/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define RELATIONINFO_FORMAT 0 #define CONTENTTYPE_FORMAT 1 #define FORMAT_MAX_ID CONTENTTYPE_FORMAT using namespace ::com::sun::star; namespace comphelper { // this helper class is designed to allow to parse ContentType- and Relationship-related information from OfficeOpenXML format class OFOPXMLHelper_Impl : public cppu::WeakImplHelper< css::xml::sax::XDocumentHandler > { sal_uInt16 m_nFormat; // which format to parse // Relations info related strings OUString m_aRelListElement; OUString m_aRelElement; OUString m_aIDAttr; OUString m_aTypeAttr; OUString m_aTargetModeAttr; OUString m_aTargetAttr; // ContentType related strings OUString m_aTypesElement; OUString m_aDefaultElement; OUString m_aOverrideElement; OUString m_aExtensionAttr; OUString m_aPartNameAttr; OUString m_aContentTypeAttr; css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::StringPair > > m_aResultSeq; std::vector< OUString > m_aElementsSeq; // stack of elements being parsed public: css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::StringPair > > const & GetParsingResult(); explicit OFOPXMLHelper_Impl( sal_uInt16 nFormat ); // must not be created directly virtual ~OFOPXMLHelper_Impl() override; // XDocumentHandler virtual void SAL_CALL startDocument() throw (css::xml::sax::SAXException, css::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) override; virtual void SAL_CALL endDocument() throw (css::xml::sax::SAXException, css::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) override; virtual void SAL_CALL startElement( const OUString& aName, const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XAttributeList >& xAttribs ) throw (css::xml::sax::SAXException, css::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) override; virtual void SAL_CALL endElement( const OUString& aName ) throw (css::xml::sax::SAXException, css::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) override; virtual void SAL_CALL characters( const OUString& aChars ) throw (css::xml::sax::SAXException, css::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) override; virtual void SAL_CALL ignorableWhitespace( const OUString& aWhitespaces ) throw (css::xml::sax::SAXException, css::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) override; virtual void SAL_CALL processingInstruction( const OUString& aTarget, const OUString& aData ) throw (css::xml::sax::SAXException, css::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) override; virtual void SAL_CALL setDocumentLocator( const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XLocator >& xLocator ) throw (css::xml::sax::SAXException, css::uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) override; }; namespace OFOPXMLHelper { static uno::Sequence> ReadSequence_Impl( const uno::Reference& xInStream, const OUString& aStringID, sal_uInt16 nFormat, const uno::Reference& xContext) throw (uno::Exception); uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence< beans::StringPair > > ReadRelationsInfoSequence( const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream >& xInStream, const OUString & aStreamName, const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& rContext ) throw( uno::Exception ) { OUString aStringID = "_rels/" + aStreamName; return ReadSequence_Impl( xInStream, aStringID, RELATIONINFO_FORMAT, rContext ); } uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence< beans::StringPair > > ReadContentTypeSequence( const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream >& xInStream, const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& rContext ) throw( uno::Exception ) { OUString aStringID = "[Content_Types].xml"; return ReadSequence_Impl( xInStream, aStringID, CONTENTTYPE_FORMAT, rContext ); } void WriteRelationsInfoSequence( const uno::Reference< io::XOutputStream >& xOutStream, const uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence< beans::StringPair > >& aSequence, const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& rContext ) throw( uno::Exception ) { if ( !xOutStream.is() ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XWriter > xWriter = css::xml::sax::Writer::create(rContext); xWriter->setOutputStream( xOutStream ); OUString aRelListElement( "Relationships" ); OUString aRelElement( "Relationship" ); OUString aCDATAString( "CDATA" ); OUString aWhiteSpace( " " ); // write the namespace AttributeList* pRootAttrList = new AttributeList; uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XAttributeList > xRootAttrList( pRootAttrList ); pRootAttrList->AddAttribute( "xmlns", aCDATAString, "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships" ); xWriter->startDocument(); xWriter->startElement( aRelListElement, xRootAttrList ); for ( sal_Int32 nInd = 0; nInd < aSequence.getLength(); nInd++ ) { AttributeList *pAttrList = new AttributeList; uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XAttributeList > xAttrList( pAttrList ); for( sal_Int32 nSecInd = 0; nSecInd < aSequence[nInd].getLength(); nSecInd++ ) { if ( aSequence[nInd][nSecInd].First == "Id" || aSequence[nInd][nSecInd].First == "Type" || aSequence[nInd][nSecInd].First == "TargetMode" || aSequence[nInd][nSecInd].First == "Target" ) { pAttrList->AddAttribute( aSequence[nInd][nSecInd].First, aCDATAString, aSequence[nInd][nSecInd].Second ); } else { // TODO/LATER: should the extensions be allowed? throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); } } xWriter->startElement( aRelElement, xAttrList ); xWriter->ignorableWhitespace( aWhiteSpace ); xWriter->endElement( aRelElement ); } xWriter->ignorableWhitespace( aWhiteSpace ); xWriter->endElement( aRelListElement ); xWriter->endDocument(); } void WriteContentSequence( const uno::Reference< io::XOutputStream >& xOutStream, const uno::Sequence< beans::StringPair >& aDefaultsSequence, const uno::Sequence< beans::StringPair >& aOverridesSequence, const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& rContext ) throw( uno::Exception ) { if ( !xOutStream.is() ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XWriter > xWriter = css::xml::sax::Writer::create(rContext); xWriter->setOutputStream( xOutStream ); OUString aTypesElement( "Types" ); OUString aDefaultElement( "Default" ); OUString aOverrideElement( "Override" ); OUString aContentTypeAttr( "ContentType" ); OUString aCDATAString( "CDATA" ); OUString aWhiteSpace( " " ); // write the namespace AttributeList* pRootAttrList = new AttributeList; uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XAttributeList > xRootAttrList( pRootAttrList ); pRootAttrList->AddAttribute( "xmlns", aCDATAString, "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types" ); xWriter->startDocument(); xWriter->startElement( aTypesElement, xRootAttrList ); for ( sal_Int32 nInd = 0; nInd < aDefaultsSequence.getLength(); nInd++ ) { AttributeList *pAttrList = new AttributeList; uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XAttributeList > xAttrList( pAttrList ); pAttrList->AddAttribute( "Extension", aCDATAString, aDefaultsSequence[nInd].First ); pAttrList->AddAttribute( aContentTypeAttr, aCDATAString, aDefaultsSequence[nInd].Second ); xWriter->startElement( aDefaultElement, xAttrList ); xWriter->ignorableWhitespace( aWhiteSpace ); xWriter->endElement( aDefaultElement ); } for ( sal_Int32 nInd = 0; nInd < aOverridesSequence.getLength(); nInd++ ) { AttributeList *pAttrList = new AttributeList; uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XAttributeList > xAttrList( pAttrList ); pAttrList->AddAttribute( "PartName", aCDATAString, aOverridesSequence[nInd].First ); pAttrList->AddAttribute( aContentTypeAttr, aCDATAString, aOverridesSequence[nInd].Second ); xWriter->startElement( aOverrideElement, xAttrList ); xWriter->ignorableWhitespace( aWhiteSpace ); xWriter->endElement( aOverrideElement ); } xWriter->ignorableWhitespace( aWhiteSpace ); xWriter->endElement( aTypesElement ); xWriter->endDocument(); } uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence< beans::StringPair > > ReadSequence_Impl( const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream >& xInStream, const OUString& aStringID, sal_uInt16 nFormat, const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& rContext ) throw( uno::Exception ) { if ( !rContext.is() || !xInStream.is() || nFormat > FORMAT_MAX_ID ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XParser > xParser = css::xml::sax::Parser::create( rContext ); OFOPXMLHelper_Impl *const pHelper = new OFOPXMLHelper_Impl( nFormat ); uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XDocumentHandler > xHelper( static_cast< css::xml::sax::XDocumentHandler* >( pHelper ) ); css::xml::sax::InputSource aParserInput; aParserInput.aInputStream = xInStream; aParserInput.sSystemId = aStringID; xParser->setDocumentHandler( xHelper ); xParser->parseStream( aParserInput ); xParser->setDocumentHandler( uno::Reference < css::xml::sax::XDocumentHandler > () ); return pHelper->GetParsingResult(); } } // namespace OFOPXMLHelper OFOPXMLHelper_Impl::OFOPXMLHelper_Impl( sal_uInt16 nFormat ) : m_nFormat( nFormat ) , m_aRelListElement( "Relationships" ) , m_aRelElement( "Relationship" ) , m_aIDAttr( "Id" ) , m_aTypeAttr( "Type" ) , m_aTargetModeAttr( "TargetMode" ) , m_aTargetAttr( "Target" ) , m_aTypesElement( "Types" ) , m_aDefaultElement( "Default" ) , m_aOverrideElement( "Override" ) , m_aExtensionAttr( "Extension" ) , m_aPartNameAttr( "PartName" ) , m_aContentTypeAttr( "ContentType" ) { } OFOPXMLHelper_Impl::~OFOPXMLHelper_Impl() { } uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence< beans::StringPair > > const & OFOPXMLHelper_Impl::GetParsingResult() { if ( m_aElementsSeq.size() ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); // the parsing has still not finished! return m_aResultSeq; } void SAL_CALL OFOPXMLHelper_Impl::startDocument() throw(css::xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { } void SAL_CALL OFOPXMLHelper_Impl::endDocument() throw(css::xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { } void SAL_CALL OFOPXMLHelper_Impl::startElement( const OUString& aName, const uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XAttributeList >& xAttribs ) throw( css::xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception ) { if ( m_nFormat == RELATIONINFO_FORMAT ) { if ( aName == m_aRelListElement ) { sal_Int32 nNewLength = m_aElementsSeq.size() + 1; if ( nNewLength != 1 ) throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: this element must be the first level element m_aElementsSeq.push_back( aName ); return; // nothing to do } else if ( aName == m_aRelElement ) { sal_Int32 nNewLength = m_aElementsSeq.size() + 1; if ( nNewLength != 2 ) throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: this element must be the second level element m_aElementsSeq.push_back( aName ); sal_Int32 nNewEntryNum = m_aResultSeq.getLength() + 1; m_aResultSeq.realloc( nNewEntryNum ); sal_Int32 nAttrNum = 0; m_aResultSeq[nNewEntryNum-1].realloc( 4 ); // the maximal expected number of arguments is 4 OUString aIDValue = xAttribs->getValueByName( m_aIDAttr ); if ( aIDValue.isEmpty() ) throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: the ID value must present OUString aTypeValue = xAttribs->getValueByName( m_aTypeAttr ); OUString aTargetValue = xAttribs->getValueByName( m_aTargetAttr ); OUString aTargetModeValue = xAttribs->getValueByName( m_aTargetModeAttr ); m_aResultSeq[nNewEntryNum-1][++nAttrNum - 1].First = m_aIDAttr; m_aResultSeq[nNewEntryNum-1][nAttrNum - 1].Second = aIDValue; if ( !aTypeValue.isEmpty() ) { m_aResultSeq[nNewEntryNum-1][++nAttrNum - 1].First = m_aTypeAttr; m_aResultSeq[nNewEntryNum-1][nAttrNum - 1].Second = aTypeValue; } if ( !aTargetValue.isEmpty() ) { m_aResultSeq[nNewEntryNum-1][++nAttrNum - 1].First = m_aTargetAttr; m_aResultSeq[nNewEntryNum-1][nAttrNum - 1].Second = aTargetValue; } if ( !aTargetModeValue.isEmpty() ) { m_aResultSeq[nNewEntryNum-1][++nAttrNum - 1].First = m_aTargetModeAttr; m_aResultSeq[nNewEntryNum-1][nAttrNum - 1].Second = aTargetModeValue; } m_aResultSeq[nNewEntryNum-1].realloc( nAttrNum ); } else throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: no other elements expected! } else if ( m_nFormat == CONTENTTYPE_FORMAT ) { if ( aName == m_aTypesElement ) { sal_Int32 nNewLength = m_aElementsSeq.size() + 1; if ( nNewLength != 1 ) throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: this element must be the first level element m_aElementsSeq.push_back( aName ); if ( !m_aResultSeq.getLength() ) m_aResultSeq.realloc( 2 ); return; // nothing to do } else if ( aName == m_aDefaultElement ) { sal_Int32 nNewLength = m_aElementsSeq.size() + 1; if ( nNewLength != 2 ) throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: this element must be the second level element m_aElementsSeq.push_back( aName ); if ( !m_aResultSeq.getLength() ) m_aResultSeq.realloc( 2 ); if ( m_aResultSeq.getLength() != 2 ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); OUString aExtensionValue = xAttribs->getValueByName( m_aExtensionAttr ); if ( aExtensionValue.isEmpty() ) throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: the Extension value must present OUString aContentTypeValue = xAttribs->getValueByName( m_aContentTypeAttr ); if ( aContentTypeValue.isEmpty() ) throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: the ContentType value must present sal_Int32 nNewResultLen = m_aResultSeq[0].getLength() + 1; m_aResultSeq[0].realloc( nNewResultLen ); m_aResultSeq[0][nNewResultLen-1].First = aExtensionValue; m_aResultSeq[0][nNewResultLen-1].Second = aContentTypeValue; } else if ( aName == m_aOverrideElement ) { sal_Int32 nNewLength = m_aElementsSeq.size() + 1; if ( nNewLength != 2 ) throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: this element must be the second level element m_aElementsSeq.push_back( aName ); if ( !m_aResultSeq.getLength() ) m_aResultSeq.realloc( 2 ); if ( m_aResultSeq.getLength() != 2 ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); OUString aPartNameValue = xAttribs->getValueByName( m_aPartNameAttr ); if ( aPartNameValue.isEmpty() ) throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: the PartName value must present OUString aContentTypeValue = xAttribs->getValueByName( m_aContentTypeAttr ); if ( aContentTypeValue.isEmpty() ) throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: the ContentType value must present sal_Int32 nNewResultLen = m_aResultSeq[1].getLength() + 1; m_aResultSeq[1].realloc( nNewResultLen ); m_aResultSeq[1][nNewResultLen-1].First = aPartNameValue; m_aResultSeq[1][nNewResultLen-1].Second = aContentTypeValue; } else throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: no other elements expected! } else throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: no other elements expected! } void SAL_CALL OFOPXMLHelper_Impl::endElement( const OUString& aName ) throw( css::xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception ) { if ( m_nFormat == RELATIONINFO_FORMAT || m_nFormat == CONTENTTYPE_FORMAT ) { sal_Int32 nLength = m_aElementsSeq.size(); if ( nLength <= 0 ) throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: no other end elements expected! if ( !m_aElementsSeq[nLength-1].equals( aName ) ) throw css::xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: unexpected element ended m_aElementsSeq.resize( nLength - 1 ); } } void SAL_CALL OFOPXMLHelper_Impl::characters( const OUString& /*aChars*/ ) throw(css::xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { } void SAL_CALL OFOPXMLHelper_Impl::ignorableWhitespace( const OUString& /*aWhitespaces*/ ) throw(css::xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { } void SAL_CALL OFOPXMLHelper_Impl::processingInstruction( const OUString& /*aTarget*/, const OUString& /*aData*/ ) throw(css::xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { } void SAL_CALL OFOPXMLHelper_Impl::setDocumentLocator( const uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XLocator >& /*xLocator*/ ) throw(css::xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException, std::exception) { } } // namespace comphelper /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */