/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: basic.hrc,v $ * * $Revision: 1.7 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2007-05-11 09:04:58 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #define RID_OPTLIST 101 #define RID_OPTLINES 102 #define RID_OPTPACKS 103 #define RID_OPTPACKD 104 #define RID_OPTWARN1 105 #define RID_OPTWARN2 106 #define RID_OPTVIRT 107 #define RID_PARAMS 108 #define RID_RETTYPE 109 #define RID_RETVAL 110 //#define RID_APPICON 500 //#define RID_APPICON2 501 //#define RID_WORKICON 502 //#define RID_LOADICON 503 //#define RID_SAVEICON 504 #define RID_APPMENUBAR 1000 #define RID_APPFILE 1001 #define RID_APPEDIT 1002 #define RID_APPRUN 1003 #define RID_APPWINDOW 1004 #define RID_APPHELP 1005 #define RID_FILE 1100 #define RID_FILENEW 1101 #define RID_FILEOPEN 1102 #define RID_FILECLOSE 1103 #define RID_FILESAVE 1104 #define RID_FILESAVEAS 1105 #define RID_FILELOADLIB 1106 #define RID_FILESAVELIB 1107 #define RID_FILEPRINT 1109 #define RID_FILESETUP 1110 #define RID_QUIT 1111 #define IDM_FILE_LRU1 1112 #define IDM_FILE_LRUn 1199 #define RID_EDIT 1200 #define RID_EDITUNDO 1201 #define RID_EDITREDO 1202 #define RID_EDITCUT 1203 #define RID_EDITCOPY 1204 #define RID_EDITPASTE 1205 #define RID_EDITDEL 1206 #define RID_EDITSEARCH 1207 #define RID_EDITREPLACE 1208 #define RID_EDITREPEAT 1209 #define RID_RUN 1300 #define RID_RUNCOMPILE 1301 #define RID_RUNSTART 1302 #define RID_RUNBREAK 1304 #define RID_RUNSTOP 1303 #define RID_RUNNEXTERR 1307 #define RID_RUNPREVERR 1308 #define RID_RUNDISAS 1310 #define RID_RUNSTEPINTO 1311 #define RID_RUNSTEPOVER 1312 #define RID_RUNTOCURSOR 1313 #define RID_TOGLEBRKPNT 1314 #define RID_TT_EXTRAS_NAME 1400 #define RID_TT_EXTRAS 1401 #define RID_OPTIONS 1402 #define RID_DECLARE_HELPER 1403 #define RID_WINDOW 1501 #define RID_WINTILE 1502 #define RID_WINTILEHORZ 1503 #define RID_WINTILEVERT 1504 #define RID_WINCASCADE 1505 #define RID_WIN_FILE1 1520 #define RID_WIN_FILEn 1599 #define RID_HELP 1601 //#define RID_HELPINDEX 1602 //#define RID_HELPKEYS 1603 //#define RID_HELPINTRO 1604 //#define RID_HELPTOPIC 1605 #define RID_HELPABOUT 1606 #define RID_POPUP 1700 #define RID_POPUPEDITVAR 1701 #define IDS_APPNAME 2000 #define IDS_APPNAME2 2001 #define IDS_APPMODE_BREAK 2002 #define IDS_APPMODE_RUN 2003 #define IDS_NONAME 2100 #define IDS_NONAMEFILE 2101 #define IDS_INCFILE 2102 #define IDS_LIBFILE 2103 #define IDS_RESFILE 2104 #define IDS_TXTFILE 2105 #define IDS_READERROR 2103 #define IDS_WRITEERROR 2104 #define IDS_COMPERROR 2105 #define IDS_CONTINUE 2106 #define IDS_CANCEL 2107 #define IDS_NOPRINTERERROR 2108 #define IDS_PATTERNNOTFOUND 2109 #define IDS_INVALID_VALUE 2110 #define IDS_ASK_DIRTY_SAVE 2200 #define IDS_ASK_DISKCHANGE_SAVE 2201 #define IDS_ASK_DIRTY_AND_DISKCHANGE_SAVE 2202 #define IDS_ASKSAVEERROR 2203 #define IDS_ASKRELOAD 2204 #define IDS_ASKDIRTYRELOAD 2205 #define IDS_LOADDLG 2300 #define IDS_SAVEDLG 2301 #define IDS_BASFILTER 2304 #define IDS_LIBFILTER 2305 #define IDS_INCFILTER 2306 #define IDS_RESFILTER 2307 #define IDS_TXTFILTER 2308 #define IDS_PAGE 2401 #define IDS_PRINTMSG 2402 #define IDS_CANTLOAD 2501 #define IDS_CANTSAVE 2502 #define IDS_ERROR1 2601 #define IDS_ERROR2 2602 #define IDS_WARNING1 2603 #define IDS_NO_LONGNAME 2604 #define IDS_WARNING_PREFIX 2605 #define IDS_OBJECT 2606 #define IDS_EDIT_VAR 2607 #define IDS_NOMAINPGM 2701 #define IDS_DISASWIN 2702 #define IDS_RUNNING 2703 #define IDS_NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED 2704 #define IDS_LOSS_OF_INFORMATION 2705 #define RID_ACCEL 3000 #define IDD_LOADSAVE_DIALOG 4001 #define IDD_ABOUT_DIALOG 4002 #define IDD_TT_ABOUT_DIALOG 4003 #define IDD_FIND_DIALOG 4004 #define IDD_REPLACE_DIALOG 4005 #define IDD_PRINT_DIALOG 4006 #define IDD_OPTIONS_DLG 4007 #define RID_TP_PROFILE 4008 #define RID_TP_CRASH 4009 #define RID_TP_MISC 4010 #define RID_TP_FONT 4011 #define RID_TP_GENERIC 4012 #define IDD_DISPLAY_HID 4013 #define IDD_EDIT_VAR 4014 //#define RID_APPFONT 5000 //#define RID_APPEDITFONT 5001 //#define RID_DLGBRUSH 5002 #define RID_CALLDLG 6001 #define MBP_PLUS 8001 #define MBP_MINUS 8002 #define RID_IMGLST_LAYOUT 8005 #define MAIN_ACCEL 9001 #define LOAD_CONF 10001 #define WORK 10002 #define FILENAME 10003