/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef INCLUDED_CHART2_SOURCE_VIEW_INC_GL3DRENDERER_HXX #define INCLUDED_CHART2_SOURCE_VIEW_INC_GL3DRENDERER_HXX #include "glm/glm.hpp" #include "glm/gtx/transform.hpp" #include "glm/gtx/euler_angles.hpp" #include "glm/gtx/quaternion.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_LIGHT_NUM 8 namespace chart { namespace opengl3D { struct PosVecf3 { float x; float y; float z; }; typedef std::vector Vertices3D; typedef std::vector UVs3D; typedef std::vector Normals3D; struct MaterialParameters { glm::vec4 ambient; glm::vec4 diffuse; glm::vec4 specular; glm::vec4 materialColor; bool twoSidesLighting; float shininess; float pad; float pad1; }; struct LightSource { glm::vec4 lightColor; glm::vec4 positionWorldspace; float lightPower; float pad1; float pad2; float pad3; }; struct GlobalLights { int lightNum; glm::vec4 ambient; LightSource light[MAX_LIGHT_NUM]; }; struct Polygon3DInfo { bool lineOnly; float lineWidth; bool twoSidesLighting; long fillStyle; glm::vec4 polygonColor; glm::vec4 id; Vertices3D *vertices; Normals3D *normals; std::vector verticesList; std::vector normalsList; MaterialParameters material; }; struct Extrude3DInfo { bool rounded; bool twoSidesLighting; glm::vec4 extrudeColor; glm::vec4 id; sal_uInt32 orgID; float xScale; float yScale; float zScale; float xTransform; float yTransform; float zTransform; glm::mat4 rotation; MaterialParameters material; int startIndex[5]; int size[5]; int reverse; }; struct CameraInfo { glm::vec3 cameraPos; glm::vec3 cameraOrg; glm::vec3 cameraUp; CameraInfo(): cameraUp(glm::vec3(0, 0, 1)) {} }; struct RoundBarMesh { float topThreshold; float bottomThreshold; int iMeshStartIndices; int iMeshSizes; int iElementStartIndices[5]; int iElementSizes[5]; }; struct PackedVertex{ glm::vec3 position; glm::vec3 normal; bool operator<(const PackedVertex& that) const{ return memcmp((void*)this, (void*)&that, sizeof(PackedVertex))>0; }; }; struct TextInfo { glm::vec4 id; sal_uInt32 uniqueId; GLuint texture; float vertex[12]; glm::vec3 pos; glm::vec4 textColor; }; struct TextureArrayInfo { size_t subTextureNum; int textureArrayWidth; int textureArrayHeight; GLuint textureID; TextureArrayInfo(); }; struct TextInfoBatch { size_t batchNum; std::vector idList; std::vector texture; std::vector vertexList; std::vector textureCoordList; }; struct BatchBarInfo { std::vector modelMatrixList; std::vector normalMatrixList; std::vector colorList; std::map mapId2Color; glm::vec4 selectBarColor; }; class OpenGL3DRenderer { public: OpenGL3DRenderer(); ~OpenGL3DRenderer(); void init(); void Set3DSenceInfo(sal_uInt32 color = 255, bool twoSidesLighting = true); void SetLightInfo(bool lightOn, sal_uInt32 color, const glm::vec4& direction); void AddShapePolygon3DObject(sal_uInt32 color, bool lineOnly, sal_uInt32 lineColor, long fillStyle, sal_uInt32 specular, sal_uInt32 nUniqueId); void EndAddShapePolygon3DObject(); void AddPolygon3DObjectNormalPoint(float x, float y, float z); void EndAddPolygon3DObjectNormalPoint(); void AddPolygon3DObjectPoint(float x, float y, float z); void EndAddPolygon3DObjectPoint(); void AddShape3DExtrudeObject(bool roundedCorner, sal_uInt32 color, sal_uInt32 specular, const glm::mat4& modelMatrix, sal_uInt32 nUniqueId); void EndAddShape3DExtrudeObject(); void SetSize(const Size& rSize); void SetCameraInfo(const glm::vec3& pos, const glm::vec3& direction, const glm::vec3& up); void CreateTextTexture(const boost::shared_array &bitmapBuf, ::Size maSizePixels, const glm::vec3& vTopLeft, const glm::vec3& vTopRight, const glm::vec3& vBottomRight, const glm::vec3& vBottomLeft, sal_uInt32 nUniqueId); void CreateScreenTextTexture(const boost::shared_array &bitmapBuf, ::Size maSizePixels, const glm::vec2& vTopLeft, const glm::vec2& vBottomRight, glm::vec3 vPos, glm::vec4 vScreenTextColor, sal_uInt32 nUniqueId); void ProcessUnrenderedShape(bool bNewScene); void SetPickingMode(bool bPickingMode); sal_uInt32 GetPixelColorFromPoint(long nX, long nY); void ReleaseShapes(); void ReleaseScreenTextShapes(); void ReleaseTextTexture(); void ReleaseScreenTextTexture(); void StartClick(sal_uInt32 &selectID); void EndClick(); void SetScroll(); void SetScrollSpeed(float scrollSpeed); void SetScrollDistance(float scrollDistance); void SetSceneEdge(float minCoordX, float maxCoordX); glm::mat4 GetProjectionMatrix(); glm::mat4 GetViewMatrix(); glm::mat4 GetGlobalScaleMatrix(); glm::mat4 GetDiffOfTwoCameras(const glm::vec3& rBeginPos, const glm::vec3& rEndPos, const glm::vec3& rBeginDirection, const glm::vec3& rEndDirection); glm::mat4 GetDiffOfTwoCameras(const glm::vec3& rEndPos, const glm::vec3& rEndDirection); void AddMatrixDiff(const glm::mat4& aMat); void ResetMatrixDiff(); private: void MoveModelf( const PosVecf3& trans, const PosVecf3& angle, const PosVecf3& scale); void ClearBuffer(); void RenderPolygon3DObject(); void RenderLine3D(const Polygon3DInfo &polygon); void RenderPolygon3D(const Polygon3DInfo &polygon); void Init3DUniformBlock(); void Update3DUniformBlock(); void RenderExtrude3DObject(); //add for text void RenderTextShape(); void RenderScreenTextShape(); void RenderExtrudeSurface(const Extrude3DInfo& extrude3D); void RenderExtrudeTopSurface(const Extrude3DInfo& extrude3D); void RenderExtrudeMiddleSurface(const Extrude3DInfo& extrude3D); void RenderExtrudeBottomSurface(const Extrude3DInfo& extrude3D); void RenderExtrudeFlatSurface(const Extrude3DInfo& extrude3D, int surIndex); void AddVertexData(GLuint vertexBuf); void AddNormalData(GLuint normalBuf); void AddIndexData(GLuint indexBuf); void RenderNonRoundedBar(const Extrude3DInfo& extrude3D); bool GetSimilarVertexIndex(PackedVertex & packed, std::map & VertexToOutIndex, unsigned short & result ); void SetVertex(PackedVertex &packed, std::map &VertexToOutIndex, std::vector &vertex, std::vector &normal, std::vector &indeices); void CreateActualRoundedCube(float fRadius, int iSubDivY, int iSubDivZ, float width, float height, float depth); int GenerateRoundCornerBar(std::vector &vertices, std::vector &normals, float fRadius, int iSubDivY, int iSubDivZ, float width, float height, float depth); void CreateSceneBoxView(); void ReleasePolygonShapes(); void ReleaseExtrude3DShapes(); void ReleaseTextShapes(); void ReleaseBatchBarInfo(); void GetBatchBarsInfo(); void GetBatchTopAndFlatInfo(const Extrude3DInfo &extrude3D); void GetBatchMiddleInfo(const Extrude3DInfo &extrude3D); void InitBatch3DUniformBlock(); void UpdateBatch3DUniformBlock(); void RenderBatchBars(bool bNewScene); void CheckGLSLVersion(); void RenderTextShapeBatch(); void ReleaseTextShapesBatch(); void CreateTextTextureSingle(const boost::shared_array &bitmapBuf, ::Size maSizePixels, glm::vec3 vTopLeft,glm::vec3 vTopRight, glm::vec3 vBottomRight, glm::vec3 vBottomLeft, sal_uInt32 nUniqueId); void CreateTextTextureBatch(const boost::shared_array &bitmapBuf, ::Size maSizePixels, glm::vec3 vTopLeft,glm::vec3 vTopRight, glm::vec3 vBottomRight, glm::vec3 vBottomLeft, sal_uInt32 nUniqueId); void SetHighLightBar(BatchBarInfo &barInfo); void DisableHighLightBar(BatchBarInfo &barInfo); void CalcScrollMoveMatrix(bool bNewScene); private: struct ShaderResources { bool m_b330Support; bool m_bScrollFlag; // 3DProID GLint m_3DProID; GLint m_3DProjectionID; GLint m_3DViewID; GLint m_3DModelID; GLint m_3DNormalMatrixID; GLint m_3DVertexID; GLint m_3DNormalID; GLint m_3DMinCoordXID; GLint m_3DMaxCoordXID; GLint m_3DUndrawID; //300 verson; GLint m_3DMaterialAmbientID; GLint m_3DMaterialDiffuseID; GLint m_3DMaterialSpecularID; GLint m_3DMaterialColorID; GLint m_3DMaterialTwoSidesID; GLint m_3DMaterialShininessID; GLint m_3DLightColorID; GLint m_3DLightPosID; GLint m_3DLightPowerID; GLint m_3DLightNumID; GLint m_3DLightAmbientID; // TextProID GLint m_TextProID; GLint m_TextMatrixID; GLint m_TextVertexID; GLint m_TextTexCoordID; GLint m_TextTexID; // ScreenTextProID GLint m_ScreenTextProID; GLint m_ScreenTextVertexID; GLint m_ScreenTextTexCoordID; GLint m_ScreenTextTexID; GLint m_ScreenTextColorID; // CommonProID GLint m_CommonProID; GLint m_2DVertexID; GLint m_2DColorID; GLint m_MatrixID; // Batch render GLint m_3DBatchProID; GLint m_3DBatchProjectionID; GLint m_3DBatchViewID; GLint m_3DBatchModelID; GLint m_3DBatchNormalMatrixID; GLint m_3DBatchVertexID; GLint m_3DBatchNormalID; GLint m_3DBatchColorID; GLint m_3DBatchTransMatrixID; GLint m_3DBatchMinCoordXID; GLint m_3DBatchMaxCoordXID; GLint m_3DBatchUndrawID; //Batch render text bool mbTexBatchSupport; GLint m_BatchTextProID; GLint m_BatchTextMatrixID; GLint m_BatchTextVertexID; GLint m_BatchTextTexCoordID; GLint m_BatchTextTexID; ShaderResources(); ~ShaderResources(); void LoadShaders(); }; struct PickingShaderResources { // CommonProID GLint m_CommonProID; GLint m_2DVertexID; GLint m_2DColorID; GLint m_MatrixID; GLint m_ModelID; GLint m_MinCoordXID; GLint m_MaxCoordXID; PickingShaderResources(); ~PickingShaderResources(); void LoadShaders(); }; ShaderResources maResources; PickingShaderResources maPickingResources; // Model matrix : an identity matrix (model will be at the origin glm::mat4 m_Model; sal_Int32 m_iWidth; sal_Int32 m_iHeight; GlobalLights m_LightsInfo; CameraInfo m_CameraInfo; Polygon3DInfo m_Polygon3DInfo; std::vector m_Polygon3DInfoList; glm::mat4 m_3DProjection; glm::mat4 m_3DView; glm::mat4 m_3DMVP; GLuint m_3DUBOBuffer; #if 0 GLint m_3DLightBlockIndex; GLint m_3DMaterialBlockIndex; #endif GLint m_3DActualSizeLight; GLuint m_NormalBuffer; GLuint m_VertexBuffer; Extrude3DInfo m_Extrude3DInfo; std::vector m_Extrude3DList; GLuint m_CubeVertexBuf; GLuint m_CubeElementBuf; GLuint m_CubeNormalBuf; GLuint m_BoundBox; GLuint m_BoundBoxNormal; // add for text std::vector m_TextInfoList; std::vector m_ScreenTextInfoList; GLuint m_TextTexCoordBuf; GLuint m_TextTexCoordBufBatch; std::vector m_Vertices; std::vector m_Normals; std::vector m_Indices; RoundBarMesh m_RoundBarMesh; GLuint m_RenderVertexBuf; GLuint m_RenderTexCoordBuf; float m_fViewAngle; bool mbPickingMode; GLuint mnPickingFbo; GLuint mnPickingRboDepth; GLuint mnPickingRboColor; BatchBarInfo m_BarSurface[3]; GLuint m_BatchModelMatrixBuf; GLuint m_BatchNormalMatrixBuf; GLuint m_BatchColorBuf; MaterialParameters m_Batchmaterial; GLuint m_Batch3DUBOBuffer; GLint m_Batch3DActualSizeLight; glm::mat4 m_GlobalScaleMatrix; TextInfoBatch m_TextInfoBatch; //for 3.0 version int m_iLightNum; glm::vec4 m_Ambient; glm::vec4 m_LightColor[MAX_LIGHT_NUM]; glm::vec4 m_PositionWorldspace[MAX_LIGHT_NUM]; float m_fLightPower[MAX_LIGHT_NUM]; //for 3.0 end std::vector m_Texturelist; std::vector m_ScreenTexturelist; bool m_bHighLighting; sal_uInt32 m_uiSelectID; float m_fScrollSpeed; float m_fScrollDistance; float m_fMinCoordX; float m_fMaxCoordX; float m_fCurDistance; glm::mat4 m_ScrollMoveMatrix; bool m_bUndrawFlag; glm::mat4 m_matDiff; }; } } #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */ option> LibreOffice 核心代码仓库文档基金会
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-04-21gbuild: Remove MSVC 2013 legacy codeDavid Ostrovsky
2016-06-09tdf#94698 cleanup Makefiles. Get rid of udkapi and offapiGleb Mishchenko