/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include "helpid.hrc" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "svtools/treelistentry.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define FILEOBJECT ( OBJECT_CLIENT_FILE & ~OBJECT_CLIENT_SO ) using namespace sfx2; class SvBaseLinkMemberList : private std::vector { public: ~SvBaseLinkMemberList() { for( const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { SvBaseLink* p = *it; if( p ) p->ReleaseReference(); } } using std::vector::size; using std::vector::operator[]; void push_back(SvBaseLink* p) { std::vector::push_back(p); p->AddRef(); } }; // attention, this array is indexed directly (0, 1, ...) in the code static long nTabs[] = { 4, // Number of Tabs 0, 77, 144, 209 }; SvBaseLinksDlg::SvBaseLinksDlg( Window * pParent, LinkManager* pMgr, sal_Bool bHtml ) : ModalDialog( pParent, CUI_RES( MD_UPDATE_BASELINKS ) ), aFtFiles( this, CUI_RES( FT_FILES ) ), aFtLinks( this, CUI_RES( FT_LINKS ) ), aFtType( this, CUI_RES( FT_TYPE ) ), aFtStatus( this, CUI_RES( FT_STATUS ) ), aTbLinks( this, CUI_RES(TB_LINKS ) ), aFtFiles2( this, CUI_RES( FT_FILES2 ) ), aFtFullFileName( this, CUI_RES( FT_FULL_FILE_NAME ) ), aFtSource2( this, CUI_RES( FT_SOURCE2 ) ), aFtFullSourceName( this, CUI_RES( FT_FULL_SOURCE_NAME ) ), aFtType2( this, CUI_RES( FT_TYPE2 ) ), aFtFullTypeName( this, CUI_RES( FT_FULL_TYPE_NAME ) ), aFtUpdate( this, CUI_RES( FT_UPDATE ) ), aRbAutomatic( this, CUI_RES( RB_AUTOMATIC ) ), aRbManual( this, CUI_RES( RB_MANUAL ) ), aCancelButton1( this, CUI_RES( 1 ) ), aHelpButton1( this, CUI_RES( 1 ) ), aPbUpdateNow( this, CUI_RES( PB_UPDATE_NOW ) ), aPbOpenSource( this, CUI_RES( PB_OPEN_SOURCE ) ), aPbChangeSource( this, CUI_RES( PB_CHANGE_SOURCE ) ), aPbBreakLink( this, CUI_RES( PB_BREAK_LINK ) ), aStrAutolink( CUI_RES( STR_AUTOLINK ) ), aStrManuallink( CUI_RES( STR_MANUALLINK ) ), aStrBrokenlink( CUI_RES( STR_BROKENLINK ) ), aStrGraphiclink( CUI_RES( STR_GRAPHICLINK ) ), aStrButtonclose( CUI_RES( STR_BUTTONCLOSE ) ), aStrCloselinkmsg( CUI_RES( STR_CLOSELINKMSG ) ), aStrCloselinkmsgMulti( CUI_RES( STR_CLOSELINKMSG_MULTI ) ), aStrWaitinglink( CUI_RES( STR_WAITINGLINK ) ), pLinkMgr( NULL ), bHtmlMode(bHtml) { FreeResource(); aTbLinks.SetHelpId(HID_LINKDLG_TABLB); aTbLinks.SetSelectionMode( MULTIPLE_SELECTION ); aTbLinks.SetTabs( &nTabs[0], MAP_APPFONT ); aTbLinks.Resize(); // OS: hack for correct selection // UpdateTimer for DDE-/Grf-links, which are waited for aUpdateTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, SvBaseLinksDlg, UpdateWaitingHdl ) ); aUpdateTimer.SetTimeout( 1000 ); // Set the ZOrder, and accessible name to the dialog's title aTbLinks.SetZOrder(0, WINDOW_ZORDER_FIRST); aTbLinks.SetAccessibleName(this->GetText()); aTbLinks.SetAccessibleRelationLabeledBy(&aFtFiles); OpenSource().Hide(); Links().SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SvBaseLinksDlg, LinksSelectHdl ) ); Links().SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK( this, SvBaseLinksDlg, LinksDoubleClickHdl ) ); Automatic().SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SvBaseLinksDlg, AutomaticClickHdl ) ); Manual().SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SvBaseLinksDlg, ManualClickHdl ) ); UpdateNow().SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SvBaseLinksDlg, UpdateNowClickHdl ) ); ChangeSource().SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SvBaseLinksDlg, ChangeSourceClickHdl ) ); if(!bHtmlMode) BreakLink().SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SvBaseLinksDlg, BreakLinkClickHdl ) ); else BreakLink().Hide(); SetManager( pMgr ); } SvBaseLinksDlg::~SvBaseLinksDlg() { } /************************************************************************* |* SvBaseLinksDlg::Handler() *************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( SvBaseLinksDlg, LinksSelectHdl, SvTabListBox *, pSvTabListBox ) { sal_uInt16 nSelectionCount = pSvTabListBox ? (sal_uInt16)pSvTabListBox->GetSelectionCount() : 0; if(nSelectionCount > 1) { // possibly deselect old entries in case of multi-selection SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = 0; SvBaseLink* pLink = 0; pEntry = pSvTabListBox->GetHdlEntry(); pLink = (SvBaseLink*)pEntry->GetUserData(); sal_uInt16 nObjectType = pLink->GetObjType(); if((OBJECT_CLIENT_FILE & nObjectType) != OBJECT_CLIENT_FILE) { pSvTabListBox->SelectAll(sal_False); pSvTabListBox->Select(pEntry); nSelectionCount = 1; } else { for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSelectionCount; i++) { pEntry = i == 0 ? pSvTabListBox->FirstSelected() : pSvTabListBox->NextSelected(pEntry); DBG_ASSERT(pEntry, "Wo ist der Entry?"); pLink = (SvBaseLink*)pEntry->GetUserData(); DBG_ASSERT(pLink, "Wo ist der Link?"); if( (OBJECT_CLIENT_FILE & pLink->GetObjType()) != OBJECT_CLIENT_FILE ) pSvTabListBox->Select( pEntry, sal_False ); } } UpdateNow().Enable(); Automatic().Disable(); Manual().Check(); Manual().Disable(); } else { sal_uInt16 nPos; SvBaseLink* pLink = GetSelEntry( &nPos ); if( !pLink ) return 0; UpdateNow().Enable(); String sType, sLink; String *pLinkNm = &sLink, *pFilter = 0; if( FILEOBJECT & pLink->GetObjType() ) { Automatic().Disable(); Manual().Check(); Manual().Disable(); if( OBJECT_CLIENT_GRF == pLink->GetObjType() ) pLinkNm = 0, pFilter = &sLink; } else { Automatic().Enable(); Manual().Enable(); if( LINKUPDATE_ALWAYS == pLink->GetUpdateMode() ) Automatic().Check(); else Manual().Check(); } String aFileName; pLinkMgr->GetDisplayNames( pLink, &sType, &aFileName, pLinkNm, pFilter ); aFileName = INetURLObject::decode(aFileName, INET_HEX_ESCAPE, INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS); FileName().SetText( aFileName ); SourceName().SetText( sLink ); TypeName().SetText( sType ); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvBaseLinksDlg, LinksDoubleClickHdl, SvTabListBox *, pSvTabListBox ) { (void)pSvTabListBox; ChangeSourceClickHdl( 0 ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvBaseLinksDlg, LinksDoubleClickHdl, SvTabListBox *, pSvTabListBox ) IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvBaseLinksDlg, AutomaticClickHdl, RadioButton *, pRadioButton ) { (void)pRadioButton; sal_uInt16 nPos; SvBaseLink* pLink = GetSelEntry( &nPos ); if( pLink && !( FILEOBJECT & pLink->GetObjType() ) && LINKUPDATE_ALWAYS != pLink->GetUpdateMode() ) SetType( *pLink, nPos, LINKUPDATE_ALWAYS ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvBaseLinksDlg, AutomaticClickHdl, RadioButton *, pRadioButton ) IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvBaseLinksDlg, ManualClickHdl, RadioButton *, pRadioButton ) { (void)pRadioButton; sal_uInt16 nPos; SvBaseLink* pLink = GetSelEntry( &nPos ); if( pLink && !