/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: svtmsg.src,v $ * * $Revision: 1.65 $ * * last change: $Author: gh $ $Date: 2002-11-08 09:35:59 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include // Hier sind die Messages aus dem Verzeichnis /basic/source/app enhalten /////////////////////////////// // Fehlermeldungen, die in das Resultfile gelangen. // ********************* // *** !!ACHTUNG!! *** // ********************* // Die Nummern dürfen sich NIE! ändern, // da sie in den Resultfiles gespeichert sind, und bei erneutem Anzeigen // statdessen die entsprechenden neuen oder garkeine Strings angzeigt werden. /////////////////////////////// String S_GPF_ABORT { Text = "Program aborted with GPF"; }; String S_APP_SHUTDOWN { Text = "Application has been shut down"; }; String S_SID_EXECUTE_FAILED_NO_DISPATCHER { Text = "Slot ID cannot be executed. No ActiveDispatcher"; }; String S_SID_EXECUTE_FAILED { Text = "Slot ID could not be execute"; }; String S_UNO_PROPERTY_NITIALIZE_FAILED { Text = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized"; }; String S_RESETAPPLICATION_FAILED_COMPLEX { Text = "ResetApplication failed: too complex"; }; String S_RESETAPPLICATION_FAILED_UNKNOWN { Text = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type"; }; String S_NO_ACTIVE_WINDOW { Text = "No active window found (GetNextCloseWindow)"; }; String S_NO_DIALOG_IN_GETACTIVE { Text = "GetActive does not return a dialog! Inform development"; }; String S_NO_POPUP { Text = "Pop-up menu not open"; }; String S_NO_SUBMENU { Text = "Submenu does not exist"; }; String S_CONTROLTYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED { Text = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported"; }; String S_SELECTION_BY_ATTRIBUTE_ONLY_DIRECTORIES { Text = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories"; }; String S_NO_MORE_FILES { Text = "No more files"; }; String S_UNKNOWN_METHOD { Text = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' on ($Arg2)"; }; String S_INVALID_PARAMETERS { Text = "Invalid Parameters"; }; String S_POINTER_OUTSIDE_APPWIN { Text = "Pointer not inside application window at '($Arg1)'"; }; String S_UNKNOWN_COMMAND { Text = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'"; }; String S_WIN_NOT_FOUND { Text = "($Arg1) could not be found"; }; String S_WIN_INVISIBLE { Text = "($Arg1) is not visible"; }; String S_WIN_DISABLED { Text = "($Arg1) could not be accessed."; }; String S_NUMBER_TOO_BIG { Text = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)"; }; String S_NUMBER_TOO_SMALL { Text = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)"; }; String S_WINDOW_DISAPPEARED { Text = "Window disappeared in the meantime at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_ERROR_SAVING_IMAGE { Text = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image"; }; String S_INVALID_POSITION { Text = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_SPLITWIN_NOT_FOUND { Text = "SplitWindow not found at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_INTERNAL_ERROR { Text = "Internal error at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_NO_STATUSBAR { Text = "No status bar at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_ITEMS_INVISIBLE { Text = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_TABPAGE_NOT_FOUND { Text = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_TRISTATE_NOT_ALLOWED { Text = "Tristate cannot be set at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_ERROR_IN_SET_TEXT { Text = "Set text did not function"; }; String S_ATTEMPT_TO_WRITE_READONLY { Text = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)"; }; String S_NO_SELECT_FALSE { Text = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND { Text = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found"; }; String S_METHOD_FAILED { Text = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed"; }; String S_HELPID_ON_TOOLBOX_NOT_FOUND { Text = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_BUTTON_DISABLED_ON_TOOLBOX { Text = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_BUTTON_HIDDEN_ON_TOOLBOX { Text = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_CANNOT_MAKE_BUTTON_VISIBLE_IN_TOOLBOX { Text = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_TEAROFF_FAILED { Text = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)"; }; // Has to stay in for old res files String S_NO_SELECTED_ENTRY_DEPRECATED { Text = "No entry is selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_NO_SELECTED_ENTRY { Text = "Es ist kein Eintrag Selektiert in ($Arg2) bei ($Arg1)"; }; String S_SELECT_DESELECT_VIA_STRING_NOT_IMPLEMENTED { Text = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_ALLOWED_ONLY_IN_FLOATING_MODE { Text = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_ALLOWED_ONLY_IN_DOCKING_MODE { Text = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_SIZE_NOT_CHANGEABLE { Text = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_NO_OK_BUTTON { Text = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_NO_CANCEL_BUTTON { Text = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_NO_YES_BUTTON { Text = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_NO_NO_BUTTON { Text = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_NO_RETRY_BUTTON { Text = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_NO_HELP_BUTTON { Text = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_NO_DEFAULT_BUTTON { Text = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_BUTTON_ID_NOT_THERE { Text = "There is no button with ID ($Arg1) at ($Arg2)"; }; String S_BUTTONID_REQUIRED { Text = "A button ID needs to be given at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_UNKNOWN_TYPE { Text = "Unknown object type ($Arg1) from UId or method '($Arg2)' not supported"; }; String S_UNPACKING_STORAGE_FAILED { Text = "Unpacking storage \"($Arg1)\" to \"($Arg2)\" failed"; }; String S_NO_LIST_BOX_BUTTON { Text = "ListBoxButton does not exist in ($Arg1)"; }; String S_UNO_URL_EXECUTE_FAILED_NO_DISPATCHER { Text = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be executed: No dispatcher was found."; }; String S_UNO_URL_EXECUTE_FAILED_NO_FRAME { Text = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be executed: No ActiveFrame on desktop."; }; String S_NO_MENU { Text = "There is no menu at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_UNO_URL_EXECUTE_FAILED_DISABLED { Text = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: Disabled"; }; String S_NO_SCROLLBAR { Text = "No scroll bar at ($Arg1)"; }; String S_NO_SAX_PARSER { Text = "No SAX Parser when using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first."; }; String S_CANNOT_CREATE_DIRECTORY { Text = "Cannot create Directory: \"($Arg1)\""; }; String S_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY { Text = "Directory has to be Empty to unpack to. Directory: \"($Arg1)\""; };