/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: tp_AxisLabel.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.6 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-09-17 12:58:36 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_chart2.hxx" #include "tp_AxisLabel.hxx" #include "ResId.hxx" #include "TabPages.hrc" #include "SchSfxItemIds.hxx" #include "SchSlotIds.hxx" #define ITEMID_CHARTTEXTORDER SCHATTR_TEXT_ORDER // #define ITEMID_CHARTTEXTORIENT SCHATTR_TEXT_ORIENT // header for SvxChartTextOrientItem / SvxChartTextOrderItem #ifndef _SVX_CHRTITEM_HXX #include #endif /* #ifndef _SFXITEMSET_HXX #include #endif */ // header for SfxInt32Item #ifndef _SFXINTITEM_HXX #include #endif /* // header for SfxBoolItem #ifndef _SFXENUMITEM_HXX #include #endif #include "schattr.hxx" #define ITEMID_CHARTTEXTORDER SCHATTR_TEXT_ORDER #define ITEMID_CHARTTEXTORIENT SCHATTR_TEXT_ORIENT // header for SvxChartTextOrientItem / SvxChartTextOrderItem #ifndef _SVX_CHRTITEM_HXX #include #endif #include "chtmodel.hxx" #include "schresid.hxx" #include "app.hrc" #include "tplabel.hxx" #include "tplabel.hrc" */ //............................................................................. namespace chart { //............................................................................. SchAxisLabelTabPage::SchAxisLabelTabPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rInAttrs ) : SfxTabPage( pParent, SchResId( TP_AXIS_LABEL ), rInAttrs ), aCbShowDescription( this, SchResId( CB_AXIS_LABEL_SCHOW_DESCR ) ), aFlOrder( this, SchResId( FL_AXIS_LABEL_ORDER ) ), aRbSideBySide( this, SchResId( RB_AXIS_LABEL_SIDEBYSIDE ) ), aRbUpDown( this, SchResId( RB_AXIS_LABEL_UPDOWN ) ), aRbDownUp( this, SchResId( RB_AXIS_LABEL_DOWNUP ) ), aRbAuto( this, SchResId( RB_AXIS_LABEL_AUTOORDER ) ), aFlSeparator( this, SchResId( FL_SEPARATOR ) ), aFlTextFlow( this, SchResId( FL_AXIS_LABEL_TEXTFLOW ) ), aCbTextOverlap( this, SchResId( CB_AXIS_LABEL_TEXTOVERLAP ) ), aCbTextBreak( this, SchResId( CB_AXIS_LABEL_TEXTBREAK ) ), aFlOrient( this, SchResId( FL_AXIS_LABEL_ORIENTATION ) ), aCtrlDial( this, SchResId( CT_AXIS_LABEL_DIAL ) ), aFtRotate( this, SchResId( FT_AXIS_LABEL_DEGREES ) ), aNfRotate( this, SchResId( NF_AXIS_LABEL_ORIENT ) ), aCbStacked( this, SchResId( PB_AXIS_LABEL_TEXTSTACKED ) ), aOrientHlp( this, aCtrlDial, aNfRotate, aCbStacked ), m_bShowStaggeringControls( true ), //// bAllowTextOverlap( TRUE ), m_nInitialDegrees( 0 ), m_bHasInitialDegrees( true ), m_bInitialStacking( false ), m_bHasInitialStacking( true ) { FreeResource(); aCbStacked.EnableTriState( FALSE ); aOrientHlp.AddDependentWindow( aFlOrient ); aOrientHlp.AddDependentWindow( aFtRotate, STATE_CHECK ); aCbShowDescription.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SchAxisLabelTabPage, ToggleShowLabel ) ); // Make the fixed line separator vertical. aFlSeparator.SetStyle (aFlSeparator.GetStyle() | WB_VERT); Construct(); } SchAxisLabelTabPage::~SchAxisLabelTabPage() {} void SchAxisLabelTabPage::Construct() { } SfxTabPage* SchAxisLabelTabPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrs ) { return new SchAxisLabelTabPage( pParent, rAttrs ); } BOOL SchAxisLabelTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rOutAttrs ) { bool bStacked = false; if( aOrientHlp.GetStackedState() != STATE_DONTKNOW ) { bStacked = aOrientHlp.GetStackedState() == STATE_CHECK; if( !m_bHasInitialStacking || (bStacked != m_bInitialStacking) ) rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem( SCHATTR_TEXT_STACKED, bStacked ) ); } if( aCtrlDial.HasRotation() ) { sal_Int32 nDegrees = bStacked ? 0 : aCtrlDial.GetRotation(); if( !m_bHasInitialDegrees || (nDegrees != m_nInitialDegrees) ) rOutAttrs.Put( SfxInt32Item( SCHATTR_TEXT_DEGREES, nDegrees ) ); } if( m_bShowStaggeringControls ) { SvxChartTextOrder eOrder; bool bRadioButtonChecked = true; if( aRbUpDown.IsChecked()) eOrder = CHTXTORDER_UPDOWN; else if( aRbDownUp.IsChecked()) eOrder = CHTXTORDER_DOWNUP; else if( aRbAuto.IsChecked()) eOrder = CHTXTORDER_AUTO; else if( aRbSideBySide.IsChecked()) eOrder = CHTXTORDER_SIDEBYSIDE; else bRadioButtonChecked = false; if( bRadioButtonChecked ) rOutAttrs.Put( SvxChartTextOrderItem( eOrder )); } if( aCbTextOverlap.GetState() != STATE_DONTKNOW ) rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem( SCHATTR_TEXT_OVERLAP, aCbTextOverlap.IsChecked() ) ); if( aCbTextBreak.GetState() != STATE_DONTKNOW ) rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem( SCHATTR_TEXTBREAK, aCbTextBreak.IsChecked() ) ); if( aCbShowDescription.GetState() != STATE_DONTKNOW ) rOutAttrs.Put( SfxBoolItem( SCHATTR_AXIS_SHOWDESCR, aCbShowDescription.IsChecked() ) ); return TRUE; } void SchAxisLabelTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rInAttrs ) { const SfxPoolItem* pPoolItem = NULL; SfxItemState aState = SFX_ITEM_UNKNOWN; // show description ---------- aState = rInAttrs.GetItemState( SCHATTR_AXIS_SHOWDESCR, FALSE, &pPoolItem ); if( aState == SFX_ITEM_DONTCARE ) { aCbShowDescription.EnableTriState( TRUE ); aCbShowDescription.SetState( STATE_DONTKNOW ); } else { aCbShowDescription.EnableTriState( FALSE ); BOOL bCheck = FALSE; if( aState == SFX_ITEM_SET ) bCheck = static_cast< const SfxBoolItem * >( pPoolItem )->GetValue(); aCbShowDescription.Check( bCheck ); if( ( aState & SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT ) == 0 ) aCbShowDescription.Hide(); } // Rotation as orient item or in degrees ---------- // check new degree item m_nInitialDegrees = 0; aState = rInAttrs.GetItemState( SCHATTR_TEXT_DEGREES, FALSE, &pPoolItem ); if( aState == SFX_ITEM_SET ) m_nInitialDegrees = static_cast< const SfxInt32Item * >( pPoolItem )->GetValue(); m_bHasInitialDegrees = aState != SFX_ITEM_DONTCARE; if( m_bHasInitialDegrees ) aCtrlDial.SetRotation( m_nInitialDegrees ); else aCtrlDial.SetNoRotation(); // check stacked item m_bInitialStacking = false; aState = rInAttrs.GetItemState( SCHATTR_TEXT_STACKED, FALSE, &pPoolItem ); if( aState == SFX_ITEM_SET ) m_bInitialStacking = static_cast< const SfxBoolItem * >( pPoolItem )->GetValue(); m_bHasInitialStacking = aState != SFX_ITEM_DONTCARE; if( m_bHasInitialDegrees ) aOrientHlp.SetStackedState( m_bInitialStacking ? STATE_CHECK : STATE_NOCHECK ); else aOrientHlp.SetStackedState( STATE_DONTKNOW ); // Text overlap ---------- aState = rInAttrs.GetItemState( SCHATTR_TEXT_OVERLAP, FALSE, &pPoolItem ); if( aState == SFX_ITEM_DONTCARE ) { aCbTextOverlap.EnableTriState( TRUE ); aCbTextOverlap.SetState( STATE_DONTKNOW ); } else { aCbTextOverlap.EnableTriState( FALSE ); BOOL bCheck = FALSE; if( aState == SFX_ITEM_SET ) bCheck = static_cast< const SfxBoolItem * >( pPoolItem )->GetValue(); aCbTextOverlap.Check( bCheck ); if( ( aState & SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT ) == 0 ) aCbTextOverlap.Hide(); } // text break ---------- aState = rInAttrs.GetItemState( SCHATTR_TEXTBREAK, FALSE, &pPoolItem ); if( aState == SFX_ITEM_DONTCARE ) { aCbTextBreak.EnableTriState( TRUE ); aCbTextBreak.SetState( STATE_DONTKNOW ); } else { aCbTextBreak.EnableTriState( FALSE ); BOOL bCheck = FALSE; if( aState == SFX_ITEM_SET ) bCheck = static_cast< const SfxBoolItem * >( pPoolItem )->GetValue(); aCbTextBreak.Check( bCheck ); if( ( aState & SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT ) == 0 ) { aCbTextBreak.Hide(); if( ! aCbTextOverlap.IsVisible() ) aFlTextFlow.Hide(); } } // text order ---------- if( m_bShowStaggeringControls ) { aState = rInAttrs.GetItemState( SCHATTR_TEXT_ORDER, FALSE, &pPoolItem ); if( aState == SFX_ITEM_SET ) { SvxChartTextOrder eOrder = static_cast< const SvxChartTextOrderItem * >( pPoolItem )->GetValue(); switch( eOrder ) { case CHTXTORDER_SIDEBYSIDE: aRbSideBySide.Check(); break; case CHTXTORDER_UPDOWN: aRbUpDown.Check(); break; case CHTXTORDER_DOWNUP: aRbDownUp.Check(); break; case CHTXTORDER_AUTO: aRbAuto.Check(); break; } } } ToggleShowLabel( (void*)0 ); } void SchAxisLabelTabPage::ShowStaggeringControls( BOOL bShowStaggeringControls ) { m_bShowStaggeringControls = bShowStaggeringControls; if( !m_bShowStaggeringControls ) { aRbSideBySide.Hide(); aRbUpDown.Hide(); aRbDownUp.Hide(); aRbAuto.Hide(); aFlOrder.Hide(); } } // event handling routines // ----------------------- IMPL_LINK ( SchAxisLabelTabPage, ToggleShowLabel, void *, EMPTYARG ) { BOOL bEnable = ( aCbShowDescription.GetState() != STATE_NOCHECK ); aOrientHlp.Enable( bEnable ); aFlOrder.Enable( bEnable ); aRbSideBySide.Enable( bEnable ); aRbUpDown.Enable( bEnable ); aRbDownUp.Enable( bEnable ); aRbAuto.Enable( bEnable ); aFlTextFlow.Enable( bEnable ); aCbTextOverlap.Enable( bEnable ); aCbTextBreak.Enable( bEnable ); return 0L; } //............................................................................. } //namespace chart //.............................................................................