/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

// only compile this on unixy system
// as we don't want to bother with x-platform system()/mkdir()
#if defined(__unix__)
// only compile this on clang 3.7 or higher, which is known to work
// there were problems on clang 3.5 at least
#include "config_clang.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <regex>
#include "check.hxx"
#include "plugin.hxx"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"

namespace {

clang::Expr const * ignoreParenImplicitComma(clang::Expr const * expr) {
    for (;;) {
        auto const e1 = expr->IgnoreParens()->IgnoreImplicit();
        if (e1 != expr) {
            expr = e1;
        // auto const e1 = dyn_cast<clang::ExprWithCleanups>(expr);
        // if (e1 != nullptr) {
        //     expr = e1->getSubExpr();
        //     continue;
        // }
        auto const e2 = dyn_cast<clang::BinaryOperator>(expr);
        if (e2 != nullptr && e2->getOpcode() == clang::BO_Comma) {
            expr = e2->getRHS();
        return expr;

bool overridesXServiceInfo(clang::CXXMethodDecl const * decl) {
    for (auto i = decl->begin_overridden_methods();
         i != decl->end_overridden_methods(); ++i)
        if (((*i)->getParent()->getQualifiedNameAsString()
             == "com::sun::star::lang::XServiceInfo")
            || overridesXServiceInfo(*i))
            return true;
    return false;

std::string replace_all(std::string subject, const std::string& search, const std::string& replace)
    size_t pos = 0;

    while ((pos = subject.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos)
        subject.replace(pos, search.length(), replace);
        pos += replace.length();

    return subject;

class GetImplementationName:
    public loplugin::FilteringPlugin<GetImplementationName>
    explicit GetImplementationName(loplugin::InstantiationData const & data)
        : FilteringPlugin(data)
        , m_Outdir(initOutdir())
        , m_OutdirCreated(false)
        , m_Srcdir(initSrcdir())
    void run() override;

    bool VisitCXXMethodDecl(clang::CXXMethodDecl const * decl);

    bool isStringConstant(Expr const * expr, clang::StringRef * string);

    bool returnsStringConstant(
        FunctionDecl const * decl, clang::StringRef * string);

    void ensureOutdirCreated()
        std::string cmd("mkdir -p ");
        cmd += "\"" + m_Outdir + "\"";
        if(system(cmd.c_str()) != 0) {
                "Error creating ServiceImplementations output dir \"%0\".")
                << m_Outdir;
        m_OutdirCreated = true;

    void generateOutput(FunctionDecl const * decl, const std::string unoimpl, const std::string cppclass);
    std::string initOutdir();
    std::string initSrcdir();
    const std::string m_Outdir;
    bool m_OutdirCreated;
    const std::string m_Srcdir;

void GetImplementationName::run() {
    if (compiler.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus) {

bool GetImplementationName::VisitCXXMethodDecl(
    clang::CXXMethodDecl const * decl)
    if (ignoreLocation(decl) || !decl->doesThisDeclarationHaveABody()
        || !decl->isVirtual())
        return true;
    auto const id = decl->getIdentifier();
    if (id == nullptr || id->getName() != "getImplementationName"
        || !overridesXServiceInfo(decl))
        return true;
    clang::StringRef unoimpl;
    if (!returnsStringConstant(decl, &unoimpl)) {
            "cannot determine returned string", decl->getLocation())
            << decl->getSourceRange();
        return true;
    generateOutput(decl, unoimpl.str(), decl->getParent()->getQualifiedNameAsString());
    return true;

bool GetImplementationName::isStringConstant(
    Expr const * expr, clang::StringRef * string)
    QualType t = expr->getType();
    if (!(t->isConstantArrayType() && t.isConstQualified()
          && (loplugin::TypeCheck(t->getAsArrayTypeUnsafe()->getElementType())
        return false;
    DeclRefExpr const * dre = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(expr);
    if (dre != nullptr) {
        VarDecl const * var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(dre->getDecl());
        if (var != nullptr) {
            Expr const * init = var->getAnyInitializer();
            if (init != nullptr) {
                expr = ignoreParenImplicitComma(init);
    clang::StringLiteral const * lit = dyn_cast<clang::StringLiteral>(expr);
    if (lit != nullptr) {
        if (!lit->isAscii()) {
            return false;
        *string = lit->getString();
        return true;
    APValue v;
    if (!expr->isCXX11ConstantExpr(compiler.getASTContext(), &v)) {
        return false;
    switch (v.getKind()) {
    case APValue::LValue:
        return false; //TODO
    case APValue::Array:
            if (v.hasArrayFiller()) { //TODO: handle final NUL filler?
                return false;
            unsigned n = v.getArraySize();
            assert(n != 0);
            for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
                APValue e(v.getArrayInitializedElt(i));
                if (!e.isInt()) { //TODO: assert?
                    return false;
                APSInt iv = e.getInt();
                if (iv == 0) {
                    if (i == n -1) {
                    return false;
                } else if (iv.uge(0x80)) {
                    return false;
            return false;//TODO
        abort(); //TODO???

bool GetImplementationName::returnsStringConstant(
    FunctionDecl const * decl, clang::StringRef * string)
    auto s1 = decl->getBody();
    if (s1 == nullptr) {
        return false;
    for (;;) {
        auto s2 = dyn_cast<clang::CompoundStmt>(s1);
        if (s2 == nullptr) {
            auto const s3 = dyn_cast<clang::CXXTryStmt>(s1);
            if (s3 == nullptr) {
            s2 = s3->getTryBlock();
        if (s2->size() != 1) {
        s1 = s2->body_front();
    auto const s4 = dyn_cast<clang::ReturnStmt>(s1);
    if (s4 == nullptr) {
        return false;
    for (auto e1 = ignoreParenImplicitComma(s4->getRetValue());;) {
        auto const e2 = dyn_cast<clang::CallExpr>(e1);
        if (e2 != nullptr) {
            auto const d = e2->getDirectCallee();
            return d != nullptr && returnsStringConstant(d, string);
        auto const e3 = dyn_cast<clang::CXXFunctionalCastExpr>(e1);
        if (e3 != nullptr) {
            e1 = ignoreParenImplicitComma(e3->getSubExpr());
        auto const e4 = dyn_cast<clang::CXXConstructExpr>(e1);
        if (e4 != nullptr)  {
            if (e4->getNumArgs() < 1) {
                return false;
            e1 = ignoreParenImplicitComma(e4->getArg(0));
        return isStringConstant(e1, string);

void GetImplementationName::generateOutput(FunctionDecl const * decl, const std::string unoimpl, const std::string cppclass) {
    clang::SourceManager& sm(compiler.getSourceManager());
    const std::string absfilename(sm.getFilename(decl->getSourceRange().getBegin()).str());
    if(absfilename.length() <= m_Srcdir.length())
    const std::string filename(absfilename.substr(m_Srcdir.length()+1));
    const std::regex moduleregex("^\\w+");
    std::smatch modulematch;
    std::regex_search(filename, modulematch, moduleregex);
    const std::string module(modulematch[0]);
    const std::string doublecolonregex("::");
    const std::string cppclassweb(replace_all(cppclass, doublecolonregex, "_1_1"));
    std::ofstream redirectfile(m_Outdir + "/" + unoimpl + ".html");
    redirectfile << "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; URL=http://docs.libreoffice.org/" << module << "/html/class" << cppclassweb << "\">\n";

std::string GetImplementationName::initOutdir() {
    char* pWorkdir = getenv("WORKDIR");
    if(pWorkdir) {
        std::string result(pWorkdir);
        result += "/ServiceImplementations";
        return result;
        clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "WORKDIR unset, don't know where to write service implementation info.");
    return std::string();

std::string GetImplementationName::initSrcdir() {
    char* pSrcdir = getenv("SRCDIR");
    if(!pSrcdir) {
            clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "SRCDIR unset, don't know where the source base is.");
    return std::string(pSrcdir);
loplugin::Plugin::Registration<GetImplementationName> X(
    "getimplementationname", false);

/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */