/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: sb.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.28 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2006-06-19 17:39:57 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #include #include "sb.hxx" #include #include #ifndef _STREAM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef __RSC //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SBXCLASS_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _LIST_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SHL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _TOOLS_RC_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include "sbunoobj.hxx" #include "sbjsmeth.hxx" #include "sbjsmod.hxx" #include "sbintern.hxx" #include "disas.hxx" #include "runtime.hxx" #include "sbuno.hxx" #include "stdobj.hxx" #include "filefmt.hxx" #include "sb.hrc" #include #ifndef _VOS_MUTEX_HXX_ #include #endif // #pragma SW_SEGMENT_CLASS( SBASIC, SBASIC_CODE ) SV_IMPL_VARARR(SbTextPortions,SbTextPortion) TYPEINIT1(StarBASIC,SbxObject) #define RTLNAME "@SBRTL" //======================================================================== // Array zur Umrechnung SFX <-> VB-Fehlercodes anlegen struct SFX_VB_ErrorItem { USHORT nErrorVB; SbError nErrorSFX; }; const SFX_VB_ErrorItem __FAR_DATA SFX_VB_ErrorTab[] = { { 1, SbERR_BASIC_EXCEPTION }, // #87844 Map exception to error code 1 { 2, SbERR_SYNTAX }, { 3, SbERR_NO_GOSUB }, { 4, SbERR_REDO_FROM_START }, { 5, SbERR_BAD_ARGUMENT }, { 6, SbERR_MATH_OVERFLOW }, { 7, SbERR_NO_MEMORY }, { 8, SbERR_ALREADY_DIM }, { 9, SbERR_OUT_OF_RANGE }, { 10, SbERR_DUPLICATE_DEF }, { 11, SbERR_ZERODIV }, { 12, SbERR_VAR_UNDEFINED }, { 13, SbERR_CONVERSION }, { 14, SbERR_BAD_PARAMETER }, { 18, SbERR_USER_ABORT }, { 20, SbERR_BAD_RESUME }, { 28, SbERR_STACK_OVERFLOW }, { 35, SbERR_PROC_UNDEFINED }, { 48, SbERR_BAD_DLL_LOAD }, { 49, SbERR_BAD_DLL_CALL }, { 51, SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR }, { 52, SbERR_BAD_CHANNEL }, { 53, SbERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND }, { 54, SbERR_BAD_FILE_MODE }, { 55, SbERR_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN }, { 57, SbERR_IO_ERROR }, { 58, SbERR_FILE_EXISTS }, { 59, SbERR_BAD_RECORD_LENGTH }, { 61, SbERR_DISK_FULL }, { 62, SbERR_READ_PAST_EOF }, { 63, SbERR_BAD_RECORD_NUMBER }, { 67, SbERR_TOO_MANY_FILES }, { 68, SbERR_NO_DEVICE }, { 70, SbERR_ACCESS_DENIED }, { 71, SbERR_NOT_READY }, { 73, SbERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }, { 74, SbERR_DIFFERENT_DRIVE }, { 75, SbERR_ACCESS_ERROR }, { 76, SbERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND }, { 91, SbERR_NO_OBJECT }, { 93, SbERR_BAD_PATTERN }, { 94, SBERR_IS_NULL }, { 250, SbERR_DDE_ERROR }, { 280, SbERR_DDE_WAITINGACK }, { 281, SbERR_DDE_OUTOFCHANNELS }, { 282, SbERR_DDE_NO_RESPONSE }, { 283, SbERR_DDE_MULT_RESPONSES }, { 284, SbERR_DDE_CHANNEL_LOCKED }, { 285, SbERR_DDE_NOTPROCESSED }, { 286, SbERR_DDE_TIMEOUT }, { 287, SbERR_DDE_USER_INTERRUPT }, { 288, SbERR_DDE_BUSY }, { 289, SbERR_DDE_NO_DATA }, { 290, SbERR_DDE_WRONG_DATA_FORMAT }, { 291, SbERR_DDE_PARTNER_QUIT }, { 292, SbERR_DDE_CONV_CLOSED }, { 293, SbERR_DDE_NO_CHANNEL }, { 294, SbERR_DDE_INVALID_LINK }, { 295, SbERR_DDE_QUEUE_OVERFLOW }, { 296, SbERR_DDE_LINK_ALREADY_EST }, { 297, SbERR_DDE_LINK_INV_TOPIC }, { 298, SbERR_DDE_DLL_NOT_FOUND }, { 323, SbERR_CANNOT_LOAD }, { 341, SbERR_BAD_INDEX }, { 366, SbERR_NO_ACTIVE_OBJECT }, { 380, SbERR_BAD_PROP_VALUE }, { 382, SbERR_PROP_READONLY }, { 394, SbERR_PROP_WRITEONLY }, { 420, SbERR_INVALID_OBJECT }, { 423, SbERR_NO_METHOD }, { 424, SbERR_NEEDS_OBJECT }, { 425, SbERR_INVALID_USAGE_OBJECT }, { 430, SbERR_NO_OLE }, { 438, SbERR_BAD_METHOD }, { 440, SbERR_OLE_ERROR }, { 445, SbERR_BAD_ACTION }, { 446, SbERR_NO_NAMED_ARGS }, { 447, SbERR_BAD_LOCALE }, { 448, SbERR_NAMED_NOT_FOUND }, { 449, SbERR_NOT_OPTIONAL }, { 450, SbERR_WRONG_ARGS }, { 451, SbERR_NOT_A_COLL }, { 452, SbERR_BAD_ORDINAL }, { 453, SbERR_DLLPROC_NOT_FOUND }, { 460, SbERR_BAD_CLIPBD_FORMAT }, { 951, SbERR_UNEXPECTED }, { 952, SbERR_EXPECTED }, { 953, SbERR_SYMBOL_EXPECTED }, { 954, SbERR_VAR_EXPECTED }, { 955, SbERR_LABEL_EXPECTED }, { 956, SbERR_LVALUE_EXPECTED }, { 957, SbERR_VAR_DEFINED }, { 958, SbERR_PROC_DEFINED }, { 959, SbERR_LABEL_DEFINED }, { 960, SbERR_UNDEF_VAR }, { 961, SbERR_UNDEF_ARRAY }, { 962, SbERR_UNDEF_PROC }, { 963, SbERR_UNDEF_LABEL }, { 964, SbERR_UNDEF_TYPE }, { 965, SbERR_BAD_EXIT }, { 966, SbERR_BAD_BLOCK }, { 967, SbERR_BAD_BRACKETS }, { 968, SbERR_BAD_DECLARATION }, { 969, SbERR_BAD_PARAMETERS }, { 970, SbERR_BAD_CHAR_IN_NUMBER }, { 971, SbERR_MUST_HAVE_DIMS }, { 972, SbERR_NO_IF }, { 973, SbERR_NOT_IN_SUBR }, { 974, SbERR_NOT_IN_MAIN }, { 975, SbERR_WRONG_DIMS }, { 976, SbERR_BAD_OPTION }, { 977, SbERR_CONSTANT_REDECLARED }, { 978, SbERR_PROG_TOO_LARGE }, { 979, SbERR_NO_STRINGS_ARRAYS }, { 1000, SbERR_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND }, { 1001, SbERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND }, { 1002, SbERR_ARG_MISSING }, { 1003, SbERR_BAD_NUMBER_OF_ARGS }, { 1004, SbERR_METHOD_FAILED }, { 1005, SbERR_SETPROP_FAILED }, { 1006, SbERR_GETPROP_FAILED }, { 0xFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFFL } // End-Marke }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Die StarBASIC-Factory hat einen Hack. Wenn ein SbModule eingerichtet wird, // wird der Pointer gespeichert und an nachfolgende SbProperties/SbMethods // uebergeben. Dadurch wird die Modul-Relationship wiederhergestellt. Das // klappt aber nur, wenn ein Modul geladen wird. Fuer getrennt geladene // Properties kann es Probleme geben! SbxBase* SbiFactory::Create( UINT16 nSbxId, UINT32 nCreator ) { if( nCreator == SBXCR_SBX ) { String aEmpty; switch( nSbxId ) { case SBXID_BASIC: return new StarBASIC( NULL ); case SBXID_BASICMOD: return new SbModule( aEmpty ); case SBXID_BASICPROP: return new SbProperty( aEmpty, SbxVARIANT, NULL ); case SBXID_BASICMETHOD: return new SbMethod( aEmpty, SbxVARIANT, NULL ); case SBXID_JSCRIPTMOD: return new SbJScriptModule( aEmpty ); case SBXID_JSCRIPTMETH: return new SbJScriptMethod( aEmpty, SbxVARIANT, NULL ); } } return NULL; } SbxObject* SbiFactory::CreateObject( const String& rClass ) { if( rClass.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "StarBASIC" ) ) return new StarBASIC( NULL ); else if( rClass.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "StarBASICModule" ) ) { String aEmpty; return new SbModule( aEmpty ); } else if( rClass.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "Collection" ) ) { String aCollectionName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Collection") ); return new BasicCollection( aCollectionName ); } else return NULL; } // Factory class to create OLE objects class SbOLEFactory : public SbxFactory { public: virtual SbxBase* Create( UINT16 nSbxId, UINT32 = SBXCR_SBX ); virtual SbxObject* CreateObject( const String& ); }; SbxBase* SbOLEFactory::Create( UINT16, UINT32 ) { // Not supported return NULL; } SbUnoObject* createOLEObject_Impl( const String& aType ); // sbunoobj.cxx SbxObject* SbOLEFactory::CreateObject( const String& rClassName ) { SbxObject* pRet = createOLEObject_Impl( rClassName ); return pRet; } // Factory class to create user defined objects (type command) class SbTypeFactory : public SbxFactory { SbxObject* cloneTypeObjectImpl( const SbxObject& rTypeObj ); public: virtual SbxBase* Create( UINT16 nSbxId, UINT32 = SBXCR_SBX ); virtual SbxObject* CreateObject( const String& ); }; SbxBase* SbTypeFactory::Create( UINT16, UINT32 ) { // Not supported return NULL; } SbxObject* SbTypeFactory::cloneTypeObjectImpl( const SbxObject& rTypeObj ) { SbxObject* pRet = new SbxObject( rTypeObj ); pRet->PutObject( pRet ); // Copy the properties, not only the reference to them SbxArray* pProps = pRet->GetProperties(); UINT32 nCount = pProps->Count32(); for( UINT32 i = 0 ; i < nCount ; i++ ) { SbxVariable* pVar = pProps->Get32( i ); SbxProperty* pProp = PTR_CAST( SbxProperty, pVar ); if( pProp ) { SbxProperty* pNewProp = new SbxProperty( *pProp ); pProps->PutDirect( pNewProp, i ); } } return pRet; } SbxObject* SbTypeFactory::CreateObject( const String& rClassName ) { SbxObject* pRet = NULL; SbModule* pMod = pMOD; if( pMod ) { const SbxObject* pObj = pMod->FindType( rClassName ); if( pObj ) pRet = cloneTypeObjectImpl( *pObj ); } return pRet; } SbxObject* createUserTypeImpl( const String& rClassName ) { SbxObject* pRetObj = pTYPEFAC->CreateObject( rClassName ); return pRetObj; } TYPEINIT1(SbClassModuleObject,SbModule) SbClassModuleObject::SbClassModuleObject( SbModule* pClassModule ) : SbModule( pClassModule->GetName() ) , mpClassModule( pClassModule ) , mbInitializeEventDone( false ) { aOUSource = pClassModule->aOUSource; aComment = pClassModule->aComment; pImage = pClassModule->pImage; pBreaks = pClassModule->pBreaks; SetClassName( pClassModule->GetName() ); // Allow search only internally ResetFlag( SBX_GBLSEARCH ); // Copy the methods from original class module SbxArray* pClassMethods = pClassModule->GetMethods(); UINT32 nMethodCount = pClassMethods->Count32(); UINT32 i; for( i = 0 ; i < nMethodCount ; i++ ) { SbxVariable* pVar = pClassMethods->Get32( i ); // Exclude SbIfaceMapperMethod to copy them in a second step SbIfaceMapperMethod* pIfaceMethod = PTR_CAST( SbIfaceMapperMethod, pVar ); if( !pIfaceMethod ) { SbMethod* pMethod = PTR_CAST(SbMethod, pVar ); if( pMethod ) { USHORT nFlags_ = pMethod->GetFlags(); pMethod->SetFlag( SBX_NO_BROADCAST ); SbMethod* pNewMethod = new SbMethod( *pMethod ); pNewMethod->ResetFlag( SBX_NO_BROADCAST ); pMethod->SetFlags( nFlags_ ); pNewMethod->pMod = this; pNewMethod->SetParent( this ); pMethods->PutDirect( pNewMethod, i ); StartListening( pNewMethod->GetBroadcaster(), TRUE ); } } } // Copy SbIfaceMapperMethod in a second step to ensure that // the corresponding base methods have already been copied for( i = 0 ; i < nMethodCount ; i++ ) { SbxVariable* pVar = pClassMethods->Get32( i ); SbIfaceMapperMethod* pIfaceMethod = PTR_CAST( SbIfaceMapperMethod, pVar ); if( pIfaceMethod ) { SbMethod* pImplMethod = pIfaceMethod->getImplMethod(); if( !pImplMethod ) { DBG_ERROR( "No ImplMethod" ); continue; } // Search for own copy of ImplMethod String aImplMethodName = pImplMethod->GetName(); SbxVariable* p = pMethods->Find( aImplMethodName, SbxCLASS_METHOD ); SbMethod* pImplMethodCopy = p ? PTR_CAST(SbMethod,p) : NULL; if( !pImplMethodCopy ) { DBG_ERROR( "Found no ImplMethod copy" ); continue; } SbIfaceMapperMethod* pNewIfaceMethod = new SbIfaceMapperMethod( pIfaceMethod->GetName(), pImplMethodCopy ); pMethods->PutDirect( pNewIfaceMethod, i ); } } // Copy the properties from original class module SbxArray* pClassProps = pClassModule->GetProperties(); UINT32 nPropertyCount = pClassProps->Count32(); for( i = 0 ; i < nPropertyCount ; i++ ) { SbxVariable* pVar = pClassProps->Get32( i ); SbProcedureProperty* pProcedureProp = PTR_CAST( SbProcedureProperty, pVar ); if( pProcedureProp ) { USHORT nFlags_ = pProcedureProp->GetFlags(); pProcedureProp->SetFlag( SBX_NO_BROADCAST ); SbProcedureProperty* pNewProp = new SbProcedureProperty ( pProcedureProp->GetName(), pProcedureProp->GetType() ); // ( pProcedureProp->GetName(), pProcedureProp->GetType(), this ); pNewProp->ResetFlag( SBX_NO_BROADCAST ); pProcedureProp->SetFlags( nFlags_ ); pProps->PutDirect( pNewProp, i ); StartListening( pNewProp->GetBroadcaster(), TRUE ); } else { SbxProperty* pProp = PTR_CAST( SbxProperty, pVar ); if( pProp ) { USHORT nFlags_ = pProp->GetFlags(); pProp->SetFlag( SBX_NO_BROADCAST ); SbxProperty* pNewProp = new SbxProperty( *pProp ); pNewProp->ResetFlag( SBX_NO_BROADCAST ); pNewProp->SetParent( this ); pProps->PutDirect( pNewProp, i ); pProp->SetFlags( nFlags_ ); } } } } SbClassModuleObject::~SbClassModuleObject() { triggerTerminateEvent(); // Must be deleted by base class dtor because this data // is not owned by the SbClassModuleObject object pImage = NULL; pBreaks = NULL; } void SbClassModuleObject::SFX_NOTIFY( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const TypeId& rBCType, const SfxHint& rHint, const TypeId& rHintType ) { bool bDone = false; const SbxHint* pHint = PTR_CAST(SbxHint,&rHint); if( pHint ) { SbxVariable* pVar = pHint->GetVar(); SbProcedureProperty* pProcProperty = PTR_CAST( SbProcedureProperty, pVar ); if( pProcProperty ) { bDone = true; if( pHint->GetId() == SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED ) { String aProcName; aProcName.AppendAscii( "Property Get " ); aProcName += pProcProperty->GetName(); SbxVariable* pMeth = Find( aProcName, SbxCLASS_METHOD ); if( pMeth ) { SbxValues aVals; aVals.eType = SbxVARIANT; pMeth->Get( aVals ); pVar->Put( aVals ); } } else if( pHint->GetId() == SBX_HINT_DATACHANGED ) { SbxVariable* pMeth = NULL; bool bSet = pProcProperty->isSet(); if( bSet ) { pProcProperty->setSet( false ); String aProcName; aProcName.AppendAscii( "Property Set " ); aProcName += pProcProperty->GetName(); pMeth = Find( aProcName, SbxCLASS_METHOD ); } if( !pMeth ) // Let { String aProcName; aProcName.AppendAscii( "Property Let " ); aProcName += pProcProperty->GetName(); pMeth = Find( aProcName, SbxCLASS_METHOD ); } if( pMeth ) { // Setup parameters SbxArrayRef xArray = new SbxArray; xArray->Put( pMeth, 0 ); // Method as parameter 0 xArray->Put( pVar, 1 ); pMeth->SetParameters( xArray ); SbxValues aVals; pMeth->Get( aVals ); pMeth->SetParameters( NULL ); } } } } if( !bDone ) SbModule::SFX_NOTIFY( rBC, rBCType, rHint, rHintType ); } SbxVariable* SbClassModuleObject::Find( const XubString& rName, SbxClassType t ) { SbxVariable* pRes = SbxObject::Find( rName, t ); if( pRes ) { triggerInitializeEvent(); SbIfaceMapperMethod* pIfaceMapperMethod = PTR_CAST(SbIfaceMapperMethod,pRes); if( pIfaceMapperMethod ) { pRes = pIfaceMapperMethod->getImplMethod(); pRes->SetFlag( SBX_EXTFOUND ); } } return pRes; } void SbClassModuleObject::triggerInitializeEvent( void ) { static String aInitMethodName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Class_Initialize") ); if( mbInitializeEventDone ) return; mbInitializeEventDone = true; // Search method SbxVariable* pMeth = SbxObject::Find( aInitMethodName, SbxCLASS_METHOD ); if( pMeth ) { SbxValues aVals; pMeth->Get( aVals ); } } void SbClassModuleObject::triggerTerminateEvent( void ) { static String aTermMethodName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Class_Terminate") ); if( !mbInitializeEventDone || GetSbData()->bRunInit ) return; // Search method SbxVariable* pMeth = SbxObject::Find( aTermMethodName, SbxCLASS_METHOD ); if( pMeth ) { SbxValues aVals; pMeth->Get( aVals ); } } SbClassData::SbClassData( void ) { mxIfaces = new SbxArray(); } void SbClassData::clear( void ) { mxIfaces->Clear(); } SbClassFactory::SbClassFactory( void ) { String aDummyName; xClassModules = new SbxObject( aDummyName ); } SbClassFactory::~SbClassFactory() {} void SbClassFactory::AddClassModule( SbModule* pClassModule ) { SbxObject* pParent = pClassModule->GetParent(); xClassModules->Insert( pClassModule ); pClassModule->SetParent( pParent ); } void SbClassFactory::RemoveClassModule( SbModule* pClassModule ) { xClassModules->Remove( pClassModule ); } SbxBase* SbClassFactory::Create( UINT16, UINT32 ) { // Not supported return NULL; } SbxObject* SbClassFactory::CreateObject( const String& rClassName ) { SbxVariable* pVar = xClassModules->Find( rClassName, SbxCLASS_DONTCARE ); SbxObject* pRet = NULL; if( pVar ) { SbModule* pMod = (SbModule*)pVar; pRet = new SbClassModuleObject( pMod ); } return pRet; } SbModule* SbClassFactory::FindClass( const String& rClassName ) { SbxVariable* pVar = xClassModules->Find( rClassName, SbxCLASS_DONTCARE ); SbModule* pMod = pVar ? (SbModule*)pVar : NULL; return pMod; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// StarBASIC::StarBASIC( StarBASIC* p ) : SbxObject( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("StarBASIC") ) ) { SetParent( p ); pLibInfo = NULL; bNoRtl = bBreak = FALSE; pModules = new SbxArray; if( !GetSbData()->nInst++ ) { pSBFAC = new SbiFactory; AddFactory( pSBFAC ); pUNOFAC = new SbUnoFactory; AddFactory( pUNOFAC ); pTYPEFAC = new SbTypeFactory; AddFactory( pTYPEFAC ); pCLASSFAC = new SbClassFactory; AddFactory( pCLASSFAC ); pOLEFAC = new SbOLEFactory; AddFactory( pOLEFAC ); } pRtl = new SbiStdObject( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(RTLNAME) ), this ); // Suche ueber StarBASIC ist immer global SetFlag( SBX_GBLSEARCH ); } // #51727 SetModified ueberladen, damit der Modified- // Zustand nicht an den Parent weitergegeben wird. void StarBASIC::SetModified( BOOL b ) { SbxBase::SetModified( b ); } //*** StarBASIC::~StarBASIC() { if( !--GetSbData()->nInst ) { RemoveFactory( pSBFAC ); pSBFAC = NULL; RemoveFactory( pUNOFAC ); pUNOFAC = NULL; RemoveFactory( pTYPEFAC ); pTYPEFAC = NULL; RemoveFactory( pCLASSFAC ); pCLASSFAC = NULL; RemoveFactory( pOLEFAC ); pOLEFAC = NULL; #ifdef DBG_UTIL // SbiData braucht am Programm-Ende nicht abgeraeumt werden, // aber wir wollen keine MLK's beim Purify // Wo sollte es sonst geschehen??? SbiGlobals** pp = (SbiGlobals**) ::GetAppData( SHL_SBC ); SbiGlobals* p = *pp; if( p ) { delete p; *pp = 0; } #endif } // #100326 Set Parent NULL in registered listeners if( xUnoListeners.Is() ) { USHORT uCount = xUnoListeners->Count(); for( USHORT i = 0 ; i < uCount ; i++ ) { SbxVariable* pListenerObj = xUnoListeners->Get( i ); pListenerObj->SetParent( NULL ); } xUnoListeners = NULL; } } // operator new() wird hier versenkt, damit jeder eine Instanz // anlegen kann, ohne neu zu bilden. void* StarBASIC::operator new( size_t n ) { if( n < sizeof( StarBASIC ) ) { // DBG_ASSERT( FALSE, "Warnung: inkompatibler BASIC-Stand!" ); n = sizeof( StarBASIC ); } return ::operator new( n ); } void StarBASIC::operator delete( void* p ) { ::operator delete( p ); } /************************************************************************** * * Erzeugen/Verwalten von Modulen * **************************************************************************/ SbModule* StarBASIC::MakeModule( const String& rName, const String& rSrc ) { return MakeModule32( rName, rSrc ); } SbModule* StarBASIC::MakeModule32( const String& rName, const ::rtl::OUString& rSrc ) { SbModule* p = new SbModule( rName ); p->SetSource32( rSrc ); p->SetParent( this ); pModules->Insert( p, pModules->Count() ); SetModified( TRUE ); return p; } void StarBASIC::Insert( SbxVariable* pVar ) { if( pVar->IsA( TYPE(SbModule) ) ) { pModules->Insert( pVar, pModules->Count() ); pVar->SetParent( this ); StartListening( pVar->GetBroadcaster(), TRUE ); } else { BOOL bWasModified = IsModified(); SbxObject::Insert( pVar ); if( !bWasModified && pVar->IsSet( SBX_DONTSTORE ) ) SetModified( FALSE ); } } void StarBASIC::Remove( SbxVariable* pVar ) { if( pVar->IsA( TYPE(SbModule) ) ) { // #87540 Can be last reference! SbxVariableRef xVar = pVar; pModules->Remove( pVar ); pVar->SetParent( 0 ); EndListening( pVar->GetBroadcaster() ); } else SbxObject::Remove( pVar ); } BOOL StarBASIC::Compile( SbModule* pMod ) { return pMod ? pMod->Compile() : FALSE; } BOOL StarBASIC::Disassemble( SbModule* pMod, String& rText ) { rText.Erase(); if( pMod ) pMod->Disassemble( rText ); return BOOL( rText.Len() != 0 ); } void StarBASIC::Clear() { while( pModules->Count() ) pModules->Remove( pModules->Count() - 1 ); } SbModule* StarBASIC::FindModule( const String& rName ) { for( USHORT i = 0; i < pModules->Count(); i++ ) { SbModule* p = (SbModule*) pModules->Get( i ); if( p->GetName().EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( rName ) ) return p; } return NULL; } // Init-Code aller Module ausfuehren (auch in inserteten Bibliotheken) void StarBASIC::InitAllModules( StarBASIC* pBasicNotToInit ) { // Eigene Module initialisieren for ( USHORT nMod = 0; nMod < pModules->Count(); nMod++ ) { SbModule* pModule = (SbModule*)pModules->Get( nMod ); if( !pModule->IsCompiled() ) pModule->Compile(); pModule->RunInit(); } // Alle Objekte ueberpruefen, ob es sich um ein Basic handelt // Wenn ja, auch dort initialisieren for ( USHORT nObj = 0; nObj < pObjs->Count(); nObj++ ) { SbxVariable* pVar = pObjs->Get( nObj ); StarBASIC* pBasic = PTR_CAST(StarBASIC,pVar); if( pBasic && pBasic != pBasicNotToInit ) pBasic->InitAllModules(); } } // #88329 Put modules back to not initialised state to // force reinitialisation at next start void StarBASIC::DeInitAllModules( void ) { // Eigene Module initialisieren for ( USHORT nMod = 0; nMod < pModules->Count(); nMod++ ) { SbModule* pModule = (SbModule*)pModules->Get( nMod ); if( pModule->pImage ) pModule->pImage->bInit = false; } // Alle Objekte ueberpruefen, ob es sich um ein Basic handelt // Wenn ja, auch dort initialisieren for ( USHORT nObj = 0; nObj < pObjs->Count(); nObj++ ) { SbxVariable* pVar = pObjs->Get( nObj ); StarBASIC* pBasic = PTR_CAST(StarBASIC,pVar); if( pBasic ) pBasic->DeInitAllModules(); } } // #43011 Fuer das TestTool, um globale Variablen loeschen zu koennen void StarBASIC::ClearGlobalVars( void ) { SbxArrayRef xProps( GetProperties() ); USHORT nPropCount = xProps->Count(); for ( USHORT nProp = 0 ; nProp < nPropCount ; ++nProp ) { SbxBase* pVar = xProps->Get( nProp ); pVar->Clear(); } SetModified( TRUE ); } // Diese Implementation sucht erst innerhalb der Runtime-Library, dann // nach einem Element innerhalb eines Moduls. Dieses Element kann eine // Public-Variable oder ein Entrypoint sein. Wenn nicht gefunden, wird, // falls nach einer Methode gesucht wird und ein Modul mit dem angege- // benen Namen gefunden wurde, der Entrypoint "Main" gesucht. Wenn das // auch nicht klappt, laeuft die traditionelle Suche ueber Objekte an. SbxVariable* StarBASIC::Find( const String& rName, SbxClassType t ) { static String aMainStr( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Main") ); SbxVariable* pRes = NULL; SbModule* pNamed = NULL; // "Extended" search in Runtime Lib // aber nur, wenn SbiRuntime nicht das Flag gesetzt hat if( !bNoRtl ) { if( t == SbxCLASS_DONTCARE || t == SbxCLASS_OBJECT ) { if( rName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( RTLNAME ) ) pRes = pRtl; } if( !pRes ) pRes = ((SbiStdObject*) (SbxObject*) pRtl)->Find( rName, t ); if( pRes ) pRes->SetFlag( SBX_EXTFOUND ); } // Module durchsuchen if( !pRes ) for( USHORT i = 0; i < pModules->Count(); i++ ) { SbModule* p = (SbModule*) pModules->Get( i ); if( p->IsVisible() ) { // Modul merken fuer Main()-Aufruf // oder stimmt etwa der Name ueberein?!? if( p->GetName().EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( rName ) ) { if( t == SbxCLASS_OBJECT || t == SbxCLASS_DONTCARE ) { pRes = p; break; } pNamed = p; } // Sonst testen, ob das Element vorhanden ist // GBLSEARCH-Flag rausnehmen (wg. Rekursion) USHORT nGblFlag = p->GetFlags() & SBX_GBLSEARCH; p->ResetFlag( SBX_GBLSEARCH ); pRes = p->Find( rName, t ); p->SetFlag( nGblFlag ); if( pRes ) break; } } if( !pRes && pNamed && ( t == SbxCLASS_METHOD || t == SbxCLASS_DONTCARE ) && !pNamed->GetName().EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( aMainStr ) ) pRes = pNamed->Find( aMainStr, SbxCLASS_METHOD ); if( !pRes ) pRes = SbxObject::Find( rName, t ); return pRes; } BOOL StarBASIC::Call( const String& rName, SbxArray* pParam ) { BOOL bRes = SbxObject::Call( rName, pParam ); if( !bRes ) { SbxError eErr = SbxBase::GetError(); SbxBase::ResetError(); if( eErr != SbxERR_OK ) RTError( (SbError)eErr, 0, 0, 0 ); } return bRes; } // Find-Funktion ueber Name (z.B. Abfrage aus BASIC-IDE) SbxBase* StarBASIC::FindSBXInCurrentScope( const String& rName ) { if( !pINST ) return NULL; if( !pINST->pRun ) return NULL; return pINST->pRun->FindElementExtern( rName ); } // Alte Schnittstelle vorerst erhalten SbxVariable* StarBASIC::FindVarInCurrentScopy ( const String& rName, USHORT& rStatus ) { rStatus = 1; // Annahme: Nichts gefunden SbxVariable* pVar = NULL; SbxBase* pSbx = FindSBXInCurrentScope( rName ); if( pSbx ) { if( !pSbx->ISA(SbxMethod) && !pSbx->ISA(SbxObject) ) pVar = PTR_CAST(SbxVariable,pSbx); } if( pVar ) rStatus = 0; // doch gefunden return pVar; } void StarBASIC::Stop() { SbiInstance* p = pINST; while( p ) { p->Stop(); p = p->pNext; } } BOOL StarBASIC::IsRunning() { return BOOL( pINST != NULL ); } /************************************************************************** * * Objekt-Factories etc. * **************************************************************************/ // Aktivierung eines Objekts. Aktive Objekte muessen nicht mehr // von BASIC aus ueber den Namen angesprochen werden. Ist // NULL angegeben, wird alles aktiviert. void StarBASIC::ActivateObject( const String* pName, BOOL bActivate ) { if( pName ) { SbxObject* p = (SbxObject*) SbxObject::Find( *pName, SbxCLASS_OBJECT ); if( p ) if( bActivate ) p->SetFlag( SBX_EXTSEARCH ); else p->ResetFlag( SBX_EXTSEARCH ); } else { for( USHORT i = 0; i < GetObjects()->Count(); i++ ) { SbxObject* p = (SbxObject*) GetObjects()->Get( i ); if( bActivate ) p->SetFlag( SBX_EXTSEARCH ); else p->ResetFlag( SBX_EXTSEARCH ); } } } /************************************************************************** * * Debugging und Fehlerbehandlung * **************************************************************************/ SbMethod* StarBASIC::GetActiveMethod( USHORT nLevel ) { if( pINST ) return pINST->GetCaller( nLevel ); else return NULL; } SbModule* StarBASIC::GetActiveModule() { if( pINST && !IsCompilerError() ) return pINST->GetActiveModule(); else