( FILEOBJECT & pLink->GetObjType() ) && LINKUPDATE_ONCALL != pLink->GetUpdateMode()) SetType( *pLink, nPos, LINKUPDATE_ONCALL ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvBaseLinksDlg, ManualClickHdl, RadioButton *, pRadioButton ) IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvBaseLinksDlg, UpdateNowClickHdl) { SvTabListBox& rListBox = Links(); sal_uInt16 nSelCnt = (sal_uInt16)rListBox.GetSelectionCount(); if( 255 < nSelCnt ) nSelCnt = 255; std::vector< SvBaseLink* > aLnkArr; std::vector< sal_uInt16 > aPosArr; SvTreeListEntry* pE = rListBox.FirstSelected(); while( pE ) { sal_uInt16 nFndPos = (sal_uInt16)rListBox.GetModel()->GetAbsPos( pE ); if( LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND != nFndPos ) { aLnkArr.push_back( static_cast< SvBaseLink* >( pE->GetUserData() ) ); aPosArr.push_back( nFndPos ); } pE = rListBox.NextSelected( pE ); } if( !aLnkArr.empty() ) { for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < aLnkArr.size(); ++n ) { SvBaseLinkRef xLink = aLnkArr[ n ]; // first look for the entry in the array for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pLinkMgr->GetLinks().size(); ++i ) if( &xLink == *pLinkMgr->GetLinks()[ i ] ) { xLink->SetUseCache( sal_False ); SetType( *xLink, aPosArr[ n ], xLink->GetUpdateMode() ); xLink->SetUseCache( sal_True ); break; } } // if somebody is of the opinion to swap his links (SD) LinkManager* pNewMgr = pLinkMgr; pLinkMgr = 0; SetManager( pNewMgr ); if( 0 == (pE = rListBox.GetEntry( aPosArr[ 0 ] )) || pE->GetUserData() != aLnkArr[ 0 ] ) { // search the link pE = rListBox.First(); while( pE ) { if( pE->GetUserData() == aLnkArr[ 0 ] ) break; pE = rListBox.Next( pE ); } if( !pE ) pE = rListBox.FirstSelected(); } if( pE ) { SvTreeListEntry* pSelEntry = rListBox.FirstSelected(); if( pE != pSelEntry ) rListBox.Select( pSelEntry, sal_False ); rListBox.Select( pE ); rListBox.MakeVisible( pE ); } pNewMgr->CloseCachedComps(); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SvBaseLinksDlg, ChangeSourceClickHdl, PushButton *, pPushButton ) { (void)pPushButton; sal_uInt16 nSelectionCount = (sal_uInt16)Links().GetSelectionCount(); if(nSelectionCount > 1) { PathDialog aPathDlg( this ); String sType, sFile, sLinkName; String sFilter; SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = Links().FirstSelected(); SvBaseLink* pLink = (SvBaseLink*)pEntry->GetUserData(); pLinkMgr->GetDisplayNames( pLink, &sType, &sFile, 0, 0 ); INetURLObject aUrl(sFile); if(aUrl.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE) { rtl::OUString sOldPath(aUrl.PathToFileName()); sal_Int32 nLen = aUrl.GetName().getLength(); sOldPath = sOldPath.copy(0, sOldPath.getLength() - nLen); aPathDlg.SetPath(sOldPath); } if(aPathDlg.Execute() == RET_OK) { String aPath = aPathDlg.GetPath(); for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSelectionCount; i++) { pEntry = i==0 ? Links().FirstSelected() : Links().NextSelected( pEntry ); DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Wo ist der Entry"); pLink = (SvBaseLink*)pEntry->GetUserData(); DBG_ASSERT(pLink,"Wo ist der Link"); pLinkMgr->GetDisplayNames( pLink, &sType, &sFile, &sLinkName, &sFilter ); INetURLObject aUrl_(sFile); INetURLObject aUrl2(aPath, INET_PROT_FILE); aUrl2.insertName( aUrl_.getName() ); String sNewLinkName; MakeLnkName( sNewLinkName, 0 , aUrl2.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DECODE_TO_IURI), sLinkName, &sFilter); pLink->SetLinkSourceName( sNewLinkName ); pLink->Update(); } if( pLinkMgr->GetPersist() ) pLinkMgr->GetPersist()->SetModified(); LinkManager* pNewMgr = pLinkMgr; pLinkMgr = 0; SetManager( pNewMgr ); } } else { sal_uInt16 nPos; SvBaseLink* pLink = GetSelEntry( &nPos ); if ( pLink && (pLink->GetLinkSourceName().Len() != 0) ) pLink->Edit( this, LINK( this, SvBaseLinksDlg, EndEditHdl ) ); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SvBaseLinksDlg, BreakLinkClickHdl, PushButton *, pPushButton ) { (void)pPushButton; sal_Bool bModified = sal_False; if(Links().GetSelectionCount() <= 1) { sal_uInt16 nPos; SvBaseLinkRef xLink = GetSelEntry( &nPos ); if( !xLink.Is() ) return 0; QueryBox aBox( this, WB_YES_NO | WB_DEF_YES, Closelinkmsg() ); if( RET_YES == aBox.Execute() ) { Links().GetModel()->Remove( Links().GetEntry( nPos ) ); // close object, if it's still existing sal_Bool bNewLnkMgr = OBJECT_CLIENT_FILE == xLink->GetObjType(); // tell the link that it will be resolved! xLink->Closed(); // if somebody has forgotten to deregister himself if( xLink.Is() ) pLinkMgr->Remove( &xLink ); if( bNewLnkMgr ) { LinkManager* pNewMgr = pLinkMgr; pLinkMgr = 0; SetManager( pNewMgr ); SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = Links().GetEntry( nPos ? --nPos : 0 ); if( pEntry ) Links().SetCurEntry( pEntry ); } bModified = sal_True; } } else { QueryBox aBox( this, WB_YES_NO | WB_DEF_YES, CloselinkmsgMulti() ); if( RET_YES == aBox.Execute() ) { SvBaseLinkMemberList aLinkList; SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = Links().FirstSelected(); while ( pEntry ) { void * pUD = pEntry->GetUserData(); if( pUD ) aLinkList.push_back( (SvBaseLink*)pUD ); pEntry = Links().NextSelected(pEntry); } Links().RemoveSelection(); for( sal_uLong i = 0; i < aLinkList.size(); i++ ) { SvBaseLinkRef xLink = aLinkList[i]; // tell the link that it will be resolved! xLink->Closed(); // if somebody has forgotten to deregister himself pLinkMgr->Remove( &xLink ); bModified = sal_True; } // then remove all selected entries } } if(bModified) { if( !Links().GetEntryCount() ) { Automatic().Disable(); Manual().Disable(); UpdateNow().Disable(); ChangeSource().Disable(); BreakLink().Disable(); String aEmpty; SourceName().SetText( aEmpty ); TypeName().SetText( aEmpty ); } if( pLinkMgr->GetPersist() ) pLinkMgr->GetPersist()->SetModified(); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SvBaseLinksDlg, UpdateWaitingHdl, Timer*, pTimer ) { (void)pTimer; Links().SetUpdateMode(sal_False); for( sal_uLong nPos = Links().GetEntryCount(); nPos; ) { SvTreeListEntry* pBox = Links().GetEntry( --nPos ); SvBaseLinkRef xLink( (SvBaseLink*)pBox->GetUserData() ); if( xLink.Is() ) { String sCur( ImplGetStateStr( *xLink ) ), sOld( Links().GetEntryText( pBox, 3 ) ); if( sCur != sOld ) Links().SetEntryText( sCur, pBox, 3 ); } } Links().SetUpdateMode(sal_True); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SvBaseLinksDlg, EndEditHdl, sfx2::SvBaseLink*, _pLink ) { sal_uInt16 nPos; GetSelEntry( &nPos ); if( _pLink && _pLink->WasLastEditOK() ) { // StarImpress/Draw swap the LinkObjects themselves! // So search for the link in the manager; if it does not exist // anymore, fill the list completely new. Otherwise only the // edited link needs to be refreshed. sal_Bool bLinkFnd = sal_False; for( sal_uInt16 n = pLinkMgr->GetLinks().size(); n; ) if( _pLink == &(*pLinkMgr->GetLinks()[ --n ]) ) { bLinkFnd = sal_True; break; } if( bLinkFnd ) { Links().SetUpdateMode(sal_False); Links().GetModel()->Remove( Links().GetEntry( nPos ) ); SvTreeListEntry* pToUnselect = Links().FirstSelected(); InsertEntry( *_pLink, nPos, sal_True ); if(pToUnselect) Links().Select(pToUnselect, sal_False); Links().SetUpdateMode(sal_True); } else { LinkManager* pNewMgr = pLinkMgr; pLinkMgr = 0; SetManager( pNewMgr ); } if( pLinkMgr->GetPersist() ) pLinkMgr->GetPersist()->SetModified(); } return 0; } String SvBaseLinksDlg::ImplGetStateStr( const SvBaseLink& rLnk ) { String sRet; if( !rLnk.GetObj() ) sRet = Brokenlink(); else if( rLnk.GetObj()->IsPending() ) { sRet = Waitinglink(); StartUpdateTimer(); } else if( LINKUPDATE_ALWAYS == rLnk.GetUpdateMode() ) sRet = Autolink(); else sRet = Manuallink(); return sRet; } void SvBaseLinksDlg::SetManager( LinkManager* pNewMgr ) { if( pLinkMgr == pNewMgr ) return; if( pNewMgr ) // update has to be stopped before clear Links().SetUpdateMode( sal_False ); Links().Clear(); pLinkMgr = pNewMgr; if( pLinkMgr ) { SvBaseLinks& rLnks = (SvBaseLinks&)pLinkMgr->GetLinks(); for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < rLnks.size(); ++n ) { SvBaseLinkRef* pLinkRef = rLnks[ n ]; if( !pLinkRef->Is() ) { rLnks.erase( rLnks.begin() + n ); --n; continue; } if( (*pLinkRef)->IsVisible() ) InsertEntry( **pLinkRef ); } if( !rLnks.empty() ) { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = Links().GetEntry( 0 ); Links().SetCurEntry( pEntry ); Links().Select( pEntry ); LinksSelectHdl( 0 ); } Links().SetUpdateMode( sal_True ); Links().Invalidate(); } } void SvBaseLinksDlg::InsertEntry( const SvBaseLink& rLink, sal_uInt16 nPos, sal_Bool bSelect ) { String aEntry, sFileNm, sLinkNm, sTypeNm, sFilter; pLinkMgr->GetDisplayNames( (SvBaseLink*)&rLink, &sTypeNm, &sFileNm, &sLinkNm, &sFilter ); // GetTab(0) gives the position of the bitmap which is automatically inserted by the TabListBox. // So the first text column's width is Tab(2)-Tab(1). long nWidthPixel = Links().GetLogicTab( 2 ) - Links().GetLogicTab( 1 ); nWidthPixel -= SV_TAB_BORDER; XubString aTxt = Links().GetEllipsisString( sFileNm, nWidthPixel, TEXT_DRAW_PATHELLIPSIS ); INetURLObject aPath( sFileNm, INET_PROT_FILE ); String aFileName = aPath.getName(); aFileName = INetURLObject::decode(aFileName, INET_HEX_ESCAPE, INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS); if( aFileName.Len() > aTxt.Len() ) aTxt = aFileName; else if( aTxt.Search( aFileName, aTxt.Len() - aFileName.Len() ) == STRING_NOTFOUND ) // filename not in string aTxt = aFileName; aEntry = aTxt; aEntry += '\t'; if( OBJECT_CLIENT_GRF == rLink.GetObjType() ) aEntry += sFilter; else aEntry += sLinkNm; aEntry += '\t'; aEntry += sTypeNm; aEntry += '\t'; aEntry += ImplGetStateStr( rLink ); SvTreeListEntry * pE = Links().InsertEntryToColumn( aEntry, nPos ); pE->SetUserData( (void*)&rLink ); if(bSelect) Links().Select(pE); } SvBaseLink* SvBaseLinksDlg::GetSelEntry( sal_uInt16* pPos ) { SvTreeListEntry* pE = Links().FirstSelected(); sal_uInt16 nPos; if( pE && LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND != ( nPos = (sal_uInt16)Links().GetModel()->GetAbsPos( pE ) ) ) { DBG_ASSERT( pE, "wo kommt der leere Eintrag her?" ); if( pPos ) *pPos = nPos; return (SvBaseLink*)pE->GetUserData(); } return 0; } void SvBaseLinksDlg::SetType( SvBaseLink& rLink, sal_uInt16 nSelPos, sal_uInt16 nType ) { rLink.SetUpdateMode( nType ); rLink.Update(); SvTreeListEntry* pBox = Links().GetEntry( nSelPos ); Links().SetEntryText( ImplGetStateStr( rLink ), pBox, 3 ); if( pLinkMgr->GetPersist() ) pLinkMgr->GetPersist()->SetModified(); } void SvBaseLinksDlg::SetActLink( SvBaseLink * pLink ) { if( pLinkMgr ) { const SvBaseLinks& rLnks = pLinkMgr->GetLinks(); sal_uInt16 nSelect = 0; for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < rLnks.size(); ++n ) { SvBaseLinkRef* pLinkRef = rLnks[ n ]; // #109573# only visible links have been inserted into the TreeListBox, // invisible ones have to be skipped here if( (*pLinkRef)->IsVisible() ) { if( pLink == *pLinkRef ) { Links().Select( Links().GetEntry( nSelect ) ); LinksSelectHdl( 0 ); return ; } nSelect++; } } } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */