/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "optaboutconfig.hxx" #include "optHeaderTabListbox.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace svx; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace com::sun::star::uno; using namespace com::sun::star::container; #define SHORT_LEN_LIMIT 7 #define LONG_LEN_LIMIT 11 #define HYPER_LEN_LIMIT 20 struct Prop_Impl { OUString Name; OUString Property; Any Value; Prop_Impl( const OUString& sName, const OUString& sProperty, const Any& aValue ) : Name( sName ) , Property( sProperty ) , Value( aValue ) {} }; struct UserData { bool bIsPropertyPath; OUString sPropertyPath; int aLineage; Reference aXNameAccess; explicit UserData( OUString const & rPropertyPath ) : bIsPropertyPath( true ) , sPropertyPath(rPropertyPath) , aLineage(0) {} explicit UserData( Reference const & rXNameAccess, int rIndex = 0 ) : bIsPropertyPath( false ) , aLineage(rIndex) , aXNameAccess( rXNameAccess ) {} }; VCL_BUILDER_FACTORY_ARGS(CuiCustomMultilineEdit,WB_LEFT|WB_VCENTER|WB_BORDER|WB_3DLOOK) void CuiCustomMultilineEdit::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKeyEvent ) { bool bValid = false; bool bNonSpace = rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().GetCode() != KEY_SPACE; if( bNumericOnly && bNonSpace ) { const vcl::KeyCode& rKeyCode = rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode(); sal_uInt16 nGroup = rKeyCode.GetGroup(); sal_uInt16 nKey = rKeyCode.GetCode(); switch ( nGroup ) { case KEYGROUP_NUM : case KEYGROUP_CURSOR : { bValid = true; break; } case KEYGROUP_MISC : { switch ( nKey ) { case KEY_SUBTRACT : case KEY_COMMA : case KEY_POINT : { bValid = true; break; } default : { if( nKey < KEY_ADD || nKey > KEY_EQUAL ) bValid = true; break; } } break; } default : { bValid = false; break; } } //Select all, Copy, Paste, Cut, Undo Keys if ( !bValid && ( rKeyCode.IsMod1() && ( KEY_A == nKey || KEY_C == nKey || KEY_V == nKey || KEY_X == nKey || KEY_Z == nKey ) ) ) bValid = true; } else bValid = true; if( bValid ) Edit::KeyInput( rKeyEvent ); } Size CuiCustomMultilineEdit::GetOptimalSize() const { return LogicToPixel(Size(150, GetTextHeight()), MAP_APPFONT); } CuiAboutConfigTabPage::CuiAboutConfigTabPage( vcl::Window* pParent/*, const SfxItemSet& rItemSet*/ ) : ModelessDialog( pParent, "AboutConfig", "cui/ui/aboutconfigdialog.ui"), m_pPrefCtrl( get("preferences") ), m_pResetBtn( get("reset") ), m_pEditBtn( get("edit") ), m_pSearchBtn( get("searchButton") ), m_pSearchEdit( get("searchEntry") ), m_vectorOfModified(), m_pPrefBox( VclPtr::Create(*m_pPrefCtrl, WB_SCROLL | WB_HSCROLL | WB_VSCROLL ) ) { Size aControlSize(LogicToPixel(Size(385, 230), MAP_APPFONT)); m_pPrefCtrl->set_width_request(aControlSize.Width()); m_pPrefCtrl->set_height_request(aControlSize.Height()); m_pEditBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CuiAboutConfigTabPage, StandardHdl_Impl ) ); m_pResetBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CuiAboutConfigTabPage, ResetBtnHdl_Impl ) ); m_pPrefBox->SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK(this, CuiAboutConfigTabPage, DoubleClickHdl_Impl) ); m_pPrefBox->SetExpandingHdl( LINK(this, CuiAboutConfigTabPage, ExpandingHdl_Impl) ); m_pSearchBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK(this, CuiAboutConfigTabPage, SearchHdl_Impl) ); m_pPrefBox->InsertHeaderEntry(get("preference")->GetText()); m_pPrefBox->InsertHeaderEntry(get("property")->GetText()); m_pPrefBox->InsertHeaderEntry(get("type")->GetText()); m_pPrefBox->InsertHeaderEntry(get("value")->GetText()); long aTabs[] = {4,0,0,0,0}; float fWidth = approximate_char_width(); aTabs[1] = 0; aTabs[2] = aTabs[1] + fWidth * 65; aTabs[3] = aTabs[2] + fWidth * 20; aTabs[4] = aTabs[3] + fWidth * 8; m_options.AlgorithmType2 = util::SearchAlgorithms2::ABSOLUTE; m_options.transliterateFlags |= i18n::TransliterationModules_IGNORE_CASE; m_options.searchFlag |= (util::SearchFlags::REG_NOT_BEGINOFLINE | util::SearchFlags::REG_NOT_ENDOFLINE); m_pPrefBox->SetTabs(aTabs, MAP_PIXEL); m_pPrefBox->SetAlternatingRowColors( true ); } CuiAboutConfigTabPage::~CuiAboutConfigTabPage() { disposeOnce(); } void CuiAboutConfigTabPage::dispose() { m_pPrefBox.disposeAndClear(); m_pPrefCtrl.clear(); m_pResetBtn.clear(); m_pEditBtn.clear(); m_pSearchBtn.clear(); m_pSearchEdit.clear(); ModelessDialog::dispose(); } void CuiAboutConfigTabPage::InsertEntry(const OUString& rPropertyPath, const OUString& rProp, const OUString& rStatus, const OUString& rType, const OUString& rValue, SvTreeListEntry *pParentEntry, bool bInsertToPrefBox) { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = new SvTreeListEntry; pEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique( Image(), Image(), false)); //It is needed, otherwise causes crash pEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique(rProp)); pEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique(rStatus)); pEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique(rType)); pEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique(rValue)); pEntry->SetUserData( new UserData(rPropertyPath) ); if(bInsertToPrefBox) m_pPrefBox->Insert( pEntry, pParentEntry ); else m_prefBoxEntries.push_back(std::unique_ptr(pEntry)); } void CuiAboutConfigTabPage::Reset() { m_pPrefBox->Clear(); m_vectorOfModified.clear(); m_pPrefBox->GetModel()->SetSortMode( SortNone ); m_prefBoxEntries.clear(); m_modifiedPrefBoxEntries.clear(); m_pPrefBox->SetUpdateMode(false); Reference< XNameAccess > xConfigAccess = getConfigAccess( "/", false ); //Load all XNameAcces to m_prefBoxEntries FillItems( xConfigAccess, nullptr, 0, true ); //Load xConfigAccess' children to m_prefBox FillItems( xConfigAccess ); m_pPrefBox->SetUpdateMode(true); } void CuiAboutConfigTabPage::FillItemSet() { std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Prop_Impl > >::iterator pIter; for( pIter = m_vectorOfModified.begin() ; pIter != m_vectorOfModified.end(); ++pIter ) { Reference< XNameAccess > xUpdateAccess = getConfigAccess( (*pIter)->Name , true ); Reference< XNameReplace > xNameReplace( xUpdateAccess, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); xNameReplace->replaceByName( (*pIter)->Property, (*pIter)->Value ); Reference< util::XChangesBatch > xChangesBatch( xUpdateAccess, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); xChangesBatch->commitChanges(); } } void CuiAboutConfigTabPage::FillItems(const Reference< XNameAccess >& xNameAccess, SvTreeListEntry *pParentEntry, int lineage, bool bLoadAll) { OUString sPath = Reference< XHierarchicalName >( xNameAccess, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW )->getHierarchicalName(); uno::Sequence< OUString > seqItems = xNameAccess->getElementNames(); for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < seqItems.getLength(); ++i ) { Any aNode = xNameAccess->getByName( seqItems[i] ); bool bNotLeaf = false; Reference< XNameAccess > xNextNameAccess; try { xNextNameAccess.set(aNode, uno::UNO_QUERY); bNotLeaf = xNextNameAccess.is(); } catch (const RuntimeException& e) { SAL_WARN( "cui.options", "CuiAboutConfigTabPage: exception " << e.Message); } if (bNotLeaf) { if(bLoadAll) FillItems(xNextNameAccess, nullptr, lineage + 1, true); else { // not leaf node SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = new SvTreeListEntry; pEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique( SvTreeListBox::GetDefaultExpandedNodeImage(), SvTreeListBox::GetDefaultCollapsedNodeImage(), false)); pEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique(seqItems[i])); //It is needed, without this the selection line will be truncated. pEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique("")); pEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique("")); pEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique("")); pEntry->SetUserData( new UserData(xNextNameAccess, lineage + 1) ); pEntry->EnableChildrenOnDemand(); m_pPrefBox->Insert( pEntry, pParentEntry ); } } else { // leaf node OUString sPropertyName = seqItems[i]; SvTreeListEntries::iterator it = std::find_if(m_modifiedPrefBoxEntries.begin(), m_modifiedPrefBoxEntries.end(), [&sPath, &sPropertyName](std::unique_ptr const& pEntry) -> bool { return static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData())->sPropertyPath.equals(sPath) && static_cast(pEntry->GetItem(2)).GetText().equals(sPropertyName); } ); OUString sType = aNode.getValueTypeName(); OUString sValue; if (it != m_modifiedPrefBoxEntries.end()) sValue = static_cast< SvLBoxString& >( (*it)->GetItem(4) ).GetText(); else { switch( aNode.getValueType().getTypeClass() ) { case css::uno::TypeClass_VOID: break; case css::uno::TypeClass_BOOLEAN: sValue = OUString::boolean( aNode.get() ); break; case css::uno::TypeClass_SHORT: case css::uno::TypeClass_LONG: case css::uno::TypeClass_HYPER: sValue = OUString::number( aNode.get() ); break; case css::uno::TypeClass_DOUBLE: sValue = OUString::number( aNode.get() ); break; case css::uno::TypeClass_STRING: sValue = aNode.get(); break; case css::uno::TypeClass_SEQUENCE: if( sType == "[]boolean" ) { uno::Sequence seq = aNode.get< uno::Sequence >(); for( sal_Int32 j = 0; j != seq.getLength(); ++j ) { if( j != 0 ) { sValue += ","; } sValue += OUString::boolean( seq[j] ); } } else if( sType == "[]byte" ) { uno::Sequence seq = aNode.get< uno::Sequence >(); for( sal_Int32 j = 0; j != seq.getLength(); ++j ) { OUString s = OUString::number( static_cast(seq[j]), 16 ); if( s.getLength() == 1 ) { sValue += "0"; } sValue += s.toAsciiUpperCase(); } } else if( sType == "[][]byte" ) { uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence > seq = aNode.get< uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence > >(); for( sal_Int32 j = 0; j != seq.getLength(); ++j ) { if( j != 0 ) { sValue += ","; } for( sal_Int32 k = 0; k != seq[j].getLength(); ++k ) { OUString s = OUString::number( static_cast(seq[j][k]), 16 ); if( s.getLength() == 1 ) { sValue += "0"; } sValue += s.toAsciiUpperCase(); } } } else if( sType == "[]short" ) { uno::Sequence seq = aNode.get< uno::Sequence >(); for( sal_Int32 j = 0; j != seq.getLength(); ++j ) { if( j != 0 ) { sValue += ","; } sValue += OUString::number( seq[j] ); } } else if( sType == "[]long" ) { uno::Sequence seq = aNode.get< uno::Sequence >(); for( sal_Int32 j = 0; j != seq.getLength(); ++j ) { if( j != 0 ) { sValue += ","; } sValue += OUString::number( seq[j] ); } } else if( sType == "[]hyper" ) { uno::Sequence seq = aNode.get< uno::Sequence >(); for( sal_Int32 j = 0; j != seq.getLength(); ++j ) { if( j != 0 ) { sValue += ","; } sValue += OUString::number( seq[j] ); } } else if( sType == "[]double" ) { uno::Sequence seq = aNode.get< uno::Sequence >(); for( sal_Int32 j = 0; j != seq.getLength(); ++j ) { if( j != 0 ) { sValue += ","; } sValue += OUString::number( seq[j] ); } } else if( sType == "[]string" ) { uno::Sequence seq = aNode.get< uno::Sequence >(); for( sal_Int32 j = 0; j != seq.getLength(); ++j ) { if( j != 0 ) { sValue += ","; } sValue += seq[j]; } } else { SAL_WARN( "cui.options", "path \"" << sPath << "\" member " << seqItems[i] << " of unsupported type " << sType); } break; default: SAL_WARN( "cui.options", "path \"" << sPath << "\" member " << seqItems[i] << " of unsupported type " << sType); break; } } //Short name int index = 0; for(int j = 1; j < lineage; ++j) index = sPath.indexOf("/", index + 1); InsertEntry(sPath, sPath.copy(index+1), seqItems[i], sType, sValue, pParentEntry, !bLoadAll); } } } Reference< XNameAccess > CuiAboutConfigTabPage::getConfigAccess( const OUString& sNodePath, bool bUpdate ) { uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ); uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xConfigProvider( css::configuration::theDefaultProvider::get( xContext ) ); beans::NamedValue aProperty; aProperty.Name = "nodepath"; aProperty.Value = uno::makeAny( sNodePath ); uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aArgumentList( 1 ); aArgumentList[0] = uno::makeAny( aProperty ); OUString sAccessString; if( bUpdate ) sAccessString = "com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateAccess"; else sAccessString = "com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationAccess"; uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > xNameAccess( xConfigProvider->createInstanceWithArguments( sAccessString, aArgumentList ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); return xNameAccess; } void CuiAboutConfigTabPage::AddToModifiedVector( const std::shared_ptr< Prop_Impl >& rProp ) { bool isModifiedBefore = false; //Check if value modified before for(std::shared_ptr & nInd : m_vectorOfModified) { if( rProp->Name == nInd->Name && rProp->Property == nInd->Property ) { //property modified before. Assign reference to the modified value //do your changes on this object. They will be saved later. nInd = rProp; isModifiedBefore = true; break; } } if( !isModifiedBefore ) m_vectorOfModified.push_back( rProp ); //property is not modified before } std::vector< OUString > CuiAboutConfigTabPage::commaStringToSequence( const OUString& rCommaSepString ) { std::vector tempVector; sal_Int32 index = 0; do { OUString word = rCommaSepString.getToken(0, static_cast (','), index); word = word.trim(); if( !word.isEmpty()) tempVector.push_back(word); }while( index >= 0 ); return tempVector; } CuiAboutConfigValueDialog::CuiAboutConfigValueDialog( vcl::Window* pWindow, const OUString& rValue, int limit ) : ModalDialog( pWindow, "AboutConfigValueDialog", "cui/ui/aboutconfigvaluedialog.ui" ), m_pEDValue( get("valuebox") ) { m_pEDValue->bNumericOnly = ( limit !=0 ); m_pEDValue->SetMaxTextLen( limit == 0 ? EDIT_NOLIMIT : limit); m_pEDValue->SetText( rValue ); } CuiAboutConfigValueDialog::~CuiAboutConfigValueDialog() { disposeOnce(); } void CuiAboutConfigValueDialog::dispose() { m_pEDValue.clear(); ModalDialog::dispose(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG_TYPED( CuiAboutConfigTabPage, ResetBtnHdl_Impl, Button*, void ) { Reset(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG_TYPED( CuiAboutConfigTabPage, DoubleClickHdl_Impl, SvTreeListBox*, bool ) { StandardHdl_Impl(nullptr); return false; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG_TYPED( CuiAboutConfigTabPage, StandardHdl_Impl, Button*, void ) { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = m_pPrefBox->GetHdlEntry(); if(pEntry == nullptr) return; UserData *pUserData = static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData()); if(pUserData && pUserData->bIsPropertyPath) { //if selection is a node OUString sPropertyName = SvTabListBox::GetEntryText( pEntry, 1 ); OUString sPropertyType = SvTabListBox::GetEntryText( pEntry, 2 ); OUString sPropertyValue = SvTabListBox::GetEntryText( pEntry, 3 ); std::shared_ptr< Prop_Impl > pProperty (new Prop_Impl( pUserData->sPropertyPath, sPropertyName, makeAny( sPropertyValue ) ) ); bool bSaveChanges = false; bool bOpenDialog = true; OUString sDialogValue; OUString sNewValue; if( sPropertyType == "boolean" ) { bool bValue; if( sPropertyValue == "true" ) { sDialogValue = "false"; bValue = false; } else { sDialogValue = "true"; bValue = true; } pProperty->Value = uno::makeAny( bValue ); bOpenDialog = false; bSaveChanges = true; } else if ( sPropertyType == "void" ) { bOpenDialog = false; } else { sDialogValue = sPropertyValue; bOpenDialog = true; } try { if( bOpenDialog ) { //Cosmetic length limit for integer values. int limit=0; if( sPropertyType == "short" ) limit = SHORT_LEN_LIMIT; else if( sPropertyType == "long" ) limit = LONG_LEN_LIMIT; else if( sPropertyType == "hyper" ) limit = HYPER_LEN_LIMIT; VclPtrInstance pValueDialog(nullptr, sDialogValue, limit); if( pValueDialog->Execute() == RET_OK ) { sNewValue = pValueDialog->getValue(); bSaveChanges = true; if ( sPropertyType == "short") { sal_Int16 nShort; sal_Int32 nNumb = sNewValue.toInt32(); //if the value is 0 and length is not 1, there is something wrong if( !( nNumb==0 && sNewValue.getLength()!=1 ) && nNumb < SAL_MAX_INT16 && nNumb > SAL_MIN_INT16) nShort = (sal_Int16) nNumb; else throw uno::Exception(); pProperty->Value = uno::makeAny( nShort ); } else if( sPropertyType == "long" ) { sal_Int32 nLong = sNewValue.toInt32(); if( !( nLong==0 && sNewValue.getLength()!=1 ) && nLong < SAL_MAX_INT32 && nLong > SAL_MIN_INT32) pProperty->Value = uno::makeAny( nLong ); else throw uno::Exception(); } else if( sPropertyType == "hyper") { sal_Int64 nHyper = sNewValue.toInt64(); if( !( nHyper==0 && sNewValue.getLength()!=1 ) && nHyper < SAL_MAX_INT32 && nHyper > SAL_MIN_INT32) pProperty->Value = uno::makeAny( nHyper ); else throw uno::Exception(); } else if( sPropertyType == "double") { double nDoub = sNewValue.toDouble(); if( !( nDoub ==0 && sNewValue.getLength()!=1 ) && nDoub < SAL_MAX_INT32 && nDoub > SAL_MIN_INT32) pProperty->Value = uno::makeAny( nDoub ); else throw uno::Exception(); } else if( sPropertyType == "float") { float nFloat = sNewValue.toFloat(); if( !( nFloat ==0 && sNewValue.getLength()!=1 ) && nFloat < SAL_MAX_INT32 && nFloat > SAL_MIN_INT32) pProperty->Value = uno::makeAny( nFloat ); else throw uno::Exception(); } else if( sPropertyType == "string" ) { pProperty->Value = uno::makeAny( sNewValue ); } else if( sPropertyType == "[]short" ) { //create string sequence from comma separated string //uno::Sequence< OUString > seqStr; std::vector< OUString > seqStr; seqStr = commaStringToSequence( sNewValue ); //create appropriate sequence with same size as string sequence uno::Sequence< sal_Int16 > seqShort( seqStr.size() ); //convert all strings to appropriate type for( size_t i = 0; i < seqStr.size(); ++i ) { seqShort[i] = (sal_Int16) seqStr[i].toInt32(); } pProperty->Value = uno::makeAny( seqShort ); } else if( sPropertyType == "[]long" ) { std::vector< OUString > seqStrLong; seqStrLong = commaStringToSequence( sNewValue ); uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > seqLong( seqStrLong.size() ); for( size_t i = 0; i < seqStrLong.size(); ++i ) { seqLong[i] = seqStrLong[i].toInt32(); } pProperty->Value = uno::makeAny( seqLong ); } else if( sPropertyType == "[]hyper" ) { std::vector< OUString > seqStrHyper; seqStrHyper = commaStringToSequence( sNewValue ); uno::Sequence< sal_Int64 > seqHyper( seqStrHyper.size() ); for( size_t i = 0; i < seqStrHyper.size(); ++i ) { seqHyper[i] = seqStrHyper[i].toInt64(); } pProperty->Value = uno::makeAny( seqHyper ); } else if( sPropertyType == "[]double" ) { std::vector< OUString > seqStrDoub; seqStrDoub = commaStringToSequence( sNewValue ); uno::Sequence< double > seqDoub( seqStrDoub.size() ); for( size_t i = 0; i < seqStrDoub.size(); ++i ) { seqDoub[i] = seqStrDoub[i].toDouble(); } pProperty->Value = uno::makeAny( seqDoub ); } else if( sPropertyType == "[]float" ) { std::vector< OUString > seqStrFloat; seqStrFloat = commaStringToSequence( sNewValue ); uno::Sequence< sal_Int16 > seqFloat( seqStrFloat.size() ); for( size_t i = 0; i < seqStrFloat.size(); ++i ) { seqFloat[i] = seqStrFloat[i].toFloat(); } pProperty->Value = uno::makeAny( seqFloat ); } else if( sPropertyType == "[]string" ) { pProperty->Value = uno::makeAny( comphelper::containerToSequence( commaStringToSequence( sNewValue ))); } else //unknown throw uno::Exception(); sDialogValue = sNewValue; } } if(bSaveChanges) { AddToModifiedVector( pProperty ); //update listbox value. m_pPrefBox->SetEntryText( sDialogValue, pEntry, 3 ); //update m_prefBoxEntries SvTreeListEntries::iterator it = std::find_if(m_prefBoxEntries.begin(), m_prefBoxEntries.end(), [&pUserData, &sPropertyName](std::unique_ptr const& rpEntry) -> bool { return static_cast(rpEntry->GetUserData())->sPropertyPath.equals(pUserData->sPropertyPath) && static_cast(rpEntry->GetItem(2)).GetText().equals(sPropertyName); } ); if (it != m_prefBoxEntries.end()) { (*it)->ReplaceItem(o3tl::make_unique(sDialogValue), 4); SvTreeListEntries::iterator modifiedIt = std::find_if( m_modifiedPrefBoxEntries.begin(), m_modifiedPrefBoxEntries.end(), [&pUserData, &sPropertyName](std::unique_ptr const& rpEntry) -> bool { return static_cast(rpEntry->GetUserData())->sPropertyPath.equals(pUserData->sPropertyPath) && static_cast(rpEntry->GetItem(2)).GetText().equals(sPropertyName); } ); if( modifiedIt != m_modifiedPrefBoxEntries.end()) { (*modifiedIt)->ReplaceItem(o3tl::make_unique(sDialogValue), 4); } else { std::unique_ptr pCloneEntry( new SvTreeListEntry); pCloneEntry->Clone((*it).get()); m_modifiedPrefBoxEntries.push_back(std::move(pCloneEntry)); } } } } catch( uno::Exception& ) { } } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG_TYPED( CuiAboutConfigTabPage, SearchHdl_Impl, Button*, void) { m_pPrefBox->Clear(); m_pPrefBox->SetUpdateMode( false ); SvSortMode sortMode = m_pPrefBox->GetModel()->GetSortMode(); sal_uInt16 sortedCol = m_pPrefBox->GetSortedCol(); if( sortMode != SortNone ) m_pPrefBox->SortByCol( 0xFFFF ); if( m_pSearchEdit->GetText().isEmpty() ) { m_pPrefBox->Clear(); Reference< XNameAccess > xConfigAccess = getConfigAccess( "/", false ); FillItems( xConfigAccess ); } else { m_options.searchString = m_pSearchEdit->GetText(); utl::TextSearch textSearch( m_options ); for (auto const& it : m_prefBoxEntries) { sal_Int32 endPos, startPos = 0; for(size_t i = 1; i < it->ItemCount(); ++i) { OUString scrTxt; if(i == 1) scrTxt = static_cast< UserData* >( it->GetUserData() )->sPropertyPath; else scrTxt = static_cast< SvLBoxString& >( it->GetItem(i) ).GetText(); endPos = scrTxt.getLength(); if( textSearch.SearchForward( scrTxt, &startPos, &endPos ) ) { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = new SvTreeListEntry; pEntry->Clone( it.get() ); InsertEntry( pEntry ); break; } } } } if( sortMode != SortNone ) m_pPrefBox->SortByCol(sortedCol, sortMode == SortAscending); m_pPrefBox->SetUpdateMode( true ); } void CuiAboutConfigTabPage::InsertEntry( SvTreeListEntry *pEntry) { OUString sPathWithProperty = static_cast< UserData* >(pEntry->GetUserData())->sPropertyPath; sal_Int32 index = sPathWithProperty.lastIndexOf(static_cast< SvLBoxString& >(pEntry->GetItem(1)).GetText()); OUString sPath = sPathWithProperty.copy(0, index); index = 0; SvTreeListEntry* pParentEntry; SvTreeListEntry* pGrandParentEntry = nullptr; do { int prevIndex = index; index = sPath.indexOf("/", index+1); OUString sParentName = sPath.copy(prevIndex+1, index - prevIndex - 1); bool hasEntry = false; for(pParentEntry = m_pPrefBox->FirstChild(pGrandParentEntry); pParentEntry != nullptr; pParentEntry = SvTreeListBox::NextSibling(pParentEntry)) if(static_cast< SvLBoxString& >(pParentEntry->GetItem(1)).GetText() == sParentName) { hasEntry = true; break; } if(!hasEntry) { pParentEntry = new SvTreeListEntry; pParentEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique( SvTreeListBox::GetDefaultExpandedNodeImage(), SvTreeListBox::GetDefaultCollapsedNodeImage(), false)); pParentEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique(sParentName)); //It is needed, without this the selection line will be truncated. pParentEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique("")); pParentEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique("")); pParentEntry->AddItem(o3tl::make_unique("")); pParentEntry->EnableChildrenOnDemand(false); m_pPrefBox->Insert( pParentEntry, pGrandParentEntry ); } if(pGrandParentEntry) m_pPrefBox->Expand( pGrandParentEntry ); pGrandParentEntry = pParentEntry; } while(index < sPath.getLength() - 1); m_pPrefBox->Insert( pEntry, pParentEntry ); m_pPrefBox->Expand( pParentEntry ); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG_TYPED( CuiAboutConfigTabPage, ExpandingHdl_Impl, SvTreeListBox*, bool ) { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = m_pPrefBox->GetHdlEntry(); if(pEntry != nullptr && pEntry->HasChildrenOnDemand()) { pEntry->EnableChildrenOnDemand(false); SvTreeListEntry *pFirstChild = m_pPrefBox->FirstChild(pEntry); if(pFirstChild) m_pPrefBox->RemoveEntry(pFirstChild); if(pEntry->GetUserData() != nullptr) { UserData *pUserData = static_cast(pEntry->GetUserData()); FillItems( pUserData->aXNameAccess, pEntry, pUserData->aLineage ); } } return pEntry && pEntry->HasChildren(); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */