/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * */ #include <cwchar> #include <memory> #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #include <msiquery.h> #include <com/sun/star/uno/RuntimeException.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.hpp> #include <rtl/ustring.hxx> #include <sal/log.hxx> #include <osl/file.h> #include <osl/file.hxx> #include <o3tl/char16_t2wchar_t.hxx> #include "winreg.hxx" #include "writemodfile.hxx" #define MAX_KEY_LENGTH 255 namespace configmgr { namespace { // This is not a generic registry reader. We assume the following structure: // Last element of Key becomes prop, first part is the path and optionally nodes, // when the node has oor:op attribute. // Values can be the following: Value (string), Type (string, optional), // Final (dword, optional), External (dword, optional), ExternalBackend (string, optional), // Nil (dword, optional) // // For example the following registry setting: // [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\LibreOffice\org.openoffice.UserProfile\Data\o] // "Value"="Example Corp." // "Final"=dword:00000001 // becomes the following in configuration: // <!-- set the Company name --> // <item oor:path="/org.openoffice.UserProfile/Data"> // <prop oor:name="o" oor:finalized="true"> // <value>Example Corp.</value> // </prop> // </item> // // Another example: // [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\LibreOffice\org.openoffice.Office.OptionsDialog\OptionsDialogGroups\ProductName/#fuse\Pages\Java/#fuse\Hide] // "Value"="true" // becomes the following in configuration: // <!-- Hide Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Advanced panel --> // <item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.OptionsDialog/OptionsDialogGroups"> // <node oor:name="ProductName" oor:op="fuse"> // <node oor:name="Pages"> // <node oor:name="Java" oor:op="fuse"> // <prop oor:name="Hide"> // <value>true</value> // </prop> // </node> // </node> // </node> // </item> // // Third example (property of an extensible group -> needs type): // [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\LibreOffice\org.openoffice.Office.Jobs\Jobs\org.openoffice.Office.Jobs:Job['UpdateCheck']\Arguments\AutoCheckEnabled] // "Value"="false" // "Final"=dword:00000001 // "Type"="xs:boolean" // becomes the following in configuration: // <item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.Jobs/Jobs/org.openoffice.Office.Jobs:Job['UpdateCheck']/Arguments"> // <prop oor:name="AutoCheckEnabled" oor:type="xs:boolean" oor:finalized="true"> // <value>false</value> // </prop> // </item> // // External (component data) example: // [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\LibreOffice\org.openoffice.UserProfile\Data\o] // "Value"="company" // "Final"=dword:00000001 // "External"=dword:00000001 // "ExternalBackend"="com.sun.star.configuration.backend.LdapUserProfileBe" // becomes the following in configuration: // <item oor:path="/org.openoffice.UserProfile/Data"> // <prop oor:name="o" oor:finalized="true"> // <value oor:external="com.sun.star.configuration.backend.LdapUserProfileBe company"/> // </prop> // </item> // // Nil example: // Empty value (<value></value>) and nil value (<value xsi:nil="true"/>) are different. // In case of some path settings, the base path setting has to be cleared. // [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\LibreOffice\org.openoffice.Office.Common\Path\Current\Work] // "Value"="" // "Final"=dword:00000001 // "Nil"=dword:00000001 // [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\LibreOffice\org.openoffice.Office.Paths\Paths\org.openoffice.Office.Paths:NamedPath['Work']\WritePath] // "Value"="file:///H:/" // "Final"=dword:00000001 // becomes the following in configuration: // <item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Path/Current"> // <prop oor:name="Work" oor:finalized="true"> // <value xsi:nil="true"/> // </prop> // </item> // <item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.Paths/Paths/org.openoffice.Office.Paths:NamedPath['Work']"> // <prop oor:name="WritePath" oor:finalized="true"> // <value>file:///H:/</value> // </prop> // </item> void dumpWindowsRegistryKey(HKEY hKey, OUString const & aKeyName, TempFile &aFileHandle) { HKEY hCurKey; if(RegOpenKeyExW( hKey, o3tl::toW(aKeyName.getStr()), 0, KEY_READ, &hCurKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD nSubKeys = 0; DWORD nValues = 0; DWORD nLongestValueNameLen, nLongestValueLen; // Query the number of subkeys RegQueryInfoKeyW(hCurKey, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &nSubKeys, nullptr, nullptr, &nValues, &nLongestValueNameLen, &nLongestValueLen, nullptr, nullptr); if(nSubKeys) { //Look for subkeys in this key for(DWORD i = 0; i < nSubKeys; i++) { wchar_t buffKeyName[MAX_KEY_LENGTH]; buffKeyName[0] = '\0'; DWORD buffSize=MAX_KEY_LENGTH; OUString aSubkeyName; //Get subkey name RegEnumKeyExW(hCurKey, i, buffKeyName, &buffSize, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); //Make up full key name if(aKeyName.isEmpty()) aSubkeyName = aKeyName + OUString(o3tl::toU(buffKeyName)); else aSubkeyName = aKeyName + "\\" + OUString(o3tl::toU(buffKeyName)); //Recursion, until no more subkeys are found dumpWindowsRegistryKey(hKey, aSubkeyName, aFileHandle); } } else if(nValues) { // No more subkeys, we are at a leaf auto pValueName = std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]>( new wchar_t[nLongestValueNameLen + 1]); auto pValue = std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]>( new wchar_t[nLongestValueLen/sizeof(wchar_t) + 1]); bool bFinal = false; bool bExternal = false; bool bNil = false; OUString aValue; OUString aType; OUString aExternalBackend; for(DWORD i = 0; i < nValues; ++i) { DWORD nValueNameLen = nLongestValueNameLen + 1; DWORD nValueLen = nLongestValueLen + 1; RegEnumValueW(hCurKey, i, pValueName.get(), &nValueNameLen, nullptr, nullptr, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(pValue.get()), &nValueLen); if (!wcscmp(pValueName.get(), L"Value")) aValue = o3tl::toU(pValue.get()); else if (!wcscmp(pValueName.get(), L"Type")) aType = o3tl::toU(pValue.get()); else if (!wcscmp(pValueName.get(), L"Final")) { if (*reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(pValue.get()) == 1) bFinal = true; } else if (!wcscmp(pValueName.get(), L"Nil")) { if (*reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(pValue.get()) == 1) bNil = true; } else if (!wcscmp(pValueName.get(), L"External")) { if (*reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(pValue.get()) == 1) bExternal = true; } else if (!wcscmp(pValueName.get(), L"ExternalBackend")) aExternalBackend = o3tl::toU(pValue.get()); } if (bExternal) { // type and external are mutually exclusive aType.clear(); // Prepend backend, like in // "com.sun.star.configuration.backend.LdapUserProfileBe company" if (!aExternalBackend.isEmpty()) aValue = aExternalBackend + " " + aValue; } sal_Int32 aLastSeparator = aKeyName.lastIndexOf('\\'); OUString aPathAndNodes = aKeyName.copy(0, aLastSeparator); OUString aProp = aKeyName.copy(aLastSeparator + 1); bool bHasNode = false; sal_Int32 nCloseNode = 0; aFileHandle.writeString("<item oor:path=\""); for(sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;;) { OUString aNextPathPart = aPathAndNodes.getToken(0, '\\', nIndex); if(!aNextPathPart.isEmpty()) { if((aNextPathPart.lastIndexOf("/#") != -1) || bHasNode) { bHasNode = true; nCloseNode++; aFileHandle.writeString("\"><node oor:name=\""); sal_Int32 nCommandSeparator = aNextPathPart.lastIndexOf('#'); if(nCommandSeparator != -1) { OUString aNodeOp = aNextPathPart.copy(nCommandSeparator + 1); writeAttributeValue(aFileHandle, aNextPathPart.copy(0, nCommandSeparator - 1)); aFileHandle.writeString("\" oor:op=\""); writeAttributeValue(aFileHandle, aNodeOp); } else { writeAttributeValue(aFileHandle, aNextPathPart); } } else { writeAttributeValue( aFileHandle, OUString("/" + aNextPathPart)); } } else { aFileHandle.writeString("\">"); break; } } aFileHandle.writeString("<prop oor:name=\""); writeAttributeValue(aFileHandle, aProp); aFileHandle.writeString("\""); if(!aType.isEmpty()) { aFileHandle.writeString(" oor:type=\""); writeAttributeValue(aFileHandle, aType); aFileHandle.writeString("\""); } if(bFinal) aFileHandle.writeString(" oor:finalized=\"true\""); aFileHandle.writeString("><value"); if (aValue.isEmpty() && bNil) { aFileHandle.writeString(" xsi:nil=\"true\"/"); } else if (bExternal) { aFileHandle.writeString(" oor:external=\""); writeAttributeValue(aFileHandle, aValue); aFileHandle.writeString("\"/"); } else { aFileHandle.writeString(">"); writeValueContent(aFileHandle, aValue); aFileHandle.writeString("</value"); } aFileHandle.writeString("></prop>"); for(; nCloseNode > 0; nCloseNode--) aFileHandle.writeString("</node>"); aFileHandle.writeString("</item>\n"); } RegCloseKey(hCurKey); } } } bool dumpWindowsRegistry(OUString* pFileURL, WinRegType eType) { HKEY hKey; HKEY hDomain = eType == LOCAL_MACHINE ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if(RegOpenKeyExW(hDomain, L"SOFTWARE\\Policies\\LibreOffice", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SAL_INFO( "configmgr", ("Windows registry settings do not exist in HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\LibreOffice")); return false; } TempFile aFileHandle; switch (osl::FileBase::createTempFile(nullptr, &aFileHandle.handle, pFileURL)) { case osl::FileBase::E_None: break; case osl::FileBase::E_ACCES: SAL_INFO( "configmgr", ("cannot create temp Windows registry dump (E_ACCES)")); return false; default: throw css::uno::RuntimeException( "cannot create temporary file"); } aFileHandle.url = *pFileURL; aFileHandle.writeString( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<oor:items" " xmlns:oor=\"http://openoffice.org/2001/registry\"" " xmlns:xs=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\"" " xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\">\n"); dumpWindowsRegistryKey(hKey, "", aFileHandle); aFileHandle.writeString("</oor:items>"); oslFileError e = aFileHandle.closeWithoutUnlink(); if (e != osl_File_E_None) SAL_WARN("configmgr", "osl_closeFile failed with " << +e); RegCloseKey(hKey); return true; } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */