/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
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 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <config_fuzzers.h>

#include "mdrivermanager.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/configuration/theDefaultProvider.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XDriver.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XContentEnumerationAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/ElementExistException.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/NamedValue.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/logging/LogLevel.hpp>

#include <comphelper/diagnose_ex.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/implbase.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/supportsservice.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/weak.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

namespace drivermanager

using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbc;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::logging;
using namespace ::osl;

constexpr OUStringLiteral SERVICE_SDBC_DRIVER = u"com.sun.star.sdbc.Driver";

/// @throws NoSuchElementException
static void throwNoSuchElementException()
    throw NoSuchElementException();

class ODriverEnumeration : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< XEnumeration >
    friend class OSDBCDriverManager;

    typedef std::vector< Reference< XDriver > > DriverArray;
    DriverArray                 m_aDrivers;
    DriverArray::const_iterator m_aPos;
    // order matters!

    virtual ~ODriverEnumeration() override;
    explicit ODriverEnumeration(DriverArray&& _rDriverSequence);

// XEnumeration
    virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasMoreElements( ) override;
    virtual Any SAL_CALL nextElement( ) override;

ODriverEnumeration::ODriverEnumeration(DriverArray&& _rDriverSequence)
    :m_aDrivers( std::move(_rDriverSequence) )
    ,m_aPos( m_aDrivers.begin() )


sal_Bool SAL_CALL ODriverEnumeration::hasMoreElements(  )
    return m_aPos != m_aDrivers.end();

Any SAL_CALL ODriverEnumeration::nextElement(  )
    if ( !hasMoreElements() )

    return Any( *m_aPos++ );

    /// an STL functor which ensures that a SdbcDriver described by a DriverAccess is loaded
    struct EnsureDriver
        explicit EnsureDriver( const Reference< XComponentContext > &rxContext )
            : mxContext( rxContext ) {}

        const DriverAccess& operator()( const DriverAccess& _rDescriptor ) const
            // we did not load this driver, yet
            if (_rDescriptor.xDriver.is())
                return _rDescriptor;

            // we have a factory for it
            if (_rDescriptor.xComponentFactory.is())
                DriverAccess& rDesc = const_cast<DriverAccess&>(_rDescriptor);
                    //load driver
                        rDesc.xComponentFactory->createInstanceWithContext(mxContext), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
                catch (const Exception&)
                    //failure, abandon driver
            return _rDescriptor;

        Reference< XComponentContext > mxContext;

    /// an STL functor which extracts a SdbcDriver from a DriverAccess
    struct ExtractDriverFromAccess
        const Reference<XDriver>& operator()( const DriverAccess& _rAccess ) const
            return _rAccess.xDriver;

    struct ExtractDriverFromCollectionElement
        const Reference<XDriver>& operator()( const DriverCollection::value_type& _rElement ) const
            return _rElement.second;

    // predicate for checking whether or not a driver accepts a given URL
    bool AcceptsURL( const OUString& _rURL, const Reference<XDriver>& _rDriver )
        // ask the driver
        return _rDriver.is() && _rDriver->acceptsURL( _rURL );

    sal_Int32 lcl_getDriverPrecedence( const Reference<XComponentContext>& _rContext, Sequence< OUString >& _rPrecedence )
        _rPrecedence.realloc( 0 );
            // create a configuration provider
            Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xConfigurationProvider(
                css::configuration::theDefaultProvider::get( _rContext ) );

            // one argument for creating the node access: the path to the configuration node
            Sequence< Any > aCreationArgs{ Any(NamedValue(
                "nodepath", Any( OUString("org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/DriverManager") ) )) };

            // create the node access
            Reference< XNameAccess > xDriverManagerNode(
                xConfigurationProvider->createInstanceWithArguments("com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationAccess", aCreationArgs),

            OSL_ENSURE(xDriverManagerNode.is(), "lcl_getDriverPrecedence: could not open my configuration node!");
            if (xDriverManagerNode.is())
                // obtain the preference list
                Any aPreferences = xDriverManagerNode->getByName("DriverPrecedence");
                bool bSuccess = aPreferences >>= _rPrecedence;
                OSL_ENSURE(bSuccess || !aPreferences.hasValue(), "lcl_getDriverPrecedence: invalid value for the preferences node (no string sequence but not NULL)!");
        catch( const Exception& )

        return _rPrecedence.getLength();

    /// an STL algorithm compatible predicate comparing two DriverAccess instances by their implementation names
    struct CompareDriverAccessByName

        bool operator()( const DriverAccess& lhs, const DriverAccess& rhs )
            return lhs.sImplementationName < rhs.sImplementationName;

    /// and an STL algorithm compatible predicate comparing the impl name of a DriverAccess to a string
    struct EqualDriverAccessToName
        OUString m_sImplName;
        explicit EqualDriverAccessToName(OUString _sImplName) : m_sImplName(std::move(_sImplName)){}

        bool operator()( const DriverAccess& lhs)
            return lhs.sImplementationName == m_sImplName;

OSDBCDriverManager::OSDBCDriverManager( const Reference< XComponentContext >& _rxContext )
    ,m_xContext( _rxContext )
    ,m_aEventLogger( _rxContext, "org.openoffice.logging.sdbc.DriverManager" )
    // bootstrap all objects supporting the .sdb.Driver service

    // initialize the drivers order


void OSDBCDriverManager::bootstrapDrivers()
    Reference< XContentEnumerationAccess > xEnumAccess( m_xContext->getServiceManager(), UNO_QUERY );
    Reference< XEnumeration > xEnumDrivers;
    if (xEnumAccess.is())
        xEnumDrivers = xEnumAccess->createContentEnumeration(SERVICE_SDBC_DRIVER);

    OSL_ENSURE( xEnumDrivers.is(), "OSDBCDriverManager::bootstrapDrivers: no enumeration for the drivers available!" );
    if (!xEnumDrivers.is())

    Reference< XSingleComponentFactory > xFactory;
    Reference< XServiceInfo > xSI;
    while (xEnumDrivers->hasMoreElements())
        xFactory.set(xEnumDrivers->nextElement(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
        OSL_ENSURE( xFactory.is(), "OSDBCDriverManager::bootstrapDrivers: no factory extracted" );

        if ( xFactory.is() )
            // we got a factory for the driver
            DriverAccess aDriverDescriptor;
            bool bValidDescriptor = false;

            // can it tell us something about the implementation name?
            xSI.set(xFactory, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
            if ( xSI.is() )
            {   // yes -> no need to load the driver immediately (load it later when needed)
                aDriverDescriptor.sImplementationName = xSI->getImplementationName();
                aDriverDescriptor.xComponentFactory = xFactory;
                bValidDescriptor = true;

                m_aEventLogger.log( LogLevel::CONFIG,
                    "found SDBC driver $1$, no need to load it",
                // no -> create the driver
                Reference< XDriver > xDriver( xFactory->createInstanceWithContext( m_xContext ), UNO_QUERY );
                OSL_ENSURE( xDriver.is(), "OSDBCDriverManager::bootstrapDrivers: a driver which is no driver?!" );

                if ( xDriver.is() )
                    aDriverDescriptor.xDriver = xDriver;
                    // and obtain its implementation name
                    xSI.set(xDriver, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
                    OSL_ENSURE( xSI.is(), "OSDBCDriverManager::bootstrapDrivers: a driver without service info?" );
                    if ( xSI.is() )
                        aDriverDescriptor.sImplementationName = xSI->getImplementationName();
                        bValidDescriptor = true;

                        m_aEventLogger.log( LogLevel::CONFIG,
                            "found SDBC driver $1$, needed to load it",

            if ( bValidDescriptor )
                m_aDriversBS.push_back( aDriverDescriptor );

void OSDBCDriverManager::initializeDriverPrecedence()
    if ( m_aDriversBS.empty() )
        // nothing to do

        // get the precedence of the drivers from the configuration
        Sequence< OUString > aDriverOrder;
        if ( 0 == lcl_getDriverPrecedence( m_xContext, aDriverOrder ) )
            // nothing to do

        // aDriverOrder now is the list of driver implementation names in the order they should be used

        if ( m_aEventLogger.isLoggable( LogLevel::CONFIG ) )
            sal_Int32 nOrderedCount = aDriverOrder.getLength();
            for ( sal_Int32 i=0; i<nOrderedCount; ++i )
            m_aEventLogger.log( LogLevel::CONFIG,
                "configuration's driver order: driver $1$ of $2$: $3$",
                static_cast<sal_Int32>(i + 1), nOrderedCount, aDriverOrder[i]

        // sort our bootstrapped drivers
        std::sort( m_aDriversBS.begin(), m_aDriversBS.end(), CompareDriverAccessByName() );

        // the first driver for which there is no preference
        DriverAccessArray::iterator aNoPrefDriversStart = m_aDriversBS.begin();
            // at the moment this is the first of all drivers we know

        // loop through the names in the precedence order
        for ( const OUString& rDriverOrder : std::as_const(aDriverOrder) )
            if (aNoPrefDriversStart == m_aDriversBS.end())

            DriverAccess driver_order;
            driver_order.sImplementationName = rDriverOrder;

            // look for the impl name in the DriverAccess array
            std::pair< DriverAccessArray::iterator, DriverAccessArray::iterator > aPos =
                std::equal_range( aNoPrefDriversStart, m_aDriversBS.end(), driver_order, CompareDriverAccessByName() );

            if ( aPos.first != aPos.second )
            {   // we have a DriverAccess with this impl name

                OSL_ENSURE( std::distance( aPos.first, aPos.second ) == 1,
                    "OSDBCDriverManager::initializeDriverPrecedence: more than one driver with this impl name? How this?" );
                // move the DriverAccess pointed to by aPos.first to the position pointed to by aNoPrefDriversStart

                if ( aPos.first != aNoPrefDriversStart )
                {   // if this does not hold, the DriverAccess already has the correct position

                    // rotate the range [aNoPrefDriversStart, aPos.second) right 1 element
                    std::rotate( aNoPrefDriversStart, aPos.second - 1, aPos.second );

                // next round we start searching and pos right
    catch (Exception&)
        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "connectivity.hsqldb", "OSDBCDriverManager::initializeDriverPrecedence: caught an exception while sorting the drivers!");

Reference< XConnection > SAL_CALL OSDBCDriverManager::getConnection( const OUString& _rURL )
    MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);

    m_aEventLogger.log( LogLevel::INFO,
        "connection requested for URL $1$",

    Reference< XConnection > xConnection;
    Reference< XDriver > xDriver = implGetDriverForURL(_rURL);
    if (xDriver.is())
        // TODO : handle the login timeout
        xConnection = xDriver->connect(_rURL, Sequence< PropertyValue >());
        // may throw an exception
        m_aEventLogger.log( LogLevel::INFO,
            "connection retrieved for URL $1$",

    return xConnection;

Reference< XConnection > SAL_CALL OSDBCDriverManager::getConnectionWithInfo( const OUString& _rURL, const Sequence< PropertyValue >& _rInfo )
    MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);

    m_aEventLogger.log( LogLevel::INFO,
        "connection with info requested for URL $1$",

    Reference< XConnection > xConnection;
    Reference< XDriver > xDriver = implGetDriverForURL(_rURL);
    if (xDriver.is())
        // TODO : handle the login timeout
        xConnection = xDriver->connect(_rURL, _rInfo);
        // may throw an exception
        m_aEventLogger.log( LogLevel::INFO,
            "connection with info retrieved for URL $1$",

    return xConnection;

void SAL_CALL OSDBCDriverManager::setLoginTimeout( sal_Int32 seconds )
    MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);
    m_nLoginTimeout = seconds;

sal_Int32 SAL_CALL OSDBCDriverManager::getLoginTimeout(  )
    MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);
    return m_nLoginTimeout;

Reference< XEnumeration > SAL_CALL OSDBCDriverManager::createEnumeration(  )
    MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);

    ODriverEnumeration::DriverArray aDrivers;

    // ensure that all our bootstrapped drivers are instantiated
    std::for_each( m_aDriversBS.begin(), m_aDriversBS.end(), EnsureDriver( m_xContext ) );

    // copy the bootstrapped drivers
        m_aDriversBS.begin(),               // "copy from" start
        m_aDriversBS.end(),                 // "copy from" end
        std::back_inserter( aDrivers ),   // insert into
        ExtractDriverFromAccess()           // transformation to apply (extract a driver from a driver access)

    // append the runtime drivers
        m_aDriversRT.begin(),                   // "copy from" start
        m_aDriversRT.end(),                     // "copy from" end
        std::back_inserter( aDrivers ),       // insert into
        ExtractDriverFromCollectionElement()    // transformation to apply (extract a driver from a driver access)

    return new ODriverEnumeration( std::move(aDrivers) );

css::uno::Type SAL_CALL OSDBCDriverManager::getElementType(  )
    return cppu::UnoType<XDriver>::get();

sal_Bool SAL_CALL OSDBCDriverManager::hasElements(  )
    MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);
    return !(m_aDriversBS.empty() && m_aDriversRT.empty());

OUString SAL_CALL OSDBCDriverManager::getImplementationName(  )
    return "com.sun.star.comp.sdbc.OSDBCDriverManager";

sal_Bool SAL_CALL OSDBCDriverManager::supportsService( const OUString& _rServiceName )
    return cppu::supportsService(this, _rServiceName);

Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL OSDBCDriverManager::getSupportedServiceNames(  )
    return { "com.sun.star.sdbc.DriverManager" };

Reference< XInterface > SAL_CALL OSDBCDriverManager::getRegisteredObject( const OUString& _rName )
    MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);
    DriverCollection::const_iterator aSearch = m_aDriversRT.find(_rName);
    if (aSearch == m_aDriversRT.end())

    return aSearch->second;

void SAL_CALL OSDBCDriverManager::registerObject( const OUString& _rName, const Reference< XInterface >& _rxObject )
    MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);

    m_aEventLogger.log( LogLevel::INFO,
        "attempt to register new driver for name $1$",

    DriverCollection::const_iterator aSearch = m_aDriversRT.find(_rName);
    if (aSearch != m_aDriversRT.end())
        throw ElementExistException();
    Reference< XDriver > xNewDriver(_rxObject, UNO_QUERY);
    if (!xNewDriver.is())
        throw IllegalArgumentException();

    m_aDriversRT.emplace(_rName, xNewDriver);

    m_aEventLogger.log( LogLevel::INFO,
        "new driver registered for name $1$",

void SAL_CALL OSDBCDriverManager::revokeObject( const OUString& _rName )
    MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);

    m_aEventLogger.log( LogLevel::INFO,
        "attempt to revoke driver for name $1$",

    DriverCollection::iterator aSearch = m_aDriversRT.find(_rName);
    if (aSearch == m_aDriversRT.end())

    m_aDriversRT.erase(aSearch); // we already have the iterator so we could use it

    m_aEventLogger.log( LogLevel::INFO,
        "driver revoked for name $1$",

Reference< XDriver > SAL_CALL OSDBCDriverManager::getDriverByURL( const OUString& _rURL )
    m_aEventLogger.log( LogLevel::INFO,
        "driver requested for URL $1$",

    Reference< XDriver > xDriver( implGetDriverForURL( _rURL ) );

    if ( xDriver.is() )
        m_aEventLogger.log( LogLevel::INFO,
            "driver obtained for URL $1$",

    return xDriver;

Reference< XDriver > OSDBCDriverManager::implGetDriverForURL(const OUString& _rURL)
    Reference< XDriver > xReturn;

        const OUString sDriverFactoryName = m_aDriverConfig.getDriverFactoryName(_rURL);

        EqualDriverAccessToName aEqual(sDriverFactoryName);
        DriverAccessArray::const_iterator aFind = std::find_if(m_aDriversBS.begin(),m_aDriversBS.end(),aEqual);
        if ( aFind == m_aDriversBS.end() )
            // search all bootstrapped drivers
            aFind = std::find_if(
                m_aDriversBS.begin(),       // begin of search range
                m_aDriversBS.end(),         // end of search range
                [&_rURL, this] (const DriverAccessArray::value_type& driverAccess) {
                    // extract the driver from the access, then ask the resulting driver for acceptance
#if defined __GNUC__ && !defined __clang__ && __GNUC__ == 13
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdangling-reference"
                    const DriverAccess& ensuredAccess = EnsureDriver(m_xContext)(driverAccess);
#if defined __GNUC__ && !defined __clang__ && __GNUC__ == 13
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
                    const Reference<XDriver> driver = ExtractDriverFromAccess()(ensuredAccess);
                    return AcceptsURL(_rURL, driver);
        } // if ( m_aDriversBS.find(sDriverFactoryName ) == m_aDriversBS.end() )
            EnsureDriver aEnsure( m_xContext );

        // found something?
        if ( m_aDriversBS.end() != aFind && aFind->xDriver.is() && aFind->xDriver->acceptsURL(_rURL) )
            xReturn = aFind->xDriver;

    if ( !xReturn.is() )
        // no -> search the runtime drivers
        DriverCollection::const_iterator aPos = std::find_if(
            m_aDriversRT.begin(),       // begin of search range
            m_aDriversRT.end(),         // end of search range
            [&_rURL] (const DriverCollection::value_type& element) {
                // extract the driver from the collection element, then ask the resulting driver for acceptance
                const Reference<XDriver> driver = ExtractDriverFromCollectionElement()(element);
                return AcceptsURL(_rURL, driver);

        if ( m_aDriversRT.end() != aPos )
            xReturn = aPos->second;

    return xReturn;

}   // namespace drivermanager

extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT css::uno::XInterface*
    css::uno::XComponentContext* context , css::uno::Sequence<css::uno::Any> const&)
    return cppu::acquire(new drivermanager::OSDBCDriverManager(context));

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