/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { #define EmfPlusRecordTypeHeader 16385 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeEndOfFile 16386 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeGetDC 16388 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeObject 16392 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeFillRects 16394 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPolygon 16396 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawLines 16397 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeFillEllipse 16398 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawEllipse 16399 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPie 16400 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPath 16404 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawPath 16405 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImage 16410 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImagePoints 16411 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawString 16412 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetRenderingOrigin 16413 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetAntiAliasMode 16414 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetTextRenderingHint 16415 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetInterpolationMode 16417 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPixelOffsetMode 16418 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetCompositingQuality 16420 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeSave 16421 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeRestore 16422 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeBeginContainerNoParams 16424 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeEndContainer 16425 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetWorldTransform 16426 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeResetWorldTransform 16427 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiplyWorldTransform 16428 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPageTransform 16432 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRect 16434 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipPath 16435 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRegion 16436 #define EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawDriverString 16438 #define EmfPlusObjectTypeBrush 0x100 #define EmfPlusObjectTypePen 0x200 #define EmfPlusObjectTypePath 0x300 #define EmfPlusObjectTypeRegion 0x400 #define EmfPlusObjectTypeImage 0x500 #define EmfPlusObjectTypeFont 0x600 #define EmfPlusObjectTypeStringFormat 0x700 #define EmfPlusObjectTypeImageAttributes 0x800 #define EmfPlusObjectTypeCustomLineCap 0x900 #define EmfPlusRegionInitialStateInfinite 0x10000003 const sal_Int32 EmfPlusLineStyleSolid = 0x00000000; const sal_Int32 EmfPlusLineStyleDash = 0x00000001; const sal_Int32 EmfPlusLineStyleDot = 0x00000002; const sal_Int32 EmfPlusLineStyleDashDot = 0x00000003; const sal_Int32 EmfPlusLineStyleDashDotDot = 0x00000004; const sal_Int32 EmfPlusLineStyleCustom = 0x00000005; const sal_uInt32 EmfPlusCustomLineCapDataTypeDefault = 0x00000000; const sal_uInt32 EmfPlusCustomLineCapDataTypeAdjustableArrow = 0x00000001; const sal_uInt32 EmfPlusCustomLineCapDataFillPath = 0x00000001; const sal_uInt32 EmfPlusCustomLineCapDataLinePath = 0x00000002; const sal_uInt32 EmfPlusLineCapTypeSquare = 0x00000001; const sal_uInt32 EmfPlusLineCapTypeRound = 0x00000002; const sal_uInt32 EmfPlusLineJoinTypeMiter = 0x00000000; const sal_uInt32 EmfPlusLineJoinTypeBevel = 0x00000001; const sal_uInt32 EmfPlusLineJoinTypeRound = 0x00000002; const sal_uInt32 EmfPlusLineJoinTypeMiterClipped = 0x00000003; enum EmfPlusCombineMode { EmfPlusCombineModeReplace = 0x00000000, EmfPlusCombineModeIntersect = 0x00000001, EmfPlusCombineModeUnion = 0x00000002, EmfPlusCombineModeXOR = 0x00000003, EmfPlusCombineModeExclude = 0x00000004, EmfPlusCombineModeComplement = 0x00000005 }; enum EmfPlusHatchStyle { HatchStyleHorizontal = 0x00000000, HatchStyleVertical = 0x00000001, HatchStyleForwardDiagonal = 0x00000002, HatchStyleBackwardDiagonal = 0x00000003, HatchStyleLargeGrid = 0x00000004, HatchStyleDiagonalCross = 0x00000005, HatchStyle05Percent = 0x00000006, HatchStyle10Percent = 0x00000007, HatchStyle20Percent = 0x00000008, HatchStyle25Percent = 0x00000009, HatchStyle30Percent = 0x0000000A, HatchStyle40Percent = 0x0000000B, HatchStyle50Percent = 0x0000000C, HatchStyle60Percent = 0x0000000D, HatchStyle70Percent = 0x0000000E, HatchStyle75Percent = 0x0000000F, HatchStyle80Percent = 0x00000010, HatchStyle90Percent = 0x00000011, HatchStyleLightDownwardDiagonal = 0x00000012, HatchStyleLightUpwardDiagonal = 0x00000013, HatchStyleDarkDownwardDiagonal = 0x00000014, HatchStyleDarkUpwardDiagonal = 0x00000015, HatchStyleWideDownwardDiagonal = 0x00000016, HatchStyleWideUpwardDiagonal = 0x00000017, HatchStyleLightVertical = 0x00000018, HatchStyleLightHorizontal = 0x00000019, HatchStyleNarrowVertical = 0x0000001A, HatchStyleNarrowHorizontal = 0x0000001B, HatchStyleDarkVertical = 0x0000001C, HatchStyleDarkHorizontal = 0x0000001D, HatchStyleDashedDownwardDiagonal = 0x0000001E, HatchStyleDashedUpwardDiagonal = 0x0000001F, HatchStyleDashedHorizontal = 0x00000020, HatchStyleDashedVertical = 0x00000021, HatchStyleSmallConfetti = 0x00000022, HatchStyleLargeConfetti = 0x00000023, HatchStyleZigZag = 0x00000024, HatchStyleWave = 0x00000025, HatchStyleDiagonalBrick = 0x00000026, HatchStyleHorizontalBrick = 0x00000027, HatchStyleWeave = 0x00000028, HatchStylePlaid = 0x00000029, HatchStyleDivot = 0x0000002A, HatchStyleDottedGrid = 0x0000002B, HatchStyleDottedDiamond = 0x0000002C, HatchStyleShingle = 0x0000002D, HatchStyleTrellis = 0x0000002E, HatchStyleSphere = 0x0000002F, HatchStyleSmallGrid = 0x00000030, HatchStyleSmallCheckerBoard = 0x00000031, HatchStyleLargeCheckerBoard = 0x00000032, HatchStyleOutlinedDiamond = 0x00000033, HatchStyleSolidDiamond = 0x00000034 }; const char* emfTypeToName(sal_uInt16 type) { switch(type) { case EmfPlusRecordTypeHeader: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeHeader"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeEndOfFile: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeEndOfFile"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeGetDC: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeGetDC"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeObject: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeObject"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeFillRects: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeFillRects"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPolygon: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPolygon"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawLines: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawLines"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeFillEllipse: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeFillEllipse"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawEllipse: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawEllipse"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPie: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPie"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPath: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPath"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawPath: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawPath"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImage: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImage"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImagePoints: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImagePoints"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawString: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawString"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetRenderingOrigin: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeSetRenderingOrigin"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetAntiAliasMode: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeSetAntiAliasMode"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetTextRenderingHint: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeSetTextRenderingHint"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetInterpolationMode: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeSetInterpolationMode"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPixelOffsetMode: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPixelOffsetMode"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetCompositingQuality: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeSetCompositingQuality"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSave: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeSave"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeRestore: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeRestore"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeBeginContainerNoParams: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeBeginContainerNoParams"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeEndContainer: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeEndContainer"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetWorldTransform: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeSetWorldTransform"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeResetWorldTransform: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeResetWorldTransform"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiplyWorldTransform: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiplyWorldTransform"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPageTransform: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPageTransform"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRect: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRect"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipPath: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipPath"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRegion: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRegion"; case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawDriverString: return "EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawDriverString"; } return ""; } } // anonymous namespace using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::basegfx; namespace cppcanvas { namespace internal { struct EMFPPath : public EMFPObject { ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPolygon; sal_Int32 nPoints; float* pPoints; sal_uInt8* pPointTypes; public: EMFPPath (sal_Int32 _nPoints, bool bLines = false) { if( _nPoints<0 || sal_uInt32(_nPoints)>SAL_MAX_INT32/(2*sizeof(float)) ) _nPoints = SAL_MAX_INT32/(2*sizeof(float)); nPoints = _nPoints; pPoints = new float [nPoints*2]; if (!bLines) pPointTypes = new sal_uInt8 [_nPoints]; else pPointTypes = NULL; } virtual ~EMFPPath () { delete [] pPoints; delete [] pPointTypes; } // TODO: remove rR argument when debug code is not longer needed void Read (SvStream& s, sal_uInt32 pathFlags, ImplRenderer& rR) { for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i ++) { if (pathFlags & 0x4000) { // EMFPlusPoint: stored in signed short 16bit integer format sal_Int16 x, y; s.ReadInt16( x ).ReadInt16( y ); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tEMFPlusPoint [x,y]: " << x << "," << y); pPoints [i*2] = x; pPoints [i*2 + 1] = y; } else if (!