/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: TSkipDeletedSet.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.5 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2004-03-02 12:32:14 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the License); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an AS IS basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef CONNECTIVITY_SKIPDELETEDSSET_HXX #include "TSkipDeletedSet.hxx" #endif #ifndef _OSL_DIAGNOSE_H_ #include #endif using namespace connectivity; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSkipDeletedSet::OSkipDeletedSet(IResultSetHelper* _pHelper) : m_pHelper(_pHelper) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSkipDeletedSet::~OSkipDeletedSet() { m_aBookmarksPositions.clear(); m_aBookmarks.clear(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool OSkipDeletedSet::skipDeleted(IResultSetHelper::Movement _eCursorPosition, sal_Int32 _nOffset, sal_Bool _bRetrieveData) { OSL_ENSURE(_eCursorPosition != IResultSetHelper::BOOKMARK,"OSkipDeletedSet::SkipDeleted can't be called for BOOKMARK"); IResultSetHelper::Movement eDelPosition = _eCursorPosition; sal_Int32 nDelOffset = abs(_nOffset); switch (_eCursorPosition) { case IResultSetHelper::ABSOLUTE: case IResultSetHelper::FIRST: // set the movement when positioning failed eDelPosition = IResultSetHelper::NEXT; nDelOffset = 1; break; case IResultSetHelper::LAST: eDelPosition = IResultSetHelper::PRIOR; // lsat row is invalid so position before nDelOffset = 1; break; case IResultSetHelper::RELATIVE: eDelPosition = (_nOffset >= 0) ? IResultSetHelper::NEXT : IResultSetHelper::PRIOR; break; } sal_Int32 nNewOffset = _nOffset; sal_Bool bDone = sal_True; sal_Bool bDataFound = sal_False; if (_eCursorPosition == IResultSetHelper::ABSOLUTE) { return moveAbsolute(_nOffset,_bRetrieveData); } else if (_eCursorPosition == IResultSetHelper::LAST) { sal_Int32 nBookmark = 0; sal_Int32 nCurPos = 1; // first position on the last known row if(m_aBookmarks.empty()) { bDataFound = m_pHelper->move(IResultSetHelper::FIRST, 0, _bRetrieveData); if(bDataFound && (m_pHelper->deletedVisible() || !m_pHelper->isRowDeleted())) m_aBookmarksPositions.push_back(m_aBookmarks.insert(TInt2IntMap::value_type(m_pHelper->getDriverPos(),m_aBookmarksPositions.size()+1)).first); } else { // I already have a bookmark so we can positioned on that and look if it is the last one nBookmark = (*m_aBookmarksPositions.rbegin())->first; bDataFound = m_pHelper->move(IResultSetHelper::BOOKMARK, nBookmark, _bRetrieveData); OSL_ENSURE((m_pHelper->deletedVisible() || !m_pHelper->isRowDeleted()),"A bookmark should not be deleted!"); nCurPos = (*m_aBookmarksPositions.rbegin())->second; } // and than move forward until we are after the last row while(bDataFound) { bDataFound = m_pHelper->move(IResultSetHelper::NEXT, 1, sal_False); // we don't need the data here if(bDataFound && (m_pHelper->deletedVisible() || !m_pHelper->isRowDeleted())) { // we weren't on the last row we remember it and move on ++nCurPos; m_aBookmarksPositions.push_back(m_aBookmarks.insert(TInt2IntMap::value_type(m_pHelper->getDriverPos(),m_aBookmarksPositions.size()+1)).first); } else if(!bDataFound && m_aBookmarks.size()) { // i already know the last bookmark :-) // now we only have to repositioning us to the last row nBookmark = (*m_aBookmarksPositions.rbegin())->first; bDataFound = m_pHelper->move(IResultSetHelper::BOOKMARK, nBookmark, _bRetrieveData); break; } } return bDataFound; } else if (_eCursorPosition != IResultSetHelper::RELATIVE) { bDataFound = m_pHelper->move(_eCursorPosition, _nOffset, _bRetrieveData); bDone = bDataFound && (m_pHelper->deletedVisible() || !m_pHelper->isRowDeleted()); } else { bDataFound = m_pHelper->move(eDelPosition, 1, _bRetrieveData); if (bDataFound && (m_pHelper->deletedVisible() || !m_pHelper->isRowDeleted())) { m_aBookmarksPositions.push_back(m_aBookmarks.insert(TInt2IntMap::value_type(m_pHelper->getDriverPos(),m_aBookmarksPositions.size()+1)).first); bDone = (--nDelOffset) == 0; } else bDone = sal_False; } while (bDataFound && !bDone) // solange iterieren bis man auf einem gültigen Satz ist { bDataFound = m_pHelper->move(eDelPosition, 1, _bRetrieveData); if (_eCursorPosition != IResultSetHelper::RELATIVE) bDone = bDataFound && (m_pHelper->deletedVisible() || !m_pHelper->isRowDeleted()); else if (bDataFound && (m_pHelper->deletedVisible() || !m_pHelper->isRowDeleted())) { m_aBookmarksPositions.push_back(m_aBookmarks.insert(TInt2IntMap::value_type(m_pHelper->getDriverPos(),m_aBookmarksPositions.size()+1)).first); bDone = (--nDelOffset) == 0; } else bDone = sal_False; } if(bDataFound && bDone) { sal_Int32 nDriverPos = m_pHelper->getDriverPos(); if(m_aBookmarks.find(nDriverPos) == m_aBookmarks.end()) m_aBookmarksPositions.push_back(m_aBookmarks.insert(TInt2IntMap::value_type(nDriverPos,m_aBookmarksPositions.size()+1)).first); } return bDataFound; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool OSkipDeletedSet::moveAbsolute(sal_Int32 _nOffset,sal_Bool _bRetrieveData) { sal_Bool bDataFound = sal_False; sal_Int32 nNewOffset = _nOffset; if(nNewOffset > 0) { if((sal_Int32)m_aBookmarks.size() < nNewOffset) { // bookmark isn't known yet // start at the last position sal_Int32 nCurPos = 0,nLastBookmark = 1; IResultSetHelper::Movement eFilePos = IResultSetHelper::FIRST; if(!m_aBookmarks.empty()) { nLastBookmark = (*m_aBookmarksPositions.rbegin())->first; nCurPos = (*m_aBookmarksPositions.rbegin())->second; nNewOffset = nNewOffset - nCurPos; bDataFound = m_pHelper->move(IResultSetHelper::BOOKMARK, nLastBookmark, _bRetrieveData); } else { bDataFound = m_pHelper->move(IResultSetHelper::FIRST, 0, _bRetrieveData ); if(bDataFound && (m_pHelper->deletedVisible() || !m_pHelper->isRowDeleted())) { ++nCurPos; m_aBookmarksPositions.push_back(m_aBookmarks.insert(TInt2IntMap::value_type(m_pHelper->getDriverPos(),m_aBookmarksPositions.size()+1)).first); --nNewOffset; } } // now move to that row we need and don't count deleted rows while (bDataFound && nNewOffset) { bDataFound = m_pHelper->move(IResultSetHelper::NEXT, 1, _bRetrieveData); if(bDataFound && (m_pHelper->deletedVisible() || !m_pHelper->isRowDeleted())) { ++nCurPos; m_aBookmarksPositions.push_back(m_aBookmarks.insert(TInt2IntMap::value_type(m_pHelper->getDriverPos(),m_aBookmarksPositions.size()+1)).first); --nNewOffset; } } } else { sal_Int32 nBookmark = m_aBookmarksPositions[nNewOffset-1]->first; bDataFound = m_pHelper->move(IResultSetHelper::BOOKMARK,nBookmark, _bRetrieveData); OSL_ENSURE((m_pHelper->deletedVisible() || !m_pHelper->isRowDeleted()),"moveAbsolute: row can't be deleted!"); } } else { ++nNewOffset; bDataFound = skipDeleted(IResultSetHelper::LAST,0,nNewOffset == 0); for(sal_Int32 i=nNewOffset+1;bDataFound && i <= 0;++i) bDataFound = skipDeleted(IResultSetHelper::PRIOR,1,i == 0); } return bDataFound; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OSkipDeletedSet::clear() { ::std::vector().swap(m_aBookmarksPositions); TInt2IntMap().swap(m_aBookmarks); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Int32 OSkipDeletedSet::getMappedPosition(sal_Int32 _nPos) const { TInt2IntMap::const_iterator aFind = m_aBookmarks.find(_nPos); OSL_ENSURE(aFind != m_aBookmarks.end(),"OSkipDeletedSet::getMappedPosition() invalid bookmark!"); return aFind->second; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OSkipDeletedSet::insertNewPosition(sal_Int32 _nPos) { OSL_ENSURE(m_aBookmarks.find(_nPos) == m_aBookmarks.end(),"OSkipDeletedSet::insertNewPosition: Invalid position"); m_aBookmarksPositions.push_back(m_aBookmarks.insert(TInt2IntMap::value_type(_nPos,m_aBookmarksPositions.size()+1)).first); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OSkipDeletedSet::deletePosition(sal_Int32 _nPos) { TInt2IntMap::iterator aFind = m_aBookmarks.find(_nPos); OSL_ENSURE(aFind != m_aBookmarks.end(),"OSkipDeletedSet::deletePosition() bookmark not found!"); TInt2IntMap::iterator aIter = aFind; ++aIter; for (; aIter != m_aBookmarks.end() ; ++aIter) --(aIter->second); m_aBookmarksPositions.erase(m_aBookmarksPositions.begin() + aFind->second-1); m_aBookmarks.erase(_nPos); } // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------