return pCMOD; } USHORT StarBASIC::BreakPoint( USHORT l, USHORT c1, USHORT c2 ) { SetErrorData( 0, l, c1, c2 ); bBreak = TRUE; if( GetSbData()->aBreakHdl.IsSet() ) return (USHORT) GetSbData()->aBreakHdl.Call( this ); else return BreakHdl(); } USHORT StarBASIC::StepPoint( USHORT l, USHORT c1, USHORT c2 ) { SetErrorData( 0, l, c1, c2 ); bBreak = FALSE; if( GetSbData()->aBreakHdl.IsSet() ) return (USHORT) GetSbData()->aBreakHdl.Call( this ); else return BreakHdl(); } USHORT __EXPORT StarBASIC::BreakHdl() { return (USHORT) ( aBreakHdl.IsSet() ? aBreakHdl.Call( this ) : SbDEBUG_CONTINUE ); } // Abfragen fuer den Error-Handler und den Break-Handler: USHORT StarBASIC::GetLine() { return GetSbData()->nLine; } USHORT StarBASIC::GetCol1() { return GetSbData()->nCol1; } USHORT StarBASIC::GetCol2() { return GetSbData()->nCol2; } // Spezifisch fuer den Error-Handler: SbError StarBASIC::GetErrorCode() { return GetSbData()->nCode; } const String& StarBASIC::GetErrorText() { return GetSbData()->aErrMsg; } BOOL StarBASIC::IsCompilerError() { return GetSbData()->bCompiler; } void StarBASIC::SetGlobalLanguageMode( SbLanguageMode eLanguageMode ) { GetSbData()->eLanguageMode = eLanguageMode; } SbLanguageMode StarBASIC::GetGlobalLanguageMode() { return GetSbData()->eLanguageMode; } // Lokale Einstellung SbLanguageMode StarBASIC::GetLanguageMode() { // Globale Einstellung nehmen? if( eLanguageMode == SB_LANG_GLOBAL ) return GetSbData()->eLanguageMode; else return eLanguageMode; } // AB: 29.3.96 // Das Mapping zwischen alten und neuen Fehlercodes erfolgt, indem die Tabelle // SFX_VB_ErrorTab[] durchsucht wird. Dies ist zwar nicht besonders performant, // verbraucht aber viel weniger Speicher als entsprechende switch-Bloecke. // Die Umrechnung von Fehlercodes muss nicht schnell sein, daher auch keine // binaere Suche bei VB-Error -> SFX-Error. // Neue Fehler-Codes auf alte, Sbx-Kompatible zurueckmappen USHORT StarBASIC::GetVBErrorCode( SbError nError ) { USHORT nRet = 0; // Suchschleife const SFX_VB_ErrorItem* pErrItem; USHORT nIndex = 0; do { pErrItem = SFX_VB_ErrorTab + nIndex; if( pErrItem->nErrorSFX == nError ) { nRet = pErrItem->nErrorVB; break; } nIndex++; } while( pErrItem->nErrorVB != 0xFFFF ); // bis End-Marke return nRet; } SbError StarBASIC::GetSfxFromVBError( USHORT nError ) { SbError nRet = 0L; // Suchschleife const SFX_VB_ErrorItem* pErrItem; USHORT nIndex = 0; do { pErrItem = SFX_VB_ErrorTab + nIndex; if( pErrItem->nErrorVB == nError ) { nRet = pErrItem->nErrorSFX; break; } else if( pErrItem->nErrorVB > nError ) break; // kann nicht mehr gefunden werden nIndex++; } while( pErrItem->nErrorVB != 0xFFFF ); // bis End-Marke return nRet; } // Error- / Break-Daten setzen void StarBASIC::SetErrorData ( SbError nCode, USHORT nLine, USHORT nCol1, USHORT nCol2 ) { SbiGlobals& aGlobals = *GetSbData(); aGlobals.nCode = nCode; aGlobals.nLine = nLine; aGlobals.nCol1 = nCol1; aGlobals.nCol2 = nCol2; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Hilfsklasse zum Zugriff auf String SubResourcen einer Resource. // Quelle: sfx2\source\doc\docfile.cxx (TLX) struct BasicStringList_Impl : private Resource { ResId aResId; BasicStringList_Impl( ResId& rErrIdP, USHORT nId) : Resource( rErrIdP ),aResId(nId){} ~BasicStringList_Impl() { FreeResource(); } String GetString(){ return String( aResId ); } BOOL IsErrorTextAvailable( void ) { return IsAvailableRes(aResId.SetRT(RSC_STRING)); } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // #60175 Flag, das bei Basic-Fehlern das Anziehen der SFX-Resourcen verhindert static BOOL bStaticSuppressSfxResource = FALSE; void StarBASIC::StaticSuppressSfxResource( BOOL bSuppress ) { bStaticSuppressSfxResource = bSuppress; } // Hack for #83750, use bStaticSuppressSfxResource as setup flag BOOL runsInSetup( void ) { return bStaticSuppressSfxResource; } void StarBASIC::MakeErrorText( SbError nId, const String& aMsg ) { vos::OGuard aSolarGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); if( bStaticSuppressSfxResource ) { GetSbData()->aErrMsg = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("No resource: Error message not available") ); return; } USHORT nOldID = GetVBErrorCode( nId ); // Hilfsklasse instanzieren BasicResId aId( RID_BASIC_START ); BasicStringList_Impl aMyStringList( aId, USHORT(nId & ERRCODE_RES_MASK) ); if( aMyStringList.IsErrorTextAvailable() ) { // Merge Message mit Zusatztext String aMsg1 = aMyStringList.GetString(); // Argument-Platzhalter durch %s ersetzen String aSrgStr( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("$(ARG1)") ); USHORT nResult = aMsg1.Search( aSrgStr ); if( nResult != STRING_NOTFOUND ) { aMsg1.Erase( nResult, aSrgStr.Len() ); aMsg1.Insert( aMsg, nResult ); } GetSbData()->aErrMsg = aMsg1; } else if( nOldID != 0 ) { String aStdMsg( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Fehler ") ); aStdMsg += String::CreateFromInt32( nOldID); aStdMsg += String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(": Kein Fehlertext verfuegbar!") ); GetSbData()->aErrMsg = aStdMsg; } else GetSbData()->aErrMsg = String::EmptyString(); } BOOL