/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_basic.hxx" #include "sbcomp.hxx" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #if defined UNX #include <stdlib.h> #else #include <math.h> // atof() #endif #include <rtl/math.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <unotools/charclass.hxx> #include <runtime.hxx> SbiScanner::SbiScanner( const ::rtl::OUString& rBuf, StarBASIC* p ) : aBuf( rBuf ) { pBasic = p; pLine = NULL; nVal = 0; eScanType = SbxVARIANT; nErrors = 0; nBufPos = 0; nCurCol1 = 0; nSavedCol1 = 0; nColLock = 0; nLine = 0; nCol1 = 0; nCol2 = 0; nCol = 0; bError = bAbort = bSpaces = bNumber = bSymbol = bUsedForHilite = bCompatible = bVBASupportOn = bPrevLineExtentsComment = sal_False; bHash = bErrors = sal_True; } SbiScanner::~SbiScanner() {} void SbiScanner::LockColumn() { if( !nColLock++ ) nSavedCol1 = nCol1; } void SbiScanner::UnlockColumn() { if( nColLock ) nColLock--; } void SbiScanner::GenError( SbError code ) { if( GetSbData()->bBlockCompilerError ) { bAbort = sal_True; return; } if( !bError && bErrors ) { sal_Bool bRes = sal_True; // Nur einen Fehler pro Statement reporten bError = sal_True; if( pBasic ) { // Falls EXPECTED oder UNEXPECTED kommen sollte, bezieht es sich // immer auf das letzte Token, also die Col1 uebernehmen sal_uInt16 nc = nColLock ? nSavedCol1 : nCol1; switch( code ) { case SbERR_EXPECTED: case SbERR_UNEXPECTED: case SbERR_SYMBOL_EXPECTED: case SbERR_LABEL_EXPECTED: nc = nCol1; if( nc > nCol2 ) nCol2 = nc; break; } bRes = pBasic->CError( code, aError, nLine, nc, nCol2 ); } bAbort |= !bRes | ( code == SbERR_NO_MEMORY || code == SbERR_PROG_TOO_LARGE ); } if( bErrors ) nErrors++; } // Falls sofort ein Doppelpunkt folgt, wird sal_True zurueckgeliefert. // Wird von SbiTokenizer::MayBeLabel() verwendet, um einen Label zu erkennen sal_Bool SbiScanner::DoesColonFollow() { if( pLine && *pLine == ':' ) { pLine++; nCol++; return sal_True; } else return sal_False; } // Testen auf ein legales Suffix static SbxDataType GetSuffixType( sal_Unicode c ) { static String aSuffixesStr = String::CreateFromAscii( "%&!#@ $" ); if( c ) { sal_uInt32 n = aSuffixesStr.Search( c ); if( STRING_NOTFOUND != n && c != ' ' ) return SbxDataType( (sal_uInt16) n + SbxINTEGER ); } return SbxVARIANT; } // Einlesen des naechsten Symbols in die Variablen aSym, nVal und eType // Returnwert ist sal_False bei EOF oder Fehlern #define BUF_SIZE 80 namespace { /** Returns true, if the passed character is a white space character. */ inline bool lclIsWhitespace( sal_Unicode cChar ) { return (cChar == ' ') || (cChar == '\t') || (cChar == '\f'); } } // namespace sal_Bool SbiScanner::NextSym() { // Fuer den EOLN-Fall merken sal_uInt16 nOldLine = nLine; sal_uInt16 nOldCol1 = nCol1; sal_uInt16 nOldCol2 = nCol2; sal_Unicode buf[ BUF_SIZE ], *p = buf; bHash = sal_False; eScanType = SbxVARIANT; aSym.Erase(); bSymbol = bNumber = bSpaces = sal_False; // Zeile einlesen? if( !pLine ) { sal_Int32 n = nBufPos; sal_Int32 nLen = aBuf.getLength(); if( nBufPos >= nLen ) return sal_False; const sal_Unicode* p2 = aBuf.getStr(); p2 += n; while( ( n < nLen ) && ( *p2 != '\n' ) && ( *p2 != '\r' ) ) p2++, n++; // #163944# ignore trailing whitespace sal_Int32 nCopyEndPos = n; while( (nBufPos < nCopyEndPos) && lclIsWhitespace( aBuf[ nCopyEndPos - 1 ] ) ) --nCopyEndPos; aLine = aBuf.copy( nBufPos, nCopyEndPos - nBufPos ); if( n < nLen ) { if( *p2 == '\r' && *( p2+1 ) == '\n' ) n += 2; else n++; } nBufPos = n; pLine = aLine.getStr(); nOldLine = ++nLine; nCol = nCol1 = nCol2 = nOldCol1 = nOldCol2 = 0; nColLock = 0; } // Leerstellen weg: while( lclIsWhitespace( *pLine ) ) pLine++, nCol++, bSpaces = sal_True; nCol1 = nCol; // nur Leerzeile? if( !*pLine ) goto eoln; if( bPrevLineExtentsComment ) goto PrevLineCommentLbl; if( *pLine == '#' ) { pLine++; nCol++; bHash = sal_True; } // Symbol? Dann Zeichen kopieren. if( BasicSimpleCharClass::isAlpha( *pLine, bCompatible ) || *pLine == '_' ) { // Wenn nach '_' nichts kommt, ist es ein Zeilenabschluss! if( *pLine == '_' && !*(pLine+1) ) { pLine++; goto eoln; } bSymbol = sal_True; short n = nCol; for ( ; (BasicSimpleCharClass::isAlphaNumeric( *pLine, bCompatible ) || ( *pLine == '_' ) ); pLine++ ) nCol++; aSym = aLine.copy( n, nCol - n ); // Special handling for "go to" if( bCompatible && *pLine && aSym.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "go" ) ) { const sal_Unicode* pTestLine = pLine; short nTestCol = nCol; while( lclIsWhitespace( *pTestLine ) ) { pTestLine++; nTestCol++; } if( *pTestLine && *(pTestLine + 1) ) { String aTestSym = aLine.copy( nTestCol, 2 ); if( aTestSym.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "to" ) ) { aSym = String::CreateFromAscii( "goto" ); pLine = pTestLine + 2; nCol = nTestCol + 2; } } } // Abschliessendes '_' durch Space ersetzen, wenn Zeilenende folgt // (sonst falsche Zeilenfortsetzung) if( !bUsedForHilite && !*pLine && *(pLine-1) == '_' ) { aSym.GetBufferAccess(); // #109693 force copy if necessary *((sal_Unicode*)(pLine-1)) = ' '; // cast wegen const } // Typkennung? // Das Ausrufezeichen bitte nicht testen, wenn // danach noch ein Symbol anschliesst else if( *pLine != '!' || !BasicSimpleCharClass::isAlpha( pLine[ 1 ], bCompatible ) ) { SbxDataType t = GetSuffixType( *pLine ); if( t != SbxVARIANT ) { eScanType = t; pLine++; nCol++; } } } // Zahl? Dann einlesen und konvertieren. else if( BasicSimpleCharClass::isDigit( *pLine & 0xFF ) || ( *pLine == '.' && BasicSimpleCharClass::isDigit( *(pLine+1) & 0xFF ) ) ) { short exp = 0; short comma = 0; short ndig = 0; short ncdig = 0; eScanType = SbxDOUBLE; sal_Bool bBufOverflow = sal_False; while( strchr( "0123456789.DEde", *pLine ) && *pLine ) { // AB 4.1.1996: Buffer voll? -> leer weiter scannen if( (p-buf) == (BUF_SIZE-1) ) { bBufOverflow = sal_True; pLine++, nCol++; continue; } // Komma oder Exponent? if( *pLine == '.' ) { if( ++comma > 1 ) { pLine++; nCol++; continue; } else *p++ = *pLine++, nCol++; } else if( strchr( "DdEe", *pLine ) ) { if (++exp > 1) { pLine++; nCol++; continue; } // if( toupper( *pLine ) == 'D' ) // eScanType = SbxDOUBLE; *p++ = 'E'; pLine++; nCol++; // Vorzeichen hinter Exponent? if( *pLine == '+' ) pLine++, nCol++; else if( *pLine == '-' ) *p++ = *pLine++, nCol++; } else { *p++ = *pLine++, nCol++; if( comma && !exp ) ncdig++; } if (!exp) ndig++; } *p = 0; aSym = p; bNumber = sal_True; // Komma, Exponent mehrfach vorhanden? if( comma > 1 || exp > 1 ) { aError = '.'; GenError( SbERR_BAD_CHAR_IN_NUMBER ); } // #57844 Lokalisierte Funktion benutzen nVal = rtl_math_uStringToDouble( buf, buf+(p-buf), '.', ',', NULL, NULL ); // ALT: nVal = atof( buf ); ndig = ndig - comma; if( !comma && !exp ) { if( nVal >= SbxMININT && nVal <= SbxMAXINT ) eScanType = SbxINTEGER; else if( nVal >= SbxMINLNG && nVal <= SbxMAXLNG ) eScanType = SbxLONG; } if( bBufOverflow ) GenError( SbERR_MATH_OVERFLOW ); // zu viele Zahlen fuer SINGLE? // if (ndig > 15 || ncdig > 6) // eScanType = SbxDOUBLE; // else // if( nVal > SbxMAXSNG || nVal < SbxMINSNG ) // eScanType = SbxDOUBLE; // Typkennung? SbxDataType t = GetSuffixType( *pLine ); if( t != SbxVARIANT ) { eScanType = t; pLine++; nCol++; } } // Hex/Oktalzahl? Einlesen und konvertieren: else if( *pLine == '&' ) { pLine++; nCol++; sal_Unicode cmp1[] = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F', 0 }; sal_Unicode cmp2[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', 0 }; sal_Unicode *cmp = cmp1; //char *cmp = "0123456789ABCDEF"; sal_Unicode base = 16; sal_Unicode ndig = 8; sal_Unicode xch = *pLine++ & 