(pathFlags & 0xC000)) { // EMFPlusPointF: stored in Single (float) format s.ReadFloat( pPoints [i*2] ).ReadFloat( pPoints [i*2 + 1] ); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tEMFPlusPointF [x,y]: " << pPoints [i*2] << "," << pPoints [i*2 + 1]); } else { //if (pathFlags & 0x8000) // EMFPlusPointR: points are stored in EMFPlusInteger7 or // EMFPlusInteger15 objects, see section SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tTODO - parse EMFPlusPointR object (section"); } } if (pPointTypes) for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i ++) { s.ReadUChar( pPointTypes [i] ); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tpoint type: " << (int)pPointTypes [i]); } aPolygon.clear (); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle aBounds (::basegfx::tools::getRange (GetPolygon (rR))); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tpolygon bounding box: " << aBounds.getMinX () << "," << aBounds.getMinY () << aBounds.getWidth () << "x" << aBounds.getHeight () << " (mapped)"); #else (void) rR; // avoid warnings #endif } ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& GetPolygon (ImplRenderer& rR, bool bMapIt = true) { ::basegfx::B2DPolygon polygon; aPolygon.clear (); int last_normal = 0, p = 0; ::basegfx::B2DPoint prev, mapped; bool hasPrev = false; for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i ++) { if (p && pPointTypes && (pPointTypes [i] == 0)) { aPolygon.append (polygon); last_normal = i; p = 0; polygon.clear (); } if (bMapIt) mapped = rR.Map (pPoints [i*2], pPoints [i*2 + 1]); else mapped = ::basegfx::B2DPoint (pPoints [i*2], pPoints [i*2 + 1]); if (pPointTypes) { if ((pPointTypes [i] & 0x07) == 3) { if (((i - last_normal )% 3) == 1) { polygon.setNextControlPoint (p - 1, mapped); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "polygon append next: " << p - 1 << " mapped: " << mapped.getX () << "," << mapped.getY ()); continue; } else if (((i - last_normal) % 3) == 2) { prev = mapped; hasPrev = true; continue; } } else last_normal = i; } polygon.append (mapped); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "polygon append point: " << pPoints [i*2] << "," << pPoints [i*2 + 1] << " mapped: " << mapped.getX () << ":" << mapped.getY ()); if (hasPrev) { polygon.setPrevControlPoint (p, prev); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "polygon append prev: " << p << " mapped: " << prev.getX () << "," << prev.getY ()); hasPrev = false; } p ++; if (pPointTypes && (pPointTypes [i] & 0x80)) { // closed polygon polygon.setClosed (true); aPolygon.append (polygon); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "close polygon"); last_normal = i + 1; p = 0; polygon.clear (); } } if (polygon.count ()) { aPolygon.append (polygon); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 for (unsigned int i=0; iSAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(sal_Int32) ) parts = SAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(sal_Int32); combineMode = new sal_Int32 [parts]; for (int i = 0; i < parts; i ++) { s.ReadInt32( combineMode [i] ); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tcombine mode [" << i << "]: 0x" << std::hex << combineMode [i] << std::dec); } } s.ReadInt32( initialState ); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tinitial state: 0x" << std::hex << initialState << std::dec); } }; struct EMFPBrush : public EMFPObject { ::Color solidColor; sal_uInt32 type; sal_uInt32 additionalFlags; /* linear gradient */ sal_Int32 wrapMode; float areaX, areaY, areaWidth, areaHeight; ::Color secondColor; // first color is stored in solidColor; XForm transformation; bool hasTransformation; sal_Int32 blendPoints; float* blendPositions; float* blendFactors; sal_Int32 colorblendPoints; float* colorblendPositions; ::Color* colorblendColors; sal_Int32 surroundColorsNumber; ::Color* surroundColors; EMFPPath *path; EmfPlusHatchStyle hatchStyle; public: EMFPBrush () : type(0) , additionalFlags(0) , wrapMode(0) , areaX(0.0) , areaY(0.0) , areaWidth(0.0) , areaHeight(0.0) , hasTransformation(false) , blendPoints(0) , blendPositions(NULL) , blendFactors(NULL) , colorblendPoints(0) , colorblendPositions(NULL) , colorblendColors(NULL) , surroundColorsNumber(0) , surroundColors(NULL) , path(NULL) , hatchStyle(HatchStyleHorizontal) { } virtual ~EMFPBrush () { if (blendPositions != NULL) { delete[] blendPositions; blendPositions = NULL; } if (colorblendPositions != NULL) { delete[] colorblendPositions; colorblendPositions = NULL; } if (colorblendColors != NULL) { delete[] colorblendColors; colorblendColors = NULL; } if (surroundColors != NULL) { delete[] surroundColors; surroundColors = NULL; } if (path) { delete path; path = NULL; } } sal_uInt32 GetType() const { return type; } const ::Color& GetColor() const { return solidColor; } void Read (SvStream& s, ImplRenderer& rR) { sal_uInt32 header; s.ReadUInt32( header ).ReadUInt32( type ); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tbrush"); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\theader: 0x" << std::hex << header << " type: " << type << std::dec); switch (type) { case 0: { sal_uInt32 color; s.ReadUInt32( color ); solidColor = ::Color (0xff - (color >> 24), (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tsolid color: 0x" << std::hex << color << std::dec); break; } case 1: { sal_uInt32 style; sal_uInt32 foregroundColor; sal_uInt32 backgroundColor; s.ReadUInt32( style ); s.ReadUInt32( foregroundColor ); s.ReadUInt32( backgroundColor ); hatchStyle = static_cast(style); solidColor = ::Color(0xff - (foregroundColor >> 24), (foregroundColor >> 16) & 0xff, (foregroundColor >> 8) & 0xff, foregroundColor & 0xff); secondColor = ::Color(0xff - (backgroundColor >> 24), (backgroundColor >> 16) & 0xff, (backgroundColor >> 8) & 0xff, backgroundColor & 0xff); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\thatch style " << style << " foregroundcolor: 0x" << solidColor.AsRGBHexString() << " background 0x" << secondColor.AsRGBHexString()); break; } // path gradient case 3: { s.ReadUInt32( additionalFlags ).ReadInt32( wrapMode ); SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tpath gradient, additional flags: 0x" << std::hex << additionalFlags << std::dec); sal_uInt32 color; s.ReadUInt32( color ); solidColor = ::Color (0xff - (color >> 24), (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tcenter color: 0x" << std::hex << color << std::dec); s.ReadFloat( areaX ).ReadFloat( areaY ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tcenter point: " << areaX << "," << areaY); s.ReadInt32( surroundColorsNumber ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tsurround colors: " << surroundColorsNumber); if( surroundColorsNumber<0 || sal_uInt32(surroundColorsNumber)>SAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(::Color) ) surroundColorsNumber = SAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(::Color); surroundColors = new ::Color [surroundColorsNumber]; for (int i = 0; i < surroundColorsNumber; i++) { s.ReadUInt32( color ); surroundColors[i] = ::Color (0xff - (color >> 24), (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff); if (i == 0) secondColor = surroundColors [0]; SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tsurround color[" << i << "]: 0x" << std::hex << color << std::dec); } if (additionalFlags & 0x01) { sal_Int32 pathLength; s.ReadInt32( pathLength ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tpath length: " << pathLength); sal_Size pos = s.Tell (); sal_uInt32 pathHeader; sal_Int32 pathPoints, pathFlags; s.ReadUInt32( pathHeader ).ReadInt32( pathPoints ).ReadInt32( pathFlags ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tpath (brush path gradient)"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\theader: 0x" << std::hex << pathHeader << " points: " << std::dec << pathPoints << " additional flags: 0x" << std::hex << pathFlags << std::dec ); path = new EMFPPath (pathPoints); path->Read (s, pathFlags, rR); s.Seek (pos + pathLength); const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle aBounds (::basegfx::tools::getRange (path->GetPolygon (rR, false))); areaWidth = aBounds.getWidth (); areaHeight = aBounds.getHeight (); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tpolygon bounding box: " << aBounds.getMinX () << "," << aBounds.getMinY () << " " << aBounds.getWidth () << "x" << aBounds.getHeight ()); if (additionalFlags & 0x02) { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tuse transformation"); ReadXForm( s, transformation ); hasTransformation = true; SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tm11: " << transformation.eM11 << " m12: " << transformation.eM12 << "\nEMF+\tm21: " << transformation.eM21 << " m22: " << transformation.eM22 << "\nEMF+\tdx: " << transformation.eDx << " dy: " << transformation.eDy); } if (additionalFlags & 0x08) { s.ReadInt32( blendPoints ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tuse blend, points: " << blendPoints); if( blendPoints<0 || sal_uInt32(blendPoints)>SAL_MAX_INT32/(2*sizeof(float)) ) blendPoints = SAL_MAX_INT32/(2*sizeof(float)); blendPositions = new float [2*blendPoints]; blendFactors = blendPositions + blendPoints; for (int i=0; i < blendPoints; i ++) { s.ReadFloat( blendPositions [i] ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tposition[" << i << "]: " << blendPositions [i]); } for (int i=0; i < blendPoints; i ++) { s.ReadFloat( blendFactors [i] ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tfactor[" << i << "]: " << blendFactors [i]); } } if (additionalFlags & 0x04) { s.ReadInt32( colorblendPoints ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tuse color blend, points: " << colorblendPoints); if( colorblendPoints<0 || sal_uInt32(colorblendPoints)>SAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(float) ) colorblendPoints = SAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(float); if( sal_uInt32(colorblendPoints)>SAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(::Color) ) colorblendPoints = SAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(::Color); colorblendPositions = new float [colorblendPoints]; colorblendColors = new ::Color [colorblendPoints]; for (int i=0; i < colorblendPoints; i ++) { s.ReadFloat( colorblendPositions [i] ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tposition[" << i << "]: " << colorblendPositions [i]); } for (int i=0; i < colorblendPoints; i ++) { s.ReadUInt32( color ); colorblendColors [i] = ::Color (0xff - (color >> 24), (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tcolor[" << i << "]: 0x" << std::hex << color << std::dec); } } } break; } // linear gradient case 4: { s.ReadUInt32( additionalFlags ).ReadInt32( wrapMode ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tlinear gradient, additional flags: 0x" << std::hex << additionalFlags << std::dec); s.ReadFloat( areaX ).ReadFloat( areaY ).ReadFloat( areaWidth ).ReadFloat( areaHeight ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tarea: " << areaX << "," << areaY << " - " << areaWidth << "x" << areaHeight); sal_uInt32 color; s.ReadUInt32( color ); solidColor = ::Color (0xff - (color >> 24), (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tfirst color: 0x" << std::hex << color << std::dec); s.ReadUInt32( color ); secondColor = ::Color (0xff - (color >> 24), (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tsecond color: 0x" << std::hex << color << std::dec); // repeated colors, unknown meaning, see http://www.aces.uiuc.edu/~jhtodd/Metafile/MetafileRecords/ObjectBrush.html s.ReadUInt32( color ); s.ReadUInt32( color ); if (additionalFlags & 0x02) { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tuse transformation"); ReadXForm( s, transformation ); hasTransformation = true; SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tm11: " << transformation.eM11 << " m12: " << transformation.eM12 << "\nEMF+\tm21: " << transformation.eM21 << " m22: " << transformation.eM22 << "\nEMF+\tdx: " << transformation.eDx << " dy: " << transformation.eDy); } if (additionalFlags & 0x08) { s.ReadInt32( blendPoints ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tuse blend, points: " << blendPoints); if( blendPoints<0 || sal_uInt32(blendPoints)>SAL_MAX_INT32/(2*sizeof(float)) ) blendPoints = SAL_MAX_INT32/(2*sizeof(float)); blendPositions = new float [2*blendPoints]; blendFactors = blendPositions + blendPoints; for (int i=0; i < blendPoints; i ++) { s.ReadFloat( blendPositions [i] ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tposition[" << i << "]: " << blendPositions [i]); } for (int i=0; i < blendPoints; i ++) { s.ReadFloat( blendFactors [i] ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tfactor[" << i << "]: " << blendFactors [i]); } } if (additionalFlags & 0x04) { s.ReadInt32( colorblendPoints ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tuse color blend, points: " << colorblendPoints); if( colorblendPoints<0 || sal_uInt32(colorblendPoints)>SAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(float) ) colorblendPoints = SAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(float); if( sal_uInt32(colorblendPoints)>SAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(::Color) ) colorblendPoints = sal_uInt32(SAL_MAX_INT32)/sizeof(::Color); colorblendPositions = new float [colorblendPoints]; colorblendColors = new ::Color [colorblendPoints]; for (int i=0; i < colorblendPoints; i ++) { s.ReadFloat( colorblendPositions [i] ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tposition[" << i << "]: " << colorblendPositions [i]); } for (int i=0; i < colorblendPoints; i ++) { s.ReadUInt32( color ); colorblendColors [i] = ::Color (0xff - (color >> 24), (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tcolor[" << i << "]: 0x" << std::hex << color << std::dec); } } break; } default: SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tunhandled brush type: " << std::hex << type << std::dec); } } }; /// Convert stroke caps between EMF+ and rendering API sal_Int8 lcl_convertStrokeCap(sal_uInt32 nEmfStroke) { switch (nEmfStroke) { case EmfPlusLineCapTypeSquare: return rendering::PathCapType::SQUARE; case EmfPlusLineCapTypeRound: return rendering::PathCapType::ROUND; } // we have no mapping for EmfPlusLineCapTypeTriangle = 0x00000003, // so return BUTT always return rendering::PathCapType::BUTT; } sal_Int8 lcl_convertLineJoinType(sal_uInt32 nEmfLineJoin) { switch (nEmfLineJoin) { case EmfPlusLineJoinTypeMiter: // fall-through case EmfPlusLineJoinTypeMiterClipped: return rendering::PathJoinType::MITER; case EmfPlusLineJoinTypeBevel: return rendering::PathJoinType::BEVEL; case EmfPlusLineJoinTypeRound: return rendering::PathJoinType::ROUND; } assert(false); // Line Join type isn't in specification. return 0; } struct EMFPCustomLineCap : public EMFPObject { sal_uInt32 type; sal_uInt32 strokeStartCap, strokeEndCap, strokeJoin; float miterLimit; basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon polygon; bool mbIsFilled; public: EMFPCustomLineCap() : EMFPObject() , type(0) , strokeStartCap(0) , strokeEndCap(0) , strokeJoin(0) , miterLimit(0.0) , mbIsFilled(false) { } virtual ~EMFPCustomLineCap() { } void SetAttributes(rendering::StrokeAttributes& aAttributes) { aAttributes.StartCapType = lcl_convertStrokeCap(strokeStartCap); aAttributes.EndCapType = lcl_convertStrokeCap(strokeEndCap); aAttributes.JoinType = lcl_convertLineJoinType(strokeJoin); aAttributes.MiterLimit = miterLimit; } void ReadPath(SvStream& s, ImplRenderer& rR, bool bFill) { sal_Int32 pathLength; s.ReadInt32( pathLength ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tpath length: " << pathLength); sal_uInt32 pathHeader; sal_Int32 pathPoints, pathFlags; s.ReadUInt32( pathHeader ).ReadInt32( pathPoints ).ReadInt32( pathFlags ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tpath (custom cap line path)"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\theader: 0x" << std::hex << pathHeader << " points: " << std::dec << pathPoints << " additional flags: 0x" << std::hex << pathFlags << std::dec ); EMFPPath path(pathPoints); path.Read(s, pathFlags, rR); polygon = path.GetPolygon(rR, false); mbIsFilled = bFill; // transformation to convert the path to what LibreOffice // expects B2DHomMatrix aMatrix; aMatrix.scale(1.0, -1.0); polygon.transform(aMatrix); }; void Read (SvStream& s, ImplRenderer& rR) { sal_uInt32 header; s.ReadUInt32( header ).ReadUInt32( type ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tcustom cap"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\theader: 0x" << std::hex << header << " type: " << type << std::dec); if (type == EmfPlusCustomLineCapDataTypeDefault) { sal_uInt32 customLineCapDataFlags, baseCap; float baseInset; float widthScale; float fillHotSpotX, fillHotSpotY, strokeHotSpotX, strokeHotSpotY; s.ReadUInt32( customLineCapDataFlags ).ReadUInt32( baseCap ).ReadFloat( baseInset ) .ReadUInt32( strokeStartCap ).ReadUInt32( strokeEndCap ).ReadUInt32( strokeJoin ) .ReadFloat( miterLimit ).ReadFloat( widthScale ) .ReadFloat( fillHotSpotX ).ReadFloat( fillHotSpotY ).ReadFloat( strokeHotSpotX ).ReadFloat( strokeHotSpotY ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tcustomLineCapDataFlags: 0x" << std::hex << customLineCapDataFlags); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tbaseCap: 0x" << std::hex << baseCap); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tbaseInset: " << baseInset); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tstrokeStartCap: 0x" << std::hex << strokeStartCap); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tstrokeEndCap: 0x" << std::hex << strokeEndCap); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tstrokeJoin: 0x" << std::hex << strokeJoin); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tmiterLimit: " << miterLimit); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\twidthScale: " << widthScale); if (customLineCapDataFlags & EmfPlusCustomLineCapDataFillPath) { ReadPath(s, rR, true); } if (customLineCapDataFlags & EmfPlusCustomLineCapDataLinePath) { ReadPath(s, rR, false); } } else if (type == EmfPlusCustomLineCapDataTypeAdjustableArrow) { // TODO only reads the data, does not use them [I've had // no test document to be able to implement it] sal_Int32 width, height, middleInset, fillState, lineStartCap; sal_Int32 lineEndCap, lineJoin, widthScale; float fillHotSpotX, fillHotSpotY, lineHotSpotX, lineHotSpotY; s.ReadInt32( width ).ReadInt32( height ).ReadInt32( middleInset ).ReadInt32( fillState ).ReadInt32( lineStartCap ) .ReadInt32( lineEndCap ).ReadInt32( lineJoin ).ReadFloat( miterLimit ).ReadInt32( widthScale ) .ReadFloat( fillHotSpotX ).ReadFloat( fillHotSpotY ).ReadFloat( lineHotSpotX ).ReadFloat( lineHotSpotY ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tTODO - actually read EmfPlusCustomLineCapArrowData object (section"); } } }; struct EMFPPen : public EMFPBrush { XForm transformation; float width; sal_Int32 startCap; sal_Int32 endCap; sal_Int32 lineJoin; float mitterLimit; sal_Int32 dashStyle; sal_Int32 dashCap; float dashOffset; sal_Int32 dashPatternLen; float *dashPattern; sal_Int32 alignment; sal_Int32 compoundArrayLen; float *compoundArray; sal_Int32 customStartCapLen; EMFPCustomLineCap *customStartCap; sal_Int32 customEndCapLen; EMFPCustomLineCap *customEndCap; public: EMFPPen () : EMFPBrush() , width(0.0) , startCap(0) , endCap(0) , lineJoin(0) , mitterLimit(0.0) , dashStyle(0) , dashCap(0) , dashOffset(0.0) , dashPatternLen(0) , dashPattern(NULL) , alignment(0) , compoundArrayLen(0) , compoundArray(NULL) , customStartCapLen(0) , customStartCap(NULL) , customEndCapLen(0) , customEndCap(NULL) { } virtual ~EMFPPen() { delete[] dashPattern; delete[] compoundArray; delete customStartCap; delete customEndCap; } void SetStrokeWidth(rendering::StrokeAttributes& rStrokeAttributes, ImplRenderer& rR, const OutDevState& rState) { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 if (width == 0.0) { SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "TODO: pen with zero width - using minimal which might not be correct\n"); } #endif rStrokeAttributes.StrokeWidth = fabs((rState.mapModeTransform * rR.MapSize (width == 0.0 ? 0.05 : width, 0)).getLength()); } void SetStrokeAttributes(rendering::StrokeAttributes& rStrokeAttributes) { rStrokeAttributes.JoinType = lcl_convertLineJoinType(lineJoin); if (dashStyle != EmfPlusLineStyleSolid) { const float dash[] = {3, 3}; const float dot[] = {1, 3}; const float dashdot[] = {3, 3, 1, 3}; const float dashdotdot[] = {3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3}; sal_Int32 nLen = 0; const float *pPattern = NULL; switch (dashStyle) { case EmfPlusLineStyleDash: nLen = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(dash); pPattern = dash; break; case EmfPlusLineStyleDot: nLen = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(dot); pPattern = dot; break; case EmfPlusLineStyleDashDot: nLen = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(dashdot); pPattern = dashdot; break; case EmfPlusLineStyleDashDotDot: nLen = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(dashdotdot); pPattern = dashdotdot; break; case EmfPlusLineStyleCustom: nLen = dashPatternLen; pPattern = dashPattern; break; } if (nLen > 0) { uno::Sequence aDashArray(nLen); for (int i = 0; i < nLen; ++i) aDashArray[i] = pPattern[i]; rStrokeAttributes.DashArray = aDashArray; } } } void Read (SvStream& s, ImplRenderer& rR, sal_Int32, sal_Int32 ) { sal_uInt32 header, unknown, penFlags, unknown2; int i; s.ReadUInt32( header ).ReadUInt32( unknown ).ReadUInt32( penFlags ).ReadUInt32( unknown2 ).ReadFloat( width ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tpen"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\theader: 0x" << std::hex << header << " unknown: 0x" << unknown << " additional flags: 0x" << penFlags << " unknown: 0x" << unknown2 << " width: " << std::dec << width ); if (penFlags & 1) ReadXForm( s, transformation ); if (penFlags & 2) { s.ReadInt32( startCap ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tstartCap: 0x" << std::hex << startCap); } else startCap = 0; if (penFlags & 4) { s.ReadInt32( endCap ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tendCap: 0x" << std::hex << endCap); } else endCap = 0; if (penFlags & 8) s.ReadInt32( lineJoin ); else lineJoin = 0; if (penFlags & 16) s.ReadFloat( mitterLimit ); else mitterLimit = 0; if (penFlags & 32) { s.ReadInt32( dashStyle ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tdashStyle: 0x" << std::hex << dashStyle); } else dashStyle = 0; if (penFlags & 64) s.ReadInt32( dashCap ); else dashCap = 0; if (penFlags & 128) s.ReadFloat( dashOffset ); else dashOffset = 0; if (penFlags & 256) { dashStyle = EmfPlusLineStyleCustom; s.ReadInt32( dashPatternLen ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tdashPatternLen: " << dashPatternLen); if( dashPatternLen<0 || sal_uInt32(dashPatternLen)>SAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(float) ) dashPatternLen = SAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(float); dashPattern = new float [dashPatternLen]; for (i = 0; i < dashPatternLen; i++) { s.ReadFloat( dashPattern [i] ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\t\tdashPattern[" << i << "]: " << dashPattern[i]); } } else dashPatternLen = 0; if (penFlags & 512) s.ReadInt32( alignment ); else alignment = 0; if (penFlags & 1024) { s.ReadInt32( compoundArrayLen ); if( compoundArrayLen<0 || sal_uInt32(compoundArrayLen)>SAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(float) ) compoundArrayLen = SAL_MAX_INT32/sizeof(float); compoundArray = new float [compoundArrayLen]; for (i = 0; i < compoundArrayLen; i++) s.ReadFloat( compoundArray [i] ); } else compoundArrayLen = 0; if (penFlags & 2048) { s.ReadInt32( customStartCapLen ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tcustomStartCapLen: " << customStartCapLen); sal_Size pos = s.Tell(); customStartCap = new EMFPCustomLineCap(); customStartCap->Read(s, rR); // maybe we don't read everything yet, play it safe ;-) s.Seek(pos + customStartCapLen); } else customStartCapLen = 0; if (penFlags & 4096) { s.ReadInt32( customEndCapLen ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tcustomEndCapLen: " << customEndCapLen); sal_Size pos = s.Tell(); customEndCap = new EMFPCustomLineCap(); customEndCap->Read(s, rR); // maybe we don't read everything yet, play it safe ;-) s.Seek(pos + customEndCapLen); } else customEndCapLen = 0; EMFPBrush::Read (s, rR); } }; struct EMFPImage : public EMFPObject { sal_uInt32 type; sal_Int32 width; sal_Int32 height; sal_Int32 stride; sal_Int32 pixelFormat; Graphic graphic; void Read (SvMemoryStream &s, sal_uInt32 dataSize, bool bUseWholeStream) { sal_uInt32 header, bitmapType; s.ReadUInt32( header ).ReadUInt32( type ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\timage\nEMF+\theader: 0x" << std::hex << header << " type: " << type << std::dec ); if (type == 1) { // bitmap s.ReadInt32( width ).ReadInt32( height ).ReadInt32( stride ).ReadInt32( pixelFormat ).ReadUInt32( bitmapType ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tbitmap width: " << width << " height: " << height << " stride: " << stride << " pixelFormat: 0x" << std::hex << pixelFormat << std::dec); if ((bitmapType != 0) || (width == 0)) { // non native formats GraphicFilter filter; filter.ImportGraphic (graphic, OUString(), s); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tbitmap width: " << graphic.GetBitmap().GetSizePixel().Width() << " height: " << graphic.GetBitmap().GetSizePixel().Height()); } } else if (type == 2) { // metafile sal_Int32 mfType, mfSize; s.ReadInt32( mfType ).ReadInt32( mfSize ); if (bUseWholeStream) dataSize = s.remainingSize(); else dataSize -= 16; SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tmetafile type: " << mfType << " dataSize: " << mfSize << " real size calculated from record dataSize: " << dataSize); GraphicFilter filter; // workaround buggy metafiles, which have wrong mfSize set (n#705956 for example) SvMemoryStream mfStream (const_cast(static_cast(s.GetData()) + s.Tell()), dataSize, StreamMode::READ); filter.ImportGraphic (graphic, OUString(), mfStream); // debug code - write the stream to debug file /tmp/emf-stream.emf #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 mfStream.Seek(0); static sal_Int32 emfp_debug_stream_number = 0; OUString emfp_debug_filename = "/tmp/emf-embedded-stream" + OUString::number(emfp_debug_stream_number++) + ".emf"; SvFileStream file( emfp_debug_filename, StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC ); mfStream.WriteStream(file); file.Flush(); file.Close(); #endif } } }; struct EMFPFont : public EMFPObject { sal_uInt32 version; float emSize; sal_uInt32 sizeUnit; sal_Int32 fontFlags; OUString family; void Read (SvMemoryStream &s) { sal_uInt32 header; sal_uInt32 reserved; sal_uInt32 length; s.ReadUInt32( header ).ReadFloat( emSize ).ReadUInt32( sizeUnit ).ReadInt32( fontFlags ).ReadUInt32( reserved ).ReadUInt32( length ); OSL_ASSERT( ( header >> 12 ) == 0xdbc01 ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tfont\nEMF+\theader: 0x" << std::hex << (header >> 12) << " version: 0x" << (header & 0x1fff) << " size: " << std::dec << emSize << " unit: 0x" << std::hex << sizeUnit << std::dec); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tflags: 0x" << std::hex << fontFlags << " reserved: 0x" << reserved << " length: 0x" << std::hex << length << std::dec); if( length > 0 && length < 0x4000 ) { sal_Unicode *chars = static_cast(alloca( sizeof( sal_Unicode ) * length )); for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < length; i++ ) s.ReadUInt16( chars[ i ] ); family = OUString( chars, length ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tfamily: " << OUStringToOString( family, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr()); // TODO: can we just use family? } } }; void ImplRenderer::ReadRectangle (SvStream& s, float& x, float& y, float &width, float& height, bool bCompressed) { if (bCompressed) { sal_Int16 ix, iy, iw, ih; s.ReadInt16( ix ).ReadInt16( iy ).ReadInt16( iw ).ReadInt16( ih ); x = ix; y = iy; width = iw; height = ih; } else s.ReadFloat( x ).ReadFloat( y ).ReadFloat( width ).ReadFloat( height ); } void ImplRenderer::ReadPoint (SvStream& s, float& x, float& y, sal_uInt32 flags) { if (flags & 0x4000) { sal_Int16 ix, iy; s.ReadInt16( ix ).ReadInt16( iy ); x = ix; y = iy; } else s.ReadFloat( x ).ReadFloat( y ); } void ImplRenderer::MapToDevice (double& x, double& y) { // TODO: other units x = 100*nMmX*x/nPixX; y = 100*nMmY*y/nPixY; } ::basegfx::B2DPoint ImplRenderer::Map (double ix, double iy) { double x, y; x = ix*aWorldTransform.eM11 + iy*aWorldTransform.eM21 + aWorldTransform.eDx; y = ix*aWorldTransform.eM12 + iy*aWorldTransform.eM22 + aWorldTransform.eDy; MapToDevice (x, y); x -= nFrameLeft; y -= nFrameTop; x *= aBaseTransform.eM11; y *= aBaseTransform.eM22; return ::basegfx::B2DPoint (x, y); } ::basegfx::B2DSize ImplRenderer::MapSize (double iwidth, double iheight) { double w, h; w = iwidth*aWorldTransform.eM11 + iheight*aWorldTransform.eM21; h = iwidth*aWorldTransform.eM12 + iheight*aWorldTransform.eM22; MapToDevice (w, h); w *= aBaseTransform.eM11; h *= aBaseTransform.eM22; return ::basegfx::B2DSize (w, h); } #define COLOR(x) \ vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( ::Color (0xff - (x >> 24), \ (x >> 16) & 0xff, \ (x >> 8) & 0xff, \ x & 0xff), \ rCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice()->getDeviceColorSpace()); void ImplRenderer::EMFPPlusFillPolygon (::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& polygon, const ActionFactoryParameters& rParms, OutDevState& rState, const CanvasSharedPtr& rCanvas, bool isColor, sal_uInt32 brushIndexOrColor) { ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon localPolygon (polygon); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tfill polygon"); localPolygon.transform( rState.mapModeTransform ); ActionSharedPtr pPolyAction; if (isColor) { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tcolor fill:0x" << std::hex << brushIndexOrColor << std::dec); rState.isFillColorSet = true; rState.isLineColorSet = false; rState.fillColor = COLOR(brushIndexOrColor); pPolyAction = ActionSharedPtr ( internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction( localPolygon, rParms.mrCanvas, rState ) ); } else { rState.isFillColorSet = true; // extract UseBrush EMFPBrush* brush = static_cast( aObjects [brushIndexOrColor & 0xff] ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tbrush fill slot: " << brushIndexOrColor << " (type: " << (brush ? brush->GetType() : -1) << ")"); // give up in case something wrong happened if( !brush ) return; rState.isFillColorSet = false; rState.isLineColorSet = false; if (brush->type == 1) { // EMF+ like hatching is currently not supported. These are just color blends which serve as an approximation for some of them // for the others the hatch "background" color (secondColor in brush) is used. bool isHatchBlend = true; double blendFactor = 0.0; switch (brush->hatchStyle) { case HatchStyle05Percent: blendFactor = 0.05; break; case HatchStyle10Percent: blendFactor = 0.10; break; case HatchStyle20Percent: blendFactor = 0.20; break; case HatchStyle25Percent: blendFactor = 0.25; break; case HatchStyle30Percent: blendFactor = 0.30; break; case HatchStyle40Percent: blendFactor = 0.40; break; case HatchStyle50Percent: blendFactor = 0.50; break; case HatchStyle60Percent: blendFactor = 0.60; break; case HatchStyle70Percent: blendFactor = 0.70; break; case HatchStyle75Percent: blendFactor = 0.75; break; case HatchStyle80Percent: blendFactor = 0.80; break; case HatchStyle90Percent: blendFactor = 0.90; break; default: isHatchBlend = false; break; } rState.isFillColorSet = true; rState.isLineColorSet = false; ::Color fillColor; if (isHatchBlend) { fillColor = brush->solidColor; fillColor.Merge(brush->secondColor, static_cast(255 * blendFactor)); } else { fillColor = brush->secondColor; } rState.fillColor = vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence(fillColor, rCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice()->getDeviceColorSpace()); pPolyAction = ActionSharedPtr ( internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction( localPolygon, rParms.mrCanvas, rState ) ); } else if (brush->type == 3 || brush->type == 4) { if (brush->type == 3 && !(brush->additionalFlags & 0x1)) return; // we are unable to parse these brushes yet ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTextureTransformation; ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aWorldTransformation; ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aBaseTransformation; rendering::Texture aTexture; aWorldTransformation.set (0, 0, aWorldTransform.eM11); aWorldTransformation.set (0, 1, aWorldTransform.eM21); aWorldTransformation.set (0, 2, aWorldTransform.eDx); aWorldTransformation.set (1, 0, aWorldTransform.eM12); aWorldTransformation.set (1, 1, aWorldTransform.eM22); aWorldTransformation.set (1, 2, aWorldTransform.eDy); aBaseTransformation.set (0, 0, aBaseTransform.eM11); aBaseTransformation.set (0, 1, aBaseTransform.eM21); aBaseTransformation.set (0, 2, aBaseTransform.eDx); aBaseTransformation.set (1, 0, aBaseTransform.eM12); aBaseTransformation.set (1, 1, aBaseTransform.eM22); aBaseTransformation.set (1, 2, aBaseTransform.eDy); if (brush->type == 4) { aTextureTransformation.scale (brush->areaWidth, brush->areaHeight); aTextureTransformation.translate (brush->areaX, brush->areaY); } else { aTextureTransformation.translate (-0.5, -0.5); aTextureTransformation.scale (brush->areaWidth, brush->areaHeight); aTextureTransformation.translate (brush->areaX,brush->areaY); } if (brush->hasTransformation) { ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransformation; aTransformation.set (0, 0, brush->transformation.eM11); aTransformation.set (0, 1, brush->transformation.eM21); aTransformation.set (0, 2, brush->transformation.eDx); aTransformation.set (1, 0, brush->transformation.eM12); aTransformation.set (1, 1, brush->transformation.eM22); aTransformation.set (1, 2, brush->transformation.eDy); aTextureTransformation *= aTransformation; } aTextureTransformation *= aWorldTransformation; aTextureTransformation.scale (100.0*nMmX/nPixX, 100.0*nMmY/nPixY); aTextureTransformation.translate (-nFrameLeft, -nFrameTop); aTextureTransformation *= rState.mapModeTransform; aTextureTransformation *= aBaseTransformation; aTexture.RepeatModeX = rendering::TexturingMode::CLAMP; aTexture.RepeatModeY = rendering::TexturingMode::CLAMP; aTexture.Alpha = 1.0; basegfx::ODFGradientInfo aGradInfo; OUString aGradientService; const uno::Sequence< double > aStartColor( vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( brush->solidColor, rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice()->getDeviceColorSpace() ) ); const uno::Sequence< double > aEndColor( vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( brush->secondColor, rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice()->getDeviceColorSpace() ) ); uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence < double > > aColors (2); uno::Sequence< double > aStops (2); if (brush->blendPositions) { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tuse blend"); aColors.realloc (brush->blendPoints); aStops.realloc (brush->blendPoints); int length = aStartColor.getLength (); uno::Sequence< double > aColor (length); OSL_ASSERT (length == aEndColor.getLength()); for (int i = 0; i < brush->blendPoints; i++) { aStops[i] = brush->blendPositions [i]; for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { if (brush->type == 4) { aColor [j] = aStartColor [j]*(1 - brush->blendFactors[i]) + aEndColor [j]*brush->blendFactors[i]; } else aColor [j] = aStartColor [j]*brush->blendFactors[i] + aEndColor [j]*(1 - brush->blendFactors[i]); } aColors[i] = aColor; } } else if (brush->colorblendPositions) { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tuse color blend"); aColors.realloc (brush->colorblendPoints); aStops.realloc (brush->colorblendPoints); for (int i = 0; i < brush->colorblendPoints; i++) { aStops[i] = brush->colorblendPositions [i]; aColors[(brush->type == 4) ? i : brush->colorblendPoints - 1 - i] = vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( brush->colorblendColors [i], rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice()->getDeviceColorSpace() ); } } else { aStops[0] = 0.0; aStops[1] = 1.0; if (brush->type == 4) { aColors[0] = aStartColor; aColors[1] = aEndColor; } else { aColors[1] = aStartColor; aColors[0] = aEndColor; } } SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tset gradient"); basegfx::B2DRange aBoundsRectangle (0, 0, 1, 1); if (brush->type == 4) { aGradientService = "LinearGradient"; aGradInfo = basegfx::tools::createLinearODFGradientInfo( aBoundsRectangle, aStops.getLength(), 0, 0); } else { aGradientService = "EllipticalGradient"; aGradInfo = basegfx::tools::createEllipticalODFGradientInfo( aBoundsRectangle, ::basegfx::B2DVector( 0, 0 ), aStops.getLength(), 0, 0); } uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xFactory( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice()->getParametricPolyPolygonFactory() ); if( xFactory.is() ) { uno::Sequence args( 3 ); beans::PropertyValue aProp; aProp.Name = "Colors"; aProp.Value <<= aColors; args[0] <<= aProp; aProp.Name = "Stops"; aProp.Value <<= aStops; args[1] <<= aProp; aProp.Name = "AspectRatio"; aProp.Value <<= static_cast(1); args[2] <<= aProp; aTexture.Gradient.set( xFactory->createInstanceWithArguments( aGradientService, args ), uno::UNO_QUERY); } ::basegfx::unotools::affineMatrixFromHomMatrix( aTexture.AffineTransform, aTextureTransformation ); if( aTexture.Gradient.is() ) pPolyAction = ActionSharedPtr ( internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction( localPolygon, rParms.mrCanvas, rState, aTexture ) ); } } if( pPolyAction ) { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tadd poly action"); maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pPolyAction, rParms.mrCurrActionIndex ) ); rParms.mrCurrActionIndex += pPolyAction->getActionCount()-1; } } double ImplRenderer::EMFPPlusDrawLineCap(const ::basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolygon, double fPolyLength, const ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rLineCap, bool bIsFilled, bool bStart, const rendering::StrokeAttributes& rAttributes, const ActionFactoryParameters& rParms, OutDevState& rState) { if (!rLineCap.count()) return 0.0; // createAreaGeometryForLineStartEnd normalises the arrows height // before scaling (i.e. scales down by rPolygon.height), hence // we pre-scale it (which means we can avoid changing the logic // that would affect arrows rendered outside of EMF+). const double fWidth = rAttributes.StrokeWidth*rLineCap.getB2DRange().getWidth(); // When drawing an outline (as opposed to a filled endCap), we also // need to take account that the brush width also adds to the area // of the polygon. const double fShift = bIsFilled ? 0 : rAttributes.StrokeWidth; double fConsumed = 0; basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aArrow(basegfx::tools::createAreaGeometryForLineStartEnd( rPolygon, rLineCap, bStart, fWidth, fPolyLength, 0, &fConsumed, fShift)); // createAreaGeometryForLineStartEnd from some reason always sets // the path as closed, correct it aArrow.setClosed(rLineCap.isClosed()); // If the endcap is filled, we draw ONLY the filling, if it isn't // filled we draw ONLY the outline, but never both. if (bIsFilled) { bool bWasFillColorSet = rState.isFillColorSet; rState.isFillColorSet = true; rState.fillColor = rState.lineColor; ActionSharedPtr pAction2(internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction(aArrow, rParms.mrCanvas, rState)); if (pAction2) { maActions.push_back(MtfAction(pAction2, rParms.mrCurrActionIndex)); rParms.mrCurrActionIndex += pAction2->getActionCount()-1; } rState.isFillColorSet = bWasFillColorSet; } else { ActionSharedPtr pAction(internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction(aArrow, rParms.mrCanvas, rState, rAttributes)); if (pAction) { maActions.push_back(MtfAction(pAction, rParms.mrCurrActionIndex)); rParms.mrCurrActionIndex += pAction->getActionCount()-1; } } // There isn't any clear definition of how far the line should extend // for arrows, however the following values seem to give best results // (fConsumed/2 draws the line to the center-point of the endcap // for filled caps -- however it is likely this will need to be // changed once we start taking baseInset into account). if (bIsFilled) return fConsumed/2; else return rAttributes.StrokeWidth; } void ImplRenderer::EMFPPlusDrawPolygon (const ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& polygon, const ActionFactoryParameters& rParms, OutDevState& rState, const CanvasSharedPtr& rCanvas, sal_uInt32 penIndex) { EMFPPen* pen = static_cast( aObjects [penIndex & 0xff] ); SAL_WARN_IF( !pen, "cppcanvas.emf", "emf+ missing pen" ); if (pen) { rState.isFillColorSet = false; rState.isLineColorSet = true; rState.lineColor = vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence (pen->GetColor (), rCanvas->getUNOCanvas ()->getDevice()->getDeviceColorSpace()); basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPolyPolygon(polygon); aPolyPolygon.transform(rState.mapModeTransform); rendering::StrokeAttributes aCommonAttributes; // some attributes are common for the polygon, and the line // starts & ends - like the stroke width pen->SetStrokeWidth(aCommonAttributes, *this, rState); // but eg. dashing has to be additionally set only on the // polygon rendering::StrokeAttributes aPolygonAttributes(aCommonAttributes); pen->SetStrokeAttributes(aPolygonAttributes); basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aFinalPolyPolygon; // render line starts & ends if present if (!pen->customStartCap && !pen->customEndCap) aFinalPolyPolygon = aPolyPolygon; else { for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < aPolyPolygon.count(); ++i) { basegfx::B2DPolygon aPolygon(aPolyPolygon.getB2DPolygon(i)); if (!aPolygon.isClosed()) { double fStart = 0.0; double fEnd = 0.0; double fPolyLength = basegfx::tools::getLength(aPolygon); // line start if (pen->customStartCap) { rendering::StrokeAttributes aAttributes(aCommonAttributes); pen->customStartCap->SetAttributes(aAttributes); fStart = EMFPPlusDrawLineCap(aPolygon, fPolyLength, pen->customStartCap->polygon, pen->customStartCap->mbIsFilled, true, aAttributes, rParms, rState); } // line end if (pen->customEndCap) { rendering::StrokeAttributes aAttributes(aCommonAttributes); pen->customEndCap->SetAttributes(aAttributes); fEnd = EMFPPlusDrawLineCap(aPolygon, fPolyLength, pen->customEndCap->polygon, pen->customEndCap->mbIsFilled, false, aAttributes, rParms, rState); } // build new poly, consume something from the old poly if (fStart != 0.0 || fEnd != 0.0) aPolygon = basegfx::tools::getSnippetAbsolute(aPolygon, fStart, fPolyLength - fEnd, fPolyLength); } aFinalPolyPolygon.append(aPolygon); } } // finally render the polygon ActionSharedPtr pPolyAction(internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction(aFinalPolyPolygon, rParms.mrCanvas, rState, aPolygonAttributes)); if( pPolyAction ) { maActions.push_back(MtfAction(pPolyAction, rParms.mrCurrActionIndex)); rParms.mrCurrActionIndex += pPolyAction->getActionCount()-1; } } } void ImplRenderer::processObjectRecord(SvMemoryStream& rObjectStream, sal_uInt16 flags, sal_uInt32 dataSize, bool bUseWholeStream) { sal_uInt32 index; SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ Object slot: " << (flags & 0xff) << " flags: " << (flags & 0xff00)); index = flags & 0xff; if (aObjects [index] != NULL) { delete aObjects [index]; aObjects [index] = NULL; } switch (flags & 0x7f00) { case EmfPlusObjectTypeBrush: { EMFPBrush *brush; aObjects [index] = brush = new EMFPBrush (); brush->Read (rObjectStream, *this); break; } case EmfPlusObjectTypePen: { EMFPPen *pen; aObjects [index] = pen = new EMFPPen (); pen->Read (rObjectStream, *this, nHDPI, nVDPI); break; } case EmfPlusObjectTypePath: sal_uInt32 header, pathFlags; sal_Int32 points; rObjectStream.ReadUInt32( header ).ReadInt32( points ).ReadUInt32( pathFlags ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tpath"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\theader: 0x" << std::hex << header << " points: " << std::dec << points << " additional flags: 0x" << std::hex << pathFlags << std::dec); EMFPPath *path; aObjects [index] = path = new EMFPPath (points); path->Read (rObjectStream, pathFlags, *this); break; case EmfPlusObjectTypeRegion: { EMFPRegion *region; aObjects [index] = region = new EMFPRegion (); region->Read (rObjectStream); break; } case EmfPlusObjectTypeImage: { EMFPImage *image; aObjects [index] = image = new EMFPImage (); image->Read (rObjectStream, dataSize, bUseWholeStream); break; } case EmfPlusObjectTypeFont: { EMFPFont *font; aObjects [index] = font = new EMFPFont (); font->Read (rObjectStream); break; } case EmfPlusObjectTypeStringFormat: { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t Object type 'string format' not yet implemented"); break; } case EmfPlusObjectTypeImageAttributes: { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t Object type 'image attributes' not yet implemented"); break; } case EmfPlusObjectTypeCustomLineCap: { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t Object type 'custom line cap' not yet implemented"); break; } default: SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tObject unhandled flags: 0x" << std::hex << (flags & 0xff00) << std::dec); break; } } double ImplRenderer::setFont (sal_uInt8 objectId, const ActionFactoryParameters& rParms, OutDevState& rState) { EMFPFont *font = static_cast( aObjects[ objectId ] ); rendering::FontRequest aFontRequest; aFontRequest.FontDescription.FamilyName = font->family; double cellSize = font->emSize; aFontRequest.CellSize = (rState.mapModeTransform*MapSize( cellSize, 0 )).getX(); rState.xFont = rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->createFont( aFontRequest, uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >(), geometry::Matrix2D() ); return cellSize; } void ImplRenderer::GraphicStatePush(GraphicStateMap& map, sal_Int32 index, OutDevState& rState) { GraphicStateMap::iterator iter = map.find( index ); if ( iter != map.end() ) { EmfPlusGraphicState state = iter->second; map.erase( iter ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "stack index: " << index << " found and erased"); } EmfPlusGraphicState state; state.aWorldTransform = aWorldTransform; state.aDevState = rState; map[ index ] = state; } void ImplRenderer::GraphicStatePop(GraphicStateMap& map, sal_Int32 index, OutDevState& rState) { GraphicStateMap::iterator iter = map.find( index ); if ( iter != map.end() ) { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "stack index: " << index << " found"); EmfPlusGraphicState state = iter->second; aWorldTransform = state.aWorldTransform; rState.clip = state.aDevState.clip; rState.clipRect = state.aDevState.clipRect; rState.xClipPoly = state.aDevState.xClipPoly; } } void ImplRenderer::processEMFPlus( MetaCommentAction* pAct, const ActionFactoryParameters& rFactoryParms, OutDevState& rState, const CanvasSharedPtr& rCanvas ) { sal_uInt32 length = pAct->GetDataSize (); SvMemoryStream rMF (const_cast(pAct->GetData ()), length, StreamMode::READ); if (length < 12) { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "length is less than required header size"); } // 12 is minimal valid EMF+ record size; remaining bytes are padding while (length >= 12) { sal_uInt16 type, flags; sal_uInt32 size, dataSize; sal_Size next; rMF.ReadUInt16( type ).ReadUInt16( flags ).ReadUInt32( size ).ReadUInt32( dataSize ); next = rMF.Tell() + ( size - 12 ); if (size < 12) { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "Size field is less than 12 bytes"); } else if (size > length) { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "Size field is greater than bytes left"); } if (dataSize > (size-12)) { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "DataSize field is greater than Size-12"); } SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ record size: " << size << " type: " << emfTypeToName(type) << " flags: " << flags << " data size: " << dataSize); if (type == EmfPlusRecordTypeObject && ((mbMultipart && (flags & 0x7fff) == (mMFlags & 0x7fff)) || (flags & 0x8000))) { if (!mbMultipart) { mbMultipart = true; mMFlags = flags; mMStream.Seek(0); } OSL_ENSURE(dataSize >= 4, "No room for TotalObjectSize in EmfPlusContinuedObjectRecord"); // 1st 4 bytes are TotalObjectSize mMStream.Write (static_cast(rMF.GetData()) + rMF.Tell() + 4, dataSize - 4); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ read next object part size: " << size << " type: " << type << " flags: " << flags << " data size: " << dataSize); } else { if (mbMultipart) { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ multipart record flags: " << mMFlags); mMStream.Seek (0); processObjectRecord (mMStream, mMFlags, 0, true); } mbMultipart = false; } if (type != EmfPlusRecordTypeObject || !(flags & 0x8000)) { switch (type) { case EmfPlusRecordTypeHeader: sal_uInt32 header, version; rMF.ReadUInt32( header ).ReadUInt32( version ).ReadInt32( nHDPI ).ReadInt32( nVDPI ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ Header"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\theader: 0x" << std::hex << header << " version: " << std::dec << version << " horizontal DPI: " << nHDPI << " vertical DPI: " << nVDPI << " dual: " << (flags & 1)); break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeEndOfFile: SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ EndOfFile"); break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeGetDC: SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ GetDC"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\talready used in svtools wmf/emf filter parser"); break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeObject: processObjectRecord (rMF, flags, dataSize); break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPie: { sal_uInt32 brushIndexOrColor; float startAngle, sweepAngle; rMF.ReadUInt32( brushIndexOrColor ).ReadFloat( startAngle ).ReadFloat( sweepAngle ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ FillPie colorOrIndex: " << brushIndexOrColor << " startAngle: " << startAngle << " sweepAngle: " << sweepAngle); float dx, dy, dw, dh; ReadRectangle (rMF, dx, dy, dw, dh, bool(flags & 0x4000)); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ RectData: " << dx << "," << dy << " " << dw << "x" << dh); startAngle = 2*M_PI*startAngle/360; sweepAngle = 2*M_PI*sweepAngle/360; B2DPoint mappedCenter (Map (dx + dw/2, dy + dh/2)); B2DSize mappedSize( MapSize (dw/2, dh/2)); float endAngle = startAngle + sweepAngle; startAngle = fmodf(startAngle, static_cast(M_PI*2)); if (startAngle < 0) startAngle += static_cast(M_PI*2); endAngle = fmodf(endAngle, static_cast(M_PI*2)); if (endAngle < 0) endAngle += static_cast(M_PI*2); if (sweepAngle < 0) std::swap (endAngle, startAngle); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ adjusted angles: start " << (360.0*startAngle/M_PI) << ", end: " << (360.0*endAngle/M_PI)); B2DPolygon polygon = basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromEllipseSegment (mappedCenter, mappedSize.getX (), mappedSize.getY (), startAngle, endAngle); polygon.append (mappedCenter); polygon.setClosed (true); B2DPolyPolygon polyPolygon (polygon); EMFPPlusFillPolygon (polyPolygon, rFactoryParms, rState, rCanvas, flags & 0x8000, brushIndexOrColor); } break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPath: { sal_uInt32 index = flags & 0xff; sal_uInt32 brushIndexOrColor; rMF.ReadUInt32( brushIndexOrColor ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ FillPath slot: " << index); EMFPPlusFillPolygon( static_cast( aObjects [index])->GetPolygon (*this), rFactoryParms, rState, rCanvas, flags & 0x8000, brushIndexOrColor); } break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawEllipse: case EmfPlusRecordTypeFillEllipse: { // Intentionally very bogus initial value to avoid MSVC complaining about potentially uninitialized local // variable. As long as the code stays as intended, this variable will be assigned a (real) value in the case // when it is later used. sal_uInt32 brushIndexOrColor = 1234567; if ( type == EmfPlusRecordTypeFillEllipse ) rMF.ReadUInt32( brushIndexOrColor ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ " << (type == EmfPlusRecordTypeFillEllipse ? "Fill" : "Draw") << "Ellipse slot: " << (flags & 0xff)); float dx, dy, dw, dh; ReadRectangle (rMF, dx, dy, dw, dh, bool(flags & 0x4000)); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ RectData: " << dx << "," << dy << " " << dw << "x" << dh); B2DPoint mappedCenter (Map (dx + dw/2, dy + dh/2)); B2DSize mappedSize( MapSize (dw/2, dh/2)); ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon polyPolygon( ::basegfx::B2DPolygon( ::basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromEllipse( mappedCenter, mappedSize.getX (), mappedSize.getY () ) ) ); if ( type == EmfPlusRecordTypeFillEllipse ) EMFPPlusFillPolygon( polyPolygon, rFactoryParms, rState, rCanvas, flags & 0x8000, brushIndexOrColor ); else EMFPPlusDrawPolygon( polyPolygon, rFactoryParms, rState, rCanvas, flags & 0xff ); } break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeFillRects: { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ FillRects"); sal_uInt32 brushIndexOrColor; sal_Int32 rectangles; bool isColor = (flags & 0x8000); ::basegfx::B2DPolygon polygon; rMF.ReadUInt32( brushIndexOrColor ).ReadInt32( rectangles ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t" << ((flags & 0x8000) ? "color" : "brush index") << ": 0x" << std::hex << brushIndexOrColor << std::dec); for (int i=0; i < rectangles; i++) { if (flags & 0x4000) { /* 16bit integers */ sal_Int16 x, y, width, height; rMF.ReadInt16( x ).ReadInt16( y ).ReadInt16( width ).ReadInt16( height ); polygon.append (Map (x, y)); polygon.append (Map (x + width, y)); polygon.append (Map (x + width, y + height)); polygon.append (Map (x, y + height)); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\trectangle: " << x << ", " << width << "x" << height); } else { /* Single's */ float x, y, width, height; rMF.ReadFloat( x ).ReadFloat( y ).ReadFloat( width ).ReadFloat( height ); polygon.append (Map (x, y)); polygon.append (Map (x + width, y)); polygon.append (Map (x + width, y + height)); polygon.append (Map (x, y + height)); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\trectangle: " << x << ", " << width << "x" << height); } ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon polyPolygon (polygon); EMFPPlusFillPolygon (polyPolygon, rFactoryParms, rState, rCanvas, isColor, brushIndexOrColor); } break; } case EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPolygon: { sal_uInt8 index = flags & 0xff; sal_uInt32 brushIndexOrColor; sal_Int32 points; rMF.ReadUInt32( brushIndexOrColor ); rMF.ReadInt32( points ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ FillPolygon in slot: " << +index << " points: " << points); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t: " << ((flags & 0x8000) ? "color" : "brush index") << " 0x" << std::hex << brushIndexOrColor << std::dec); EMFPPath path (points, true); path.Read (rMF, flags, *this); EMFPPlusFillPolygon (path.GetPolygon (*this), rFactoryParms, rState, rCanvas, flags & 0x8000, brushIndexOrColor); break; } case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawLines: { sal_uInt32 points; rMF.ReadUInt32( points ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ DrawLines in slot: " << (flags & 0xff) << " points: " << points); EMFPPath path (points, true); path.Read (rMF, flags, *this); EMFPPlusDrawPolygon (path.GetPolygon (*this), rFactoryParms, rState, rCanvas, flags); break; } case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawPath: { sal_uInt32 penIndex; rMF.ReadUInt32( penIndex ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ DrawPath"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tpen: " << penIndex); EMFPPath* path = static_cast( aObjects [flags & 0xff] ); SAL_WARN_IF( !path, "cppcanvas.emf", "EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawPath missing path" ); EMFPPlusDrawPolygon (path->GetPolygon (*this), rFactoryParms, rState, rCanvas, penIndex); break; } case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImage: case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImagePoints: { sal_uInt32 attrIndex; sal_Int32 sourceUnit; rMF.ReadUInt32( attrIndex ).ReadInt32( sourceUnit ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ " << (type == EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImagePoints ? "DrawImagePoints" : "DrawImage") << "attributes index: " << attrIndex << "source unit: " << sourceUnit); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tTODO: use image attributes"); if (sourceUnit == 2 && aObjects [flags & 0xff]) { // we handle only GraphicsUnit.Pixel now EMFPImage& image = *static_cast( aObjects [flags & 0xff]); float sx, sy, sw, sh; sal_Int32 aCount; ReadRectangle (rMF, sx, sy, sw, sh); Rectangle aSource(Point(sx, sy), Size(sw, sh)); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ " << (type == EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImagePoints ? "DrawImagePoints" : "DrawImage") << " source rectangle: " << sx << "," << sy << " " << sw << "x" << sh); ::basegfx::B2DPoint aDstPoint; ::basegfx::B2DSize aDstSize; bool bValid = false; if (type == EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImagePoints) { rMF.ReadInt32( aCount ); if( aCount == 3) { // TODO: now that we now that this value is count we should support it better float x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3; ReadPoint (rMF, x1, y1, flags); ReadPoint (rMF, x2, y2, flags); ReadPoint (rMF, x3, y3, flags); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ destination points: " << x1 << "," << y1 << " " << x2 << "," << y2 << " " << x3 << "," << y3); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ destination rectangle: " << x1 << "," << y1 << " " << x2 - x1 << "x" << y3 - y1); aDstPoint = Map (x1, y1); aDstSize = MapSize(x2 - x1, y3 - y1); bValid = true; } } else if (type == EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImage) { float dx, dy, dw, dh; ReadRectangle (rMF, dx, dy, dw, dh, bool(flags & 0x4000)); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ destination rectangle: " << dx << "," << dy << " " << dw << "x" << dh); aDstPoint = Map (dx, dy); aDstSize = MapSize(dw, dh); bValid = true; } if (bValid) { BitmapEx aBmp( image.graphic.GetBitmapEx () ); aBmp.Crop( aSource ); Size aSize( aBmp.GetSizePixel() ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ bitmap size: " << aSize.Width() << "x" << aSize.Height()); if( aSize.Width() > 0 && aSize.Height() > 0 ) { ActionSharedPtr pBmpAction ( internal::BitmapActionFactory::createBitmapAction ( aBmp, rState.mapModeTransform * aDstPoint, rState.mapModeTransform * aDstSize, rCanvas, rState)); if( pBmpAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pBmpAction, rFactoryParms.mrCurrActionIndex ) ); rFactoryParms.mrCurrActionIndex += pBmpAction->getActionCount()-1; } } else { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ warning: empty bitmap"); } } else { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ DrawImage(Points) TODO (fixme)"); } } else { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ DrawImage(Points) TODO (fixme) - possibly unsupported source units for crop rectangle"); } break; } case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawString: { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ DrawString"); sal_uInt32 brushId; sal_uInt32 formatId; sal_uInt32 stringLength; rMF.ReadUInt32( brushId ).ReadUInt32( formatId ).ReadUInt32( stringLength ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ DrawString brushId: " << brushId << " formatId: " << formatId << " length: " << stringLength); if (flags & 0x8000) { float lx, ly, lw, lh; rMF.ReadFloat( lx ).ReadFloat( ly ).ReadFloat( lw ).ReadFloat( lh ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ DrawString layoutRect: " << lx << "," << ly << " - " << lw << "x" << lh); OUString text = read_uInt16s_ToOUString(rMF, stringLength); double cellSize = setFont (flags & 0xff, rFactoryParms, rState); rState.textColor = COLOR( brushId ); ::basegfx::B2DPoint point( Map( lx + 0.15*cellSize, ly + cellSize ) ); ActionSharedPtr pTextAction( TextActionFactory::createTextAction( // position is just rough guess for now // we should calculate it exactly from layoutRect or font vcl::unotools::pointFromB2DPoint ( point ), ::Size(), ::Color(), ::Size(), ::Color(), text, 0, stringLength, NULL, rFactoryParms.mrVDev, rFactoryParms.mrCanvas, rState, rFactoryParms.mrParms, false ) ); if( pTextAction ) { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t\tadd text action"); maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pTextAction, rFactoryParms.mrCurrActionIndex ) ); rFactoryParms.mrCurrActionIndex += pTextAction->getActionCount()-1; } } else { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ DrawString TODO - drawing with brush not yet supported"); } } break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPageTransform: rMF.ReadFloat( fPageScale ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ SetPageTransform"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tscale: " << fPageScale << " unit: " << flags); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tTODO"); break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetRenderingOrigin: rMF.ReadInt32( nOriginX ).ReadInt32( nOriginY ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ SetRenderingOrigin"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\torigin [x,y]: " << nOriginX << "," << nOriginY); break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetTextRenderingHint: SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ SetTextRenderingHint"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tTODO"); break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetAntiAliasMode: SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ SetAntiAliasMode"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tTODO"); break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetInterpolationMode: SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ InterpolationMode"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tTODO"); break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPixelOffsetMode: SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ SetPixelOffsetMode"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tTODO"); break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetCompositingQuality: SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ SetCompositingQuality"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tTODO"); break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSave: { sal_uInt32 stackIndex; rMF.ReadUInt32( stackIndex ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ Save stack index: " << stackIndex); GraphicStatePush( mGSStack, stackIndex, rState ); break; } case EmfPlusRecordTypeRestore: { sal_uInt32 stackIndex; rMF.ReadUInt32( stackIndex ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ Restore stack index: " << stackIndex); GraphicStatePop( mGSStack, stackIndex, rState ); break; } case EmfPlusRecordTypeBeginContainerNoParams: { sal_uInt32 stackIndex; rMF.ReadUInt32( stackIndex ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ Begin Container No Params stack index: " << stackIndex); GraphicStatePush( mGSContainerStack, stackIndex, rState ); } break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeEndContainer: { sal_uInt32 stackIndex; rMF.ReadUInt32( stackIndex ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ End Container stack index: " << stackIndex); GraphicStatePop( mGSContainerStack, stackIndex, rState ); } break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetWorldTransform: { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ SetWorldTransform"); XForm transform; ReadXForm( rMF, transform ); aWorldTransform.Set (transform); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tm11: " << aWorldTransform.eM11 << "\tm12: " << aWorldTransform.eM12 << "\tm21: " << aWorldTransform.eM21 << "\tm22: " << aWorldTransform.eM22 << "\tdx: " << aWorldTransform.eDx << "\tdy: " << aWorldTransform.eDy); break; } case EmfPlusRecordTypeResetWorldTransform: SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ ResetWorldTransform"); aWorldTransform.SetIdentity (); break; case EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiplyWorldTransform: { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ MultiplyWorldTransform"); XForm transform; ReadXForm( rMF, transform ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tmatrix m11: " << transform.eM11 << "m12: " << transform.eM12 << "EMF+\tm21: " << transform.eM21 << "m22: " << transform.eM22 << "EMF+\tdx: " << transform.eDx << "dy: " << transform.eDy); if (flags & 0x2000) // post multiply aWorldTransform.Multiply (transform); else { // pre multiply transform.Multiply (aWorldTransform); aWorldTransform.Set (transform); } SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tm11: " << aWorldTransform.eM11 << "m12: " << aWorldTransform.eM12 << "EMF+\tm21: " << aWorldTransform.eM21 << "m22: " << aWorldTransform.eM22 << "EMF+\tdx: " << aWorldTransform.eDx << "dy: " << aWorldTransform.eDy); break; } case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRect: { int combineMode = (flags >> 8) & 0xf; SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ SetClipRect combine mode: " << combineMode); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 if (combineMode > 1) { SAL_INFO ("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ TODO combine mode > 1"); } #endif float dx, dy, dw, dh; ReadRectangle (rMF, dx, dy, dw, dh); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ RectData: " << dx << "," << dy << " " << dw << "x" << dh); B2DPoint mappedPoint (Map (dx, dy)); B2DSize mappedSize( MapSize (dw, dh)); ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon polyPolygon( ::basegfx::B2DPolygon( ::basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromRect( ::basegfx::B2DRectangle( mappedPoint.getX(), mappedPoint.getY(), mappedPoint.getX() + mappedSize.getX(), mappedPoint.getY() + mappedSize.getY() ) ) ) ); polyPolygon.transform(rState.mapModeTransform); updateClipping (polyPolygon, rFactoryParms, combineMode == 1); break; } case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipPath: { int combineMode = (flags >> 8) & 0xf; SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ SetClipPath combine mode: " << combineMode); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tpath in slot: " << (flags & 0xff)); EMFPPath& path = *static_cast( aObjects [flags & 0xff] ); ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& clipPoly (path.GetPolygon (*this)); clipPoly.transform (rState.mapModeTransform); switch (combineMode) { case EmfPlusCombineModeReplace: case EmfPlusCombineModeIntersect: case EmfPlusCombineModeUnion: // Is this, EmfPlusCombineModeXOR and EmfPlusCombineModeComplement correct? case EmfPlusCombineModeXOR: case EmfPlusCombineModeComplement: updateClipping (clipPoly, rFactoryParms, combineMode == 1); break; case EmfPlusCombineModeExclude: // Not doing anything is better then including exactly what we wanted to exclude. break; } break; } case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRegion: { int combineMode = (flags >> 8) & 0xf; SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ SetClipRegion"); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tregion in slot: " << (flags & 0xff) << " combine mode: " << combineMode); EMFPRegion *region = static_cast(aObjects [flags & 0xff]); // reset clip if (region && region->parts == 0 && region->initialState == EmfPlusRegionInitialStateInfinite) { updateClipping (::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon (), rFactoryParms, combineMode == 1); } else { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tTODO"); } break; } case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawDriverString: { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ DrawDriverString, flags: 0x" << std::hex << flags << std::dec); sal_uInt32 brushIndexOrColor; sal_uInt32 optionFlags; sal_uInt32 hasMatrix; sal_uInt32 glyphsCount; rMF.ReadUInt32( brushIndexOrColor ).ReadUInt32( optionFlags ).ReadUInt32( hasMatrix ).ReadUInt32( glyphsCount ); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\t: " << ((flags & 0x8000) ? "color" : "brush index") << " 0x" << std::hex << brushIndexOrColor << std::dec); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\toption flags: 0x" << std::hex << optionFlags << std::dec); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\thas matrix: " << hasMatrix); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tglyphs: " << glyphsCount); if( ( optionFlags & 1 ) && glyphsCount > 0 ) { float *charsPosX = new float[glyphsCount]; float *charsPosY = new float[glyphsCount]; OUString text = read_uInt16s_ToOUString(rMF, glyphsCount); for( sal_uInt32 i=0; igetActionCount()-1; } delete[] charsPosX; delete[] charsPosY; } else { SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tTODO: fonts (non-unicode glyphs chars)"); } break; } default: SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+ unhandled record type: " << type); SAL_INFO("cppcanvas.emf", "EMF+\tTODO"); } } rMF.Seek (next); if (size <= length) { length -= size; } else { SAL_WARN("cppcanvas.emf", "ImplRenderer::processEMFPlus: " "size " << size << " > length " << length); length = 0; } } } } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */