/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: configpath.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.11 $ * * last change: $Author: jb $ $Date: 2002-08-13 13:32:46 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include "configpath.hxx" #ifndef CONFIGMGR_CONFIGEXCEPT_HXX_ #include "configexcept.hxx" #endif #ifndef _RTL_USTRBUF_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_ALGORITHM #include #define INCLUDED_ALGORITHM #endif #ifndef CFG_PATH_STRICT //#define CFG_PATH_STRICT 1 #endif namespace configmgr { namespace configuration { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name validation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool isValidNameStart(sal_Unicode ch) SAL_THROW(()) { return (sal_Unicode('A') <= ch && ch <= sal_Unicode('Z')) || (sal_Unicode('a') <= ch && ch <= sal_Unicode('z')) || sal_Unicode('_') == ch; } inline bool isValidNameCont(sal_Unicode ch) SAL_THROW(()) { return ( (sal_Unicode('0') <= ch && ch <= sal_Unicode('9')) || (sal_Unicode('.') == ch) // eg for module names || (sal_Unicode('-') == ch) // eg for locale names || (sal_Unicode(':') == ch) // support special namespaced names ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool isSimpleName(OUString const& sName) SAL_THROW(()) { sal_Unicode const* const pStr = sName.getStr(); sal_Unicode const* const pEnd = pStr + sName.getLength(); if ( (pStr == pEnd) || !isValidNameStart(*pStr) ) return false; for (sal_Unicode const* pValidate = pStr+1; pValidate != pEnd; ++pValidate) { if (!isValidNameStart(*pValidate) && !isValidNameCont(*pValidate)) return false; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class configuration::Name //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tag struct to ensure construction is routed through our helpers struct Path::PackageOnly {}; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Performance: Could optimize memory usage by using a string pool inline Name::Name(OUString const& aString, Path::PackageOnly) SAL_THROW(()) : m_sRep(aString) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name makeName(OUString const& sName, Name::NoValidate) SAL_THROW(()) { return Name( sName, Path::PackageOnly() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name makeNodeName(OUString const& sName, Name::NoValidate) SAL_THROW(()) { OSL_ENSURE( isSimpleName(sName), "Creating a Name that is invalid as member node name"); return Name( sName, Path::PackageOnly() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name makeElementName(OUString const& sName, Name::NoValidate) SAL_THROW(()) { return Name( sName, Path::PackageOnly() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name validateNodeName(OUString const& sName) { if (!isSimpleName(sName)) throw InvalidName(sName, "is not a valid name for a configuration node"); return Name( sName, Path::PackageOnly() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name validateElementName(OUString const& sName) { if (sName.getLength() == 0) throw InvalidName(sName, "is not a valid name for a configuration item (empty names are not permitted)"); return Name( sName, Path::PackageOnly() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace // path helpers I { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const sal_Unicode c_cDelimiter = '/'; const sal_Unicode c_lBracket = '[', c_rBracket = ']'; const sal_Unicode c_cAnytype = '*'; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Textually an Absolute path starts with a slash static inline bool detectAbsolutePath(sal_Unicode const* _pPath) SAL_THROW(()) { OSL_ASSERT( _pPath != NULL ); return *_pPath == c_cDelimiter; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline OUString makeWildcardType() SAL_THROW(()) { return OUString(&c_cAnytype,1); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // even handles empty strings (if NUL-terminated) static inline bool isWildcardType(sal_Unicode const* _sType) SAL_THROW(()) { OSL_ASSERT( _sType != NULL ); return _sType[0] == c_cAnytype && _sType[1] == 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline bool isEmptyString(sal_Unicode const* _sType) SAL_THROW(()) { OSL_ASSERT( _sType != NULL ); return _sType[0] == 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline sal_Unicode lastChar(OUString const& _sString) SAL_THROW(()) { sal_Int32 const nLen = _sString.getLength(); OSL_PRECOND( nLen > 0, "Non-empty string expected"); return _sString[nLen-1]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name implMakeCompositeName(OUString const& _sBaseName, OUString const& _sPredicate) SAL_THROW((InvalidName)); void implSplitCompositeName(Name const& _aCompositeName, OUString& _rBaseName, OUString& _rPredicate) SAL_THROW(()); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace Path { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class configuration::Path::Component //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline // though public, this method is not available outside this translation unit Component::Component(OUString const& _sName, Path::PackageOnly _tag) SAL_THROW(()) : m_aName(_sName, _tag) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline // though public, this method is not available outside this translation unit Component::Component(Name const& _aName, Path::PackageOnly) SAL_THROW(()) : m_aName(_aName) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Component::isSimpleName() const SAL_THROW(()) { return !m_aName.isEmpty() && lastChar(m_aName.toString()) != c_rBracket; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Component::getName() const SAL_THROW(()) { if (isSimpleName()) return m_aName; OUString sName, sType; implSplitCompositeName(m_aName,sType,sName); return Name(sName,PackageOnly()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Component::getTypeName() const SAL_THROW(()) { if (isSimpleName()) return Name(); OUString sName, sType; implSplitCompositeName(m_aName,sType,sName); return Name(sType,PackageOnly()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Component::splitCompositeName(Name& _rName, Name& _rType) const SAL_THROW(()) { if (isSimpleName()) { _rName = m_aName; _rType = Name(); return false; } else { OUString sName, sType; implSplitCompositeName(m_aName,sType,sName); _rName = Name(sName, PackageOnly()); _rType = Name(sType, PackageOnly()); return true; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Component::splitCompositeName(OUString& _rName, OUString& _rType) const SAL_THROW(()) { if (isSimpleName()) { _rName = m_aName.toString(); _rType = OUString(); return false; } else { implSplitCompositeName(m_aName,_rType,_rName); return true; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Component makeEmptyComponent() SAL_THROW(()) { return Component( OUString(), PackageOnly() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Component wrapSimpleName(OUString const& _sName) { OSL_ENSURE( isSimpleName(_sName), "Simple Name expected creating path component"); if (!isSimpleName(_sName)) throw InvalidName(_sName, "is not a simple name. Cannot convert to path component"); return Component( _sName, PackageOnly() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Component wrapSimpleName(Name const& _aName) { return wrapSimpleName( _aName.toString() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Component makeCompositeName(Name const& _aElementName, Name const& _aTypeName) { OUString const & sElementName = _aElementName.toString(); OUString const & sTypeName = _aTypeName.toString(); return Component( implMakeCompositeName(sTypeName,sElementName), PackageOnly() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Component makeCompositeName(OUString const& _sElementName, OUString const& _sTypeName) { return Component( implMakeCompositeName(_sTypeName,_sElementName), PackageOnly() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool matches(Component const& lhs,Component const& rhs) SAL_THROW(()) { // this extra preflight check might be left out (is it good for performance ?) if (lhs.getInternalName() == rhs.getInternalName()) return true; if (lhs.getName() != rhs.getName()) return false; // simple names are considered equivalent to wildcard namess if (lhs.isSimpleName() || rhs.isSimpleName()) return true; Name aTypeLHS = lhs.getTypeName(); Name aTypeRHS = rhs.getTypeName(); // this would need an extra test without our preflight check OSL_ASSERT(aTypeLHS != aTypeRHS); // would have been dicovered by first check if ( isWildcardType(aTypeLHS.toString()) || isWildcardType(aTypeRHS.toString()) ) return true; return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // weak comparison of components //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool before(Component const& lhs, Component const& rhs) SAL_THROW(()) { return lhs.getName() < rhs.getName(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool equiv(Component const& lhs, Component const& rhs) SAL_THROW(()) { return lhs.getName() == rhs.getName(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t hashCode(Component const& comp) SAL_THROW(()) { return comp.getName().hashCode(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class configuration::Path::Rep //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Rep::check_not_empty() const { if (m_aComponents.empty()) { OSL_ENSURE(!m_aComponents.empty(),"Trying to access components of an empty path"); throw Exception("Trying to access components of an empty path"); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Rep::prepend(Rep const& _aOther) SAL_THROW(()) { // to prepend the other path append its components m_aComponents.insert( m_aComponents.end(), _aOther.m_aComponents.begin(), _aOther.m_aComponents.end()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUString Rep::toString(bool _bAbsolute) const SAL_THROW(()) { Iterator cur = begin(); Iterator const stop = end(); rtl::OUStringBuffer sRet; if (!_bAbsolute && cur != stop) sRet = cur++->toPathString(); for ( ;cur != stop; ++cur) sRet.append( c_cDelimiter ).append( cur->toPathString() ); return sRet.makeStringAndClear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t Rep::hashCode() const SAL_THROW(()) { const unsigned long mangle_factor = 11; // 1011 (2) unsigned long nHash = 0; for (Iterator it = begin(), stop = end(); it != stop; ++it) { nHash = mangle_factor*nHash + Path::hashCode(*it); } return nHash; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool before(Rep const& lhs, Rep const& rhs) SAL_THROW(()) { return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.begin(),lhs.end(),rhs.begin(),rhs.end(), Before()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool equiv(Rep const& lhs, Rep const& rhs) SAL_THROW(()) { return (lhs.countComponents() == rhs.countComponents()) && std::equal(lhs.begin(),lhs.end(),rhs.begin(),Equiv()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool matches(Rep const& lhs, Rep const& rhs) SAL_THROW(()) { return (lhs.countComponents() == rhs.countComponents()) && std::equal(lhs.begin(),lhs.end(),rhs.begin(),Matches()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool isAbsolutePath(OUString const& _sPath) SAL_THROW(()) { return detectAbsolutePath(_sPath); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool hasMatchingPrefix(Rep const& _aPath, Rep const& _aPrefix) SAL_THROW(()) { return (_aPath.countComponents() >= _aPrefix.countComponents()) && std::equal( _aPrefix.begin(), _aPrefix.end(), _aPath.begin(), Matches()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rep stripMatchingPrefix(Rep const& _aPath,Rep const& _aPrefix) // SAL_THROW((InvalidName)) { Rep aResult(_aPath); for (Iterator it = _aPrefix.begin(); it != _aPrefix.end(); ++it) { if (aResult.isEmpty() || !matches(*it,aResult.getFirstName())) throw InvalidName(aResult.getFirstName().toPathString(), "does not match the expected location."); aResult.dropFirstName(); } return aResult; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace Path //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const sal_Unicode c_quot = '\"'; const sal_Unicode c_apos = '\''; const sal_Unicode c_amp = '&'; const sal_Unicode c_end_escape = ';'; const sal_Unicode c_normal_quot = c_apos; //------------------------------------------- static sal_Char const c_amp_name[] = "&"; static sal_Char const c_apos_name[] = "'"; static sal_Char const c_quot_name[] = """; const sal_Int32 c_nMinEscapeLen = sizeof c_amp_name - 1; const sal_Int32 c_nMaxEscapeLen = sizeof c_quot_name - 1; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// distinguishes which kind of path is held in a path object enum PathType { eRELATIVE = 1, eABSOLUTE = 2 }; // path parsing iterator type typedef sal_Unicode const * StrPos; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // missing or mis leading in SAL/rtl: pStr1[nLength] must NOT be evaluated static sal_Int32 cfg_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength( const sal_Unicode* pStr1, sal_Int32 nStr1Len, const sal_Char* pStr2 ) { while( nStr1Len ) { sal_Int32 nRet = static_cast(*pStr1)- static_cast(static_cast(*pStr2)); if (nRet != 0 || *pStr2 == 0) return nRet; ++pStr1; ++pStr2; --nStr1Len; } return -static_cast(static_cast(*pStr2)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** find the char being escaped by the escape sequence in the given string range @return the char being escaped or zero, if the range is no known escape */ sal_Unicode implParseEscape(StrPos pBegin, StrPos pEnd) SAL_THROW(()) { OSL_PRECOND( pBegin < pEnd, "Nonempty string range expected" ); OSL_PRECOND( pBegin[0] == c_amp, "String range is not a possible escape: missing start marker" ); OSL_PRECOND( pEnd[-1] == c_end_escape, "String range is not a possible escape: missing end marker" ); sal_Int32 const nLen = pEnd - pBegin; sal_Unicode chResult; if ( c_nMinEscapeLen > nLen || nLen > c_nMaxEscapeLen) // quick check, if there is no possible match chResult = 0; // the standard escapes else if (0 == cfg_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength(pBegin,nLen,c_amp_name)) chResult = c_amp; else if (0 == cfg_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength(pBegin,nLen,c_apos_name)) chResult = c_apos; else if (0 == cfg_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength(pBegin,nLen,c_quot_name)) chResult = c_quot; // extra escapes for XML compatibility else if (0 == cfg_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength(pBegin,nLen,"<")) chResult = sal_Unicode('<'); else if (0 == cfg_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength(pBegin,nLen,">")) chResult = sal_Unicode('>'); else chResult = 0; return chResult; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** find the escape sequence to use for the given char @return an escape sequence, or NULL, if the char should not be escaped */ inline sal_Char const* implGetEscape(sal_Unicode ch ) SAL_THROW(()) { switch (ch) { case c_amp: return c_amp_name; case c_apos: return c_apos_name; case c_quot: return c_quot_name; default: return NULL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** find the start of the path component ending before pEnd in the string starting at pBegin @return a pointer to the last character before pEnd that is not a name delimiter */ StrPos implFindNameStart(StrPos pBegin, StrPos pEnd) SAL_THROW(()) { OSL_PRECOND(pBegin <= pEnd, "Invalid string range"); sal_Int32 const nLen = pEnd-pBegin; sal_Int32 const nPos = rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pBegin, nLen, c_cDelimiter) + 1; OSL_ASSERT(0 <= nPos && nPos <= nLen); return pBegin + nPos; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** find the start of the bracketed & quoted predicate ending before pEnd in the string starting at pBegin @return
  • a pointer to the opening bracket matching the closing bracket at pEnd[-1], if found
  • pEnd, if no bracketed string was found
  • NULL, if there was a closing bracket, but the beginning could not be discovered
*/ StrPos implFindPredicateStart(StrPos pBegin, StrPos pEnd) SAL_THROW(()) { OSL_PRECOND(pBegin < pEnd, "Nonempty string range required"); if (pEnd == pBegin || pEnd[-1] != c_rBracket) return pEnd; if (--pEnd == pBegin) { OSL_ENSURE(false, "Invalid path component: single ']'"); return NULL; // string was only "]" } sal_Unicode chQuote = *--pEnd; if (chQuote != c_quot && chQuote != c_apos) { // should we support empty brackets ? if (chQuote == c_lBracket) { OSL_ENSURE(false, "Empty predicate brackets found"); return NULL; // for now we don't } // should we support brackets with non-quoted strings ? chQuote = c_lBracket; // for now we do } sal_Int32 nStart = rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(pBegin, pEnd-pBegin, chQuote); if (chQuote != c_lBracket) // needed to support non-quoted strings --nStart; if (nStart < 0) { OSL_ENSURE(false, "Could not find opening quote or bracket for bracketed predicate"); return NULL; } if (pBegin[nStart] != c_lBracket) { OSL_ENSURE(false, "Illegal quote character in string"); return NULL; // for now we don't } return pBegin + nStart; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// find the position of the given char in the range given. inline sal_Int32 indexOfCharInRange(StrPos pBegin, StrPos pEnd, sal_Unicode ch) SAL_THROW(()) { return rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength(pBegin, pEnd-pBegin, ch); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// find the position of the given char in the range given. inline bool containsChar(sal_Unicode const * pString, sal_Unicode ch) SAL_THROW(()) { return rtl_ustr_indexOfChar(pString, ch) >= 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** validate and normalize a bracketed & quoted predicate from content the string range [pBegin,pEnd) @param pRequiredEscapes contains a list of characters that must be preescaped or are otherwise invalid if NULL is passed, the source range is presumed to contain no escaped data otherwise the ampersand (&) and all characters in the list are required to be escaped @return the normalized, bracketed and quoted predicate @throw InvalidName, if the predicate data is not valid */ OUString implMakeNormalizedPredicate(StrPos pBeginContent, StrPos pEndContent, sal_Unicode const* pRequiredEscapes) SAL_THROW((InvalidName)) { OSL_PRECOND(pBeginContent <= pEndContent, "Invalid string range"); if (pBeginContent == pEndContent) return OUString(); rtl::OUStringBuffer aNormalized(pEndContent-pBeginContent + 4); // reserve approximate size initially // prefix: opening bracket and quote aNormalized.append(c_lBracket).append(c_normal_quot); // content: copy over each char and handle escaping for(StrPos pCur = pBeginContent; pCur != pEndContent; ++pCur) { sal_Unicode ch = *pCur; // maybe parse contained escaping if (pRequiredEscapes) { if (ch == c_amp) { // find an escape end marker (after pCur). Result is pCur, if the end marker is not there StrPos pEndEscape = pCur + 1 + indexOfCharInRange(pCur+1,pEndContent,c_end_escape); sal_Unicode ch2 = pCur != pEndEscape ? implParseEscape(pCur,pEndEscape+1) : 0; if (ch2 != 0) // found and read a valid escape sequence { ch = ch2; pCur = pEndEscape; OSL_ASSERT(*pCur == c_end_escape); } else { OSL_ENSURE(false, "Character '&' must be escaped in this context"); #if 0 throw InvalidName(OUString(pBeginContent,pEndContent-pBeginContent), "is not a valid element name string. " "Character '&' must be escaped in this context"); #endif } } else if ( containsChar(pRequiredEscapes, ch) ) { throw InvalidName(OUString(pBeginContent,pEndContent-pBeginContent), "is not a valid element name string. " "Some characters must be escaped in this context"); } } // now append (escape if normal) if (sal_Char const * pEscape = implGetEscape(ch)) aNormalized.appendAscii( pEscape ); else aNormalized.append( ch ); } // suffix: closing quote and bracket aNormalized.append(c_normal_quot).append(c_rBracket); return aNormalized.makeStringAndClear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** extract and unescape the normalized predicate content in the string range [pBegin,pEnd) @return the denormalized predicate content */ OUString implReadPredicate(StrPos pBegin, StrPos pEnd) SAL_THROW(()) { OSL_PRECOND(pBegin <= pEnd, "Invalid string range"); rtl::OUStringBuffer aContent(pEnd-pBegin); // reserve approximate size initially StrPos pReadPos = pBegin; // content: copy data, handling escapes for(StrPos pCur = pReadPos; pCur != pEnd; ++pCur) { if (*pCur != c_amp) continue; // no escape here // handle an escape // find an escape end marker (after pCur). Result is pCur, if the end marker is not there StrPos pEndEscape = pCur + 1 + indexOfCharInRange(pCur+1,pEnd,c_end_escape); OSL_ENSURE(pEndEscape != pCur, "Found dangling ampersand in normalized data"); sal_Unicode ch = implParseEscape(pCur,pEndEscape+1); OSL_ENSURE(ch != 0, "Found unreckognized escape in normalized data"); if (ch != 0) // found and read a valid escape sequence { // do copy of preceding data aContent.append(pReadPos, pCur-pReadPos).append(ch); pCur = pReadPos = pEndEscape; ++pReadPos; OSL_ASSERT(*pCur == c_end_escape); } // otherwise just treat the ampersand as a mormal character } // do copy of remaining data if (pReadPos != pEnd) aContent.append(pReadPos, pEnd-pReadPos); return aContent.makeStringAndClear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** validate and normalize the bracketed & quoted predicate in the string range [pBegin,pEnd) @return the normalized predicate @throw InvalidName, if the predicate is not valid */ OUString implNormalizePredicate(StrPos pBegin, StrPos pEnd) SAL_THROW((InvalidName)) { sal_Unicode sStopCharBuf[2]; sal_Unicode const * pStopChars; OSL_PRECOND(pBegin < pEnd, "Nonempty string range expected"); OSL_PRECOND(pEnd-pBegin >= 2, "Bracketed string range expected"); OSL_PRECOND(pBegin[0] == c_lBracket,"Bracketed string range expected"); OSL_PRECOND(pEnd[-1] == c_rBracket, "Bracketed string range expected"); ++pBegin; --pEnd; // skip brackets sal_Unicode const chUsedQuot = *pBegin; if (chUsedQuot == c_apos || chUsedQuot == c_quot) { OSL_PRECOND(pBegin < pEnd && pEnd-pBegin >= 2, "Bracketed quoted string range expected"); OSL_PRECOND(pEnd[-1] == chUsedQuot, "Non-matching quotes in bracketed quoted string"); if (pEnd-pBegin <= 1 || pEnd[-1] != chUsedQuot) throw InvalidName( OUString(pBegin, pEnd-pBegin), "is not a valid element predicate: quotes do not match"); ++pBegin; --pEnd; // skip quotes sStopCharBuf[0] = chUsedQuot; sStopCharBuf[1] = 0; pStopChars = sStopCharBuf; } // non-quoted strings are not really valid, but we tolerate them else { OSL_ENSURE(false, "Warning: Invalid path - non-quoted data in bracketed predicate"); static sal_Unicode const sGeneralStoppers[] = { c_quot, c_apos, c_rBracket, c_lBracket, 0 }; pStopChars = sGeneralStoppers; } if (pBegin == pEnd) throw InvalidName(OUString(pBegin-1,2),"Empty element name in predicate"); return implMakeNormalizedPredicate(pBegin, pEnd, pStopChars); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// parse a path into a sequence of components Path::Rep implParsePath(OUString const& _aPathString, PathType eType) SAL_THROW((InvalidName)) { Path::Rep aResult; StrPos pBegin = _aPathString.getStr(); StrPos pEnd = pBegin + _aPathString.getLength(); if (eType == eABSOLUTE) { if ( detectAbsolutePath(_aPathString) ) ++pBegin; // skip the leading slash #ifdef CFG_PATH_STRICT else OSL_ENSURE(false, "Warning: trying to parse relative path as absolute"); #endif } else OSL_ENSURE(!detectAbsolutePath(_aPathString), "ERROR: trying to parse absolute path as relative one"); if (detectAbsolutePath(pBegin)) throw InvalidName(_aPathString, "is not a valid path. Illegal empty first component"); else if (pBegin != pEnd && pEnd[-1] == '/') { #ifdef CFG_PATH_STRICT OSL_ENSURE(false, "Illegal configuration path. Terminating '/' found."); #endif --pEnd; } while (pEnd != pBegin) { // check for predicate StrPos pQuoteStart = implFindPredicateStart(pBegin, pEnd); if (pQuoteStart == NULL) throw InvalidName(_aPathString, "is not a valid path. Invalid name or predicate syntax"); StrPos pNameStart = implFindNameStart(pBegin, pQuoteStart); OUString aElementName(pNameStart, pQuoteStart-pNameStart); if (!isSimpleName(aElementName)) { // this is OK only for few cases WITH predicate if (pQuoteStart == pEnd) throw InvalidName(_aPathString, "is not a valid path. Invalid name"); if (isEmptyString(aElementName)) aElementName = makeWildcardType(); else if ( !isWildcardType(aElementName)) throw InvalidName(_aPathString, "is not a valid path. Invalid type tag for predicate"); } if (pQuoteStart != pEnd) aElementName += implNormalizePredicate(pQuoteStart,pEnd); aResult.prepend( Path::Component(aElementName, Path::PackageOnly()) ); pEnd = pNameStart; if (pNameStart != pBegin) --pEnd; } return aResult; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// build a composite path component from a base name (type) and a (somewhat optional) predicate Name implMakeCompositeName(OUString const& _sBaseName, OUString const& _sPredicate) SAL_THROW((InvalidName)) { OUString sComposite(_sBaseName); if (isEmptyString(_sBaseName)) sComposite = makeWildcardType(); else if (!isWildcardType(_sBaseName) && !isSimpleName(_sBaseName)) throw InvalidName(_sBaseName, "The base-name (type) part of a composite node name must be a simple word"); StrPos pPredStart = _sPredicate.getStr(); StrPos pPredEnd = pPredStart + _sPredicate.getLength(); if (pPredStart != pPredEnd) sComposite += implMakeNormalizedPredicate(pPredStart, pPredEnd, NULL); return Name( sComposite, Path::PackageOnly() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// split a composite path component into a base name (type) and a predicate (if present) void implSplitCompositeName(Name const& _aCompositeName, OUString& _rBaseName, OUString& _rPredicate) SAL_THROW(()) { OUString sComposite = _aCompositeName.toString(); sal_Int32 nPos = sComposite.indexOf(c_lBracket); if (nPos >= 0) { OSL_ENSURE( nPos > 0, "Invalid name: Only predicate, no base type"); _rBaseName = sComposite.copy(0,nPos); StrPos pBeginPred = sComposite.getStr() + nPos; StrPos pEndPred = sComposite.getStr() + sComposite.getLength(); OSL_ASSERT(pBeginPred[0] == c_lBracket); OSL_ENSURE(pBeginPred[1] == c_normal_quot, "Missing or unexpected quote mark"); OSL_ENSURE(pEndPred[-1] == c_rBracket, "Invalid name: Predicate brackets not closed"); OSL_ENSURE(pEndPred[-2] == c_normal_quot, "Missing or unexpected quote mark"); // skip brackets and quotes - then read data _rPredicate = implReadPredicate(pBeginPred+2, pEndPred-2); } else { OSL_ENSURE( sComposite.indexOf(c_rBracket) < 0, "Invalid name: Predicate brackets not opened"); _rBaseName = sComposite; _rPredicate = OUString(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class RelativePath //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Currently unused method to check/ensure validity void RelativePath::init() SAL_THROW(()) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RelativePath RelativePath::parse(OUString const& aString) { return RelativePath( implParsePath(aString, eRELATIVE) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RelativePath::RelativePath(Path::Component const& aName) SAL_THROW(()) : m_aRep(aName) { if (aName.isEmpty()) m_aRep.clearComponents(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RelativePath RelativePath::compose(RelativePath const& aPath) const SAL_THROW(()) { Path::Rep aResult = aPath.rep(); aResult.prepend( this->m_aRep ); return RelativePath( aResult ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUString RelativePath::toString() const SAL_THROW(()) { return m_aRep.toString(false); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class AbsolutePath //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Currently unused method to check/ensure validity void AbsolutePath::init() SAL_THROW(()) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AbsolutePath AbsolutePath::parse(OUString const& aString) { return AbsolutePath( implParsePath(aString, eABSOLUTE) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AbsolutePath AbsolutePath::root() SAL_THROW(()) { return AbsolutePath( Path::Rep() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AbsolutePath AbsolutePath::detachedRoot() SAL_THROW(()) { Path::Rep aRep( Path::makeEmptyComponent() ); // use 1 empty component here, to start detached names return AbsolutePath( aRep ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline Path::Component implMakeSafeModuleName(OUString const& _sModuleName) SAL_THROW(()) { OSL_ENSURE( isSimpleName(_sModuleName), "A module name must be a simple name"); // if (isSimpleName(_sModuleName)) sModuleName = escape_name( _sModuleName ); return Path::Component(_sModuleName, Path::PackageOnly()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AbsolutePath AbsolutePath::makeModulePath(Name const& _aModuleName, NoValidate) SAL_THROW(()) { return AbsolutePath( Path::Rep( implMakeSafeModuleName(_aModuleName.toString()) ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AbsolutePath AbsolutePath::makeModulePath(OUString const& _sModuleName, NoValidate) SAL_THROW(()) { return AbsolutePath( Path::Rep( implMakeSafeModuleName(_sModuleName) ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AbsolutePath AbsolutePath::compose(RelativePath const& aPath) const SAL_THROW(()) { Path::Rep aResult = aPath.rep(); aResult.prepend( this->m_aRep ); return AbsolutePath( aResult ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AbsolutePath AbsolutePath::getParentPath() const { // or: m_aRep.check_not_empty(); OSL_ENSURE(!isRoot(), "ERROR: Requesting the parent of a root path"); if (isRoot()) return *this; OSL_ENSURE(!isDetached(), "ERROR: Requesting the parent of a detached path"); return AbsolutePath( Path::Rep(begin(),end()-1) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool AbsolutePath::isDetached() const SAL_THROW(()) { return !m_aRep.isEmpty() && begin()->isEmpty(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUString AbsolutePath::toString() const SAL_THROW(()) { return m_aRep.toString(true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } }