# UNO-based Graphics Backend

UNO-based graphics backend, lesser impedance to modern graphics APIs
than vcl.

## The canvas Framework

The `canvas` framework is the successor of the system GUI and graphics
backend VCL. Basic functionality is available, supplying just as much
features as necessary to provide a VCL-equivalent feature set (except
proper BiDi/CTL support).

The `canvas` framework consists of the following two modules, `canvas` and
`cppcanvas`. Additionally, a new generic graphics tooling is used (but
not exclusively by the canvas, Armin's drawinglayer module also make
use of it), which resides in `basegfx`.

The UNO API used by the canvas is primarily under
`css::rendering`, with `css::rendering::XCanvas`
being the central interface.

## The slideshow Engine

The `slideshow` engine has replaced the former Impress-embedded
presentation framework with a fully independent UNO component, and it
is based on the canvas. Some features used there are only available
from `canvas`, like double-buffering, and hardware-accelerated
alpha-blending (currently not on all platforms).

## Cairo canvas

Cairo `canvas` is one of backends of canvas component. `canvas` is mostly
used for slideshow rendering and also for emf+ rendering. we hoped it
will even be used by drawing layer, but it didn't happen (yet?) for
API look at `offapi/com/sun/star/rendering/`, the implementation is in
`canvas` and `cppcanvas` modules.

Cairo `canvas` backend uses Cairo library for rendering. Main advantage
is support of alpha transparency and in some cases accelerated

The backend itself is quite old and stable, not many changes in that
area lately, mostly changes for emf+ rendering, communication with
vcl and bugfixes

## Future Works

Look at Cairo `canvas` and situation when it is used
(mostly slideshow).

There still might be more cases when we
can save some roundtrips when exchanging data with vcl.