StarBASIC::CError ( SbError code, const String& rMsg, USHORT l, USHORT c1, USHORT c2 ) { vos::OGuard aSolarGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); // Compiler-Fehler waehrend der Laufzeit -> Programm anhalten if( IsRunning() ) { // #109018 Check if running Basic is affected StarBASIC* pStartedBasic = pINST->GetBasic(); if( pStartedBasic != this ) return FALSE; Stop(); } // Flag setzen, damit GlobalRunInit den Fehler mitbekommt GetSbData()->bGlobalInitErr = TRUE; // Fehlertext basteln MakeErrorText( code, rMsg ); // Umsetzung des Codes fuer String-Transport in SFX-Error if( rMsg.Len() ) code = (ULONG)*new StringErrorInfo( code, String(rMsg) ); SetErrorData( code, l, c1, c2 ); GetSbData()->bCompiler = TRUE; BOOL bRet; if( GetSbData()->aErrHdl.IsSet() ) bRet = (BOOL) GetSbData()->aErrHdl.Call( this ); else bRet = ErrorHdl(); GetSbData()->bCompiler = FALSE; // nur TRUE fuer Error-Handler return bRet; } BOOL StarBASIC::RTError ( SbError code, USHORT l, USHORT c1, USHORT c2 ) { return RTError( code, String(), l, c1, c2 ); } BOOL StarBASIC::RTError( SbError code, const String& rMsg, USHORT l, USHORT c1, USHORT c2 ) { vos::OGuard aSolarGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); SbError c = code; if( (c & ERRCODE_CLASS_MASK) == ERRCODE_CLASS_COMPILER ) c = 0; MakeErrorText( c, rMsg ); // Umsetzung des Codes fuer String-Transport in SFX-Error if( rMsg.Len() ) code = (ULONG)*new StringErrorInfo( code, String(rMsg) ); SetErrorData( code, l, c1, c2 ); if( GetSbData()->aErrHdl.IsSet() ) return (BOOL) GetSbData()->aErrHdl.Call( this ); else return ErrorHdl(); } void StarBASIC::Error( SbError n ) { Error( n, String() ); } void StarBASIC::Error( SbError n, const String& rMsg ) { if( pINST ) pINST->Error( n, rMsg ); } void StarBASIC::FatalError( SbError n ) { if( pINST ) pINST->FatalError( n ); } SbError StarBASIC::GetErrBasic() { if( pINST ) return pINST->GetErr(); else return 0; } // #66536 Zusatz-Message fuer RTL-Funktion Error zugreifbar machen String StarBASIC::GetErrorMsg() { if( pINST ) return pINST->GetErrorMsg(); else return String(); } USHORT StarBASIC::GetErl() { if( pINST ) return pINST->GetErl(); else return 0; } BOOL __EXPORT StarBASIC::ErrorHdl() { return (BOOL) ( aErrorHdl.IsSet() ? aErrorHdl.Call( this ) : FALSE ); } Link StarBASIC::GetGlobalErrorHdl() { return GetSbData()->aErrHdl; } void StarBASIC::SetGlobalErrorHdl( const Link& rLink ) { GetSbData()->aErrHdl = rLink; } Link StarBASIC::GetGlobalBreakHdl() { return GetSbData()->aBreakHdl; } void StarBASIC::SetGlobalBreakHdl( const Link& rLink ) { GetSbData()->aBreakHdl = rLink; } SbxArrayRef StarBASIC::getUnoListeners( void ) { if( !xUnoListeners.Is() ) xUnoListeners = new SbxArray(); return xUnoListeners; } /************************************************************************** * * Laden und Speichern * **************************************************************************/ BOOL StarBASIC::LoadData( SvStream& r, USHORT nVer ) { if( !SbxObject::LoadData( r, nVer ) ) return FALSE; // #95459 Delete dialogs, otherwise endless recursion // in SbxVarable::GetType() if dialogs are accessed USHORT nObjCount = pObjs->Count(); SbxVariable** ppDeleteTab = new SbxVariable*[ nObjCount ]; USHORT nObj; for( nObj = 0 ; nObj < nObjCount ; nObj++ ) { SbxVariable* pVar = pObjs->Get( nObj ); StarBASIC* pBasic = PTR_CAST( StarBASIC, pVar ); ppDeleteTab[nObj] = pBasic ? NULL : pVar; } for( nObj = 0 ; nObj < nObjCount ; nObj++ ) { SbxVariable* pVar = ppDeleteTab[nObj]; if( pVar ) pObjs->Remove( pVar ); } delete[] ppDeleteTab; UINT16 nMod; pModules->Clear(); r >> nMod; for( USHORT i = 0; i < nMod; i++ ) { SbModule* pMod = (SbModule*) SbxBase::Load( r ); if( !pMod ) return FALSE; else if( pMod->ISA(SbJScriptModule) ) { // Ref zuweisen, damit pMod deleted wird SbModuleRef xRef = pMod; } else { pMod->SetParent( this ); pModules->Put( pMod, i ); } } // HACK fuer SFX-Mist! SbxVariable* p = Find( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("FALSE") ), SbxCLASS_PROPERTY ); if( p ) Remove( p ); p = Find( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TRUE") ), SbxCLASS_PROPERTY ); if( p ) Remove( p ); // Ende des Hacks! // Suche ueber StarBASIC ist immer global DBG_ASSERT( IsSet( SBX_GBLSEARCH ), "Basic ohne GBLSEARCH geladen" ); SetFlag( SBX_GBLSEARCH ); return TRUE; } BOOL StarBASIC::StoreData( SvStream& r ) const { if( !SbxObject::StoreData( r ) ) return FALSE; r << (UINT16) pModules->Count(); for( USHORT i = 0; i < pModules->Count(); i++ ) { SbModule* p = (SbModule*) pModules->Get( i ); if( !p->Store( r ) ) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL StarBASIC::LoadOldModules( SvStream& ) { return FALSE; } //======================================================================== // #118116 Implementation Collection object TYPEINIT1(BasicCollection,SbxObject) static const char pCountStr[] = "Count"; static const char pAddStr[] = "Add"; static const char pItemStr[] = "Item"; static const char pRemoveStr[] = "Remove"; static USHORT nCountHash = 0, nAddHash, nItemHash, nRemoveHash; BasicCollection::BasicCollection( const XubString& rClass ) : SbxObject( rClass ) { if( !nCountHash ) { nCountHash = MakeHashCode( String::CreateFromAscii( pCountStr ) ); nAddHash = MakeHashCode( String::CreateFromAscii( pAddStr ) ); nItemHash = MakeHashCode( String::CreateFromAscii( pItemStr ) ); nRemoveHash = MakeHashCode( String::CreateFromAscii( pRemoveStr ) ); } Initialize(); } BasicCollection::~BasicCollection() {} void BasicCollection::Clear() { SbxObject::Clear(); Initialize(); } void BasicCollection::Initialize() { xItemArray = new SbxArray(); SetType( SbxOBJECT ); SetFlag( SBX_FIXED ); ResetFlag( SBX_WRITE ); SbxVariable* p; p = Make( String::CreateFromAscii( pCountStr ), SbxCLASS_PROPERTY, SbxINTEGER ); p->ResetFlag( SBX_WRITE ); p->SetFlag( SBX_DONTSTORE ); p = Make( String::CreateFromAscii( pAddStr ), SbxCLASS_METHOD, SbxEMPTY ); p->SetFlag( SBX_DONTSTORE ); p = Make( String::CreateFromAscii( pItemStr ), SbxCLASS_METHOD, SbxVARIANT ); p->SetFlag( SBX_DONTSTORE ); p = Make( String::CreateFromAscii( pRemoveStr ), SbxCLASS_METHOD, SbxEMPTY ); p->SetFlag( SBX_DONTSTORE ); } SbxVariable* BasicCollection::Find( const XubString& rName, SbxClassType t ) { SbxVariable* pFind = SbxObject::Find( rName, t ); return pFind; } void BasicCollection::SFX_NOTIFY( SfxBroadcaster& rCst, const TypeId& rId1, const SfxHint& rHint, const TypeId& rId2 ) { const SbxHint* p = PTR_CAST(SbxHint,&rHint); if( p ) { ULONG nId = p->GetId(); BOOL bRead = BOOL( nId == SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED ); BOOL bWrite = BOOL( nId == SBX_HINT_DATACHANGED ); SbxVariable* pVar = p->GetVar(); SbxArray* pArg = pVar->GetParameters(); if( bRead || bWrite ) { XubString aVarName( pVar->GetName() ); if( pVar->GetHashCode() == nCountHash && aVarName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( pCountStr ) ) pVar->PutLong( xItemArray->Count32() ); else if( pVar->GetHashCode() == nAddHash && aVarName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( pAddStr ) ) CollAdd( pArg ); else if( pVar->GetHashCode() == nItemHash && aVarName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( pItemStr ) ) CollItem( pArg ); else if( pVar->GetHashCode() == nRemoveHash && aVarName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( pRemoveStr ) ) CollRemove( pArg ); else SbxObject::SFX_NOTIFY( rCst, rId1, rHint, rId2 ); return; } } SbxObject::SFX_NOTIFY( rCst, rId1, rHint, rId2 ); } INT32 BasicCollection::implGetIndex( SbxVariable* pIndexVar ) { INT32 nIndex = -1; if( pIndexVar->GetType() == SbxSTRING ) nIndex = implGetIndexForName( pIndexVar->GetString() ); else nIndex = pIndexVar->GetLong() - 1; return nIndex; } INT32 BasicCollection::implGetIndexForName( const String& rName ) { INT32 nIndex = -1; INT32 nCount = xItemArray->Count32(); INT32 nNameHash = MakeHashCode( rName ); for( INT32 i = 0 ; i < nCount ; i++ ) { SbxVariable* pVar = xItemArray->Get32( i ); if( pVar->GetHashCode() == nNameHash && pVar->GetName().EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( rName ) ) { nIndex = i; break; } } return nIndex; } void BasicCollection::CollAdd( SbxArray* pPar_ ) { USHORT nCount = pPar_->Count(); if( nCount < 2 || nCount > 5 ) { SetError( SbxERR_WRONG_ARGS ); return; } SbxVariable* pItem = pPar_->Get(1); if( pItem ) { int nNextIndex; if( nCount < 4 ) { nNextIndex = xItemArray->Count(); } else { SbxVariable* pBefore = pPar_->Get(3); if( nCount == 5 ) { if( !pBefore->IsErr() ) { SetError( SbERR_BAD_ARGUMENT ); return; } SbxVariable* pAfter = pPar_->Get(4); INT32 nAfterIndex = implGetIndex( pAfter ); if( nAfterIndex == -1 ) { SetError( SbERR_BAD_ARGUMENT ); return; } nNextIndex = nAfterIndex + 1; } else // if( nCount == 4 ) { INT32 nBeforeIndex = implGetIndex( pBefore ); if( nBeforeIndex == -1 ) { SetError( SbERR_BAD_ARGUMENT ); return; } nNextIndex = nBeforeIndex; } } SbxVariableRef pNewItem = new SbxVariable( *pItem ); if( nCount >= 3 ) { SbxVariable* pKey = pPar_->Get(2); if( !pKey->IsErr() ) { if( pKey->GetType() != SbxSTRING ) { SetError( SbERR_BAD_ARGUMENT ); return; } String aKey = pKey->GetString(); if( implGetIndexForName( aKey ) != -1 ) { SetError( SbERR_BAD_ARGUMENT ); return; } pNewItem->SetName( aKey ); } } pNewItem->SetFlag( SBX_READWRITE ); xItemArray->Insert32( pNewItem, nNextIndex ); } else { SetError( SbERR_BAD_ARGUMENT ); return; } } void BasicCollection::CollItem( SbxArray* pPar_ ) { if( pPar_->Count() != 2 ) { SetError( SbxERR_WRONG_ARGS ); return; } SbxVariable* pRes = NULL; SbxVariable* p = pPar_->Get( 1 ); INT32 nIndex = implGetIndex( p ); if( nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < (INT32)xItemArray->Count32() ) pRes = xItemArray->Get32( nIndex ); if( !pRes ) SetError( SbxERR_BAD_INDEX ); *(pPar_->Get(0)) = *pRes; } void BasicCollection::CollRemove( SbxArray* pPar_ ) { if( pPar_ == NULL || pPar_->Count() != 2 ) { SetError( SbxERR_WRONG_ARGS ); return; } SbxVariable* p = pPar_->Get( 1 ); INT32 nIndex = implGetIndex( p ); if( nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < (INT32)xItemArray->Count32() ) xItemArray->Remove32( nIndex ); else SetError( SbxERR_BAD_INDEX ); }