/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "runtime.hxx" #include "iosys.hxx" #include "image.hxx" #include "sbintern.hxx" #include "sbunoobj.hxx" #include "opcodes.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace com::sun::star::uno; using namespace com::sun::star::container; using namespace com::sun::star::lang; using namespace com::sun::star::beans; using namespace com::sun::star::script; using com::sun::star::uno::Reference; SbxVariable* getVBAConstant( const OUString& rName ); // the bits in the String-ID: // 0x8000 - Argv is reserved SbxVariable* SbiRuntime::FindElement( SbxObject* pObj, sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2, SbError nNotFound, bool bLocal, bool bStatic ) { bool bIsVBAInterOp = SbiRuntime::isVBAEnabled(); if( bIsVBAInterOp ) { StarBASIC* pMSOMacroRuntimeLib = GetSbData()->pMSOMacroRuntimLib; if( pMSOMacroRuntimeLib != NULL ) { pMSOMacroRuntimeLib->ResetFlag( SBX_EXTSEARCH ); } } SbxVariable* pElem = NULL; if( !pObj ) { Error( SbERR_NO_OBJECT ); pElem = new SbxVariable; } else { bool bFatalError = false; SbxDataType t = (SbxDataType) nOp2; OUString aName( pImg->GetString( static_cast( nOp1 & 0x7FFF ) ) ); // Hacky capture of Evaluate [] syntax // this should be tackled I feel at the pcode level if ( bIsVBAInterOp && aName.indexOf((sal_Unicode)'[') == 0 ) { // emulate pcode here StepARGC(); // psuedo StepLOADSC OUString sArg = aName.copy( 1, aName.getLength() - 2 ); SbxVariable* p = new SbxVariable; p->PutString( sArg ); PushVar( p ); StepARGV(); nOp1 = nOp1 | 0x8000; // indicate params are present aName = OUString("Evaluate"); } if( bLocal ) { if ( bStatic ) { if ( pMeth ) { pElem = pMeth->GetStatics()->Find( aName, SbxCLASS_DONTCARE ); } } if ( !pElem ) { pElem = refLocals->Find( aName, SbxCLASS_DONTCARE ); } } if( !pElem ) { bool bSave = rBasic.bNoRtl; rBasic.bNoRtl = true; pElem = pObj->Find( aName, SbxCLASS_DONTCARE ); // #110004, #112015: Make private really private if( bLocal && pElem ) // Local as flag for global search { if( pElem->IsSet( SBX_PRIVATE ) ) { SbiInstance* pInst_ = GetSbData()->pInst; if( pInst_ && pInst_->IsCompatibility() && pObj != pElem->GetParent() ) { pElem = NULL; // Found but in wrong module! } // Interfaces: Use SBX_EXTFOUND } } rBasic.bNoRtl = bSave; // is it a global uno-identifier? if( bLocal && !pElem ) { bool bSetName = true; // preserve normal behaviour // i#i68894# if VBAInterOp favour searching vba globals // over searching for uno classess if ( bVBAEnabled ) { // Try Find in VBA symbols space pElem = rBasic.VBAFind( aName, SbxCLASS_DONTCARE ); if ( pElem ) { bSetName = false; // don't overwrite uno name } else { pElem = VBAConstantHelper::instance().getVBAConstant( aName ); } } if( !pElem ) { // #72382 ATTENTION! ALWAYS returns a result now // because of unknown modules! SbUnoClass* pUnoClass = findUnoClass( aName ); if( pUnoClass ) { pElem = new SbxVariable( t ); SbxValues aRes( SbxOBJECT ); aRes.pObj = pUnoClass; pElem->SbxVariable::Put( aRes ); } } // #62939 If an uno-class has been found, the wrapper // object has to be held, because the uno-class, e. g. // "stardiv", has to be read out of the registry // every time again otherwise if( pElem ) { // #63774 May not be saved too!!! pElem->SetFlag( SBX_DONTSTORE ); pElem->SetFlag( SBX_NO_MODIFY); // #72382 save locally, all variables that have been declared // implicit would become global automatically otherwise! if ( bSetName ) { pElem->SetName( aName ); } refLocals->Put( pElem, refLocals->Count() ); } } if( !pElem ) { // not there and not in the object? // don't establish if that thing has parameters! if( nOp1 & 0x8000 ) { bFatalError = true; } // else, if there are parameters, use different error code if( !bLocal || pImg->GetFlag( SBIMG_EXPLICIT ) ) { // #39108 if explicit and as ELEM always a fatal error bFatalError = true; if( !( nOp1 & 0x8000 ) && nNotFound == SbERR_PROC_UNDEFINED ) { nNotFound = SbERR_VAR_UNDEFINED; } } if( bFatalError ) { // #39108 use dummy variable instead of fatal error if( !xDummyVar.Is() ) { xDummyVar = new SbxVariable( SbxVARIANT ); } pElem = xDummyVar; ClearArgvStack(); Error( nNotFound, aName ); } else { if ( bStatic ) { pElem = StepSTATIC_Impl( aName, t ); } if ( !pElem ) { pElem = new SbxVariable( t ); if( t != SbxVARIANT ) { pElem->SetFlag( SBX_FIXED ); } pElem->SetName( aName ); refLocals->Put( pElem, refLocals->Count() ); } } } } // #39108 Args can already be deleted! if( !bFatalError ) { SetupArgs( pElem, nOp1 ); } // because a particular call-type is requested if( pElem->IsA( TYPE(SbxMethod) ) ) { // shall the type be converted? SbxDataType t2 = pElem->GetType(); bool bSet = false; if( !( pElem->GetFlags() & SBX_FIXED ) ) { if( t != SbxVARIANT && t != t2 && t >= SbxINTEGER && t <= SbxSTRING ) { pElem->SetType( t ), bSet = true; } } // assign pElem to a Ref, to delete a temp-var if applicable SbxVariableRef refTemp = pElem; // remove potential rests of the last call of the SbxMethod // free Write before, so that there's no error sal_uInt16 nSavFlags = pElem->GetFlags(); pElem->SetFlag( SBX_READWRITE | SBX_NO_BROADCAST ); pElem->SbxValue::Clear(); pElem->SetFlags( nSavFlags ); // don't touch before setting, as e. g. LEFT() // has to know the difference between Left$() and Left() // because the methods' parameters are cut away in PopVar() SbxVariable* pNew = new SbxMethod( *((SbxMethod*)pElem) ); //OLD: SbxVariable* pNew = new SbxVariable( *pElem ); pElem->SetParameters(0); pNew->SetFlag( SBX_READWRITE ); if( bSet ) { pElem->SetType( t2 ); } pElem = pNew; } // consider index-access for UnoObjects // definitely we want this for VBA where properties are often // collections ( which need index access ), but lets only do // this if we actually have params following else if( bVBAEnabled && pElem->ISA(SbUnoProperty) && pElem->GetParameters() ) { SbxVariableRef refTemp = pElem; // dissolve the notify while copying variable SbxVariable* pNew = new SbxVariable( *((SbxVariable*)pElem) ); pElem->SetParameters( NULL ); pElem = pNew; } } return CheckArray( pElem ); } // for current scope (e. g. query from BASIC-IDE) SbxBase* SbiRuntime::FindElementExtern( const OUString& rName ) { // don't expect pMeth to be != 0, as there are none set // in the RunInit yet SbxVariable* pElem = NULL; if( !pMod || !rName.getLength() ) { return NULL; } if( refLocals ) { pElem = refLocals->Find( rName, SbxCLASS_DONTCARE ); } if ( !pElem && pMeth ) { // for statics, set the method's name in front OUString aMethName = pMeth->GetName(); aMethName += ":"; aMethName += rName; pElem = pMod->Find(aMethName, SbxCLASS_DONTCARE); } // search in parameter list if( !pElem && pMeth ) { SbxInfo* pInfo = pMeth->GetInfo(); if( pInfo && refParams ) { sal_uInt16 nParamCount = refParams->Count(); sal_uInt16 j = 1; const SbxParamInfo* pParam = pInfo->GetParam( j ); while( pParam ) { if( pParam->aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( rName ) ) { if( j >= nParamCount ) { // Parameter is missing pElem = new SbxVariable( SbxSTRING ); pElem->PutString( OUString("")); } else { pElem = refParams->Get( j ); } break; } pParam = pInfo->GetParam( ++j ); } } } // search in module if( !pElem ) { bool bSave = rBasic.bNoRtl; rBasic.bNoRtl = true; pElem = pMod->Find( rName, SbxCLASS_DONTCARE ); rBasic.bNoRtl = bSave; } return pElem; } void SbiRuntime::SetupArgs( SbxVariable* p, sal_uInt32 nOp1 ) { if( nOp1 & 0x8000 ) { if( !refArgv ) { StarBASIC::FatalError( SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR ); } bool bHasNamed = false; sal_uInt16 i; sal_uInt16 nArgCount = refArgv->Count(); for( i = 1 ; i < nArgCount ; i++ ) { if( !refArgv->GetAlias(i).isEmpty() ) { bHasNamed = true; break; } } if( bHasNamed ) { SbxInfo* pInfo = p->GetInfo(); if( !pInfo ) { bool bError_ = true; SbUnoMethod* pUnoMethod = PTR_CAST(SbUnoMethod,p); SbUnoProperty* pUnoProperty = PTR_CAST(SbUnoProperty,p); if( pUnoMethod || pUnoProperty ) { SbUnoObject* pParentUnoObj = PTR_CAST( SbUnoObject,p->GetParent() ); if( pParentUnoObj ) { Any aUnoAny = pParentUnoObj->getUnoAny(); Reference< XInvocation > xInvocation; aUnoAny >>= xInvocation; if( xInvocation.is() ) // TODO: if( xOLEAutomation.is() ) { bError_ = false; sal_uInt16 nCurPar = 1; AutomationNamedArgsSbxArray* pArg = new AutomationNamedArgsSbxArray( nArgCount ); OUString* pNames = pArg->getNames().getArray(); for( i = 1 ; i < nArgCount ; i++ ) { SbxVariable* pVar = refArgv->Get( i ); const OUString& rName = refArgv->GetAlias( i ); if( rName.getLength() ) { pNames[i] = rName; } pArg->Put( pVar, nCurPar++ ); } refArgv = pArg; } } } else if( bVBAEnabled && p->GetType() == SbxOBJECT && (!p->ISA(SbxMethod) || !p->IsBroadcaster()) ) { // Check for default method with named parameters SbxBaseRef pObj = (SbxBase*)p->GetObject(); if( pObj && pObj->ISA(SbUnoObject) ) { SbUnoObject* pUnoObj = (SbUnoObject*)(SbxBase*)pObj; Any aAny = pUnoObj->getUnoAny(); if( aAny.getValueType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass_INTERFACE ) { Reference< XInterface > x = *(Reference< XInterface >*)aAny.getValue(); Reference< XDefaultMethod > xDfltMethod( x, UNO_QUERY ); OUString sDefaultMethod; if ( xDfltMethod.is() ) { sDefaultMethod = xDfltMethod->getDefaultMethodName(); } if ( !sDefaultMethod.isEmpty() ) { SbxVariable* meth = pUnoObj->Find( sDefaultMethod, SbxCLASS_METHOD ); if( meth != NULL ) { pInfo = meth->GetInfo(); } if( pInfo ) { bError_ = false; } } } } } if( bError_ ) { Error( SbERR_NO_NAMED_ARGS ); } } else { sal_uInt16 nCurPar = 1; SbxArray* pArg = new SbxArray; for( i = 1 ; i < nArgCount ; i++ ) { SbxVariable* pVar = refArgv->Get( i ); const OUString& rName = refArgv->GetAlias( i ); if( rName.getLength() ) { // nCurPar is set to the found parameter sal_uInt16 j = 1; const SbxParamInfo* pParam = pInfo->GetParam( j ); while( pParam ) { if( pParam->aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( rName ) ) { nCurPar = j; break; } pParam = pInfo->GetParam( ++j ); } if( !pParam ) { Error( SbERR_NAMED_NOT_FOUND ); break; } } pArg->Put( pVar, nCurPar++ ); } refArgv = pArg; } } // own var as parameter 0 refArgv->Put( p, 0 ); p->SetParameters( refArgv ); PopArgv(); } else { p->SetParameters( NULL ); } } // getting an array element SbxVariable* SbiRuntime::CheckArray( SbxVariable* pElem ) { SbxArray* pPar; if( ( pElem->GetType() & SbxARRAY ) && (SbxVariable*)refRedim != pElem ) { SbxBase* pElemObj = pElem->GetObject(); SbxDimArray* pDimArray = PTR_CAST(SbxDimArray,pElemObj); pPar = pElem->GetParameters(); if( pDimArray ) { // parameters may be missing, if an array is // passed as an argument if( pPar ) pElem = pDimArray->Get( pPar ); } else { SbxArray* pArray = PTR_CAST(SbxArray,pElemObj); if( pArray ) { if( !pPar ) { Error( SbERR_OUT_OF_RANGE ); pElem = new SbxVariable; } else { pElem = pArray->Get( pPar->Get( 1 )->GetInteger() ); } } } // #42940, set parameter 0 to NULL so that var doesn't contain itself if( pPar ) { pPar->Put( NULL, 0 ); } } // consider index-access for UnoObjects else if( pElem->GetType() == SbxOBJECT && !pElem->ISA(SbxMethod) && ( !bVBAEnabled || ( bVBAEnabled && !pElem->ISA(SbxProperty) ) ) ) { pPar = pElem->GetParameters(); if ( pPar ) { // is it an uno-object? SbxBaseRef pObj = (SbxBase*)pElem->GetObject(); if( pObj ) { if( pObj->ISA(SbUnoObject) ) { SbUnoObject* pUnoObj = (SbUnoObject*)(SbxBase*)pObj; Any aAny = pUnoObj->getUnoAny(); if( aAny.getValueType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass_INTERFACE ) { Reference< XInterface > x = *(Reference< XInterface >*)aAny.getValue(); Reference< XIndexAccess > xIndexAccess( x, UNO_QUERY ); if ( !bVBAEnabled ) { if( xIndexAccess.is() ) { sal_uInt32 nParamCount = (sal_uInt32)pPar->Count() - 1; if( nParamCount != 1 ) { StarBASIC::Error( SbERR_BAD_ARGUMENT ); return pElem; } // get index sal_Int32 nIndex = pPar->Get( 1 )->GetLong(); Reference< XInterface > xRet; try { Any aAny2 = xIndexAccess->getByIndex( nIndex ); TypeClass eType = aAny2.getValueType().getTypeClass(); if( eType == TypeClass_INTERFACE ) { xRet = *(Reference< XInterface >*)aAny2.getValue(); } } catch (const IndexOutOfBoundsException&) { // usually expect converting problem StarBASIC::Error( SbERR_OUT_OF_RANGE ); } // #57847 always create a new variable, else error // due to PutObject(NULL) at ReadOnly-properties pElem = new SbxVariable( SbxVARIANT ); if( xRet.is() ) { aAny <<= xRet; // #67173 don't specify a name so that the real class name is entered OUString aName; SbxObjectRef xWrapper = (SbxObject*)new SbUnoObject( aName, aAny ); pElem->PutObject( xWrapper ); } else { pElem->PutObject( NULL ); } } } else { OUString sDefaultMethod; Reference< XDefaultMethod > xDfltMethod( x, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xDfltMethod.is() ) { sDefaultMethod = xDfltMethod->getDefaultMethodName(); } else if( xIndexAccess.is() ) { sDefaultMethod = OUString( "getByIndex" ); } if ( !sDefaultMethod.isEmpty() ) { SbxVariable* meth = pUnoObj->Find( sDefaultMethod, SbxCLASS_METHOD ); SbxVariableRef refTemp = meth; if ( refTemp ) { meth->SetParameters( pPar ); SbxVariable* pNew = new SbxMethod( *(SbxMethod*)meth ); pElem = pNew; } } } } // #42940, set parameter 0 to NULL so that var doesn't contain itself pPar->Put( NULL, 0 ); } else if( pObj->ISA(BasicCollection) ) { BasicCollection* pCol = (BasicCollection*)(SbxBase*)pObj; pElem = new SbxVariable( SbxVARIANT ); pPar->Put( pElem, 0 ); pCol->CollItem( pPar ); } } else if( bVBAEnabled ) // !pObj { SbxArray* pParam = pElem->GetParameters(); if( pParam != NULL && !pElem->IsSet( SBX_VAR_TO_DIM ) ) { Error( SbERR_NO_OBJECT ); } } } } return pElem; } // loading an element from the runtime-library (+StringID+type) void SbiRuntime::StepRTL( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { PushVar( FindElement( rBasic.pRtl, nOp1, nOp2, SbERR_PROC_UNDEFINED, false ) ); } void SbiRuntime::StepFIND_Impl( SbxObject* pObj, sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2, SbError nNotFound, bool bLocal, bool bStatic ) { if( !refLocals ) { refLocals = new SbxArray; } PushVar( FindElement( pObj, nOp1, nOp2, nNotFound, bLocal, bStatic ) ); } // loading a local/global variable (+StringID+type) void SbiRuntime::StepFIND( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { StepFIND_Impl( pMod, nOp1, nOp2, SbERR_PROC_UNDEFINED, true ); } // Search inside a class module (CM) to enable global search in time void SbiRuntime::StepFIND_CM( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { SbClassModuleObject* pClassModuleObject = PTR_CAST(SbClassModuleObject,pMod); if( pClassModuleObject ) { pMod->SetFlag( SBX_GBLSEARCH ); } StepFIND_Impl( pMod, nOp1, nOp2, SbERR_PROC_UNDEFINED, true ); if( pClassModuleObject ) { pMod->ResetFlag( SBX_GBLSEARCH ); } } void SbiRuntime::StepFIND_STATIC( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { StepFIND_Impl( pMod, nOp1, nOp2, SbERR_PROC_UNDEFINED, true, true ); } // loading an object-element (+StringID+type) // the object lies on TOS void SbiRuntime::StepELEM( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { SbxVariableRef pObjVar = PopVar(); SbxObject* pObj = PTR_CAST(SbxObject,(SbxVariable*) pObjVar); if( !pObj ) { SbxBase* pObjVarObj = pObjVar->GetObject(); pObj = PTR_CAST(SbxObject,pObjVarObj); } // #56368 save reference at StepElem, otherwise objects could // lose their reference too early in qualification chains like // ActiveComponent.Selection(0).Text // #74254 now per list if( pObj ) { SaveRef( (SbxVariable*)pObj ); } PushVar( FindElement( pObj, nOp1, nOp2, SbERR_NO_METHOD, false ) ); } // loading a parameter (+offset+type) // If the data type is wrong, create a copy. // The data type SbxEMPTY shows that no parameters are given. // Get( 0 ) may be EMPTY void SbiRuntime::StepPARAM( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { sal_uInt16 i = static_cast( nOp1 & 0x7FFF ); SbxDataType t = (SbxDataType) nOp2; SbxVariable* p; // #57915 solve missing in a cleaner way sal_uInt16 nParamCount = refParams->Count(); if( i >= nParamCount ) { sal_Int16 iLoop = i; while( iLoop >= nParamCount ) { p = new SbxVariable(); if( SbiRuntime::isVBAEnabled() && (t == SbxOBJECT || t == SbxSTRING) ) { if( t == SbxOBJECT ) { p->PutObject( NULL ); } else { p->PutString( OUString() ); } } else { p->PutErr( 448 ); // like in VB: Error-Code 448 (SbERR_NAMED_NOT_FOUND) } refParams->Put( p, iLoop ); iLoop--; } } p = refParams->Get( i ); if( p->GetType() == SbxERROR && ( i ) ) { // if there's a parameter missing, it can be OPTIONAL bool bOpt = false; if( pMeth ) { SbxInfo* pInfo = pMeth->GetInfo(); if ( pInfo ) { const SbxParamInfo* pParam = pInfo->GetParam( i ); if( pParam && ( (pParam->nFlags & SBX_OPTIONAL) != 0 ) ) { // Default value? sal_uInt16 nDefaultId = (sal_uInt16)(pParam->nUserData & 0x0ffff); if( nDefaultId > 0 ) { OUString aDefaultStr = pImg->GetString( nDefaultId ); p = new SbxVariable(); p->PutString( aDefaultStr ); refParams->Put( p, i ); } bOpt = true; } } } if( !bOpt ) { Error( SbERR_NOT_OPTIONAL ); } } else if( t != SbxVARIANT && (SbxDataType)(p->GetType() & 0x0FFF ) != t ) { SbxVariable* q = new SbxVariable( t ); SaveRef( q ); *q = *p; p = q; if ( i ) { refParams->Put( p, i ); } } SetupArgs( p, nOp1 ); PushVar( CheckArray( p ) ); } // Case-Test (+True-Target+Test-Opcode) void SbiRuntime::StepCASEIS( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { if( !refCaseStk || !refCaseStk->Count() ) { StarBASIC::FatalError( SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR ); } else { SbxVariableRef xComp = PopVar(); SbxVariableRef xCase = refCaseStk->Get( refCaseStk->Count() - 1 ); if( xCase->Compare( (SbxOperator) nOp2, *xComp ) ) { StepJUMP( nOp1 ); } } } // call of a DLL-procedure (+StringID+type) // the StringID's MSB shows that Argv is occupied void SbiRuntime::StepCALL( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { OUString aName = pImg->GetString( static_cast( nOp1 & 0x7FFF ) ); SbxArray* pArgs = NULL; if( nOp1 & 0x8000 ) { pArgs = refArgv; } DllCall( aName, aLibName, pArgs, (SbxDataType) nOp2, false ); aLibName = OUString(); if( nOp1 & 0x8000 ) { PopArgv(); } } // call of a DLL-procedure after CDecl (+StringID+type) void SbiRuntime::StepCALLC( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { OUString aName = pImg->GetString( static_cast( nOp1 & 0x7FFF ) ); SbxArray* pArgs = NULL; if( nOp1 & 0x8000 ) { pArgs = refArgv; } DllCall( aName, aLibName, pArgs, (SbxDataType) nOp2, true ); aLibName = OUString(); if( nOp1 & 0x8000 ) { PopArgv(); } } // beginning of a statement (+Line+Col) void SbiRuntime::StepSTMNT( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { // If the Expr-Stack at the beginning of a statement constains a variable, // some fool has called X as a function, although it's a variable! bool bFatalExpr = false; OUString sUnknownMethodName; if( nExprLvl > 1 ) { bFatalExpr = true; } else if( nExprLvl ) { SbxVariable* p = refExprStk->Get( 0 ); if( p->GetRefCount() > 1 && refLocals.Is() && refLocals->Find( p->GetName(), p->GetClass() ) ) { sUnknownMethodName = p->GetName(); bFatalExpr = true; } } ClearExprStack(); ClearRefs(); // We have to cancel hard here because line and column // would be wrong later otherwise! if( bFatalExpr) { StarBASIC::FatalError( SbERR_NO_METHOD, sUnknownMethodName ); return; } pStmnt = pCode - 9; sal_uInt16 nOld = nLine; nLine = static_cast( nOp1 ); // #29955 & 0xFF, to filter out for-loop-level nCol1 = static_cast( nOp2 & 0xFF ); // find the next STMNT-command to set the final column // of this statement nCol2 = 0xffff; sal_uInt16 n1, n2; const sal_uInt8* p = pMod->FindNextStmnt( pCode, n1, n2 ); if( p ) { if( n1 == nOp1 ) { // #29955 & 0xFF, to filter out for-loop-level nCol2 = (n2 & 0xFF) - 1; } } // #29955 correct for-loop-level, #67452 NOT in the error-handler if( !bInError ) { // (there's a difference here in case of a jump out of a loop) sal_uInt16 nExspectedForLevel = static_cast( nOp2 / 0x100 ); if( pGosubStk ) { nExspectedForLevel = nExspectedForLevel + pGosubStk->nStartForLvl; } // if the actual for-level is too small it'd jump out // of a loop -> corrected while( nForLvl > nExspectedForLevel ) { PopFor(); } } // 16.10.96: #31460 new concept for StepInto/Over/Out // see explanation at _ImplGetBreakCallLevel if( pInst->nCallLvl <= pInst->nBreakCallLvl ) { StarBASIC* pStepBasic = GetCurrentBasic( &rBasic ); sal_uInt16 nNewFlags = pStepBasic->StepPoint( nLine, nCol1, nCol2 ); pInst->CalcBreakCallLevel( nNewFlags ); } // break points only at STMNT-commands in a new line! else if( ( nOp1 != nOld ) && ( nFlags & SbDEBUG_BREAK ) && pMod->IsBP( static_cast( nOp1 ) ) ) { StarBASIC* pBreakBasic = GetCurrentBasic( &rBasic ); sal_uInt16 nNewFlags = pBreakBasic->BreakPoint( nLine, nCol1, nCol2 ); pInst->CalcBreakCallLevel( nNewFlags ); } } // (+SvStreamFlags+Flags) // Stack: block length // channel number // file name void SbiRuntime::StepOPEN( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { SbxVariableRef pName = PopVar(); SbxVariableRef pChan = PopVar(); SbxVariableRef pLen = PopVar(); short nBlkLen = pLen->GetInteger(); short nChan = pChan->GetInteger(); OString aName(OUStringToOString(pName->GetOUString(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); pIosys->Open( nChan, aName, static_cast( nOp1 ), static_cast( nOp2 ), nBlkLen ); Error( pIosys->GetError() ); } // create object (+StringID+StringID) void SbiRuntime::StepCREATE( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { OUString aClass( pImg->GetString( static_cast( nOp2 ) ) ); SbxObject *pObj = SbxBase::CreateObject( aClass ); if( !pObj ) { Error( SbERR_INVALID_OBJECT ); } else { OUString aName( pImg->GetString( static_cast( nOp1 ) ) ); pObj->SetName( aName ); // the object must be able to call the BASIC pObj->SetParent( &rBasic ); SbxVariable* pNew = new SbxVariable; pNew->PutObject( pObj ); PushVar( pNew ); } } void SbiRuntime::StepDCREATE( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { StepDCREATE_IMPL( nOp1, nOp2 ); } void SbiRuntime::StepDCREATE_REDIMP( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { StepDCREATE_IMPL( nOp1, nOp2 ); } // Helper function for StepDCREATE_IMPL / bRedimp = true void implCopyDimArray_DCREATE( SbxDimArray* pNewArray, SbxDimArray* pOldArray, short nMaxDimIndex, short nActualDim, sal_Int32* pActualIndices, sal_Int32* pLowerBounds, sal_Int32* pUpperBounds ) { sal_Int32& ri = pActualIndices[nActualDim]; for( ri = pLowerBounds[nActualDim] ; ri <= pUpperBounds[nActualDim] ; ri++ ) { if( nActualDim < nMaxDimIndex ) { implCopyDimArray_DCREATE( pNewArray, pOldArray, nMaxDimIndex, nActualDim + 1, pActualIndices, pLowerBounds, pUpperBounds ); } else { SbxVariable* pSource = pOldArray->Get32( pActualIndices ); pNewArray->Put32( pSource, pActualIndices ); } } } // #56204 create object array (+StringID+StringID), DCREATE == Dim-Create void SbiRuntime::StepDCREATE_IMPL( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar(); DimImpl( refVar ); // fill the array with instances of the requested class SbxBaseRef xObj = (SbxBase*)refVar->GetObject(); if( !xObj ) { StarBASIC::Error( SbERR_INVALID_OBJECT ); return; } SbxDimArray* pArray = 0; if( xObj->ISA(SbxDimArray) ) { SbxBase* pObj = (SbxBase*)xObj; pArray = (SbxDimArray*)pObj; short nDims = pArray->GetDims(); sal_Int32 nTotalSize = 0; // must be a one-dimensional array sal_Int32 nLower, nUpper, nSize; sal_Int32 i; for( i = 0 ; i < nDims ; i++ ) { pArray->GetDim32( i+1, nLower, nUpper ); nSize = nUpper - nLower + 1; if( i == 0 ) { nTotalSize = nSize; } else { nTotalSize *= nSize; } } // create objects and insert them into the array OUString aClass( pImg->GetString( static_cast( nOp2 ) ) ); for( i = 0 ; i < nTotalSize ; i++ ) { SbxObject *pClassObj = SbxBase::CreateObject( aClass ); if( !pClassObj ) { Error( SbERR_INVALID_OBJECT ); break; } else { OUString aName( pImg->GetString( static_cast( nOp1 ) ) ); pClassObj->SetName( aName ); // the object must be able to call the basic pClassObj->SetParent( &rBasic ); pArray->SbxArray::Put32( pClassObj, i ); } } } SbxDimArray* pOldArray = (SbxDimArray*)(SbxArray*)refRedimpArray; if( pArray && pOldArray ) { short nDimsNew = pArray->GetDims(); short nDimsOld = pOldArray->GetDims(); short nDims = nDimsNew; bool bRangeError = false; // Store dims to use them for copying later sal_Int32* pLowerBounds = new sal_Int32[nDims]; sal_Int32* pUpperBounds = new sal_Int32[nDims]; sal_Int32* pActualIndices = new sal_Int32[nDims]; if( nDimsOld != nDimsNew ) { bRangeError = true; } else { // Compare bounds for( short i = 1 ; i <= nDims ; i++ ) { sal_Int32 lBoundNew, uBoundNew; sal_Int32 lBoundOld, uBoundOld; pArray->GetDim32( i, lBoundNew, uBoundNew ); pOldArray->GetDim32( i, lBoundOld, uBoundOld ); lBoundNew = std::max( lBoundNew, lBoundOld ); uBoundNew = std::min( uBoundNew, uBoundOld ); short j = i - 1; pActualIndices[j] = pLowerBounds[j] = lBoundNew; pUpperBounds[j] = uBoundNew; } } if( bRangeError ) { StarBASIC::Error( SbERR_OUT_OF_RANGE ); } else { // Copy data from old array by going recursively through all dimensions // (It would be faster to work on the flat internal data array of an // SbyArray but this solution is clearer and easier) implCopyDimArray_DCREATE( pArray, pOldArray, nDims - 1, 0, pActualIndices, pLowerBounds, pUpperBounds ); } delete [] pUpperBounds; delete [] pLowerBounds; delete [] pActualIndices; refRedimpArray = NULL; } } // create object from user-type (+StringID+StringID) SbxObject* createUserTypeImpl( const OUString& rClassName ); // sb.cxx void SbiRuntime::StepTCREATE( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { OUString aName( pImg->GetString( static_cast( nOp1 ) ) ); OUString aClass( pImg->GetString( static_cast( nOp2 ) ) ); SbxObject* pCopyObj = createUserTypeImpl( aClass ); if( pCopyObj ) { pCopyObj->SetName( aName ); } SbxVariable* pNew = new SbxVariable; pNew->PutObject( pCopyObj ); pNew->SetDeclareClassName( aClass ); PushVar( pNew ); } void SbiRuntime::implHandleSbxFlags( SbxVariable* pVar, SbxDataType t, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { bool bWithEvents = ((t & 0xff) == SbxOBJECT && (nOp2 & SBX_TYPE_WITH_EVENTS_FLAG) != 0); if( bWithEvents ) { pVar->SetFlag( SBX_WITH_EVENTS ); } bool bDimAsNew = ((nOp2 & SBX_TYPE_DIM_AS_NEW_FLAG) != 0); if( bDimAsNew ) { pVar->SetFlag( SBX_DIM_AS_NEW ); } bool bFixedString = ((t & 0xff) == SbxSTRING && (nOp2 & SBX_FIXED_LEN_STRING_FLAG) != 0); if( bFixedString ) { sal_uInt16 nCount = static_cast( nOp2 >> 17 ); // len = all bits above 0x10000 OUStringBuffer aBuf; comphelper::string::padToLength(aBuf, nCount, 0); pVar->PutString(aBuf.makeStringAndClear()); } bool bVarToDim = ((nOp2 & SBX_TYPE_VAR_TO_DIM_FLAG) != 0); if( bVarToDim ) { pVar->SetFlag( SBX_VAR_TO_DIM ); } } // establishing a local variable (+StringID+type) void SbiRuntime::StepLOCAL( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { if( !refLocals.Is() ) { refLocals = new SbxArray; } OUString aName( pImg->GetString( static_cast( nOp1 ) ) ); if( refLocals->Find( aName, SbxCLASS_DONTCARE ) == NULL ) { SbxDataType t = (SbxDataType)(nOp2 & 0xffff); SbxVariable* p = new SbxVariable( t ); p->SetName( aName ); implHandleSbxFlags( p, t, nOp2 ); refLocals->Put( p, refLocals->Count() ); } } // establishing a module-global variable (+StringID+type) void SbiRuntime::StepPUBLIC_Impl( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2, bool bUsedForClassModule ) { OUString aName( pImg->GetString( static_cast( nOp1 ) ) ); SbxDataType t = (SbxDataType)(SbxDataType)(nOp2 & 0xffff);; sal_Bool bFlag = pMod->IsSet( SBX_NO_MODIFY ); pMod->SetFlag( SBX_NO_MODIFY ); SbxVariableRef p = pMod->Find( aName, SbxCLASS_PROPERTY ); if( p.Is() ) { pMod->Remove (p); } SbProperty* pProp = pMod->GetProperty( aName, t ); if( !bUsedForClassModule ) { pProp->SetFlag( SBX_PRIVATE ); } if( !bFlag ) { pMod->ResetFlag( SBX_NO_MODIFY ); } if( pProp ) { pProp->SetFlag( SBX_DONTSTORE ); // from 2.7.1996: HACK because of 'reference can't be saved' pProp->SetFlag( SBX_NO_MODIFY); implHandleSbxFlags( pProp, t, nOp2 ); } } void SbiRuntime::StepPUBLIC( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { StepPUBLIC_Impl( nOp1, nOp2, false ); } void SbiRuntime::StepPUBLIC_P( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { // Creates module variable that isn't reinitialised when // between invocations ( for VBASupport & document basic only ) if( pMod->pImage->bFirstInit ) { bool bUsedForClassModule = pImg->GetFlag( SBIMG_CLASSMODULE ); StepPUBLIC_Impl( nOp1, nOp2, bUsedForClassModule ); } } // establishing a global variable (+StringID+type) void SbiRuntime::StepGLOBAL( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { if( pImg->GetFlag( SBIMG_CLASSMODULE ) ) { StepPUBLIC_Impl( nOp1, nOp2, true ); } OUString aName( pImg->GetString( static_cast( nOp1 ) ) ); SbxDataType t = (SbxDataType)(nOp2 & 0xffff); // Store module scope variables at module scope // in non vba mode these are stored at the library level :/ // not sure if this really should not be enabled for ALL basic SbxObject* pStorage = &rBasic; if ( SbiRuntime::isVBAEnabled() ) { pStorage = pMod; pMod->AddVarName( aName ); } sal_Bool bFlag = pStorage->IsSet( SBX_NO_MODIFY ); rBasic.SetFlag( SBX_NO_MODIFY ); SbxVariableRef p = pStorage->Find( aName, SbxCLASS_PROPERTY ); if( p.Is() ) { pStorage->Remove (p); } p = pStorage->Make( aName, SbxCLASS_PROPERTY, t ); if( !bFlag ) { pStorage->ResetFlag( SBX_NO_MODIFY ); } if( p ) { p->SetFlag( SBX_DONTSTORE ); // from 2.7.1996: HACK because of 'reference can't be saved' p->SetFlag( SBX_NO_MODIFY); } } // Creates global variable that isn't reinitialised when // basic is restarted, P=PERSIST (+StringID+Typ) void SbiRuntime::StepGLOBAL_P( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { if( pMod->pImage->bFirstInit ) { StepGLOBAL( nOp1, nOp2 ); } } // Searches for global variable, behavior depends on the fact // if the variable is initialised for the first time void SbiRuntime::StepFIND_G( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { if( pMod->pImage->bFirstInit ) { // Behave like always during first init StepFIND( nOp1, nOp2 ); } else { // Return dummy variable SbxDataType t = (SbxDataType) nOp2; OUString aName( pImg->GetString( static_cast( nOp1 & 0x7FFF ) ) ); SbxVariable* pDummyVar = new SbxVariable( t ); pDummyVar->SetName( aName ); PushVar( pDummyVar ); } } SbxVariable* SbiRuntime::StepSTATIC_Impl( OUString& aName, SbxDataType& t ) { SbxVariable* p = NULL; if ( pMeth ) { SbxArray* pStatics = pMeth->GetStatics(); if( pStatics && ( pStatics->Find( aName, SbxCLASS_DONTCARE ) == NULL ) ) { p = new SbxVariable( t ); if( t != SbxVARIANT ) { p->SetFlag( SBX_FIXED ); } p->SetName( aName ); pStatics->Put( p, pStatics->Count() ); } } return p; } // establishing a static variable (+StringID+type) void SbiRuntime::StepSTATIC( sal_uInt32 nOp1, sal_uInt32 nOp2 ) { OUString aName( pImg->GetString( static_cast( nOp1 ) ) ); SbxDataType t = (SbxDataType) nOp2; StepSTATIC_Impl( aName, t ); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */