/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include "thesdlg.hxx"
#include "thesdlg_impl.hxx"
#include "cuires.hrc"
#include "dialmgr.hxx"

#include <svl/lngmisc.hxx>
#include <vcl/graphicfilter.hxx>
#include <svtools/svlbitm.hxx>
#include <svtools/treelistbox.hxx>
#include "svtools/treelistentry.hxx"
#include "svtools/viewdataentry.hxx"
#include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>
#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <svx/dlgutil.hxx>
#include <svx/dialmgr.hxx>
#include <svx/svxerr.hxx>
#include <editeng/unolingu.hxx>
#include <svx/langbox.hxx>
#include <svtools/langtab.hxx>
#include <unotools/lingucfg.hxx>
#include <i18nlangtag/mslangid.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
#include <osl/file.hxx>

#include <stack>
#include <algorithm>

#include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/XThesaurus.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/XMeaning.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/LinguServiceManager.hpp>

using namespace ::com::sun::star;

// class LookUpComboBox --------------------------------------------------

LookUpComboBox::LookUpComboBox(vcl::Window *pParent)
    , m_pDialog(NULL)

    m_aModifyTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, LookUpComboBox, ModifyTimer_Hdl ) );
    m_aModifyTimer.SetTimeout( 500 );

    EnableAutocomplete( false );

extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT vcl::Window* SAL_CALL makeLookUpComboBox(vcl::Window *pParent, VclBuilder::stringmap &)
    return new LookUpComboBox(pParent);

void LookUpComboBox::init(SvxThesaurusDialog *pDialog)
    m_pDialog = pDialog;


void LookUpComboBox::Modify()

IMPL_LINK( LookUpComboBox, ModifyTimer_Hdl, Timer *, EMPTYARG /*pTimer*/ )
    m_pDialog->LookUp( GetText() );
    return 0;

// class ReplaceEdit --------------------------------------------------

ReplaceEdit::ReplaceEdit(vcl::Window *pParent)
    : Edit(pParent, WB_BORDER | WB_TABSTOP)
    , m_pBtn(NULL)

extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT vcl::Window* SAL_CALL makeReplaceEdit(vcl::Window *pParent, VclBuilder::stringmap &)
    return new ReplaceEdit(pParent);


void ReplaceEdit::Modify()
    if (m_pBtn)
        m_pBtn->Enable( !GetText().isEmpty() );

void ReplaceEdit::SetText( const OUString& rStr )
    Edit::SetText( rStr );

void ReplaceEdit::SetText( const OUString& rStr, const Selection& rNewSelection )
    Edit::SetText( rStr, rNewSelection );

// class ThesaurusAlternativesCtrl ----------------------------------

    ThesaurusAlternativesCtrl &rControl,
    SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, sal_uInt16 nFlags, const OUString& rStr ) :

    SvLBoxString( pEntry, nFlags, rStr ),
    m_rControlImpl( rControl )

void AlternativesString::Paint(
    const Point& rPos, SvTreeListBox& rDev, const SvViewDataEntry* /*pView*/,
    const SvTreeListEntry* pEntry)
    AlternativesExtraData* pData = m_rControlImpl.GetExtraData( pEntry );
    Point aPos( rPos );
    vcl::Font aOldFont( rDev.GetFont());
    if (pData && pData->IsHeader())
        vcl::Font aFont( aOldFont );
        aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_BOLD );
        rDev.SetFont( aFont );
        aPos.X() = 0;
        aPos.X() += 5;
    rDev.DrawText( aPos, GetText() );
    rDev.SetFont( aOldFont );

ThesaurusAlternativesCtrl::ThesaurusAlternativesCtrl(vcl::Window* pParent)
    : SvxCheckListBox(pParent)
    , m_pDialog(NULL)

extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT vcl::Window* SAL_CALL makeThesaurusAlternativesCtrl(vcl::Window *pParent, VclBuilder::stringmap &)
    return new ThesaurusAlternativesCtrl(pParent);

void ThesaurusAlternativesCtrl::init(SvxThesaurusDialog *pDialog)
    m_pDialog = pDialog;


void ThesaurusAlternativesCtrl::ClearExtraData()
    UserDataMap_t   aEmpty;
    m_aUserData.swap( aEmpty );

void ThesaurusAlternativesCtrl::SetExtraData(
    const SvTreeListEntry *pEntry,
    const AlternativesExtraData &rData )
    if (!pEntry)

    UserDataMap_t::iterator aIt( m_aUserData.find( pEntry ) );
    if (aIt != m_aUserData.end())
        aIt->second = rData;
        m_aUserData[ pEntry ] = rData;

AlternativesExtraData * ThesaurusAlternativesCtrl::GetExtraData(
    const SvTreeListEntry *pEntry )
    AlternativesExtraData *pRes = NULL;
    UserDataMap_t::iterator aIt( m_aUserData.find( pEntry ) );
    if (aIt != m_aUserData.end())
        pRes = &aIt->second;
    return pRes;

SvTreeListEntry * ThesaurusAlternativesCtrl::AddEntry( sal_Int32 nVal, const OUString &rText, bool bIsHeader )
    SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = new SvTreeListEntry;
    OUString aText;
    if (bIsHeader && nVal >= 0)
        aText = OUString::number( nVal ) + ". ";
    pEntry->AddItem( new SvLBoxString( pEntry, 0, OUString() ) ); // add empty column
    aText += rText;
    pEntry->AddItem( new SvLBoxContextBmp( pEntry, 0, Image(), Image(), false ) );  // otherwise crash
    pEntry->AddItem( new AlternativesString( *this, pEntry, 0, aText ) );

    SetExtraData( pEntry, AlternativesExtraData( rText, bIsHeader ) );
    GetModel()->Insert( pEntry );

    if (bIsHeader)
        GetViewDataEntry( pEntry )->SetSelectable( false );

    return pEntry;

void ThesaurusAlternativesCtrl::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt )
    const vcl::KeyCode& rKey = rKEvt.GetKeyCode();

    if (rKey.GetCode() == KEY_RETURN || rKey.GetCode() == KEY_ESCAPE)
        GetParent()->KeyInput( rKEvt ); // parent will close dialog...
    else if (rKey.GetCode() == KEY_SPACE)
        m_pDialog->AlternativesDoubleClickHdl_Impl( this ); // look up current selected entry
    else if (GetEntryCount())
        SvxCheckListBox::KeyInput( rKEvt );

void ThesaurusAlternativesCtrl::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect )
    if (!m_pDialog->WordFound())
        Size aTextSize( GetTextWidth( m_pDialog->getErrStr() ), GetTextHeight() );
        aTextSize  = LogicToPixel( aTextSize );
        Point aPos;
        aPos.X() += GetSizePixel().Width() / 2  - aTextSize.Width() / 2;
        aPos.Y() += GetSizePixel().Height() / 2;
        aPos = PixelToLogic( aPos );
        DrawText( aPos, m_pDialog->getErrStr() );

        SvxCheckListBox::Paint( rRect );

uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< linguistic2::XMeaning > > SvxThesaurusDialog::queryMeanings_Impl(
        OUString& rTerm,
        const lang::Locale& rLocale,
        const beans::PropertyValues& rProperties )
    throw(lang::IllegalArgumentException, uno::RuntimeException)
    uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< linguistic2::XMeaning > > aMeanings(
            xThesaurus->queryMeanings( rTerm, rLocale, rProperties ) );

    // text with '.' at the end?
    if ( 0 == aMeanings.getLength() && rTerm.endsWith(".") )
        // try again without trailing '.' chars. It may be a word at the
        // end of a sentence and not an abbreviation...
        OUString aTxt(comphelper::string::stripEnd(rTerm, '.'));
        aMeanings = xThesaurus->queryMeanings( aTxt, rLocale, rProperties );
        if (aMeanings.getLength())
            rTerm = aTxt;

    return aMeanings;

bool SvxThesaurusDialog::UpdateAlternativesBox_Impl()
    lang::Locale aLocale( LanguageTag::convertToLocale( nLookUpLanguage ) );
    uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< linguistic2::XMeaning > > aMeanings = queryMeanings_Impl(
            aLookUpText, aLocale, uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >() );
    const sal_Int32 nMeanings = aMeanings.getLength();
    const uno::Reference< linguistic2::XMeaning > *pMeanings = aMeanings.getConstArray();

    m_pAlternativesCT->SetUpdateMode( false );

    // clear old user data of control before creating new ones via AddEntry below

    for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nMeanings;  ++i)
        OUString rMeaningTxt = pMeanings[i]->getMeaning();
        uno::Sequence< OUString > aSynonyms( pMeanings[i]->querySynonyms() );
        const sal_Int32 nSynonyms = aSynonyms.getLength();
        const OUString *pSynonyms = aSynonyms.getConstArray();
        DBG_ASSERT( !rMeaningTxt.isEmpty(), "meaning with empty text" );
        DBG_ASSERT( nSynonyms > 0, "meaning without synonym" );

        m_pAlternativesCT->AddEntry( i + 1, rMeaningTxt, true );
        for (sal_Int32 k = 0;  k < nSynonyms;  ++k)
            m_pAlternativesCT->AddEntry( -1, pSynonyms[k], false );

    m_pAlternativesCT->SetUpdateMode( true );

    return nMeanings > 0;

void SvxThesaurusDialog::LookUp( const OUString &rText )
    if (OUString(rText) != m_pWordCB->GetText()) // avoid moving of the cursor if the text is the same
        m_pWordCB->SetText( rText );

IMPL_LINK( SvxThesaurusDialog, LeftBtnHdl_Impl, Button *, pBtn )
    if (pBtn && aLookUpHistory.size() >= 2)
        aLookUpHistory.pop();                       // remove current look up word from stack
        m_pWordCB->SetText( aLookUpHistory.top() );    // retrieve previous look up word
    return 0;

IMPL_LINK( SvxThesaurusDialog, LanguageHdl_Impl, ListBox*, pLB )
    OUString aLangText( pLB->GetSelectEntry() );
    LanguageType nLang = SvtLanguageTable::GetLanguageType( aLangText );
    DBG_ASSERT( nLang != LANGUAGE_NONE && nLang != LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW, "failed to get language" );
    if (xThesaurus->hasLocale( LanguageTag::convertToLocale( nLang ) ))
        nLookUpLanguage = nLang;
    SetWindowTitle( nLang );
    return 0;

void SvxThesaurusDialog::LookUp_Impl()
    OUString aText( m_pWordCB->GetText() );

    aLookUpText = OUString( aText );
    if (!aLookUpText.isEmpty() &&
            (aLookUpHistory.empty() || aLookUpText != aLookUpHistory.top()))
        aLookUpHistory.push( aLookUpText );

    m_bWordFound = UpdateAlternativesBox_Impl();
    m_pAlternativesCT->Enable( m_bWordFound );

    if ( m_pWordCB->GetEntryPos( aText ) == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND )
        m_pWordCB->InsertEntry( aText );

    m_pReplaceEdit->SetText( OUString() );
    m_pLeftBtn->Enable( aLookUpHistory.size() > 1 );

IMPL_LINK( SvxThesaurusDialog, WordSelectHdl_Impl, ComboBox *, pBox )
    if (pBox && !m_pWordCB->IsTravelSelect())  // act only upon return key and not when traveling with cursor keys
        sal_uInt16 nPos = pBox->GetSelectEntryPos();
        OUString aStr( pBox->GetEntry( nPos ) );
        aStr = linguistic::GetThesaurusReplaceText( aStr );
        m_pWordCB->SetText( aStr );

    return 0;

IMPL_LINK( SvxThesaurusDialog, AlternativesSelectHdl_Impl, SvxCheckListBox *, pBox )
    SvTreeListEntry *pEntry = pBox ? pBox->GetCurEntry() : NULL;
    if (pEntry)
        AlternativesExtraData * pData = m_pAlternativesCT->GetExtraData( pEntry );
        OUString aStr;
        if (pData && !pData->IsHeader())
            aStr = pData->GetText();
            aStr = linguistic::GetThesaurusReplaceText( aStr );
        m_pReplaceEdit->SetText( aStr );
    return 0;

IMPL_LINK( SvxThesaurusDialog, AlternativesDoubleClickHdl_Impl, SvxCheckListBox *, pBox )
    SvTreeListEntry *pEntry = pBox ? pBox->GetCurEntry() : NULL;
    if (pEntry)
        AlternativesExtraData * pData = m_pAlternativesCT->GetExtraData( pEntry );
        OUString aStr;
        if (pData && !pData->IsHeader())
            aStr = pData->GetText();
            aStr = linguistic::GetThesaurusReplaceText( aStr );

        m_pWordCB->SetText( aStr );
        if (!aStr.isEmpty())

    //! workaround to set the selection since calling SelectEntryPos within
    //! the double click handler does not work
    Application::PostUserEvent( STATIC_LINK( this, SvxThesaurusDialog, SelectFirstHdl_Impl ), pBox );
    return 0;

IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SvxThesaurusDialog, SelectFirstHdl_Impl, SvxCheckListBox *, pBox )
    (void) pThis;
    if (pBox && pBox->GetEntryCount() >= 2)
        pBox->SelectEntryPos( 1 );  // pos 0 is a 'header' that is not selectable
    return 0;

// class SvxThesaurusDialog ----------------------------------------------

    vcl::Window* pParent,
    uno::Reference< linguistic2::XThesaurus >  xThes,
    const OUString &rWord,
    LanguageType nLanguage)
    : SvxStandardDialog(pParent, "ThesaurusDialog", "cui/ui/thesaurus.ui")
    , xThesaurus(NULL)
    , aLookUpText()
    , nLookUpLanguage(LANGUAGE_NONE)
    , m_bWordFound(false)
    get(m_pLeftBtn, "left");

    get(m_pWordCB, "wordcb");

    get(m_pAlternativesCT, "alternatives");

    get(m_pReplaceEdit, "replaceed");
    PushButton *pReplaceBtn = get<PushButton>("replace");

    get(m_pLangLB, "langcb");

    pReplaceBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SvxThesaurusDialog, ReplaceBtnHdl_Impl ) );
    m_pLeftBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SvxThesaurusDialog, LeftBtnHdl_Impl ) );
    m_pWordCB->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SvxThesaurusDialog, WordSelectHdl_Impl ) );
    m_pLangLB->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SvxThesaurusDialog, LanguageHdl_Impl ) );
    m_pAlternativesCT->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SvxThesaurusDialog, AlternativesSelectHdl_Impl ));
    m_pAlternativesCT->SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK( this, SvxThesaurusDialog, AlternativesDoubleClickHdl_Impl ));

    xThesaurus = xThes;
    aLookUpText = OUString( rWord );
    nLookUpLanguage = nLanguage;
    if (!rWord.isEmpty())
        aLookUpHistory.push( rWord );

    OUString aTmp( rWord );
    (void)linguistic::RemoveHyphens( aTmp );
    (void)linguistic::ReplaceControlChars( aTmp );
    m_pReplaceEdit->SetText( aTmp );
    m_pWordCB->InsertEntry( aTmp );

    LookUp( aTmp );
    m_pLeftBtn->Enable( false );

    // fill language menu button list
    uno::Sequence< lang::Locale > aLocales;
    if (xThesaurus.is())
        aLocales = xThesaurus->getLocales();
    const sal_Int32 nLocales = aLocales.getLength();
    const lang::Locale *pLocales = aLocales.getConstArray();
    std::vector< OUString > aLangVec;
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nLocales; ++i)
        const LanguageType nLang = LanguageTag::convertToLanguageType( pLocales[i] );
        DBG_ASSERT( nLang != LANGUAGE_NONE && nLang != LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW, "failed to get language" );
        aLangVec.push_back( SvtLanguageTable::GetLanguageString( nLang ) );
    std::sort( aLangVec.begin(), aLangVec.end() );
    for (size_t i = 0;  i < aLangVec.size();  ++i)
        m_pLangLB->InsertEntry( aLangVec[i] );

    std::vector< OUString >::iterator aI = std::find(aLangVec.begin(), aLangVec.end(),
    if (aI != aLangVec.end())


    // disable controls if service is missing
    if (!xThesaurus.is())
        Enable( false );

IMPL_LINK( SvxThesaurusDialog, ReplaceBtnHdl_Impl, Button *, EMPTYARG /*pBtn*/ )
    return 0;


void SvxThesaurusDialog::SetWindowTitle( LanguageType nLanguage )
    // adjust language
    OUString aStr( GetText() );
    sal_Int32 nIndex = aStr.indexOf( '(' );
    if( nIndex != -1 )
        aStr = aStr.copy( 0, nIndex - 1 );
    aStr += " (";
    aStr += SvtLanguageTable::GetLanguageString( nLanguage );
    aStr += ")";
    SetText( aStr );    // set window title

OUString SvxThesaurusDialog::GetWord()
    return m_pReplaceEdit->GetText();

void SvxThesaurusDialog::Apply()

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