0xFF; nCol++; switch( toupper( xch ) ) { case 'O': cmp = cmp2; base = 8; ndig = 11; break; //cmp = "01234567"; base = 8; ndig = 11; break; case 'H': break; default : // Wird als Operator angesehen pLine--; nCol--; nCol1 = nCol-1; aSym = '&'; return SYMBOL; } bNumber = sal_True; long l = 0; int i; sal_Bool bBufOverflow = sal_False; while( BasicSimpleCharClass::isAlphaNumeric( *pLine & 0xFF, bCompatible ) ) { sal_Unicode ch = sal::static_int_cast< sal_Unicode >( toupper( *pLine & 0xFF ) ); pLine++; nCol++; // AB 4.1.1996: Buffer voll, leer weiter scannen if( (p-buf) == (BUF_SIZE-1) ) bBufOverflow = sal_True; else if( String( cmp ).Search( ch ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) //else if( strchr( cmp, ch ) ) *p++ = ch; else { aError = ch; GenError( SbERR_BAD_CHAR_IN_NUMBER ); } } *p = 0; for( p = buf; *p; p++ ) { i = (*p & 0xFF) - '0'; if( i > 9 ) i -= 7; l = ( l * base ) + i; if( !ndig-- ) { GenError( SbERR_MATH_OVERFLOW ); break; } } if( *pLine == '&' ) pLine++, nCol++; nVal = (double) l; eScanType = ( l >= SbxMININT && l <= SbxMAXINT ) ? SbxINTEGER : SbxLONG; if( bBufOverflow ) GenError( SbERR_MATH_OVERFLOW ); } // Strings: else if( *pLine == '"' || *pLine == '[' ) { sal_Unicode cSep = *pLine; if( cSep == '[' ) bSymbol = sal_True, cSep = ']'; short n = nCol+1; while( *pLine ) { do pLine++, nCol++; while( *pLine && ( *pLine != cSep ) ); if( *pLine == cSep ) { pLine++; nCol++; if( *pLine != cSep || cSep == ']' ) break; } else aError = cSep, GenError( SbERR_EXPECTED ); } // If VBA Interop then doen't eat the [] chars if ( cSep == ']' && bVBASupportOn ) aSym = aLine.copy( n - 1, nCol - n + 1); else aSym = aLine.copy( n, nCol - n - 1 ); // Doppelte Stringbegrenzer raus String s( cSep ); s += cSep; sal_uInt16 nIdx = 0; do { nIdx = aSym.Search( s, nIdx ); if( nIdx == STRING_NOTFOUND ) break; aSym.Erase( nIdx, 1 ); nIdx++; } while( true ); if( cSep != ']' ) eScanType = ( cSep == '#' ) ? SbxDATE : SbxSTRING; } // ungueltige Zeichen: else if( ( *pLine & 0xFF ) >= 0x7F ) { GenError( SbERR_SYNTAX ); pLine++; nCol++; } // andere Gruppen: else { short n = 1; switch( *pLine++ ) { case '<': if( *pLine == '>' || *pLine == '=' ) n = 2; break; case '>': if( *pLine == '=' ) n = 2; break; case ':': if( *pLine == '=' ) n = 2; break; } aSym = aLine.copy( nCol, n ); pLine += n-1; nCol = nCol + n; } nCol2 = nCol-1; PrevLineCommentLbl: // Kommentar? if( bPrevLineExtentsComment || (eScanType != SbxSTRING && ( aSym.GetBuffer()[0] == '\'' || aSym.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "REM" ) ) ) ) { bPrevLineExtentsComment = sal_False; aSym = String::CreateFromAscii( "REM" ); sal_uInt16 nLen = String( pLine ).Len(); if( bCompatible && pLine[ nLen - 1 ] == '_' && pLine[ nLen - 2 ] == ' ' ) bPrevLineExtentsComment = sal_True; nCol2 = nCol2 + nLen; pLine = NULL; } return sal_True; // Sonst Zeilen-Ende: aber bitte auf '_' testen, ob die // Zeile nicht weitergeht! eoln: if( nCol && *--pLine == '_' ) { pLine = NULL; bool bRes = NextSym(); if( bVBASupportOn && aSym.GetBuffer()[0] == '.' ) { // object _ // .Method // ^^^ <- spaces is legal in MSO VBA OSL_TRACE("*** resetting bSpaces***"); bSpaces = sal_False; } return bRes; } else { pLine = NULL; nLine = nOldLine; nCol1 = nOldCol1; nCol2 = nOldCol2; aSym = '\n'; nColLock = 0; return sal_True; } } LetterTable BasicSimpleCharClass::aLetterTable; LetterTable::LetterTable( void ) { for( int i = 0 ; i < 256 ; ++i ) IsLetterTab[i] = false; IsLetterTab[0xC0] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xC1] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xC2] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xC3] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE IsLetterTab[0xC4] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xC5] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE IsLetterTab[0xC6] = true; // � , CAPITAL LIGATURE AE IsLetterTab[0xC7] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA IsLetterTab[0xC8] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xC9] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xCA] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xCB] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xCC] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xCD] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xCE] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xCF] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xD0] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER ETH IsLetterTab[0xD1] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE IsLetterTab[0xD2] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xD3] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xD4] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xD5] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE IsLetterTab[0xD6] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xD8] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE IsLetterTab[0xD9] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xDA] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xDB] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xDC] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xDD] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xDE] = true; // � , CAPITAL LETTER THORN IsLetterTab[0xDF] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER SHARP S IsLetterTab[0xE0] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xE1] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xE2] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xE3] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE IsLetterTab[0xE4] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xE5] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE IsLetterTab[0xE6] = true; // � , SMALL LIGATURE AE IsLetterTab[0xE7] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA IsLetterTab[0xE8] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xE9] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xEA] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xEB] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xEC] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xED] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xEE] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xEF] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xF0] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER ETH IsLetterTab[0xF1] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE IsLetterTab[0xF2] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xF3] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xF4] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xF5] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE IsLetterTab[0xF6] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xF8] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER O WITH OBLIQUE BAR IsLetterTab[0xF9] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xFA] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xFB] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xFC] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xFD] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xFE] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER THORN IsLetterTab[0xFF] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS } bool LetterTable::isLetterUnicode( sal_Unicode c ) { static CharClass* pCharClass = NULL; if( pCharClass == NULL ) pCharClass = new CharClass( Application::GetSettings().GetLocale() ); String aStr( c ); bool bRet = pCharClass->isLetter( aStr, 0 ); return bRet; }