 *  $RCSfile: testcppu.cxx,v $
 *  $Revision: 1.25 $
 *  last change: $Author: dbo $ $Date: 2002-08-19 07:18:49 $
 *  The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
 *  either of the following licenses
 *         - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 *         - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
 *  Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 *  =============================================
 *  Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *  901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
 *  MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
 *  =================================================
 *  The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
 *  Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
 *  except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
 *  License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html.
 *  Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
 *  See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
 *  obligations concerning the Software.
 *  The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *  Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 *  Contributor(s): _______________________________________
#include <stdio.h>

#include <uno/environment.h>
#include <uno/mapping.hxx>

#include <uno/dispatcher.h>
#include <rtl/alloc.h>
#include <rtl/unload.h>

#include <cppuhelper/queryinterface.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Exception.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Uik.hpp>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <osl/interlck.h>

#include <test/Test1.hpp>
#include <test/Test2.hpp>
#include <test/TdTest1.hpp>
#include <test/Test3.hpp>
#include <test/Base.hpp>
#include <test/Base1.hpp>
#include <test/Base2.hpp>

#include <uno/current_context.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx>

#include <com/sun/star/lang/XComponent.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XHierarchicalNameAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XCurrentContext.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <test/XSimpleInterface.hpp>
#include <test/XLanguageBindingTest.hpp>

using namespace test;
using namespace rtl;
using namespace osl;

using namespace com::sun::star;
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace com::sun::star::registry;
using namespace test;

sal_Int32 getSize( const Type & rT )
    sal_Int32 nSize;
    typelib_TypeDescription * pTD = 0;
    typelib_typedescriptionreference_getDescription( &pTD, rT.getTypeLibType() );
    nSize = pTD->nSize;
    typelib_typedescription_release( pTD );
    return nSize;
 * main.
void testCppu()
    // test the size of types
    OSL_ENSURE( sizeof( Uik ) == getSize( getCppuType( (Uik *)0) ),
                "bad sizeof uik" );
    OSL_ENSURE( sizeof( Test1 ) == getSize( getCppuType( (Test1*)0).getTypeLibType() ),
                "bad sizeof test1" );
//      OSL_ENSURE( sizeof( TdTest1 ) == getSize( get_test_TdTest1_Type().getTypeLibType() ),
//                  "bad sizeof TypedefTest1" );
    OSL_ENSURE( sizeof( Test2 ) == getSize( getCppuType( (Test2*)0).getTypeLibType() ),
                "bad sizeof test2" );

/* find the error
sal_Int32 nPos;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->nInt8;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->nFloat;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->nuInt8;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->nDouble;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->nInt16;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->aString;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->nuInt16;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->nInt64;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->nInt32;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->nuInt64;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->nuInt32;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->eType;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->wChar;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->td;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->bBool;
nPos = (sal_Int32)&((Test3 *)0)->aAny;
    OSL_ENSURE( sizeof( Test3 ) == getSize( getCppuType( (Test3*)0).getTypeLibType() ),
                "bad sizeof test3" );

    // test the default constructor
    Test1 a1;
    a1.nInt16 = 4;
    a1.dDouble = 3.6;
    a1.bBool = sal_True;
    uno_type_constructData( &a1, getCppuType( (Test1*)0).getTypeLibType() );
    OSL_ASSERT( a1.nInt16 == 0 && a1.dDouble == 0.0 && a1.bBool == sal_False);

    Test2 a2;
    a2.nInt16 = 2;
    a2.aTest1.nInt16 = 4;
    a2.aTest1.dDouble = 3.6;
    a2.aTest1.dDouble = sal_True;
    uno_type_constructData( &a2, getCppuType( (Test2*)0).getTypeLibType() );
    OSL_ASSERT( a2.nInt16 == 0 && a2.aTest1.nInt16 == 0 && a2.aTest1.dDouble == 0.0 && a2.aTest1.bBool == sal_False);

    Test3 * pa3 = (Test3 *)new char[ sizeof( Test3 ) ];
    Test3 & a3 = *pa3;
    a3.nInt8 = 2;
    a3.nFloat = (float)2;
    a3.nDouble = 2;
    a3.nInt16 = 2;
    a3.nuInt16 = 2;
    a3.nInt64 = 2;
    a3.nInt32 = 2;
    a3.nuInt64 = 2;
    a3.nuInt32 = 2;
    a3.eType = TypeClass_STRUCT;
    a3.wChar = L'g';
    a3.td.nInt16 = 2;
    a3.td.dDouble = 2;
    a3.bBool = sal_True;
    uno_type_constructData( &a3, getCppuType( (Test3*)0).getTypeLibType() );
    OSL_ASSERT( a3.nInt8 == 0 && a3.nFloat == (float)0
                && a3.nDouble == 0 && a3.nInt16 == 0 && a3.aString == OUString()
                && a3.nuInt16 == 0 && a3.nInt64 == 0 && a3.nInt32 == 0
                && a3.nuInt64 == 0 && a3.nuInt32 == 0 && a3.eType == TypeClass_VOID
                && a3.wChar == L'\0' && a3.td.nInt16 == 0 && a3.td.dDouble == 0
                && a3.bBool == sal_False );
    OSL_ASSERT( a3.aAny.getValueType() == getCppuVoidType() );
    delete pa3;

    // test the destructor
    long a1[ sizeof( Test1 ) / sizeof(long) +1 ];
    uno_type_constructData( &a1, getCppuType( (Test1*)0).getTypeLibType() );
    uno_type_destructData( &a1, getCppuType( (Test1*)0).getTypeLibType(), cpp_release );

    long a2[ sizeof( Test2 ) / sizeof(long) +1 ];
    uno_type_constructData( &a2, getCppuType( (Test2*)0).getTypeLibType() );
    uno_type_destructData( &a2, getCppuType( (Test2*)0).getTypeLibType(), cpp_release );

    long a3[ sizeof( Test3 ) / sizeof(long) +1 ];
    uno_type_constructData( &a3, getCppuType( (Test3*)0).getTypeLibType() );
    OUString aTestString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("test") );
    ((Test3*)a3)->aString = aTestString;
    uno_type_destructData( &a3, getCppuType( (Test3*)0).getTypeLibType(), cpp_release );
    OSL_ASSERT( aTestString.pData->refCount == 1 );

    // test the copy constructor
    Test1 a1;
    a1.nInt16 = 4;
    a1.dDouble = 3.6;
    a1.bBool = sal_True;
    char sz1[sizeof( Test1 )];
    uno_type_copyData( sz1, &a1, getCppuType( (Test1*)0).getTypeLibType(), cpp_acquire );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test1*)sz1)->nInt16 == 4 && ((Test1*)sz1)->dDouble == 3.6 && ((Test1*)sz1)->bBool == sal_True);

    Test2 a2;
    a2.nInt16 = 2;
    a2.aTest1.nInt16 = 4;
    a2.aTest1.dDouble = 3.6;
    a2.aTest1.bBool = sal_True;
    char sz2[sizeof( Test2 )];
    uno_type_copyData( sz2, &a2, getCppuType( (Test2*)0).getTypeLibType(), cpp_acquire );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test2*)sz2)->nInt16 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT(((Test2*)sz2)->aTest1.nInt16 == 4 );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test2*)sz2)->aTest1.dDouble == 3.6 );
    OSL_ASSERT(((Test2*)sz2)->aTest1.bBool == sal_True);

    Test3 a3;
    a3.nInt8 = 2;
    a3.nFloat = (float)2;
    a3.nDouble = 2;
    a3.nInt16 = 2;
    a3.aString = OUString::createFromAscii("2");
    a3.nuInt16 = 2;
    a3.nInt64 = 2;
    a3.nInt32 = 2;
    a3.nuInt64 = 2;
    a3.nuInt32 = 2;
    a3.eType = TypeClass_STRUCT;
    a3.wChar = L'2';
    a3.td.nInt16 = 2;
    a3.td.dDouble = 2;
    a3.bBool = sal_True;
    a3.aAny = makeAny( (sal_Int32)2 );
    char sz3[sizeof( Test3 )];
    uno_type_copyData( sz3, &a3, getCppuType( (Test3*)0).getTypeLibType(), cpp_acquire );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->nInt8 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->nFloat == (float)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->nDouble == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->nInt16 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->aString == OUString::createFromAscii("2") );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->nuInt16 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->nInt64 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->nInt32 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->nuInt64 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->nuInt32 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->eType == TypeClass_STRUCT );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->wChar == L'2' );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->td.nInt16 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->td.dDouble == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->bBool == sal_True );
    OSL_ASSERT( ((Test3*)sz3)->aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_Int32 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int32*)((Test3*)sz3)->aAny.getValue() == 2 );
    ((Test3 *)sz3)->~Test3();

    sal_Bool bAssignable;
    // test assignment
    Test1 a1;
    a1.nInt16 = 4;
    a1.dDouble = 3.6;
    a1.bBool = sal_True;
    Test1 sz1;
    bAssignable = uno_type_assignData(
        &sz1, getCppuType( (Test1*)0).getTypeLibType(),
        &a1, getCppuType( (Test1*)0).getTypeLibType(),
        cpp_queryInterface, cpp_acquire, cpp_release );
    OSL_ASSERT( bAssignable );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz1.nInt16 == 4 && sz1.dDouble == 3.6 && sz1.bBool == sal_True);

    Test2 a2;
    a2.nInt16 = 2;
    a2.aTest1.nInt16 = 4;
    a2.aTest1.dDouble = 3.6;
    a2.aTest1.bBool = sal_True;
    Test2 sz2;
    bAssignable = uno_type_assignData(
        &sz2, getCppuType( (Test2*)0).getTypeLibType(),
        &a2, getCppuType( (Test2*)0).getTypeLibType(),
        cpp_queryInterface, cpp_acquire, cpp_release );
    OSL_ASSERT( bAssignable );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz2.nInt16 == 2 && sz2.aTest1.nInt16 == 4
                && sz2.aTest1.dDouble == 3.6 && sz2.aTest1.bBool == sal_True);

    Test3 a3;
    Test3 sz3;
    a3.nInt8 = 2;
    a3.nFloat = (float)2;
    a3.nDouble = 2;
    a3.nInt16 = 2;
    a3.aString = OUString::createFromAscii("2");
    a3.nuInt16 = 2;
    a3.nInt64 = 2;
    a3.nInt32 = 2;
    a3.nuInt64 = 2;
    a3.nuInt32 = 2;
    a3.eType = TypeClass_STRUCT;
    a3.wChar = L'2';
    a3.td.nInt16 = 2;
    a3.td.dDouble = 2;
    a3.bBool = sal_True;
    a3.aAny = makeAny( (sal_Int32)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( a3.aAny.isExtractableTo( ::getCppuType( (sal_Int64 const *)0 ) ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( ::getCppuType( (sal_Int64 const *)0 ).isAssignableFrom( a3.aAny.getValueType() ) );
    bAssignable = uno_type_assignData(
        &sz3, getCppuType( (Test3*)0).getTypeLibType(),
        &a3, getCppuType( (Test3*)0).getTypeLibType(),
        cpp_queryInterface, cpp_acquire, cpp_release );
    OSL_ASSERT( bAssignable );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.nInt8 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.nFloat == (float)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.nDouble == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.nInt16 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.aString == OUString::createFromAscii("2") );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.nuInt16 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.nInt64 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.nInt32 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.nuInt64 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.nuInt32 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.eType == TypeClass_STRUCT );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.wChar == L'2' );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.td.nInt16 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.td.dDouble == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.bBool == sal_True );
    OSL_ASSERT( sz3.aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_Int32 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int32*)sz3.aAny.getValue() == 2 );

    // test not assigneable values
    bAssignable = uno_type_assignData(
        &a1, getCppuType( (Test1*)0).getTypeLibType(),
        &a2, getCppuType( (Test2*)0).getTypeLibType(),
        cpp_queryInterface, cpp_acquire, cpp_release );
    OSL_ASSERT( !bAssignable );

    // test any
    Any aAny = makeAny( (sal_Int8)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_Int8 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int8*)aAny.getValue() == 2 );
    aAny = makeAny( (float)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (float *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(float*)aAny.getValue() == (float)2 );
    aAny = makeAny( (sal_Int8)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_Int8 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int8*)aAny.getValue() == 2 );
    aAny = makeAny( (double)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (double *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(double*)aAny.getValue() == (double)2 );
    aAny = makeAny( (sal_Int16)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_Int16 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int16*)aAny.getValue() == 2 );
    aAny = makeAny( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("test") ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (OUString *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(OUString*)aAny.getValue() == OUString::createFromAscii("test") );
    aAny = makeAny( (sal_uInt16)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_uInt16 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int16*)aAny.getValue() == 2 );
    sal_Int64 aInt64 = 0x200000000;
    aAny = makeAny( aInt64 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_Int64 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int64*)aAny.getValue() == 0x200000000 );
    aAny = makeAny( (sal_Int32)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_Int32 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int32*)aAny.getValue() == 2 );
    sal_uInt64 auInt64 = 0x200000000;
    aAny = makeAny( auInt64 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_uInt64 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_uInt64*)aAny.getValue() == 0x200000000 );
    aAny = makeAny( (sal_uInt32)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_uInt32 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_uInt32*)aAny.getValue() == 2 );
    aAny = makeAny( TypeClass_STRUCT );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (TypeClass *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(TypeClass*)aAny.getValue() == TypeClass_STRUCT );
    sal_Unicode c = L'2';
    aAny.setValue( &c, getCppuCharType() );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuCharType() );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Unicode*)aAny.getValue() == L'2' );
    sal_Bool b = sal_True;
    aAny.setValue( &b, getCppuBooleanType() );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuBooleanType() );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Bool*)aAny.getValue() == sal_True );

    // test: operator <<=( any, value )
    Any aAny;
    aAny <<= (sal_Int8)2;
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_Int8 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int8*)aAny.getValue() == 2 );
    aAny <<=( (float)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (float *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(float*)aAny.getValue() == (float)2 );
//      aAny <<=( (sal_uInt8)2 );
//      OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_uInt8 *)0 ) );
//      OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_uInt8*)aAny.getValue() == 2 );
    aAny <<=( (double)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (double *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(double*)aAny.getValue() == (double)2 );
    aAny <<=( (sal_Int16)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_Int16 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int16*)aAny.getValue() == 2 );
    aAny <<=( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("test") ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (OUString *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(OUString*)aAny.getValue() == OUString::createFromAscii("test") );
    aAny <<=( (sal_uInt16)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_uInt16 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int16*)aAny.getValue() == 2 );
    sal_Int64 aInt64 = 0x200000000;
    aAny <<=( aInt64 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_Int64 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int64*)aAny.getValue() == 0x200000000 );
    aAny <<=( (sal_Int32)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_Int32 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int32*)aAny.getValue() == 2 );
    sal_uInt64 auInt64 = 0x200000000;
    aAny <<=( auInt64 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_uInt64 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_uInt64*)aAny.getValue() == 0x200000000 );
    aAny <<=( (sal_uInt32)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (sal_uInt32 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_uInt32*)aAny.getValue() == 2 );
    aAny <<=( TypeClass_STRUCT );
    OSL_ASSERT( aAny.getValueType() == getCppuType( (TypeClass *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(TypeClass*)aAny.getValue() == TypeClass_STRUCT );

    // test seq< any >
    Sequence< Any > seqAny( 1 );
    seqAny[ 0 ] <<= sal_Int32(5);
    seqAny.realloc( 200000 ); // hopefully different memory
    seqAny[ 1 ] <<= sal_Int32(6);
    uno_Any * pAnys = (uno_Any *)seqAny.getConstArray();
    OSL_ASSERT( pAnys[ 1 ].pData == &pAnys[ 1 ].pReserved );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int32 *)pAnys[ 1 ].pData == sal_Int32(6) );
    OSL_ASSERT( pAnys[ 0 ].pData == &pAnys[ 0 ].pReserved );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Int32 *)pAnys[ 0 ].pData == sal_Int32(5) );

    // test: operator >>=( any, value )
    Test3 a3;
    makeAny( (sal_Int8)2) >>= a3.nInt8;
    OSL_ASSERT( (makeAny( (sal_Int8)2) >>= a3.nInt8) && a3.nInt8 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( (makeAny( (float)2) >>= a3.nFloat) && a3.nFloat ==(float)2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( (makeAny( (double)2) >>= a3.nDouble) && a3.nDouble == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( (makeAny( (sal_Int16)2) >>= a3.nInt16) && a3.nInt16 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( (makeAny( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("2") )) >>= a3.aString) &&
                a3.aString == OUString::createFromAscii("2") );
    OSL_ASSERT( (makeAny( (sal_uInt16)2) >>= a3.nuInt16) && a3.nuInt16 == 2 );
    sal_Int64 aInt64 = 0x200000000;
    OSL_ASSERT( makeAny( aInt64 ) >>= a3.nInt64 );
    OSL_ASSERT( a3.nInt64 == 0x200000000 );
    OSL_ASSERT( (makeAny( (sal_Int32)2) >>= a3.nInt32) && a3.nInt32 == 2 );
    sal_uInt64 auInt64 = 0x200000000;
    OSL_ASSERT( makeAny( auInt64 ) >>= a3.nuInt64 );
    OSL_ASSERT( a3.nuInt64 == 0x200000000 );
    OSL_ASSERT( (makeAny( (sal_uInt32)2) >>= a3.nuInt32) && a3.nuInt32 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( (makeAny( TypeClass_STRUCT) >>= a3.eType) && a3.eType == TypeClass_STRUCT );
    //OSL_ASSERT( (makeAny( L'2' ) >>= a3.wChar) && a3.nInt8 ==L'2';
    OSL_ASSERT( (makeAny( (sal_Int16)2) >>= a3.td.nInt16) && a3.nInt16 == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( (makeAny( (double)2) >>= a3.td.dDouble) && a3.nDouble == 2 );
    //OSL_ASSERT( (makeAny( (sal_True)2) >>= a3.bBool) && a3.nInt8 ==sal_True;

    // Only one negative test, the implementation has only one if to test this
    OSL_ASSERT( (makeAny( (float)2) >>= a3.nFloat) && a3.nFloat ==(float)2 );

    // test: Sequence
    Sequence< Test1 > aTestSeq;
    OSL_ASSERT( aTestSeq.getLength() == 0 );
    sal_Int32 szInt32[2] = { 1, 2 };
    Sequence< sal_Int32 > aInt32Seq( szInt32, 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aInt32Seq.getLength() == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aInt32Seq[0] == 1 && aInt32Seq[1] == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aInt32Seq.getArray()[0] == 1 && aInt32Seq.getArray()[1] == 2 );
    Sequence< sal_Int32 > aNextInt32Seq( aInt32Seq );
    OSL_ASSERT( aNextInt32Seq[0] == 1 && aNextInt32Seq[1] == 2 );
    aInt32Seq[0] = 45;
    OSL_ASSERT( aInt32Seq[0] == 45 && aInt32Seq[1] == 2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aNextInt32Seq[0] == 1 && aNextInt32Seq[1] == 2 );
    sal_Int32 * pArray = aNextInt32Seq.getArray();
    OSL_ASSERT( pArray[0] == 1 && pArray[1] == 2 );
    Sequence< double > aDoubleSeq( 5 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aDoubleSeq[4] == 0.0 );
    Sequence< OUString > aStringSeq( 5 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aStringSeq[4] == OUString() );
    sal_Int32 szInt32[2] = { 1, 2 };
    Sequence<sal_Int32 > aInt32Seq( szInt32, 2 );
    Sequence<sal_Int32 > aNextInt32Seq( aInt32Seq );
    aNextInt32Seq.realloc( 1 ); // split of sequence
    const sal_Int32 * pArray = aNextInt32Seq.getConstArray();
    OSL_ASSERT( pArray[0] == 1 );
    aInt32Seq.realloc( 1 ); // reallocate mem
    pArray = aInt32Seq.getConstArray();
    OSL_ASSERT( pArray[0] == 1 );

    Sequence<sal_Int32 > aInt32Seq2( aInt32Seq );
    aInt32Seq.realloc( 0 );
    aInt32Seq.realloc( 1 );
    aInt32Seq.realloc( 0 );

class TestInterface : public XInterface
    // XInterface
    void SAL_CALL acquire() throw ()
        { osl_incrementInterlockedCount( &nRefCount ); }
    void SAL_CALL release() throw ()
        { if( !osl_decrementInterlockedCount( &nRefCount ) ) delete this; }
    Any SAL_CALL queryInterface( const Type & rType ) throw (RuntimeException)
        { return cppu::queryInterface( rType, static_cast< XInterface* >( this ) ); }

    TestInterface() : nRefCount( 0 ) {}

    sal_Int32 nRefCount;

struct SimpleInterface : public TestInterface, public XSimpleInterface
    void SAL_CALL acquire() throw ()
        { TestInterface::acquire(); }
    void SAL_CALL release() throw ()
        { TestInterface::release(); }
    Any SAL_CALL queryInterface( const Type & rType ) throw (RuntimeException)
        Any aRet( cppu::queryInterface( rType, static_cast< XSimpleInterface * >( this ) ) );
        return (aRet.hasValue() ? aRet : TestInterface::queryInterface( rType ));
    virtual void SAL_CALL method() throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)

static sal_Bool s_aAssignableFromTab[11][11] =
                         /* from CH,BO,BY,SH,US,LO,UL,HY,UH,FL,DO */
/* TypeClass_CHAR */            { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
/* TypeClass_BOOLEAN */         { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
/* TypeClass_BYTE */            { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
/* TypeClass_SHORT */           { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
/* TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT */  { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
/* TypeClass_LONG */            { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
/* TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG */   { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
/* TypeClass_HYPER */           { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 },
/* TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER */  { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 },
/* TypeClass_FLOAT */           { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 },
/* TypeClass_DOUBLE */          { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 }
template < class T >
static void test_assignSimple( const T & rVal, /*const*/ Any /*&*/ rAny )
    typelib_TypeDescription * pTD = 0;
    ::getCppuType( &rVal ).getDescription( &pTD );
    sal_Bool bTable = s_aAssignableFromTab[pTD->eTypeClass-1][rAny.getValueTypeClass()-1];
        (bTable!=sal_False) ==
            pTD->pWeakRef, rAny.getValueTypeRef() )!=sal_False) );
    T t;
    OSL_ASSERT( (bTable!=sal_False) == ((rAny >>= t)!=sal_False) );
    if (bTable)
        OSL_ASSERT( t == rVal );
    typelib_typedescription_release( pTD );
template < class T >
static void test_simple_assignment( const T & rVal )
    // bool
    sal_Bool tr = sal_True;
    typelib_TypeDescription * pBoolTD = 0;
    ::getCppuBooleanType().getDescription( &pBoolTD );
    Any a( &tr, pBoolTD );
    test_assignSimple( rVal, a );
    OSL_ASSERT( typelib_typedescriptionreference_isAssignableFrom( pBoolTD->pWeakRef, a.getValueTypeRef() ) );
    typelib_typedescription_release( pBoolTD );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Bool *)a.getValue() );
    // char
    sal_Unicode ch = 'a';
    typelib_TypeDescription * pCharTD = 0;
    ::getCppuCharType().getDescription( &pCharTD );
    a.setValue( &ch, pCharTD );
    test_assignSimple( rVal, a );
    OSL_ASSERT( typelib_typedescriptionreference_isAssignableFrom( pCharTD->pWeakRef, a.getValueTypeRef() ) );
    typelib_typedescription_release( pCharTD );
    OSL_ASSERT( *(sal_Unicode *)a.getValue() == 'a' );

    // rest by template
    a <<= (sal_Int8)5;
    test_assignSimple( rVal, a );
    a <<= (sal_Int16)5;
    test_assignSimple( rVal, a );
    a <<= (sal_uInt16)5;
    test_assignSimple( rVal, a );
    a <<= (sal_Int32)5;
    test_assignSimple( rVal, a );
    a <<= (sal_uInt32)5;
    test_assignSimple( rVal, a );
    a <<= (sal_Int64)5;
    test_assignSimple( rVal, a );
    a <<= (sal_uInt64)5;
    test_assignSimple( rVal, a );
    a <<= (float)5;
    test_assignSimple( rVal, a );
    a <<= (double)5;
    test_assignSimple( rVal, a );
static void testAssignment()
    // simple types
    test_simple_assignment( (sal_Int8)5 );
    test_simple_assignment( (sal_Int16)5 );
    test_simple_assignment( (sal_uInt16)5 );
    test_simple_assignment( (sal_Int32)5 );
    test_simple_assignment( (sal_uInt32)5 );
    test_simple_assignment( (sal_Int64)5 );
    test_simple_assignment( (sal_uInt64)5 );
    test_simple_assignment( (float)5 );
    test_simple_assignment( (double)5 );
    // some complex things
    Any a;
    TestSimple ts;
    TestElement te; // derived from simple
    a <<= ts;
    OSL_ASSERT( !(a >>= te) );
    OSL_ASSERT( a >>= ts );
    a <<= te;
    OSL_ASSERT( (a >>= te) && (a >>= ts) );
    // interface
    Reference< XSimpleInterface > xOriginal( new SimpleInterface() );
    a <<= xOriginal;
    Reference< XInterface > x;
    OSL_ASSERT( (a >>= x) && (a == xOriginal) && (xOriginal == x) && (x == xOriginal) );
    // sequence
    Sequence< TestElement > aSeq( 5 );
    Sequence< TestElement > aSeq2( 3 );
    aSeq[1].Byte = 17;
    a <<= aSeq;
    OSL_ASSERT( a >>= aSeq2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq2[1].Byte == 17 );
    aSeq2[1].Byte = 20;
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq != aSeq2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( a != aSeq2 );
    a <<= aSeq2;
    OSL_ASSERT( a >>= aSeq );
    OSL_ASSERT( a == aSeq );
    OSL_ASSERT( !(a != aSeq) );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq == aSeq2 );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[1].Byte == 20 );

    // equals...
    sal_uInt64 n = (sal_uInt64)(sal_Int64)-5;
    a.setValue( &n, getCppuType( (sal_uInt64 *)0 ) );
    Any b;
    sal_Int8 n2 = -5;
    b.setValue( &n2, getCppuType( (sal_Int8 *)0 ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( a != b );

void test_interface()
    // test: Interface
    Reference< XInterface > xIFace;
    OSL_ASSERT( !xIFace.is() );
    xIFace.clear(); // do nothing

void test_inheritance()
    OSL_ASSERT( sizeof( Base ) == getSize( getCppuType( (Base *)0).getTypeLibType() ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( sizeof( Base1 ) == getSize( getCppuType( (Base1 *)0).getTypeLibType() ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( sizeof( Base2 ) == getSize( getCppuType( (Base2 *)0).getTypeLibType() ) );

sal_Int32 nCallback_1;
sal_Int32 nCallback;
void SAL_CALL typedescription_Callback_1
    void * pContext,
    typelib_TypeDescription ** ppRet,
    rtl_uString * pTypeName
    OSL_ENSURE( pContext == (void *)1, "### unexpected context!" );
    if( *ppRet )
        typelib_typedescription_release( *ppRet );
        *ppRet = 0;

    OUString aTypeName( pTypeName );
    if( -1 != aTypeName.indexOf( OUString::createFromAscii("1_") ) )
        OUString aName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("unsigned short") );
        OUString empty;
        typelib_CompoundMember_Init aMember = { typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT,
                                                empty.pData };
            typelib_TypeClass_STRUCT, pTypeName, 0,

void SAL_CALL typedescription_Callback
    void * pContext,
    typelib_TypeDescription ** ppRet,
    rtl_uString * pTypeName
    OSL_ENSURE( pContext == (void *)0, "### unexpected context!" );
    if( *ppRet )
        typelib_typedescription_release( *ppRet );
        *ppRet = 0;

    OUString aTypeName( pTypeName );
    if( -1 != aTypeName.indexOf( OUString::createFromAscii("cachetest") ) )
        aTypeName = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("1_") ) + aTypeName;
        OUString empty;
        typelib_CompoundMember_Init aMember = { typelib_TypeClass_STRUCT,
                                                empty.pData };
            typelib_TypeClass_STRUCT, pTypeName, 0,

void test_cache()
    typelib_typedescription_registerCallback( (void *)1, typedescription_Callback_1 );
    typelib_typedescription_registerCallback( 0, typedescription_Callback );

    for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < 300; i++ )
        typelib_TypeDescription * pTD = 0;
        OUString aTypeName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("cachetest") );
        aTypeName = aTypeName + OUString::valueOf( i );
        typelib_typedescription_getByName( &pTD, aTypeName.pData );
        typelib_typedescription_release( pTD );
    OSL_ASSERT( nCallback_1 == 300 );
    OSL_ASSERT( nCallback == 300 );
    // The cache size is 200 so the description "cachetest200" is in the cache
    typelib_TypeDescription * pTD = 0;
    OUString aName200( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("cachetest200") );
    typelib_typedescription_getByName( &pTD, aName200.pData );
    OSL_ASSERT( nCallback_1 == 300 );
    OSL_ASSERT( nCallback == 300 );
    // The cache size is 200 so the description "cachetest199" is not in the cache
    // "1_cachetest199" is loaded too.
    OUString aName199( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("cachetest199") );
    typelib_typedescription_getByName( &pTD, aName199.pData );
    typelib_typedescription_release( pTD );
    OSL_ASSERT( nCallback_1 == 301 );
    OSL_ASSERT( nCallback == 301 );

    typelib_typedescription_revokeCallback( (void *)1, typedescription_Callback_1 );
    typelib_typedescription_revokeCallback( 0, typedescription_Callback );

static OUString s_aAddPurpose;

static void SAL_CALL getMappingCallback(
    uno_Mapping ** ppMapping,
    uno_Environment * pFrom, uno_Environment * pTo, rtl_uString * pAddPurpose )
    s_aAddPurpose = pAddPurpose;
static void testMappingCallback()
    uno_registerMappingCallback( getMappingCallback );
    OSL_ASSERT( ! s_aAddPurpose.getLength() );
    Mapping aTest(
        OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("test") ) );
    uno_revokeMappingCallback( getMappingCallback );
    OSL_ASSERT( s_aAddPurpose.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("test") ) );
    s_aAddPurpose = OUString();
    Mapping aTest2(
        OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("test") ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( ! s_aAddPurpose.getLength() );

static void testEnvironments(void)
    uno_Environment ** ppEnv;
    sal_Int32 nLen;
    OUString aTypeName;

        &ppEnv, &nLen, ::rtl_allocateMemory, aTypeName.pData );

    if (nLen)
        for ( sal_Int32 nPos = 0; nPos < nLen; ++nPos )
            uno_Environment * pEnv = ppEnv[ nPos ];

            // dump out infos
            ::uno_dumpEnvironment( stderr, pEnv, 0 );

            // call some releases
            void ** ppInterfaces = 0;
            sal_Int32 nInterfaces;

            uno_ExtEnvironment * pExtEnv = pEnv->pExtEnv;
                pExtEnv, &ppInterfaces, &nInterfaces, ::rtl_allocateMemory );
            if (nInterfaces)
                while (nInterfaces--)
                    void * p = ppInterfaces[ nInterfaces ];
                    (*pExtEnv->releaseInterface)( pExtEnv, p );
                ::rtl_freeMemory( ppInterfaces );

            (*pEnv->release)( pEnv );
        ::rtl_freeMemory( ppEnv );

inline const ::com::sun::star::uno::Type& SAL_CALL getCppuType( const Sequence< OUString[2][4] >* ) SAL_THROW( () )
    return getCppuSequenceType< OUString[2][4] >( getCppuArrayType2( (const OUString (*)[2][4])0 ) );

class Test_CContext
    : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper1< XCurrentContext >
    Reference< XCurrentContext > m_xDel;
    sal_Int32 m_value;
    OUString m_name;
    inline Test_CContext( sal_Int32 val, OUString const & rName,
                          Reference< XCurrentContext > const & xDel )
        SAL_THROW( () )
        : m_xDel( xDel )
        , m_value( val )
        , m_name( rName )

    virtual Any SAL_CALL getValueByName( OUString const & rName )
        throw (RuntimeException);
Any Test_CContext::getValueByName( OUString const & rName )
    throw (RuntimeException)
    if (rName == m_name)
        return makeAny( m_value );
    else if (m_xDel.is())
        return m_xDel->getValueByName( rName );
    return Any();
static void testCurrentContext()
    ContextLayer layer( new Test_CContext(
        5, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Value1") ),
        Reference< XCurrentContext >() ) );
    Reference< XCurrentContext > xCC( getCurrentContext() );
        xCC.is() &&
        xCC->getValueByName( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Value1") ) ) == (sal_Int16)5 &&
        !xCC->getValueByName( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Value2") ) ).hasValue() );
    OSL_ASSERT( ! layer.getPreviousContext().is() );

    ContextLayer layer2( new Test_CContext(
        7, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Value2") ),
        xCC ) );
    OSL_ASSERT( layer2.getPreviousContext() == xCC );
    xCC = getCurrentContext();
        xCC.is() &&
        xCC->getValueByName( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Value1") ) ) == (sal_Int16)5 &&
        xCC->getValueByName( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Value2") ) ) == (sal_Int16)7 &&
        !xCC->getValueByName( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("dummy") ) ).hasValue() );

    uno_Interface * pContext = 0;
    OSL_VERIFY( ::uno_getCurrentContext( (void **)&pContext, aEnvName.pData, 0 ) );
    (*pContext->release)( pContext );
    OSL_ASSERT( ! layer.getPreviousContext().is() );
    OSL_ASSERT( ! getCurrentContext().is() );

void testArray(void)
    long a[5][6];
    getCppuArrayType2( &a );

    getCppuArrayType1( (const long (*)[5])0 );
    getCppuArrayType2( (const long (*)[6][7])0 );
    getCppuArrayType3( (const long (*)[7][8][9])0 );
    getCppuArrayType4( (const long (*)[8][9][10][11])0 );
    getCppuArrayType5( (const long (*)[9][10][11][12][13])0 );
    getCppuArrayType6( (const long (*)[10][11][12][13][14][15])0 );

    getCppuArrayType2( (const Reference< XInterface > (*)[6][7])0 );

    getCppuArrayType1( (const Test1 (*)[5])0 );
    getCppuArrayType2( (const Test1 (*)[6][7])0 );
    getCppuArrayType3( (const Test1 (*)[7][8][9])0 );
    getCppuArrayType4( (const Test1 (*)[8][9][10][11])0 );
    getCppuArrayType5( (const Test1 (*)[9][10][11][12][13])0 );
    getCppuArrayType6( (const Test1 (*)[10][11][12][13][14][15])0 );

    typelib_TypeDescription* pType = NULL;
    typelib_TypeDescriptionReference* pTypeRef = NULL;
    sal_Int32 pDim[] = { 2, 4 };
    Type rType = getCppuType((const sal_Int32*)0);
    typelib_typedescription_newArray(&pType, rType.getTypeLibType(), 2, pDim);
    OSL_ASSERT( pType );
    typelib_typedescriptionreference_new(&pTypeRef, typelib_TypeClass_ARRAY, pType->pTypeName);
    OSL_ASSERT( pTypeRef );

    sal_Int32 a1[2][4];
    sal_Int32 a2[2][4] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 };
    uno_constructData( &a1, pType );
//  uno_type_constructData( &a1, pTypeRef );

    sal_Bool bAssignable = uno_assignData(&a1, pType, a2, pType,
                   cpp_queryInterface, cpp_acquire, cpp_release );
    sal_Int32 i,j;
    for ( i=0; i<2; i++ )
        for ( j=0; j<4; j++ )
            OSL_ASSERT( a1[i][j] == a2[i][j] );

    uno_destructData( a1, pType, cpp_release );
//  uno_type_destructData( &a1, pTypeRef, cpp_release );
    uno_destructData( a2, pType, cpp_release );

    pType = NULL;
    pTypeRef = NULL;

    typelib_typedescription_newArray(&pType, getCppuType((const OUString*)0).getTypeLibType(), 2, pDim);
    OSL_ASSERT( pType );
    typelib_typedescriptionreference_new(&pTypeRef, typelib_TypeClass_ARRAY, pType->pTypeName);
    OSL_ASSERT( pTypeRef );

    OUString s1(OUString::createFromAscii("Hallo"));
    OUString s2(OUString::createFromAscii("jetzt"));
    OUString s3(OUString::createFromAscii("teste"));
    OUString s4(OUString::createFromAscii("ich"));
    OUString s5(OUString::createFromAscii("ein"));
    OUString s6(OUString::createFromAscii("Array"));
    OUString s7(OUString::createFromAscii("mit"));
    OUString s8(OUString::createFromAscii("strings"));
    OUString st1,st2,st3,st4,st5,st6,st7,st8;

    void* p = rtl_allocateMemory(8 * sizeof(rtl_uString*));
    void* p2 = rtl_allocateMemory(8 * sizeof(rtl_uString*));
    rtl_uString** ppS = (rtl_uString**)p;
    rtl_uString* sa1[2][4] = { st1.pData,st2.pData,st3.pData,st4.pData,
                               st5.pData,st6.pData,st7.pData,st8.pData };
    rtl_uString* sa2[2][4] = { s1.pData,s2.pData,s3.pData,s4.pData,
                               s5.pData,s6.pData,s7.pData,s8.pData };
    uno_constructData( p, pType );

    bAssignable = uno_assignData(p, pType, sa2, pType,
                   cpp_queryInterface, cpp_acquire, cpp_release );

    bAssignable = uno_assignData(sa1, pType, p, pType,
                   cpp_queryInterface, cpp_acquire, cpp_release );

    for ( i=0; i<2; i++ )
        for ( j=0; j<4; j++ )
            OSL_ASSERT( sa1[i][j] == sa2[i][j] );

    OUString sA[2][4];
    sA[0][0] = s1;
    sA[1][0] = s5;
    sA[0][1] = s2;
    sA[1][1] = s6;
    sA[0][2] = s3;
    sA[1][2] = s7;
    sA[0][3] = s4;
    sA[1][3] = s8;

    Any aa1, aa2;
    Type arrayType;
    OUString (*sB)[2][4];
    aa1.setValue(&sA, getCppuArrayType2( (const OUString (*)[2][4])0 ));
    aa2 = aa1;
    arrayType = aa2.getValueType();
    sB = (OUString(*)[2][4])aa2.getValue();
    for ( i=0; i<2; i++ )
        for ( j=0; j<4; j++ )
            OSL_ASSERT( sA[i][j] == (*sB)[i][j] );

    // requires a specialized getCppuType function 'getCppuType( const Sequence< OUString[2][4] >* )'
    Sequence< OUString[2][4] > aSeq(2);
    OUString (*pSeq)[2][4] = aSeq.getArray();
    uno_copyData(pSeq[0], sA, pType, cpp_acquire);
    uno_copyData(pSeq[1], sA, pType, cpp_acquire);

    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[0][0][0] == sA[0][0] );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[0][0][1] == sA[0][1] );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[0][0][2] == sA[0][2] );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[0][0][3] == sA[0][3] );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[0][1][0] == sA[1][0] );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[0][1][1] == sA[1][1] );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[0][1][2] == sA[1][2] );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[0][1][3] == sA[1][3] );

    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[1][0][0] == sA[0][0] );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[1][0][1] == sA[0][1] );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[1][0][2] == sA[0][2] );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[1][0][3] == sA[0][3] );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[1][1][0] == sA[1][0] );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[1][1][1] == sA[1][1] );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[1][1][2] == sA[1][2] );
    OSL_ASSERT( aSeq[1][1][3] == sA[1][3] );

    uno_constructData( p2, pType );
    ppS = (rtl_uString**)p2;
    uno_copyData(p2, sa1, pType, cpp_acquire);
    uno_copyData(sa2, p2, pType, cpp_acquire);

    uno_destructData( p, pType, cpp_release );
    uno_destructData( p2, pType, cpp_release );
    uno_destructData( sa1, pType, cpp_release );
    uno_destructData( sa2, pType, cpp_release );

    pType = NULL;
    pTypeRef = NULL;

 * main.
int SAL_CALL main(int argc, char **argv)
    typelib_setCacheSize( 200 );
#ifdef SAL_W32
    Reference< registry::XSimpleRegistry > xRegistry( ::cppu::createSimpleRegistry() );
    xRegistry->open( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("testcppu.rdb") ), sal_True, sal_False );
    Reference< XComponentContext > xContext(
        ::cppu::bootstrap_InitialComponentContext( xRegistry ) );
    ::rtl_unloadUnusedModules( 0 );
    ::rtl_unloadUnusedModules( 0 );

//      // security test
//  void test_security( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > & );
//      test_security( xMgr );

    // C++, C bridges test
    void test_CppBridge(void);
    ::rtl_unloadUnusedModules( 0 );
//      void test_CBridge(void);
//      void test_CBridge2(void);
//      test_CBridge();
//      test_CBridge2();

//      testArray();
#ifndef SAL_W32 // cache test not possible if types are loaded dynamically...

#ifdef SAL_W32
      // shutdown
    Reference< XComponent > xComp( xContext, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    xComp.set( xContext, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    Reference< XInterface > x(
            OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/singletons/com.sun.star.reflection.theTypeDescriptionManager") ) ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );

    typelib_setCacheSize( 0 );
    ::rtl_unloadUnusedModules( 0 );
    ::rtl_unloadUnusedModules( 0 );

    return 0;