/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: rtlproto.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.13 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-01-28 16:08:55 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include "sbstar.hxx" #include "macfix.hxx" #define RTLFUNC( name ) void SbRtl_##name( StarBASIC* pBasic, SbxArray& rPar, BOOL bWrite ) #define RTLNAME( name ) MEMBER(SbRtl_##name) typedef void( *RtlCall ) ( StarBASIC* p, SbxArray& rArgs, BOOL bWrite ); // Properties extern RTLFUNC(Date); extern RTLFUNC(Err); extern RTLFUNC(Erl); extern RTLFUNC(False); extern RTLFUNC(Nothing); extern RTLFUNC(Null); extern RTLFUNC(True); extern RTLFUNC(ATTR_NORMAL); extern RTLFUNC(ATTR_READONLY); extern RTLFUNC(ATTR_HIDDEN); extern RTLFUNC(ATTR_SYSTEM); extern RTLFUNC(ATTR_VOLUME); extern RTLFUNC(ATTR_DIRECTORY); extern RTLFUNC(ATTR_ARCHIVE); extern RTLFUNC(V_EMPTY); extern RTLFUNC(V_NULL); extern RTLFUNC(V_INTEGER); extern RTLFUNC(V_LONG); extern RTLFUNC(V_SINGLE); extern RTLFUNC(V_DOUBLE); extern RTLFUNC(V_CURRENCY); extern RTLFUNC(V_DATE); extern RTLFUNC(V_STRING); extern RTLFUNC(MB_OK); extern RTLFUNC(MB_OKCANCEL); extern RTLFUNC(MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE); extern RTLFUNC(MB_YESNOCANCEL); extern RTLFUNC(MB_YESNO); extern RTLFUNC(MB_RETRYCANCEL); extern RTLFUNC(MB_ICONSTOP); extern RTLFUNC(MB_ICONQUESTION); extern RTLFUNC(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); extern RTLFUNC(MB_ICONINFORMATION); extern RTLFUNC(MB_DEFBUTTON1); extern RTLFUNC(MB_DEFBUTTON2); extern RTLFUNC(MB_DEFBUTTON3); extern RTLFUNC(MB_APPLMODAL); extern RTLFUNC(MB_SYSTEMMODAL); extern RTLFUNC(IDOK); extern RTLFUNC(IDCANCEL); extern RTLFUNC(IDABORT); extern RTLFUNC(IDRETRY); extern RTLFUNC(IDYES); extern RTLFUNC(IDNO); extern RTLFUNC(CF_TEXT); extern RTLFUNC(CF_BITMAP); extern RTLFUNC(CF_METAFILEPICT); extern RTLFUNC(PI); extern RTLFUNC(SET_OFF); extern RTLFUNC(SET_ON); extern RTLFUNC(TOGGLE); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_AUTHORFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_CHAPTERFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_CONDTXTFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_DATEFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_DBFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_DBNAMEFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_DBNEXTSETFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_DBNUMSETFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_DBSETNUMBERFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_DDEFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_DOCINFOFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_DOCSTATFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_EXTUSERFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_FILENAMEFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_FIXDATEFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_FIXTIMEFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_FORMELFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_GETFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_GETREFFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_HIDDENPARAFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_HIDDENTXTFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_INPUTFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_MACROFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_NEXTPAGEFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_PAGENUMBERFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_POSTITFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_PREVPAGEFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_SEQFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_SETFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_SETINPFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_SETREFFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_TEMPLNAMEFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_TIMEFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_USERFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_USRINPFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_SETREFPAGEFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_GETREFPAGEFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_INTERNETFLD); extern RTLFUNC(TYP_JUMPEDITFLD); extern RTLFUNC(FRAMEANCHORPAGE); extern RTLFUNC(FRAMEANCHORPARA); extern RTLFUNC(FRAMEANCHORCHAR); extern RTLFUNC(CLEAR_ALLTABS); extern RTLFUNC(CLEAR_TAB); extern RTLFUNC(SET_TAB); extern RTLFUNC(LINEPROP); extern RTLFUNC(LINE_1); extern RTLFUNC(LINE_15); extern RTLFUNC(LINE_2); // Methoden extern RTLFUNC(CreateObject); extern RTLFUNC(Error); extern RTLFUNC(Sin); extern RTLFUNC(Abs); extern RTLFUNC(Asc); extern RTLFUNC(Atn); extern RTLFUNC(Chr); extern RTLFUNC(Cos); extern RTLFUNC(CurDir); extern RTLFUNC(ChDir); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(ChDrive); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(FileCopy); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(Kill); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(MkDir); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(RmDir); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(SendKeys); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(DimArray); extern RTLFUNC(Dir); extern RTLFUNC(Exp); extern RTLFUNC(FileLen); extern RTLFUNC(Fix); extern RTLFUNC(Hex); extern RTLFUNC(Input); extern RTLFUNC(InStr); extern RTLFUNC(InStrRev); extern RTLFUNC(Int); extern RTLFUNC(Join); extern RTLFUNC(LCase); extern RTLFUNC(Left); extern RTLFUNC(Log); extern RTLFUNC(LTrim); extern RTLFUNC(Mid); extern RTLFUNC(Oct); extern RTLFUNC(Right); extern RTLFUNC(RTrim); extern RTLFUNC(RTL); extern RTLFUNC(Sgn); extern RTLFUNC(Space); extern RTLFUNC(Split); extern RTLFUNC(Sqr); extern RTLFUNC(Str); extern RTLFUNC(StrComp); extern RTLFUNC(String); extern RTLFUNC(StrReverse); extern RTLFUNC(Tan); extern RTLFUNC(UCase); extern RTLFUNC(Val); extern RTLFUNC(Len); extern RTLFUNC(Spc); extern RTLFUNC(DateSerial); extern RTLFUNC(TimeSerial); extern RTLFUNC(DateValue); extern RTLFUNC(TimeValue); extern RTLFUNC(Day); extern RTLFUNC(Hour); extern RTLFUNC(Minute); extern RTLFUNC(Month); extern RTLFUNC(MonthName); extern RTLFUNC(Now); extern RTLFUNC(Second); extern RTLFUNC(Time); extern RTLFUNC(Timer); extern RTLFUNC(Weekday); extern RTLFUNC(WeekdayName); extern RTLFUNC(Year); extern RTLFUNC(Date); extern RTLFUNC(InputBox); extern RTLFUNC(Me); extern RTLFUNC(MsgBox); extern RTLFUNC(IsArray); extern RTLFUNC(IsDate); extern RTLFUNC(IsEmpty); extern RTLFUNC(IsError); extern RTLFUNC(IsNull); extern RTLFUNC(IsNumeric); extern RTLFUNC(IsObject); extern RTLFUNC(IsUnoStruct); extern RTLFUNC(FileDateTime); extern RTLFUNC(Format); extern RTLFUNC(GetAttr); extern RTLFUNC(Randomize); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(Round); extern RTLFUNC(Rnd); extern RTLFUNC(Shell); extern RTLFUNC(VarType); extern RTLFUNC(TypeName); extern RTLFUNC(TypeLen); extern RTLFUNC(EOF); extern RTLFUNC(FileAttr); extern RTLFUNC(Loc); extern RTLFUNC(Lof); extern RTLFUNC(Seek); extern RTLFUNC(SetAttr); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(Reset); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(DDEInitiate); extern RTLFUNC(DDETerminate); extern RTLFUNC(DDETerminateAll); extern RTLFUNC(DDERequest); extern RTLFUNC(DDEExecute); extern RTLFUNC(DDEPoke); extern RTLFUNC(FreeFile); extern RTLFUNC(IsMissing); extern RTLFUNC(LBound); extern RTLFUNC(UBound); extern RTLFUNC(RGB); extern RTLFUNC(QBColor); extern RTLFUNC(StrConv); extern RTLFUNC(Beep); extern RTLFUNC(Load); extern RTLFUNC(Unload); extern RTLFUNC(AboutStarBasic); extern RTLFUNC(LoadPicture); extern RTLFUNC(SavePicture); extern RTLFUNC(CBool); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(CByte); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(CCur); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(CDate); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(CDbl); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(CInt); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(CLng); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(CSng); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(CStr); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(CVar); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(CVErr); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(Iif); // JSM extern RTLFUNC(DumpAllObjects); extern RTLFUNC(GetSystemType); extern RTLFUNC(GetGUIType); extern RTLFUNC(Red); extern RTLFUNC(Green); extern RTLFUNC(Blue); extern RTLFUNC(Switch); extern RTLFUNC(Wait); extern RTLFUNC(GetGUIVersion); extern RTLFUNC(Choose); extern RTLFUNC(Trim); extern RTLFUNC(DateAdd); extern RTLFUNC(DateDiff); extern RTLFUNC(DatePart); extern RTLFUNC(FormatDateTime); extern RTLFUNC(GetSolarVersion); extern RTLFUNC(TwipsPerPixelX); extern RTLFUNC(TwipsPerPixelY); extern RTLFUNC(FreeLibrary); extern RTLFUNC(Array); extern RTLFUNC(FindObject); extern RTLFUNC(FindPropertyObject); extern RTLFUNC(EnableReschedule); extern RTLFUNC(Put); extern RTLFUNC(Get); extern RTLFUNC(Environ); extern RTLFUNC(GetDialogZoomFactorX); extern RTLFUNC(GetDialogZoomFactorY); extern RTLFUNC(GetSystemTicks); extern RTLFUNC(GetPathSeparator); extern RTLFUNC(ResolvePath); extern RTLFUNC(CreateUnoStruct); extern RTLFUNC(CreateUnoService); extern RTLFUNC(CreateUnoValue); extern RTLFUNC(GetProcessServiceManager); extern RTLFUNC(GetDefaultContext); extern RTLFUNC(CreatePropertySet); extern RTLFUNC(CreateUnoListener); extern RTLFUNC(HasUnoInterfaces); extern RTLFUNC(EqualUnoObjects); extern RTLFUNC(CreateUnoDialog); extern RTLFUNC(GlobalScope); extern RTLFUNC(FileExists); extern RTLFUNC(ConvertToUrl); extern RTLFUNC(ConvertFromUrl); extern RTLFUNC(CDateToIso); extern RTLFUNC(CDateFromIso); extern RTLFUNC(CompatibilityMode); extern RTLFUNC(CDec);