/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: image.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.23 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-11-03 07:39:47 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_basic.hxx" #ifndef _STREAM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include #include #include "sb.hxx" #include // memset() etc #include "image.hxx" #include SbiImage::SbiImage() { pStringOff = NULL; pStrings = NULL; pCode = NULL; pLegacyPCode = NULL; nFlags = 0; nStrings = 0; nStringSize= 0; nCodeSize = 0; nLegacyCodeSize = nDimBase = 0; bInit = bError = FALSE; bFirstInit = TRUE; eCharSet = gsl_getSystemTextEncoding(); } SbiImage::~SbiImage() { Clear(); } void SbiImage::Clear() { delete[] pStringOff; delete[] pStrings; delete[] pCode; ReleaseLegacyBuffer(); pStringOff = NULL; pStrings = NULL; pCode = NULL; nFlags = 0; nStrings = 0; nStringSize= 0; nLegacyCodeSize = 0; nCodeSize = 0; eCharSet = gsl_getSystemTextEncoding(); nDimBase = 0; bError = FALSE; } /************************************************************************** * * Service-Routinen fuer das Laden und Speichern * **************************************************************************/ BOOL SbiGood( SvStream& r ) { return BOOL( !r.IsEof() && r.GetError() == SVSTREAM_OK ); } // Oeffnen eines Records ULONG SbiOpenRecord( SvStream& r, UINT16 nSignature, UINT16 nElem ) { ULONG nPos = r.Tell(); r << nSignature << (INT32) 0 << nElem; return nPos; } // Schliessen eines Records void SbiCloseRecord( SvStream& r, ULONG nOff ) { ULONG nPos = r.Tell(); r.Seek( nOff + 2 ); r << (INT32) ( nPos - nOff - 8 ); r.Seek( nPos ); } /************************************************************************** * * Laden und Speichern * **************************************************************************/ // Falls die Versionsnummer nicht passt, werden die binaeren Teile // nicht geladen, wohl aber Source, Kommentar und Name. BOOL SbiImage::Load( SvStream& r ) { UINT32 nVersion = 0; // Versionsnummer return Load( r, nVersion ); } BOOL SbiImage::Load( SvStream& r, UINT32& nVersion ) { UINT16 nSign, nCount; UINT32 nLen, nOff; Clear(); // Master-Record einlesen r >> nSign >> nLen >> nCount; ULONG nLast = r.Tell() + nLen; UINT32 nCharSet; // System-Zeichensatz UINT32 lDimBase; UINT16 nReserved1; UINT32 nReserved2; UINT32 nReserved3; BOOL bBadVer = FALSE; if( nSign == B_MODULE ) { r >> nVersion >> nCharSet >> lDimBase >> nFlags >> nReserved1 >> nReserved2 >> nReserved3; eCharSet = (CharSet) nCharSet; eCharSet = GetSOLoadTextEncoding( eCharSet ); bBadVer = BOOL( nVersion > B_CURVERSION ); nDimBase = (USHORT) lDimBase; } bool bLegacy = ( nVersion < B_EXT_IMG_VERSION ); ULONG nNext; while( ( nNext = r.Tell() ) < nLast ) { short i; r >> nSign >> nLen >> nCount; nNext += nLen + 8; if( r.GetError() == SVSTREAM_OK ) switch( nSign ) { case B_NAME: r.ReadByteString( aName, eCharSet ); //r >> aName; break; case B_COMMENT: r.ReadByteString( aComment, eCharSet ); //r >> aComment; break; case B_SOURCE: { String aTmp; r.ReadByteString( aTmp, eCharSet ); aOUSource = aTmp; //r >> aSource; break; } #ifdef EXTENDED_BINARY_MODULES case B_EXTSOURCE: { for( UINT16 j = 0 ; j < nCount ; j++ ) { String aTmp; r.ReadByteString( aTmp, eCharSet ); aOUSource += aTmp; } break; } #endif case B_PCODE: if( bBadVer ) break; pCode = new char[ nLen ]; nCodeSize = nLen; r.Read( pCode, nCodeSize ); if ( bLegacy ) { ReleaseLegacyBuffer(); // release any previously held buffer nLegacyCodeSize = (UINT16) nCodeSize; pLegacyPCode = pCode; PCodeBuffConvertor< UINT16, UINT32 > aLegacyToNew( (BYTE*)pLegacyPCode, nLegacyCodeSize ); aLegacyToNew.convert(); pCode = (char*)aLegacyToNew.GetBuffer(); nCodeSize = aLegacyToNew.GetSize(); // we don't release the legacy buffer // right now, thats because the module // needs it to fix up the method // nStart members. When that is done // the module can release the buffer // or it can wait until this routine // is called again or when this class // destructs all of which will trigger // release of the buffer. } break; case B_PUBLICS: case B_POOLDIR: case B_SYMPOOL: case B_LINERANGES: break; case B_STRINGPOOL: if( bBadVer ) break; MakeStrings( nCount ); for( i = 0; i < nStrings && SbiGood( r ); i++ ) { r >> nOff; pStringOff[ i ] = (USHORT) nOff; } r >> nLen; if( SbiGood( r ) ) { delete [] pStrings; pStrings = new sal_Unicode[ nLen ]; nStringSize = (USHORT) nLen; char* pByteStrings = new char[ nLen ]; r.Read( pByteStrings, nStringSize ); for( short j = 0; j < nStrings; j++ ) { USHORT nOff2 = (USHORT) pStringOff[ j ]; String aStr( pByteStrings + nOff2, eCharSet ); memcpy( pStrings + nOff2, aStr.GetBuffer(), (aStr.Len() + 1) * sizeof( sal_Unicode ) ); } delete[] pByteStrings; } break; case B_MODEND: goto done; default: break; } else break; r.Seek( nNext ); } done: r.Seek( nLast ); //if( eCharSet != ::GetSystemCharSet() ) //ConvertStrings(); if( !SbiGood( r ) ) bError = TRUE; return BOOL( !bError ); } BOOL SbiImage::Save( SvStream& r, UINT32 nVer ) { bool bLegacy = ( nVer < B_EXT_IMG_VERSION ); // detect if old code exceeds legacy limits // if so, then disallow save if ( bLegacy && ExceedsLegacyLimits() ) { SbiImage aEmptyImg; aEmptyImg.aName = aName; aEmptyImg.Save( r, B_LEGACYVERSION ); return TRUE; } // Erst mal der Header: ULONG nStart = SbiOpenRecord( r, B_MODULE, 1 ); ULONG nPos; eCharSet = GetSOStoreTextEncoding( eCharSet ); if ( bLegacy ) r << (INT32) B_LEGACYVERSION; else r << (INT32) B_CURVERSION; r << (INT32) eCharSet << (INT32) nDimBase << (INT16) nFlags << (INT16) 0 << (INT32) 0 << (INT32) 0; // Name? if( aName.Len() && SbiGood( r ) ) { nPos = SbiOpenRecord( r, B_NAME, 1 ); r.WriteByteString( aName, eCharSet ); //r << aName; SbiCloseRecord( r, nPos ); } // Kommentar? if( aComment.Len() && SbiGood( r ) ) { nPos = SbiOpenRecord( r, B_COMMENT, 1 ); r.WriteByteString( aComment, eCharSet ); //r << aComment; SbiCloseRecord( r, nPos ); } // Source? if( aOUSource.getLength() && SbiGood( r ) ) { nPos = SbiOpenRecord( r, B_SOURCE, 1 ); String aTmp; sal_Int32 nLen = aOUSource.getLength(); const sal_Int32 nMaxUnitSize = STRING_MAXLEN - 1; if( nLen > STRING_MAXLEN ) aTmp = aOUSource.copy( 0, nMaxUnitSize ); else aTmp = aOUSource; r.WriteByteString( aTmp, eCharSet ); //r << aSource; SbiCloseRecord( r, nPos ); #ifdef EXTENDED_BINARY_MODULES if( nLen > STRING_MAXLEN ) { sal_Int32 nRemainingLen = nLen - nMaxUnitSize; UINT16 nUnitCount = UINT16( (nRemainingLen + nMaxUnitSize - 1) / nMaxUnitSize ); nPos = SbiOpenRecord( r, B_EXTSOURCE, nUnitCount ); for( UINT16 i = 0 ; i < nUnitCount ; i++ ) { sal_Int32 nCopyLen = (nRemainingLen > nMaxUnitSize) ? nMaxUnitSize : nRemainingLen; String aTmp2 = aOUSource.copy( (i+1) * nMaxUnitSize, nCopyLen ); nRemainingLen -= nCopyLen; r.WriteByteString( aTmp2, eCharSet ); } SbiCloseRecord( r, nPos ); } #endif } // Binaere Daten? if( pCode && SbiGood( r ) ) { nPos = SbiOpenRecord( r, B_PCODE, 1 ); if ( bLegacy ) { ReleaseLegacyBuffer(); // release any previously held buffer PCodeBuffConvertor< UINT32, UINT16 > aNewToLegacy( (BYTE*)pCode, nCodeSize ); aNewToLegacy.convert(); pLegacyPCode = (char*)aNewToLegacy.GetBuffer(); nLegacyCodeSize = aNewToLegacy.GetSize(); r.Write( pLegacyPCode, nLegacyCodeSize ); } else r.Write( pCode, nCodeSize ); SbiCloseRecord( r, nPos ); } // String-Pool? if( nStrings ) { nPos = SbiOpenRecord( r, B_STRINGPOOL, nStrings ); // Fuer jeden String: // UINT32 Offset des Strings im Stringblock short i; for( i = 0; i < nStrings && SbiGood( r ); i++ ) r << (UINT32) pStringOff[ i ]; // Danach der String-Block char* pByteStrings = new char[ nStringSize ]; for( i = 0; i < nStrings; i++ ) { USHORT nOff = (USHORT) pStringOff[ i ]; ByteString aStr( pStrings + nOff, eCharSet ); memcpy( pByteStrings + nOff, aStr.GetBuffer(), (aStr.Len() + 1) * sizeof( char ) ); } r << (UINT32) nStringSize; r.Write( pByteStrings, nStringSize ); delete[] pByteStrings; SbiCloseRecord( r, nPos ); } // Und die Gesamtlaenge setzen SbiCloseRecord( r, nStart ); if( !SbiGood( r ) ) bError = TRUE; return BOOL( !bError ); } /************************************************************************** * * Routinen, die auch vom Compiler gerufen werden * **************************************************************************/ void SbiImage::MakeStrings( short nSize ) { nStrings = 0; nStringIdx = 0; nStringOff = 0; nStringSize = 1024; pStrings = new sal_Unicode[ nStringSize ]; pStringOff = new UINT32[ nSize ]; if( pStrings && pStringOff ) { nStrings = nSize; memset( pStringOff, 0, nSize * sizeof( UINT32 ) ); memset( pStrings, 0, nStringSize * sizeof( sal_Unicode ) ); } else bError = TRUE; } // Hinzufuegen eines Strings an den StringPool. Der String-Puffer // waechst dynamisch in 1K-Schritten void SbiImage::AddString( const String& r ) { if( nStringIdx >= nStrings ) bError = TRUE; if( !bError ) { xub_StrLen len = r.Len() + 1; UINT32 needed = nStringOff + len; if( needed > 0xFFFFFF00L ) bError = TRUE; // out of mem! else if( needed > nStringSize ) { UINT32 nNewLen = needed + 1024; nNewLen &= 0xFFFFFC00; // trim to 1K border if( nNewLen > 0xFFFFFF00L ) nNewLen = 0xFFFFFF00L; sal_Unicode* p = NULL; if( (p = new sal_Unicode[ nNewLen ]) != NULL ) { memcpy( p, pStrings, nStringSize * sizeof( sal_Unicode ) ); delete[] pStrings; pStrings = p; nStringSize = sal::static_int_cast< UINT16 >(nNewLen); } else bError = TRUE; } if( !bError ) { pStringOff[ nStringIdx++ ] = nStringOff; //ByteString aByteStr( r, eCharSet ); memcpy( pStrings + nStringOff, r.GetBuffer(), len * sizeof( sal_Unicode ) ); nStringOff = nStringOff + len; // war das der letzte String? Dann die Groesse // des Puffers aktualisieren if( nStringIdx >= nStrings ) nStringSize = nStringOff; } } } // Codeblock hinzufuegen // Der Block wurde vom Compiler aus der Klasse SbBuffer herausgeholt // und ist bereits per new angelegt. Ausserdem enthaelt er alle Integers // im Big Endian-Format, kann also direkt gelesen/geschrieben werden. void SbiImage::AddCode( char* p, UINT32 s ) { pCode = p; nCodeSize = s; } void SbiImage::AddType(SbxObject* pObject) // User-Type mit aufnehmen { if( !rTypes.Is() ) rTypes = new SbxArray; SbxObject *pCopyObject = new SbxObject(*pObject); rTypes->Insert (pCopyObject,rTypes->Count()); } void SbiImage::AddEnum(SbxObject* pObject) // Register enum type { if( !rEnums.Is() ) rEnums = new SbxArray; rEnums->Insert( pObject, rEnums->Count() ); } /************************************************************************** * * Zugriffe auf das Image * **************************************************************************/ // IDs zaehlen ab 1!! String SbiImage::GetString( short nId ) const { if( nId && nId <= nStrings ) { UINT32 nOff = pStringOff[ nId - 1 ]; sal_Unicode* pStr = pStrings + nOff; // #i42467: Special treatment for vbNullChar if( *pStr == 0 ) { UINT32 nNextOff = (nId < nStrings) ? pStringOff[ nId ] : nStringOff; UINT32 nLen = nNextOff - nOff - 1; if( nLen == 1 ) { // Force length 1 and make char 0 afterwards String aNullCharStr( String::CreateFromAscii( " " ) ); aNullCharStr.SetChar( 0, 0 ); return aNullCharStr; } } else { String aStr( pStr ); return aStr; } } return String(); } const SbxObject* SbiImage::FindType (String aTypeName) const { return rTypes.Is() ? (SbxObject*)rTypes->Find(aTypeName,SbxCLASS_OBJECT) : NULL; } UINT16 SbiImage::CalcLegacyOffset( INT32 nOffset ) { return SbiCodeGen::calcLegacyOffSet( (BYTE*)pCode, nOffset ) ; } UINT32 SbiImage::CalcNewOffset( INT16 nOffset ) { return SbiCodeGen::calcNewOffSet( (BYTE*)pLegacyPCode, nOffset ) ; } void SbiImage::ReleaseLegacyBuffer() { delete[] pLegacyPCode; pLegacyPCode = NULL; nLegacyCodeSize = 0; } BOOL SbiImage::ExceedsLegacyLimits() { if ( ( nStringSize > 0xFF00L ) || ( CalcLegacyOffset( nCodeSize ) > 0xFF00L ) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; }