/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "connpooloptions.hxx" #include #include #include "connpoolsettings.hxx" #include #include #include "helpid.hrc" #include using ::svt::EditBrowseBox; namespace offapp { /// Widget for the Connection Pool options page class DriverListControl : public EditBrowseBox { using Window::Update; protected: DriverPoolingSettings m_aSavedSettings; DriverPoolingSettings m_aSettings; DriverPoolingSettings::const_iterator m_aSeekRow; OUString m_sYes; OUString m_sNo; Link m_aRowChangeHandler; public: DriverListControl(vcl::Window* _pParent); virtual void Init() SAL_OVERRIDE; void Update(const DriverPoolingSettings& _rSettings); virtual OUString GetCellText( long nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId ) const SAL_OVERRIDE; // the handler will be called with a DriverPoolingSettings::const_iterator as parameter, // or NULL if no valid current row exists void SetRowChangeHandler(const Link& _rHdl) { m_aRowChangeHandler = _rHdl; } DriverPooling* getCurrentRow(); void updateCurrentRow(); const DriverPoolingSettings& getSettings() const { return m_aSettings; } void saveValue() { m_aSavedSettings = m_aSettings; } bool isModified() const; protected: virtual void InitController( ::svt::CellControllerRef& rController, long nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual ::svt::CellController* GetController( long nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual void PaintCell( OutputDevice& rDev, const Rectangle& rRect, sal_uInt16 nColId ) const SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual bool SeekRow( long nRow ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual bool SaveModified() SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsTabAllowed(bool _bForward) const SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual void StateChanged( StateChangedType nStateChange ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual void CursorMoved() SAL_OVERRIDE; protected: virtual sal_uInt32 GetTotalCellWidth(long nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId) SAL_OVERRIDE; private: OUString implGetCellText(DriverPoolingSettings::const_iterator _rPos, sal_uInt16 _nColId) const; }; DriverListControl::DriverListControl(vcl::Window* _pParent) :EditBrowseBox(_pParent, EBBF_NOROWPICTURE, BROWSER_AUTO_VSCROLL | BROWSER_AUTO_HSCROLL | BROWSER_HIDECURSOR | BROWSER_AUTOSIZE_LASTCOL | WB_BORDER) ,m_aSeekRow(m_aSettings.end()) ,m_sYes(CUI_RES(RID_SVXSTR_YES)) ,m_sNo(CUI_RES(RID_SVXSTR_NO)) { SetStyle((GetStyle() & ~WB_HSCROLL) | WB_AUTOHSCROLL); SetUniqueId(UID_OFA_CONNPOOL_DRIVERLIST_BACK); } extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT vcl::Window* SAL_CALL makeDriverListControl(vcl::Window *pParent, VclBuilder::stringmap &) { return new DriverListControl(pParent); } bool DriverListControl::IsTabAllowed(bool /*_bForward*/) const { // no travelling within the fields via RETURN and TAB return false; } bool DriverListControl::isModified() const { if (m_aSettings.size() != m_aSavedSettings.size()) return true; DriverPoolingSettings::const_iterator aCurrent = m_aSettings.begin(); DriverPoolingSettings::const_iterator aCurrentEnd = m_aSettings.end(); DriverPoolingSettings::const_iterator aSaved = m_aSavedSettings.begin(); for (;aCurrent != aCurrentEnd; ++aCurrent, ++aSaved) { if (*aCurrent != *aSaved) return true; } return false; } void DriverListControl::Init() { EditBrowseBox::Init(); Size aColWidth = LogicToPixel(Size(160, 0), MAP_APPFONT); InsertDataColumn(1, OUString(CUI_RES(RID_SVXSTR_DRIVER_NAME)), aColWidth.Width()); aColWidth = LogicToPixel(Size(30, 0), MAP_APPFONT); InsertDataColumn(2, OUString(CUI_RES(RID_SVXSTR_POOLED_FLAG)), aColWidth.Width()); aColWidth = LogicToPixel(Size(60, 0), MAP_APPFONT); InsertDataColumn(3, OUString(CUI_RES(RID_SVXSTR_POOL_TIMEOUT)), aColWidth.Width()); // Attention: the resource of the string is local to the resource of the enclosing dialog! } void DriverListControl::CursorMoved() { EditBrowseBox::CursorMoved(); // call the row change handler if ( m_aRowChangeHandler.IsSet() ) { if ( GetCurRow() >= 0 ) { // == -1 may happen in case the browse box has just been cleared m_aRowChangeHandler.Call( getCurrentRow() ); } } } DriverPooling* DriverListControl::getCurrentRow() { OSL_ENSURE( ( GetCurRow() < m_aSettings.size() ) && ( GetCurRow() >= 0 ), "DriverListControl::getCurrentRow: invalid current row!"); if ( ( GetCurRow() >= 0 ) && ( GetCurRow() < m_aSettings.size() ) ) return &(*(m_aSettings.begin() + GetCurRow())); return NULL; } void DriverListControl::updateCurrentRow() { Window::Invalidate( GetRowRectPixel( GetCurRow() ), INVALIDATE_UPDATE ); } void DriverListControl::Update(const DriverPoolingSettings& _rSettings) { m_aSettings = _rSettings; SetUpdateMode(false); RowRemoved(0, GetRowCount()); RowInserted(0, m_aSettings.size()); SetUpdateMode(true); ActivateCell(1, 0); } sal_uInt32 DriverListControl::GetTotalCellWidth(long nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId) { return GetDataWindow().GetTextWidth(GetCellText(nRow, nColId)); } OUString DriverListControl::implGetCellText(DriverPoolingSettings::const_iterator _rPos, sal_uInt16 _nColId) const { OSL_ENSURE(_rPos < m_aSettings.end(), "DriverListControl::implGetCellText: invalid position!"); OUString sReturn; switch (_nColId) { case 1: sReturn = _rPos->sName; break; case 2: sReturn = _rPos->bEnabled ? m_sYes : m_sNo; break; case 3: if (_rPos->bEnabled) sReturn = OUString::number(_rPos->nTimeoutSeconds); break; default: OSL_FAIL("DriverListControl::implGetCellText: invalid column id!"); } return sReturn; } void DriverListControl::StateChanged( StateChangedType nStateChange ) { if (StateChangedType::ENABLE == nStateChange) Window::Invalidate(INVALIDATE_UPDATE); EditBrowseBox::StateChanged( nStateChange ); } OUString DriverListControl::GetCellText( long nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId ) const { OUString sReturn; if (nRow > m_aSettings.size()) { OSL_FAIL("DriverListControl::GetCellText: don't ask me for such rows!"); } else { sReturn = implGetCellText(m_aSettings.begin() + nRow, nColId); } return sReturn; } void DriverListControl::InitController( ::svt::CellControllerRef& rController, long nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol ) { rController->GetWindow().SetText(GetCellText(nRow, nCol)); } ::svt::CellController* DriverListControl::GetController( long /*nRow*/, sal_uInt16 /*nCol*/ ) { return NULL; } bool DriverListControl::SaveModified() { return true; } bool DriverListControl::SeekRow( long _nRow ) { EditBrowseBox::SeekRow(_nRow); if (_nRow < m_aSettings.size()) m_aSeekRow = m_aSettings.begin() + _nRow; else m_aSeekRow = m_aSettings.end(); return m_aSeekRow != m_aSettings.end(); } void DriverListControl::PaintCell( OutputDevice& rDev, const Rectangle& rRect, sal_uInt16 nColId ) const { OSL_ENSURE(m_aSeekRow != m_aSettings.end(), "DriverListControl::PaintCell: invalid row!"); if (m_aSeekRow != m_aSettings.end()) { rDev.SetClipRegion(vcl::Region(rRect)); sal_uInt16 nStyle = TEXT_DRAW_CLIP; if (!IsEnabled()) nStyle |= TEXT_DRAW_DISABLE; switch (nColId) { case 1: nStyle |= TEXT_DRAW_LEFT; break; case 2: case 3: nStyle |= TEXT_DRAW_CENTER; break; } rDev.DrawText(rRect, implGetCellText(m_aSeekRow, nColId), nStyle); rDev.SetClipRegion(); } } //= ConnectionPoolOptionsPage ConnectionPoolOptionsPage::ConnectionPoolOptionsPage(vcl::Window* _pParent, const SfxItemSet& _rAttrSet) : SfxTabPage(_pParent, "ConnPoolPage", "cui/ui/connpooloptions.ui", &_rAttrSet) { get(m_pEnablePooling, "connectionpooling"); get(m_pDriversLabel, "driverslabel"); get(m_pDriverList, "driverlist"); get(m_pDriverLabel, "driverlabel"); get(m_pDriver, "driver"); get(m_pDriverPoolingEnabled, "enablepooling"); get(m_pTimeoutLabel, "timeoutlabel"); get(m_pTimeout, "timeout"); Size aControlSize(248, 100); aControlSize = LogicToPixel(aControlSize, MAP_APPFONT); m_pDriverList->set_width_request(aControlSize.Width()); m_pDriverList->set_height_request(aControlSize.Height()); m_pDriverList->Init(); m_pDriverList->Show(); m_pEnablePooling->SetClickHdl( LINK(this, ConnectionPoolOptionsPage, OnEnabledDisabled) ); m_pDriverPoolingEnabled->SetClickHdl( LINK(this, ConnectionPoolOptionsPage, OnEnabledDisabled) ); m_pDriverList->SetRowChangeHandler( LINK(this, ConnectionPoolOptionsPage, OnDriverRowChanged) ); } SfxTabPage* ConnectionPoolOptionsPage::Create(vcl::Window* _pParent, const SfxItemSet* _rAttrSet) { return new ConnectionPoolOptionsPage(_pParent, *_rAttrSet); } void ConnectionPoolOptionsPage::implInitControls(const SfxItemSet& _rSet, bool /*_bFromReset*/) { // the enabled flag SFX_ITEMSET_GET( _rSet, pEnabled, SfxBoolItem, SID_SB_POOLING_ENABLED, true ); OSL_ENSURE(pEnabled, "ConnectionPoolOptionsPage::implInitControls: missing the Enabled item!"); m_pEnablePooling->Check(pEnabled ? pEnabled->GetValue() : sal_True); m_pEnablePooling->SaveValue(); // the settings for the single drivers SFX_ITEMSET_GET( _rSet, pDriverSettings, DriverPoolingSettingsItem, SID_SB_DRIVER_TIMEOUTS, true ); if (pDriverSettings) m_pDriverList->Update(pDriverSettings->getSettings()); else { OSL_FAIL("ConnectionPoolOptionsPage::implInitControls: missing the DriverTimeouts item!"); m_pDriverList->Update(DriverPoolingSettings()); } m_pDriverList->saveValue(); // reflect the new settings OnEnabledDisabled(m_pEnablePooling); } bool ConnectionPoolOptionsPage::Notify( NotifyEvent& _rNEvt ) { if (EVENT_LOSEFOCUS == _rNEvt.GetType()) if (m_pTimeout->IsWindowOrChild(_rNEvt.GetWindow())) commitTimeoutField(); return SfxTabPage::Notify(_rNEvt); } bool ConnectionPoolOptionsPage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet* _rSet) { commitTimeoutField(); bool bModified = false; // the enabled flag if (m_pEnablePooling->IsValueChangedFromSaved()) { _rSet->Put(SfxBoolItem(SID_SB_POOLING_ENABLED, m_pEnablePooling->IsChecked()), SID_SB_POOLING_ENABLED); bModified = true; } // the settings for the single drivers if (m_pDriverList->isModified()) { _rSet->Put(DriverPoolingSettingsItem(SID_SB_DRIVER_TIMEOUTS, m_pDriverList->getSettings()), SID_SB_DRIVER_TIMEOUTS); bModified = true; } return bModified; } void ConnectionPoolOptionsPage::ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet& _rSet) { SfxTabPage::ActivatePage(_rSet); implInitControls(_rSet, false); } void ConnectionPoolOptionsPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet* _rSet) { implInitControls(*_rSet, true); } IMPL_LINK( ConnectionPoolOptionsPage, OnDriverRowChanged, const void*, _pRowIterator ) { bool bValidRow = (NULL != _pRowIterator); m_pDriverPoolingEnabled->Enable(bValidRow && m_pEnablePooling->IsChecked()); m_pTimeoutLabel->Enable(bValidRow); m_pTimeout->Enable(bValidRow); if (!bValidRow) { // positioned on an invalid row m_pDriver->SetText(OUString()); } else { const DriverPooling *pDriverPos = static_cast(_pRowIterator); m_pDriver->SetText(pDriverPos->sName); m_pDriverPoolingEnabled->Check(pDriverPos->bEnabled); m_pTimeout->SetText(OUString::number(pDriverPos->nTimeoutSeconds)); OnEnabledDisabled(m_pDriverPoolingEnabled); } return 0L; } void ConnectionPoolOptionsPage::commitTimeoutField() { if (DriverPooling* pCurrentDriver = m_pDriverList->getCurrentRow()) { pCurrentDriver->nTimeoutSeconds = static_cast(m_pTimeout->GetValue()); m_pDriverList->updateCurrentRow(); } } IMPL_LINK( ConnectionPoolOptionsPage, OnEnabledDisabled, const CheckBox*, _pCheckBox ) { bool bGloballyEnabled = m_pEnablePooling->IsChecked(); bool bLocalDriverChanged = m_pDriverPoolingEnabled == _pCheckBox; if (m_pEnablePooling == _pCheckBox) { m_pDriversLabel->Enable(bGloballyEnabled); m_pDriverList->Enable(bGloballyEnabled); m_pDriverLabel->Enable(bGloballyEnabled); m_pDriver->Enable(bGloballyEnabled); m_pDriverPoolingEnabled->Enable(bGloballyEnabled); } else OSL_ENSURE(bLocalDriverChanged, "ConnectionPoolOptionsPage::OnEnabledDisabled: where did this come from?"); m_pTimeoutLabel->Enable(bGloballyEnabled && m_pDriverPoolingEnabled->IsChecked()); m_pTimeout->Enable(bGloballyEnabled && m_pDriverPoolingEnabled->IsChecked()); if (bLocalDriverChanged) { // update the list m_pDriverList->getCurrentRow()->bEnabled = m_pDriverPoolingEnabled->IsChecked(); m_pDriverList->updateCurrentRow(); } return 0L; } } // namespace offapp /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */