/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace connectivity; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbc; using namespace ::com::sun::star::container; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; static ::rtl::Reference< jvmaccess::VirtualMachine > const & getJavaVM2(const ::rtl::Reference< jvmaccess::VirtualMachine >& _rVM = ::rtl::Reference< jvmaccess::VirtualMachine >(), bool _bSet = false) { static ::rtl::Reference< jvmaccess::VirtualMachine > s_VM; if ( _rVM.is() || _bSet ) s_VM = _rVM; return s_VM; } ::rtl::Reference< jvmaccess::VirtualMachine > java_lang_Object::getVM(const Reference& _rxContext) { ::rtl::Reference< jvmaccess::VirtualMachine > xVM = getJavaVM2(); if ( !xVM.is() && _rxContext.is() ) xVM = getJavaVM2(::connectivity::getJavaVM(_rxContext)); return xVM; } SDBThreadAttach::SDBThreadAttach() : m_aGuard(java_lang_Object::getVM()) , pEnv(nullptr) { pEnv = m_aGuard.getEnvironment(); OSL_ENSURE(pEnv,"Environment is nULL!"); } SDBThreadAttach::~SDBThreadAttach() { } static oslInterlockedCount& getJavaVMRefCount() { static oslInterlockedCount s_nRefCount = 0; return s_nRefCount; } void SDBThreadAttach::addRef() { osl_atomic_increment(&getJavaVMRefCount()); } void SDBThreadAttach::releaseRef() { osl_atomic_decrement(&getJavaVMRefCount()); if ( getJavaVMRefCount() == 0 ) { getJavaVM2(::rtl::Reference< jvmaccess::VirtualMachine >(),true); } } // static variables of the class jclass java_lang_Object::theClass = nullptr; jclass java_lang_Object::getMyClass() const { if( !theClass ) theClass = findMyClass("java/lang/Object"); return theClass; } // the actual constructor java_lang_Object::java_lang_Object() : object( nullptr ) { SDBThreadAttach::addRef(); } // the protected-constructor for the derived classes java_lang_Object::java_lang_Object( JNIEnv * pXEnv, jobject myObj ) : object( nullptr ) { SDBThreadAttach::addRef(); if( pXEnv && myObj ) object = pXEnv->NewGlobalRef( myObj ); } java_lang_Object::~java_lang_Object() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE { if( object ) { SDBThreadAttach t; clearObject(*t.pEnv); } SDBThreadAttach::releaseRef(); } void java_lang_Object::clearObject(JNIEnv& rEnv) { if( object ) { rEnv.DeleteGlobalRef( object ); object = nullptr; } } void java_lang_Object::clearObject() { if( object ) { SDBThreadAttach t; clearObject(*t.pEnv); } } // the protected-constructor for the derived classes void java_lang_Object::saveRef( JNIEnv * pXEnv, jobject myObj ) { OSL_ENSURE( myObj, "object in c++ -> Java Wrapper" ); if( myObj ) object = pXEnv->NewGlobalRef( myObj ); } OUString java_lang_Object::toString() const { static jmethodID mID(nullptr); return callStringMethod("toString",mID); } namespace { bool lcl_translateJNIExceptionToUNOException( JNIEnv* _pEnvironment, const Reference< XInterface >& _rxContext, SQLException& _out_rException ) { jthrowable jThrow = _pEnvironment ? _pEnvironment->ExceptionOccurred() : nullptr; if ( !jThrow ) return false; _pEnvironment->ExceptionClear(); // we have to clear the exception here because we want to handle it itself if ( _pEnvironment->IsInstanceOf( jThrow, java_sql_SQLException_BASE::st_getMyClass() ) ) { std::unique_ptr< java_sql_SQLException_BASE > pException( new java_sql_SQLException_BASE( _pEnvironment, jThrow ) ); _out_rException = SQLException( pException->getMessage(), _rxContext, pException->getSQLState(), pException->getErrorCode(), Any() ); return true; } else if ( _pEnvironment->IsInstanceOf( jThrow, java_lang_Throwable::st_getMyClass() ) ) { std::unique_ptr< java_lang_Throwable > pThrow( new java_lang_Throwable( _pEnvironment, jThrow ) ); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 pThrow->printStackTrace(); #endif OUString sMessage = pThrow->getMessage(); if ( sMessage.isEmpty() ) sMessage = pThrow->getLocalizedMessage(); if( sMessage.isEmpty() ) sMessage = pThrow->toString(); _out_rException = SQLException( sMessage, _rxContext, OUString(), -1, Any() ); return true; } else _pEnvironment->DeleteLocalRef( jThrow ); return false; } } void java_lang_Object::ThrowLoggedSQLException( const ::comphelper::EventLogger& _rLogger, JNIEnv* _pEnvironment, const Reference< XInterface >& _rxContext ) { SQLException aException; if ( lcl_translateJNIExceptionToUNOException( _pEnvironment, _rxContext, aException ) ) { _rLogger.log( css::logging::LogLevel::SEVERE, STR_LOG_THROWING_EXCEPTION, aException.Message, aException.SQLState, aException.ErrorCode ); throw aException; } } void java_lang_Object::ThrowSQLException( JNIEnv* _pEnvironment, const Reference< XInterface>& _rxContext ) { SQLException aException; if ( lcl_translateJNIExceptionToUNOException( _pEnvironment, _rxContext, aException ) ) throw aException; } void java_lang_Object::ThrowRuntimeException( JNIEnv* _pEnvironment, const Reference< XInterface>& _rxContext ) { try { ThrowSQLException(_pEnvironment, _rxContext); } catch (const SQLException& e) { css::uno::Any anyEx = cppu::getCaughtException(); throw css::lang::WrappedTargetRuntimeException( e.Message, e.Context, anyEx ); } } void java_lang_Object::obtainMethodId_throwSQL(JNIEnv* _pEnv,const char* _pMethodName, const char* _pSignature,jmethodID& _inout_MethodID) const { if ( !_inout_MethodID ) { _inout_MethodID = _pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), _pMethodName, _pSignature ); OSL_ENSURE( _inout_MethodID, _pSignature ); if ( !_inout_MethodID ) throw SQLException(); } // if ( !_inout_MethodID ) } void java_lang_Object::obtainMethodId_throwRuntime(JNIEnv* _pEnv,const char* _pMethodName, const char* _pSignature,jmethodID& _inout_MethodID) const { if ( !_inout_MethodID ) { _inout_MethodID = _pEnv->GetMethodID( getMyClass(), _pMethodName, _pSignature ); OSL_ENSURE( _inout_MethodID, _pSignature ); if ( !_inout_MethodID ) throw RuntimeException(); } // if ( !_inout_MethodID ) } bool java_lang_Object::callBooleanMethod( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID ) const { jboolean out( false ); SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callBooleanMethod: no Java environment anymore!" ); obtainMethodId_throwSQL(t.pEnv, _pMethodName,"()Z", _inout_MethodID); // call method out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, _inout_MethodID ); ThrowSQLException( t.pEnv, nullptr ); return out; } bool java_lang_Object::callBooleanMethodWithIntArg( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID, sal_Int32 _nArgument ) const { jboolean out( false ); SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callBooleanMethodWithIntArg: no Java environment anymore!" ); obtainMethodId_throwSQL(t.pEnv, _pMethodName,"(I)Z", _inout_MethodID); // call method out = t.pEnv->CallBooleanMethod( object, _inout_MethodID, _nArgument ); ThrowSQLException( t.pEnv, nullptr ); return out; } jobject java_lang_Object::callResultSetMethod( JNIEnv& _rEnv,const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID ) const { // call method jobject out = callObjectMethod(&_rEnv,_pMethodName,"()Ljava/sql/ResultSet;", _inout_MethodID); return out; } sal_Int32 java_lang_Object::callIntMethod_ThrowSQL(const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID) const { SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callIntMethod: no Java environment anymore!" ); obtainMethodId_throwSQL(t.pEnv, _pMethodName,"()I", _inout_MethodID); // call method jint out( t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, _inout_MethodID ) ); ThrowSQLException( t.pEnv, nullptr ); return static_cast(out); } sal_Int32 java_lang_Object::callIntMethod_ThrowRuntime(const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID) const { SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callIntMethod: no Java environment anymore!" ); obtainMethodId_throwRuntime(t.pEnv, _pMethodName,"()I", _inout_MethodID); // call method jint out( t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, _inout_MethodID ) ); ThrowRuntimeException(t.pEnv, nullptr); return static_cast(out); } sal_Int32 java_lang_Object::callIntMethodWithIntArg_ThrowSQL( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID,sal_Int32 _nArgument ) const { SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callIntMethod: no Java environment anymore!" ); obtainMethodId_throwSQL(t.pEnv, _pMethodName,"(I)I", _inout_MethodID); // call method jint out( t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, _inout_MethodID , _nArgument) ); ThrowSQLException( t.pEnv, nullptr ); return static_cast(out); } sal_Int32 java_lang_Object::callIntMethodWithIntArg_ThrowRuntime( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID,sal_Int32 _nArgument ) const { SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callIntMethod: no Java environment anymore!" ); obtainMethodId_throwRuntime(t.pEnv, _pMethodName,"(I)I", _inout_MethodID); // call method jint out( t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, _inout_MethodID , _nArgument) ); ThrowRuntimeException(t.pEnv, nullptr); return static_cast(out); } void java_lang_Object::callVoidMethod_ThrowSQL( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID) const { SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callIntMethod: no Java environment anymore!" ); obtainMethodId_throwSQL(t.pEnv, _pMethodName,"()V", _inout_MethodID); // call method t.pEnv->CallVoidMethod( object, _inout_MethodID ); ThrowSQLException( t.pEnv, nullptr ); } void java_lang_Object::callVoidMethod_ThrowRuntime( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID) const { SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callIntMethod: no Java environment anymore!" ); obtainMethodId_throwRuntime(t.pEnv, _pMethodName,"()V", _inout_MethodID); // call method t.pEnv->CallVoidMethod( object, _inout_MethodID ); ThrowRuntimeException(t.pEnv, nullptr); } void java_lang_Object::callVoidMethodWithIntArg_ThrowSQL( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID, sal_Int32 _nArgument ) const { SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callIntMethod: no Java environment anymore!" ); obtainMethodId_throwSQL(t.pEnv, _pMethodName,"(I)V", _inout_MethodID); // call method t.pEnv->CallVoidMethod( object, _inout_MethodID,_nArgument ); ThrowSQLException( t.pEnv, nullptr ); } void java_lang_Object::callVoidMethodWithIntArg_ThrowRuntime( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID, sal_Int32 _nArgument ) const { SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callIntMethod: no Java environment anymore!" ); obtainMethodId_throwRuntime(t.pEnv, _pMethodName,"(I)V", _inout_MethodID); // call method t.pEnv->CallVoidMethod( object, _inout_MethodID,_nArgument ); ThrowRuntimeException(t.pEnv, nullptr); } void java_lang_Object::callVoidMethodWithBoolArg_ThrowSQL( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID, bool _nArgument ) const { SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callIntMethod: no Java environment anymore!" ); obtainMethodId_throwSQL(t.pEnv, _pMethodName,"(Z)V", _inout_MethodID); // call method t.pEnv->CallVoidMethod( object, _inout_MethodID,int(_nArgument) ); ThrowSQLException( t.pEnv, nullptr ); } void java_lang_Object::callVoidMethodWithBoolArg_ThrowRuntime( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID, bool _nArgument ) const { SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callIntMethod: no Java environment anymore!" ); obtainMethodId_throwRuntime(t.pEnv, _pMethodName,"(Z)V", _inout_MethodID); // call method t.pEnv->CallVoidMethod( object, _inout_MethodID,int(_nArgument) ); ThrowRuntimeException(t.pEnv, nullptr); } OUString java_lang_Object::callStringMethod( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID ) const { SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callStringMethod: no Java environment anymore!" ); // call method jstring out = static_cast(callObjectMethod(t.pEnv,_pMethodName,"()Ljava/lang/String;", _inout_MethodID)); return JavaString2String( t.pEnv, out ); } jobject java_lang_Object::callObjectMethod( JNIEnv * _pEnv,const char* _pMethodName,const char* _pSignature, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID ) const { // obtain method ID obtainMethodId_throwSQL(_pEnv, _pMethodName,_pSignature, _inout_MethodID); // call method jobject out = _pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, _inout_MethodID); ThrowSQLException( _pEnv, nullptr ); return out; } jobject java_lang_Object::callObjectMethodWithIntArg( JNIEnv * _pEnv,const char* _pMethodName,const char* _pSignature, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID , sal_Int32 _nArgument) const { obtainMethodId_throwSQL(_pEnv, _pMethodName,_pSignature, _inout_MethodID); // call method jobject out = _pEnv->CallObjectMethod( object, _inout_MethodID,_nArgument ); ThrowSQLException( _pEnv, nullptr ); return out; } OUString java_lang_Object::callStringMethodWithIntArg( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID , sal_Int32 _nArgument) const { SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callStringMethod: no Java environment anymore!" ); jstring out = static_cast(callObjectMethodWithIntArg(t.pEnv,_pMethodName,"(I)Ljava/lang/String;",_inout_MethodID,_nArgument)); return JavaString2String( t.pEnv, out ); } void java_lang_Object::callVoidMethodWithStringArg( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID,const OUString& _nArgument ) const { SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callIntMethod: no Java environment anymore!" ); obtainMethodId_throwSQL(t.pEnv, _pMethodName,"(Ljava/lang/String;)V", _inout_MethodID); jdbc::LocalRef< jstring > str( t.env(),convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,_nArgument)); // call method t.pEnv->CallVoidMethod( object, _inout_MethodID , str.get()); ThrowSQLException( t.pEnv, nullptr ); } sal_Int32 java_lang_Object::callIntMethodWithStringArg( const char* _pMethodName, jmethodID& _inout_MethodID,const OUString& _nArgument ) const { SDBThreadAttach t; OSL_ENSURE( t.pEnv, "java_lang_Object::callIntMethodWithStringArg: no Java environment anymore!" ); obtainMethodId_throwSQL(t.pEnv, _pMethodName,"(Ljava/lang/String;)I", _inout_MethodID); //TODO: Check if the code below is needed //jdbc::LocalRef< jstring > str( t.env(), convertwchar_tToJavaString( t.pEnv, sql ) ); //{ // jdbc::ContextClassLoaderScope ccl( t.env(), // m_pConnection ? m_pConnection->getDriverClassLoader() : jdbc::GlobalRef< jobject >(), // m_aLogger, // *this // ); jdbc::LocalRef< jstring > str( t.env(),convertwchar_tToJavaString(t.pEnv,_nArgument)); // call method jint out = t.pEnv->CallIntMethod( object, _inout_MethodID , str.get()); ThrowSQLException( t.pEnv, nullptr ); return static_cast(out); } jclass java_lang_Object::findMyClass(const char* _pClassName) { // the class must be fetched only once, therefore static SDBThreadAttach t; jclass tempClass = t.pEnv->FindClass(_pClassName); OSL_ENSURE(tempClass,"Java : FindClass not successful!"); if(!tempClass) { t.pEnv->ExceptionDescribe(); t.pEnv->ExceptionClear(); } jclass globClass = static_cast(t.pEnv->NewGlobalRef( tempClass )); t.pEnv->DeleteLocalRef( tempClass ); return globClass; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */