#!/usr/bin/python import sys instantiatedSet = set() definitionSet = set() parentChildDict = {} definitionToFileDict = {} with open("loplugin.mergeclasses.log") as txt: for line in txt: if line.startswith("instantiated:\t"): idx1 = line.find("\t") clazzName = line[idx1+1 : len(line)-1] if (clazzName.startswith("const ")): clazzName = clazzName[6:] if (clazzName.startswith("class ")): clazzName = clazzName[6:] if (clazzName.endswith(" &")): clazzName = clazzName[:len(clazzName)-3] instantiatedSet.add(clazzName) elif line.startswith("definition:\t"): idx1 = line.find("\t") idx2 = line.find("\t", idx1+1) clazzName = line[idx1+1 : idx2] # the +2 is so we skip the leading / fileName = line[idx2+2 : len(line)-1] definitionSet.add(clazzName) definitionToFileDict[clazzName] = fileName elif line.startswith("has-subclass:\t"): idx1 = line.find("\t") idx2 = line.find("\t", idx1+1) child = line[idx1+1 : idx2] parent = line[idx2+1 : len(line)-1] if (parent.startswith("class ")): parent = parent[6:] elif (parent.startswith("struct ")): parent = parent[7:] if (child.startswith("class ")): child = child[6:] elif (child.startswith("struct ")): child = child[7:] if (parent not in parentChildDict): parentChildDict[parent] = set() parentChildDict[parent].add(child) def extractModuleName(clazz): filename = definitionToFileDict[clazz] if filename.startswith("include/"): filename = filename[8:] idx = filename.find("/") return filename[:idx] with open("loplugin.mergeclasses.report", "wt") as f: for clazz in sorted(definitionSet - instantiatedSet): # find uninstantiated classes without any subclasses if (not(clazz in parentChildDict)) or (len(parentChildDict[clazz]) != 1): continue # exclude some common false positives a = ['Dialog', 'Dlg', 'com::sun', 'Base'] if any(x in clazz for x in a): continue # ignore base class that contain the word "mutex", they are normally there to # help with the WeakComponentImpl template magic if ("mutex" in clazz) or ("Mutex" in clazz): continue otherclazz = next(iter(parentChildDict[clazz])) # exclude combinations that span modules because we often use those to make cross-module dependencies more manageable. if extractModuleName(clazz) != extractModuleName(otherclazz): continue f.write( "merge" + clazz + "with" + otherclazz + "\n" )