/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: test_cuno.c,v $ * * $Revision: 1.2 $ * * last change: $Author: jsc $ $Date: 2001-04-24 08:00:40 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include // /* #include #include #include */ #include #include #include #include typedef struct _InstanceData { void const * m_XInterface[2]; void const * m_XLBTestBase[2]; void const * m_XLanguageBindingTest[2]; sal_Int32 m_refCount; typelib_TypeDescription* m_pTDXInterface; typelib_TypeDescription* m_pTDSeqTestElement; typelib_TypeDescription* m_pTDTestDataElements; test_TestDataElements m_data, m_structData; } InstanceData; #define GET_THIS( p ) (InstanceData *)((void **)p)[1] //================================================================================================== static void SAL_CALL c_acquire( void * p ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C( ) { CUNO_CALL( ((com_sun_star_uno_XInterface *)p) )->acquire( (com_sun_star_uno_XInterface *)p ); } //================================================================================================== static void SAL_CALL c_release( void * p ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C( ) { CUNO_CALL( ((com_sun_star_uno_XInterface *)p) )->release( (com_sun_star_uno_XInterface *)p ); } //================================================================================================== static void * SAL_CALL c_queryInterface( void * p, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pType ) SAL_THROW_EXTERN_C( ) { uno_Any aExc; com_sun_star_uno_XInterface * pRet = NULL; if (CUNO_EXCEPTION_OCCURED( CUNO_CALL( ((com_sun_star_uno_XInterface *)p) )->queryInterface( (com_sun_star_uno_XInterface *)p, &aExc, &pRet, pType ) )) { uno_any_destruct( &aExc, c_release ); return NULL; } else { return pRet; } } void defaultConstructData(test_TestDataElements* pData, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pElemType) { pData->_Base._Base.Bool = sal_False; pData->_Base._Base.Char = 0; pData->_Base._Base.Byte = 0; pData->_Base._Base.Short = 0; pData->_Base._Base.UShort = 0; pData->_Base._Base.Long = 0; pData->_Base._Base.ULong = 0; pData->_Base._Base.Hyper = 0; pData->_Base._Base.UHyper = 0; pData->_Base._Base.Float = 0; pData->_Base._Base.Double = 0; pData->_Base._Base.Enum = test_TestEnum_TEST; pData->_Base.String = 0; rtl_uString_new(&pData->_Base.String); pData->_Base.Interface = 0; uno_any_construct(&pData->_Base.Any, 0, 0, 0); /* pData->Sequence = 0; */ uno_type_sequence_construct( &pData->Sequence, pElemType, 0, 0, c_acquire ); } void assign1( test_TestSimple* rData, sal_Bool bBool, sal_Unicode cChar, sal_Int8 nByte, sal_Int16 nShort, sal_uInt16 nUShort, sal_Int32 nLong, sal_uInt32 nULong, sal_Int64 nHyper, sal_uInt64 nUHyper, float fFloat, double fDouble, test_TestEnum eEnum) { rData->Bool = bBool; rData->Char = cChar; rData->Byte = nByte; rData->Short = nShort; rData->UShort = nUShort; rData->Long = nLong; rData->ULong = nULong; rData->Hyper = nHyper; rData->UHyper = nUHyper; rData->Float = fFloat; rData->Double = fDouble; rData->Enum = eEnum; } void assign2( test_TestElement* rData, sal_Bool bBool, sal_Unicode cChar, sal_Int8 nByte, sal_Int16 nShort, sal_uInt16 nUShort, sal_Int32 nLong, sal_uInt32 nULong, sal_Int64 nHyper, sal_uInt64 nUHyper, float fFloat, double fDouble, test_TestEnum eEnum, rtl_uString* rStr, com_sun_star_uno_XInterface* xTest, uno_Any* rAny, typelib_TypeDescription* pTDIface) { assign1( (test_TestSimple *)rData, bBool, cChar, nByte, nShort, nUShort, nLong, nULong, nHyper, nUHyper, fFloat, fDouble, eEnum ); rtl_uString_assign(&rData->String, rStr); /* uno_assignData(&rData->Interface, pTDIface, &xTest, pTDIface, c_queryInterface, c_acquire, c_release); */ if ( rData->Interface ) CUNO_CALL(rData->Interface)->release(rData->Interface); if ( xTest ) { CUNO_CALL(xTest)->acquire(xTest); rData->Interface = xTest; } else { rData->Interface = 0; } uno_type_any_assign(&rData->Any, rAny->pData, rAny->pType, c_acquire, c_release); } void assign3( test_TestDataElements* rData, sal_Bool bBool, sal_Unicode cChar, sal_Int8 nByte, sal_Int16 nShort, sal_uInt16 nUShort, sal_Int32 nLong, sal_uInt32 nULong, sal_Int64 nHyper, sal_uInt64 nUHyper, float fFloat, double fDouble, test_TestEnum eEnum, rtl_uString* rStr, com_sun_star_uno_XInterface* xTest, uno_Any* rAny, /* sequence< test_TestElement >*/uno_Sequence* rSequence, typelib_TypeDescription* pTDIface, typelib_TypeDescription* pTDSeqElem) { assign2( (test_TestElement *)rData, bBool, cChar, nByte, nShort, nUShort, nLong, nULong, nHyper, nUHyper, fFloat, fDouble, eEnum,rStr, xTest, rAny, pTDIface ); uno_sequence_assign(&rData->Sequence, rSequence, pTDSeqElem, c_release); } /* XInterface =============================================================================== */ /* XInterface::acquire */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XInterface_acquire( com_sun_star_uno_XInterface* pIFace) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); osl_incrementInterlockedCount( &pImpl->m_refCount ); return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XInterface::release */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XInterface_release( com_sun_star_uno_XInterface * pIFace ) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); if( osl_decrementInterlockedCount( &pImpl->m_refCount ) == 0) { uno_destructData(&pImpl->m_data, pImpl->m_pTDTestDataElements, c_release); uno_destructData(&pImpl->m_structData, pImpl->m_pTDTestDataElements, c_release); typelib_typedescription_release(pImpl->m_pTDXInterface); typelib_typedescription_release(pImpl->m_pTDSeqTestElement); typelib_typedescription_release(pImpl->m_pTDTestDataElements); rtl_freeMemory( pImpl ); } return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XInterface::queryInterface */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XInterface_queryInterface( com_sun_star_uno_XInterface * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, com_sun_star_uno_XInterface ** pRet, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pTypeRef) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); com_sun_star_uno_XInterface * pIFaceRet = 0; if ( pTypeRef ) { if( ! rtl_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength( pTypeRef->pTypeName->buffer, pTypeRef->pTypeName->length, "com.sun.star.uno.XInterface" ) ) pIFaceRet = (com_sun_star_uno_XInterface *)&pImpl->m_XInterface; else if( !rtl_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength( pTypeRef->pTypeName->buffer, pTypeRef->pTypeName->length, "test.XLBTestBase" ) ) pIFaceRet = (com_sun_star_uno_XInterface *)&pImpl->m_XLBTestBase; else if( !rtl_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength( pTypeRef->pTypeName->buffer, pTypeRef->pTypeName->length, "test.XLanguageBindingTest" ) ) pIFaceRet = (com_sun_star_uno_XInterface *)&pImpl->m_XLanguageBindingTest; if( pIFaceRet ) { CUNO_CALL(pIFaceRet)->acquire( pIFaceRet ); *pRet = pIFaceRet; } else { *pRet = 0; } } return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase =============================================================================== */ /* XLBTestBase::getBool */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getBool( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Bool *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); *pRet = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Bool; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setBool */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setBool( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Bool value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Bool = value; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getByte */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getByte( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Int8 *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); *pRet = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Byte; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setByte */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setByte( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Int8 value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Byte = value; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getChar */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getChar( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Unicode *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); *pRet = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Char; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setChar */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setChar( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Unicode value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Char = value; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getShort */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getShort( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Int16 *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); *pRet = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Short; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setShort */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setShort( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Int16 value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Short = value; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getUShort */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getUShort( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_uInt16 *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); *pRet = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.UShort; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setUShort */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setUShort( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_uInt16 value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.UShort = value; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getLong */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getLong( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Int32 *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); *pRet = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Long; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setLong */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setLong( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Int32 value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Long = value; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getULong */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getULong( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_uInt32 *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); *pRet = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.ULong; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setULong */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setULong( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_uInt32 value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.ULong = value; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getHyper */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getHyper( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Int64 *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); *pRet = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Hyper; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setHyper */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setHyper( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Int64 value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Hyper = value; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getUHyper */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getUHyper( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_uInt64 *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); *pRet = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.UHyper; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setUHyper */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setUHyper( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_uInt64 value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.UHyper = value; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getFloat */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getFloat( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, float *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); *pRet = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Float; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setFloat */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setFloat( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, float value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Float = value; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getDouble */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getDouble( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, double *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); *pRet = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Double; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setDouble */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setDouble( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, double value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Double = value; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getEnum */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getEnum( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, test_TestEnum *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); *pRet = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Enum; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setEnum */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setEnum( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, test_TestEnum value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Enum = value; return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getString */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getString( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, rtl_uString **pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); *pRet = 0; rtl_uString_newFromString(pRet, pImpl->m_data._Base.String); return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setString */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setString( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, rtl_uString *value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); rtl_uString_assign(&pImpl->m_data._Base.String, value); return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getInterface */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getInterface( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, com_sun_star_uno_XInterface **pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); /* uno_copyData(pRet, &pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface, pImpl->m_pTDXInterface, c_acquire); */ if ( pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface ) { CUNO_CALL(pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface)->acquire(pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface); *pRet = pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface; } else { *pRet = 0; } return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setInterface */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setInterface( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, com_sun_star_uno_XInterface *value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); /* uno_assignData(&pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface, pImpl->m_pTDXInterface, &value, pImpl->m_pTDXInterface, c_queryInterface, c_acquire, c_release); */ if ( pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface ) CUNO_CALL(pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface)->release(pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface); if ( value ) { CUNO_CALL(value)->acquire(value); pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface = value; } else { pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface = 0; } return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getAny */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getAny( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, uno_Any *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); typelib_TypeDescription* pTD = 0; typelib_typedescriptionreference_getDescription(&pTD, pImpl->m_data._Base.Any.pType); uno_any_construct(pRet, pImpl->m_data._Base.Any.pData, pTD, c_acquire); typelib_typedescription_release(pTD); return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setAny */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setAny( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, uno_Any *value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); typelib_TypeDescription* pTD = 0; typelib_typedescriptionreference_getDescription(&pTD, value->pType); uno_any_assign(&pImpl->m_data._Base.Any, value->pData, pTD, c_acquire, c_release); typelib_typedescription_release(pTD); return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getSequence */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getSequence( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, /*sequence< test.TestElement >*/uno_Sequence **pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); uno_sequence_construct(pRet, pImpl->m_pTDSeqTestElement, pImpl->m_data.Sequence->elements, pImpl->m_data.Sequence->nElements, c_acquire); return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setSequence */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setSequence( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, /*sequence< test.TestElement >*/uno_Sequence *value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); uno_sequence_assign(&pImpl->m_data.Sequence, value, pImpl->m_pTDSeqTestElement, c_release); return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getStruct */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getStruct( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, test_TestDataElements *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); uno_copyData(pRet, &pImpl->m_structData, pImpl->m_pTDTestDataElements, c_acquire); return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setStruct */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setStruct( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, test_TestDataElements *value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); uno_assignData(&pImpl->m_structData, pImpl->m_pTDTestDataElements, value, pImpl->m_pTDTestDataElements, c_queryInterface, c_acquire, c_release); return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setValues */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setValues( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Bool aBool, sal_Unicode aChar, sal_Int8 aByte, sal_Int16 aShort, sal_uInt16 aUShort, sal_Int32 aLong, sal_uInt32 aULong, sal_Int64 aHyper, sal_uInt64 aUHyper, float aFloat, double aDouble, test_TestEnum aEnum, rtl_uString* aString, com_sun_star_uno_XInterface *aInterface, uno_Any * aAny, /*sequence< test.TestElement >*/ uno_Sequence * aSequence, test_TestDataElements *aStruct) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); assign3(&pImpl->m_data, aBool, aChar, aByte, aShort, aUShort, aLong, aULong, aHyper, aUHyper, aFloat, aDouble, aEnum, aString, aInterface, aAny,aSequence, pImpl->m_pTDXInterface, pImpl->m_pTDSeqTestElement); uno_assignData(&pImpl->m_structData, pImpl->m_pTDTestDataElements, aStruct, pImpl->m_pTDTestDataElements, c_queryInterface, c_acquire, c_release); return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::setValues2 */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_setValues2( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, test_TestDataElements* pRet, sal_Bool* aBool, sal_Unicode* aChar, sal_Int8* aByte, sal_Int16* aShort, sal_uInt16* aUShort, sal_Int32* aLong, sal_uInt32* aULong, sal_Int64* aHyper, sal_uInt64* aUHyper, float* aFloat, double* aDouble, test_TestEnum* aEnum, rtl_uString** aString, com_sun_star_uno_XInterface **aInterface, uno_Any * aAny, /*sequence< test.TestElement >*/ uno_Sequence ** aSequence, test_TestDataElements * aStruct) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); assign3(&pImpl->m_data, *aBool, *aChar, *aByte, *aShort, *aUShort, *aLong, *aULong, *aHyper, *aUHyper, *aFloat, *aDouble, *aEnum, *aString, *aInterface, aAny, *aSequence, pImpl->m_pTDXInterface, pImpl->m_pTDSeqTestElement); uno_assignData(&pImpl->m_structData, pImpl->m_pTDTestDataElements, aStruct, pImpl->m_pTDTestDataElements, c_queryInterface, c_acquire, c_release); uno_copyData(pRet, &pImpl->m_structData, pImpl->m_pTDTestDataElements, c_acquire); return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLBTestBase::getValues */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLBTestBase_getValues( test_XLBTestBase * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, test_TestDataElements* pRet, sal_Bool* aBool, sal_Unicode* aChar, sal_Int8* aByte, sal_Int16* aShort, sal_uInt16* aUShort, sal_Int32* aLong, sal_uInt32* aULong, sal_Int64* aHyper, sal_uInt64* aUHyper, float* aFloat, double* aDouble, test_TestEnum* aEnum, rtl_uString** aString, com_sun_star_uno_XInterface **aInterface, uno_Any * aAny, /*sequence< test.TestElement >*/ uno_Sequence ** aSequence, test_TestDataElements * aStruct) { typelib_TypeDescription* pTD = 0; InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); *aBool = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Bool; *aChar = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Char; *aByte = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Byte; *aShort = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Short; *aUShort = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.UShort; *aLong = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Long; *aULong = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.ULong; *aHyper = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Hyper; *aUHyper = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.UHyper; *aFloat = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Float; *aDouble = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Double; *aEnum = pImpl->m_data._Base._Base.Enum; *aString = 0; rtl_uString_newFromString(aString, pImpl->m_data._Base.String); /* uno_copyData(aInterface, &pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface, pImpl->m_pTDXInterface, c_acquire); */ if ( pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface ) { CUNO_CALL(pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface)->acquire(pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface); *aInterface = pImpl->m_data._Base.Interface; } else { *aInterface = 0; } typelib_typedescriptionreference_getDescription(&pTD, pImpl->m_data._Base.Any.pType); uno_any_construct(aAny, pImpl->m_data._Base.Any.pData, pTD, c_acquire); typelib_typedescription_release(pTD); uno_sequence_construct(aSequence, pImpl->m_pTDSeqTestElement, pImpl->m_data.Sequence->elements, pImpl->m_data.Sequence->nElements, c_acquire); uno_copyData(aStruct, &pImpl->m_structData, pImpl->m_pTDTestDataElements, c_acquire); uno_copyData(pRet, &pImpl->m_structData, pImpl->m_pTDTestDataElements, c_acquire); return CUNO_ERROR_NONE; } /* XLanguageBindingTest =============================================================================== */ /* XLanguageBindingTest::getRuntimeException */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLanguageBindingTest_getRuntimeException( test_XLanguageBindingTest * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Int32 *pRet) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); com_sun_star_uno_RuntimeException aExc; typelib_TypeDescription * pTD = 0; rtl_uString * pTypeName = 0; uno_Any excp; rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTypeName, "com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException"); typelib_typedescription_getByName(&pTD, pTypeName); aExc._Base.Message = 0; rtl_uString_newFromAscii(&aExc._Base.Message, "dum dum dum ich tanz im kreis herum..."); aExc._Base.Context = 0; if (CUNO_EXCEPTION_OCCURED( CUNO_CALL(pIFace)->getInterface( (test_XLBTestBase *)pIFace, &excp, &aExc._Base.Context) )) { /* ... */ uno_any_destruct( &excp, 0 ); } uno_any_construct(pExc, &aExc, pTD, c_acquire); uno_destructData(&aExc, pTD, c_release); typelib_typedescription_release(pTD); rtl_uString_release(pTypeName); return CUNO_ERROR_EXCEPTION; } /* XLanguageBindingTest::setRuntimeException */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLanguageBindingTest_setRuntimeException( test_XLanguageBindingTest * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, sal_Int32 value) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); com_sun_star_uno_RuntimeException aExc; typelib_TypeDescription * pTD = 0; rtl_uString * pTypeName = 0; uno_Any excp; rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTypeName, "com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException"); typelib_typedescription_getByName(&pTD, pTypeName); aExc._Base.Message = 0; rtl_uString_newFromAscii(&aExc._Base.Message, "dum dum dum ich tanz im kreis herum..."); aExc._Base.Context = 0; if (CUNO_EXCEPTION_OCCURED( CUNO_CALL(pIFace)->getInterface( (test_XLBTestBase *)pIFace, &excp, &aExc._Base.Context) )) { /* ... */ uno_any_destruct( &excp, 0 ); } uno_any_construct(pExc, &aExc, pTD, c_acquire); uno_destructData(&aExc, pTD, c_release); typelib_typedescription_release(pTD); rtl_uString_release(pTypeName); return CUNO_ERROR_EXCEPTION; } /* XLanguageBindingTest::raiseException */ cuno_ErrorCode SAL_CALL XLanguageBindingTest_raiseException( test_XLanguageBindingTest * pIFace, uno_Any * pExc, test_TestDataElements* pRet, sal_Bool* aBool, sal_Unicode* aChar, sal_Int8* aByte, sal_Int16* aShort, sal_uInt16* aUShort, sal_Int32* aLong, sal_uInt32* aULong, sal_Int64* aHyper, sal_uInt64* aUHyper, float* aFloat, double* aDouble, test_TestEnum* aEnum, rtl_uString ** aString, com_sun_star_uno_XInterface ** aInterface, uno_Any* aAny, /*sequence< test.TestElement >*/ uno_Sequence ** aSequence, test_TestDataElements* AStruct) { InstanceData * pImpl = GET_THIS( pIFace ); com_sun_star_lang_IllegalArgumentException aExc; typelib_TypeDescription * pTD = 0; rtl_uString * pTypeName = 0; uno_Any excp; rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTypeName, "com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException"); typelib_typedescription_getByName(&pTD, pTypeName); aExc.ArgumentPosition = 5; aExc._Base.Message = 0; rtl_uString_newFromAscii(&aExc._Base.Message, "dum dum dum ich tanz im kreis herum..."); aExc._Base.Context = 0; if (CUNO_EXCEPTION_OCCURED( CUNO_CALL(pIFace)->getInterface( (test_XLBTestBase *)pIFace, &excp, &aExc._Base.Context) )) { /* ... */ uno_any_destruct( &excp, 0 ); } uno_any_construct(pExc, &aExc, pTD, c_acquire); uno_destructData(&aExc, pTD, c_release); typelib_typedescription_release(pTD); rtl_uString_release(pTypeName); return CUNO_ERROR_EXCEPTION; } static const com_sun_star_uno_XInterface_ftab s_XInterface_ftab={ XInterface_queryInterface, XInterface_acquire, XInterface_release, }; static const test_XLBTestBase_ftab s_XLBTestBase_ftab={ XInterface_queryInterface, XInterface_acquire, XInterface_release, XLBTestBase_getBool, XLBTestBase_setBool, XLBTestBase_getByte, XLBTestBase_setByte, XLBTestBase_getChar, XLBTestBase_setChar, XLBTestBase_getShort, XLBTestBase_setShort, XLBTestBase_getUShort, XLBTestBase_setUShort, XLBTestBase_getLong, XLBTestBase_setLong, XLBTestBase_getULong, XLBTestBase_setULong, XLBTestBase_getHyper, XLBTestBase_setHyper, XLBTestBase_getUHyper, XLBTestBase_setUHyper, XLBTestBase_getFloat, XLBTestBase_setFloat, XLBTestBase_getDouble, XLBTestBase_setDouble, XLBTestBase_getEnum, XLBTestBase_setEnum, XLBTestBase_getString, XLBTestBase_setString, XLBTestBase_getInterface, XLBTestBase_setInterface, XLBTestBase_getAny, XLBTestBase_setAny, XLBTestBase_getSequence, XLBTestBase_setSequence, XLBTestBase_getStruct, XLBTestBase_setStruct, XLBTestBase_setValues, XLBTestBase_setValues2, XLBTestBase_getValues }; static const test_XLanguageBindingTest_ftab s_XLanguageBindingTest_ftab={ XInterface_queryInterface, XInterface_acquire, XInterface_release, XLBTestBase_getBool, XLBTestBase_setBool, XLBTestBase_getByte, XLBTestBase_setByte, XLBTestBase_getChar, XLBTestBase_setChar, XLBTestBase_getShort, XLBTestBase_setShort, XLBTestBase_getUShort, XLBTestBase_setUShort, XLBTestBase_getLong, XLBTestBase_setLong, XLBTestBase_getULong, XLBTestBase_setULong, XLBTestBase_getHyper, XLBTestBase_setHyper, XLBTestBase_getUHyper, XLBTestBase_setUHyper, XLBTestBase_getFloat, XLBTestBase_setFloat, XLBTestBase_getDouble, XLBTestBase_setDouble, XLBTestBase_getEnum, XLBTestBase_setEnum, XLBTestBase_getString, XLBTestBase_setString, XLBTestBase_getInterface, XLBTestBase_setInterface, XLBTestBase_getAny, XLBTestBase_setAny, XLBTestBase_getSequence, XLBTestBase_setSequence, XLBTestBase_getStruct, XLBTestBase_setStruct, XLBTestBase_setValues, XLBTestBase_setValues2, XLBTestBase_getValues, XLanguageBindingTest_getRuntimeException, XLanguageBindingTest_setRuntimeException, XLanguageBindingTest_raiseException }; com_sun_star_uno_XInterface* SAL_CALL createTestObject() { InstanceData *pObj; rtl_uString* usXInterface = 0; rtl_uString* usSeqTestElement = 0; rtl_uString* usTestDataElements = 0; /* Create a data instance of the component */ pObj= (InstanceData*)rtl_allocateMemory( sizeof( InstanceData) ); pObj->m_XInterface[0] = &s_XInterface_ftab; pObj->m_XInterface[1] = pObj; pObj->m_XLBTestBase[0] = &s_XLBTestBase_ftab; pObj->m_XLBTestBase[1] = pObj; pObj->m_XLanguageBindingTest[0] = &s_XLanguageBindingTest_ftab; pObj->m_XLanguageBindingTest[1] = pObj; /* Initalize the reference counter member and other component data */ pObj->m_refCount= 1; pObj->m_pTDXInterface = 0; rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &usXInterface, "com.sun.star.uno.XInterface"); typelib_typedescription_getByName(&pObj->m_pTDXInterface, usXInterface); pObj->m_pTDSeqTestElement = 0; rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &usSeqTestElement, "[]test.TestElement"); typelib_typedescription_getByName(&pObj->m_pTDSeqTestElement, usSeqTestElement); pObj->m_pTDTestDataElements = 0; rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &usTestDataElements, "test.TestDataElements"); typelib_typedescription_getByName(&pObj->m_pTDTestDataElements, usTestDataElements); defaultConstructData(&pObj->m_data, pObj->m_pTDSeqTestElement->pWeakRef); defaultConstructData(&pObj->m_structData, pObj->m_pTDSeqTestElement->pWeakRef); rtl_uString_release(usXInterface); rtl_uString_release(usSeqTestElement); rtl_uString_release(usTestDataElements); return (com_sun_star_uno_XInterface *)&pObj->m_XInterface; }