many User-Defined Errors as signed Int32 ''' TestUtil.TestInit() ' test_Description | Err # | Err_Source | Err_Description Call TestErrRaise("MAXimum error value", MAX_ERR, "doUnitTest.vb", "Custom Error Maximum value") Call TestErrRaise("Positive custom error", 1789, "" , "User-Defined Error Number") Call TestErrRaise("Negative custom error", -1793, "doUnitTest.vb", "Negative User-Defined Error Number") Call TestErrRaise("MINimum error value", MIN_ERR, "" , "Custom Error Minimum value") doUnitTest = TestUtil.GetResult() End Function Sub TestErrRaise(TestName As String, CurErrNo As Long, CurErrSource As String, CurErrDescription As String) Dim origPassCount As Integer, origFailCount As Integer try: On Error Goto catch Dim errorHandled As Integer Err.Raise(CurErrNo, CurErrSource, CurErrDescription, "", "") TestUtil.Assert(errorHandled = 1, TestName, "error handler did not execute!") TestUtil.Assert(Erl = 0, TestName, "Erl = " & Erl) TestUtil.Assert(Err = 0, TestName, "Err = " & Err) TestUtil.Assert(Error = "", TestName, "Error = " & Error) TestUtil.Assert(Err.Description = "", "Err.Description reset", "Err.Description = "& Err.Description) TestUtil.Assert(Err.Number = 0, "Err.Number reset", "Err.Number = " & Err.Number) TestUtil.Assert(Err.Source = "", "Err.Source reset", "Err.Source = " & Err.Source) Exit Sub catch: TestUtil.Assert(Err.Number = CurErrNo, "Err.Number failure", "Err.Number = " & Err.Number) TestUtil.Assert(Err.Source = CurErrSource, "Err.Source failure", "Err.Source = " & Err.Source) TestUtil.Assert(Err.Description = CurErrDescription, "Err.Description failure", "Err.Description = " & Err.Description) TestUtil.Assert(Erl = 32, "line# failure", "Erl = " & Erl ' WATCH OUT for HARDCODED LINE # HERE !) TestUtil.Assert(Err = CurErrNo, "Err# failure", "Err = " & Err) TestUtil.Assert(Error = CurErrDescription, "Error description failure", "Error$ = " & Error$) errorHandled = 1 Resume Next ' Err object properties reset from here … End Sub