/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include "errobject.hxx" #include "runtime.hxx" #include "sbintern.hxx" #include "iosys.hxx" #include #include #include "sbunoobj.hxx" #include "image.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include Reference< XInterface > createComListener( const Any& aControlAny, const OUString& aVBAType, const OUString& aPrefix, SbxObjectRef xScopeObj ); #include #include // for a patch forward declaring these methods below makes sense // but, #FIXME lets really just move the methods to the top static void lcl_clearImpl( SbxVariableRef& refVar, SbxDataType& eType ); static void lcl_eraseImpl( SbxVariableRef& refVar, bool bVBAEnabled ); SbxVariable* getDefaultProp( SbxVariable* pRef ); void SbiRuntime::StepNOP() {} void SbiRuntime::StepArith( SbxOperator eOp ) { SbxVariableRef p1 = PopVar(); TOSMakeTemp(); SbxVariable* p2 = GetTOS(); p2->ResetFlag( SBX_FIXED ); p2->Compute( eOp, *p1 ); checkArithmeticOverflow( p2 ); } void SbiRuntime::StepUnary( SbxOperator eOp ) { TOSMakeTemp(); SbxVariable* p = GetTOS(); p->Compute( eOp, *p ); } void SbiRuntime::StepCompare( SbxOperator eOp ) { SbxVariableRef p1 = PopVar(); SbxVariableRef p2 = PopVar(); // Make sure objects with default params have // values ( and type ) set as appropriate SbxDataType p1Type = p1->GetType(); SbxDataType p2Type = p2->GetType(); if ( p1Type == SbxEMPTY ) { p1->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED ); p1Type = p1->GetType(); } if ( p2Type == SbxEMPTY ) { p2->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED ); p2Type = p2->GetType(); } if ( p1Type == p2Type ) { // if both sides are an object and have default props // then we need to use the default props // we don't need to worry if only one side ( lhs, rhs ) is an // object ( object side will get coerced to correct type in // Compare ) if ( p1Type == SbxOBJECT ) { SbxVariable* pDflt = getDefaultProp( p1 ); if ( pDflt ) { p1 = pDflt; p1->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED ); } pDflt = getDefaultProp( p2 ); if ( pDflt ) { p2 = pDflt; p2->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED ); } } } static SbxVariable* pTRUE = NULL; static SbxVariable* pFALSE = NULL; static SbxVariable* pNULL = NULL; // why do this on non-windows ? // why do this at all ? // I dumbly follow the pattern :-/ if ( bVBAEnabled && ( p1->IsNull() || p2->IsNull() ) ) { if( !pNULL ) { pNULL = new SbxVariable; pNULL->PutNull(); pNULL->AddRef(); } PushVar( pNULL ); } else if( p2->Compare( eOp, *p1 ) ) { if( !pTRUE ) { pTRUE = new SbxVariable; pTRUE->PutBool( sal_True ); pTRUE->AddRef(); } PushVar( pTRUE ); } else { if( !pFALSE ) { pFALSE = new SbxVariable; pFALSE->PutBool( sal_False ); pFALSE->AddRef(); } PushVar( pFALSE ); } } void SbiRuntime::StepEXP() { StepArith( SbxEXP ); } void SbiRuntime::StepMUL() { StepArith( SbxMUL ); } void SbiRuntime::StepDIV() { StepArith( SbxDIV ); } void SbiRuntime::StepIDIV() { StepArith( SbxIDIV ); } void SbiRuntime::StepMOD() { StepArith( SbxMOD ); } void SbiRuntime::StepPLUS() { StepArith( SbxPLUS ); } void SbiRuntime::StepMINUS() { StepArith( SbxMINUS ); } void SbiRuntime::StepCAT() { StepArith( SbxCAT ); } void SbiRuntime::StepAND() { StepArith( SbxAND ); } void SbiRuntime::StepOR() { StepArith( SbxOR ); } void SbiRuntime::StepXOR() { StepArith( SbxXOR ); } void SbiRuntime::StepEQV() { StepArith( SbxEQV ); } void SbiRuntime::StepIMP() { StepArith( SbxIMP ); } void SbiRuntime::StepNEG() { StepUnary( SbxNEG ); } void SbiRuntime::StepNOT() { StepUnary( SbxNOT ); } void SbiRuntime::StepEQ() { StepCompare( SbxEQ ); } void SbiRuntime::StepNE() { StepCompare( SbxNE ); } void SbiRuntime::StepLT() { StepCompare( SbxLT ); } void SbiRuntime::StepGT() { StepCompare( SbxGT ); } void SbiRuntime::StepLE() { StepCompare( SbxLE ); } void SbiRuntime::StepGE() { StepCompare( SbxGE ); } namespace { bool NeedEsc(sal_Unicode cCode) { if((cCode & 0xFF80)) { return false; } switch((sal_uInt8)(cCode & 0x07F)) { case '.': case '^': case '$': case '+': case '\\': case '|': case '{': case '}': case '(': case ')': return true; default: return false; } } OUString VBALikeToRegexp(const OUString &rIn) { OUStringBuffer sResult; const sal_Unicode *start = rIn.getStr(); const sal_Unicode *end = start + rIn.getLength(); int seenright = 0; sResult.append('^'); while (start < end) { switch (*start) { case '?': sResult.append('.'); start++; break; case '*': sResult.append(".*"); start++; break; case '#': sResult.append("[0-9]"); start++; break; case ']': sResult.append('\\'); sResult.append(*start++); break; case '[': sResult.append(*start++); seenright = 0; while (start < end && !seenright) { switch (*start) { case '[': case '?': case '*': sResult.append('\\'); sResult.append(*start); break; case ']': sResult.append(*start); seenright = 1; break; case '!': sResult.append('^'); break; default: if (NeedEsc(*start)) { sResult.append('\\'); } sResult.append(*start); break; } start++; } break; default: if (NeedEsc(*start)) { sResult.append('\\'); } sResult.append(*start++); } } sResult.append('$'); return sResult.makeStringAndClear(); } } void SbiRuntime::StepLIKE() { SbxVariableRef refVar1 = PopVar(); SbxVariableRef refVar2 = PopVar(); OUString pattern = VBALikeToRegexp(refVar1->GetOUString()); OUString value = refVar2->GetOUString(); com::sun::star::util::SearchOptions aSearchOpt; aSearchOpt.algorithmType = com::sun::star::util::SearchAlgorithms_REGEXP; aSearchOpt.Locale = Application::GetSettings().GetLocale(); aSearchOpt.searchString = pattern; int bTextMode(1); bool bCompatibility = ( GetSbData()->pInst && GetSbData()->pInst->IsCompatibility() ); if( bCompatibility ) { bTextMode = GetImageFlag( SBIMG_COMPARETEXT ); } if( bTextMode ) { aSearchOpt.transliterateFlags |= com::sun::star::i18n::TransliterationModules_IGNORE_CASE; } SbxVariable* pRes = new SbxVariable; utl::TextSearch aSearch(aSearchOpt); sal_uInt16 nStart=0, nEnd=value.getLength(); int bRes = aSearch.SearchFrwrd(value, &nStart, &nEnd); pRes->PutBool( bRes != 0 ); PushVar( pRes ); } // TOS and TOS-1 are both object variables and contain the same pointer void SbiRuntime::StepIS() { SbxVariableRef refVar1 = PopVar(); SbxVariableRef refVar2 = PopVar(); SbxDataType eType1 = refVar1->GetType(); SbxDataType eType2 = refVar2->GetType(); if ( eType1 == SbxEMPTY ) { refVar1->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED ); eType1 = refVar1->GetType(); } if ( eType2 == SbxEMPTY ) { refVar2->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED ); eType2 = refVar2->GetType(); } sal_Bool bRes = sal_Bool( eType1 == SbxOBJECT && eType2 == SbxOBJECT ); if ( bVBAEnabled && !bRes ) { Error( SbERR_INVALID_USAGE_OBJECT ); } bRes = ( bRes && refVar1->GetObject() == refVar2->GetObject() ); SbxVariable* pRes = new SbxVariable; pRes->PutBool( bRes ); PushVar( pRes ); } // update the value of TOS void SbiRuntime::StepGET() { SbxVariable* p = GetTOS(); p->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED ); } // #67607 copy Uno-Structs inline bool checkUnoStructCopy( bool bVBA, SbxVariableRef& refVal, SbxVariableRef& refVar ) { SbxDataType eVarType = refVar->GetType(); SbxDataType eValType = refVal->GetType(); if ( !( !bVBA|| ( bVBA && refVar->GetType() != SbxEMPTY ) ) || !refVar->CanWrite() ) return false; if ( eValType != SbxOBJECT ) return false; // we seem to be duplicating parts of SbxValue=operator, maybe we should just move this to // there :-/ not sure if for every '=' we would want struct handling if( eVarType != SbxOBJECT ) { if ( refVar->IsFixed() ) return false; } // #115826: Exclude ProcedureProperties to avoid call to Property Get procedure else if( refVar->ISA(SbProcedureProperty) ) return false; SbxObjectRef xValObj = (SbxObject*)refVal->GetObject(); if( !xValObj.Is() || xValObj->ISA(SbUnoAnyObject) ) return false; SbUnoObject* pUnoVal = PTR_CAST(SbUnoObject,(SbxObject*)xValObj); SbUnoStructRefObject* pUnoStructVal = PTR_CAST(SbUnoStructRefObject,(SbxObject*)xValObj); Any aAny; // make doubly sure value is either an Uno object or // an uno struct if ( pUnoVal || pUnoStructVal ) aAny = pUnoVal ? pUnoVal->getUnoAny() : pUnoStructVal->getUnoAny(); else return false; if ( aAny.getValueType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass_STRUCT ) { refVar->SetType( SbxOBJECT ); SbxObjectRef xVarObj = (SbxObject*)refVar->GetObject(); SbUnoStructRefObject* pUnoStructObj = PTR_CAST(SbUnoStructRefObject,(SbxObject*)xVarObj); if ( ( !pUnoVal && !pUnoStructVal ) ) return false; OUString sClassName = pUnoVal ? pUnoVal->GetClassName() : pUnoStructVal->GetClassName(); OUString sName = pUnoVal ? pUnoVal->GetName() : pUnoStructVal->GetName(); if ( pUnoStructObj ) { StructRefInfo aInfo = pUnoStructObj->getStructInfo(); aInfo.setValue( aAny ); } else { SbUnoObject* pNewUnoObj = new SbUnoObject( sName, aAny ); // #70324: adopt ClassName pNewUnoObj->SetClassName( sClassName ); refVar->PutObject( pNewUnoObj ); } return true; } return false; } // laying down TOS in TOS-1 void SbiRuntime::StepPUT() { SbxVariableRef refVal = PopVar(); SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar(); // store on its own method (inside a function)? bool bFlagsChanged = false; sal_uInt16 n = 0; if( (SbxVariable*) refVar == (SbxVariable*) pMeth ) { bFlagsChanged = true; n = refVar->GetFlags(); refVar->SetFlag( SBX_WRITE ); } // if left side arg is an object or variant and right handside isn't // either an object or a variant then try and see if a default // property exists. // to use e.g. Range{"A1") = 34 // could equate to Range("A1").Value = 34 if ( bVBAEnabled ) { if ( refVar->GetType() == SbxOBJECT ) { SbxVariable* pDflt = getDefaultProp( refVar ); if ( pDflt ) refVar = pDflt; } if ( refVal->GetType() == SbxOBJECT ) { SbxVariable* pDflt = getDefaultProp( refVal ); if ( pDflt ) refVal = pDflt; } } if ( !checkUnoStructCopy( bVBAEnabled, refVal, refVar ) ) *refVar = *refVal; if( bFlagsChanged ) refVar->SetFlags( n ); } // VBA Dim As New behavior handling, save init object information struct DimAsNewRecoverItem { OUString m_aObjClass; OUString m_aObjName; SbxObject* m_pObjParent; SbModule* m_pClassModule; DimAsNewRecoverItem( void ) : m_pObjParent( NULL ) , m_pClassModule( NULL ) {} DimAsNewRecoverItem( const OUString& rObjClass, const OUString& rObjName, SbxObject* pObjParent, SbModule* pClassModule ) : m_aObjClass( rObjClass ) , m_aObjName( rObjName ) , m_pObjParent( pObjParent ) , m_pClassModule( pClassModule ) {} }; struct SbxVariablePtrHash { size_t operator()( SbxVariable* pVar ) const { return (size_t)pVar; } }; typedef boost::unordered_map< SbxVariable*, DimAsNewRecoverItem, SbxVariablePtrHash > DimAsNewRecoverHash; class GaDimAsNewRecoverHash : public rtl::Static {}; void removeDimAsNewRecoverItem( SbxVariable* pVar ) { DimAsNewRecoverHash &rDimAsNewRecoverHash = GaDimAsNewRecoverHash::get(); DimAsNewRecoverHash::iterator it = rDimAsNewRecoverHash.find( pVar ); if( it != rDimAsNewRecoverHash.end() ) { rDimAsNewRecoverHash.erase( it ); } } // saving object variable // not-object variables will cause errors static const char pCollectionStr[] = "Collection"; void SbiRuntime::StepSET_Impl( SbxVariableRef& refVal, SbxVariableRef& refVar, bool bHandleDefaultProp ) { // #67733 types with array-flag are OK too // Check var, !object is no error for sure if, only if type is fixed SbxDataType eVarType = refVar->GetType(); if( !bHandleDefaultProp && eVarType != SbxOBJECT && !(eVarType & SbxARRAY) && refVar->IsFixed() ) { Error( SbERR_INVALID_USAGE_OBJECT ); return; } // Check value, !object is no error for sure if, only if type is fixed SbxDataType eValType = refVal->GetType(); if( !bHandleDefaultProp && eValType != SbxOBJECT && !(eValType & SbxARRAY) && refVal->IsFixed() ) { Error( SbERR_INVALID_USAGE_OBJECT ); return; } // Getting in here causes problems with objects with default properties // if they are SbxEMPTY I guess if ( !bHandleDefaultProp || ( bHandleDefaultProp && eValType == SbxOBJECT ) ) { // activate GetOject for collections on refVal SbxBase* pObjVarObj = refVal->GetObject(); if( pObjVarObj ) { SbxVariableRef refObjVal = PTR_CAST(SbxObject,pObjVarObj); if( refObjVal ) { refVal = refObjVal; } else if( !(eValType & SbxARRAY) ) { refVal = NULL; } } } // #52896 refVal can be invalid here, if uno-sequences - or more // general arrays - are assigned to variables that are declared // as an object! if( !refVal ) { Error( SbERR_INVALID_USAGE_OBJECT ); } else { bool bFlagsChanged = false; sal_uInt16 n = 0; if( (SbxVariable*) refVar == (SbxVariable*) pMeth ) { bFlagsChanged = true; n = refVar->GetFlags(); refVar->SetFlag( SBX_WRITE ); } SbProcedureProperty* pProcProperty = PTR_CAST(SbProcedureProperty,(SbxVariable*)refVar); if( pProcProperty ) { pProcProperty->setSet( true ); } if ( bHandleDefaultProp ) { // get default properties for lhs & rhs where necessary // SbxVariable* defaultProp = NULL; unused variable bool bLHSHasDefaultProp = false; // LHS try determine if a default prop exists if ( refVar->GetType() == SbxOBJECT ) { SbxVariable* pDflt = getDefaultProp( refVar ); if ( pDflt ) { refVar = pDflt; bLHSHasDefaultProp = true; } } // RHS only get a default prop is the rhs has one if ( refVal->GetType() == SbxOBJECT ) { // check if lhs is a null object // if it is then use the object not the default property SbxObject* pObj = NULL; pObj = PTR_CAST(SbxObject,(SbxVariable*)refVar); // calling GetObject on a SbxEMPTY variable raises // object not set errors, make sure its an Object if ( !pObj && refVar->GetType() == SbxOBJECT ) { SbxBase* pObjVarObj = refVar->GetObject(); pObj = PTR_CAST(SbxObject,pObjVarObj); } SbxVariable* pDflt = NULL; if ( pObj || bLHSHasDefaultProp ) { // lhs is either a valid object || or has a defaultProp pDflt = getDefaultProp( refVal ); } if ( pDflt ) { refVal = pDflt; } } } // Handle Dim As New bool bDimAsNew = bVBAEnabled && refVar->IsSet( SBX_DIM_AS_NEW ); SbxBaseRef xPrevVarObj; if( bDimAsNew ) { xPrevVarObj = refVar->GetObject(); } // Handle withevents sal_Bool bWithEvents = refVar->IsSet( SBX_WITH_EVENTS ); if ( bWithEvents ) { Reference< XInterface > xComListener; SbxBase* pObj = refVal->GetObject(); SbUnoObject* pUnoObj = (pObj != NULL) ? PTR_CAST(SbUnoObject,pObj) : NULL; if( pUnoObj != NULL ) { Any aControlAny = pUnoObj->getUnoAny(); OUString aDeclareClassName = refVar->GetDeclareClassName(); OUString aVBAType = aDeclareClassName; OUString aPrefix = refVar->GetName(); SbxObjectRef xScopeObj = refVar->GetParent(); xComListener = createComListener( aControlAny, aVBAType, aPrefix, xScopeObj ); refVal->SetDeclareClassName( aDeclareClassName ); refVal->SetComListener( xComListener, &rBasic ); // Hold reference } } // lhs is a property who's value is currently (Empty e.g. no broadcast yet) // in this case if there is a default prop involved the value of the // default property may infact be void so the type will also be SbxEMPTY // in this case we do not want to call checkUnoStructCopy 'cause that will // cause an error also if ( !checkUnoStructCopy( bHandleDefaultProp, refVal, refVar ) ) { *refVar = *refVal; } if ( bDimAsNew ) { if( !refVar->ISA(SbxObject) ) { SbxBase* pValObjBase = refVal->GetObject(); if( pValObjBase == NULL ) { if( xPrevVarObj.Is() ) { // Object is overwritten with NULL, instantiate init object DimAsNewRecoverHash &rDimAsNewRecoverHash = GaDimAsNewRecoverHash::get(); DimAsNewRecoverHash::iterator it = rDimAsNewRecoverHash.find( refVar ); if( it != rDimAsNewRecoverHash.end() ) { const DimAsNewRecoverItem& rItem = it->second; if( rItem.m_pClassModule != NULL ) { SbClassModuleObject* pNewObj = new SbClassModuleObject( rItem.m_pClassModule ); pNewObj->SetName( rItem.m_aObjName ); pNewObj->SetParent( rItem.m_pObjParent ); refVar->PutObject( pNewObj ); } else if( rItem.m_aObjClass.equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( pCollectionStr ) ) { BasicCollection* pNewCollection = new BasicCollection( OUString(pCollectionStr) ); pNewCollection->SetName( rItem.m_aObjName ); pNewCollection->SetParent( rItem.m_pObjParent ); refVar->PutObject( pNewCollection ); } } } } else { // Does old value exist? bool bFirstInit = !xPrevVarObj.Is(); if( bFirstInit ) { // Store information to instantiate object later SbxObject* pValObj = PTR_CAST(SbxObject,pValObjBase); if( pValObj != NULL ) { OUString aObjClass = pValObj->GetClassName(); SbClassModuleObject* pClassModuleObj = PTR_CAST(SbClassModuleObject,pValObjBase); DimAsNewRecoverHash &rDimAsNewRecoverHash = GaDimAsNewRecoverHash::get(); if( pClassModuleObj != NULL ) { SbModule* pClassModule = pClassModuleObj->getClassModule(); rDimAsNewRecoverHash[refVar] = DimAsNewRecoverItem( aObjClass, pValObj->GetName(), pValObj->GetParent(), pClassModule ); } else if( aObjClass.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( "Collection" ) ) { rDimAsNewRecoverHash[refVar] = DimAsNewRecoverItem( aObjClass, pValObj->GetName(), pValObj->GetParent(), NULL ); } } } } } } if( bFlagsChanged ) { refVar->SetFlags( n ); } } } void SbiRuntime::StepSET() { SbxVariableRef refVal = PopVar(); SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar(); StepSET_Impl( refVal, refVar, bVBAEnabled ); // this is really assigment } void SbiRuntime::StepVBASET() { SbxVariableRef refVal = PopVar(); SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar(); // don't handle default property StepSET_Impl( refVal, refVar, false ); // set obj = something } void SbiRuntime::StepLSET() { SbxVariableRef refVal = PopVar(); SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar(); if( refVar->GetType() != SbxSTRING || refVal->GetType() != SbxSTRING ) { Error( SbERR_INVALID_USAGE_OBJECT ); } else { sal_uInt16 n = refVar->GetFlags(); if( (SbxVariable*) refVar == (SbxVariable*) pMeth ) { refVar->SetFlag( SBX_WRITE ); } OUString aRefVarString = refVar->GetOUString(); OUString aRefValString = refVal->GetOUString(); sal_Int32 nVarStrLen = aRefVarString.getLength(); sal_Int32 nValStrLen = aRefValString.getLength(); OUStringBuffer aNewStr; if( nVarStrLen > nValStrLen ) { aNewStr.append(aRefValString); comphelper::string::padToLength(aNewStr, nVarStrLen, ' '); } else { aNewStr = aRefValString.copy( 0, nVarStrLen ); } refVar->PutString(aNewStr.makeStringAndClear()); refVar->SetFlags( n ); } } void SbiRuntime::StepRSET() { SbxVariableRef refVal = PopVar(); SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar(); if( refVar->GetType() != SbxSTRING || refVal->GetType() != SbxSTRING ) { Error( SbERR_INVALID_USAGE_OBJECT ); } else { sal_uInt16 n = refVar->GetFlags(); if( (SbxVariable*) refVar == (SbxVariable*) pMeth ) { refVar->SetFlag( SBX_WRITE ); } OUString aRefVarString = refVar->GetOUString(); OUString aRefValString = refVal->GetOUString(); sal_Int32 nVarStrLen = aRefVarString.getLength(); sal_Int32 nValStrLen = aRefValString.getLength(); OUStringBuffer aNewStr(nVarStrLen); if (nVarStrLen > nValStrLen) { comphelper::string::padToLength(aNewStr, nVarStrLen - nValStrLen, ' '); aNewStr.append(aRefValString); } else { aNewStr.append(aRefValString.copy(0, nVarStrLen)); } refVar->PutString(aNewStr.makeStringAndClear()); refVar->SetFlags( n ); } } // laying down TOS in TOS-1, then set ReadOnly-Bit void SbiRuntime::StepPUTC() { SbxVariableRef refVal = PopVar(); SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar(); refVar->SetFlag( SBX_WRITE ); *refVar = *refVal; refVar->ResetFlag( SBX_WRITE ); refVar->SetFlag( SBX_CONST ); } // DIM // TOS = variable for the array with dimension information as parameter void SbiRuntime::StepDIM() { SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar(); DimImpl( refVar ); } // #56204 swap out DIM-functionality into a help method (step0.cxx) void SbiRuntime::DimImpl( SbxVariableRef refVar ) { // If refDim then this DIM statement is terminating a ReDIM and // previous StepERASE_CLEAR for an array, the following actions have // been delayed from ( StepERASE_CLEAR ) 'till here if ( refRedim ) { if ( !refRedimpArray ) // only erase the array not ReDim Preserve { lcl_eraseImpl( refVar, bVBAEnabled ); } SbxDataType eType = refVar->GetType(); lcl_clearImpl( refVar, eType ); refRedim = NULL; } SbxArray* pDims = refVar->GetParameters(); // must have an even number of arguments // have in mind that Arg[0] does not count! if( pDims && !( pDims->Count() & 1 ) ) { StarBASIC::FatalError( SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR ); } else { SbxDataType eType = refVar->IsFixed() ? refVar->GetType() : SbxVARIANT; SbxDimArray* pArray = new SbxDimArray( eType ); // allow arrays without dimension information, too (VB-compatible) if( pDims ) { refVar->ResetFlag( SBX_VAR_TO_DIM ); for( sal_uInt16 i = 1; i < pDims->Count(); ) { sal_Int32 lb = pDims->Get( i++ )->GetLong(); sal_Int32 ub = pDims->Get( i++ )->GetLong(); if( ub < lb ) { Error( SbERR_OUT_OF_RANGE ), ub = lb; } pArray->AddDim32( lb, ub ); if ( lb != ub ) { pArray->setHasFixedSize( true ); } } } else { // #62867 On creating an array of the length 0, create // a dimension (like for Uno-Sequences of the length 0) pArray->unoAddDim( 0, -1 ); } sal_uInt16 nSavFlags = refVar->GetFlags(); refVar->ResetFlag( SBX_FIXED ); refVar->PutObject( pArray ); refVar->SetFlags( nSavFlags ); refVar->SetParameters( NULL ); } } // REDIM // TOS = variable for the array // argv = dimension information void SbiRuntime::StepREDIM() { // Nothing different than dim at the moment because // a double dim is already recognized by the compiler. StepDIM(); } // Helper function for StepREDIMP void implCopyDimArray( SbxDimArray* pNewArray, SbxDimArray* pOldArray, short nMaxDimIndex, short nActualDim, sal_Int32* pActualIndices, sal_Int32* pLowerBounds, sal_Int32* pUpperBounds ) { sal_Int32& ri = pActualIndices[nActualDim]; for( ri = pLowerBounds[nActualDim] ; ri <= pUpperBounds[nActualDim] ; ri++ ) { if( nActualDim < nMaxDimIndex ) { implCopyDimArray( pNewArray, pOldArray, nMaxDimIndex, nActualDim + 1, pActualIndices, pLowerBounds, pUpperBounds ); } else { SbxVariable* pSource = pOldArray->Get32( pActualIndices ); SbxVariable* pDest = pNewArray->Get32( pActualIndices ); if( pSource && pDest ) { *pDest = *pSource; } } } } // REDIM PRESERVE // TOS = variable for the array // argv = dimension information void SbiRuntime::StepREDIMP() { SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar(); DimImpl( refVar ); // Now check, if we can copy from the old array if( refRedimpArray.Is() ) { SbxBase* pElemObj = refVar->GetObject(); SbxDimArray* pNewArray = PTR_CAST(SbxDimArray,pElemObj); SbxDimArray* pOldArray = (SbxDimArray*)(SbxArray*)refRedimpArray; if( pNewArray ) { short nDimsNew = pNewArray->GetDims(); short nDimsOld = pOldArray->GetDims(); short nDims = nDimsNew; bool bRangeError = false; // Store dims to use them for copying later sal_Int32* pLowerBounds = new sal_Int32[nDims]; sal_Int32* pUpperBounds = new sal_Int32[nDims]; sal_Int32* pActualIndices = new sal_Int32[nDims]; if( nDimsOld != nDimsNew ) { bRangeError = true; } else { // Compare bounds for( short i = 1 ; i <= nDims ; i++ ) { sal_Int32 lBoundNew, uBoundNew; sal_Int32 lBoundOld, uBoundOld; pNewArray->GetDim32( i, lBoundNew, uBoundNew ); pOldArray->GetDim32( i, lBoundOld, uBoundOld ); lBoundNew = std::max( lBoundNew, lBoundOld ); uBoundNew = std::min( uBoundNew, uBoundOld ); short j = i - 1; pActualIndices[j] = pLowerBounds[j] = lBoundNew; pUpperBounds[j] = uBoundNew; } } if( bRangeError ) { StarBASIC::Error( SbERR_OUT_OF_RANGE ); } else { // Copy data from old array by going recursively through all dimensions // (It would be faster to work on the flat internal data array of an // SbyArray but this solution is clearer and easier) implCopyDimArray( pNewArray, pOldArray, nDims - 1, 0, pActualIndices, pLowerBounds, pUpperBounds ); } delete[] pUpperBounds; delete[] pLowerBounds; delete[] pActualIndices; refRedimpArray = NULL; } } } // REDIM_COPY // TOS = Array-Variable, Reference to array is copied // Variable is cleared as in ERASE void SbiRuntime::StepREDIMP_ERASE() { SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar(); refRedim = refVar; SbxDataType eType = refVar->GetType(); if( eType & SbxARRAY ) { SbxBase* pElemObj = refVar->GetObject(); SbxDimArray* pDimArray = PTR_CAST(SbxDimArray,pElemObj); if( pDimArray ) { refRedimpArray = pDimArray; } } else if( refVar->IsFixed() ) { refVar->Clear(); } else { refVar->SetType( SbxEMPTY ); } } static void lcl_clearImpl( SbxVariableRef& refVar, SbxDataType& eType ) { sal_uInt16 nSavFlags = refVar->GetFlags(); refVar->ResetFlag( SBX_FIXED ); refVar->SetType( SbxDataType(eType & 0x0FFF) ); refVar->SetFlags( nSavFlags ); refVar->Clear(); } static void lcl_eraseImpl( SbxVariableRef& refVar, bool bVBAEnabled ) { SbxDataType eType = refVar->GetType(); if( eType & SbxARRAY ) { if ( bVBAEnabled ) { SbxBase* pElemObj = refVar->GetObject(); SbxDimArray* pDimArray = PTR_CAST(SbxDimArray,pElemObj); bool bClearValues = true; if( pDimArray ) { if ( pDimArray->hasFixedSize() ) { // Clear all Value(s) pDimArray->SbxArray::Clear(); bClearValues = false; } else { pDimArray->Clear(); // clear Dims } } if ( bClearValues ) { SbxArray* pArray = PTR_CAST(SbxArray,pElemObj); if ( pArray ) { pArray->Clear(); } } } else { // Arrays have on an erase to VB quite a complex behaviour. Here are // only the type problems at REDIM (#26295) removed at first: // Set type hard onto the array-type, because a variable with array is // SbxOBJECT. At REDIM there's an SbxOBJECT-array generated then and // the original type is lost -> runtime error lcl_clearImpl( refVar, eType ); } } else if( refVar->IsFixed() ) { refVar->Clear(); } else { refVar->SetType( SbxEMPTY ); } } // delete variable // TOS = variable void SbiRuntime::StepERASE() { SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar(); lcl_eraseImpl( refVar, bVBAEnabled ); } void SbiRuntime::StepERASE_CLEAR() { refRedim = PopVar(); } void SbiRuntime::StepARRAYACCESS() { if( !refArgv ) { StarBASIC::FatalError( SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR ); } SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar(); refVar->SetParameters( refArgv ); PopArgv(); PushVar( CheckArray( refVar ) ); } void SbiRuntime::StepBYVAL() { // Copy variable on stack to break call by reference SbxVariableRef pVar = PopVar(); SbxDataType t = pVar->GetType(); SbxVariable* pCopyVar = new SbxVariable( t ); pCopyVar->SetFlag( SBX_READWRITE ); *pCopyVar = *pVar; PushVar( pCopyVar ); } // establishing an argv // nOp1 stays as it is -> 1st element is the return value void SbiRuntime::StepARGC() { PushArgv(); refArgv = new SbxArray; nArgc = 1; } // storing an argument in Argv void SbiRuntime::StepARGV() { if( !refArgv ) { StarBASIC::FatalError( SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR ); } else { SbxVariableRef pVal = PopVar(); // Before fix of #94916: if( pVal->ISA(SbxMethod) || pVal->ISA(SbUnoProperty) || pVal->ISA(SbProcedureProperty) ) { // evaluate methods and properties! SbxVariable* pRes = new SbxVariable( *pVal ); pVal = pRes; } refArgv->Put( pVal, nArgc++ ); } } // Input to Variable. The variable is on TOS and is // is removed afterwards. void SbiRuntime::StepINPUT() { OUStringBuffer sin = ""; OUString s; char ch = 0; SbError err; // Skip whitespace while( ( err = pIosys->GetError() ) == 0 ) { ch = pIosys->Read(); if( ch != ' ' && ch != '\t' && ch != '\n' ) { break; } } if( !err ) { // Scan until comma or whitespace char sep = ( ch == '"' ) ? ch : 0; if( sep ) { ch = pIosys->Read(); } while( ( err = pIosys->GetError() ) == 0 ) { if( ch == sep ) { ch = pIosys->Read(); if( ch != sep ) { break; } } else if( !sep && (ch == ',' || ch == '\n') ) { break; } sin.append( ch ); ch = pIosys->Read(); } // skip whitespace if( ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' ) { while( ( err = pIosys->GetError() ) == 0 ) { if( ch != ' ' && ch != '\t' && ch != '\n' ) { break; } ch = pIosys->Read(); } } } if( !err ) { s = sin.makeStringAndClear(); SbxVariableRef pVar = GetTOS(); // try to fill the variable with a numeric value first, // then with a string value if( !pVar->IsFixed() || pVar->IsNumeric() ) { sal_uInt16 nLen = 0; if( !pVar->Scan( s, &nLen ) ) { err = SbxBase::GetError(); SbxBase::ResetError(); } // the value has to be scanned in completely else if( nLen != s.getLength() && !pVar->PutString( s ) ) { err = SbxBase::GetError(); SbxBase::ResetError(); } else if( nLen != s.getLength() && pVar->IsNumeric() ) { err = SbxBase::GetError(); SbxBase::ResetError(); if( !err ) { err = SbERR_CONVERSION; } } } else { pVar->PutString( s ); err = SbxBase::GetError(); SbxBase::ResetError(); } } if( err == SbERR_USER_ABORT ) { Error( err ); } else if( err ) { if( pRestart && !pIosys->GetChannel() ) { pCode = pRestart; } else { Error( err ); } } else { PopVar(); } } // Line Input to Variable. The variable is on TOS and is // deleted afterwards. void SbiRuntime::StepLINPUT() { OString aInput; pIosys->Read( aInput ); Error( pIosys->GetError() ); SbxVariableRef p = PopVar(); p->PutString(rtl::OStringToOUString(aInput, osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); } // end of program void SbiRuntime::StepSTOP() { pInst->Stop(); } void SbiRuntime::StepINITFOR() { PushFor(); } void SbiRuntime::StepINITFOREACH() { PushForEach(); } // increment FOR-variable void SbiRuntime::StepNEXT() { if( !pForStk ) { StarBASIC::FatalError( SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR ); return; } if( pForStk->eForType == FOR_TO ) { pForStk->refVar->Compute( SbxPLUS, *pForStk->refInc ); } } // beginning CASE: TOS in CASE-stack void SbiRuntime::StepCASE() { if( !refCaseStk.Is() ) { refCaseStk = new SbxArray; } SbxVariableRef xVar = PopVar(); refCaseStk->Put( xVar, refCaseStk->Count() ); } // end CASE: free variable void SbiRuntime::StepENDCASE() { if( !refCaseStk || !refCaseStk->Count() ) { StarBASIC::FatalError( SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR ); } else { refCaseStk->Remove( refCaseStk->Count() - 1 ); } } void SbiRuntime::StepSTDERROR() { pError = NULL; bError = true; pInst->aErrorMsg = OUString(); pInst->nErr = 0L; pInst->nErl = 0; nError = 0L; SbxErrObject::getUnoErrObject()->Clear(); } void SbiRuntime::StepNOERROR() { pInst->aErrorMsg = OUString(); pInst->nErr = 0L; pInst->nErl = 0; nError = 0L; SbxErrObject::getUnoErrObject()->Clear(); bError = false; } // leave UP void SbiRuntime::StepLEAVE() { bRun = false; // If VBA and we are leaving an ErrorHandler then clear the error ( it's been processed ) if ( bInError && pError ) { SbxErrObject::getUnoErrObject()->Clear(); } } void SbiRuntime::StepCHANNEL() // TOS = channel number { SbxVariableRef pChan = PopVar(); short nChan = pChan->GetInteger(); pIosys->SetChannel( nChan ); Error( pIosys->GetError() ); } void SbiRuntime::StepCHANNEL0() { pIosys->ResetChannel(); } void SbiRuntime::StepPRINT() // print TOS { SbxVariableRef p = PopVar(); OUString s1 = p->GetOUString(); OUString s; if( p->GetType() >= SbxINTEGER && p->GetType() <= SbxDOUBLE ) { s = " "; // one blank before } s += s1; OString aByteStr(rtl::OUStringToOString(s, osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); pIosys->Write( aByteStr ); Error( pIosys->GetError() ); } void SbiRuntime::StepPRINTF() // print TOS in field { SbxVariableRef p = PopVar(); OUString s1 = p->GetOUString(); OUStringBuffer s; if( p->GetType() >= SbxINTEGER && p->GetType() <= SbxDOUBLE ) { s.append(' '); } s.append(s1); comphelper::string::padToLength(s, 14, ' '); OString aByteStr(OUStringToOString(s.makeStringAndClear(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); pIosys->Write( aByteStr ); Error( pIosys->GetError() ); } void SbiRuntime::StepWRITE() // write TOS { SbxVariableRef p = PopVar(); // Does the string have to be encapsulated? char ch = 0; switch (p->GetType() ) { case SbxSTRING: ch = '"'; break; case SbxCURRENCY: case SbxBOOL: case SbxDATE: ch = '#'; break; default: break; } OUString s; if( ch ) { s += OUString(ch); } s += p->GetOUString(); if( ch ) { s += OUString(ch); } OString aByteStr(rtl::OUStringToOString(s, osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); pIosys->Write( aByteStr ); Error( pIosys->GetError() ); } void SbiRuntime::StepRENAME() // Rename Tos+1 to Tos { SbxVariableRef pTos1 = PopVar(); SbxVariableRef pTos = PopVar(); OUString aDest = pTos1->GetOUString(); OUString aSource = pTos->GetOUString(); if( hasUno() ) { implStepRenameUCB( aSource, aDest ); } else { implStepRenameOSL( aSource, aDest ); } } // TOS = Prompt void SbiRuntime::StepPROMPT() { SbxVariableRef p = PopVar(); rtl::OString aStr(rtl::OUStringToOString(p->GetOUString(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); pIosys->SetPrompt( aStr ); } // Set Restart point void SbiRuntime::StepRESTART() { pRestart = pCode; } // empty expression on stack for missing parameter void SbiRuntime::StepEMPTY() { // #57915 The semantics of StepEMPTY() is the representation of a missing argument. // This is represented by the value 448 (SbERR_NAMED_NOT_FOUND) of the type error // in VB. StepEmpty should now rather be named StepMISSING() but the name is kept // to simplify matters. SbxVariableRef xVar = new SbxVariable( SbxVARIANT ); xVar->PutErr( 448 ); PushVar( xVar ); } // TOS = error code void SbiRuntime::StepERROR() { SbxVariableRef refCode = PopVar(); sal_uInt16 n = refCode->GetUShort(); SbError error = StarBASIC::GetSfxFromVBError( n ); if ( bVBAEnabled ) { pInst->Error( error ); } else { Error( error ); } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */