/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include "basiccharclass.hxx"
#include "sbcomp.hxx"

#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>

SbiScanner::SbiScanner( const OUString& rBuf, StarBASIC* p ) : aBuf( rBuf )
    pBasic   = p;
    pLine    = NULL;
    nVal     = 0;
    eScanType = SbxVARIANT;
    nErrors  = 0;
    nBufPos  = 0;
    nCurCol1 = 0;
    nSavedCol1 = 0;
    nColLock = 0;
    nLine    = 0;
    nCol1    = 0;
    nCol2    = 0;
    nCol     = 0;
    bError   =
    bAbort   =
    bSpaces  =
    bNumber  =
    bSymbol  =
    bCompatible =
    bVBASupportOn =
    bInStatement =
    bPrevLineExtentsComment = false;
    bHash    = true;
    pSaveLine = NULL;


void SbiScanner::LockColumn()
    if( !nColLock++ )
        nSavedCol1 = nCol1;

void SbiScanner::UnlockColumn()
    if( nColLock )

void SbiScanner::GenError( SbError code )
    if( GetSbData()->bBlockCompilerError )
        bAbort = true;
    if( !bError )
        bool bRes = true;
        // report only one error per statement
        bError = true;
        if( pBasic )
            // in case of EXPECTED or UNEXPECTED it always refers
            // to the last token, so take the Col1 over
            sal_Int32 nc = nColLock ? nSavedCol1 : nCol1;
            switch( code )
                case SbERR_EXPECTED:
                case SbERR_UNEXPECTED:
                case SbERR_SYMBOL_EXPECTED:
                case SbERR_LABEL_EXPECTED:
                    nc = nCol1;
                    if( nc > nCol2 ) nCol2 = nc;
            bRes = pBasic->CError( code, aError, nLine, nc, nCol2 );
        bAbort = bAbort || !bRes  || ( code == SbERR_NO_MEMORY || code == SbERR_PROG_TOO_LARGE );

// used by SbiTokenizer::MayBeLabel() to detect a label
bool SbiScanner::DoesColonFollow()
    if(nCol < aLine.getLength() && aLine[nCol] == ':')
        ++pLine; ++nCol;
        return true;
        return false;

// test for legal suffix
static SbxDataType GetSuffixType( sal_Unicode c )
    switch (c)
    case '%':
        return SbxDataType(SbxINTEGER);
    case '&':
        return SbxDataType(SbxLONG);
    case '!':
        return SbxDataType(SbxSINGLE);
    case '#':
        return SbxDataType(SbxDOUBLE);
    case '@':
        return SbxDataType(SbxCURRENCY);
    case '$':
        return SbxDataType(SbxSTRING);
        return SbxDataType(SbxVARIANT);

// reading the next symbol into the variables aSym, nVal and eType
// return value is sal_False at EOF or errors
#define BUF_SIZE 80

void SbiScanner::scanAlphanumeric()
    sal_Int32 n = nCol;
    while(nCol < aLine.getLength() && (theBasicCharClass::get().isAlphaNumeric(aLine[nCol], bCompatible) || aLine[nCol] == '_'))
    aSym = aLine.copy(n, nCol - n);

void SbiScanner::scanGoto()
    sal_Int32 n = nCol;
    while(n < aLine.getLength() && theBasicCharClass::get().isWhitespace(aLine[n]))

    if(n + 1 < aLine.getLength())
        OUString aTemp = aLine.copy(n, 2);
            aSym = "goto";
            pLine += n + 2 - nCol;
            nCol = n + 2;

bool SbiScanner::readLine()
    if(nBufPos >= aBuf.getLength())
        return false;

    sal_Int32 n = nBufPos;
    sal_Int32 nLen = aBuf.getLength();

    while(n < nLen && aBuf[n] != '\r' && aBuf[n] != '\n')

    // Trim trailing whitespace
    sal_Int32 nEnd = n;
    while(nBufPos < nEnd && theBasicCharClass::get().isWhitespace(aBuf[nEnd - 1]))

    aLine = aBuf.copy(nBufPos, nEnd - nBufPos);

    // Fast-forward past the line ending
    if(n + 1 < nLen && aBuf[n] == '\r' && aBuf[n + 1] == '\n')
        n += 2;
    else if(n < nLen)

    nBufPos = n;
    pLine = aLine.getStr();

    nCol = nCol1 = nCol2 = 0;
    nColLock = 0;

    return true;

bool SbiScanner::NextSym()
    // memorize for the EOLN-case
    sal_Int32 nOldLine = nLine;
    sal_Int32 nOldCol1 = nCol1;
    sal_Int32 nOldCol2 = nCol2;
    sal_Unicode buf[ BUF_SIZE ], *p = buf;

    eScanType = SbxVARIANT;
    aSym = "";
    bHash = bSymbol = bNumber = bSpaces = false;

    // read in line?
    if( !pLine )
            return false;

        nOldLine = nLine;
        nOldCol1 = nOldCol2 = 0;

    if(nCol < aLine.getLength() && theBasicCharClass::get().isWhitespace(aLine[nCol]))
        bSpaces = true;
        while(nCol < aLine.getLength() && theBasicCharClass::get().isWhitespace(aLine[nCol]))
            ++pLine, ++nCol;

    nCol1 = nCol;

    // only blank line?
    if(nCol >= aLine.getLength())
        goto eoln;

    if( bPrevLineExtentsComment )
        goto PrevLineCommentLbl;

    if(nCol < aLine.getLength() && aLine[nCol] == '#')
        bHash = true;

    // copy character if symbol
    if(nCol < aLine.getLength() && (theBasicCharClass::get().isAlpha(aLine[nCol], bCompatible) || aLine[nCol] == '_'))
        // if there's nothing behind '_' , it's the end of a line!
        if(nCol + 1 == aLine.getLength() && aLine[nCol] == '_')
            // Note that nCol is not incremented here...
            goto eoln;

        bSymbol = true;


        // Special handling for "go to"
        if(nCol < aLine.getLength() && bCompatible && aSym.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("go"))

        // replace closing '_' by space when end of line is following
        // (wrong line continuation otherwise)
        if(nCol == aLine.getLength() && aLine[nCol - 1] == '_' )
            // We are going to modify a potentially shared string, so force
            // a copy, so that aSym is not modified by the following operation
            OUString aSymCopy( aSym.getStr(), aSym.getLength() );
            aSym = aSymCopy;

            // HACK: modifying a potentially shared string here!
            *((sal_Unicode*)(pLine-1)) = ' ';

        // type recognition?
        // don't test the exclamation mark
        // if there's a symbol behind it
        else if((nCol >= aLine.getLength() || aLine[nCol] != '!') ||
                (nCol + 1 >= aLine.getLength() || !theBasicCharClass::get().isAlpha(aLine[nCol + 1], bCompatible)))
            if(nCol < aLine.getLength())
                SbxDataType t(GetSuffixType(aLine[nCol]));
                if( t != SbxVARIANT )
                    eScanType = t;

    // read in and convert if number
    else if((nCol < aLine.getLength() && theBasicCharClass::get().isDigit(aLine[nCol] & 0xFF)) ||
            (nCol + 1 < aLine.getLength() && aLine[nCol] == '.' && theBasicCharClass::get().isDigit(aLine[nCol + 1] & 0xFF)))
        short exp = 0;
        short dec = 0;
        eScanType = SbxDOUBLE;
        bool bScanError = false;
        bool bBufOverflow = false;
        // All this because of 'D' or 'd' floating point type, sigh..
        while(!bScanError && nCol < aLine.getLength() && strchr("0123456789.DEde", aLine[nCol]))
            // from 4.1.1996: buffer full? -> go on scanning empty
            if( (p-buf) == (BUF_SIZE-1) )
                bBufOverflow = true;
                ++pLine, ++nCol;
            // point or exponent?
            if(aLine[nCol] == '.')
                if( ++dec > 1 )
                    bScanError = true;
                    *p++ = '.';
            else if(strchr("DdEe", aLine[nCol]))
                if (++exp > 1)
                    bScanError = true;
                    *p++ = 'E';
                    if (nCol + 1 < aLine.getLength() && (aLine[nCol+1] == '+' || aLine[nCol+1] == '-'))
                        ++pLine, ++nCol;
                        if( (p-buf) == (BUF_SIZE-1) )
                            bBufOverflow = true;
                        *p++ = aLine[nCol];
                *p++ = aLine[nCol];
            ++pLine, ++nCol;
        *p = 0;
        aSym = p; bNumber = true;

        // For bad characters, scan and parse errors generate only one error.
        SbError nError = 0;
        if (bScanError)
            --pLine, --nCol;
            aError = OUString( aLine[nCol]);
            nError = SbERR_BAD_CHAR_IN_NUMBER;

        rtl_math_ConversionStatus eStatus = rtl_math_ConversionStatus_Ok;
        const sal_Unicode* pParseEnd = buf;
        nVal = rtl_math_uStringToDouble( buf, buf+(p-buf), '.', ',', &eStatus, &pParseEnd );
        if (pParseEnd != buf+(p-buf))
            // e.g. "12e" or "12e+", or with bScanError "12d"+"E".
            sal_Int32 nChars = buf+(p-buf) - pParseEnd;
            pLine -= nChars;
            nCol -= nChars;
            // For bScanError, pLine and nCol were already decremented, just
            // add that character to the parse end.
            if (bScanError)
            // Copy error position from original string, not the buffer
            // replacement where "12dE" => "12EE".
            aError = aLine.copy( nCol, nChars);
            nError = SbERR_BAD_CHAR_IN_NUMBER;
        else if (eStatus != rtl_math_ConversionStatus_Ok)
            // Keep the scan error and character at position, if any.
            if (!nError)
                nError = SbERR_MATH_OVERFLOW;

        if (nError)
            GenError( nError );

        if( !dec && !exp )
            if( nVal >= SbxMININT && nVal <= SbxMAXINT )
                eScanType = SbxINTEGER;
            else if( nVal >= SbxMINLNG && nVal <= SbxMAXLNG )
                    eScanType = SbxLONG;

        if( bBufOverflow )
            GenError( SbERR_MATH_OVERFLOW );

        // type recognition?
        if( nCol < aLine.getLength() )
            SbxDataType t(GetSuffixType(aLine[nCol]));
            if( t != SbxVARIANT )
                eScanType = t;

    // Hex/octal number? Read in and convert:
    else if(nCol < aLine.getLength() && aLine[nCol] == '&')
        ++pLine; ++nCol;
        sal_Unicode cmp1[] = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F', 0 };
        sal_Unicode cmp2[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', 0 };
        sal_Unicode *cmp = cmp1;
        sal_Unicode base = 16;
        sal_Unicode ndig = 8;
        sal_Unicode xch  = aLine[nCol] & 0xFF;
        ++pLine; ++nCol;
        switch( toupper( xch ) )
            case 'O':
                cmp = cmp2; base = 8; ndig = 11; break;
            case 'H':
            default :
                // treated as an operator
                --pLine; --nCol; nCol1 = nCol-1;
                aSym = "&";
                return true;
        bNumber = true;
        // Hex literals are signed Integers ( as defined by basic
        // e.g. -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647 (signed)
        sal_Int32 l = 0;
        int i;
        bool bBufOverflow = false;
        while(nCol < aLine.getLength() &&  theBasicCharClass::get().isAlphaNumeric(aLine[nCol] & 0xFF, bCompatible))
            sal_Unicode ch = sal::static_int_cast< sal_Unicode >(
                toupper(aLine[nCol] & 0xFF));
            ++pLine; ++nCol;
            // from 4.1.1996: buffer full, go on scanning empty
            if( (p-buf) == (BUF_SIZE-1) )
                bBufOverflow = true;
            else if( OUString( cmp ).indexOf( ch ) != -1 )
                *p++ = ch;
                aError = OUString(ch);
                GenError( SbERR_BAD_CHAR_IN_NUMBER );
        *p = 0;
        for( p = buf; *p; ++p )
            i = (*p & 0xFF) - '0';
            if( i > 9 ) i -= 7;
            l = ( l * base ) + i;
            if( !ndig-- )
                GenError( SbERR_MATH_OVERFLOW ); break;
        if(nCol < aLine.getLength() && aLine[nCol] == '&') ++pLine, ++nCol;
        nVal = (double) l;
        eScanType = ( l >= SbxMININT && l <= SbxMAXINT ) ? SbxINTEGER : SbxLONG;
        if( bBufOverflow )
            GenError( SbERR_MATH_OVERFLOW );

    // Strings:
    else if( *pLine == '"' || *pLine == '[' )
        sal_Unicode cSep = *pLine;
        if( cSep == '[' )
            bSymbol = true, cSep = ']';
        sal_Int32 n = nCol + 1;
        while( *pLine )
            do pLine++, nCol++;
            while( *pLine && ( *pLine != cSep ) );
            if( *pLine == cSep )
                pLine++; nCol++;
                if( *pLine != cSep || cSep == ']' ) break;
            } else aError = OUString(cSep), GenError( SbERR_EXPECTED );
        // If VBA Interop then doen't eat the [] chars
        if ( cSep == ']' && bVBASupportOn )
            aSym = aLine.copy( n - 1, nCol - n  + 1);
            aSym = aLine.copy( n, nCol - n - 1 );
        // get out duplicate string delimiters
        OUStringBuffer aSymBuf;
        for ( sal_Int32 i = 0, len = aSym.getLength(); i < len; ++i )
            aSymBuf.append( aSym[i] );
            if ( aSym[i] == cSep && ( i+1 < len ) && aSym[i+1] == cSep )
        aSym = aSymBuf.makeStringAndClear();
        if( cSep != ']' )
            eScanType = ( cSep == '#' ) ? SbxDATE : SbxSTRING;
    // invalid characters:
    else if( ( *pLine & 0xFF ) >= 0x7F )
        GenError( SbERR_SYNTAX ); pLine++; nCol++;
    // other groups:
        sal_Int32 n = 1;
        switch( *pLine++ )
            case '<': if( *pLine == '>' || *pLine == '=' ) n = 2; break;
            case '>': if( *pLine == '=' ) n = 2; break;
            case ':': if( *pLine == '=' ) n = 2; break;
        aSym = aLine.copy( nCol, n );
        pLine += n-1; nCol = nCol + n;

    nCol2 = nCol-1;


    if( bPrevLineExtentsComment || (eScanType != SbxSTRING &&
                                    ( aSym.startsWith("'") || aSym.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( "REM" ) ) ) )
        bPrevLineExtentsComment = false;
        aSym = "REM";
        sal_Int32 nLen = rtl_ustr_getLength(pLine);
        if( bCompatible && pLine[ nLen - 1 ] == '_' && pLine[ nLen - 2 ] == ' ' )
            bPrevLineExtentsComment = true;
        nCol2 = nCol2 + nLen;
        pLine = NULL;
    return true;

    if( nCol && *--pLine == '_' )
        pLine = NULL;
        bool bRes = NextSym();
        if( bVBASupportOn && aSym[0] == '.' )
            // object _
            //    .Method
            // ^^^  <- spaces is legal in MSO VBA
            OSL_TRACE("*** resetting bSpaces***");
            bSpaces = false;
        return bRes;
        pLine = NULL;
        nLine = nOldLine;
        nCol1 = nOldCol1;
        nCol2 = nOldCol2;
        aSym = "\n";
        nColLock = 0;
        return true;

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