/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace dbtools { using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdb; using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbc; using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbcx; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::container; using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame; using namespace connectivity; using namespace comphelper; OUString createStandardTypePart(const Reference< XPropertySet >& xColProp,const Reference< XConnection>& _xConnection,std::u16string_view _sCreatePattern) { Reference xMetaData = _xConnection->getMetaData(); ::dbtools::OPropertyMap& rPropMap = OMetaConnection::getPropMap(); OUString sTypeName; sal_Int32 nDataType = 0; sal_Int32 nPrecision = 0; sal_Int32 nScale = 0; nDataType = nPrecision = nScale = 0; xColProp->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_TYPENAME)) >>= sTypeName; xColProp->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_TYPE)) >>= nDataType; xColProp->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_PRECISION)) >>= nPrecision; xColProp->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_SCALE)) >>= nScale; OUStringBuffer aSql; // check if the user enter a specific string to create autoincrement values OUString sAutoIncrementValue; Reference xPropInfo = xColProp->getPropertySetInfo(); if ( xPropInfo.is() && xPropInfo->hasPropertyByName(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_AUTOINCREMENTCREATION)) ) xColProp->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_AUTOINCREMENTCREATION)) >>= sAutoIncrementValue; // look if we have to use precisions bool bUseLiteral = false; OUString sPrefix,sPostfix,sCreateParams; { Reference xRes = xMetaData->getTypeInfo(); if(xRes.is()) { Reference xRow(xRes,UNO_QUERY); while(xRes->next()) { OUString sTypeName2Cmp = xRow->getString(1); sal_Int32 nType = xRow->getShort(2); sPrefix = xRow->getString (4); sPostfix = xRow->getString (5); sCreateParams = xRow->getString(6); // first identical type will be used if typename is empty if ( sTypeName.isEmpty() && nType == nDataType ) sTypeName = sTypeName2Cmp; if( sTypeName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sTypeName2Cmp) && nType == nDataType && !sCreateParams.isEmpty() && !xRow->wasNull()) { bUseLiteral = true; break; } } } } if ( !sAutoIncrementValue.isEmpty() ) { sal_Int32 nIndex = sTypeName.indexOf(sAutoIncrementValue); if (nIndex != -1) sTypeName = sTypeName.replaceAt(nIndex,sTypeName.getLength() - nIndex, u""); } if ( (nPrecision > 0 || nScale > 0) && bUseLiteral ) { sal_Int32 nParenPos = sTypeName.indexOf('('); if ( nParenPos == -1 ) { aSql.append(sTypeName + "("); } else { aSql.append(sTypeName.subView(0, ++nParenPos)); } if ( nPrecision > 0 && nDataType != DataType::TIMESTAMP ) { aSql.append(nPrecision); if ( (nScale > 0) || (!_sCreatePattern.empty() && sCreateParams.indexOf(_sCreatePattern) != -1) ) aSql.append(","); } if ( (nScale > 0) || ( !_sCreatePattern.empty() && sCreateParams.indexOf(_sCreatePattern) != -1 ) || nDataType == DataType::TIMESTAMP ) aSql.append(nScale); if ( nParenPos == -1 ) aSql.append(")"); else { nParenPos = sTypeName.indexOf(')',nParenPos); aSql.append(sTypeName.subView(nParenPos)); } } else aSql.append(sTypeName); // simply add the type name OUString aDefault = ::comphelper::getString(xColProp->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULTVALUE))); if ( !aDefault.isEmpty() ) { aSql.append(" DEFAULT " + sPrefix + aDefault + sPostfix); } // if ( aDefault.getLength() ) return aSql.makeStringAndClear(); } OUString createStandardColumnPart(const Reference< XPropertySet >& xColProp,const Reference< XConnection>& _xConnection,ISQLStatementHelper* _pHelper,std::u16string_view _sCreatePattern) { Reference xMetaData = _xConnection->getMetaData(); ::dbtools::OPropertyMap& rPropMap = OMetaConnection::getPropMap(); bool bIsAutoIncrement = false; xColProp->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_ISAUTOINCREMENT)) >>= bIsAutoIncrement; const OUString sQuoteString = xMetaData->getIdentifierQuoteString(); OUStringBuffer aSql(::dbtools::quoteName(sQuoteString,::comphelper::getString(xColProp->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME))))); // check if the user enter a specific string to create autoincrement values OUString sAutoIncrementValue; Reference xPropInfo = xColProp->getPropertySetInfo(); if ( xPropInfo.is() && xPropInfo->hasPropertyByName(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_AUTOINCREMENTCREATION)) ) xColProp->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_AUTOINCREMENTCREATION)) >>= sAutoIncrementValue; aSql.append(" " + createStandardTypePart(xColProp, _xConnection, _sCreatePattern)); if(::comphelper::getINT32(xColProp->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_ISNULLABLE))) == ColumnValue::NO_NULLS) aSql.append(" NOT NULL"); if ( bIsAutoIncrement && !sAutoIncrementValue.isEmpty()) { aSql.append(" " + sAutoIncrementValue); } if ( _pHelper ) _pHelper->addComment(xColProp,aSql); return aSql.makeStringAndClear(); } OUString createStandardCreateStatement(const Reference< XPropertySet >& descriptor,const Reference< XConnection>& _xConnection,ISQLStatementHelper* _pHelper,std::u16string_view _sCreatePattern) { OUStringBuffer aSql("CREATE TABLE "); OUString sCatalog,sSchema,sTable,sComposedName; Reference xMetaData = _xConnection->getMetaData(); ::dbtools::OPropertyMap& rPropMap = OMetaConnection::getPropMap(); descriptor->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_CATALOGNAME)) >>= sCatalog; descriptor->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_SCHEMANAME)) >>= sSchema; descriptor->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME)) >>= sTable; sComposedName = ::dbtools::composeTableName( xMetaData, sCatalog, sSchema, sTable, true, ::dbtools::EComposeRule::InTableDefinitions ); if ( sComposedName.isEmpty() ) ::dbtools::throwFunctionSequenceException(_xConnection); aSql.append(sComposedName + " ("); // columns Reference xColumnSup(descriptor,UNO_QUERY); Reference xColumns(xColumnSup->getColumns(),UNO_QUERY); // check if there are columns if(!xColumns.is() || !xColumns->getCount()) ::dbtools::throwFunctionSequenceException(_xConnection); Reference< XPropertySet > xColProp; sal_Int32 nCount = xColumns->getCount(); for(sal_Int32 i=0;igetByIndex(i) >>= xColProp) && xColProp.is() ) { aSql.append( createStandardColumnPart(xColProp,_xConnection,_pHelper,_sCreatePattern) + ","); } } return aSql.makeStringAndClear(); } namespace { OUString generateColumnNames(const Reference& _xColumns,const Reference& _xMetaData) { ::dbtools::OPropertyMap& rPropMap = OMetaConnection::getPropMap(); const OUString sQuote(_xMetaData->getIdentifierQuoteString()); OUStringBuffer sSql( " (" ); Reference< XPropertySet > xColProp; sal_Int32 nColCount = _xColumns->getCount(); for(sal_Int32 i=0;igetByIndex(i) >>= xColProp) && xColProp.is() ) sSql.append( ::dbtools::quoteName(sQuote,::comphelper::getString(xColProp->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME)))) + ","); } if ( nColCount ) sSql[sSql.getLength()-1] = ')'; return sSql.makeStringAndClear(); } } OUString createStandardKeyStatement(const Reference< XPropertySet >& descriptor,const Reference< XConnection>& _xConnection) { Reference xMetaData = _xConnection->getMetaData(); ::dbtools::OPropertyMap& rPropMap = OMetaConnection::getPropMap(); OUStringBuffer aSql; // keys Reference xKeySup(descriptor,UNO_QUERY); Reference xKeys = xKeySup->getKeys(); if ( xKeys.is() ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xColProp; Reference xColumns; Reference xColumnSup; OUString sCatalog,sSchema,sTable,sComposedName; bool bPKey = false; for(sal_Int32 i=0;igetCount();++i) { if ( (xKeys->getByIndex(i) >>= xColProp) && xColProp.is() ) { sal_Int32 nKeyType = ::comphelper::getINT32(xColProp->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_TYPE))); if ( nKeyType == KeyType::PRIMARY ) { if(bPKey) ::dbtools::throwFunctionSequenceException(_xConnection); bPKey = true; xColumnSup.set(xColProp,UNO_QUERY); xColumns.set(xColumnSup->getColumns(),UNO_QUERY); if(!xColumns.is() || !xColumns->getCount()) ::dbtools::throwFunctionSequenceException(_xConnection); aSql.append(" PRIMARY KEY " + generateColumnNames(xColumns,xMetaData)); } else if(nKeyType == KeyType::UNIQUE) { xColumnSup.set(xColProp,UNO_QUERY); xColumns.set(xColumnSup->getColumns(),UNO_QUERY); if(!xColumns.is() || !xColumns->getCount()) ::dbtools::throwFunctionSequenceException(_xConnection); aSql.append(" UNIQUE " + generateColumnNames(xColumns,xMetaData)); } else if(nKeyType == KeyType::FOREIGN) { sal_Int32 nDeleteRule = getINT32(xColProp->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_DELETERULE))); xColumnSup.set(xColProp,UNO_QUERY); xColumns.set(xColumnSup->getColumns(),UNO_QUERY); if(!xColumns.is() || !xColumns->getCount()) ::dbtools::throwFunctionSequenceException(_xConnection); aSql.append(" FOREIGN KEY "); OUString sRefTable = getString(xColProp->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_REFERENCEDTABLE))); ::dbtools::qualifiedNameComponents(xMetaData, sRefTable, sCatalog, sSchema, sTable, ::dbtools::EComposeRule::InDataManipulation); sComposedName = ::dbtools::composeTableName( xMetaData, sCatalog, sSchema, sTable, true, ::dbtools::EComposeRule::InTableDefinitions ); if ( sComposedName.isEmpty() ) ::dbtools::throwFunctionSequenceException(_xConnection); aSql.append(generateColumnNames(xColumns,xMetaData)); switch(nDeleteRule) { case KeyRule::CASCADE: aSql.append(" ON DELETE CASCADE "); break; case KeyRule::RESTRICT: aSql.append(" ON DELETE RESTRICT "); break; case KeyRule::SET_NULL: aSql.append(" ON DELETE SET NULL "); break; case KeyRule::SET_DEFAULT: aSql.append(" ON DELETE SET DEFAULT "); break; default: ; } } } } } if ( !aSql.isEmpty() ) { if ( aSql[aSql.getLength() - 1] == ',' ) aSql[aSql.getLength() - 1] = ')'; else aSql.append(")"); } return aSql.makeStringAndClear(); } OUString createSqlCreateTableStatement( const Reference< XPropertySet >& descriptor, const Reference< XConnection>& _xConnection) { OUString aSql = ::dbtools::createStandardCreateStatement(descriptor,_xConnection,nullptr,{}); const OUString sKeyStmt = ::dbtools::createStandardKeyStatement(descriptor,_xConnection); if ( !sKeyStmt.isEmpty() ) aSql += sKeyStmt; else { if ( aSql.endsWith(",") ) aSql = aSql.replaceAt(aSql.getLength()-1, 1, u")"); else aSql += ")"; } return aSql; } namespace { Reference lcl_createSDBCXColumn(const Reference& _xPrimaryKeyColumns, const Reference& _xConnection, const Any& _aCatalog, const OUString& _aSchema, const OUString& _aTable, const OUString& _rQueryName, const OUString& _rName, bool _bCase, bool _bQueryForInfo, bool _bIsAutoIncrement, bool _bIsCurrency, sal_Int32 _nDataType) { Reference xProp; Reference xMetaData = _xConnection->getMetaData(); Reference< XResultSet > xResult = xMetaData->getColumns(_aCatalog, _aSchema, _aTable, _rQueryName); OUString sCatalog; _aCatalog >>= sCatalog; if ( xResult.is() ) { UStringMixEqual aMixCompare(_bCase); Reference< XRow > xRow(xResult,UNO_QUERY); while( xResult->next() ) { if ( aMixCompare(xRow->getString(4),_rName) ) { sal_Int32 nField5 = xRow->getInt(5); OUString aField6 = xRow->getString(6); sal_Int32 nField7 = xRow->getInt(7) , nField9 = xRow->getInt(9) , nField11= xRow->getInt(11); OUString sField12 = xRow->getString(12), sField13 = xRow->getString(13); ::comphelper::disposeComponent(xRow); bool bAutoIncrement = _bIsAutoIncrement ,bIsCurrency = _bIsCurrency; if ( _bQueryForInfo ) { const OUString sQuote = xMetaData->getIdentifierQuoteString(); OUString sQuotedName = ::dbtools::quoteName(sQuote,_rName); OUString sComposedName = composeTableNameForSelect(_xConnection, getString( _aCatalog ), _aSchema, _aTable ); ColumnInformationMap aInfo(_bCase); collectColumnInformation(_xConnection,sComposedName,sQuotedName,aInfo); ColumnInformationMap::const_iterator aIter = aInfo.begin(); if ( aIter != aInfo.end() ) { bAutoIncrement = aIter->second.first.first; bIsCurrency = aIter->second.first.second; if ( DataType::OTHER == nField5 ) nField5 = aIter->second.second; } } else if ( DataType::OTHER == nField5 ) nField5 = _nDataType; if ( nField11 != ColumnValue::NO_NULLS ) { try { if ( _xPrimaryKeyColumns.is() ) { if ( _xPrimaryKeyColumns->hasByName(_rName) ) nField11 = ColumnValue::NO_NULLS; } else { Reference< XResultSet > xPKeys = xMetaData->getPrimaryKeys( _aCatalog, _aSchema, _aTable ); Reference< XRow > xPKeyRow( xPKeys, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); while( xPKeys->next() ) // there can be only one primary key { OUString sKeyColumn = xPKeyRow->getString(4); if ( aMixCompare(_rName,sKeyColumn) ) { nField11 = ColumnValue::NO_NULLS; break; } } } } catch(SQLException&) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "connectivity.commontools", "lcl_createSDBCXColumn" ); } } xProp = new connectivity::sdbcx::OColumn(_rName, aField6, sField13, sField12, nField11, nField7, nField9, nField5, bAutoIncrement, false, bIsCurrency, _bCase, sCatalog, _aSchema, _aTable); break; } } } return xProp; } Reference< XModel> lcl_getXModel(const Reference< XInterface>& _xIface) { Reference< XInterface > xParent = _xIface; Reference< XModel > xModel(xParent,UNO_QUERY); while( xParent.is() && !xModel.is() ) { Reference xChild(xParent,UNO_QUERY); xParent.set(xChild.is() ? xChild->getParent() : Reference< XInterface >(),UNO_QUERY); xModel.set(xParent,UNO_QUERY); } return xModel; } } Reference createSDBCXColumn(const Reference& _xTable, const Reference& _xConnection, const OUString& _rName, bool _bCase, bool _bQueryForInfo, bool _bIsAutoIncrement, bool _bIsCurrency, sal_Int32 _nDataType) { Reference xProp; OSL_ENSURE(_xTable.is(),"Table is NULL!"); if ( !_xTable.is() ) return xProp; ::dbtools::OPropertyMap& rPropMap = OMetaConnection::getPropMap(); Any aCatalog = _xTable->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_CATALOGNAME)); OUString sCatalog; aCatalog >>= sCatalog; OUString aSchema, aTable; _xTable->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_SCHEMANAME)) >>= aSchema; _xTable->getPropertyValue(rPropMap.getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME)) >>= aTable; Reference xPrimaryKeyColumns = getPrimaryKeyColumns_throw(_xTable); xProp = lcl_createSDBCXColumn(xPrimaryKeyColumns,_xConnection,aCatalog, aSchema, aTable, _rName,_rName,_bCase,_bQueryForInfo,_bIsAutoIncrement,_bIsCurrency,_nDataType); if ( !xProp.is() ) { xProp = lcl_createSDBCXColumn(xPrimaryKeyColumns,_xConnection,aCatalog, aSchema, aTable, "%",_rName,_bCase,_bQueryForInfo,_bIsAutoIncrement,_bIsCurrency,_nDataType); if ( !xProp.is() ) xProp = new connectivity::sdbcx::OColumn(_rName, OUString(),OUString(),OUString(), ColumnValue::NULLABLE_UNKNOWN, 0, 0, DataType::VARCHAR, _bIsAutoIncrement, false, _bIsCurrency, _bCase, sCatalog, aSchema, aTable); } return xProp; } bool getBooleanDataSourceSetting( const Reference< XConnection >& _rxConnection, const char* _pAsciiSettingName ) { return getBooleanDataSourceSetting(_rxConnection, OUString::createFromAscii( _pAsciiSettingName )); } bool getBooleanDataSourceSetting( const Reference< XConnection >& _rxConnection, const OUString & rSettingName ) { bool bValue( false ); try { Reference< XPropertySet> xDataSourceProperties( findDataSource( _rxConnection ), UNO_QUERY ); OSL_ENSURE( xDataSourceProperties.is(), "::dbtools::getBooleanDataSourceSetting: somebody is using this with a non-SDB-level connection!" ); if ( xDataSourceProperties.is() ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xSettings( xDataSourceProperties->getPropertyValue("Settings"), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); OSL_VERIFY( xSettings->getPropertyValue( rSettingName ) >>= bValue ); } } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("connectivity.commontools"); } return bValue; } bool getDataSourceSetting( const Reference< XInterface >& _xChild, const OUString& _sAsciiSettingsName, Any& /* [out] */ _rSettingsValue ) { bool bIsPresent = false; try { const Reference< XPropertySet> xDataSourceProperties( findDataSource( _xChild ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( !xDataSourceProperties.is() ) return false; const Reference< XPropertySet > xSettings( xDataSourceProperties->getPropertyValue("Settings"), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); _rSettingsValue = xSettings->getPropertyValue( _sAsciiSettingsName ); bIsPresent = true; } catch( const Exception& ) { bIsPresent = false; } return bIsPresent; } bool getDataSourceSetting( const Reference< XInterface >& _rxDataSource, const char* _pAsciiSettingsName, Any& /* [out] */ _rSettingsValue ) { OUString sAsciiSettingsName = OUString::createFromAscii(_pAsciiSettingsName); return getDataSourceSetting( _rxDataSource, sAsciiSettingsName,_rSettingsValue ); } bool isDataSourcePropertyEnabled(const Reference& _xProp, const OUString& _sProperty, bool _bDefault) { bool bEnabled = _bDefault; try { Reference< XPropertySet> xProp(findDataSource(_xProp),UNO_QUERY); if ( xProp.is() ) { Sequence< PropertyValue > aInfo; xProp->getPropertyValue("Info") >>= aInfo; const PropertyValue* pValue =std::find_if(std::cbegin(aInfo), std::cend(aInfo), [&_sProperty](const PropertyValue& lhs) { return lhs.Name == _sProperty; }); if ( pValue != std::cend(aInfo) ) pValue->Value >>= bEnabled; } } catch(SQLException&) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("connectivity.commontools"); } return bEnabled; } Reference< XTablesSupplier> getDataDefinitionByURLAndConnection( const OUString& _rsUrl, const Reference< XConnection>& _xConnection, const Reference< XComponentContext >& _rxContext) { Reference< XTablesSupplier> xTablesSup; try { Reference< XDriverManager2 > xManager = DriverManager::create( _rxContext ); Reference< XDataDefinitionSupplier > xSupp( xManager->getDriverByURL( _rsUrl ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xSupp.is() ) { xTablesSup = xSupp->getDataDefinitionByConnection( _xConnection ); OSL_ENSURE(xTablesSup.is(),"No table supplier!"); } } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("connectivity.commontools"); } return xTablesSup; } sal_Int32 getTablePrivileges(const Reference< XDatabaseMetaData>& _xMetaData, const OUString& _sCatalog, const OUString& _sSchema, const OUString& _sTable) { OSL_ENSURE(_xMetaData.is(),"Invalid metadata!"); sal_Int32 nPrivileges = 0; try { Any aVal; if(!_sCatalog.isEmpty()) aVal <<= _sCatalog; Reference< XResultSet > xPrivileges = _xMetaData->getTablePrivileges(aVal, _sSchema, _sTable); Reference< XRow > xCurrentRow(xPrivileges, UNO_QUERY); const OUString sUserWorkingFor = _xMetaData->getUserName(); static const char sSELECT[] = "SELECT"; static const char sINSERT[] = "INSERT"; static const char sUPDATE[] = "UPDATE"; static const char sDELETE[] = "DELETE"; static const char sREAD[] = "READ"; static const char sCREATE[] = "CREATE"; static const char sALTER[] = "ALTER"; static const char sREFERENCE[] = "REFERENCE"; static const char sDROP[] = "DROP"; if ( xCurrentRow.is() ) { // after creation the set is positioned before the first record, per definition OUString sPrivilege, sGrantee; while ( xPrivileges->next() ) { sGrantee = xCurrentRow->getString(5); sPrivilege = xCurrentRow->getString(6); if (!sUserWorkingFor.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sGrantee)) continue; if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sSELECT)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::SELECT; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sINSERT)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::INSERT; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sUPDATE)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::UPDATE; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sDELETE)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::DELETE; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sREAD)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::READ; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sCREATE)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::CREATE; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sALTER)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::ALTER; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sREFERENCE)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::REFERENCE; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sDROP)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::DROP; } } disposeComponent(xPrivileges); // Some drivers put a table privilege as soon as any column has the privilege, // some drivers only if all columns have the privilege. // To unify the situation, collect column privileges here, too. Reference< XResultSet > xColumnPrivileges = _xMetaData->getColumnPrivileges(aVal, _sSchema, _sTable, "%"); Reference< XRow > xColumnCurrentRow(xColumnPrivileges, UNO_QUERY); if ( xColumnCurrentRow.is() ) { // after creation the set is positioned before the first record, per definition OUString sPrivilege, sGrantee; while ( xColumnPrivileges->next() ) { sGrantee = xColumnCurrentRow->getString(6); sPrivilege = xColumnCurrentRow->getString(7); if (!sUserWorkingFor.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sGrantee)) continue; if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sSELECT)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::SELECT; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sINSERT)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::INSERT; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sUPDATE)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::UPDATE; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sDELETE)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::DELETE; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sREAD)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::READ; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sCREATE)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::CREATE; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sALTER)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::ALTER; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sREFERENCE)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::REFERENCE; else if (sPrivilege.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sDROP)) nPrivileges |= Privilege::DROP; } } disposeComponent(xColumnPrivileges); } catch(const SQLException& e) { // some drivers don't support any privileges so we assume that we are allowed to do all we want :-) if(e.SQLState == "IM001") nPrivileges |= Privilege::DROP | Privilege::REFERENCE | Privilege::ALTER | Privilege::CREATE | Privilege::READ | Privilege::DELETE | Privilege::UPDATE | Privilege::INSERT | Privilege::SELECT; else OSL_FAIL("Could not collect the privileges !"); } return nPrivileges; } // we need some more information about the column void collectColumnInformation(const Reference< XConnection>& _xConnection, std::u16string_view _sComposedName, std::u16string_view _rName, ColumnInformationMap& _rInfo) { OUString sSelect = OUString::Concat("SELECT ") + _rName + " FROM " + _sComposedName + " WHERE 0 = 1"; try { ::utl::SharedUNOComponent< XStatement > xStmt( _xConnection->createStatement() ); Reference< XPropertySet > xStatementProps( xStmt, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); xStatementProps->setPropertyValue( OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex( PROPERTY_ID_ESCAPEPROCESSING ), Any( false ) ); Reference< XResultSet > xResult( xStmt->executeQuery( sSelect ), UNO_SET_THROW ); Reference< XResultSetMetaDataSupplier > xSuppMeta( xResult, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XResultSetMetaData > xMeta( xSuppMeta->getMetaData(), UNO_SET_THROW ); sal_Int32 nCount = xMeta->getColumnCount(); OSL_ENSURE( nCount != 0, "::dbtools::collectColumnInformation: result set has empty (column-less) meta data!" ); for (sal_Int32 i=1; i <= nCount ; ++i) { _rInfo.emplace( xMeta->getColumnName(i), ColumnInformation(TBoolPair(xMeta->isAutoIncrement(i),xMeta->isCurrency(i)),xMeta->getColumnType(i))); } } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("connectivity.commontools"); } } bool isEmbeddedInDatabase( const Reference< XInterface >& _rxComponent, Reference< XConnection >& _rxActualConnection ) { bool bIsEmbedded = false; try { Reference< XModel > xModel = lcl_getXModel( _rxComponent ); if ( xModel.is() ) { Sequence< PropertyValue > aArgs = xModel->getArgs(); const PropertyValue* pIter = aArgs.getConstArray(); const PropertyValue* pEnd = pIter + aArgs.getLength(); for(;pIter != pEnd;++pIter) { if ( pIter->Name == "ComponentData" ) { Sequence aDocumentContext; pIter->Value >>= aDocumentContext; const PropertyValue* pContextIter = aDocumentContext.getConstArray(); const PropertyValue* pContextEnd = pContextIter + aDocumentContext.getLength(); for(;pContextIter != pContextEnd;++pContextIter) { if ( pContextIter->Name == "ActiveConnection" && ( pContextIter->Value >>= _rxActualConnection ) ) { bIsEmbedded = true; break; } } break; } } } } catch(Exception&) { // not interested in } return bIsEmbedded; } namespace { OUString lcl_getEncodingName( rtl_TextEncoding _eEncoding ) { OUString sEncodingName; OCharsetMap aCharsets; OCharsetMap::CharsetIterator aEncodingPos = aCharsets.find( _eEncoding ); OSL_ENSURE( aEncodingPos != aCharsets.end(), "lcl_getEncodingName: *which* encoding?" ); if ( aEncodingPos != aCharsets.end() ) sEncodingName = (*aEncodingPos).getIanaName(); return sEncodingName; } } sal_Int32 DBTypeConversion::convertUnicodeString( const OUString& _rSource, OString& _rDest, rtl_TextEncoding _eEncoding ) { if ( !rtl_convertUStringToString( &_rDest.pData, _rSource.getStr(), _rSource.getLength(), _eEncoding, RTL_UNICODETOTEXT_FLAGS_UNDEFINED_ERROR | RTL_UNICODETOTEXT_FLAGS_UNDEFINED_REPLACE | RTL_UNICODETOTEXT_FLAGS_PRIVATE_MAPTO0 ) ) { SharedResources aResources; OUString sMessage = aResources.getResourceStringWithSubstitution( STR_CANNOT_CONVERT_STRING, "$string$", _rSource, "$charset$", lcl_getEncodingName( _eEncoding ) ); throw SQLException( sMessage, nullptr, "22018", 22018, Any() ); } return _rDest.getLength(); } sal_Int32 DBTypeConversion::convertUnicodeStringToLength( const OUString& _rSource, OString& _rDest, sal_Int32 _nMaxLen, rtl_TextEncoding _eEncoding ) { sal_Int32 nLen = convertUnicodeString( _rSource, _rDest, _eEncoding ); if ( nLen > _nMaxLen ) { SharedResources aResources; OUString sMessage = aResources.getResourceStringWithSubstitution( STR_STRING_LENGTH_EXCEEDED, "$string$", _rSource, "$maxlen$", OUString::number( _nMaxLen ), "$charset$", lcl_getEncodingName( _eEncoding ) ); throw SQLException( sMessage, nullptr, "22001", 22001, Any() ); } return nLen; } OUString getDefaultReportEngineServiceName(const Reference< XComponentContext >& _rxORB) { ::utl::OConfigurationTreeRoot aReportEngines = ::utl::OConfigurationTreeRoot::createWithComponentContext( _rxORB, "org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/ReportEngines", -1, ::utl::OConfigurationTreeRoot::CM_READONLY); if ( aReportEngines.isValid() ) { OUString sDefaultReportEngineName; aReportEngines.getNodeValue("DefaultReportEngine") >>= sDefaultReportEngineName; if ( !sDefaultReportEngineName.isEmpty() ) { ::utl::OConfigurationNode aReportEngineNames = aReportEngines.openNode("ReportEngineNames"); if ( aReportEngineNames.isValid() ) { ::utl::OConfigurationNode aReportEngine = aReportEngineNames.openNode(sDefaultReportEngineName); if ( aReportEngine.isValid() ) { OUString sRet; aReportEngine.getNodeValue("ServiceName") >>= sRet; return sRet; } } } else return "org.libreoffice.report.pentaho.SOReportJobFactory"; } else return "org.libreoffice.report.pentaho.SOReportJobFactory"; return OUString(); } bool isAggregateColumn(const Reference< XSingleSelectQueryComposer > &_xParser, const Reference< XPropertySet > &_xField) { OUString sName; _xField->getPropertyValue("Name") >>= sName; Reference< XColumnsSupplier > xColumnsSupplier(_xParser, UNO_QUERY); Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > xCols; if (xColumnsSupplier.is()) xCols = xColumnsSupplier->getColumns(); return isAggregateColumn(xCols, sName); } bool isAggregateColumn(const Reference< XNameAccess > &_xColumns, const OUString &_sName) { if ( _xColumns.is() && _xColumns->hasByName(_sName) ) { Reference xProp(_xColumns->getByName(_sName),UNO_QUERY); assert(xProp.is()); return isAggregateColumn( xProp ); } return false; } bool isAggregateColumn( const Reference< XPropertySet > &_xColumn ) { bool bAgg(false); static constexpr OUStringLiteral sAgg = u"AggregateFunction"; if ( _xColumn->getPropertySetInfo()->hasPropertyByName(sAgg) ) _xColumn->getPropertyValue(sAgg) >>= bAgg; return bAgg; } } // namespace dbtools /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */