/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: implrenderer.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.23 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2007-08-03 11:56:05 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_cppcanvas.hxx" #include <canvas/debug.hxx> #include <canvas/verbosetrace.hxx> #include <osl/mutex.hxx> #include <vos/mutex.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <rtl/logfile.hxx> #include <comphelper/sequence.hxx> #include <comphelper/anytostring.hxx> #include <cppuhelper/exc_hlp.hxx> #include <cppcanvas/canvas.hxx> #include <com/sun/star/rendering/XGraphicDevice.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/rendering/TexturingMode.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/rendering/XParametricPolyPolygon2DFactory.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx> #include <com/sun/star/geometry/RealPoint2D.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/rendering/ViewState.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/rendering/RenderState.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/rendering/XCanvasFont.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/rendering/XPolyPolygon2D.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/rendering/XCanvas.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/rendering/PathCapType.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/rendering/PathJoinType.hpp> #include <basegfx/tools/canvastools.hxx> #include <basegfx/numeric/ftools.hxx> #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx> #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygontools.hxx> #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx> #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx> #include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx> #include <basegfx/vector/b2dsize.hxx> #include <basegfx/range/b2drectangle.hxx> #include <basegfx/point/b2dpoint.hxx> #include <basegfx/tuple/b2dtuple.hxx> #include <canvas/canvastools.hxx> #include <vcl/canvastools.hxx> #include <vcl/salbtype.hxx> #include <vcl/gdimtf.hxx> #include <vcl/metaact.hxx> #include <vcl/virdev.hxx> #include <vcl/metric.hxx> #include <vcl/graphictools.hxx> #include <tools/poly.hxx> #include <implrenderer.hxx> #include <tools.hxx> #include <outdevstate.hxx> #include <action.hxx> #include <bitmapaction.hxx> #include <lineaction.hxx> #include <pointaction.hxx> #include <polypolyaction.hxx> #include <textaction.hxx> #include <transparencygroupaction.hxx> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include <boost/scoped_array.hpp> #include "mtftools.hxx" #include "outdevstate.hxx" using namespace ::com::sun::star; // free support functions // ====================== namespace { template < class MetaActionType > void setStateColor( MetaActionType* pAct, bool& rIsColorSet, uno::Sequence< double >& rColorSequence, const cppcanvas::CanvasSharedPtr& rCanvas ) { // set rIsColorSet and check for true at the same time if( (rIsColorSet=pAct->IsSetting()) != false ) { ::Color aColor( pAct->GetColor() ); // force alpha part of color to // opaque. transparent painting is done // explicitely via META_TRANSPARENT_ACTION aColor.SetTransparency(0); //aColor.SetTransparency(128); rColorSequence = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( rCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(), aColor ); } } // state stack manipulators // ------------------------ void clearStateStack( ::cppcanvas::internal::VectorOfOutDevStates& rStates ) { rStates.clear(); const ::cppcanvas::internal::OutDevState aDefaultState; rStates.push_back( aDefaultState ); } ::cppcanvas::internal::OutDevState& getState( ::cppcanvas::internal::VectorOfOutDevStates& rStates ) { return rStates.back(); } const ::cppcanvas::internal::OutDevState& getState( const ::cppcanvas::internal::VectorOfOutDevStates& rStates ) { return rStates.back(); } void pushState( ::cppcanvas::internal::VectorOfOutDevStates& rStates, USHORT nFlags ) { rStates.push_back( getState( rStates ) ); getState( rStates ).pushFlags = nFlags; } void popState( ::cppcanvas::internal::VectorOfOutDevStates& rStates ) { if( getState( rStates ).pushFlags != PUSH_ALL ) { // a state is pushed which is incomplete, i.e. does not // restore everything to the previous stack level when // popped. // That means, we take the old state, and restore every // OutDevState member whose flag is set, from the new to the // old state. Then the new state gets overwritten by the // calculated state // preset to-be-calculated new state with old state ::cppcanvas::internal::OutDevState aCalculatedNewState( getState( rStates ) ); // selectively copy to-be-restored content over saved old // state rStates.pop_back(); const ::cppcanvas::internal::OutDevState& rNewState( getState( rStates ) ); if( (aCalculatedNewState.pushFlags & PUSH_LINECOLOR) ) { aCalculatedNewState.lineColor = rNewState.lineColor; aCalculatedNewState.isLineColorSet = rNewState.isLineColorSet; } if( (aCalculatedNewState.pushFlags & PUSH_FILLCOLOR) ) { aCalculatedNewState.fillColor = rNewState.fillColor; aCalculatedNewState.isFillColorSet = rNewState.isFillColorSet; } if( (aCalculatedNewState.pushFlags & PUSH_FONT) ) { aCalculatedNewState.xFont = rNewState.xFont; aCalculatedNewState.fontRotation = rNewState.fontRotation; aCalculatedNewState.textReliefStyle = rNewState.textReliefStyle; aCalculatedNewState.textUnderlineStyle = rNewState.textUnderlineStyle; aCalculatedNewState.textStrikeoutStyle = rNewState.textStrikeoutStyle; aCalculatedNewState.textEmphasisMarkStyle = rNewState.textEmphasisMarkStyle; aCalculatedNewState.isTextEffectShadowSet = rNewState.isTextEffectShadowSet; aCalculatedNewState.isTextWordUnderlineSet = rNewState.isTextWordUnderlineSet; aCalculatedNewState.isTextOutlineModeSet = rNewState.isTextOutlineModeSet; } if( (aCalculatedNewState.pushFlags & PUSH_TEXTCOLOR) ) { aCalculatedNewState.textColor = rNewState.textColor; } if( (aCalculatedNewState.pushFlags & PUSH_MAPMODE) ) { aCalculatedNewState.mapModeTransform = rNewState.mapModeTransform; } if( (aCalculatedNewState.pushFlags & PUSH_CLIPREGION) ) { aCalculatedNewState.clip = rNewState.clip; aCalculatedNewState.clipRect = rNewState.clipRect; aCalculatedNewState.xClipPoly = rNewState.xClipPoly; } // TODO(F2): Raster ops NYI // if( (aCalculatedNewState.pushFlags & PUSH_RASTEROP) ) // { // } if( (aCalculatedNewState.pushFlags & PUSH_TEXTFILLCOLOR) ) { aCalculatedNewState.textFillColor = rNewState.textFillColor; aCalculatedNewState.isTextFillColorSet = rNewState.isTextFillColorSet; } if( (aCalculatedNewState.pushFlags & PUSH_TEXTALIGN) ) { aCalculatedNewState.textReferencePoint = rNewState.textReferencePoint; } // TODO(F1): Refpoint handling NYI // if( (aCalculatedNewState.pushFlags & PUSH_REFPOINT) ) // { // } if( (aCalculatedNewState.pushFlags & PUSH_TEXTLINECOLOR) ) { aCalculatedNewState.textLineColor = rNewState.textLineColor; aCalculatedNewState.isTextLineColorSet = rNewState.isTextLineColorSet; } if( (aCalculatedNewState.pushFlags & PUSH_TEXTLAYOUTMODE) ) { aCalculatedNewState.textAlignment = rNewState.textAlignment; aCalculatedNewState.textDirection = rNewState.textDirection; } // TODO(F2): Text language handling NYI // if( (aCalculatedNewState.pushFlags & PUSH_TEXTLANGUAGE) ) // { // } // always copy push mode aCalculatedNewState.pushFlags = rNewState.pushFlags; // flush to stack getState( rStates ) = aCalculatedNewState; } else { rStates.pop_back(); } } void setupStrokeAttributes( rendering::StrokeAttributes& o_rStrokeAttributes, const ::cppcanvas::internal::ActionFactoryParameters& rParms, const LineInfo& rLineInfo ) { const ::basegfx::B2DSize aWidth( rLineInfo.GetWidth(), 0 ); o_rStrokeAttributes.StrokeWidth = (getState( rParms.mrStates ).mapModeTransform * aWidth).getX(); // setup reasonable defaults o_rStrokeAttributes.MiterLimit = 1.0; o_rStrokeAttributes.StartCapType = rendering::PathCapType::BUTT; o_rStrokeAttributes.EndCapType = rendering::PathCapType::BUTT; o_rStrokeAttributes.JoinType = rendering::PathJoinType::MITER; if( LINE_DASH == rLineInfo.GetStyle() ) { const ::cppcanvas::internal::OutDevState& rState( getState( rParms.mrStates ) ); // TODO(F1): Interpret OutDev::GetRefPoint() for the start of the dashing. // interpret dash info only if explicitely enabled as // style const ::basegfx::B2DSize aDistance( rLineInfo.GetDistance(), 0 ); const double nDistance( (rState.mapModeTransform * aDistance).getX() ); const ::basegfx::B2DSize aDashLen( rLineInfo.GetDashLen(), 0 ); const double nDashLen( (rState.mapModeTransform * aDashLen).getX() ); const ::basegfx::B2DSize aDotLen( rLineInfo.GetDotLen(), 0 ); const double nDotLen( (rState.mapModeTransform * aDotLen).getX() ); const sal_Int32 nNumArryEntries( 2*rLineInfo.GetDashCount() + 2*rLineInfo.GetDotCount() ); o_rStrokeAttributes.DashArray.realloc( nNumArryEntries ); double* pDashArray = o_rStrokeAttributes.DashArray.getArray(); // iteratively fill dash array, first with dashs, then // with dots. // =================================================== sal_Int32 nCurrEntry=0; for( sal_Int32 i=0; i<rLineInfo.GetDashCount(); ++i ) { pDashArray[nCurrEntry++] = nDashLen; pDashArray[nCurrEntry++] = nDistance; } for( sal_Int32 i=0; i<rLineInfo.GetDotCount(); ++i ) { pDashArray[nCurrEntry++] = nDotLen; pDashArray[nCurrEntry++] = nDistance; } } } /** Create masked BitmapEx, where the white areas of rBitmap are transparent, and the other appear in rMaskColor. */ BitmapEx createMaskBmpEx( const Bitmap& rBitmap, const ::Color& rMaskColor ) { const ::Color aWhite( COL_WHITE ); BitmapPalette aBiLevelPalette(2); aBiLevelPalette[0] = aWhite; aBiLevelPalette[1] = rMaskColor; Bitmap aMask( rBitmap.CreateMask( aWhite )); Bitmap aSolid( rBitmap.GetSizePixel(), 1, &aBiLevelPalette ); aSolid.Erase( rMaskColor ); return BitmapEx( aSolid, aMask ); } /** Shameless rip from vcl/source/gdi/outdev3.cxx Should consolidate, into something like basetxt... */ sal_Unicode getLocalizedChar( sal_Unicode nChar, LanguageType eLang ) { // currently only conversion from ASCII digits is interesting if( (nChar < '0') || ('9' < nChar) ) return nChar; sal_Unicode nOffset(0); switch( eLang ) { default: break; case LANGUAGE_ARABIC: // FALLTHROUGS intended case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_IRAQ: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_EGYPT: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_LIBYA: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_ALGERIA: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_MOROCCO: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_TUNISIA: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_OMAN: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_YEMEN: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_SYRIA: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_JORDAN: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_LEBANON: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_KUWAIT: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_UAE: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_BAHRAIN: case LANGUAGE_ARABIC_QATAR: case LANGUAGE_URDU: case LANGUAGE_URDU_PAKISTAN: case LANGUAGE_URDU_INDIA: case LANGUAGE_PUNJABI: //??? nOffset = 0x0660 - '0'; // arabic/persian/urdu break; case LANGUAGE_BENGALI: nOffset = 0x09E6 - '0'; // bengali break; case LANGUAGE_HINDI: nOffset = 0x0966 - '0'; // devanagari break; case LANGUAGE_GUJARATI: nOffset = 0x0AE6 - '0'; // gujarati break; case LANGUAGE_KANNADA: nOffset = 0x0CE6 - '0'; // kannada break; case LANGUAGE_KHMER: nOffset = 0x17E0 - '0'; // khmer break; case LANGUAGE_LAO: nOffset = 0x0ED0 - '0'; // lao break; case LANGUAGE_MALAYALAM: nOffset = 0x0D66 - '0'; // malayalam break; case LANGUAGE_MONGOLIAN: nOffset = 0x1810 - '0'; // mongolian break; case LANGUAGE_ORIYA: nOffset = 0x0B66 - '0'; // oriya break; case LANGUAGE_TAMIL: nOffset = 0x0BE7 - '0'; // tamil break; case LANGUAGE_TELUGU: nOffset = 0x0C66 - '0'; // telugu break; case LANGUAGE_THAI: nOffset = 0x0E50 - '0'; // thai break; case LANGUAGE_TIBETAN: nOffset = 0x0F20 - '0'; // tibetan break; } nChar = sal::static_int_cast<sal_Unicode>(nChar + nOffset); return nChar; } void convertToLocalizedNumerals( XubString& rStr, LanguageType eTextLanguage ) { const sal_Unicode* pBase = rStr.GetBuffer(); const sal_Unicode* pBegin = pBase + 0; const xub_StrLen nEndIndex = rStr.Len(); const sal_Unicode* pEnd = pBase + nEndIndex; for( ; pBegin < pEnd; ++pBegin ) { // TODO: are there non-digit localizations? if( (*pBegin >= '0') && (*pBegin <= '9') ) { // translate characters to local preference sal_Unicode cChar = getLocalizedChar( *pBegin, eTextLanguage ); if( cChar != *pBegin ) rStr.SetChar( sal::static_int_cast<USHORT>(pBegin - pBase), cChar ); } } } } namespace cppcanvas { namespace internal { bool ImplRenderer::createFillAndStroke( const ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const ActionFactoryParameters& rParms ) { const OutDevState& rState( getState( rParms.mrStates ) ); if( (!rState.isLineColorSet && !rState.isFillColorSet) || (rState.lineColor.getLength() == 0 && rState.fillColor.getLength() == 0) ) { return false; } ActionSharedPtr pPolyAction( internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction( rPolyPoly, rParms.mrCanvas, rState ) ); if( pPolyAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pPolyAction, rParms.mrCurrActionIndex ) ); rParms.mrCurrActionIndex += pPolyAction->getActionCount()-1; } return true; } bool ImplRenderer::createFillAndStroke( const ::basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPoly, const ActionFactoryParameters& rParms ) { return createFillAndStroke( ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon( rPoly ), rParms ); } void ImplRenderer::skipContent( GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const char* pCommentString, sal_Int32& io_rCurrActionIndex ) const { ENSURE_AND_THROW( pCommentString, "ImplRenderer::skipContent(): NULL string given" ); MetaAction* pCurrAct; while( (pCurrAct=rMtf.NextAction()) != NULL ) { // increment action index, we've skipped an action. ++io_rCurrActionIndex; if( pCurrAct->GetType() == META_COMMENT_ACTION && static_cast<MetaCommentAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetComment().CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( pCommentString ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) { // requested comment found, done return; } } // EOF return; } bool ImplRenderer::isActionContained( GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const char* pCommentString, USHORT nType ) const { ENSURE_AND_THROW( pCommentString, "ImplRenderer::isActionContained(): NULL string given" ); bool bRet( false ); // at least _one_ call to GDIMetaFile::NextAction() is // executed ULONG nPos( 1 ); MetaAction* pCurrAct; while( (pCurrAct=rMtf.NextAction()) != NULL ) { if( pCurrAct->GetType() == nType ) { bRet = true; // action type found break; } if( pCurrAct->GetType() == META_COMMENT_ACTION && static_cast<MetaCommentAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetComment().CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( pCommentString ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) { // delimiting end comment found, done bRet = false; // not yet found break; } ++nPos; } // rewind metafile to previous position (this method must // not change the current metaaction) while( nPos-- ) rMtf.WindPrev(); if( !pCurrAct ) { // EOF, and not yet found bRet = false; } return bRet; } void ImplRenderer::createGradientAction( const ::PolyPolygon& rPoly, const ::Gradient& rGradient, const ActionFactoryParameters& rParms, bool bIsPolygonRectangle, bool bSubsettableActions ) { DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX(); ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aDevicePoly( rPoly.getB2DPolyPolygon() ); aDevicePoly.transform( getState( rParms.mrStates ).mapModeTransform ); // decide, whether this gradient can be rendered natively // by the canvas, or must be emulated via VCL gradient // action extraction. const USHORT nSteps( rGradient.GetSteps() ); if( // step count is infinite, can use native canvas // gradients here nSteps == 0 || // step count is sufficiently high, such that no // discernible difference should be visible. nSteps > 64 ) { uno::Reference< rendering::XParametricPolyPolygon2DFactory > xFactory( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice()->getParametricPolyPolygonFactory() ); if( xFactory.is() ) { ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTextureTransformation; rendering::Texture aTexture; aTexture.RepeatModeX = rendering::TexturingMode::CLAMP; aTexture.RepeatModeY = rendering::TexturingMode::CLAMP; aTexture.Alpha = 1.0; // setup start/end color values // ---------------------------- // scale color coefficients with gradient intensities const USHORT nStartIntensity( rGradient.GetStartIntensity() ); ::Color aVCLStartColor( rGradient.GetStartColor() ); aVCLStartColor.SetRed( (UINT8)(aVCLStartColor.GetRed() * nStartIntensity / 100) ); aVCLStartColor.SetGreen( (UINT8)(aVCLStartColor.GetGreen() * nStartIntensity / 100) ); aVCLStartColor.SetBlue( (UINT8)(aVCLStartColor.GetBlue() * nStartIntensity / 100) ); const USHORT nEndIntensity( rGradient.GetEndIntensity() ); ::Color aVCLEndColor( rGradient.GetEndColor() ); aVCLEndColor.SetRed( (UINT8)(aVCLEndColor.GetRed() * nEndIntensity / 100) ); aVCLEndColor.SetGreen( (UINT8)(aVCLEndColor.GetGreen() * nEndIntensity / 100) ); aVCLEndColor.SetBlue( (UINT8)(aVCLEndColor.GetBlue() * nEndIntensity / 100) ); const uno::Sequence< double > aStartColor( ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(), aVCLStartColor ) ); const uno::Sequence< double > aEndColor( ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(), aVCLEndColor ) ); // Setup texture transformation // ---------------------------- const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle aBounds( ::basegfx::tools::getRange(aDevicePoly) ); // setup rotation angle. VCL rotates // counter-clockwise, while canvas transformation // rotates clockwise double nRotation( -rGradient.GetAngle() * M_PI / 1800.0 ); switch( rGradient.GetStyle() ) { case GRADIENT_LINEAR: // FALLTHROUGH intended case GRADIENT_AXIAL: { // standard orientation for VCL linear // gradient is vertical, thus, rotate 90 // degrees nRotation += M_PI/2.0; const double nBorder( ::basegfx::pruneScaleValue( (1.0 - rGradient.GetBorder() / 100.0) ) ); // shrink texture, to account for border // (only in x direction, linear gradient // is constant in y direction, anyway) aTextureTransformation.scale( nBorder, 1.0 ); // linear gradients don't respect offsets // (they are implicitely assumed to be // 50%). linear gradients don't have // border on both sides, only on the // startColor side, axial gradients have // border on both sides. As both gradients // are invariant in y direction: leave y // offset alone. double nOffsetX( rGradient.GetBorder() / 200.0 ); // determine type of gradient (and necessary // transformation matrix, should it be emulated by a // generic gradient) switch( rGradient.GetStyle() ) { case GRADIENT_LINEAR: nOffsetX = rGradient.GetBorder() / 100.0; aTexture.Gradient = xFactory->createLinearHorizontalGradient( aStartColor, aEndColor ); break; case GRADIENT_AXIAL: aTexture.Gradient = xFactory->createAxialHorizontalGradient( aStartColor, aEndColor ); break; default: // other cases can't happen break; } // apply border offset values aTextureTransformation.translate( nOffsetX, 0.0 ); // rotate texture according to gradient rotation aTextureTransformation.translate( -0.5, -0.5 ); aTextureTransformation.rotate( nRotation ); // to let the first strip of a rotated // gradient start at the _edge_ of the // bound rect (and not, due to rotation, // slightly inside), slightly enlarge the // gradient: // // y/2 sin(alpha) + x/2 cos(alpha) // // (values to change are not actual // gradient scales, but original bound // rect dimensions. Since we still want // the border setting to apply after that, // we multiply with that as above for // nScaleX) const double nScale( ::basegfx::pruneScaleValue( fabs( aBounds.getHeight()*sin(nRotation) ) + fabs( aBounds.getWidth()*cos(nRotation) ))); aTextureTransformation.scale( nScale, nScale ); // translate back origin to center of // primitive aTextureTransformation.translate( 0.5*aBounds.getWidth(), 0.5*aBounds.getHeight() ); } break; case GRADIENT_RADIAL: // FALLTHROUGH intended case GRADIENT_ELLIPTICAL: // FALLTHROUGH intended case GRADIENT_SQUARE: // FALLTHROUGH intended case GRADIENT_RECT: { // determine scale factors for the gradient (must // be scaled up from [0,1]x[0,1] rect to object // bounds). Will potentially changed in switch // statement below. // Respect border value, while doing so, the VCL // gradient's border will effectively shrink the // resulting gradient. double nScaleX( aBounds.getWidth() * (1.0 - rGradient.GetBorder() / 100.0) ); double nScaleY( aBounds.getHeight()* (1.0 - rGradient.GetBorder() / 100.0) ); // determine offset values. Since the border is // divided half-by-half to both sides of the // gradient, divide translation offset by an // additional 2. Also respect offset here, but // since VCL gradients have their center at [0,0] // for zero offset, but canvas gradients have // their top, left edge aligned with the // primitive, and offset of 50% effectively must // yield zero shift. Both values will potentially // be adapted in switch statement below. double nOffsetX( aBounds.getWidth() * (2.0 * rGradient.GetOfsX() - 100.0 + rGradient.GetBorder()) / 200.0 ); double nOffsetY( aBounds.getHeight() * (2.0 * rGradient.GetOfsY() - 100.0 + rGradient.GetBorder()) / 200.0 ); // determine type of gradient (and necessary // transformation matrix, should it be emulated by a // generic gradient) switch( rGradient.GetStyle() ) { case GRADIENT_RADIAL: { // create isotrophic scaling if( nScaleX > nScaleY ) { nOffsetY -= (nScaleX - nScaleY) * 0.5; nScaleY = nScaleX; } else { nOffsetX -= (nScaleY - nScaleX) * 0.5; nScaleX = nScaleY; } // enlarge gradient to match bound rect diagonal aTextureTransformation.translate( -0.5, -0.5 ); const double nScale( hypot(aBounds.getWidth(), aBounds.getHeight()) / nScaleX ); aTextureTransformation.scale( nScale, nScale ); aTextureTransformation.translate( 0.5, 0.5 ); aTexture.Gradient = xFactory->createEllipticalGradient( aEndColor, aStartColor, geometry::RealRectangle2D(0.0,0.0, 1.0,1.0) ); } break; case GRADIENT_ELLIPTICAL: { // enlarge gradient slightly aTextureTransformation.translate( -0.5, -0.5 ); const double nSqrt2( sqrt(2.0) ); aTextureTransformation.scale( nSqrt2,nSqrt2 ); aTextureTransformation.translate( 0.5, 0.5 ); aTexture.Gradient = xFactory->createEllipticalGradient( aEndColor, aStartColor, ::basegfx::unotools::rectangle2DFromB2DRectangle( aBounds )); } break; case GRADIENT_SQUARE: // create isotrophic scaling if( nScaleX > nScaleY ) { nOffsetY -= (nScaleX - nScaleY) * 0.5; nScaleY = nScaleX; } else { nOffsetX -= (nScaleY - nScaleX) * 0.5; nScaleX = nScaleY; } aTexture.Gradient = xFactory->createRectangularGradient( aEndColor, aStartColor, geometry::RealRectangle2D(0.0,0.0, 1.0,1.0) ); break; case GRADIENT_RECT: aTexture.Gradient = xFactory->createRectangularGradient( aEndColor, aStartColor, ::basegfx::unotools::rectangle2DFromB2DRectangle( aBounds ) ); break; default: // other cases can't happen break; } nScaleX = ::basegfx::pruneScaleValue( nScaleX ); nScaleY = ::basegfx::pruneScaleValue( nScaleY ); aTextureTransformation.scale( nScaleX, nScaleY ); // rotate texture according to gradient rotation aTextureTransformation.translate( -0.5*nScaleX, -0.5*nScaleY ); aTextureTransformation.rotate( nRotation ); aTextureTransformation.translate( 0.5*nScaleX, 0.5*nScaleY ); aTextureTransformation.translate( nOffsetX, nOffsetY ); } break; default: ENSURE_AND_THROW( false, "ImplRenderer::createGradientAction(): Unexpected gradient type" ); break; } // As the texture coordinate space is relative to // the polygon coordinate space (NOT to the // polygon itself), move gradient to the start of // the actual polygon. If we skip this, the // gradient will always display at the origin, and // not within the polygon bound (which might be // miles away from the origin). aTextureTransformation.translate( aBounds.getMinX(), aBounds.getMinY() ); ::basegfx::unotools::affineMatrixFromHomMatrix( aTexture.AffineTransform, aTextureTransformation ); ActionSharedPtr pPolyAction( internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction( aDevicePoly, rParms.mrCanvas, getState( rParms.mrStates ), aTexture ) ); if( pPolyAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pPolyAction, rParms.mrCurrActionIndex ) ); rParms.mrCurrActionIndex += pPolyAction->getActionCount()-1; } // done, using native gradients return; } } // cannot currently use native canvas gradients, as a // finite step size is given (this funny feature is not // supported by the XCanvas API) pushState( rParms.mrStates, PUSH_ALL ); if( !bIsPolygonRectangle ) { // only clip, if given polygon is not a rectangle in // the first place (the gradient is always limited to // the given bound rect) updateClipping( aDevicePoly, rParms, true ); } GDIMetaFile aTmpMtf; rParms.mrVDev.AddGradientActions( rPoly.GetBoundRect(), rGradient, aTmpMtf ); createActions( aTmpMtf, rParms, bSubsettableActions ); popState( rParms.mrStates ); } uno::Reference< rendering::XCanvasFont > ImplRenderer::createFont( double& o_rFontRotation, const ::Font& rFont, const ActionFactoryParameters& rParms ) const { rendering::FontRequest aFontRequest; if( rParms.mrParms.maFontName.isValid() ) aFontRequest.FontDescription.FamilyName = rParms.mrParms.maFontName.getValue(); else aFontRequest.FontDescription.FamilyName = rFont.GetName(); aFontRequest.FontDescription.StyleName = rFont.GetStyleName(); aFontRequest.FontDescription.IsSymbolFont = (rFont.GetCharSet() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL) ? util::TriState_YES : util::TriState_NO; aFontRequest.FontDescription.IsVertical = rFont.IsVertical() ? util::TriState_YES : util::TriState_NO; // TODO(F2): improve vclenum->panose conversion aFontRequest.FontDescription.FontDescription.Weight = rParms.mrParms.maFontWeight.isValid() ? rParms.mrParms.maFontWeight.getValue() : ::canvas::tools::numeric_cast<sal_Int8>( ::basegfx::fround( rFont.GetWeight() ) ); aFontRequest.FontDescription.FontDescription.Letterform = rParms.mrParms.maFontLetterForm.isValid() ? rParms.mrParms.maFontLetterForm.getValue() : (rFont.GetItalic() == ITALIC_NONE) ? 0 : 9; // setup state-local text transformation, // if the font be rotated const short nFontAngle( rFont.GetOrientation() ); if( nFontAngle != 0 ) { // set to unity transform rotated by font angle const double nAngle( nFontAngle * (F_PI / 1800.0) ); o_rFontRotation = -nAngle; } else { o_rFontRotation = 0.0; } geometry::Matrix2D aFontMatrix; ::canvas::tools::setIdentityMatrix2D( aFontMatrix ); // TODO(F2): use correct scale direction, font // height might be width or anything else // TODO(Q3): This code smells of programming by // coincidence (the next two if statements) const ::Size rFontSizeLog( rFont.GetSize() ); const sal_Int32 nFontWidthLog = rFontSizeLog.Width(); if( nFontWidthLog != 0 ) { ::Font aTestFont = rFont; aTestFont.SetWidth( 0 ); sal_Int32 nNormalWidth = rParms.mrVDev.GetFontMetric( aTestFont ).GetWidth(); if( nNormalWidth != nFontWidthLog ) if( nNormalWidth ) aFontMatrix.m00 = (double)nFontWidthLog / nNormalWidth; } // #i52608# apply map mode scale also to font matrix - an // anisotrophic mapmode must be reflected in an // anisotrophic font matrix scale. const OutDevState& rState( getState( rParms.mrStates ) ); if( !::basegfx::fTools::equal( rState.mapModeTransform.get(0,0), rState.mapModeTransform.get(1,1)) ) { const double nScaleX( rState.mapModeTransform.get(0,0) ); const double nScaleY( rState.mapModeTransform.get(1,1) ); // note: no reason to check for division by zero, we // always have the value closer (or equal) to zero as // the nominator. if( fabs(nScaleX) < fabs(nScaleY) ) aFontMatrix.m00 *= nScaleX / nScaleY; else aFontMatrix.m11 *= nScaleY / nScaleX; } aFontRequest.CellSize = (rState.mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DSizeFromSize(rFontSizeLog)).getY(); return rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->createFont( aFontRequest, uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >(), aFontMatrix ); } // create text effects such as shadow/relief/embossed void ImplRenderer::createTextAction( const ::Point& rStartPoint, const String rString, int nIndex, int nLength, const sal_Int32* pCharWidths, const ActionFactoryParameters& rParms, bool bSubsettableActions ) { ENSURE_AND_THROW( nIndex >= 0 && nLength <= rString.Len() + nIndex, "ImplRenderer::createTextWithEffectsAction(): Invalid text index" ); if( !nLength ) return; // zero-length text, no visible output const OutDevState& rState( getState( rParms.mrStates ) ); // TODO(F2): implement all text effects // if( rState.textAlignment ); // TODO(F2): NYI ::Color aShadowColor( COL_AUTO ); ::Color aReliefColor( COL_AUTO ); ::Size aShadowOffset; ::Size aReliefOffset; if( rState.isTextEffectShadowSet ) { // calculate shadow offset (similar to outdev3.cxx) // TODO(F3): better match with outdev3.cxx sal_Int32 nShadowOffset = static_cast<sal_Int32>(1.5 + ((rParms.mrVDev.GetFont().GetHeight()-24.0)/24.0)); if( nShadowOffset < 1 ) nShadowOffset = 1; aShadowOffset.setWidth( nShadowOffset ); aShadowOffset.setHeight( nShadowOffset ); // determine shadow color (from outdev3.cxx) ::Color aTextColor = ::vcl::unotools::sequenceToColor( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(), rState.textColor ); bool bIsDark = (aTextColor.GetColor() == COL_BLACK) || (aTextColor.GetLuminance() < 8); aShadowColor = bIsDark ? COL_LIGHTGRAY : COL_BLACK; aShadowColor.SetTransparency( aTextColor.GetTransparency() ); } if( rState.textReliefStyle ) { // calculate relief offset (similar to outdev3.cxx) sal_Int32 nReliefOffset = rParms.mrVDev.PixelToLogic( Size( 1, 1 ) ).Height(); nReliefOffset += nReliefOffset/2; if( nReliefOffset < 1 ) nReliefOffset = 1; if( rState.textReliefStyle == RELIEF_ENGRAVED ) nReliefOffset = -nReliefOffset; aReliefOffset.setWidth( nReliefOffset ); aReliefOffset.setHeight( nReliefOffset ); // determine relief color (from outdev3.cxx) ::Color aTextColor = ::vcl::unotools::sequenceToColor( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(), rState.textColor ); aReliefColor = ::Color( COL_LIGHTGRAY ); // we don't have a automatic color, so black is always // drawn on white (literally copied from // vcl/source/gdi/outdev3.cxx) if( aTextColor.GetColor() == COL_BLACK ) { aTextColor = ::Color( COL_WHITE ); getState( rParms.mrStates ).textColor = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(), aTextColor ); } if( aTextColor.GetColor() == COL_WHITE ) aReliefColor = ::Color( COL_BLACK ); aReliefColor.SetTransparency( aTextColor.GetTransparency() ); } // create the actual text action ActionSharedPtr pTextAction( TextActionFactory::createTextAction( rStartPoint, aReliefOffset, aReliefColor, aShadowOffset, aShadowColor, rString, nIndex, nLength, pCharWidths, rParms.mrVDev, rParms.mrCanvas, rState, rParms.mrParms, bSubsettableActions ) ); if( pTextAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pTextAction, rParms.mrCurrActionIndex ) ); rParms.mrCurrActionIndex += pTextAction->getActionCount()-1; } } void ImplRenderer::updateClipping( const ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rClipPoly, const ActionFactoryParameters& rParms, bool bIntersect ) { ::cppcanvas::internal::OutDevState& rState( getState( rParms.mrStates ) ); ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aClipPoly( rClipPoly ); const bool bEmptyClipRect( rState.clipRect.IsEmpty() ); const bool bEmptyClipPoly( rState.clip.count() == 0 ); ENSURE_AND_THROW( bEmptyClipPoly || bEmptyClipRect, "ImplRenderer::updateClipping(): Clip rect and polygon are both set!" ); if( !bIntersect || (bEmptyClipRect && bEmptyClipPoly) ) { rState.clip = rClipPoly; } else { if( !bEmptyClipRect ) { // TODO(P3): Use Liang-Barsky polygon clip here, // after all, one object is just a rectangle! // convert rect to polygon beforehand, must revert // to general polygon clipping here. rState.clip = ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon( ::basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromRect( // #121100# VCL rectangular clips always // include one more pixel to the right // and the bottom ::basegfx::B2DRectangle( rState.clipRect.Left(), rState.clipRect.Top(), rState.clipRect.Right()+1, rState.clipRect.Bottom()+1 ) ) ); } rState.clip = ::basegfx::tools::correctOrientations( rState.clip ); aClipPoly = ::basegfx::tools::correctOrientations( aClipPoly ); // intersect the two poly-polygons rState.clip = ::basegfx::tools::removeAllIntersections(rState.clip); rState.clip = ::basegfx::tools::removeNeutralPolygons(rState.clip, sal_True); aClipPoly = ::basegfx::tools::removeAllIntersections(aClipPoly); aClipPoly = ::basegfx::tools::removeNeutralPolygons(aClipPoly, sal_True); rState.clip.append(aClipPoly); rState.clip = ::basegfx::tools::removeAllIntersections(rState.clip); rState.clip = ::basegfx::tools::removeNeutralPolygons(rState.clip, sal_False); } // by now, our clip resides in the OutDevState::clip // poly-polygon. rState.clipRect.SetEmpty(); if( rState.clip.count() == 0 ) { if( rState.clipRect.IsEmpty() ) { rState.xClipPoly.clear(); } else { rState.xClipPoly = ::basegfx::unotools::xPolyPolygonFromB2DPolyPolygon( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(), ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon( ::basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromRect( // #121100# VCL rectangular clips // always include one more pixel to // the right and the bottom ::basegfx::B2DRectangle( rState.clipRect.Left(), rState.clipRect.Top(), rState.clipRect.Right()+1, rState.clipRect.Bottom()+1 ) ) ) ); } } else { rState.xClipPoly = ::basegfx::unotools::xPolyPolygonFromB2DPolyPolygon( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(), rState.clip ); } } void ImplRenderer::updateClipping( const ::Rectangle& rClipRect, const ActionFactoryParameters& rParms, bool bIntersect ) { ::cppcanvas::internal::OutDevState& rState( getState( rParms.mrStates ) ); const bool bEmptyClipRect( rState.clipRect.IsEmpty() ); const bool bEmptyClipPoly( rState.clip.count() == 0 ); ENSURE_AND_THROW( bEmptyClipPoly || bEmptyClipRect, "ImplRenderer::updateClipping(): Clip rect and polygon are both set!" ); if( !bIntersect || (bEmptyClipRect && bEmptyClipPoly) ) { rState.clipRect = rClipRect; rState.clip.clear(); } else if( bEmptyClipPoly ) { rState.clipRect.Intersection( rClipRect ); rState.clip.clear(); } else { // TODO(P3): Handle a fourth case here, when all clip // polygons are rectangular, once B2DMultiRange's // sweep line implementation is done. // general case: convert to polygon and clip // ----------------------------------------- // convert rect to polygon beforehand, must revert // to general polygon clipping here. ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aClipPoly( ::basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromRect( ::basegfx::B2DRectangle( rClipRect.Left(), rClipRect.Top(), rClipRect.Right(), rClipRect.Bottom() ) ) ); rState.clipRect.SetEmpty(); rState.clip = ::basegfx::tools::correctOrientations( rState.clip ); aClipPoly = ::basegfx::tools::correctOrientations( aClipPoly ); // intersect the two poly-polygons rState.clip = ::basegfx::tools::removeAllIntersections(rState.clip); rState.clip = ::basegfx::tools::removeNeutralPolygons(rState.clip, sal_True); aClipPoly = ::basegfx::tools::removeAllIntersections(aClipPoly); aClipPoly = ::basegfx::tools::removeNeutralPolygons(aClipPoly, sal_True); rState.clip.append(aClipPoly); rState.clip = ::basegfx::tools::removeAllIntersections(rState.clip); rState.clip = ::basegfx::tools::removeNeutralPolygons(rState.clip, sal_False); } if( rState.clip.count() == 0 ) { if( rState.clipRect.IsEmpty() ) { rState.xClipPoly.clear(); } else { rState.xClipPoly = ::basegfx::unotools::xPolyPolygonFromB2DPolyPolygon( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(), ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon( ::basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromRect( // #121100# VCL rectangular clips // always include one more pixel to // the right and the bottom ::basegfx::B2DRectangle( rState.clipRect.Left(), rState.clipRect.Top(), rState.clipRect.Right()+1, rState.clipRect.Bottom()+1 ) ) ) ); } } else { rState.xClipPoly = ::basegfx::unotools::xPolyPolygonFromB2DPolyPolygon( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(), rState.clip ); } } bool ImplRenderer::createActions( GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const ActionFactoryParameters& rFactoryParms, bool bSubsettableActions ) { /* TODO(P2): interpret mtf-comments ================================ - gradient fillings (do that via comments) - think about mapping. _If_ we do everything in logical coordinates (which would solve the probs for stroke widths and text offsets), then we would have to recalc scaling for every drawing operation. This is because the outdev map mode might change at any time. Also keep in mind, that, although we've double precision float arithmetic now, different offsets might still generate different roundings (aka 'OutputDevice::SetPixelOffset()) */ // alias common parameters VectorOfOutDevStates& rStates(rFactoryParms.mrStates); const CanvasSharedPtr& rCanvas(rFactoryParms.mrCanvas); ::VirtualDevice& rVDev(rFactoryParms.mrVDev); const Parameters& rParms(rFactoryParms.mrParms); sal_Int32& io_rCurrActionIndex(rFactoryParms.mrCurrActionIndex); // Loop over every metaaction // ========================== MetaAction* pCurrAct; // TODO(P1): think about caching for( pCurrAct=rMtf.FirstAction(); pCurrAct; pCurrAct = rMtf.NextAction() ) { // execute every action, to keep VDev state up-to-date // currently used only for // - the map mode // - the line/fill color when processing a META_TRANSPARENT_ACTION // - SetFont to process font metric specific actions pCurrAct->Execute( &rVDev ); switch( pCurrAct->GetType() ) { // ------------------------------------------------------------ // In the first part of this monster-switch, we // handle all state-changing meta actions. These // are all handled locally. // ------------------------------------------------------------ case META_PUSH_ACTION: { MetaPushAction* pPushAction = static_cast<MetaPushAction*>(pCurrAct); pushState( rStates, pPushAction->GetFlags() ); } break; case META_POP_ACTION: popState( rStates ); break; case META_TEXTLANGUAGE_ACTION: // FALLTHROUGH intended case META_REFPOINT_ACTION: // handled via pCurrAct->Execute( &rVDev ) break; case META_MAPMODE_ACTION: // modify current mapModeTransformation // transformation, such that subsequent // coordinates map correctly tools::calcLogic2PixelAffineTransform( getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform, rVDev ); break; // monitor clip regions, to assemble clip polygon on our own case META_CLIPREGION_ACTION: { MetaClipRegionAction* pClipAction = static_cast<MetaClipRegionAction*>(pCurrAct); if( !pClipAction->IsClipping() ) { // clear clipping getState( rStates ).clip.clear(); } else { if( !pClipAction->GetRegion().HasPolyPolygon() ) { VERBOSE_TRACE( "ImplRenderer::createActions(): non-polygonal clip " "region encountered, falling back to bounding box!" ); // #121806# explicitely kept integer Rectangle aClipRect( rVDev.LogicToPixel( pClipAction->GetRegion().GetBoundRect() ) ); // intersect current clip with given rect updateClipping( aClipRect, rFactoryParms, false ); } else { // set new clip polygon (don't intersect // with old one, just set it) // #121806# explicitely kept integer updateClipping( rVDev.LogicToPixel( pClipAction->GetRegion().GetPolyPolygon() ).getB2DPolyPolygon(), rFactoryParms, false ); } } break; } case META_ISECTRECTCLIPREGION_ACTION: { MetaISectRectClipRegionAction* pClipAction = static_cast<MetaISectRectClipRegionAction*>(pCurrAct); // #121806# explicitely kept integer Rectangle aClipRect( rVDev.LogicToPixel( pClipAction->GetRect() ) ); // intersect current clip with given rect updateClipping( aClipRect, rFactoryParms, true ); break; } case META_ISECTREGIONCLIPREGION_ACTION: { MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction* pClipAction = static_cast<MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction*>(pCurrAct); if( !pClipAction->GetRegion().HasPolyPolygon() ) { VERBOSE_TRACE( "ImplRenderer::createActions(): non-polygonal clip " "region encountered, falling back to bounding box!" ); // #121806# explicitely kept integer Rectangle aClipRect( rVDev.LogicToPixel( pClipAction->GetRegion().GetBoundRect() ) ); // intersect current clip with given rect updateClipping( aClipRect, rFactoryParms, true ); } else { // intersect current clip with given clip polygon // #121806# explicitely kept integer updateClipping( rVDev.LogicToPixel( pClipAction->GetRegion().GetPolyPolygon() ).getB2DPolyPolygon(), rFactoryParms, true ); } break; } case META_MOVECLIPREGION_ACTION: // TODO(F2): NYI break; case META_LINECOLOR_ACTION: if( !rParms.maLineColor.isValid() ) { setStateColor( static_cast<MetaLineColorAction*>(pCurrAct), getState( rStates ).isLineColorSet, getState( rStates ).lineColor, rCanvas ); } break; case META_FILLCOLOR_ACTION: if( !rParms.maFillColor.isValid() ) { setStateColor( static_cast<MetaFillColorAction*>(pCurrAct), getState( rStates ).isFillColorSet, getState( rStates ).fillColor, rCanvas ); } break; case META_TEXTCOLOR_ACTION: { if( !rParms.maTextColor.isValid() ) { // Text color is set unconditionally, thus, no // use of setStateColor here ::Color aColor( static_cast<MetaTextColorAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetColor() ); // force alpha part of color to // opaque. transparent painting is done // explicitely via META_TRANSPARENT_ACTION aColor.SetTransparency(0); getState( rStates ).textColor = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( rCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(), aColor ); } } break; case META_TEXTFILLCOLOR_ACTION: if( !rParms.maTextColor.isValid() ) { setStateColor( static_cast<MetaTextFillColorAction*>(pCurrAct), getState( rStates ).isTextFillColorSet, getState( rStates ).textFillColor, rCanvas ); } break; case META_TEXTLINECOLOR_ACTION: if( !rParms.maTextColor.isValid() ) { setStateColor( static_cast<MetaTextLineColorAction*>(pCurrAct), getState( rStates ).isTextLineColorSet, getState( rStates ).textLineColor, rCanvas ); } break; case META_TEXTALIGN_ACTION: { ::cppcanvas::internal::OutDevState& rState = getState( rStates ); const TextAlign eTextAlign( static_cast<MetaTextAlignAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetTextAlign() ); rState.textReferencePoint = eTextAlign; } break; case META_FONT_ACTION: { ::cppcanvas::internal::OutDevState& rState = getState( rStates ); const ::Font& rFont( static_cast<MetaFontAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetFont() ); rState.xFont = createFont( rState.fontRotation, rFont, rFactoryParms ); // TODO(Q2): define and use appropriate enumeration types rState.textReliefStyle = (sal_Int8)rFont.GetRelief(); rState.textUnderlineStyle = rParms.maFontUnderline.isValid() ? (rParms.maFontUnderline.getValue() ? (sal_Int8)UNDERLINE_SINGLE : (sal_Int8)UNDERLINE_NONE) : (sal_Int8)rFont.GetUnderline(); rState.textStrikeoutStyle = (sal_Int8)rFont.GetStrikeout(); rState.textEmphasisMarkStyle = (sal_Int8)rFont.GetEmphasisMark(); rState.isTextEffectShadowSet = (rFont.IsShadow() != FALSE); rState.isTextWordUnderlineSet = (rFont.IsWordLineMode() != FALSE); rState.isTextOutlineModeSet = (rFont.IsOutline() != FALSE); } break; case META_RASTEROP_ACTION: // TODO(F2): NYI break; case META_LAYOUTMODE_ACTION: { // TODO(F2): A lot is missing here int nLayoutMode = static_cast<MetaLayoutModeAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetLayoutMode(); ::cppcanvas::internal::OutDevState& rState = getState( rStates ); switch( nLayoutMode & (TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_RTL|TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_STRONG) ) { case TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_LTR: rState.textDirection = rendering::TextDirection::WEAK_LEFT_TO_RIGHT; break; case (TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_LTR | TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_STRONG): rState.textDirection = rendering::TextDirection::STRONG_LEFT_TO_RIGHT; break; case TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_RTL: rState.textDirection = rendering::TextDirection::WEAK_RIGHT_TO_LEFT; break; case (TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_RTL | TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_STRONG): rState.textDirection = rendering::TextDirection::STRONG_RIGHT_TO_LEFT; break; } rState.textAlignment = 0; // TODO(F2): rendering::TextAlignment::LEFT_ALIGNED; if( (nLayoutMode & (TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_RTL | TEXT_LAYOUT_TEXTORIGIN_RIGHT) ) && !(nLayoutMode & TEXT_LAYOUT_TEXTORIGIN_LEFT ) ) { rState.textAlignment = 1; // TODO(F2): rendering::TextAlignment::RIGHT_ALIGNED; } } break; // ------------------------------------------------------------ // In the second part of this monster-switch, we // handle all recursing meta actions. These are the // ones generating a metafile by themselves, which is // then processed by recursively calling this method. // ------------------------------------------------------------ case META_GRADIENT_ACTION: { MetaGradientAction* pGradAct = static_cast<MetaGradientAction*>(pCurrAct); createGradientAction( ::Polygon( pGradAct->GetRect() ), pGradAct->GetGradient(), rFactoryParms, true, bSubsettableActions ); } break; case META_HATCH_ACTION: { // TODO(F2): use native Canvas hatches here GDIMetaFile aTmpMtf; rVDev.AddHatchActions( static_cast<MetaHatchAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetPolyPolygon(), static_cast<MetaHatchAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetHatch(), aTmpMtf ); createActions( aTmpMtf, rFactoryParms, bSubsettableActions ); } break; case META_EPS_ACTION: { MetaEPSAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaEPSAction*>(pCurrAct); const GDIMetaFile& rSubstitute = pAct->GetSubstitute(); // #121806# explicitely kept integer const Size aMtfSize( rSubstitute.GetPrefSize() ); const Size aMtfSizePixPre( rVDev.LogicToPixel( aMtfSize, rSubstitute.GetPrefMapMode() ) ); // #i44110# correct null-sized output - there // are metafiles which have zero size in at // least one dimension const Size aMtfSizePix( ::std::max( aMtfSizePixPre.Width(), 1L ), ::std::max( aMtfSizePixPre.Height(), 1L ) ); // Setup local transform, such that the // metafile renders itself into the given // output rectangle pushState( rStates, PUSH_ALL ); rVDev.Push(); rVDev.SetMapMode( rSubstitute.GetPrefMapMode() ); const ::Point& rPos( rVDev.LogicToPixel( pAct->GetPoint() ) ); const ::Size& rSize( rVDev.LogicToPixel( pAct->GetSize() ) ); getState( rStates ).transform.translate( rPos.X(), rPos.Y() ); getState( rStates ).transform.scale( (double)rSize.Width() / aMtfSizePix.Width(), (double)rSize.Height() / aMtfSizePix.Height() ); createActions( const_cast<GDIMetaFile&>(pAct->GetSubstitute()), rFactoryParms, bSubsettableActions ); rVDev.Pop(); popState( rStates ); } break; // handle metafile comments, to retrieve // meta-information for gradients, fills and // strokes. May skip actions, and may recurse. case META_COMMENT_ACTION: { MetaCommentAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaCommentAction*>(pCurrAct); // Handle gradients if ( pAct->GetComment().CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( "XGRAD_SEQ_BEGIN" ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) { MetaGradientExAction* pGradAction = NULL; bool bDone( false ); while( !bDone && (pCurrAct=rMtf.NextAction()) != NULL ) { switch( pCurrAct->GetType() ) { // extract gradient info case META_GRADIENTEX_ACTION: pGradAction = static_cast<MetaGradientExAction*>(pCurrAct); break; // skip broken-down rendering, output gradient when sequence is ended case META_COMMENT_ACTION: if( static_cast<MetaCommentAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetComment().CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( "XGRAD_SEQ_END" ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) { bDone = true; if( pGradAction ) { createGradientAction( pGradAction->GetPolyPolygon(), pGradAction->GetGradient(), rFactoryParms, false, bSubsettableActions ); } } break; } } } // TODO(P2): Handle drawing layer strokes, via // XPATHSTROKE_SEQ_BEGIN comment // Handle drawing layer fills else if( pAct->GetComment().Equals( "XPATHFILL_SEQ_BEGIN" ) ) { const BYTE* pData = pAct->GetData(); if ( pData ) { SvMemoryStream aMemStm( (void*)pData, pAct->GetDataSize(), STREAM_READ ); SvtGraphicFill aFill; aMemStm >> aFill; // TODO(P2): Also handle gradients and // hatches like this // only evaluate comment for pure // bitmap fills. If a transparency // gradient is involved (denoted by // the FloatTransparent action), take // the normal meta actions. if( aFill.getFillType() == SvtGraphicFill::fillTexture && !isActionContained( rMtf, "XPATHFILL_SEQ_END", META_FLOATTRANSPARENT_ACTION ) ) { rendering::Texture aTexture; // TODO(F1): the SvtGraphicFill // can also transport metafiles // here, handle that case, too Graphic aGraphic; aFill.getGraphic( aGraphic ); BitmapEx aBmpEx( aGraphic.GetBitmapEx() ); const ::Size aBmpSize( aBmpEx.GetSizePixel() ); ::SvtGraphicFill::Transform aTransform; aFill.getTransform( aTransform ); ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aMatrix; // convert to basegfx matrix aMatrix.set(0,0, aTransform.matrix[ 0 ] ); aMatrix.set(0,1, aTransform.matrix[ 1 ] ); aMatrix.set(0,2, aTransform.matrix[ 2 ] ); aMatrix.set(1,0, aTransform.matrix[ 3 ] ); aMatrix.set(1,1, aTransform.matrix[ 4 ] ); aMatrix.set(1,2, aTransform.matrix[ 5 ] ); ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aScale; aScale.scale( aBmpSize.Width(), aBmpSize.Height() ); // post-multiply with the bitmap // size (XCanvas' texture assumes // the given bitmap to be // normalized to [0,1]x[0,1] // rectangle) aMatrix = aMatrix * aScale; // pre-multiply with the // logic-to-pixel scale factor // (the metafile comment works in // logical coordinates). ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aLogic2PixelTransform; aMatrix *= tools::calcLogic2PixelLinearTransform( aLogic2PixelTransform, rVDev ); ::basegfx::unotools::affineMatrixFromHomMatrix( aTexture.AffineTransform, aMatrix ); aTexture.Alpha = 1.0 - aFill.getTransparency(); aTexture.Bitmap = ::vcl::unotools::xBitmapFromBitmapEx( rCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(), aBmpEx ); aTexture.RepeatModeX = rendering::TexturingMode::REPEAT; aTexture.RepeatModeY = rendering::TexturingMode::REPEAT; ::PolyPolygon aPath; aFill.getPath( aPath ); ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPoly( aPath.getB2DPolyPolygon() ); aPoly.transform( getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform ); ActionSharedPtr pPolyAction( internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction( aPoly, rCanvas, getState( rStates ), aTexture ) ); if( pPolyAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pPolyAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pPolyAction->getActionCount()-1; } // skip broken-down render output skipContent( rMtf, "XPATHFILL_SEQ_END", io_rCurrActionIndex ); } } } } break; // ------------------------------------------------------------ // In the third part of this monster-switch, we // handle all 'acting' meta actions. These are all // processed by constructing function objects for // them, which will later ease caching. // ------------------------------------------------------------ case META_POINT_ACTION: { const OutDevState& rState( getState( rStates ) ); if( rState.lineColor.getLength() ) { ActionSharedPtr pPointAction( internal::PointActionFactory::createPointAction( rState.mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( static_cast<MetaPointAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetPoint() ), rCanvas, rState ) ); if( pPointAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pPointAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pPointAction->getActionCount()-1; } } } break; case META_PIXEL_ACTION: { const OutDevState& rState( getState( rStates ) ); if( rState.lineColor.getLength() ) { ActionSharedPtr pPointAction( internal::PointActionFactory::createPointAction( rState.mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( static_cast<MetaPixelAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetPoint() ), rCanvas, rState, static_cast<MetaPixelAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetColor() ) ); if( pPointAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pPointAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pPointAction->getActionCount()-1; } } } break; case META_LINE_ACTION: { const OutDevState& rState( getState( rStates ) ); if( rState.lineColor.getLength() ) { MetaLineAction* pLineAct = static_cast<MetaLineAction*>(pCurrAct); const LineInfo& rLineInfo( pLineAct->GetLineInfo() ); const ::basegfx::B2DPoint aStartPoint( rState.mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( pLineAct->GetStartPoint() )); const ::basegfx::B2DPoint aEndPoint( rState.mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( pLineAct->GetEndPoint() )); ActionSharedPtr pLineAction; if( rLineInfo.IsDefault() ) { // plain hair line pLineAction = internal::LineActionFactory::createLineAction( aStartPoint, aEndPoint, rCanvas, rState ); if( pLineAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pLineAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pLineAction->getActionCount()-1; } } else if( LINE_NONE != rLineInfo.GetStyle() ) { // 'thick' line rendering::StrokeAttributes aStrokeAttributes; setupStrokeAttributes( aStrokeAttributes, rFactoryParms, rLineInfo ); // XCanvas can only stroke polygons, // not simple lines - thus, handle // this case via the polypolygon // action ::basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly; aPoly.append( aStartPoint ); aPoly.append( aEndPoint ); pLineAction = internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction( ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon( aPoly ), rCanvas, rState, aStrokeAttributes ); if( pLineAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pLineAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pLineAction->getActionCount()-1; } } // else: line style is default // (i.e. invisible), don't generate action } } break; case META_RECT_ACTION: { const Rectangle& rRect( static_cast<MetaRectAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetRect() ); if( rRect.IsEmpty() ) break; const OutDevState& rState( getState( rStates ) ); const ::basegfx::B2DPoint aTopLeftPixel( rState.mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( rRect.TopLeft() ) ); const ::basegfx::B2DPoint aBottomRightPixel( rState.mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( rRect.BottomRight() ) + // #121100# OutputDevice::DrawRect() fills // rectangles Apple-like, i.e. with one // additional pixel to the right and bottom. ::basegfx::B2DPoint(1,1) ); createFillAndStroke( ::basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromRect( ::basegfx::B2DRange( aTopLeftPixel, aBottomRightPixel )), rFactoryParms ); break; } case META_ROUNDRECT_ACTION: { const Rectangle& rRect( static_cast<MetaRoundRectAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetRect()); if( rRect.IsEmpty() ) break; ::basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly( ::basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromRect( ::basegfx::B2DRange( ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( rRect.TopLeft() ), ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( rRect.BottomRight() ) + ::basegfx::B2DPoint(1,1) ), static_cast<MetaRoundRectAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetHorzRound(), static_cast<MetaRoundRectAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetVertRound() )); aPoly.transform( getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform ); createFillAndStroke( aPoly, rFactoryParms ); } break; case META_ELLIPSE_ACTION: { const Rectangle& rRect( static_cast<MetaEllipseAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetRect() ); if( rRect.IsEmpty() ) break; const ::basegfx::B2DRange aRange( ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( rRect.TopLeft() ), ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( rRect.BottomRight() ) + ::basegfx::B2DPoint(1,1) ); ::basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly( ::basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromEllipse( aRange.getCenter(), aRange.getWidth(), aRange.getHeight() )); aPoly.transform( getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform ); createFillAndStroke( aPoly, rFactoryParms ); } break; case META_ARC_ACTION: { // TODO(F1): Missing basegfx functionality. Mind empty rects! const Polygon aToolsPoly( static_cast<MetaArcAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetRect(), static_cast<MetaArcAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetStartPoint(), static_cast<MetaArcAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetEndPoint(), POLY_ARC ); ::basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly( aToolsPoly.getB2DPolygon() ); aPoly.transform( getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform ); createFillAndStroke( aPoly, rFactoryParms ); } break; case META_PIE_ACTION: { // TODO(F1): Missing basegfx functionality. Mind empty rects! const Polygon aToolsPoly( static_cast<MetaPieAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetRect(), static_cast<MetaPieAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetStartPoint(), static_cast<MetaPieAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetEndPoint(), POLY_PIE ); ::basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly( aToolsPoly.getB2DPolygon() ); aPoly.transform( getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform ); createFillAndStroke( aPoly, rFactoryParms ); } break; case META_CHORD_ACTION: { // TODO(F1): Missing basegfx functionality. Mind empty rects! const Polygon aToolsPoly( static_cast<MetaChordAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetRect(), static_cast<MetaChordAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetStartPoint(), static_cast<MetaChordAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetEndPoint(), POLY_CHORD ); ::basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly( aToolsPoly.getB2DPolygon() ); aPoly.transform( getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform ); createFillAndStroke( aPoly, rFactoryParms ); } break; case META_POLYLINE_ACTION: { const OutDevState& rState( getState( rStates ) ); if( rState.lineColor.getLength() || rState.fillColor.getLength() ) { MetaPolyLineAction* pPolyLineAct = static_cast<MetaPolyLineAction*>(pCurrAct); const LineInfo& rLineInfo( pPolyLineAct->GetLineInfo() ); ::basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly( pPolyLineAct->GetPolygon().getB2DPolygon() ); aPoly.transform( rState.mapModeTransform ); ActionSharedPtr pLineAction; if( rLineInfo.IsDefault() ) { // plain hair line polygon pLineAction = internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createLinePolyPolyAction( ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon(aPoly), rCanvas, rState ); if( pLineAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pLineAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pLineAction->getActionCount()-1; } } else if( LINE_NONE != rLineInfo.GetStyle() ) { // 'thick' line polygon rendering::StrokeAttributes aStrokeAttributes; setupStrokeAttributes( aStrokeAttributes, rFactoryParms, rLineInfo ); pLineAction = internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction( ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon(aPoly), rCanvas, rState, aStrokeAttributes ) ; if( pLineAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pLineAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pLineAction->getActionCount()-1; } } // else: line style is default // (i.e. invisible), don't generate action } } break; case META_POLYGON_ACTION: { ::basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly( static_cast<MetaPolygonAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetPolygon().getB2DPolygon() ); aPoly.transform( getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform ); createFillAndStroke( aPoly, rFactoryParms ); } break; case META_POLYPOLYGON_ACTION: { ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPoly( static_cast<MetaPolyPolygonAction*>(pCurrAct)->GetPolyPolygon().getB2DPolyPolygon() ); aPoly.transform( getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform ); createFillAndStroke( aPoly, rFactoryParms ); } break; case META_BMP_ACTION: { MetaBmpAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaBmpAction*>(pCurrAct); ActionSharedPtr pBmpAction( internal::BitmapActionFactory::createBitmapAction( pAct->GetBitmap(), getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( pAct->GetPoint() ), rCanvas, getState( rStates ) ) ); if( pBmpAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pBmpAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pBmpAction->getActionCount()-1; } } break; case META_BMPSCALE_ACTION: { MetaBmpScaleAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaBmpScaleAction*>(pCurrAct); ActionSharedPtr pBmpAction( internal::BitmapActionFactory::createBitmapAction( pAct->GetBitmap(), getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( pAct->GetPoint() ), getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DSizeFromSize( pAct->GetSize() ), rCanvas, getState( rStates ) ) ); if( pBmpAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pBmpAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pBmpAction->getActionCount()-1; } } break; case META_BMPSCALEPART_ACTION: { MetaBmpScalePartAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaBmpScalePartAction*>(pCurrAct); // crop bitmap to given source rectangle (no // need to copy and convert the whole bitmap) Bitmap aBmp( pAct->GetBitmap() ); const Rectangle aCropRect( pAct->GetSrcPoint(), pAct->GetSrcSize() ); aBmp.Crop( aCropRect ); ActionSharedPtr pBmpAction( internal::BitmapActionFactory::createBitmapAction( aBmp, getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( pAct->GetDestPoint() ), getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DSizeFromSize( pAct->GetDestSize() ), rCanvas, getState( rStates ) ) ); if( pBmpAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pBmpAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pBmpAction->getActionCount()-1; } } break; case META_BMPEX_ACTION: { MetaBmpExAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaBmpExAction*>(pCurrAct); ActionSharedPtr pBmpAction( internal::BitmapActionFactory::createBitmapAction( pAct->GetBitmapEx(), getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( pAct->GetPoint() ), rCanvas, getState( rStates ) ) ); if( pBmpAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pBmpAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pBmpAction->getActionCount()-1; } } break; case META_BMPEXSCALE_ACTION: { MetaBmpExScaleAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaBmpExScaleAction*>(pCurrAct); ActionSharedPtr pBmpAction( internal::BitmapActionFactory::createBitmapAction( pAct->GetBitmapEx(), getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( pAct->GetPoint() ), getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DSizeFromSize( pAct->GetSize() ), rCanvas, getState( rStates ) ) ); if( pBmpAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pBmpAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pBmpAction->getActionCount()-1; } } break; case META_BMPEXSCALEPART_ACTION: { MetaBmpExScalePartAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaBmpExScalePartAction*>(pCurrAct); // crop bitmap to given source rectangle (no // need to copy and convert the whole bitmap) BitmapEx aBmp( pAct->GetBitmapEx() ); const Rectangle aCropRect( pAct->GetSrcPoint(), pAct->GetSrcSize() ); aBmp.Crop( aCropRect ); ActionSharedPtr pBmpAction( internal::BitmapActionFactory::createBitmapAction( aBmp, getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( pAct->GetDestPoint() ), getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DSizeFromSize( pAct->GetDestSize() ), rCanvas, getState( rStates ) ) ); if( pBmpAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pBmpAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pBmpAction->getActionCount()-1; } } break; case META_MASK_ACTION: { MetaMaskAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaMaskAction*>(pCurrAct); // create masked BitmapEx right here, as the // canvas does not provide equivalent // functionality BitmapEx aBmp( createMaskBmpEx( pAct->GetBitmap(), pAct->GetColor() )); ActionSharedPtr pBmpAction( internal::BitmapActionFactory::createBitmapAction( aBmp, getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( pAct->GetPoint() ), rCanvas, getState( rStates ) ) ); if( pBmpAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pBmpAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pBmpAction->getActionCount()-1; } } break; case META_MASKSCALE_ACTION: { MetaMaskScaleAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaMaskScaleAction*>(pCurrAct); // create masked BitmapEx right here, as the // canvas does not provide equivalent // functionality BitmapEx aBmp( createMaskBmpEx( pAct->GetBitmap(), pAct->GetColor() )); ActionSharedPtr pBmpAction( internal::BitmapActionFactory::createBitmapAction( aBmp, getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( pAct->GetPoint() ), getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DSizeFromSize( pAct->GetSize() ), rCanvas, getState( rStates ) ) ); if( pBmpAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pBmpAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pBmpAction->getActionCount()-1; } } break; case META_MASKSCALEPART_ACTION: { MetaMaskScalePartAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaMaskScalePartAction*>(pCurrAct); // create masked BitmapEx right here, as the // canvas does not provide equivalent // functionality BitmapEx aBmp( createMaskBmpEx( pAct->GetBitmap(), pAct->GetColor() )); // crop bitmap to given source rectangle (no // need to copy and convert the whole bitmap) const Rectangle aCropRect( pAct->GetSrcPoint(), pAct->GetSrcSize() ); aBmp.Crop( aCropRect ); ActionSharedPtr pBmpAction( internal::BitmapActionFactory::createBitmapAction( aBmp, getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( pAct->GetDestPoint() ), getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DSizeFromSize( pAct->GetDestSize() ), rCanvas, getState( rStates ) ) ); if( pBmpAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pBmpAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pBmpAction->getActionCount()-1; } } break; case META_GRADIENTEX_ACTION: // TODO(F1): use native Canvas gradients here // action is ignored here, because redundant to META_GRADIENT_ACTION break; case META_WALLPAPER_ACTION: // TODO(F2): NYI break; case META_TRANSPARENT_ACTION: { const OutDevState& rState( getState( rStates ) ); if( rState.lineColor.getLength() || rState.fillColor.getLength() ) { MetaTransparentAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaTransparentAction*>(pCurrAct); ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPoly( pAct->GetPolyPolygon().getB2DPolyPolygon() ); aPoly.transform( rState.mapModeTransform ); ActionSharedPtr pPolyAction( internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction( aPoly, rCanvas, rState, pAct->GetTransparence() ) ); if( pPolyAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pPolyAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pPolyAction->getActionCount()-1; } } } break; case META_FLOATTRANSPARENT_ACTION: { MetaFloatTransparentAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaFloatTransparentAction*>(pCurrAct); internal::MtfAutoPtr pMtf( new ::GDIMetaFile( pAct->GetGDIMetaFile() ) ); // TODO(P2): Use native canvas gradients here (saves a lot of UNO calls) internal::GradientAutoPtr pGradient( new Gradient( pAct->GetGradient() ) ); DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX(); ActionSharedPtr pFloatTransAction( internal::TransparencyGroupActionFactory::createTransparencyGroupAction( pMtf, pGradient, rParms, getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint( pAct->GetPoint() ), getState( rStates ).mapModeTransform * ::vcl::unotools::b2DSizeFromSize( pAct->GetSize() ), rCanvas, getState( rStates ) ) ); if( pFloatTransAction ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pFloatTransAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pFloatTransAction->getActionCount()-1; } } break; case META_TEXT_ACTION: { MetaTextAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaTextAction*>(pCurrAct); XubString sText = XubString( pAct->GetText() ); if( rVDev.GetDigitLanguage()) convertToLocalizedNumerals ( sText,rVDev.GetDigitLanguage() ); createTextAction( pAct->GetPoint(), sText, pAct->GetIndex(), pAct->GetLen() == (USHORT)STRING_LEN ? pAct->GetText().Len() - pAct->GetIndex() : pAct->GetLen(), NULL, rFactoryParms, bSubsettableActions ); } break; case META_TEXTARRAY_ACTION: { MetaTextArrayAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaTextArrayAction*>(pCurrAct); XubString sText = XubString( pAct->GetText() ); if( rVDev.GetDigitLanguage()) convertToLocalizedNumerals ( sText,rVDev.GetDigitLanguage() ); createTextAction( pAct->GetPoint(), sText, pAct->GetIndex(), pAct->GetLen() == (USHORT)STRING_LEN ? pAct->GetText().Len() - pAct->GetIndex() : pAct->GetLen(), pAct->GetDXArray(), rFactoryParms, bSubsettableActions ); } break; case META_TEXTLINE_ACTION: { MetaTextLineAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaTextLineAction*>(pCurrAct); const OutDevState& rState( getState( rStates ) ); const ::Size aBaselineOffset( tools::getBaselineOffset( rState, rVDev ) ); const ::Point aStartPoint( pAct->GetStartPoint() ); const ::basegfx::B2DSize aSize( rState.mapModeTransform * ::basegfx::B2DSize(pAct->GetWidth(), 0 )); ActionSharedPtr pPolyAction( PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction( tools::createTextLinesPolyPolygon( rState.mapModeTransform * ::basegfx::B2DPoint( ::vcl::unotools::b2DPointFromPoint(pAct->GetStartPoint()) + ::vcl::unotools::b2DSizeFromSize(aBaselineOffset)), aSize.getX(), tools::createTextLineInfo( rVDev, rState )), rCanvas, rState ) ); if( pPolyAction.get() ) { maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pPolyAction, io_rCurrActionIndex ) ); io_rCurrActionIndex += pPolyAction->getActionCount()-1; } } break; case META_TEXTRECT_ACTION: { MetaTextRectAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaTextRectAction*>(pCurrAct); pushState( rStates, PUSH_ALL ); // use the VDev to break up the text rect // action into readily formatted lines GDIMetaFile aTmpMtf; rVDev.AddTextRectActions( pAct->GetRect(), pAct->GetText(), pAct->GetStyle(), aTmpMtf ); createActions( aTmpMtf, rFactoryParms, bSubsettableActions ); popState( rStates ); break; } case META_STRETCHTEXT_ACTION: { MetaStretchTextAction* pAct = static_cast<MetaStretchTextAction*>(pCurrAct); XubString sText = XubString( pAct->GetText() ); if( rVDev.GetDigitLanguage()) convertToLocalizedNumerals ( sText,rVDev.GetDigitLanguage() ); const USHORT nLen( pAct->GetLen() == (USHORT)STRING_LEN ? pAct->GetText().Len() - pAct->GetIndex() : pAct->GetLen() ); // #i70897# Nothing to do, actually... if( nLen == 0 ) break; // have to fit the text into the given // width. This is achieved by internally // generating a DX array, and uniformly // distributing the excess/insufficient width // to every logical character. ::boost::scoped_array< sal_Int32 > pDXArray( new sal_Int32[nLen] ); rVDev.GetTextArray( pAct->GetText(), pDXArray.get(), pAct->GetIndex(), pAct->GetLen() ); const sal_Int32 nWidthDifference( pAct->GetWidth() - pDXArray[ nLen-1 ] ); // Last entry of pDXArray contains total width of the text sal_Int32* p=pDXArray.get(); for( USHORT i=1; i<=nLen; ++i ) { // calc ratio for every array entry, to // distribute rounding errors 'evenly' // across the characters. Note that each // entry represents the 'end' position of // the corresponding character, thus, we // let i run from 1 to nLen. *p++ += (sal_Int32)i*nWidthDifference/nLen; } createTextAction( pAct->GetPoint(), sText, pAct->GetIndex(), pAct->GetLen() == (USHORT)STRING_LEN ? pAct->GetText().Len() - pAct->GetIndex() : pAct->GetLen(), pDXArray.get(), rFactoryParms, bSubsettableActions ); } break; default: OSL_ENSURE( false, "Unknown meta action type encountered" ); break; } // increment action index (each mtf action counts _at // least_ one. Some count for more, therefore, // io_rCurrActionIndex is sometimes incremented by // pAct->getActionCount()-1 above, the -1 being the // correction for the unconditional increment here). ++io_rCurrActionIndex; } return true; } namespace { class ActionRenderer { public: ActionRenderer( const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformation ) : maTransformation( rTransformation ), mbRet( true ) { } bool result() { return mbRet; } void operator()( const ::cppcanvas::internal::ImplRenderer::MtfAction& rAction ) { // ANDing the result. We want to fail if at least // one action failed. mbRet &= rAction.mpAction->render( maTransformation ); } void operator()( const ::cppcanvas::internal::ImplRenderer::MtfAction& rAction, const Action::Subset& rSubset ) { // ANDing the result. We want to fail if at least // one action failed. mbRet &= rAction.mpAction->render( maTransformation, rSubset ); } private: ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix maTransformation; bool mbRet; }; class AreaQuery { public: AreaQuery( const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformation ) : maTransformation( rTransformation ), maBounds() { } bool result() { return true; // nothing can fail here } void operator()( const ::cppcanvas::internal::ImplRenderer::MtfAction& rAction ) { maBounds.expand( rAction.mpAction->getBounds( maTransformation ) ); } void operator()( const ::cppcanvas::internal::ImplRenderer::MtfAction& rAction, const Action::Subset& rSubset ) { maBounds.expand( rAction.mpAction->getBounds( maTransformation, rSubset ) ); } ::basegfx::B2DRange getBounds() const { return maBounds; } private: ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix maTransformation; ::basegfx::B2DRange maBounds; }; // Doing that via inline class. Compilers tend to not inline free // functions. struct UpperBoundActionIndexComparator { bool operator()( const ::cppcanvas::internal::ImplRenderer::MtfAction& rLHS, const ::cppcanvas::internal::ImplRenderer::MtfAction& rRHS ) { const sal_Int32 nLHSCount( rLHS.mpAction ? rLHS.mpAction->getActionCount() : 0 ); const sal_Int32 nRHSCount( rRHS.mpAction ? rRHS.mpAction->getActionCount() : 0 ); // compare end of action range, to have an action selected // by lower_bound even if the requested index points in // the middle of the action's range return rLHS.mnOrigIndex + nLHSCount < rRHS.mnOrigIndex + nRHSCount; } }; /** Algorithm to apply given functor to a subset range @tpl Functor Functor to call for each element of the subset range. Must provide the following method signatures: bool result() (returning false if operation failed) */ template< typename Functor > bool forSubsetRange( Functor& rFunctor, ImplRenderer::ActionVector::const_iterator aRangeBegin, ImplRenderer::ActionVector::const_iterator aRangeEnd, sal_Int32 nStartIndex, sal_Int32 nEndIndex, const ImplRenderer::ActionVector::const_iterator& rEnd ) { if( aRangeBegin == aRangeEnd ) { // only a single action. Setup subset, and call functor Action::Subset aSubset; aSubset.mnSubsetBegin = ::std::max( sal_Int32( 0 ), nStartIndex - aRangeBegin->mnOrigIndex ); aSubset.mnSubsetEnd = ::std::min( aRangeBegin->mpAction->getActionCount(), nEndIndex - aRangeBegin->mnOrigIndex ); ENSURE_AND_RETURN( aSubset.mnSubsetBegin >= 0 && aSubset.mnSubsetEnd >= 0, "ImplRenderer::forSubsetRange(): Invalid indices" ); rFunctor( *aRangeBegin, aSubset ); } else { // more than one action. // render partial first, full intermediate, and // partial last action Action::Subset aSubset; aSubset.mnSubsetBegin = ::std::max( sal_Int32( 0 ), nStartIndex - aRangeBegin->mnOrigIndex ); aSubset.mnSubsetEnd = aRangeBegin->mpAction->getActionCount(); ENSURE_AND_RETURN( aSubset.mnSubsetBegin >= 0 && aSubset.mnSubsetEnd >= 0, "ImplRenderer::forSubsetRange(): Invalid indices" ); rFunctor( *aRangeBegin, aSubset ); // first action rendered, skip to next ++aRangeBegin; // render full middle actions while( aRangeBegin != aRangeEnd ) rFunctor( *aRangeBegin++ ); if( aRangeEnd == rEnd || aRangeEnd->mnOrigIndex > nEndIndex ) { // aRangeEnd denotes end of action vector, // // or // // nEndIndex references something _after_ // aRangeBegin, but _before_ aRangeEnd // // either way: no partial action left return rFunctor.result(); } aSubset.mnSubsetBegin = 0; aSubset.mnSubsetEnd = nEndIndex - aRangeEnd->mnOrigIndex; ENSURE_AND_RETURN( aSubset.mnSubsetBegin >= 0 && aSubset.mnSubsetEnd >= 0, "ImplRenderer::forSubsetRange(): Invalid indices" ); rFunctor( *aRangeEnd, aSubset ); } return rFunctor.result(); } } bool ImplRenderer::getSubsetIndices( sal_Int32& io_rStartIndex, sal_Int32& io_rEndIndex, ActionVector::const_iterator& o_rRangeBegin, ActionVector::const_iterator& o_rRangeEnd ) const { ENSURE_AND_RETURN( io_rStartIndex<=io_rEndIndex, "ImplRenderer::getSubsetIndices(): invalid action range" ); ENSURE_AND_RETURN( !maActions.empty(), "ImplRenderer::getSubsetIndices(): no actions to render" ); const sal_Int32 nMinActionIndex( maActions.front().mnOrigIndex ); const sal_Int32 nMaxActionIndex( maActions.back().mnOrigIndex + maActions.back().mpAction->getActionCount() ); // clip given range to permissible values (there might be // ranges before and behind the valid indices) io_rStartIndex = ::std::max( nMinActionIndex, io_rStartIndex ); io_rEndIndex = ::std::min( nMaxActionIndex, io_rEndIndex ); if( io_rStartIndex == io_rEndIndex || io_rStartIndex > io_rEndIndex ) { // empty range, don't render anything. The second // condition e.g. happens if the requested range lies // fully before or behind the valid action indices. return false; } const ActionVector::const_iterator aBegin( maActions.begin() ); const ActionVector::const_iterator aEnd( maActions.end() ); // find start and end action // ========================= o_rRangeBegin = ::std::lower_bound( aBegin, aEnd, MtfAction( ActionSharedPtr(), io_rStartIndex ), UpperBoundActionIndexComparator() ); o_rRangeEnd = ::std::lower_bound( aBegin, aEnd, MtfAction( ActionSharedPtr(), io_rEndIndex ), UpperBoundActionIndexComparator() ); return true; } // Public methods // ==================================================================== ImplRenderer::ImplRenderer( const CanvasSharedPtr& rCanvas, const GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const Parameters& rParams ) : CanvasGraphicHelper( rCanvas ), maActions() { RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT( aLog, "::cppcanvas::internal::ImplRenderer::ImplRenderer(mtf)" ); OSL_ENSURE( rCanvas.get() != NULL && rCanvas->getUNOCanvas().is(), "ImplRenderer::ImplRenderer(): Invalid canvas" ); OSL_ENSURE( rCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice().is(), "ImplRenderer::ImplRenderer(): Invalid graphic device" ); // make sure canvas and graphic device are valid; action // creation don't check that every time if( rCanvas.get() == NULL || !rCanvas->getUNOCanvas().is() || !rCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice().is() ) { // leave actions empty return; } VectorOfOutDevStates aStateStack; VirtualDevice aVDev; aVDev.EnableOutput( FALSE ); // Setup VDev for state tracking and mapping // ========================================= aVDev.SetMapMode( rMtf.GetPrefMapMode() ); const Size aMtfSize( rMtf.GetPrefSize() ); const Size aMtfSizePixPre( aVDev.LogicToPixel( aMtfSize, rMtf.GetPrefMapMode() ) ); const Point aEmptyPt; const Point aMtfOriginPix( aVDev.LogicToPixel( aEmptyPt ) ); // #i44110# correct null-sized output - there are shapes // which have zero size in at least one dimension const Size aMtfSizePix( ::std::max( aMtfSizePixPre.Width(), 1L ), ::std::max( aMtfSizePixPre.Height(), 1L ) ); sal_Int32 nCurrActions(0); ActionFactoryParameters aParms(aStateStack, rCanvas, aVDev, rParams, nCurrActions ); // init state stack clearStateStack( aStateStack ); // Setup local state, such that the metafile renders // itself into a one-by-one square at the origin for // identity view and render transformations getState( aStateStack ).transform.scale( 1.0 / aMtfSizePix.Width(), 1.0 / aMtfSizePix.Height() ); tools::calcLogic2PixelAffineTransform( getState( aStateStack ).mapModeTransform, aVDev ); ColorSharedPtr pColor( getCanvas()->createColor() ); // setup default text color to black getState( aStateStack ).textColor = getState( aStateStack ).textFillColor = getState( aStateStack ).textLineColor = pColor->getDeviceColor( 0x000000FF ); // apply overrides from the Parameters struct if( rParams.maFillColor.isValid() ) { getState( aStateStack ).isFillColorSet = true; getState( aStateStack ).fillColor = pColor->getDeviceColor( rParams.maFillColor.getValue() ); } if( rParams.maLineColor.isValid() ) { getState( aStateStack ).isLineColorSet = true; getState( aStateStack ).lineColor = pColor->getDeviceColor( rParams.maLineColor.getValue() ); } if( rParams.maTextColor.isValid() ) { getState( aStateStack ).isTextFillColorSet = true; getState( aStateStack ).isTextLineColorSet = true; getState( aStateStack ).textColor = getState( aStateStack ).textFillColor = getState( aStateStack ).textLineColor = pColor->getDeviceColor( rParams.maTextColor.getValue() ); } if( rParams.maFontName.isValid() || rParams.maFontWeight.isValid() || rParams.maFontLetterForm.isValid() || rParams.maFontUnderline.isValid() ) { ::cppcanvas::internal::OutDevState& rState = getState( aStateStack ); rState.xFont = createFont( rState.fontRotation, ::Font(), // default font aParms ); } createActions( const_cast<GDIMetaFile&>(rMtf), // HACK(Q2): // we're // changing // the // current // action // in // createActions! aParms, true // TODO(P1): make subsettability configurable ); } ImplRenderer::ImplRenderer( const CanvasSharedPtr& rCanvas, const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const Parameters& rParams ) : CanvasGraphicHelper( rCanvas ), maActions() { // TODO(F3): property modification parameters are // currently ignored for Bitmaps (void)rParams; RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT( aLog, "::cppcanvas::internal::ImplRenderer::ImplRenderer(bitmap)" ); OSL_ENSURE( rCanvas.get() != NULL && rCanvas->getUNOCanvas().is(), "ImplRenderer::ImplRenderer(): Invalid canvas" ); OSL_ENSURE( rCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice().is(), "ImplRenderer::ImplRenderer(): Invalid graphic device" ); // make sure canvas and graphic device are valid; action // creation don't check that every time if( rCanvas.get() == NULL || !rCanvas->getUNOCanvas().is() || !rCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice().is() ) { // leave actions empty return; } OutDevState aState; const Size aBmpSize( rBmpEx.GetSizePixel() ); // Setup local state, such that the bitmap renders itself // into a one-by-one square for identity view and render // transformations aState.transform.scale( 1.0 / aBmpSize.Width(), 1.0 / aBmpSize.Height() ); // create a single action for the provided BitmapEx maActions.push_back( MtfAction( BitmapActionFactory::createBitmapAction( rBmpEx, ::basegfx::B2DPoint(), rCanvas, aState), 0 ) ); } ImplRenderer::~ImplRenderer() { } bool ImplRenderer::drawSubset( sal_Int32 nStartIndex, sal_Int32 nEndIndex ) const { RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT( aLog, "::cppcanvas::internal::ImplRenderer::drawSubset()" ); ActionVector::const_iterator aRangeBegin; ActionVector::const_iterator aRangeEnd; try { if( !getSubsetIndices( nStartIndex, nEndIndex, aRangeBegin, aRangeEnd ) ) return true; // nothing to render (but _that_ was successful) // now, aRangeBegin references the action in which the // subset rendering must start, and aRangeEnd references // the action in which the subset rendering must end (it // might also end right at the start of the referenced // action, such that zero of that action needs to be // rendered). // render subset of actions // ======================== ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aMatrix; ::canvas::tools::getRenderStateTransform( aMatrix, getRenderState() ); ActionRenderer aRenderer( aMatrix ); return forSubsetRange( aRenderer, aRangeBegin, aRangeEnd, nStartIndex, nEndIndex, maActions.end() ); } catch( uno::Exception& ) { OSL_ENSURE( false, rtl::OUStringToOString( comphelper::anyToString( cppu::getCaughtException() ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr() ); // convert error to return value return false; } } ::basegfx::B2DRange ImplRenderer::getSubsetArea( sal_Int32 nStartIndex, sal_Int32 nEndIndex ) const { RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT( aLog, "::cppcanvas::internal::ImplRenderer::getSubsetArea()" ); ActionVector::const_iterator aRangeBegin; ActionVector::const_iterator aRangeEnd; if( !getSubsetIndices( nStartIndex, nEndIndex, aRangeBegin, aRangeEnd ) ) return ::basegfx::B2DRange(); // nothing to render -> empty range // now, aRangeBegin references the action in which the // subset querying must start, and aRangeEnd references // the action in which the subset querying must end (it // might also end right at the start of the referenced // action, such that zero of that action needs to be // queried). // query bounds for subset of actions // ================================== ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aMatrix; ::canvas::tools::getRenderStateTransform( aMatrix, getRenderState() ); AreaQuery aQuery( aMatrix ); forSubsetRange( aQuery, aRangeBegin, aRangeEnd, nStartIndex, nEndIndex, maActions.end() ); return aQuery.getBounds(); } bool ImplRenderer::draw() const { RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT( aLog, "::cppcanvas::internal::ImplRenderer::draw()" ); ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aMatrix; ::canvas::tools::getRenderStateTransform( aMatrix, getRenderState() ); try { return ::std::for_each( maActions.begin(), maActions.end(), ActionRenderer( aMatrix ) ).result(); } catch( uno::Exception& ) { OSL_ENSURE( false, rtl::OUStringToOString( comphelper::anyToString( cppu::getCaughtException() ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr() ); return false; } } } }