/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include "diagnose_ex.h"
#include "MConnection.hxx"
#include "MDatabaseMetaData.hxx"
#include "MDriver.hxx"
#include "MColumnAlias.hxx"
#include "MStatement.hxx"
#include "MPreparedStatement.hxx"

#include <connectivity/dbcharset.hxx>
#include <connectivity/dbexception.hxx>
#include <connectivity/sqlerror.hxx>

#include "resource/mozab_res.hrc"
#include "resource/common_res.hrc"

#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/ColumnValue.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XRow.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/TransactionIsolation.hpp>

#include <comphelper/officeresourcebundle.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>

# define OUtoCStr( x ) ( OUStringToOString ( (x), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US).getStr())
#else /* OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL */
# define OUtoCStr( x ) ("dummy")
#endif /* OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL */

extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT void*  SAL_CALL OMozabConnection_CreateInstance(
    void* _pDriver)
    return (new connectivity::mozab::OConnection( reinterpret_cast<connectivity::mozab::MozabDriver*>(_pDriver) ));

using namespace dbtools;

using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace com::sun::star::sdbc;
using namespace com::sun::star::sdbcx;

namespace connectivity { namespace mozab {

// = ConnectionImplData

struct ConnectionImplData
    ::boost::shared_ptr< ::comphelper::OfficeResourceBundle >   pResourceBundle;

#ifdef __MINGW32__
extern "C"
const sal_Char* getSdbcScheme( SdbcScheme _eScheme )
    switch ( _eScheme )
        case SDBC_MOZILLA:          return "mozilla";
        case SDBC_THUNDERBIRD:      return "thunderbird";
        case SDBC_LDAP:             return "ldap";
        case SDBC_OUTLOOK_MAPI:     return "outlook";
        case SDBC_OUTLOOK_EXPRESS:  return "outlookexp";
    return NULL;

OUString OConnection::getDriverImplementationName()
    return OUString(MOZAB_DRIVER_IMPL_NAME);

const sal_Char* getSchemeURI( MozillaScheme _eScheme )
    switch ( _eScheme )
    case SCHEME_MOZILLA          : return "moz-abdirectory://";
    case SCHEME_MOZILLA_MDB      : return "moz-abmdbdirectory://";
    case SCHEME_LDAP             : return "moz-abldapdirectory://";
    case SCHEME_OUTLOOK_MAPI     : return "moz-aboutlookdirectory://op/";
    case SCHEME_OUTLOOK_EXPRESS  : return "moz-aboutlookdirectory://oe/";
    return NULL;

OConnection::OConnection(MozabDriver*   _pDriver)
    :OSubComponent<OConnection, OConnection_BASE>((::cppu::OWeakObject*)_pDriver, this)
    ,m_pImplData( new ConnectionImplData )
    ,m_aColumnAlias( _pDriver->getMSFactory() )
    ,m_nMaxResultRecords( -1 )


    m_pDriver = NULL;

void SAL_CALL OConnection::release() throw()

void OConnection::construct(const OUString& url,const Sequence< PropertyValue >& info)  throw(SQLException)
    OSL_TRACE("IN OConnection::construct()" );
    //  open file

    // Skip 'sdbc:mozab: part of URL

    sal_Int32 nLen = url.indexOf(':');
    nLen = url.indexOf(':',nLen+1);
    OSL_ENSURE( url.copy( 0, nLen ) == "sdbc:address", "OConnection::construct: invalid start of the URI - should never have survived XDriver::acceptsURL!" );

    OUString aAddrbookURI(url.copy(nLen+1));
    // Get Scheme
    nLen = aAddrbookURI.indexOf(':');
    OUString aAddrbookScheme;
    OUString sAdditionalInfo;
    if ( nLen == -1 )
        // There isn't any subschema: - but could be just subschema
        if ( !aAddrbookURI.isEmpty() )
            aAddrbookScheme= aAddrbookURI;
            OSL_TRACE( "No subschema given!!!");
            throwSQLException( STR_URI_SYNTAX_ERROR, *this );
        aAddrbookScheme = aAddrbookURI.copy(0, nLen);
        sAdditionalInfo = aAddrbookURI.copy( nLen + 1 );

    OSL_TRACE("URI = %s", ((OUtoCStr(aAddrbookURI)) ? (OUtoCStr(aAddrbookURI)):("NULL")) );
    OSL_TRACE("Scheme = %s\n", ((OUtoCStr(aAddrbookScheme)) ?  (OUtoCStr(aAddrbookScheme)):("NULL")) );

    // Now we have a URI convert it to a MozillaURI
    // The Mapping being used is:
    // * for Mozilla
    //      "sdbc:address:mozilla:"        -> abdirectory://
    // * for LDAP
    //      "sdbc:address:ldap:"           -> abldapdirectory://
    // * for Outlook (using MAPI API)
    //      "sdbc:address:outlook:"        -> aboutlookdirectory://op/
    // * for windows system address book
    //      "sdbc:address:outlookexp:"     -> aboutlookdirectory://oe/
        m_sBindDN   = "";
        m_sPassword = "";
        m_bUseSSL   = sal_False;

    if ( aAddrbookScheme.equalsAscii( getSdbcScheme( SDBC_MOZILLA ) ) ) {
        m_sMozillaURI = OUString::createFromAscii( getSchemeURI( SCHEME_MOZILLA ) );
        m_eSDBCAddressType = SDBCAddress::Mozilla;
            m_sMozillaProfile = sAdditionalInfo;
    if ( aAddrbookScheme.equalsAscii( getSdbcScheme( SDBC_THUNDERBIRD ) ) ) {
        //Yes. I am sure it is SCHEME_MOZILLA
        m_sMozillaURI = OUString::createFromAscii( getSchemeURI( SCHEME_MOZILLA ) );
        m_eSDBCAddressType = SDBCAddress::ThunderBird;
            m_sMozillaProfile = sAdditionalInfo;
    else if ( aAddrbookScheme.equalsAscii( getSdbcScheme( SDBC_LDAP ) ) ) {
        OUString sBaseDN;
        sal_Int32     nPortNumber = -1;

        m_sMozillaURI = OUString::createFromAscii( getSchemeURI( SCHEME_LDAP ) );
        m_eSDBCAddressType = SDBCAddress::LDAP;

        if ( m_sHostName.isEmpty() )
            // see whether the URI contains a hostname/port
            if ( !sAdditionalInfo.isEmpty() )
                sal_Int32 nPortSeparator = sAdditionalInfo.indexOf( ':' );
                if ( nPortSeparator == -1 )
                    m_sHostName = sAdditionalInfo;
                    m_sHostName = sAdditionalInfo.copy( 0, nPortSeparator );
                    nPortNumber = sAdditionalInfo.copy( nPortSeparator + 1 ).toInt32();
                    OSL_ENSURE( nPortNumber != 0, "OConnection::construct: invalid LDAP port number in the URL!" );
                    if ( nPortNumber == 0 )
                        nPortNumber = -1;

        const PropertyValue* pInfo = info.getConstArray();
        const PropertyValue* pInfoEnd = pInfo + info.getLength();

        for (; pInfo != pInfoEnd; ++pInfo)
            OSL_TRACE( "info[%d].Name = %s", pInfo - info.getConstArray(), OUtoCStr( pInfo->Name ) );

            if ( pInfo->Name.equalsAscii("HostName") )
                pInfo->Value >>= m_sHostName;
            else if ( pInfo->Name.equalsAscii("BaseDN") )
                pInfo->Value >>= sBaseDN;
            else if ( pInfo->Name.equalsAscii("user") )
                pInfo->Value >>= m_sBindDN;
            else if ( pInfo->Name.equalsAscii("password") )
                pInfo->Value >>= m_sPassword;
            else if ( pInfo->Name.equalsAscii("UseSSL") )
                pInfo->Value >>= m_bUseSSL;
            else if ( pInfo->Name.equalsAscii("PortNumber") )
                OSL_VERIFY( pInfo->Value >>= nPortNumber );
            else if ( pInfo->Name.equalsAscii("MaxRowCount") )
                pInfo->Value >>= m_nMaxResultRecords;

        if ( !m_sHostName.isEmpty() ) {
            m_sMozillaURI += m_sHostName;
            throwSQLException( STR_NO_HOSTNAME, *this );

        if ( nPortNumber > 0 ) {
            m_sMozillaURI += ":";
            m_sMozillaURI += OUString::number( nPortNumber );

        if ( !sBaseDN.isEmpty() ) {
            m_sMozillaURI += "/";
            m_sMozillaURI += sBaseDN;
            throwSQLException( STR_NO_BASEDN, *this );

        // Addition of a fake query to enable the Mozilla LDAP directory to work correctly.
        m_sMozillaURI += "?(or(DisplayName,=,DontDoThisAtHome)))";

    else if ( aAddrbookScheme.equalsAscii( getSdbcScheme( SDBC_OUTLOOK_MAPI ) ) ) {
        m_sMozillaURI       = OUString::createFromAscii( getSchemeURI( SCHEME_OUTLOOK_MAPI ) );
        m_eSDBCAddressType = SDBCAddress::Outlook;
    else if ( aAddrbookScheme.equalsAscii( getSdbcScheme( SDBC_OUTLOOK_EXPRESS ) ) ) {
        m_sMozillaURI       = OUString::createFromAscii( getSchemeURI( SCHEME_OUTLOOK_EXPRESS ) );
        m_eSDBCAddressType = SDBCAddress::OutlookExp;
        OSL_TRACE("Invalid subschema given!!!");
        throwSQLException( STR_URI_SYNTAX_ERROR, *this );

    OSL_TRACE("Moz URI = %s, %s", ((OUtoCStr(m_sMozillaURI)) ? (OUtoCStr(m_sMozillaURI)):("NULL")), usesFactory() ? "uses factory" : "no factory");
    OSL_TRACE( "\tOUT OConnection::construct()\n" );

    MDatabaseMetaDataHelper     _aDbHelper;

    // The creation of the nsIAbDirectory i/f for LDAP doesn't actually test
    // the validity of the connection, it's normally delayed until the query
    // is executed, but it's a bit late then to fail...
    if ( isLDAP() )
        if ( !_aDbHelper.testLDAPConnection( this ) )
            OSL_TRACE("testLDAPConnection : FAILED" );
            throwSQLException( _aDbHelper.getError(), *this );
            OSL_TRACE("testLDAPConnection : SUCCESS" );

    // Test connection by getting to get the Table Names
    ::std::vector< OUString > tables;
    ::std::vector< OUString > types;
    if ( !_aDbHelper.getTableStrings( this, tables, types ) )
        throwSQLException( _aDbHelper.getError(), *this );

// XServiceInfo

IMPLEMENT_SERVICE_INFO(OConnection, "com.sun.star.sdbc.drivers.mozab.OConnection", "com.sun.star.sdbc.Connection")

Reference< XStatement > SAL_CALL OConnection::createStatement(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );

    // create a statement
    // the statement can only be executed once
    Reference< XStatement > xReturn = new OStatement(this);
    return xReturn;

Reference< XPreparedStatement > SAL_CALL OConnection::prepareStatement( const OUString& _sSql ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );

    OSL_TRACE("OConnection::prepareStatement( %s )", OUtoCStr( _sSql ) );
    // the pre
    // create a statement
    // the statement can only be executed more than once
    OPreparedStatement* pPrepared = new OPreparedStatement(this,_sSql);
    Reference< XPreparedStatement > xReturn = pPrepared;

    return xReturn;

Reference< XPreparedStatement > SAL_CALL OConnection::prepareCall( const OUString& _sSql ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    OSL_UNUSED( _sSql );
    ::dbtools::throwFeatureNotImplementedSQLException( "XConnection::prepareCall", *this );
    OSL_TRACE("OConnection::prepareCall( %s )", OUtoCStr( _sSql ) );
    return NULL;

OUString SAL_CALL OConnection::nativeSQL( const OUString& _sSql ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );
    // when you need to transform SQL92 to you driver specific you can do it here
    OSL_TRACE("OConnection::nativeSQL( %s )", OUtoCStr( _sSql ) );

    return _sSql;

void SAL_CALL OConnection::setAutoCommit( sal_Bool /*autoCommit*/ ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    ::dbtools::throwFeatureNotImplementedSQLException( "XConnection::setAutoCommit", *this );

sal_Bool SAL_CALL OConnection::getAutoCommit(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    // you have to distinguish which if you are in autocommit mode or not
    // at normal case true should be fine here

    return sal_True;

void SAL_CALL OConnection::commit(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    // when you database does support transactions you should commit here

void SAL_CALL OConnection::rollback(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    // same as commit but for the other case

sal_Bool SAL_CALL OConnection::isClosed(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );

    // just simple -> we are close when we are disposed that means someone called dispose(); (XComponent)
    return OConnection_BASE::rBHelper.bDisposed;

Reference< XDatabaseMetaData > SAL_CALL OConnection::getMetaData(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );

    // here we have to create the class with biggest interface
    // The answer is 42 :-)
    Reference< XDatabaseMetaData > xMetaData = m_xMetaData;
        xMetaData = new ODatabaseMetaData(this); // need the connection because it can return it
        m_xMetaData = xMetaData;

    return xMetaData;

void SAL_CALL OConnection::setReadOnly( sal_Bool /*readOnly*/ ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    ::dbtools::throwFeatureNotImplementedSQLException( "XConnection::setReadOnly", *this );

sal_Bool SAL_CALL OConnection::isReadOnly(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    // return if your connection to readonly
    return sal_False;

void SAL_CALL OConnection::setCatalog( const OUString& /*catalog*/ ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    ::dbtools::throwFeatureNotImplementedSQLException( "XConnection::setCatalog", *this );

OUString SAL_CALL OConnection::getCatalog(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    // return your current catalog
    return OUString();

void SAL_CALL OConnection::setTransactionIsolation( sal_Int32 /*level*/ ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    ::dbtools::throwFeatureNotImplementedSQLException( "XConnection::setTransactionIsolation", *this );

sal_Int32 SAL_CALL OConnection::getTransactionIsolation(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    // please have a look at @see com.sun.star.sdbc.TransactionIsolation
    return TransactionIsolation::NONE;

Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess > SAL_CALL OConnection::getTypeMap(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    // if your driver has special database types you can return it here
    return NULL;

void SAL_CALL OConnection::setTypeMap( const Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess >& /*typeMap*/ ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    ::dbtools::throwFeatureNotImplementedSQLException( "XConnection::setTypeMap", *this );

// XCloseable
void SAL_CALL OConnection::close(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    // we just dispose us
        ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );


// XWarningsSupplier
Any SAL_CALL OConnection::getWarnings(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    // when you collected some warnings -> return it
    return Any();

void SAL_CALL OConnection::clearWarnings(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
    // you should clear your collected warnings here

void OConnection::disposing()
    // we noticed that we should be destroied in near future so we have to dispose our statements
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);


    if ( m_aNameMapper ) {
        MQuery::FreeNameMapper( m_aNameMapper );
        m_aNameMapper = NULL;


Reference< XTablesSupplier > SAL_CALL OConnection::createCatalog()
    OSL_TRACE("IN OConnection::createCatalog()" );
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );
    Reference< XTablesSupplier > xTab = m_xCatalog;
        OCatalog *pCat = new OCatalog(this);
        xTab = pCat;
        m_xCatalog = xTab;
    OSL_TRACE( "\tOUT OConnection::createCatalog()" );
    return xTab;

MNameMapper* OConnection::getNameMapper ()
    if (m_aNameMapper==NULL)
        m_aNameMapper = MQuery::CreateNameMapper();

    return m_aNameMapper;

void OConnection::throwSQLException( const ErrorDescriptor& _rError, const Reference< XInterface >& _rxContext )
    if ( _rError.getResId() != 0 )
        OSL_ENSURE( ( _rError.getErrorCondition() == 0 ),
            "OConnection::throwSQLException: unsupported error code combination!" );

        OUString sParameter( _rError.getParameter() );
        if ( !sParameter.isEmpty() )
            const OUString sError( getResources().getResourceStringWithSubstitution(
                "$1$", sParameter
             ) );
            ::dbtools::throwGenericSQLException( sError, _rxContext );
            OSL_FAIL( "OConnection::throwSQLException: unreachable (1)!" );

        throwGenericSQLException( _rError.getResId(), _rxContext );
        OSL_FAIL( "OConnection::throwSQLException: unreachable (2)!" );

    if ( _rError.getErrorCondition() != 0 )
        SQLError aErrorHelper( comphelper::getComponentContext(getDriver()->getMSFactory()) );
        OUString sParameter( _rError.getParameter() );
        if ( !sParameter.isEmpty() )
            aErrorHelper.raiseException( _rError.getErrorCondition(), _rxContext, sParameter );
            aErrorHelper.raiseException( _rError.getErrorCondition(), _rxContext);
        OSL_FAIL( "OConnection::throwSQLException: unreachable (3)!" );

    throwGenericSQLException( STR_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR, _rxContext );

void OConnection::throwSQLException( const sal_uInt16 _nErrorResourceId, const Reference< XInterface >& _rxContext )
    ErrorDescriptor aError;
    aError.setResId( _nErrorResourceId );
    throwSQLException( aError, _rxContext );

} } // namespace connectivity::mozab

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