/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "sal/config.h" #include <cassert> #include <cstddef> #include <set> #include "com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx" #include "com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx" #include "com/sun/star/uno/RuntimeException.hpp" #include "com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.hpp" #include "rtl/ref.hxx" #include "rtl/strbuf.hxx" #include "rtl/string.hxx" #include "rtl/ustring.hxx" #include "xmlreader/span.hxx" #include "xmlreader/xmlreader.hxx" #include "data.hxx" #include "localizedpropertynode.hxx" #include "groupnode.hxx" #include "node.hxx" #include "nodemap.hxx" #include "parsemanager.hxx" #include "propertynode.hxx" #include "setnode.hxx" #include "xcsparser.hxx" #include "xmldata.hxx" namespace configmgr { namespace { // Conservatively merge a template or component (and its recursive parts) into // an existing instance: void merge( rtl::Reference< Node > const & original, rtl::Reference< Node > const & update) { assert( original.is() && update.is() && original->kind() == update->kind() && update->getFinalized() == Data::NO_LAYER); if (update->getLayer() >= original->getLayer() && update->getLayer() <= original->getFinalized()) { switch (original->kind()) { case Node::KIND_PROPERTY: case Node::KIND_LOCALIZED_PROPERTY: case Node::KIND_LOCALIZED_VALUE: break; //TODO: merge certain parts? case Node::KIND_GROUP: for (NodeMap::const_iterator i2(update->getMembers().begin()); i2 != update->getMembers().end(); ++i2) { NodeMap & members = original->getMembers(); NodeMap::iterator i1(members.find(i2->first)); if (i1 == members.end()) { if (i2->second->kind() == Node::KIND_PROPERTY && dynamic_cast< GroupNode * >( original.get())->isExtensible()) { members.insert(*i2); } } else if (i2->second->kind() == i1->second->kind()) { merge(i1->second, i2->second); } } break; case Node::KIND_SET: for (NodeMap::const_iterator i2(update->getMembers().begin()); i2 != update->getMembers().end(); ++i2) { NodeMap & members = original->getMembers(); NodeMap::iterator i1(members.find(i2->first)); if (i1 == members.end()) { if (dynamic_cast< SetNode * >(original.get())-> isValidTemplate(i2->second->getTemplateName())) { members.insert(*i2); } } else if (i2->second->kind() == i1->second->kind() && (i2->second->getTemplateName() == i1->second->getTemplateName())) { merge(i1->second, i2->second); } } break; case Node::KIND_ROOT: assert(false); // this cannot happen break; } } } } XcsParser::XcsParser(int layer, Data & data): valueParser_(layer), data_(data), state_(STATE_START), ignoring_() {} XcsParser::~XcsParser() {} xmlreader::XmlReader::Text XcsParser::getTextMode() { return valueParser_.getTextMode(); } bool XcsParser::startElement( xmlreader::XmlReader & reader, int nsId, xmlreader::Span const & name, std::set< OUString > const * existingDependencies) { if (valueParser_.startElement(reader, nsId, name, existingDependencies)) { return true; } if (state_ == STATE_START) { if (nsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && name.equals("component-schema")) { handleComponentSchema(reader); state_ = STATE_COMPONENT_SCHEMA; ignoring_ = 0; return true; } } else { //TODO: ignoring component-schema import, component-schema uses, and // prop constraints; accepting all four at illegal places (and with // illegal content): if (ignoring_ > 0 || (nsId == xmlreader::XmlReader::NAMESPACE_NONE && (name.equals("info") || name.equals("import") || name.equals("uses") || name.equals("constraints")))) { assert(ignoring_ < LONG_MAX); ++ignoring_; return true; } switch (state_) { case STATE_COMPONENT_SCHEMA: if (nsId == xmlreader::XmlReader::NAMESPACE_NONE && name.equals("templates")) { state_ = STATE_TEMPLATES; return true; } // fall through case STATE_TEMPLATES_DONE: if (nsId == xmlreader::XmlReader::NAMESPACE_NONE && name.equals("component")) { state_ = STATE_COMPONENT; assert(elements_.empty()); elements_.push( Element( new GroupNode(valueParser_.getLayer(), false, ""), componentName_)); return true; } break; case STATE_TEMPLATES: if (elements_.empty()) { if (nsId == xmlreader::XmlReader::NAMESPACE_NONE && name.equals("group")) { handleGroup(reader, true); return true; } if (nsId == xmlreader::XmlReader::NAMESPACE_NONE && name.equals("set")) { handleSet(reader, true); return true; } break; } // fall through case STATE_COMPONENT: assert(!elements_.empty()); switch (elements_.top().node->kind()) { case Node::KIND_PROPERTY: case Node::KIND_LOCALIZED_PROPERTY: if (nsId == xmlreader::XmlReader::NAMESPACE_NONE && name.equals("value")) { handlePropValue(reader, elements_.top().node); return true; } break; case Node::KIND_GROUP: if (nsId == xmlreader::XmlReader::NAMESPACE_NONE && name.equals("prop")) { handleProp(reader); return true; } if (nsId == xmlreader::XmlReader::NAMESPACE_NONE && name.equals("node-ref")) { handleNodeRef(reader); return true; } if (nsId == xmlreader::XmlReader::NAMESPACE_NONE && name.equals("group")) { handleGroup(reader, false); return true; } if (nsId == xmlreader::XmlReader::NAMESPACE_NONE && name.equals("set")) { handleSet(reader, false); return true; } break; case Node::KIND_SET: if (nsId == xmlreader::XmlReader::NAMESPACE_NONE && name.equals("item")) { handleSetItem( reader, dynamic_cast< SetNode * >(elements_.top().node.get())); return true; } break; default: // Node::KIND_LOCALIZED_VALUE assert(false); // this cannot happen break; } break; case STATE_COMPONENT_DONE: break; default: // STATE_START assert(false); // this cannot happen break; } } throw css::uno::RuntimeException( "bad member <" + name.convertFromUtf8() + "> in " + reader.getUrl(), css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); } void XcsParser::endElement(xmlreader::XmlReader const & reader) { if (valueParser_.endElement()) { return; } if (ignoring_ > 0) { --ignoring_; } else if (!elements_.empty()) { Element top(elements_.top()); elements_.pop(); if (top.node.is()) { if (elements_.empty()) { switch (state_) { case STATE_TEMPLATES: { NodeMap::iterator i(data_.templates.find(top.name)); if (i == data_.templates.end()) { data_.templates.insert( NodeMap::value_type(top.name, top.node)); } else { merge(i->second, top.node); } } break; case STATE_COMPONENT: { NodeMap & components = data_.getComponents(); NodeMap::iterator i(components.find(top.name)); if (i == components.end()) { components.insert( NodeMap::value_type(top.name, top.node)); } else { merge(i->second, top.node); } state_ = STATE_COMPONENT_DONE; } break; default: assert(false); throw css::uno::RuntimeException( "this cannot happen", css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); } } else { if (!elements_.top().node->getMembers().insert( NodeMap::value_type(top.name, top.node)).second) { throw css::uno::RuntimeException( "duplicate " + top.name + " in " + reader.getUrl(), css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); } } } } else { switch (state_) { case STATE_COMPONENT_SCHEMA: // To support old, broken extensions with .xcs files that contain // empty <component-schema> elements: state_ = STATE_COMPONENT_DONE; break; case STATE_TEMPLATES: state_ = STATE_TEMPLATES_DONE; break; case STATE_TEMPLATES_DONE: throw css::uno::RuntimeException( "no component element in " + reader.getUrl(), css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); case STATE_COMPONENT_DONE: break; default: assert(false); // this cannot happen } } } void XcsParser::characters(xmlreader::Span const & text) { valueParser_.characters(text); } void XcsParser::handleComponentSchema(xmlreader::XmlReader & reader) { //TODO: oor:version, xml:lang attributes OStringBuffer buf; buf.append('.'); bool hasPackage = false; bool hasName = false; for (;;) { int attrNsId; xmlreader::Span attrLn; if (!reader.nextAttribute(&attrNsId, &attrLn)) { break; } if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("package")) { if (hasPackage) { throw css::uno::RuntimeException( ("multiple component-schema package attributes in " + reader.getUrl()), css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); } hasPackage = true; xmlreader::Span s(reader.getAttributeValue(false)); buf.insert(0, s.begin, s.length); } else if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("name")) { if (hasName) { throw css::uno::RuntimeException( ("multiple component-schema name attributes in " + reader.getUrl()), css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); } hasName = true; xmlreader::Span s(reader.getAttributeValue(false)); buf.append(s.begin, s.length); } } if (!hasPackage) { throw css::uno::RuntimeException( "no component-schema package attribute in " + reader.getUrl(), css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); } if (!hasName) { throw css::uno::RuntimeException( "no component-schema name attribute in " + reader.getUrl(), css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); } componentName_ = xmlreader::Span(buf.getStr(), buf.getLength()). convertFromUtf8(); } void XcsParser::handleNodeRef(xmlreader::XmlReader & reader) { bool hasName = false; OUString name; OUString component(componentName_); bool hasNodeType = false; OUString nodeType; for (;;) { int attrNsId; xmlreader::Span attrLn; if (!reader.nextAttribute(&attrNsId, &attrLn)) { break; } if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("name")) { hasName = true; name = reader.getAttributeValue(false).convertFromUtf8(); } else if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("component")) { component = reader.getAttributeValue(false).convertFromUtf8(); } else if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("node-type")) { hasNodeType = true; nodeType = reader.getAttributeValue(false).convertFromUtf8(); } } if (!hasName) { throw css::uno::RuntimeException( "no node-ref name attribute in " + reader.getUrl(), css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); } rtl::Reference< Node > tmpl( data_.getTemplate( valueParser_.getLayer(), xmldata::parseTemplateReference( component, hasNodeType, nodeType, 0))); if (!tmpl.is()) { //TODO: this can erroneously happen as long as import/uses attributes // are not correctly processed throw css::uno::RuntimeException( "unknown node-ref " + name + " in " + reader.getUrl(), css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); } rtl::Reference< Node > node(tmpl->clone(false)); node->setLayer(valueParser_.getLayer()); elements_.push(Element(node, name)); } void XcsParser::handleProp(xmlreader::XmlReader & reader) { bool hasName = false; OUString name; valueParser_.type_ = TYPE_ERROR; bool localized = false; bool nillable = true; for (;;) { int attrNsId; xmlreader::Span attrLn; if (!reader.nextAttribute(&attrNsId, &attrLn)) { break; } if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("name")) { hasName = true; name = reader.getAttributeValue(false).convertFromUtf8(); } else if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("type")) { valueParser_.type_ = xmldata::parseType( reader, reader.getAttributeValue(true)); } else if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("localized")) { localized = xmldata::parseBoolean(reader.getAttributeValue(true)); } else if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("nillable")) { nillable = xmldata::parseBoolean(reader.getAttributeValue(true)); } } if (!hasName) { throw css::uno::RuntimeException( "no prop name attribute in " + reader.getUrl(), css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); } if (valueParser_.type_ == TYPE_ERROR) { throw css::uno::RuntimeException( "no prop type attribute in " + reader.getUrl(), css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); } elements_.push( Element( (localized ? rtl::Reference< Node >( new LocalizedPropertyNode( valueParser_.getLayer(), valueParser_.type_, nillable)) : rtl::Reference< Node >( new PropertyNode( valueParser_.getLayer(), valueParser_.type_, nillable, css::uno::Any(), false))), name)); } void XcsParser::handlePropValue( xmlreader::XmlReader & reader, rtl::Reference< Node > const & property) { xmlreader::Span attrSeparator; for (;;) { int attrNsId; xmlreader::Span attrLn; if (!reader.nextAttribute(&attrNsId, &attrLn)) { break; } if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("separator")) { attrSeparator = reader.getAttributeValue(false); if (attrSeparator.length == 0) { throw css::uno::RuntimeException( "bad oor:separator attribute in " + reader.getUrl(), css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); } } } valueParser_.separator_ = OString( attrSeparator.begin, attrSeparator.length); valueParser_.start(property); } void XcsParser::handleGroup(xmlreader::XmlReader & reader, bool isTemplate) { bool hasName = false; OUString name; bool extensible = false; for (;;) { int attrNsId; xmlreader::Span attrLn; if (!reader.nextAttribute(&attrNsId, &attrLn)) { break; } if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("name")) { hasName = true; name = reader.getAttributeValue(false).convertFromUtf8(); } else if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("extensible")) { extensible = xmldata::parseBoolean(reader.getAttributeValue(true)); } } if (!hasName) { throw css::uno::RuntimeException( "no group name attribute in " + reader.getUrl(), css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); } if (isTemplate) { name = Data::fullTemplateName(componentName_, name); } elements_.push( Element( new GroupNode( valueParser_.getLayer(), extensible, isTemplate ? name : OUString()), name)); } void XcsParser::handleSet(xmlreader::XmlReader & reader, bool isTemplate) { bool hasName = false; OUString name; OUString component(componentName_); bool hasNodeType = false; OUString nodeType; for (;;) { int attrNsId; xmlreader::Span attrLn; if (!reader.nextAttribute(&attrNsId, &attrLn)) { break; } if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("name")) { hasName = true; name = reader.getAttributeValue(false).convertFromUtf8(); } else if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("component")) { component = reader.getAttributeValue(false).convertFromUtf8(); } else if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("node-type")) { hasNodeType = true; nodeType = reader.getAttributeValue(false).convertFromUtf8(); } } if (!hasName) { throw css::uno::RuntimeException( "no set name attribute in " + reader.getUrl(), css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >()); } if (isTemplate) { name = Data::fullTemplateName(componentName_, name); } elements_.push( Element( new SetNode( valueParser_.getLayer(), xmldata::parseTemplateReference( component, hasNodeType, nodeType, 0), isTemplate ? name : OUString()), name)); } void XcsParser::handleSetItem(xmlreader::XmlReader & reader, SetNode * set) { OUString component(componentName_); bool hasNodeType = false; OUString nodeType; for (;;) { int attrNsId; xmlreader::Span attrLn; if (!reader.nextAttribute(&attrNsId, &attrLn)) { break; } if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("component")) { component = reader.getAttributeValue(false).convertFromUtf8(); } else if (attrNsId == ParseManager::NAMESPACE_OOR && attrLn.equals("node-type")) { hasNodeType = true; nodeType = reader.getAttributeValue(false).convertFromUtf8(); } } set->getAdditionalTemplateNames().push_back( xmldata::parseTemplateReference(component, hasNodeType, nodeType, 0)); elements_.push(Element(rtl::Reference< Node >(), "")); } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */