/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_chart2.hxx" #include "PropertyMapper.hxx" #include "ContainerHelper.hxx" #include "macros.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include //............................................................................. namespace chart { //............................................................................. using namespace ::com::sun::star; namespace { void lcl_overwriteOrAppendValues( tPropertyNameValueMap &rMap, const tPropertyNameValueMap& rOverwriteMap ) { tPropertyNameValueMap::const_iterator aIt( rOverwriteMap.begin() ); tPropertyNameValueMap::const_iterator aEnd( rOverwriteMap.end() ); for( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt ) rMap[ aIt->first ] = aIt->second; } } // anonymous namespace void PropertyMapper::setMappedProperties( const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >& xTarget , const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >& xSource , const tPropertyNameMap& rMap , tPropertyNameValueMap* pOverwriteMap ) { if( !xTarget.is() || !xSource.is() ) return; tNameSequence aNames; tAnySequence aValues; getMultiPropertyLists(aNames, aValues, xSource, rMap ); if(pOverwriteMap && (aNames.getLength() == aValues.getLength())) { tPropertyNameValueMap aNewMap; for( sal_Int32 nI=0; nI& xSourceProp ) { tPropertyNameMap::const_iterator aIt( rNameMap.begin() ); tPropertyNameMap::const_iterator aEnd( rNameMap.end() ); for( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt ) { rtl::OUString aTarget = aIt->first; rtl::OUString aSource = aIt->second; try { uno::Any aAny( xSourceProp->getPropertyValue(aSource) ); if( aAny.hasValue() ) rValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( aTarget, aAny ) ); } catch( uno::Exception& e ) { ASSERT_EXCEPTION( e ); } } } void PropertyMapper::getMultiPropertyLists( tNameSequence& rNames , tAnySequence& rValues , const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >& xSourceProp , const tPropertyNameMap& rNameMap ) { tPropertyNameValueMap aValueMap; getValueMap( aValueMap, rNameMap, xSourceProp ); getMultiPropertyListsFromValueMap( rNames, rValues, aValueMap ); } void PropertyMapper::getMultiPropertyListsFromValueMap( tNameSequence& rNames , tAnySequence& rValues , const tPropertyNameValueMap& rValueMap ) { sal_Int32 nPropertyCount = rValueMap.size(); rNames.realloc(nPropertyCount); rValues.realloc(nPropertyCount); //fill sequences tPropertyNameValueMap::const_iterator aValueIt( rValueMap.begin() ); tPropertyNameValueMap::const_iterator aValueEnd( rValueMap.end() ); sal_Int32 nN=0; for( ; aValueIt != aValueEnd; ++aValueIt ) { const uno::Any& rAny = aValueIt->second; if( rAny.hasValue() ) { //do not set empty anys because of performance (otherwise SdrAttrObj::ItemChange will take much longer) rNames[nN] = aValueIt->first; rValues[nN] = rAny; ++nN; } } //reduce to real property count rNames.realloc(nN); rValues.realloc(nN); } uno::Any* PropertyMapper::getValuePointer( tAnySequence& rPropValues , const tNameSequence& rPropNames , const rtl::OUString& rPropName ) { sal_Int32 nCount = rPropNames.getLength(); for( sal_Int32 nN = 0; nN < nCount; nN++ ) { if(rPropNames[nN].equals(rPropName)) return &rPropValues[nN]; } return NULL; } uno::Any* PropertyMapper::getValuePointerForLimitedSpace( tAnySequence& rPropValues , const tNameSequence& rPropNames , bool bLimitedHeight) { return PropertyMapper::getValuePointer( rPropValues, rPropNames , bLimitedHeight ? C2U("TextMaximumFrameHeight") : C2U("TextMaximumFrameWidth") ); } /* //set some properties from service style::CharacterProperties: //-------- tabpage: Zeichen ----------- //Schriftart z.B. Albany UNO_NAME_EDIT_CHAR_FONTNAME == UNO_NAME_EDIT_CHAR_FONTSTYLENAME //UNO_NAME_CHAR_FONT //Schriftschnitt z.B. kursiv UNO_NAME_EDIT_CHAR_POSTURE UNO_NAME_CHAR_POSTURE awt::FontSlant NONE OBLIQUE ITALIC DONTKNOW REVERSE_OBLIQUE REVERSE_ITALIC //Schriftgrad (Punktgrösse z.B. 12) UNO_NAME_EDIT_CHAR_HEIGHT == UNO_NAME_CHAR_HEIGHT //? UNO_NAME_EDIT_CHAR_WEIGHT == UNO_NAME_CHAR_WEIGHT //Sprache UNO_NAME_EDIT_CHAR_LOCALE lang::Locale //-------- tabpage: Schrifteffekt ----------- //Unterstreichung UNO_NAME_CHAR_UNDERLINE sal_Int16 awt::FontUnderline_NONE _SINGLE _DOUBLE _DOTTED _DONTKNOW _DASH ... //Unterstreichung-farbe ??? 'CharUnderlineColor' + CharUnderlineHasColor //Durchstreichung z.B. doppelt "CharStrikeout" sal_Int16 awt::FontStrikeout_NONE _SINGLE _DOUBLE ... //wortweise-Durchstreichung ja/nein "CharWordMode" bool //Schriftfarbe UNO_NAME_EDIT_CHAR_COLOR sal_Int32 UNO_NAME_CHAR_COLOR //ReliefArt ohne/erhaben/tief "CharRelief" sal_Int16 text::FontRelief_NONE FontRelief_EMBOSSED FontRelief_ENGRAVED //Kontur "CharContoured" bool //Schatten UNO_NAME_CHAR_SHADOWED bool */ const tMakePropertyNameMap& PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForCharacterProperties() { //shape property -- chart model object property static tMakePropertyNameMap m_aShapePropertyMapForCharacterProperties = tMakePropertyNameMap // ( C2U( "CharBackColor" ), C2U("TextBackgroundColor") ) // ( C2U( "CharCaseMap" ), C2U("CaseMapping") ) ( C2U( "CharColor" ), C2U("CharColor") ) ( C2U( "CharContoured" ), C2U("CharContoured") ) /////// ( C2U( "CharCrossedOut" ), C2U("CharCrossedOut") ) //setting this explicitly somehow conflicts with CharStrikeout ( C2U( "CharEmphasis" ), C2U("CharEmphasis") )//the service style::CharacterProperties describes a property called 'CharEmphasize' wich is nowhere implemented // ( C2U( "CharEscapement" ), C2U("CharEscapement") ) //#i98344# @future: add these to properties again, if the user interface offers the possibility to change them; then make sure that older wrong files are corrected on import // ( C2U( "CharEscapementHeight" ), C2U("CharEscapementHeight") ) //#i98344# @future: add these to properties again, if the user interface offers the possibility to change them; then make sure that older wrong files are corrected on import // ( C2U( "CharFlash" ), C2U("Flashing") ) ( C2U( "CharFontFamily" ), C2U("CharFontFamily") ) ( C2U( "CharFontFamilyAsian" ), C2U("CharFontFamilyAsian") ) ( C2U( "CharFontFamilyComplex" ), C2U("CharFontFamilyComplex") ) ( C2U( "CharFontCharSet" ), C2U("CharFontCharSet") ) ( C2U( "CharFontCharSetAsian" ), C2U("CharFontCharSetAsian") ) ( C2U( "CharFontCharSetComplex" ), C2U("CharFontCharSetComplex") ) ( C2U( "CharFontName" ), C2U("CharFontName") ) ( C2U( "CharFontNameAsian" ), C2U("CharFontNameAsian") ) ( C2U( "CharFontNameComplex" ), C2U("CharFontNameComplex") ) ( C2U( "CharFontPitch" ), C2U("CharFontPitch") ) ( C2U( "CharFontPitchAsian" ), C2U("CharFontPitchAsian") ) ( C2U( "CharFontPitchComplex" ), C2U("CharFontPitchComplex") ) ( C2U( "CharFontStyleName" ), C2U("CharFontStyleName") ) ( C2U( "CharFontStyleNameAsian" ), C2U("CharFontStyleNameAsian") ) ( C2U( "CharFontStyleNameComplex" ),C2U("CharFontStyleNameComplex") ) ( C2U( "CharHeight" ), C2U("CharHeight") ) ( C2U( "CharHeightAsian" ), C2U("CharHeightAsian") ) ( C2U( "CharHeightComplex" ), C2U("CharHeightComplex") ) ( C2U( "CharKerning" ), C2U("CharKerning") ) ( C2U( "CharLocale" ), C2U("CharLocale") ) ( C2U( "CharLocaleAsian" ), C2U("CharLocaleAsian") ) ( C2U( "CharLocaleComplex" ), C2U("CharLocaleComplex") ) // ( C2U( "CharNoHyphenation" ), C2U("InhibitHyphenation") ) ( C2U( "CharPosture" ), C2U("CharPosture") ) ( C2U( "CharPostureAsian" ), C2U("CharPostureAsian") ) ( C2U( "CharPostureComplex" ), C2U("CharPostureComplex") ) ( C2U( "CharRelief" ), C2U("CharRelief") ) // ( C2U( "CharRotation" ), C2U("Rotation") ) --> additional feature ... // ( C2U( "CharScaleWidth" ), C2U("CharScaleWidth") ) ( C2U( "CharShadowed" ), C2U("CharShadowed") ) ( C2U( "CharStrikeout" ), C2U("CharStrikeout") ) ( C2U( "CharUnderline" ), C2U("CharUnderline") ) ( C2U( "CharUnderlineColor" ), C2U("CharUnderlineColor") ) ( C2U( "CharUnderlineHasColor" ), C2U("CharUnderlineHasColor") ) ( C2U( "CharOverline" ), C2U("CharOverline") ) ( C2U( "CharOverlineColor" ), C2U("CharOverlineColor") ) ( C2U( "CharOverlineHasColor" ), C2U("CharOverlineHasColor") ) ( C2U( "CharWeight" ), C2U("CharWeight") ) ( C2U( "CharWeightAsian" ), C2U("CharWeightAsian") ) ( C2U( "CharWeightComplex" ), C2U("CharWeightComplex") ) ( C2U( "CharWordMode" ), C2U("CharWordMode") ) ( C2U( "WritingMode" ), C2U("WritingMode") ) // ( C2U( "RubyText" ), C2U("RubyText") ) // ( C2U( "RubyAdjust" ), C2U("RubyAdjust") ) // ( C2U( "RubyCharStyleName" ), C2U("RubyStyleName") ) // ( C2U( "RubyIsAbove" ), C2U("RubyIsAbove") ) ( C2U( "ParaIsCharacterDistance" ), C2U("ParaIsCharacterDistance") ) ; return m_aShapePropertyMapForCharacterProperties; } const tMakePropertyNameMap& PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForParagraphProperties() { //shape property -- chart model object property static tMakePropertyNameMap m_aShapePropertyMapForParagraphProperties = tMakePropertyNameMap ( C2U( "ParaAdjust" ), C2U("ParaAdjust") ) ( C2U( "ParaBottomMargin" ), C2U("ParaBottomMargin") ) ( C2U( "ParaIsHyphenation" ), C2U("ParaIsHyphenation") ) ( C2U( "ParaLastLineAdjust" ), C2U("ParaLastLineAdjust") ) ( C2U( "ParaLeftMargin" ), C2U("ParaLeftMargin") ) ( C2U( "ParaRightMargin" ), C2U("ParaRightMargin") ) ( C2U( "ParaTopMargin" ), C2U("ParaTopMargin") ) ; return m_aShapePropertyMapForParagraphProperties; } const tMakePropertyNameMap& PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForFillProperties() { //shape property -- chart model object property static tMakePropertyNameMap m_aShapePropertyMapForFillProperties = tMakePropertyNameMap ( C2U( "FillBackground" ), C2U( "FillBackground" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapName" ), C2U( "FillBitmapName" ) ) ( C2U( "FillColor" ), C2U( "FillColor" ) ) ( C2U( "FillGradientName" ), C2U( "FillGradientName" ) ) ( C2U( "FillGradientStepCount" ), C2U( "FillGradientStepCount" ) ) ( C2U( "FillHatchName" ), C2U( "FillHatchName" ) ) ( C2U( "FillStyle" ), C2U( "FillStyle" ) ) ( C2U( "FillTransparence" ), C2U( "FillTransparence" ) ) ( C2U( "FillTransparenceGradientName" ), C2U("FillTransparenceGradientName") ) //bitmap properties ( C2U( "FillBitmapMode" ), C2U( "FillBitmapMode" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapSizeX" ), C2U( "FillBitmapSizeX" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapSizeY" ), C2U( "FillBitmapSizeY" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapLogicalSize" ), C2U( "FillBitmapLogicalSize" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapOffsetX" ), C2U( "FillBitmapOffsetX" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapOffsetY" ), C2U( "FillBitmapOffsetY" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapRectanglePoint" ),C2U( "FillBitmapRectanglePoint" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapPositionOffsetX" ),C2U( "FillBitmapPositionOffsetX" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapPositionOffsetY" ),C2U( "FillBitmapPositionOffsetY" ) ) ; return m_aShapePropertyMapForFillProperties; } const tMakePropertyNameMap& PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForLineProperties() { //shape property -- chart model object property static tMakePropertyNameMap m_aShapePropertyMapForLineProperties = tMakePropertyNameMap ( C2U( "LineColor" ), C2U( "LineColor" ) ) ( C2U( "LineDashName" ), C2U( "LineDashName" ) ) ( C2U( "LineJoint" ), C2U( "LineJoint" ) ) ( C2U( "LineStyle" ), C2U( "LineStyle" ) ) ( C2U( "LineTransparence" ), C2U( "LineTransparence" ) ) ( C2U( "LineWidth" ), C2U( "LineWidth" ) ) ; return m_aShapePropertyMapForLineProperties; } const tMakePropertyNameMap& PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForFillAndLineProperties() { static tMakePropertyNameMap m_aShapePropertyMapForFillAndLineProperties = tMakePropertyNameMap ( PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForFillProperties() ) ( PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForLineProperties() ) ; return m_aShapePropertyMapForFillAndLineProperties; } const tMakePropertyNameMap& PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForTextShapeProperties() { static tMakePropertyNameMap m_aShapePropertyMapForTextShapeProperties = tMakePropertyNameMap ( PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForCharacterProperties() ) ( PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForFillProperties() ) ( PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForLineProperties() ) // ( PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForParagraphProperties() ) // some text properties // ( C2U( "TextHorizontalAdjust" ), C2U( "TextHorizontalAdjust" ) ) // ( C2U( "TextVerticalAdjust" ), C2U( "TextVerticalAdjust" ) ) // ( C2U( "TextAutoGrowHeight" ), C2U( "TextAutoGrowHeight" ) ) // ( C2U( "TextAutoGrowWidth" ), C2U( "TextAutoGrowWidth" ) ) // ( C2U( "TextLeftDistance" ), C2U( "TextLeftDistance" ) ) // ( C2U( "TextRightDistance" ), C2U( "TextRightDistance" ) ) // ( C2U( "TextUpperDistance" ), C2U( "TextUpperDistance" ) ) // ( C2U( "TextLowerDistance" ), C2U( "TextLowerDistance" ) ) ; return m_aShapePropertyMapForTextShapeProperties; } const tMakePropertyNameMap& PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForLineSeriesProperties() { //shape property -- chart model object property static tMakePropertyNameMap m_aShapePropertyMapForLineSeriesProperties = tMakePropertyNameMap ( C2U( "LineColor" ), C2U("Color") ) ( C2U( "LineDashName" ), C2U("LineDashName") ) // ( C2U( "LineJoint" ), C2U("LineJoint") ) ( C2U( "LineStyle" ), C2U("LineStyle") ) ( C2U( "LineTransparence" ), C2U("Transparency") ) ( C2U( "LineWidth" ), C2U("LineWidth") ) ; return m_aShapePropertyMapForLineSeriesProperties; } const tMakePropertyNameMap& PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForFilledSeriesProperties() { //shape property -- chart model object property static tMakePropertyNameMap m_aShapePropertyMapForFilledSeriesProperties = tMakePropertyNameMap ( C2U( "FillBackground"), C2U("FillBackground") ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapName" ), C2U("FillBitmapName") ) ( C2U( "FillColor" ), C2U("Color") ) ( C2U( "FillGradientName" ), C2U("GradientName") ) ( C2U( "FillGradientStepCount" ), C2U( "GradientStepCount" ) ) ( C2U( "FillHatchName" ), C2U("HatchName") ) ( C2U( "FillStyle" ), C2U("FillStyle") ) ( C2U( "FillTransparence" ), C2U("Transparency") ) ( C2U( "FillTransparenceGradientName" ), C2U("TransparencyGradientName") ) //bitmap properties ( C2U( "FillBitmapMode" ), C2U( "FillBitmapMode" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapSizeX" ), C2U( "FillBitmapSizeX" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapSizeY" ), C2U( "FillBitmapSizeY" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapLogicalSize" ), C2U( "FillBitmapLogicalSize" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapOffsetX" ), C2U( "FillBitmapOffsetX" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapOffsetY" ), C2U( "FillBitmapOffsetY" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapRectanglePoint" ),C2U( "FillBitmapRectanglePoint" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapPositionOffsetX" ),C2U( "FillBitmapPositionOffsetX" ) ) ( C2U( "FillBitmapPositionOffsetY" ),C2U( "FillBitmapPositionOffsetY" ) ) //line properties ( C2U( "LineColor" ), C2U("BorderColor") ) ( C2U( "LineDashName" ), C2U("BorderDashName") ) // ( C2U( "LineJoint" ), C2U("LineJoint") ) ( C2U( "LineStyle" ), C2U("BorderStyle") ) ( C2U( "LineTransparence" ), C2U("BorderTransparency") ) ( C2U( "LineWidth" ), C2U("BorderWidth") ) ; return m_aShapePropertyMapForFilledSeriesProperties; } void PropertyMapper::setMultiProperties( const tNameSequence& rNames , const tAnySequence& rValues , const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet >& xTarget ) { bool bSuccess = false; try { uno::Reference< beans::XMultiPropertySet > xShapeMultiProp( xTarget, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xShapeMultiProp.is() ) { xShapeMultiProp->setPropertyValues( rNames, rValues ); bSuccess = true; } } catch( uno::Exception& e ) { ASSERT_EXCEPTION( e ); //if this occurs more often think of removing the XMultiPropertySet completly for better performance } if(!bSuccess) try { sal_Int32 nCount = std::max( rNames.getLength(), rValues.getLength() ); rtl::OUString aPropName; uno::Any aValue; for( sal_Int32 nN = 0; nN < nCount; nN++ ) { aPropName = rNames[nN]; aValue = rValues[nN]; try { xTarget->setPropertyValue( aPropName, aValue ); } catch( uno::Exception& e ) { ASSERT_EXCEPTION( e ); } } } catch( uno::Exception& e ) { ASSERT_EXCEPTION( e ); } } void PropertyMapper::getTextLabelMultiPropertyLists( const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >& xSourceProp , tNameSequence& rPropNames, tAnySequence& rPropValues , bool bName , sal_Int32 nLimitedSpace , bool bLimitedHeight ) { //fill character properties into the ValueMap tPropertyNameValueMap aValueMap; PropertyMapper::getValueMap( aValueMap , PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForCharacterProperties() , xSourceProp ); //some more shape properties apart from character properties, position-matrix and label string aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("LineStyle"), uno::makeAny(drawing::LineStyle_NONE) ) ); // drawing::LineStyle aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextHorizontalAdjust"), uno::makeAny(drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_CENTER) ) ); // drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust - needs to be overwritten aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextVerticalAdjust"), uno::makeAny(drawing::TextVerticalAdjust_CENTER) ) ); //drawing::TextVerticalAdjust - needs to be overwritten //aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextWritingMode"), uno::makeAny(eWritingMode) ) ); //text::WritingMode aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextAutoGrowHeight"), uno::makeAny(sal_True) ) ); // sal_Bool aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextAutoGrowWidth"), uno::makeAny(sal_True) ) ); // sal_Bool if( bName ) aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("Name"), uno::makeAny( rtl::OUString() ) ) ); //CID rtl::OUString - needs to be overwritten for each point if( nLimitedSpace > 0 ) { if(bLimitedHeight) aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextMaximumFrameHeight"), uno::makeAny(nLimitedSpace) ) ); //sal_Int32 else aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextMaximumFrameWidth"), uno::makeAny(nLimitedSpace) ) ); //sal_Int32 aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("ParaIsHyphenation"), uno::makeAny(sal_True) ) ); } /* //@todo ?: add paragraph properties: //(uno::makeAny(eParaAdjust)) //ParaAdjust - style::ParagraphAdjust //(uno::makeAny( (sal_Bool)rAxisLabelProperties.bLineBreakAllowed )) //ParaIsHyphenation - sal_Bool style::ParagraphAdjust eParaAdjust( style::ParagraphAdjust_LEFT ); if( eHorizontalAdjust == drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_RIGHT ) eParaAdjust = style::ParagraphAdjust_RIGHT; */ PropertyMapper::getMultiPropertyListsFromValueMap( rPropNames, rPropValues, aValueMap ); } void PropertyMapper::getPreparedTextShapePropertyLists( const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >& xSourceProp , tNameSequence& rPropNames, tAnySequence& rPropValues ) { //fill character, line and fill properties into the ValueMap tPropertyNameValueMap aValueMap; PropertyMapper::getValueMap( aValueMap , PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForTextShapeProperties() , xSourceProp ); // auto-grow makes sure the shape has the correct size after setting text aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextHorizontalAdjust"), uno::makeAny( drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_CENTER ))); aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextVerticalAdjust"), uno::makeAny( drawing::TextVerticalAdjust_CENTER ))); aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextAutoGrowHeight"), uno::makeAny( true ))); aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextAutoGrowWidth"), uno::makeAny( true ))); // set some distance to the border, in case it is shown const sal_Int32 nWidthDist = 250; const sal_Int32 nHeightDist = 125; aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextLeftDistance"), uno::makeAny( nWidthDist ))); aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextRightDistance"), uno::makeAny( nWidthDist ))); aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextUpperDistance"), uno::makeAny( nHeightDist ))); aValueMap.insert( tPropertyNameValueMap::value_type( C2U("TextLowerDistance"), uno::makeAny( nHeightDist ))); // use a line-joint showing the border of thick lines like two rectangles // filled in between. aValueMap[C2U("LineJoint")] <<= drawing::LineJoint_ROUND; PropertyMapper::getMultiPropertyListsFromValueMap( rPropNames, rPropValues, aValueMap ); } //............................................................................. } //namespace chart //.............................................................................