/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "osl/thread.hxx" #include "osl/conditn.hxx" #include "osl/mutex.hxx" #include "cppu/helper/purpenv/Environment.hxx" #include "cppu/helper/purpenv/Mapping.hxx" #ifdef debug # define LOG_LIFECYCLE_AffineBridge #endif #ifdef LOG_LIFECYCLE_AffineBridge # include <iostream> # define LOG_LIFECYCLE_AffineBridge_emit(x) x #else # define LOG_LIFECYCLE_AffineBridge_emit(x) #endif class InnerThread; class OuterThread; class SAL_DLLPRIVATE AffineBridge : public cppu::Enterable { public: enum Msg { CB_DONE, CB_FPOINTER }; Msg m_message; uno_EnvCallee * m_pCallee; va_list * m_pParam; osl::Mutex m_innerMutex; oslThreadIdentifier m_innerThreadId; InnerThread * m_pInnerThread; osl::Condition m_innerCondition; sal_Int32 m_enterCount; osl::Mutex m_outerMutex; oslThreadIdentifier m_outerThreadId; osl::Condition m_outerCondition; OuterThread * m_pOuterThread; explicit AffineBridge(void); virtual ~AffineBridge(void); virtual void v_callInto_v(uno_EnvCallee * pCallee, va_list * pParam); virtual void v_callOut_v (uno_EnvCallee * pCallee, va_list * pParam); virtual void v_enter(void); virtual void v_leave(void); virtual int v_isValid(rtl::OUString * pReason); void innerDispatch(void); void outerDispatch(int loop); }; class SAL_DLLPRIVATE InnerThread : public osl::Thread { virtual void SAL_CALL run(void); AffineBridge * m_pAffineBridge; public: InnerThread(AffineBridge * threadEnvironment) : m_pAffineBridge(threadEnvironment) { create(); } }; void InnerThread::run(void) { m_pAffineBridge->enter(); m_pAffineBridge->innerDispatch(); m_pAffineBridge->leave(); } class SAL_DLLPRIVATE OuterThread : public osl::Thread { virtual void SAL_CALL run(void); AffineBridge * m_pAffineBridge; public: OuterThread(AffineBridge * threadEnvironment); }; OuterThread::OuterThread(AffineBridge * threadEnvironment) : m_pAffineBridge(threadEnvironment) { create(); } void OuterThread::run(void) { osl::MutexGuard guard(m_pAffineBridge->m_outerMutex); m_pAffineBridge->m_outerThreadId = getIdentifier(); m_pAffineBridge->outerDispatch(0); m_pAffineBridge->m_outerThreadId = 0; m_pAffineBridge->m_pOuterThread = NULL; m_pAffineBridge = NULL; } AffineBridge::AffineBridge(void) : m_innerThreadId(0), m_pInnerThread (NULL), m_enterCount (0), m_outerThreadId(0), m_pOuterThread (NULL) { LOG_LIFECYCLE_AffineBridge_emit(fprintf(stderr, "LIFE: %s -> %p\n", "AffineBridge::AffineBridge(uno_Environment * pEnv)", this)); } AffineBridge::~AffineBridge(void) { LOG_LIFECYCLE_AffineBridge_emit(fprintf(stderr, "LIFE: %s -> %p\n", "AffineBridge::~AffineBridge(void)", this)); if (m_pInnerThread && osl_getThreadIdentifier(NULL) != m_innerThreadId) { m_message = CB_DONE; m_innerCondition.set(); m_pInnerThread->join(); } delete m_pInnerThread; if (m_pOuterThread) { m_pOuterThread->join(); delete m_pOuterThread; } } void AffineBridge::outerDispatch(int loop) { OSL_ASSERT(m_outerThreadId == osl_getThreadIdentifier(NULL)); OSL_ASSERT(m_innerThreadId != m_outerThreadId); Msg mm; do { // FIXME: created outer thread must not wait // in case of no message // note: no message can happen in case newly created // outer thread acquire outerMutex after a real outer // thread enters outerDispatch! m_outerCondition.wait(); m_outerCondition.reset(); mm = m_message; switch(mm) { case CB_DONE: break; case CB_FPOINTER: { m_pCallee(m_pParam); m_message = CB_DONE; m_innerCondition.set(); break; } default: abort(); } } while(mm != CB_DONE && loop); } void AffineBridge::innerDispatch(void) { OSL_ASSERT(m_innerThreadId == osl_getThreadIdentifier(NULL)); OSL_ASSERT(m_innerThreadId != m_outerThreadId); Msg mm; do { m_innerCondition.wait(); m_innerCondition.reset(); mm = m_message; switch(mm) { case CB_DONE: break; case CB_FPOINTER: { m_pCallee(m_pParam); m_message = CB_DONE; m_outerCondition.set(); break; } default: abort(); } } while(mm != CB_DONE); } void AffineBridge::v_callInto_v(uno_EnvCallee * pCallee, va_list * pParam) { osl::MutexGuard guard(m_outerMutex); // only one thread at a time can call into if (m_innerThreadId == 0) // no inner thread yet { m_pInnerThread = new InnerThread(this); m_pInnerThread->resume(); } bool resetId = false; if (!m_outerThreadId) { m_outerThreadId = osl_getThreadIdentifier(NULL); resetId = true; } m_message = CB_FPOINTER; m_pCallee = pCallee; m_pParam = pParam; m_innerCondition.set(); outerDispatch(1); if (resetId) m_outerThreadId = 0; } void AffineBridge::v_callOut_v(uno_EnvCallee * pCallee, va_list * pParam) { OSL_ASSERT(m_innerThreadId); osl::MutexGuard guard(m_innerMutex); if (m_outerThreadId == 0) // no outer thread yet { osl::MutexGuard guard_m_outerMutex(m_outerMutex); if (m_outerThreadId == 0) { if (m_pOuterThread) { m_pOuterThread->join(); delete m_pOuterThread; } m_pOuterThread = new OuterThread(this); } } m_message = CB_FPOINTER; m_pCallee = pCallee; m_pParam = pParam; m_outerCondition.set(); innerDispatch(); } void AffineBridge::v_enter(void) { m_innerMutex.acquire(); if (!m_enterCount) m_innerThreadId = osl_getThreadIdentifier(NULL); OSL_ASSERT(m_innerThreadId == osl_getThreadIdentifier(NULL)); ++ m_enterCount; } void AffineBridge::v_leave(void) { OSL_ASSERT(m_innerThreadId == osl_getThreadIdentifier(NULL)); -- m_enterCount; if (!m_enterCount) m_innerThreadId = 0; m_innerMutex.release(); } int AffineBridge::v_isValid(rtl::OUString * pReason) { int result = m_enterCount > 0; if (!result) *pReason = rtl::OUString("not entered"); else { result = m_innerThreadId == osl_getThreadIdentifier(NULL); if (!result) *pReason = rtl::OUString("wrong thread"); } if (result) *pReason = rtl::OUString("OK"); return result; } #ifdef DISABLE_DYNLOADING #define uno_initEnvironment affine_uno_uno_initEnvironment #define uno_ext_getMapping affine_uno_uno_ext_getMapping #endif extern "C" void SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT SAL_CALL uno_initEnvironment(uno_Environment * pEnv) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C() { cppu::helper::purpenv::Environment_initWithEnterable(pEnv, new AffineBridge()); } extern "C" void SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT SAL_CALL uno_ext_getMapping(uno_Mapping ** ppMapping, uno_Environment * pFrom, uno_Environment * pTo ) { cppu::helper::purpenv::createMapping(ppMapping, pFrom, pTo); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */