/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: change.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.23 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-08 03:44:16 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef CONFIGMGR_CHANGE_HXX #define CONFIGMGR_CHANGE_HXX #ifndef _CONFIGMGR_TREE_VALUENODE_HXX #include "valuenode.hxx" #endif #ifndef CONFIGMGR_TREESEGMENT_HXX #include "treesegment.hxx" #endif #ifndef CONFIGMGR_TREEADDRESS_HXX #include "treeaddress.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SAL_TYPES_H_ #include #endif #ifndef _RTL_USTRING_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UNO_SEQUENCE_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_MAP #include #define INCLUDED_MAP #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_MEMORY #include #define INCLUDED_MEMORY #endif namespace configmgr { namespace uno = com::sun::star::uno; class Change; class SubtreeChange; class ValueChange; class AddNode; class RemoveNode; //========================================================================== //= ChangeTreeAction //========================================================================== struct ChangeTreeAction { virtual void handle(ValueChange const& aValueNode) = 0; virtual void handle(AddNode const& aAddNode) = 0; virtual void handle(RemoveNode const& aRemoveNode) = 0; virtual void handle(SubtreeChange const& aSubtree) = 0; void applyToChange(Change const& aChange); void applyToChildren(SubtreeChange const& aSubtree); protected: virtual ~ChangeTreeAction() {} }; struct ChangeTreeModification { virtual void handle(ValueChange& aValueNode) = 0; virtual void handle(AddNode& aAddNode) = 0; virtual void handle(RemoveNode& aRemoveNode) = 0; virtual void handle(SubtreeChange& aSubtree) = 0; void applyToChange(Change& aChange); void applyToChildren(SubtreeChange& aSubtree); protected: virtual ~ChangeTreeModification() {} }; //========================================================================== //= Change //========================================================================== class Change { protected: rtl::OUString m_aName; bool m_bIsToDefault; void swap(Change& aOther); public: explicit Change(rtl::OUString const& _rName, bool _bToDefault) : m_aName(_rName) , m_bIsToDefault(_bToDefault) {} virtual ~Change() {} rtl::OUString getNodeName() const { return m_aName; } void setNodeName(const rtl::OUString &aName) {m_aName = aName;} bool isToDefault() const { return m_bIsToDefault; } Change* getSubChange(rtl::OUString const& _rName) { return doGetChild(_rName); } Change const* getSubChange(rtl::OUString const& _rName) const { return doGetChild(_rName); } virtual void dispatch(ChangeTreeAction& anAction) const = 0; virtual void dispatch(ChangeTreeModification& anAction) = 0; // some kind of simple rtti RTTI_BASE(Change); virtual std::auto_ptr clone() const = 0; private: virtual Change* doGetChild(rtl::OUString const& ) const { return 0; } }; //========================================================================== //= ValueChange //========================================================================== class ValueChange : public Change { public: struct SetToDefault {}; enum Mode { wasDefault, changeValue, setToDefault, changeDefault }; private: uno::Type m_aValueType; uno::Any m_aValue; uno::Any m_aOldValue; node::Attributes m_aAttributes; Mode m_eMode; public: ValueChange( rtl::OUString const& _rName, const node::Attributes& _rAttributes, Mode aMode, uno::Any const & aNewValue, uno::Any const & aOldValue = uno::Any()); ValueChange( rtl::OUString const& _rName, const node::Attributes& _rAttributes, Mode aMode, uno::Type const & aValueType); ValueChange(uno::Any const & aNewValue, ValueNode const& aOldValue); ValueChange(SetToDefault, ValueNode const& aOldValue); virtual std::auto_ptr clone() const; bool isChange() const; uno::Type getValueType() const { return m_aValueType; } uno::Any getNewValue() const { return m_aValue; } uno::Any getOldValue() const { return m_aOldValue; } void setNewValue(const uno::Any& _rNewVal); void setNewValue(const uno::Any& _rNewVal, Mode aMode) { setNewValue(_rNewVal); m_eMode = aMode;} bool isReplacedValue() const {return m_aAttributes.isReplacedForUser();} bool isLocalizedValue() const {return m_aAttributes.isLocalized();} Mode getMode() const { return m_eMode; } const node::Attributes& getAttributes() const {return m_aAttributes;} rtl::OUString getModeAsString() const; void setModeAsString(const rtl::OUString& _rMode); void applyTo(ValueNode& aNode); void applyChangeNoRecover(ValueNode& aNode) const; virtual void dispatch(ChangeTreeAction& anAction) const { anAction.handle(*this); } virtual void dispatch(ChangeTreeModification& anAction) { anAction.handle(*this); } // "rtti" RTTI(ValueChange, Change); friend class ApplyValueChange; }; //========================================================================== //= AddNode //========================================================================== class AddNode : public Change { data::TreeSegment m_aOwnNewNode; data::TreeSegment m_aOwnOldNode; data::TreeAddress m_aInsertedTree; bool m_bReplacing; private: void operator=(AddNode const&); // not implemented // needed for clone() AddNode(AddNode const&); public: AddNode(data::TreeSegment const & _aAddedTree, rtl::OUString const& _rName, bool _bToDefault); ~AddNode(); virtual std::auto_ptr clone() const; /// marks this as not merely adding a node but replacing another void setReplacing() { m_bReplacing = true; } /// is this not merely adding a node but replacing another ? bool isReplacing() const { return m_bReplacing; } /// has this been applied and inserted bool wasInserted() const { return m_aInsertedTree.is(); } /** returns the node this change represents, even if this node does not own the new Node object any more. This is somewhat dangerous if the node referenced by this object dies before the object itself does.
In this case all calls to this method will return nonsense. This case can be detected by testing whether getAddedNode returns NULL. */ data::TreeAddress getInsertedTree() const { return m_aInsertedTree; } /** returns the node this change represents; The Node object is owned by this change until releaseAddedNode is called.
After ownership is lost this method returns NULL. */ data::TreeSegment::TreeDataPtr getNewTreeData() const { return m_aOwnNewNode.getTreeData(); } /** returns the node the change represents. . */ data::TreeSegment getNewTree() const { return m_aOwnNewNode; } /** returns the node the change represents, and releases ownership of it. This means that afterwards getAddedNode will return NULL. This change object keeps a reference to the node though which can be retrieved using getAddedNode_unsafe. */ void clearNewTree() { m_aOwnNewNode.clear(); } /** . */ void setInsertedAddress(data::TreeAddress const & _aInsertedAddress); /** returns the node this change replaces, ihe Node object is owned by this change. After ownership is lost this method returns NULL. */ data::TreeSegment::TreeDataPtr getReplacedTreeData() const { return m_aOwnOldNode.getTreeData(); } /** returns the node the change replaces. */ data::TreeSegment getReplacedTree() const { return m_aOwnOldNode; } /** forgets about the node the change replaces */ void clearReplacedTree() { m_aOwnOldNode.clear(); } void takeReplacedTree(data::TreeSegment const& _aTree); virtual void dispatch(ChangeTreeAction& anAction) const { anAction.handle(*this); } virtual void dispatch(ChangeTreeModification& anAction) { anAction.handle(*this); } // "rtti" RTTI(AddNode, Change); }; //========================================================================== //= RemoveNode //========================================================================== class RemoveNode : public Change { protected: data::TreeSegment m_aOwnOldNode; bool m_bIsToDefault; private: RemoveNode& operator=(const RemoveNode&); // not implemented // needed for clone() RemoveNode(const RemoveNode&); public: explicit RemoveNode(rtl::OUString const& _rName, bool _bToDefault); ~RemoveNode(); virtual std::auto_ptr clone() const; virtual void dispatch(ChangeTreeAction& anAction) const { anAction.handle(*this); } virtual void dispatch(ChangeTreeModification& anAction) { anAction.handle(*this); } /** returns the node this change removes, ihe Node object is owned by this change. After ownership is lost this method returns NULL. */ data::TreeSegment::TreeDataPtr getRemovedTreeData() const { return m_aOwnOldNode.getTreeData(); } /** returns the node the change removes. */ data::TreeSegment getRemovedTree() const { return m_aOwnOldNode; } /** forgets about the node the change removes, returning the previous setting with ownership */ void clearRemovedTree() { m_aOwnOldNode.clear(); } void takeRemovedTree(data::TreeSegment const & _aTree); // "rtti" RTTI(RemoveNode, Change); }; //========================================================================== //= SubtreeChange //========================================================================== class SubtreeChange : public Change { protected: typedef ::std::map< ::rtl::OUString,Change* > Children; Children m_aChanges; ::rtl::OUString m_sTemplateName; /// path of the template for child instantiation ::rtl::OUString m_sTemplateModule; /// module of the template for child instantiation node::Attributes m_aAttributes; // don't create copy ops automatically SubtreeChange(const SubtreeChange&); void operator=(SubtreeChange&); public: class ChildIterator; ChildIterator begin() const throw(); ChildIterator end() const throw(); class MutatingChildIterator; MutatingChildIterator begin_changes() throw(); MutatingChildIterator end_changes() throw(); friend class MutatingChildIterator; public: /// A parameter for disabling copying of children typedef treeop::NoChildCopy NoChildCopy; typedef treeop::DeepChildCopy DeepChildCopy; SubtreeChange(const rtl::OUString& _rName, const node::Attributes& _rAttr, bool _bToDefault = false) : Change(_rName,_bToDefault) , m_aAttributes(_rAttr) { m_aAttributes.markAsDefault(_bToDefault); } SubtreeChange(const rtl::OUString& _rName, const rtl::OUString& _rTemplateName, const rtl::OUString& _rTemplateModule, const node::Attributes& _rAttr, bool _bToDefault = false) : Change(_rName,_bToDefault) , m_sTemplateName(_rTemplateName) , m_sTemplateModule(_rTemplateModule) , m_aAttributes(_rAttr) { m_aAttributes.markAsDefault(_bToDefault); } SubtreeChange(const ISubtree& _rTree, bool _bToDefault = false) : Change(_rTree.getName(),_bToDefault) , m_sTemplateName(_rTree.getElementTemplateName()) , m_sTemplateModule(_rTree.getElementTemplateModule()) , m_aAttributes(_rTree.getAttributes()) { m_aAttributes.markAsDefault(_bToDefault); } SubtreeChange(const SubtreeChange& _rChange, NoChildCopy) : Change(_rChange) , m_sTemplateName(_rChange.getElementTemplateName()) , m_sTemplateModule(_rChange.getElementTemplateModule()) , m_aAttributes(_rChange.getAttributes()) {} ~SubtreeChange(); SubtreeChange(const SubtreeChange&, DeepChildCopy); virtual std::auto_ptr clone() const; void swap(SubtreeChange& aOther); bool isReplacedNode() const { return m_aAttributes.isReplacedForUser(); } bool isLocalizedContainer() const { return m_aAttributes.isLocalized(); } const node::Attributes& getAttributes() const {return m_aAttributes;} bool isSetNodeChange() const { return m_sTemplateName.getLength() != 0; } rtl::OUString getElementTemplateName() const { return m_sTemplateName; } rtl::OUString getElementTemplateModule() const { return m_sTemplateModule; } void setElementTemplate(const rtl::OUString& _rName, const rtl::OUString& _rModule) { m_sTemplateName = _rName; m_sTemplateModule = _rModule; } sal_Int32 size() const { return m_aChanges.size(); } uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > elementNames() const; void addChange(std::auto_ptr aChange); ::std::auto_ptr removeChange(rtl::OUString const& _rName); Change* getChange(rtl::OUString const& _rName); Change const* getChange(rtl::OUString const& _rName) const; virtual void dispatch(ChangeTreeAction& _anAction) const; virtual void dispatch(ChangeTreeModification& _anAction); void forEachChange(ChangeTreeAction& _anAction) const; void forEachChange(ChangeTreeModification& _anAction); // "rtti" RTTI(SubtreeChange, Change); private: virtual Change* doGetChild(rtl::OUString const& _rName) const; }; /** iterates through all children of a SubtreeChange. Every non-const action on the object which is beeing iterated invalidates the iterator.
beware of the lifetime of the tree change object : it has to live as long as the iterator does (at least) !! */ class SubtreeChange::ChildIterator { protected: uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > m_aNames; const SubtreeChange* m_pTree; sal_Int32 m_nPos; friend class SubtreeChange; struct EndPos { }; ChildIterator(const SubtreeChange* _pTree, struct EndPos); inline sal_Bool isValid() const { return m_nPos >= 0 && m_nPos < m_aNames.getLength(); } public: ChildIterator(const SubtreeChange* _pTree); const Change& operator*() const; const Change* operator->() const; ChildIterator& operator++(); ChildIterator operator++(int) { ChildIterator ret(*this); ++*this; return ret; } ChildIterator& operator--(); ChildIterator operator--(int) { ChildIterator ret(*this); --*this; return ret; } friend bool operator==(ChildIterator const& lhs, ChildIterator const& rhs); friend bool operator!=(ChildIterator const& lhs, ChildIterator const& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } }; /** iterates through all children of a SubtreeChange. Every non-const action on the object which is beeing iterated invalidates the iterator.
beware of the lifetime of the tree change object : it has to live as long as the iterator does (at least) !! */ class SubtreeChange::MutatingChildIterator { protected: typedef SubtreeChange::Children::iterator Base; Base m_aBaseIter; friend class SubtreeChange; MutatingChildIterator(Base aBase) : m_aBaseIter(aBase) {}; public: Change& current() const { return *m_aBaseIter->second; } Change& operator*() const { return current(); } Change* operator->() const { return ¤t(); } MutatingChildIterator& operator++() { ++m_aBaseIter; return *this; } MutatingChildIterator operator++(int) { return MutatingChildIterator(m_aBaseIter++); } MutatingChildIterator& operator--() { ++m_aBaseIter; return *this; } MutatingChildIterator operator--(int) { return MutatingChildIterator(m_aBaseIter++); } friend bool operator==(MutatingChildIterator const& lhs, MutatingChildIterator const& rhs) { return lhs.m_aBaseIter == rhs.m_aBaseIter; } friend bool operator!=(MutatingChildIterator const& lhs, MutatingChildIterator const& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } }; //========================================================================== //= SubtreeChangeReferrer //========================================================================== /** a specialized SubtreeChange, which, upon desctruction, does not delete the changes it holds
This implies that when using this class, you have to beware of the lifetime of the involved objects */ class SubtreeChangeReferrer : public SubtreeChange { // no explicit construction SubtreeChangeReferrer() : SubtreeChange(::rtl::OUString(), node::Attributes()) { } public: SubtreeChangeReferrer(const SubtreeChange& _rSource); ~SubtreeChangeReferrer(); RTTI(SubtreeChangeReferrer, SubtreeChange); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //========================================================================== extern bool isLocalizedValueSet(SubtreeChange const& _aSubtree); extern bool isValueSet(SubtreeChange const& _aSubtree); //========================================================================== //= inlines //========================================================================== inline void ChangeTreeAction::applyToChange(Change const& aChange) { aChange.dispatch(*this); } inline void ChangeTreeAction::applyToChildren(SubtreeChange const& aSubtree) { aSubtree.forEachChange(*this); } inline void ChangeTreeModification::applyToChange(Change& aChange) { aChange.dispatch(*this); } inline void ChangeTreeModification::applyToChildren(SubtreeChange& aSubtree) { aSubtree.forEachChange(*this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // namespace configmgr #endif