/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: appwin.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.10 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-09-17 09:55:42 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_basic.hxx" #include #ifndef _MSGBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FSYS_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVTOOLS_STRINGTRANSFER_HXX_ #include #endif #include "basic.hrc" #include "app.hxx" #include "mybasic.hxx" #include "status.hxx" #include "appwin.hxx" #include "dataedit.hxx" #include "dialogs.hxx" String *AppWin::pNoName = NULL; // enthaelt den "Untitled"-String short AppWin::nNumber = 0; // fortlaufende Nummer short AppWin::nCount = 0; // Anzahl Editfenster TYPEINIT0(AppWin); AppWin::AppWin( BasicFrame* pParent ) : DockingWindow( pParent, WB_SIZEMOVE | WB_CLOSEABLE | WB_PINABLE ) , nSkipReload(0) , bHasFile( FALSE ) , bReloadAborted( FALSE ) , pFrame( pParent ) , bFind( TRUE ) , pDataEdit(NULL) { // evtl. den Untitled-String laden: if( !pNoName ) pNoName = new String( ResId( IDS_NONAME ) ); nCount++; // Maximized Status von aktuellem Fenster holen USHORT nInitialWinState; if ( pFrame->pWork ) { nInitialWinState = pFrame->pWork->GetWinState(); nInitialWinState &= TT_WIN_STATE_MAX | TT_WIN_STATE_FLOAT; } else nInitialWinState = TT_WIN_STATE_MAX; StartListening( *pFrame ); pFrame->AddWindow( this ); ShowTitleButton( TITLE_BUTTON_DOCKING ); ShowTitleButton( TITLE_BUTTON_HIDE ); SetActivateMode( ACTIVATE_MODE_GRABFOCUS ); Cascade( nCount ); if ( TT_WIN_STATE_MAX == nInitialWinState ) Maximize(); } AppWin::~AppWin() { nCount--; pFrame->RemoveWindow( this ); pFrame = NULL; // So daß nach BasicRun nicht mehr versucht wird Fenstertext zu setzen } void AppWin::SetText( const XubString& rStr ) { DockingWindow::SetText( rStr ); pFrame->WindowRenamed( this ); } void AppWin::TitleButtonClick( USHORT nButton ) { if ( TITLE_BUTTON_DOCKING == nButton ) if ( TT_WIN_STATE_MAX != nWinState ) Maximize(); else Restore(); else // if ( TITLE_BUTTON_HIDE == nButton ) Minimize( TRUE ); } void AppWin::Maximize() { if ( TT_WIN_STATE_MAX != nWinState ) { nNormalPos = GetPosPixel(); nNormalSize = GetSizePixel(); SetFloatingMode( FALSE ); pFrame->nMaximizedWindows++; nWinState = TT_WIN_STATE_MAX; } sal_Int32 nTitleHeight; { sal_Int32 nDummy1, nDummy2, nDummy3; pFrame->GetBorder( nDummy1, nTitleHeight, nDummy2, nDummy3 ); } Size aSize = pFrame->GetOutputSizePixel(); aSize.Height() -= nTitleHeight; aSize.Height() -= 2; aSize.Width() -= 2; SetSizePixel( aSize ); SetPosPixel( Point( 1,1 ) ); pFrame->WinMax_Restore(); } void AppWin::Restore() { SetFloatingMode( TRUE ); SetPosSizePixel( nNormalPos, nNormalSize ); if ( TT_WIN_STATE_MAX == nWinState ) pFrame->nMaximizedWindows--; nWinState = TT_WIN_STATE_FLOAT; pFrame->WinMax_Restore(); } void AppWin::Minimize( BOOL bMinimize ) { if ( bMinimize ) nWinState |= TT_WIN_STATE_HIDE; else nWinState &= ~TT_WIN_STATE_HIDE; pFrame->WinMax_Restore(); } void AppWin::Cascade( USHORT nNr ) { Restore(); nNr--; nNr %= 10; nNr++; sal_Int32 nTitleHeight; { sal_Int32 nDummy1, nDummy2, nDummy3; pFrame->GetBorder( nDummy1, nTitleHeight, nDummy2, nDummy3 ); } Size aWinSize = pFrame->GetOutputSizePixel(); aWinSize.Width() -= aWinSize.Width() / 5; // auf 80 % reduzieren aWinSize.Height() -= nTitleHeight * nNr; // Unten entsprechen kürzen aWinSize.Height() -= 2; Point nPos( nTitleHeight * nNr, nTitleHeight * nNr ); SetPosSizePixel( nPos, aWinSize ); } void AppWin::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& ) { Help(); } void AppWin::Help() { String s = pDataEdit->GetSelected(); if( s.Len() ) { // Leerstellen davor weg: while( s.GetChar(0) == ' ' ) s.Erase( 0, 1 ); // aBasicApp.pHelp->Start( s ); } else { // aBasicApp.pHelp->Start( HELP_INDEX ); } } void AppWin::Resize() { if( pDataEdit ) { pDataEdit->SetPosPixel( Point( 0, 0 ) ); pDataEdit->SetSizePixel( GetOutputSizePixel() ); } } void AppWin::GetFocus() { pFrame->FocusWindow( this ); if( pDataEdit ) // Im Destruktor wird GetFocus gerufen, daher diese Abfrage { pDataEdit->GrabFocus(); // InitMenu(GetpApp()->GetAppMenu()->GetPopupMenu( RID_APPEDIT )); // So daß Delete richtig ist } } long AppWin::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN ) Activate(); if ( rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_GETFOCUS ) if ( pFrame->pList->Last() != this ) Activate(); return FALSE; // Der event soll weiter verarbeitet werden } void AppWin::Activate() { GrabFocus(); } // Set up the menu long AppWin::InitMenu( Menu* pMenu ) { ::rtl::OUString aTemp; TextSelection r = pDataEdit->GetSelection(); BOOL bMarked = r.HasRange(); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_EDITREPEAT, (aFind.Len() != 0 ) ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_EDITCUT, bMarked ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_EDITCOPY, bMarked ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_EDITPASTE, ( ::svt::OStringTransfer::PasteString( aTemp, this ) ) ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_EDITDEL, bMarked ); // pMenu->EnableItem( RID_HELPTOPIC, bMarked ); BOOL bHasText = pDataEdit->HasText(); BOOL bRunning = pFrame->Basic().IsRunning(); BOOL bCanExecute = BOOL( (!bRunning && bHasText) || pFrame->bInBreak ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_RUNSTART, bCanExecute ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_RUNBREAK, bRunning && !pFrame->bInBreak); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_RUNSTOP, bRunning ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_RUNTOCURSOR, bCanExecute ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_RUNSTEPINTO, bCanExecute ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_RUNSTEPOVER, bCanExecute ); return TRUE; } long AppWin::DeInitMenu( Menu* pMenu ) { pMenu->EnableItem( RID_EDITREPEAT ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_EDITCUT ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_EDITCOPY ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_EDITPASTE ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_EDITDEL ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_RUNSTART ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_RUNBREAK ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_RUNSTOP ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_RUNTOCURSOR ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_RUNSTEPINTO ); pMenu->EnableItem( RID_RUNSTEPOVER ); return TRUE; } // Menu Handler void AppWin::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ) { TextSelection r = pDataEdit->GetSelection(); BOOL bHasMark = r.HasRange(); switch( rCEvt.GetCommand() ) { case RID_FILESAVE: QuerySave( QUERY_DISK_CHANGED | SAVE_NOT_DIRTY ); break; case RID_FILESAVEAS: SaveAs(); break; case RID_EDITSEARCH: Find(); break; case RID_EDITREPLACE: Replace(); break; case RID_EDITREPEAT: Repeat(); break; case RID_EDITCUT: if( bHasMark ) pDataEdit->Cut(); break; case RID_EDITCOPY: if( bHasMark ) pDataEdit->Copy(); break; case RID_EDITPASTE: { ::rtl::OUString aTemp; if( ::svt::OStringTransfer::PasteString( aTemp, this ) ) pDataEdit->Paste(); } break; case RID_EDITDEL: /*if( bHasMark ) */pDataEdit->Delete(); break; case RID_EDITUNDO: pDataEdit->Undo(); break; case RID_EDITREDO: pDataEdit->Redo(); break; case COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU: { PopupMenu *pKontext = NULL; pDataEdit->BuildKontextMenu( pKontext ); if ( pKontext ) { USHORT nRes = pKontext->Execute( this, GetPointerPosPixel() ); if ( nRes ) pFrame->Command( nRes ); delete pKontext; } } } } BOOL AppWin::IsSkipReload() { return nSkipReload != 0; } void AppWin::SkipReload( BOOL bSkip ) { DBG_ASSERT( bSkip || nSkipReload, "SkipReload aufgehoben ohne es zu aktivieren"); if ( bSkip ) nSkipReload++; else nSkipReload--; } BOOL AppWin::DiskFileChanged( USHORT nWhat ) { if ( !bHasFile ) return FALSE; switch ( nWhat ) { case SINCE_LAST_LOAD: { if ( bReloadAborted ) return TRUE; else return DiskFileChanged( SINCE_LAST_ASK_RELOAD ); } // uncomment to avoid compiler warning // break; case SINCE_LAST_ASK_RELOAD: { String aFilename( GetText() ); DirEntry aFile( aFilename ); FileStat aStat( aFile ); return ( !aLastAccess.GetError() != !aStat.GetError() ) || aLastAccess.IsYounger( aStat ) || aStat.IsYounger( aLastAccess ); } // uncomment to avoid compiler warning // break; default: DBG_ERROR("Not Implemented in AppWin::DiskFileChanged"); } return TRUE; } void AppWin::UpdateFileInfo( USHORT nWhat ) { switch ( nWhat ) { case HAS_BEEN_LOADED: { bReloadAborted = FALSE; UpdateFileInfo( ASKED_RELOAD ); } break; case ASKED_RELOAD: { String aFilename( GetText() ); DirEntry aFile( aFilename ); aLastAccess.Update( aFile ); } break; default: DBG_ERROR("Not Implemented in AppWin::UpdateFileInfo"); } } void AppWin::CheckReload() { if ( IsSkipReload() || !bHasFile ) return; String aFilename( GetText() ); DirEntry aFile( aFilename ); if ( !aFilename.Len() ) return; if ( !aFile.Exists() ) return; // FileStat aStat( aFile ); if ( DiskFileChanged( SINCE_LAST_ASK_RELOAD ) && ReloadAllowed() ) { UpdateFileInfo( ASKED_RELOAD ); ToTop(); Update(); if ( (IsModified() && QueryBox( this, ResId( IDS_ASKDIRTYRELOAD ) ).Execute() == RET_YES ) || ( !IsModified() && ( pFrame->IsAutoReload() || QueryBox( this, ResId( IDS_ASKRELOAD ) ).Execute() == RET_YES ) ) ) { Reload(); } else { bReloadAborted = TRUE; } } } void AppWin::Reload() { SkipReload(); TextSelection aSelMemo = pDataEdit->GetSelection(); Load( GetText() ); pDataEdit->SetSelection( aSelMemo ); SkipReload( FALSE ); } // Datei laden BOOL AppWin::Load( const String& aName ) { SkipReload(); BOOL bErr; // if( !QuerySave() ) // return; bErr = !pDataEdit->Load( aName ); if( bErr ) { ErrorBox aBox( this, ResId( IDS_READERROR ) ); String aMsg = aBox.GetMessText(); aMsg.AppendAscii("\n\""); aMsg.Append( aName ); aMsg.AppendAscii("\""); if ( pFrame->IsAutoRun() ) { printf( "%s\n", ByteString( aMsg, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ).GetBuffer() ); } else { aBox.SetMessText( aMsg ); aBox.Execute(); } } else { DirEntry aEntry( aName ); String aModName = aEntry.GetFull(); SetText( aModName ); UpdateFileInfo( HAS_BEEN_LOADED ); PostLoad(); bHasFile = TRUE; } SkipReload( FALSE ); return !bErr; } // Datei speichern USHORT AppWin::ImplSave() { SkipReload(); USHORT nResult = SAVE_RES_NOT_SAVED; String s1 = *pNoName; String s2 = GetText().Copy( 0, s1.Len() ); if( s1 == s2 ) nResult = SaveAs(); else { String aName = GetText(); if ( pDataEdit->Save( aName ) ) { nResult = SAVE_RES_SAVED; bHasFile = TRUE; } else { nResult = SAVE_RES_ERROR; ErrorBox( this, ResId( IDS_WRITEERROR ) ).Execute(); } UpdateFileInfo( HAS_BEEN_LOADED ); } SkipReload( FALSE ); return nResult; } // mit neuem Namen speichern USHORT AppWin::SaveAs() { SkipReload(); String s1 = *pNoName; String s2 = GetText().Copy( 0, s1.Len() ); if( s1 == s2 ) s2.Erase(); else s2 = GetText(); if( pFrame->QueryFileName( s2, GetFileType(), TRUE ) ) { SetText( s2 ); PostSaveAs(); SkipReload( FALSE ); return ImplSave(); } else { SkipReload( FALSE ); return SAVE_RES_CANCEL; } } // Soll gespeichert werden? USHORT AppWin::QuerySave( QueryBits nBits ) { BOOL bQueryDirty = ( nBits & QUERY_DIRTY ) != 0; BOOL bQueryDiskChanged = ( nBits & QUERY_DISK_CHANGED ) != 0; BOOL bSaveNotDirty = ( nBits & SAVE_NOT_DIRTY ) != 0; SkipReload(); short nResult; if ( IsModified() || bSaveNotDirty ) nResult = RET_YES; else nResult = RET_NO; BOOL bAlwaysEnableInput = pFrame->IsAlwaysEnableInput(); pFrame->AlwaysEnableInput( FALSE ); if( ( ( IsModified() || bSaveNotDirty ) && bQueryDirty ) || ( DiskFileChanged( SINCE_LAST_LOAD ) && bQueryDiskChanged ) ) { ToTop(); if ( ( ( IsModified() && bQueryDirty ) && DiskFileChanged( SINCE_LAST_LOAD ) ) || ( IsModified() && ( DiskFileChanged( SINCE_LAST_LOAD ) && bQueryDiskChanged ) ) ) nResult = QueryBox( this, ResId( IDS_ASK_DIRTY_AND_DISKCHANGE_SAVE ) ).Execute(); else if ( ( IsModified() && bQueryDirty ) ) nResult = QueryBox( this, ResId( IDS_ASK_DIRTY_SAVE ) ).Execute(); else nResult = QueryBox( this, ResId( IDS_ASK_DISKCHANGE_SAVE ) ).Execute(); } pFrame->AlwaysEnableInput( bAlwaysEnableInput ); USHORT nReturn; switch( nResult ) { case RET_YES: nReturn = ImplSave(); break; case RET_NO: nReturn = SAVE_RES_NOT_SAVED; break; case RET_CANCEL: nReturn = SAVE_RES_CANCEL; break; default: DBG_ERROR("switch default where no default should be: Interneal error"); nReturn = SAVE_RES_CANCEL; } SkipReload( FALSE ); return nReturn; } BOOL AppWin::Close() { switch ( QuerySave( QUERY_DIRTY ) ) { case SAVE_RES_NOT_SAVED: case SAVE_RES_SAVED: { DockingWindow::Close(); delete this; return TRUE; } // uncomment to avoid compiler warning // break; case SAVE_RES_ERROR: // Fehlermeldung schon ausgegeben return FALSE; // uncomment to avoid compiler warning // break; case SAVE_RES_CANCEL: return FALSE; // uncomment to avoid compiler warning // break; default: DBG_ERROR("Not Implemented in AppWin::Close") return FALSE; } } // Text suchen void AppWin::Find() { ResId aResId( IDD_FIND_DIALOG ); FindDialog aDlg( this, aResId, aFind ); if( aDlg.Execute() ) { bFind = TRUE; Repeat(); } } // Text ersetzen void AppWin::Replace() { ResId aResId( IDD_REPLACE_DIALOG ); ReplaceDialog* pDlg = new ReplaceDialog (this, aResId, aFind, aReplace ); if( pDlg->Execute() ) { bFind = FALSE; Repeat(); } } // Suchen/ersetzen wiederholen void AppWin::Repeat() { if( (aFind.Len() != 0 ) && ( pDataEdit->Find( aFind ) || (ErrorBox(this,ResId(IDS_PATTERNNOTFOUND)).Execute() && FALSE) ) && !bFind ) pDataEdit->ReplaceSelected( aReplace ); }