2 10 1 10 -10000 10000 1 10 -10000 10000 1 10 -10000 10000 1 10 2 100 1 10 True False True True 6 vertical 12 True False 0 none True False 6 12 True False start 6 6 True _Linear True True False True 0 True True A linear trend line is shown. 1 0 L_ogarithmic True True False True 0 True True linear A logarithmic trend line is shown. 1 1 _Exponential True True False True 0 True True linear An exponential trend line is shown. 1 2 Po_wer True True False True 0 True True linear A power trend line is shown. 1 3 _Polynomial True True False True 0 True True linear A polynomial trend line is shown with a given degree. 3 0 _Moving Average True True False True 0 True True linear A moving average trend line is shown with a given period. 3 2 True False 12 True False Degree True degree Degree of polynomial trend line. 0 0 True True True adjustmentDegree Degree of polynomial trend line. 1 0 3 1 True False 12 True False Period True period Number of points to calculate average of moving average trend line. 0 0 True True True adjustmentPeriod Number of points to calculate average of moving average trend line. 1 0 3 3 True False gtk-missing-image 0 0 True False gtk-missing-image 0 1 True False gtk-missing-image 0 2 True False gtk-missing-image 0 3 True False gtk-missing-image 2 0 True False gtk-missing-image 2 2 True False Regression Type False True 0 True False 0 none True False 6 12 True False 6 12 True True False Extrapolate Forward True extrapolateForward 0 Trend line is extrapolated for higher x-values. 0 1 True False Extrapolate Backward True extrapolateBackward 0 Trend line is extrapolated for lower x-values. 0 2 True True True False adjustmentForwardBackward 2 1 1 True True True adjustmentForwardBackward1 2 1 2 Force _Intercept True True False True 0 True For linear, polynomial and exponential trend lines, intercept value is forced to a given value. 0 3 Show E_quation True True False True 0 True Shows the trend line equation next to the trend line. 0 4 2 Show _Coefficient of Determination (R²) True True False True 0 True Shows the coefficient of determination next to the trend line. 0 5 2 True False Trendline _Name True entry_name 0 Name of trend line in legend. 0 0 True True True Name of trend line in legend. 1 0 True True True 0 False number adjustmentForwardBackward2 2 Value of intercept if it is forced. 1 3 True False _X Variable Name True entry_Xname 0 Name of X variable in trend line equation. 0 6 True True True Name of X variable in trend line equation. 1 6 True False _Y Variable Name True entry_Yname 0 Name of Y variable in trend line equation. 0 7 True True True Name of Y variable in trend line equation. 1 7 True False Options False True 1