 *  OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 *  $RCSfile: accessiblecontexthelper.cxx,v $
 *  $Revision: 1.15 $
 *  last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-09-17 17:07:54 $
 *  The Contents of this file are made available subject to
 *  the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
 *    GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 *    =============================================
 *    Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *    901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
 *    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *    License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
 *    MA  02111-1307  USA

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_comphelper.hxx"

#include <comphelper/accessiblecontexthelper.hxx>
#include <comphelper/accessibleeventbuffer.hxx>
#ifndef _OSL_DIAGNOSE_H_
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <cppuhelper/weakref.hxx>

#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleEventId.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleStateType.hpp>

#include <comphelper/accessibleeventnotifier.hxx>

namespace comphelper

    using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
    using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
    using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility;

    //= OContextHelper_Impl
    /** implementation class for OAccessibleContextHelper. No own thread safety!
    class OContextHelper_Impl
        OAccessibleContextHelper*           m_pAntiImpl;        // the owning instance
        IMutex*                             m_pExternalLock;    // the optional additional external lock

        ::cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper*  m_pEventListeners;
        WeakReference< XAccessible >        m_aCreator;         // the XAccessible which created our XAccessibleContext

        AccessibleEventNotifier::TClientId  m_nClientId;

        inline  Reference< XAccessible >    getCreator( ) const                 { return m_aCreator; }
        inline  void                        setCreator( const Reference< XAccessible >& _rAcc );

        inline  IMutex*                     getExternalLock( )                  { return m_pExternalLock; }
        inline  void                        setExternalLock( IMutex* _pLock )   { m_pExternalLock = _pLock; }

        inline  AccessibleEventNotifier::TClientId
                                            getClientId() const                 { return m_nClientId; }
        inline  void                        setClientId( const AccessibleEventNotifier::TClientId _nId )
                                                                                { m_nClientId = _nId; }

        OContextHelper_Impl( OAccessibleContextHelper* _pAntiImpl )
            :m_pAntiImpl( _pAntiImpl )
            ,m_pExternalLock( NULL )
            ,m_pEventListeners( NULL )
            ,m_nClientId( 0 )

    inline  void OContextHelper_Impl::setCreator( const Reference< XAccessible >& _rAcc )
        m_aCreator = _rAcc;

    //= OAccessibleContextHelper
    OAccessibleContextHelper::OAccessibleContextHelper( )
        :OAccessibleContextHelper_Base( GetMutex() )
        ,m_pImpl( NULL )
        m_pImpl = new OContextHelper_Impl( this );

    OAccessibleContextHelper::OAccessibleContextHelper( IMutex* _pExternalLock )
        :OAccessibleContextHelper_Base( GetMutex() )
        ,m_pImpl( NULL )
        m_pImpl = new OContextHelper_Impl( this );
        m_pImpl->setExternalLock( _pExternalLock );

    void OAccessibleContextHelper::forgetExternalLock()
        m_pImpl->setExternalLock( NULL );

    OAccessibleContextHelper::~OAccessibleContextHelper( )
            // this ensures that the lock, which may be already destroyed as part of the derivee,
            // is not used anymore


        delete m_pImpl;
        m_pImpl = NULL;

    IMutex* OAccessibleContextHelper::getExternalLock( )
        return m_pImpl->getExternalLock();

    void SAL_CALL OAccessibleContextHelper::disposing()
        ::osl::ClearableMutexGuard aGuard( GetMutex() );

        if ( m_pImpl->getClientId( ) )
            AccessibleEventNotifier::revokeClientNotifyDisposing( m_pImpl->getClientId( ), *this );
            m_pImpl->setClientId( 0 );

    void SAL_CALL OAccessibleContextHelper::addEventListener( const Reference< XAccessibleEventListener >& _rxListener ) throw (RuntimeException)
        OMutexGuard aGuard( getExternalLock() );
            // don't use the OContextEntryGuard - it will throw an exception if we're not alive
            // anymore, while the most recent specification for XComponent states that we should
            // silently ignore the call in such a situation
        if ( !isAlive() )
            if ( _rxListener.is() )
                _rxListener->disposing( EventObject( *this ) );

        if ( _rxListener.is() )
            if ( !m_pImpl->getClientId( ) )
                m_pImpl->setClientId( AccessibleEventNotifier::registerClient( ) );

            AccessibleEventNotifier::addEventListener( m_pImpl->getClientId( ), _rxListener );

    void SAL_CALL OAccessibleContextHelper::removeEventListener( const Reference< XAccessibleEventListener >& _rxListener ) throw (RuntimeException)
        OMutexGuard aGuard( getExternalLock() );
            // don't use the OContextEntryGuard - it will throw an exception if we're not alive
            // anymore, while the most recent specification for XComponent states that we should
            // silently ignore the call in such a situation
        if ( !isAlive() )

        if ( _rxListener.is() )
            sal_Int32 nListenerCount = AccessibleEventNotifier::removeEventListener( m_pImpl->getClientId( ), _rxListener );
            if ( !nListenerCount )
                // no listeners anymore
                // -> revoke ourself. This may lead to the notifier thread dying (if we were the last client),
                // and at least to us not firing any events anymore, in case somebody calls
                // NotifyAccessibleEvent, again
                AccessibleEventNotifier::revokeClient( m_pImpl->getClientId( ) );
                m_pImpl->setClientId( 0 );

    void SAL_CALL OAccessibleContextHelper::NotifyAccessibleEvent( const sal_Int16 _nEventId,
        const Any& _rOldValue, const Any& _rNewValue )
        if ( !m_pImpl->getClientId( ) )
            // if we don't have a client id for the notifier, then we don't have listeners, then
            // we don't need to notify anything

        // build an event object
        AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
        aEvent.Source = *this;
        aEvent.EventId = _nEventId;
        aEvent.OldValue = _rOldValue;
        aEvent.NewValue = _rNewValue;

        // let the notifier handle this event
        AccessibleEventNotifier::addEvent( m_pImpl->getClientId( ), aEvent );

    void SAL_CALL OAccessibleContextHelper::BufferAccessibleEvent( const sal_Int16 _nEventId,
        const Any& _rOldValue, const Any& _rNewValue,
        AccessibleEventBuffer & _rBuffer )
        // TODO: this whole method (as well as the class AccessibleEventBuffer) should be removed
        // The reasons why they have been introduces id that we needed to collect a set of events
        // before notifying them alltogether (after releasing our mutex). With the other
        // NotifyAccessibleEvent being asynchronous now, this should not be necessary anymore
        // - clients could use the other version now.

        // copy our current listeners
        Sequence< Reference< XInterface > > aListeners;
        if ( m_pImpl->getClientId( ) )
            aListeners = AccessibleEventNotifier::getEventListeners( m_pImpl->getClientId( ) );

        if ( aListeners.getLength() )
            AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
            aEvent.Source = *this;
            OSL_ENSURE( aEvent.Source.is(), "OAccessibleContextHelper::BufferAccessibleEvent: invalid creator!" );
            aEvent.EventId = _nEventId;
            aEvent.OldValue = _rOldValue;
            aEvent.NewValue = _rNewValue;

            _rBuffer.addEvent( aEvent, aListeners );

    sal_Bool OAccessibleContextHelper::isAlive() const
        return !GetBroadcastHelper().bDisposed && !GetBroadcastHelper().bInDispose;

    void OAccessibleContextHelper::ensureAlive() const SAL_THROW( ( DisposedException ) )
        if( !isAlive() )
            throw DisposedException();

    void OAccessibleContextHelper::ensureDisposed( )
        if ( !GetBroadcastHelper().bDisposed )
            OSL_ENSURE( 0 == m_refCount, "OAccessibleContextHelper::ensureDisposed: this method _has_ to be called from without your dtor only!" );

    void OAccessibleContextHelper::lateInit( const Reference< XAccessible >& _rxAccessible )
        m_pImpl->setCreator( _rxAccessible );

    Reference< XAccessible > OAccessibleContextHelper::getAccessibleCreator( ) const
        return m_pImpl->getCreator();

    sal_Int32 SAL_CALL OAccessibleContextHelper::getAccessibleIndexInParent(  ) throw (RuntimeException)
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        // -1 for child not found/no parent (according to specification)
        sal_Int32 nRet = -1;


            Reference< XAccessibleContext > xParentContext( implGetParentContext() );

            //  iterate over parent's children and search for this object
            if ( xParentContext.is() )
                // our own XAccessible for comparing with the children of our parent
                Reference< XAccessible > xCreator( m_pImpl->getCreator() );

                OSL_ENSURE( xCreator.is(), "OAccessibleContextHelper::getAccessibleIndexInParent: invalid creator!" );
                    // two ideas why this could be NULL:
                    // * nobody called our late ctor (init), so we never had a creator at all -> bad
                    // * the creator is already dead. In this case, we should have been disposed, and
                    //   never survived the above OContextEntryGuard.
                    // in all other situations the creator should be non-NULL

                if ( xCreator.is() )
                    sal_Int32 nChildCount = xParentContext->getAccessibleChildCount();
                    for ( sal_Int32 nChild = 0; ( nChild < nChildCount ) && ( -1 == nRet ); ++nChild )
                        Reference< XAccessible > xChild( xParentContext->getAccessibleChild( nChild ) );
                        if ( xChild.get() == xCreator.get() )
                            nRet = nChild;
        catch( const Exception& )
            OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "OAccessibleContextHelper::getAccessibleIndexInParent: caught an exception!" );

        return nRet;

    Locale SAL_CALL OAccessibleContextHelper::getLocale(  ) throw (IllegalAccessibleComponentStateException, RuntimeException)
        // simply ask the parent
        Reference< XAccessible > xParent = getAccessibleParent();
        Reference< XAccessibleContext > xParentContext;
        if ( xParent.is() )
            xParentContext = xParent->getAccessibleContext();

        if ( !xParentContext.is() )
            throw IllegalAccessibleComponentStateException( ::rtl::OUString(), *this );

        return xParentContext->getLocale();

    Reference< XAccessibleContext > OAccessibleContextHelper::implGetParentContext() SAL_THROW( ( RuntimeException ) )
        Reference< XAccessible > xParent = getAccessibleParent();
        Reference< XAccessibleContext > xParentContext;
        if ( xParent.is() )
            xParentContext = xParent->getAccessibleContext();
        return xParentContext;

}   // namespace comphelper