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Adapting version after a release of an office
After a release the entries in cli_ure/version/version.txt must be changed to reflect the versions
of the assemblies at the time of the release. Please refer to the document at
for more information about versioning of assemblies.
Step 1: Remove old office installations.
To do this, deinstall all offices,
and make sure that there are no assemblies installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). The GAC
is contained in C:\Windows\assembly. Change C:\Windows according to your windows installation.
Use the Windows Explorer to view the contents of the GAC. Are there any of the following assemblies
cli_oootypes.dll (build in unoil)
policy.x.y.cli_oootypes.dll (build in unoil)
The "x" and "y" in the names of the policy assemblies are to be replaces by version numbers. At the
time of writing the real names are:
policy.1.0.cli_ootypes.dll (build in unoil)
After deinstalling the offices, there should none of them remain in the GAC. If there are some, then
try to remove them by clicking on them an choose uninstall from the context menu of the mouse.
Step 2: Install the office of the last release (respin when using staroffice)
Step 3: Determine the versions of the assemblies
Use the Windows Explorer to view the contents of the Windows\assembly directory. Locate the assemblies
and policy assemblies. See step 1 for the names of those assemblies. Take down the version number as
can be found in the version column, which is usually right next to the name column.
Step 4: Changing the versions in the cli_ure module.
Open the file cli_ure\version\version.txt.
The file contains name/value pairs, such as:CLI_URETYPES_NEW_VERSION=
The first part of the names represent the assembly which they are referring to. So obviously
entries starting with CLI_URETYPES refer to the cli_uretypes.dll. Entries which contain the part "POLICY" refer
to the policy assembly. For example:
CLI_URETYPES_POLICY_VERSION refers to the policy assembly for cli_uretypes which is named
The versions may already have been incremented because someone has changed code after the
last release. So if a version from version.txt is greater then the one of the respective
assembly in the GAC then leave it at that.
The values have to be adjusted as follows:
XYZ_NEW_VERSION : increase the value of the version
GAC. "XYZ_" would be "CLI_URETYPES", "CLI_URE", etc.
XYZ_OLD_VERSION : must be changes so that the right version part is one less than
XYZ_NEW_VERSION. For example
The affected part is marked by the brackets.
XYZ_POLICY_VERSION: change the version according to the version of the policy assembly from the
XYZ_POLICY_ASSEMBLY: remain unchanged.
Commit the changes and rebuild the project.
Step 5: Changing the versions in the unoil module
The unoil module builds the cli_oootypes.dll which contains the office types (offapi). Change the contents
of unoil/climaker/version.txt similar to the versions.txt in this module. Then rebuild the module
The automatic test in cli_ure/qa/versioning should be extended. See the readme.txt in that directory
for more information.
How does the version mechanism works
The assemblies which are build in this project have a strong name and hence a version. The version should
be increased whenever something was fixed or the code has changed in any way. For further information
have a look at
The versions of all assemblies are contained in cli_ure/version/version.txt. This is the place where
the versions are changed. This will happen under two circumstances. First, the versions are
adjusted AFTER an office was released. The version.txt must then contain the versions at the
time of the release. Second, when something was fixed. Then a version should be changed unless
this has already be done for the next release. Please look at the document mentioned further
If new published UNO types have been added since the last release (product update) then the
minor version of cli_uretypes.dll should be incremented. When building the version directory, a script
is run that recognizes this and writes a cliureversion.mk file in the bin directory.
cliureversion.mk contains all the entries of version.txt. The versions have been incremented
by the script. The script obtains the information of new types from unotype_statistics.txt
which is build in offapi.
The contents of cliureversion.mk is used when building the assemblies in this project. It
is also delivered so that instset_native (or instsetoo_native) can use it when building
the installation sets.
The contents of version.txt
The entries in version.txt are needed for building the assemblies and for building the
installation set (msi database).
For every assembly exist four
entries. For example:
The meaning of these entries is the following:
CLI_URETYPES_NEW_VERSION represents the current version of the assembly.
CLI_URETYPES_OLD_VERSION represents a range of former versions (which were compatible).
It has to be placed in the
cli_uretypes.config XML file which is part of the policy assembly. This is done automatically.
The XYZ_OLD_VERSION and XYZ_NEW_VERSION values are used for the binding redirection of
the policy file.
CLI_URETYPES_POLICY_VERSION represents the version of the policy file.
CLI_URETYPES_POLICY_ASSEMBLY represents the name of the policy file.
Please refer to the document at
about how the versions have to look like.
When the minor version is changed, which is the third number from the left, the
"old version" and the policy version must be changed as well. Using the former example,
an incremented version would look like this:
If the major version changed we would have these values:
Because a change of a major is only done if the code has changed incompatibly, we must not
redirect old client code to the new assembly. Actually we would not need a policy file here.
The name of the policy file has changed as well so as to refer to the new version. Since
the name is new and refers to the version 2 of cli_uretypes, we can start with the policy version
from 1.
The next compatible change would require to change the version to these:
Automatic incrementation of the version
Currently switched off! See cli_ure/version/makefile.mk
The automatic incrementation of the version this is done when new published types have been
introduce between two releases.In cli_ure/version/makefile.mk the script
is run which creates the cliureversion.mk with the new versions. This automatism only changes
the version parts which have the meaning of a compatible change. Which versions are to be
incremented is contained in cli_ure/version/incversions.txt. It contains, for example these entries:
The names are exactly the same as in version.txt. The script knows how to increase the version
of the different types:
Entries ending on _NEW_VERSION: The third number from the left is incremented.
Entries ending on _OLD_VERSION: The third number from the left of the second version is incremented.
Entries ending on _POLICY_VERSION: The first number from the left is incremented.
For example, the versions in version.txt are:
If new types have been added the script would create these entries in cliureversion.mk
As one can see from the incversions.txt, the versions of the cli_ure.dll and cli_cppuhelper.dll
are also changed. This is because these are dependent on cli_uretypes.dll.
Further notes on increasing the assembly versions
Changing a version for one assembly means changing
at least the XYZ_NEW_VERSION, XYZ_OLD_VERSION and XYZ_POLICY_VERSION. In case of an incompatible
change, that is one of the first two numbers of the version has been changed, the XYZ_POLICY_ASSEMBLY
must also be changed.
When changing a version of an assembly then the versions of the assemblies which depend on it should
be changed as well. For example, when changing the version of cli_uretypes.dll, then the versions of
cli_ure.dll and cli_cppuhelper.dll should be changed as well. One can use idlasm.exe to see which
assemblies are referenced by an assembly. The information is contained in the assemblie's manifest.
If one would not change the versions of the dependent dlls then one would risk that an assembly
has the same old version but references a different assembly. For example, say we have a
cli_uretypes.dll with version 1 and a cli_ure.dll with version 1. cli_ure.dll references version 1 of
cli_uretypes.dll. Now the version of cli_uretypes.dll changes to version 2 and its policy assembly is
adapted so that all code that uses version 1 now uses version 2. This would also allow cli_ure.dll
o run with the new cli_uretypes.dll. If now cli_ure.dll is build, then it would reference
cli_uretypes.dll version 2, because our build environment does not keep the older assembly. The old
cli_uretypes.dll version 1 was replaced by version 2. cli_ure.dll now references cli_uretypes.dll version 2
but still has the old version.
rebasing of assemblies
Neither assemblies nor policy assemblies may be rebased. This would
make the signature invalid. Therefore all assemblies must be contained
in postprocess/rebase/no_rebase.txt