#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
#   Copyright (c) 2018 Martin Pieuchot
#   Copyright (c) 2018 Samuel Thibault <sthibault@hypra.fr>
#   Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
#   purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
#   copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

# Take LibreOffice (glade) .ui files and check for non accessible widgets

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys
import getopt
    import lxml.etree as ET
    lxml = True
except ImportError:
    if sys.version_info < (2,7):
        print("gla11y needs lxml or python >= 2.7")
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    lxml = False

# Toplevel widgets
widgets_toplevel = [

widgets_ignored = widgets_toplevel + [
    # Containers


    # Invisible actions

    # Storage objects





    # Useless to label

    # These are actually labels

    # This precisely give a11y information :)

widgets_suffixignored = [

# These widgets always need a label
widgets_needlabel = [

# These widgets normally have their own label
widgets_buttons = [


# These widgets are labels that can label other widgets
widgets_labels = [

# The rest should probably be labelled if there are orphan labels

# GtkSpinner
# GtkProgressBar
# GtkLevelBar

# GtkComboBox
# GtkComboBoxText
# GtkFileChooserButton
# GtkAppChooserButton
# GtkFontButton
# GtkCalendar
# GtkColorChooserWidget

# GtkCellView
# GtkTreeView
# GtkTreeViewColumn
# GtkTextView
# GtkIconView

# GtkImage
# GtkArrow
# GtkDrawingArea

# GtkScaleButton
# GtkVolumeButton

# GtkColorPlane ?
# GtkColorScale ?
# GtkColorSwatch ?
# GtkFileChooserWidget ?
# GtkFishbowl ?
# GtkFontChooserWidget ?
# GtkIcon ?
# GtkInspector* ?
# GtkMagnifier ?
# GtkPathBar ?
# GtkPlacesSidebar ?
# GtkPlacesView ?
# GtkPrinterOptionWidget ?
# GtkStackCombo ?
# GtkStackSidebar ?
# GtkStackSwitcher ?

progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])

suppressions = {}
false_positives = {}
ids = {}
ids_dup = {}
labelled_by_elm = {}
label_for_elm = {}
mnemonic_for_elm = {}

gen_suppr = None
gen_supprfile = None
suppr_prefix = ""
outfile = None

pflag = False

warn_orphan_labels = True

errors = 0
errexists = 0
warnings = 0
warnexists = 0
fatals = 0
fatalexists = 0

enables = [ ]
dofatals = [ ]

# XML browsing and printing functions

def elm_parent(root, elm):
    Return the parent of the element.
    if lxml:
        return elm.getparent()
        def find_parent(cur, elm):
            for o in cur:
                if o == elm:
                    return cur
                parent = find_parent(o, elm)
                if parent is not None:
                    return parent
            return None
        return find_parent(root, elm)

def step_elm(elm):
    Return the XML class path step corresponding to elm.
    This can be empty if the elm does not have any class or id.
    step = elm.attrib.get('class')
    if step is None:
        step = ""
    oid = elm.attrib.get('id')
    if oid is not None:
        oid = oid.encode('ascii','ignore').decode('ascii')
        step += "[@id='%s']" % oid
    if len(step) > 0:
        step += '/'
    return step

def find_elm(root, elm):
    Return the XML class path of the element from the given root.
    This is the slow version used when getparent is not available.
    if root == elm:
        return ""
    for o in root:
        path = find_elm(o, elm)
        if path is not None:
            step = step_elm(o)
            return step + path
    return None

def errpath(filename, tree, elm):
    Return the XML class path of the element
    if elm is None:
        return ""
    path = ""
    if 'class' in elm.attrib:
        path += elm.attrib['class']
    oid = elm.attrib.get('id')
    if oid is not None:
        oid = oid.encode('ascii','ignore').decode('ascii')
        path = "//" + path + "[@id='%s']" % oid
        if lxml:
            elm = elm.getparent()
            while elm is not None:
                step = step_elm(elm)
                path = step + path
                elm = elm.getparent()
            path = find_elm(tree.getroot(), elm)[:-1]
    path = filename + ':' + path
    return path

# Warning/Error printing functions

def elm_prefix(filename, elm):
    Return the display prefix of the element
    if elm == None or not lxml:
        return "%s:" % filename
        return "%s:%u" % (filename, elm.sourceline)

def elm_name(elm):
    Return a display name of the element
    if elm is not None:
        name = ""
        if 'class' in elm.attrib:
            name = "'%s' " % elm.attrib['class']
        if 'id' in elm.attrib:
            id = elm.attrib['id'].encode('ascii','ignore').decode('ascii')
            name += "'%s' " % id
        if not name:
            name = "'" + elm.tag + "'"
            if lxml:
                name += " line " + str(elm.sourceline)
        return name
    return ""

def elm_name_line(elm):
    Return a display name of the element with line number
    if elm is not None:
        name = elm_name(elm)
        if lxml and " line " not in name:
            name += "line " + str(elm.sourceline) + " "
        return name
    return ""

def elm_line(elm):
    Return the line for the given element.
    if lxml:
        return " line " + str(elm.sourceline)
        return ""

def elms_lines(elms):
    Return the list of lines for the given elements.
    if lxml:
        return " lines " + ', '.join([str(l.sourceline) for l in elms])
        return ""

def elms_names_lines(elms):
    Return the list of names and lines for the given elements.
    return ', '.join([elm_name_line(elm) for elm in elms])

def elm_suppr(filename, tree, elm, msgtype, dogen):
    Return the prefix to be displayed to the user and the suppression line for
    the warning type "msgtype" for element "elm"
    global gen_suppr, gen_supprfile, suppr_prefix, pflag

    if suppressions or false_positives or gen_suppr is not None or pflag:
        prefix = errpath(filename, tree, elm)
        if prefix[0:len(suppr_prefix)] == suppr_prefix:
            prefix = prefix[len(suppr_prefix):]

    if suppressions or false_positives or gen_suppr is not None:
        suppr = '%s %s' % (prefix, msgtype)

        if gen_suppr is not None and msgtype is not None and dogen:
            if gen_supprfile is None:
                gen_supprfile = open(gen_suppr, 'w')
            print(suppr, file=gen_supprfile)
        suppr = None

    if not pflag:
        # Use user-friendly line numbers
        prefix = elm_prefix(filename, elm)
        if prefix[0:len(suppr_prefix)] == suppr_prefix:
            prefix = prefix[len(suppr_prefix):]

    return (prefix, suppr)

def is_enabled(elm, msgtype, l, default):
    Test whether warning type msgtype is enabled for elm in l
    enabled = default
    for (enable, thetype, klass) in l:
        # Match warning type
        if thetype is not None:
            if thetype != msgtype:
        # Match elm class
        if klass is not None and elm is not None:
            if klass != elm.attrib.get('class'):
        enabled = enable
    return enabled

def err(filename, tree, elm, msgtype, msg, error = True):
    Emit a warning or error for an element
    global errors, errexists, warnings, warnexists, fatals, fatalexists

    # Let user tune whether a warning or error
    fatal = is_enabled(elm, msgtype, dofatals, error)

    # By default warnings and errors are enabled, but let user tune it
    if not is_enabled(elm, msgtype, enables, True):

    (prefix, suppr) = elm_suppr(filename, tree, elm, msgtype, True)
    if suppr in false_positives:
        # That was actually expected
    if suppr in suppressions:
        # Suppressed
        suppressions[suppr] = False
        if fatal:
            fatalexists += 1
        if error:
            errexists += 1
            warnexists += 1

    if error:
        errors += 1
        warnings += 1
    if fatal:
        fatals += 1

    msg = "%s %s%s: %s%s" % (prefix,
            "FATAL " if fatal else "",
            "ERROR" if error else "WARNING",
            elm_name(elm), msg)
    if outfile is not None:
        print(msg, file=outfile)

def warn(filename, tree, elm, msgtype, msg):
    Emit a warning for an element
    err(filename, tree, elm, msgtype, msg, False)

# Labelling testing functions

def find_button_parent(root, elm):
    Find a parent which is a button
    if lxml:
        parent = elm.getparent()
        if parent is not None:
            if parent.attrib.get('class') in widgets_buttons:
                return parent
            return find_button_parent(root, parent)
        def find_parent(cur, elm):
            for o in cur:
                if o == elm:
                    if cur.attrib.get('class') in widgets_buttons:
                        # we are the button, immediately above the target
                        return cur
                        # we aren't the button, but target is over there
                        return True
                parent = find_parent(o, elm)
                if parent == True:
                    # It is over there, but didn't find a button yet
                    if cur.attrib.get('class') in widgets_buttons:
                        # we are the button
                        return cur
                        return True
                if parent is not None:
                    # we have the button parent over there
                    return parent
            return None
        parent = find_parent(root, elm)
        if parent == True:
            parent = None
        return parent

def is_labelled_parent(elm):
    Return whether this element is a labelled parent
    klass = elm.attrib.get('class')
    if klass in widgets_toplevel:
        return True
    if klass == 'GtkShortcutsGroup':
        children = elm.findall("property[@name='title']")
        if len(children) >= 1:
            return True
    if klass == 'GtkFrame' or klass == 'GtkNotebook':
        children = elm.findall("child[@type='tab']") + elm.findall("child[@type='label']") 
        if len(children) >= 1:
            return True
    return False

def elm_labelled_parent(root, elm):
    Return the first labelled parent of the element, which can thus be used as
    the root of widgets with common labelled context

    if lxml:
        def find_labelled_parent(elm):
            if is_labelled_parent(elm):
                return elm
            parent = elm.getparent()
            if parent is None:
                return None
            return find_labelled_parent(parent)
        parent = elm.getparent()
        if parent is None:
            return None
        return find_labelled_parent(elm.getparent())
        def find_labelled_parent(cur, elm):
            if cur == elm:
                # the target element is over there
                return True
            for o in cur:
                parent = find_labelled_parent(o, elm)
                if parent == True:
                    # target element is over there, check ourself
                    if is_labelled_parent(cur):
                        # yes, and we are the first ancestor of the target element
                        return cur
                        # no, but target element is over there.
                        return True
                if parent != None:
                    # the first ancestor of the target element was over there
                    return parent
            return None
        parent = find_labelled_parent(root, elm)
        if parent == True:
            parent = None
        return parent

def is_orphan_label(filename, tree, root, obj, orphan_root, doprint = False):
    Check whether this label has no accessibility relation, or doubtful relation
    because another label labels the same target
    global label_for_elm, labelled_by_elm, mnemonic_for_elm, warnexists

    # label-for
    label_for = obj.findall("accessibility/relation[@type='label-for']")
    for rel in label_for:
        target = rel.attrib['target']
        l = label_for_elm[target]
        if len(l) > 1:
            return True

    # mnemonic_widget
    mnemonic_for = obj.findall("property[@name='mnemonic_widget']") + \
    for rel in mnemonic_for:
        target = rel.text
        l = mnemonic_for_elm[target]
        if len(l) > 1:
            return True

    if len(label_for) > 0:
        # At least one label-for, we are not orphan.
        return False

    if len(mnemonic_for) > 0:
        # At least one mnemonic_widget, we are not orphan.
        return False

    labelled_by = obj.findall("accessibility/relation[@type='labelled-by']")
    if len(labelled_by) > 0:
        # Oh, a labelled label, probably not to be labelling anything
        return False

    # explicit role?
    roles = [x.text for x in obj.findall("child[@internal-child='accessible']/object[@class='AtkObject']/property[@name='AtkObject::accessible-role']")]
    roles += [x.attrib.get("type") for x in obj.findall("accessibility/role")]
    if len(roles) > 1 and doprint:
        err(filename, tree, obj, "multiple-role", "has multiple <child internal-child='accessible'><object class='AtkObject'><property name='AtkBoject::accessible-role'>"
            "%s" % elms_lines(children))
    for role in roles:
        if role == 'static' or role == 'ATK_ROLE_STATIC':
            # This is static text, not meant to label anything
            return False

    parent = elm_parent(root, obj)
    if parent is not None:
        childtype = parent.attrib.get('type')
        if childtype is None:
            childtype = parent.attrib.get('internal-child')
        if parent.tag == 'child' and childtype == 'label' \
                                  or childtype == 'tab':
            # This is a frame or a notebook label, not orphan.
            return False

    if find_button_parent(root, obj) is not None:
        # This label is part of a button
        return False

    oid = obj.attrib.get('oid')
    if oid is not None:
        if oid in labelled_by_elm:
            # Some widget is labelled by us, we are not orphan.
            # We should have had a label-for, will warn about it later.
            return False

    # No label-for, no mnemonic-for, no labelled-by, we are orphan.
    (_, suppr) = elm_suppr(filename, tree, obj, "orphan-label", False)
    if suppr in false_positives:
        # That was actually expected
        return False
    if suppr in suppressions:
        # Warning suppressed for this label
        if suppressions[suppr]:
            warnexists += 1
        suppressions[suppr] = False
        return False

    if doprint:
        context = elm_name(orphan_root)
        if context:
            context = " within " + context
        warn(filename, tree, obj, "orphan-label", "does not specify what it labels" + context)
    return True

def is_orphan_widget(filename, tree, root, obj, orphan, orphan_root, doprint = False):
    Check whether this widget has no accessibility relation.
    global warnexists
    if obj.tag != 'object':
        return False

    oid = obj.attrib.get('id')
    klass = obj.attrib.get('class')

    # "Don't care" special case
    if klass in widgets_ignored:
        return False
    for suffix in widgets_suffixignored:
        if klass[-len(suffix):] == suffix:
            return False

    # Widgets usual do not strictly require a label, i.e. a labelled parent
    # is enough for context, but some do always need one.
    requires_label = klass in widgets_needlabel

    labelled_by = obj.findall("accessibility/relation[@type='labelled-by']")

    # Labels special case
    if klass in widgets_labels:
        return False

    # Case 1: has an explicit <child internal-child="accessible"> sub-element
    children = obj.findall("child[@internal-child='accessible']")
    if len(children) > 1 and doprint:
        err(filename, tree, obj, "multiple-accessible", "has multiple <child internal-child='accessible'>"
            "%s" % elms_lines(children))
    if len(children) >= 1:
        return False

    # Case 2: has an <accessibility> sub-element with a "labelled-by"
    # <relation> pointing to an existing element.
    if len(labelled_by) > 0:
        return False

    # Case 3: has a label-for
    if oid in label_for_elm:
        return False

    # Case 4: has a mnemonic
    if oid in mnemonic_for_elm:
        return False

    # Case 5: Has a <property name="tooltip_text">
    tooltips = obj.findall("property[@name='tooltip_text']") + \
    if len(tooltips) > 1 and doprint:
        err(filename, tree, obj, "multiple-tooltip", "has multiple tooltip_text properties")
    if len(tooltips) >= 1 and klass != 'GtkCheckButton':
        return False

    # Case 6: Has a <property name="placeholder_text">
    placeholders = obj.findall("property[@name='placeholder_text']") + \
    if len(placeholders) > 1 and doprint:
        err(filename, tree, obj, "multiple-placeholder", "has multiple placeholder_text properties")
    if len(placeholders) >= 1:
        return False

    # Buttons usually don't need an external label, their own is enough, (but they do need one)
    if klass in widgets_buttons:

        labels = obj.findall("property[@name='label']")
        if len(labels) > 1 and doprint:
            err(filename, tree, obj, "multiple-label", "has multiple label properties")
        if len(labels) >= 1:
            # Has a <property name="label">
            return False

        actions = obj.findall("property[@name='action_name']")
        if len(actions) > 1 and doprint:
            err(filename, tree, obj, "multiple-action_name", "has multiple action_name properties")
        if len(actions) >= 1:
            # Has a <property name="action_name">
            return False

        gtklabels = obj.findall(".//object[@class='GtkLabel']") + obj.findall(".//object[@class='GtkAccelLabel']")
        if len(gtklabels) >= 1:
            # Has a custom label
            return False

        # no label for a button, warn
        if doprint:
            warn(filename, tree, obj, "button-no-label", "does not have its own label");
        if not is_enabled(obj, "button-no-label", enables, True):
            # Warnings disabled
            return False
        (_, suppr) = elm_suppr(filename, tree, obj, "button-no-label", False)
        if suppr in false_positives:
            # That was actually expected
            return False
        if suppr in suppressions:
            # Warning suppressed for this widget
            if suppressions[suppr]:
                warnexists += 1
            suppressions[suppr] = False
            return False
        return True

    # GtkImages special case
    if klass == "GtkImage":
        uses = [u for u in tree.iterfind(".//object/property[@name='image']") if u.text == oid]
        if len(uses) > 0:
            # This image is just used by another element, don't warn
            # about the image itself, we probably want the warning on
            # the element instead.
            return False

        if find_button_parent(root, obj) is not None:
            # This image is part of a button, we want the warning on the button
            # instead, if any.
            return False

    # GtkEntry special case
    if klass == 'GtkEntry' or klass == 'GtkSearchEntry':
        parent = elm_parent(root, obj)
        if parent is not None:
            if parent.tag == 'child' and \
                parent.attrib.get('internal-child') == "entry":
                # This is an internal entry of another widget. Relations
                # will be handled by that widget.
                return False

    # GtkShortcutsShortcut special case
    if klass == 'GtkShortcutsShortcut':
        children = obj.findall("property[@name='title']")
        if len(children) >= 1:
            return False

    # Really no label, perhaps emit a warning
    if not is_enabled(obj, "no-labelled-by", enables, True):
        # Warnings disabled for this class of widgets
        return False
    (_, suppr) = elm_suppr(filename, tree, obj, "no-labelled-by", False)
    if suppr in false_positives:
        # That was actually expected
        return False
    if suppr in suppressions:
        # Warning suppressed for this widget
        if suppressions[suppr]:
            warnexists += 1
        suppressions[suppr] = False
        return False

    if not orphan:
        # No orphan label, so probably the labelled parent provides enough
        # context.
        if requires_label:
            # But these always need a label.
            if doprint:
                warn(filename, tree, obj, "no-labelled-by", "has no accessibility label")
            return True
        return False

    if doprint:
        context = elm_name(orphan_root)
        if context:
            context = " within " + context
        warn(filename, tree, obj, "no-labelled-by", "has no accessibility label while there are orphan labels" + context)
    return True

def orphan_items(filename, tree, root, elm):
    Check whether from some element there exists orphan labels and orphan widgets
    orphan_labels = False
    orphan_widgets = False
    if elm.attrib.get('class') in widgets_labels:
        orphan_labels = is_orphan_label(filename, tree, root, elm, None)
        orphan_widgets = is_orphan_widget(filename, tree, root, elm, True, None)
    for obj in elm:
        # We are not interested in orphan labels under another labelled
        # parent.  This also allows to keep linear complexity.
        if not is_labelled_parent(obj):
            label, widget = orphan_items(filename, tree, root, obj)
            if label:
                orphan_labels = True
            if widget:
                orphan_widgets = True
            if orphan_labels and orphan_widgets:
                # No need to look up more
    return orphan_labels, orphan_widgets

# UI accessibility checks

def check_props(filename, tree, root, elm, forward):
    Check the given list of relation properties
    props = elm.findall("property[@name='" + forward + "']")
    for prop in props:
        if prop.text not in ids:
            err(filename, tree, elm, "undeclared-target", forward + " uses undeclared target '%s'" % prop.text)
    return props

def is_visible(obj):
    visible = False
    visible_prop = obj.findall("property[@name='visible']")
    visible_len = len(visible_prop)
    if visible_len:
        visible_txt = visible_prop[visible_len - 1].text
        if visible_txt.lower() == "true":
            visible = True
        elif visible_txt.lower() == "false":
            visible = False
    return visible

def check_rels(filename, tree, root, elm, forward, backward = None):
    Check the relations given by forward
    oid = elm.attrib.get('id')
    rels = elm.findall("accessibility/relation[@type='" + forward + "']")
    for rel in rels:
        target = rel.attrib['target']
        if target not in ids:
            err(filename, tree, elm, "undeclared-target", forward + " uses undeclared target '%s'" % target)
        elif backward is not None:
            widget = ids[target]
            backrels = widget.findall("accessibility/relation[@type='" + backward + "']")
            if len([x for x in backrels if x.attrib['target'] == oid]) == 0:
                err(filename, tree, elm, "missing-" + backward, "has " + forward + \
                    ", but is not " + backward + " by " + elm_name_line(widget))
    return rels

def check_a11y_relation(filename, tree):
    Emit an error message if any of the 'object' elements of the XML
    document represented by `root' doesn't comply with Accessibility
    global widgets_ignored, ids, label_for_elm, labelled_by_elm, mnemonic_for_elm

    def check_elm(orphan_root, obj, orphan_labels, orphan_widgets):
        Check one element, knowing that orphan_labels/widgets tell whether
        there are orphan labels and widgets within orphan_root

        oid = obj.attrib.get('id')
        klass = obj.attrib.get('class')

        # "Don't care" special case
        if klass in widgets_ignored:
        for suffix in widgets_suffixignored:
            if klass[-len(suffix):] == suffix:

        # Widgets usual do not strictly require a label, i.e. a labelled parent
        # is enough for context, but some do always need one.
        requires_label = klass in widgets_needlabel

        if oid is not None:
            # Check that ids are unique
            if oid in ids_dup:
                if ids[oid] == obj:
                    # We are the first, warn
                    duplicates = tree.findall(".//object[@id='" + oid + "']")
                    err(filename, tree, obj, "duplicate-id", "has the same id as other elements " + elms_names_lines(duplicates))

        # Check label-for and their dual labelled-by
        label_for = check_rels(filename, tree, root, obj, "label-for", "labelled-by")

        # Check labelled-by and its dual label-for
        labelled_by = check_rels(filename, tree, root, obj, "labelled-by", "label-for")

        visible = is_visible(obj)

        # Should have only one label
        if len(labelled_by) >= 1:
            if oid in mnemonic_for_elm:
                warn(filename, tree, obj, "labelled-by-and-mnemonic",
                     "has both a mnemonic " + elm_name_line(mnemonic_for_elm[oid][0]) + "and labelled-by relation")
            if len(labelled_by) > 1:
                warn(filename, tree, obj, "multiple-labelled-by", "has multiple labelled-by relations")
        if oid in label_for_elm:
            if len(label_for_elm[oid]) > 1:
                warn(filename, tree, obj, "duplicate-label-for", "is referenced by multiple label-for " + elms_names_lines(label_for_elm[oid]))
            elif len(label_for_elm[oid]) == 1:
                paired = label_for_elm[oid][0]
                if visible != is_visible(paired):
                    warn(filename, tree, obj, "visibility-conflict", "visibility conflicts with paired " + elm_name_line(paired))
        if oid in mnemonic_for_elm:
            if len(mnemonic_for_elm[oid]) > 1:
                warn(filename, tree, obj, "duplicate-mnemonic", "is referenced by multiple mnemonic_widget " + elms_names_lines(mnemonic_for_elm[oid]))

        # Check member-of
        member_of = check_rels(filename, tree, root, obj, "member-of")

        # Labels special case
        if klass in widgets_labels:
            properties = check_props(filename, tree, root, obj, "mnemonic_widget") + \
                         check_props(filename, tree, root, obj, "mnemonic-widget")
            if len(properties) > 1:
                err(filename, tree, obj, "multiple-mnemonic", "has multiple mnemonic_widgets properties"
                    "%s" % elms_lines(properties))

            # Emit orphaning warnings
            if warn_orphan_labels or orphan_widgets:
                is_orphan_label(filename, tree, root, obj, orphan_root, True)

            # We are done with the label

        # Not a label, will perhaps need one

        # Emit orphaning warnings
        is_orphan_widget(filename, tree, root, obj, orphan_labels, orphan_root, True)

    root = tree.getroot()

    # Flush ids and relations from previous files
    ids = {}
    ids_dup = {}
    labelled_by_elm = {}
    label_for_elm = {}
    mnemonic_for_elm = {}

    # First pass to get links into hash tables, no warning, just record duplicates
    for obj in root.iter('object'):
        oid = obj.attrib.get('id')
        if oid is not None:
            if oid not in ids:
                ids[oid] = obj
                ids_dup[oid] = True

        labelled_by = obj.findall("accessibility/relation[@type='labelled-by']")
        for rel in labelled_by:
            target = rel.attrib.get('target')
            if target is not None:
                if target not in labelled_by_elm:
                    labelled_by_elm[target] = [ obj ]

        label_for = obj.findall("accessibility/relation[@type='label-for']")
        for rel in label_for:
            target = rel.attrib.get('target')
            if target is not None:
                if target not in label_for_elm:
                    label_for_elm[target] = [ obj ]

        mnemonic_for = obj.findall("property[@name='mnemonic_widget']") + \
        for rel in mnemonic_for:
            target = rel.text
            if target is not None:
                if target not in mnemonic_for_elm:
                    mnemonic_for_elm[target] = [ obj ]

    # Second pass, recursive depth-first, to be able to efficiently know whether
    # there are orphan labels within a part of the tree.
    def recurse(orphan_root, obj, orphan_labels, orphan_widgets):
        if obj == root or is_labelled_parent(obj):
            orphan_root = obj
            orphan_labels, orphan_widgets = orphan_items(filename, tree, root, obj)

        if obj.tag == 'object':
            check_elm(orphan_root, obj, orphan_labels, orphan_widgets)

        for o in obj:
            recurse(orphan_root, o, orphan_labels, orphan_widgets)

    recurse(root, root, False, False)

# Main

def usage(fatal = True):
    print("`%s' checks accessibility of glade .ui files" % progname)
    print("Usage: %s [-p] [-g SUPPR_FILE] [-s SUPPR_FILE] [-f SUPPR_FILE] [-P PREFIX] [-o LOG_FILE] [file ...]" % progname)
    print("  -p Print XML class path instead of line number")
    print("  -g Generate suppression file SUPPR_FILE")
    print("  -s Suppress warnings given by file SUPPR_FILE, but count them")
    print("  -f Suppress warnings given by file SUPPR_FILE completely")
    print("  -P Remove PREFIX from file names in warnings")
    print("  -o Also prints errors and warnings to given file")
    print("  --widgets-FOO [+][CLASS1[,CLASS2[,...]]]")
    print("    Give or extend one of the lists of widget classes, where FOO can be:")
    print("    - toplevel      : widgets to be considered toplevel windows")
    print("    - ignored       : widgets which do not need labelling (e.g. GtkBox)")
    print("    - suffixignored : suffixes of widget classes which do not need labelling")
    print("    - needlabel     : widgets which always need labelling (e.g. GtkEntry)")
    print("    - buttons       : widgets which need their own label but not more")
    print("                      (e.g. GtkButton)")
    print("    - labels        : widgets which provide labels (e.g. GtkLabel)")
    print("  --widgets-print print default widgets lists")
    print("  --enable-all         enable all warnings/dofatals (default)")
    print("  --disable-all        disable all warnings/dofatals")
    print("  --fatal-all          make all warnings dofatals")
    print("  --not-fatal-all      do not make all warnings dofatals (default)")
    print("  --enable-type=TYPE    enable warning/fatal type TYPE")
    print("  --disable-type=TYPE   disable warning/fatal type TYPE")
    print("  --fatal-type=TYPE     make warning type TYPE a fatal")
    print("  --not-fatal-type=TYPE make warning type TYPE not a fatal")
    print("  --enable-widgets=CLASS    enable warning/fatal type CLASS")
    print("  --disable-widgets=CLASS   disable warning/fatal type CLASS")
    print("  --fatal-widgets=CLASS     make warning type CLASS a fatal")
    print("  --not-fatal-widgets=CLASS make warning type CLASS not a fatal")
    print("  --enable-specific=TYPE.CLASS    enable warning/fatal type TYPE for widget")
    print("                                  class CLASS")
    print("  --disable-specific=TYPE.CLASS   disable warning/fatal type TYPE for widget")
    print("                                  class CLASS")
    print("  --fatal-specific=TYPE.CLASS     make warning type TYPE a fatal for widget")
    print("                                  class CLASS")
    print("  --not-fatal-specific=TYPE.CLASS make warning type TYPE not a fatal for widget")
    print("                                  class CLASS")
    print("  --disable-orphan-labels         only warn about orphan labels when there are")
    print("                                  orphan widgets in the same context")
    print("Report bugs to <bugs@hypra.fr>")
    sys.exit(2 if fatal else 0)

def widgets_opt(widgets_list, arg):
    Replace or extend `widgets_list' with the list of classes contained in `arg'
    append = arg and arg[0] == '+'
    if append:
        arg = arg[1:]

    if arg:
        widgets = arg.split(',')
        widgets = []

    if not append:
        del widgets_list[:]


def main():
    global pflag, gen_suppr, gen_supprfile, suppressions, suppr_prefix, false_positives, dofatals, enables, dofatals, warn_orphan_labels
    global widgets_toplevel, widgets_ignored, widgets_suffixignored, widgets_needlabel, widgets_buttons, widgets_labels
    global outfile

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hpiIg:s:f:P:o:L:", [






            ] )
    except getopt.GetoptError:

    suppr = None
    false = None
    out = None
    filelist = None

    for o, a in opts:
        if o == "--help" or o == "-h":
        if o == "--version":
        elif o == "-p":
            pflag = True
        elif o == "-g":
            gen_suppr = a
        elif o == "-s":
            suppr = a
        elif o == "-f":
            false = a
        elif o == "-P":
            suppr_prefix = a
        elif o == "-o":
            out = a
        elif o == "-L":
            filelist = a

        elif o == "--widgets-toplevel":
            widgets_opt(widgets_toplevel, a)
        elif o == "--widgets-ignored":
            widgets_opt(widgets_ignored, a)
        elif o == "--widgets-suffixignored":
            widgets_opt(widgets_suffixignored, a)
        elif o == "--widgets-needlabel":
            widgets_opt(widgets_needlabel, a)
        elif o == "--widgets-buttons":
            widgets_opt(widgets_buttons, a)
        elif o == "--widgets-labels":
            widgets_opt(widgets_labels, a)
        elif o == "--widgets-print":
            print("--widgets-toplevel '" + ','.join(widgets_toplevel) + "'")
            print("--widgets-ignored '" + ','.join(widgets_ignored) + "'")
            print("--widgets-suffixignored '" + ','.join(widgets_suffixignored) + "'")
            print("--widgets-needlabel '" + ','.join(widgets_needlabel) + "'")
            print("--widgets-buttons '" + ','.join(widgets_buttons) + "'")
            print("--widgets-labels '" + ','.join(widgets_labels) + "'")

        elif o == '--enable-all':
            enables.append( (True, None, None) )
        elif o == '--disable-all':
            enables.append( (False, None, None) )
        elif o == '--fatal-all':
            dofatals.append( (True, None, None) )
        elif o == '--not-fatal-all':
            dofatals.append( (False, None, None) )

        elif o == '--enable-type':
            enables.append( (True, a, None) )
        elif o == '--disable-type':
            enables.append( (False, a, None) )
        elif o == '--fatal-type':
            dofatals.append( (True, a, None) )
        elif o == '--not-fatal-type':
            dofatals.append( (False, a, None) )

        elif o == '--enable-widgets':
            enables.append( (True, None, a) )
        elif o == '--disable-widgets':
            enables.append( (False, None, a) )
        elif o == '--fatal-widgets':
            dofatals.append( (True, None, a) )
        elif o == '--not-fatal-widgets':
            dofatals.append( (False, None, a) )

        elif o == '--enable-specific':
            (thetype, klass) = a.split('.', 1)
            enables.append( (True, thetype, klass) )
        elif o == '--disable-specific':
            (thetype, klass) = a.split('.', 1)
            enables.append( (False, thetype, klass) )
        elif o == '--fatal-specific':
            (thetype, klass) = a.split('.', 1)
            dofatals.append( (True, thetype, klass) )
        elif o == '--not-fatal-specific':
            (thetype, klass) = a.split('.', 1)
            dofatals.append( (False, thetype, klass) )

        elif o == '--disable-orphan-labels':
            warn_orphan_labels = False

    # Read suppression file before overwriting it
    if suppr is not None:
            supprfile = open(suppr, 'r')
            for line in supprfile.readlines():
                prefix = line.rstrip()
                suppressions[prefix] = True
        except IOError:

    # Read false positives file
    if false is not None:
            falsefile = open(false, 'r')
            for line in falsefile.readlines():
                prefix = line.rstrip()
                false_positives[prefix] = True
        except IOError:

    if out is not None:
        outfile = open(out, 'w')

    if filelist is not None:
            filelistfile = open(filelist, 'r')
            for line in filelistfile.readlines():
                line = line.strip()
                if line:
                    args += line.split(' ')
        except IOError:
            err(filelist, None, None, "unable to read file list file")

    for filename in args:
            tree = ET.parse(filename)
        except ET.ParseError:
            err(filename, None, None, "parse", "malformatted xml file")
        except IOError:
            err(filename, None, None, None, "unable to read file")

            check_a11y_relation(filename, tree)
        except Exception as error:
            import traceback
            err(filename, None, None, "parse", "error parsing file")

    if errors > 0 or errexists > 0:
        estr = "%s new error%s" % (errors, 's' if errors > 1 else '')
        if errexists > 0:
            estr += " (%s suppressed by %s)" % (errexists, suppr)

    if warnings > 0 or warnexists > 0:
        wstr = "%s new warning%s" % (warnings, 's' if warnings > 1 else '')
        if warnexists > 0:
            wstr += " (%s suppressed by %s)" % (warnexists, suppr)

    if fatals > 0 or fatalexists > 0:
        wstr = "%s new fatal%s" % (fatals, 's' if fatals > 1 else '')
        if fatalexists > 0:
            wstr += " (%s suppressed by %s)" % (fatalexists, suppr)

    n = 0
    for (suppr,unused) in suppressions.items():
        if unused:
            n += 1

    if n > 0:
        print("%s suppression%s unused" % (n, 's' if n > 1 else ''))

    if gen_supprfile is not None:
    if outfile is not None:
    if fatals > 0 and gen_suppr is None:
        print("Explanations are available on https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Accessibility")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

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