#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Use this script to check the latest version of the external libraries import requests import sys import re from packaging.version import Version, parse import subprocess import argparse python_branch = "" openssl_branch = "" postgres_branch = "" mariadb_branch = "" def get_current_version(libName): libraryName = libName.replace("_", ".") libraryName = re.sub("[0-9a-f]{5,40}", "", libraryName) #SHA1 s = re.search("\d[\d\.]+\d", libraryName ) if s: return parse(s.group()) return Version("0.0.0") def get_library_list(fileName): inputProces = "include " + fileName + "\nall:\n\t$(foreach v,$(sort $(filter %TARBALL,$(.VARIABLES))),$(info export $(v)=$($(v))))" process = subprocess.run(["make", "-q", "-f", "-"], input=bytes(inputProces, 'UTF-8'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) libraryList = [] for lib in process.stdout.splitlines(): decodedName = lib.decode("utf-8") variableName = decodedName.split("=")[0] if "JFREEREPORT_" in variableName: continue # FIXME if "FONT_" in variableName: continue libraryName = decodedName.split("=")[1] if libraryName.startswith("Python"): global python_branch python_branch = ''.join(re.findall("\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}", libraryName)[0]) print("Python is on branch: " + str(python_branch)) elif libraryName.startswith("postgres"): global postgres_branch postgres_branch = ''.join(re.findall("\d{1,2}", libraryName)[0]) print("Postgres is on branch: " + str(postgres_branch)) elif libraryName.startswith("openssl"): global openssl_branch openssl_branch = ''.join(re.findall("\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}", libraryName)[0]) print("Openssl is on branch: " + str(openssl_branch)) elif libraryName.startswith("mariadb"): global mariadb_branch mariadb_branch = ''.join(re.findall("\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}", libraryName)[0]) print("MariaDB is on branch: " + str(mariadb_branch)) libraryList.append(libraryName.lower()) return libraryList def get_latest_version(libName): if libName.startswith("boost"): libName = "boost" elif libName.startswith("java-websocket"): libName = "java-websocket" elif libName.startswith("phc-winner-argon2"): libName = "argon2" elif libName.startswith("libe-book"): libName = "libe-book" elif libName.startswith("zxcvbn-c"): libName = "zxcvbn-c" elif libName.startswith("libjpeg-turbo"): libName = "libjpeg-turbo" elif libName.startswith("poppler-data"): libName = "poppler-data" elif libName.startswith("libgpg-error"): libName = "libgpg-error" elif libName.startswith("mariadb-connector-c"): libName = "mariadb-connector-c" elif libName.startswith("postgresql"): libName = "postgresql%20" + str(postgres_branch) + ".x" elif libName.startswith("tiff"): libName = "libtiff" elif libName.startswith("zxing"): libName = "zxing-cpp" elif libName.startswith("liborcus"): libName = "orcus" elif libName.startswith("ltm"): libName = "libtommath" elif "clucene-core" in libName: libName = "clucene-core" elif "lp_solve" in libName: libName = "lp_solve" elif "hsqldb" in libName: libName = "hsqldb" elif re.match("[0-9a-f]{5,40}", libName.split("-")[0]): # SHA1 libName = libName.split("-")[1] else: libName = libName.split("-")[0] item = 0 itemId = 0 latest_version = 0 if libName == "openssl": item = 2 itemId = 2566 elif libName == "curl": item = 1 itemId = 381 elif libName == "libpng": item = 4 itemId = 1705 elif libName == "freetype": item = 2 itemId = 854 elif libName == "lcms2": item = 1 itemId = 9815 elif libName == "cairo": item = 1 itemId = 247 elif libName == "bzip2": item = 1 itemId = 237 elif libName == "zlib": item = 1 itemId = 5303 elif libName == "libwebp": item = 1 itemId = 1761 elif libName == "libffi": item = 1 itemId = 1611 urlApi = "https://release-monitoring.org/api/v2/projects/?name=" + libName res = requests.get(urlApi) json = res.json() if not json['items']: return Version("0.0.0"), "" if item != 0: assert json['items'][item]['id'] == itemId, str(json['items'][item]['id']) + " != " + str(itemId) if libName == "openssl": for idx, ver in enumerate(json['items'][item]['stable_versions']): if ver.startswith(openssl_branch): latest_version = idx break elif libName == "python": for idx, ver in enumerate(json['items'][item]['stable_versions']): if ver.startswith(python_branch): latest_version = idx break elif libName == "mariadb-connector-c": for idx, ver in enumerate(json['items'][item]['stable_versions']): if ver.startswith(mariadb_branch): latest_version = idx break return Version(json['items'][item]['stable_versions'][latest_version].replace("_", ".").replace("-", ".")), json['items'][item]['homepage'] if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--file', action="store", dest="file", required=True) args = parser.parse_args() libraryList = get_library_list(args.file) if not libraryList: sys.exit(1) for lib in libraryList: if lib.startswith("language-subtag-registry"): print("CHECK https://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry") continue latestVersion, website = get_latest_version(lib) currentVersion = get_current_version(lib) if latestVersion == Version("0.0.0"): print("FAIL: " + lib + " not found in https://release-monitoring.org") elif currentVersion == Version("0.0.0"): print("FAIL: " + lib + " version not detected") elif currentVersion != latestVersion: print(lib + " is not updated: " + website) print(" ----> The current version is " + str(currentVersion)) print(" ----> The latest version is " + str(latestVersion)) ts LibreOffice 核心代码仓库文档基金会
path: root/sc/source/ui/undo/undocell2.cxx
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