/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

#pragma once

#define NC_(Context, String) TranslateId(Context, reinterpret_cast<char const *>(u8##String))

#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <tuple>
#include <unotools/resmgr.hxx>

 Description, ui file name, preview file name
const std::tuple<TranslateId, OUString, OUString> TOOLBARMODES_ARRAY[] =
    { NC_("RID_CUI_TOOLBARMODES", "Standard user interface with menu, toolbar, and collapsed sidebar. Intended for users who are familiar with the classic interface."), "Default", "default.png" },
    { NC_("RID_CUI_TOOLBARMODES", "The Tabbed user interface is the most similar to the Ribbons used in Microsoft Office. It organizes functions in tabs and makes the main menu obsolete."), "notebookbar.ui", "notebookbar.png" },
    { NC_("RID_CUI_TOOLBARMODES", "Standard user interface but with single-line toolbar. Intended for use on small screens."), "Single", "single.png" },
    { NC_("RID_CUI_TOOLBARMODES", "Standard user interface with expanded sidebar. Expert users who want to quickly change many different properties are advised to use this UI."), "Sidebar", "sidebar.png" },
    { NC_("RID_CUI_TOOLBARMODES", "The Tabbed Compact variant aims to be familiar with the Microsoft Office interface, yet occupying less space for smaller screens."), "notebookbar_compact.ui", "notebookbar_compact.png" },
    { NC_("RID_CUI_TOOLBARMODES", "The Groupedbar interface provides access to functions in groups, with icons for most-frequently used features, and dropdown menus for others. This full variant favors functions and is slightly larger than others."), "notebookbar_groupedbar_full.ui", "notebookbar_groupedbar_full.png" },
    { NC_("RID_CUI_TOOLBARMODES", "The Groupedbar interface provides access to functions in groups, with icons for most-frequently used features, and dropdown menus for others. This compact variant favors vertical space."), "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.ui", "notebookbar_groupedbar_compact.png" },
    { NC_("RID_CUI_TOOLBARMODES", "The Contextual Single interface shows functions in a single-line toolbar with context-dependent content."), "notebookbar_single.ui", "notebookbar_single.png" },
    { NC_("RID_CUI_TOOLBARMODES", "The Contextual Groups interface focuses on beginners. It exposes the most frequently used functions on groups with the core action as large icon and a couple of small additional features. All functions have a label. Depending on the context, an additional section provides access to those functions."), "notebookbar_groups.ui", "notebookbar_groups.png" },

//hide experimental UIs
constexpr int nGroupedbarFull = 5;
constexpr int nContextualGroups = 8;

/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */