/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include <sfx2/app.hxx> #include <sfx2/objsh.hxx> #include <sfx2/module.hxx> #include <svx/dialogs.hrc> #include <svx/dialmgr.hxx> #include <cuires.hrc> #include "helpid.hrc" #include <svx/xtable.hxx> #include <svx/drawitem.hxx> #include <editeng/boxitem.hxx> #include <editeng/shaditem.hxx> #include "border.hxx" #include <svx/dlgutil.hxx> #include <dialmgr.hxx> #include <sfx2/htmlmode.hxx> #include <vcl/msgbox.hxx> #include <vcl/settings.hxx> #include "svx/flagsdef.hxx" #include <sfx2/request.hxx> #include <svl/intitem.hxx> #include <svl/ilstitem.hxx> #include <svl/int64item.hxx> #include <sfx2/itemconnect.hxx> #include <sal/macros.h> #include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.hpp> #include "borderconn.hxx" using namespace ::editeng; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference; using ::com::sun::star::lang::XServiceInfo; using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY; /* * [Description:] * TabPage for setting the border attributes. * Needs * a SvxShadowItem: shadow * a SvxBoxItem: lines left, right, top, bottom, * a SvxBoxInfo: lines vertical, horizontal, distance, flags * * Lines can have three conditions: * 1. Show ( -> valid values ) * 2. Hide ( -> NULL-Pointer ) * 3. DontCare ( -> special Valid-Flags in the InfoItem ) */ // static ---------------------------------------------------------------- const sal_uInt16 SvxBorderTabPage::pRanges[] = { SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, SID_ATTR_BORDER_SHADOW, SID_ATTR_ALIGN_MARGIN, SID_ATTR_ALIGN_MARGIN, SID_ATTR_BORDER_CONNECT, SID_ATTR_BORDER_CONNECT, SID_SW_COLLAPSING_BORDERS, SID_SW_COLLAPSING_BORDERS, SID_ATTR_BORDER_DIAG_TLBR, SID_ATTR_BORDER_DIAG_BLTR, 0 }; static void lcl_SetDecimalDigitsTo1(MetricField& rField) { sal_Int64 nMin = rField.Denormalize( rField.GetMin( FUNIT_TWIP ) ); rField.SetDecimalDigits(1); rField.SetMin( rField.Normalize( nMin ), FUNIT_TWIP ); } // number of preset images to show const sal_uInt16 SVX_BORDER_PRESET_COUNT = 5; // number of shadow images to show const sal_uInt16 SVX_BORDER_SHADOW_COUNT = 5; SvxBorderTabPage::SvxBorderTabPage(vcl::Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rCoreAttrs) : SfxTabPage(pParent, "BorderPage", "cui/ui/borderpage.ui", &rCoreAttrs) , nMinValue(0) , nSWMode(SwBorderModes::NONE) , mbHorEnabled(false) , mbVerEnabled(false) , mbTLBREnabled(false) , mbBLTREnabled(false) , mbUseMarginItem(false) , mbAllowPaddingWithoutBorders(true) , mbSync(true) , mbRemoveAdjacentCellBorders(false) , bIsCalcDoc(false) { get(m_pWndPresets, "presets"); get(m_pUserDefFT, "userdefft"); get(m_pFrameSel, "framesel"); get(m_pLbLineStyle, "linestylelb"); get(m_pLbLineColor, "linecolorlb"); get(m_pLineWidthMF, "linewidthmf"); get(m_pSpacingFrame, "spacing"); get(m_pLeftFT, "leftft"); get(m_pLeftMF, "leftmf"); get(m_pRightFT, "rightft"); get(m_pRightMF, "rightmf"); get(m_pTopFT, "topft"); get(m_pTopMF, "topmf"); get(m_pBottomFT, "bottomft"); get(m_pBottomMF, "bottommf"); get(m_pSynchronizeCB, "sync"); get(m_pShadowFrame, "shadow"); get(m_pWndShadows, "shadows"); get(m_pFtShadowSize, "distanceft"); get(m_pEdShadowSize, "distancemf"); get(m_pFtShadowColor, "shadowcolorft"); get(m_pLbShadowColor, "shadowcolorlb"); get(m_pPropertiesFrame, "properties"); get(m_pMergeWithNextCB, "mergewithnext"); get(m_pMergeAdjacentBordersCB, "mergeadjacent"); get(m_pRemoveAdjcentCellBordersCB, "rmadjcellborders"); static const sal_uInt16 pnBorderImgIds[] = { RID_SVXBMP_CELL_NONE, RID_SVXBMP_CELL_ALL, RID_SVXBMP_CELL_LR, RID_SVXBMP_CELL_TB, RID_SVXBMP_CELL_L, RID_SVXBMP_CELL_DIAG, RID_SVXBMP_HOR_NONE, RID_SVXBMP_HOR_OUTER, RID_SVXBMP_HOR_HOR, RID_SVXBMP_HOR_ALL, RID_SVXBMP_HOR_OUTER2, RID_SVXBMP_VER_NONE, RID_SVXBMP_VER_OUTER, RID_SVXBMP_VER_VER, RID_SVXBMP_VER_ALL, RID_SVXBMP_VER_OUTER2, RID_SVXBMP_TABLE_NONE, RID_SVXBMP_TABLE_OUTER, RID_SVXBMP_TABLE_OUTERH, RID_SVXBMP_TABLE_ALL, RID_SVXBMP_TABLE_OUTER2 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < SAL_N_ELEMENTS(pnBorderImgIds); ++i) m_aBorderImgVec.push_back(BitmapEx(CUI_RES(pnBorderImgIds[i]))); static const sal_uInt16 pnShadowImgIds[SVX_BORDER_SHADOW_COUNT] = { RID_SVXBMP_SHADOWNONE, RID_SVXBMP_SHADOW_BOT_RIGHT, RID_SVXBMP_SHADOW_BOT_LEFT, RID_SVXBMP_SHADOW_TOP_RIGHT, RID_SVXBMP_SHADOW_TOP_LEFT }; for (size_t i = 0; i < SAL_N_ELEMENTS(pnShadowImgIds); ++i) m_aShadowImgVec.push_back(BitmapEx(CUI_RES(pnShadowImgIds[i]))); assert(m_aShadowImgVec.size() == SVX_BORDER_SHADOW_COUNT); if ( GetDPIScaleFactor() > 1 ) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_aBorderImgVec.size(); ++i) m_aBorderImgVec[i].Scale(GetDPIScaleFactor(), GetDPIScaleFactor(), BmpScaleFlag::Fast); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_aShadowImgVec.size(); ++i) m_aShadowImgVec[i].Scale(GetDPIScaleFactor(), GetDPIScaleFactor(), BmpScaleFlag::Fast); } // this page needs ExchangeSupport SetExchangeSupport(); /* Use SvxMarginItem instead of margins from SvxBoxItem, if present. -> Remember this state in mbUseMarginItem, because other special handling is needed across various functions... */ mbUseMarginItem = rCoreAttrs.GetItemState(GetWhich(SID_ATTR_ALIGN_MARGIN)) != SfxItemState::UNKNOWN; const SfxPoolItem* pItem = nullptr; if (rCoreAttrs.HasItem(SID_ATTR_BORDER_STYLES, &pItem)) { const SfxIntegerListItem* p = static_cast<const SfxIntegerListItem*>(pItem); std::vector<sal_Int32> aUsedStyles = p->GetList(); for (int aUsedStyle : aUsedStyles) maUsedBorderStyles.insert(static_cast<sal_Int16>(aUsedStyle)); } if (rCoreAttrs.HasItem(SID_ATTR_BORDER_DEFAULT_WIDTH, &pItem)) { // The caller specifies default line width. Honor it. const SfxInt64Item* p = static_cast<const SfxInt64Item*>(pItem); m_pLineWidthMF->SetValue(p->GetValue()); } // set metric FieldUnit eFUnit = GetModuleFieldUnit( rCoreAttrs ); if( mbUseMarginItem ) { // copied from SvxAlignmentTabPage switch ( eFUnit ) { // #103396# the default value (1pt) can't be accurately represented in // inches or pica with two decimals, so point is used instead. case FUNIT_PICA: case FUNIT_INCH: case FUNIT_FOOT: case FUNIT_MILE: eFUnit = FUNIT_POINT; break; case FUNIT_CM: case FUNIT_M: case FUNIT_KM: eFUnit = FUNIT_MM; break; default: ;//prevent warning } } else { switch ( eFUnit ) { case FUNIT_M: case FUNIT_KM: eFUnit = FUNIT_MM; break; default: ; //prevent warning } } SetFieldUnit(*m_pEdShadowSize, eFUnit); sal_uInt16 nWhich = GetWhich( SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, false ); bool bIsDontCare = true; if ( rCoreAttrs.GetItemState( nWhich ) >= SfxItemState::DEFAULT ) { // paragraph or table const SvxBoxInfoItem* pBoxInfo = static_cast<const SvxBoxInfoItem*>(&( rCoreAttrs.Get( nWhich ) )); mbHorEnabled = pBoxInfo->IsHorEnabled(); mbVerEnabled = pBoxInfo->IsVerEnabled(); mbTLBREnabled = sfx::ItemWrapperHelper::IsKnownItem( rCoreAttrs, SID_ATTR_BORDER_DIAG_TLBR ); mbBLTREnabled = sfx::ItemWrapperHelper::IsKnownItem( rCoreAttrs, SID_ATTR_BORDER_DIAG_BLTR ); if(pBoxInfo->IsDist()) { SetFieldUnit(*m_pLeftMF, eFUnit); SetFieldUnit(*m_pRightMF, eFUnit); SetFieldUnit(*m_pTopMF, eFUnit); SetFieldUnit(*m_pBottomMF, eFUnit); m_pSynchronizeCB->SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SvxBorderTabPage, SyncHdl_Impl)); m_pLeftMF->SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SvxBorderTabPage, ModifyDistanceHdl_Impl)); m_pRightMF->SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SvxBorderTabPage, ModifyDistanceHdl_Impl)); m_pTopMF->SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SvxBorderTabPage, ModifyDistanceHdl_Impl)); m_pBottomMF->SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SvxBorderTabPage, ModifyDistanceHdl_Impl)); } else { m_pSpacingFrame->Hide(); } bIsDontCare = !pBoxInfo->IsValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::DISABLE ); } if(!mbUseMarginItem && eFUnit == FUNIT_MM && MapUnit::MapTwip == rCoreAttrs.GetPool()->GetMetric( GetWhich( SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER ) )) { //#i91548# changing the number of decimal digits changes the minimum values, too lcl_SetDecimalDigitsTo1(*m_pLeftMF); lcl_SetDecimalDigitsTo1(*m_pRightMF); lcl_SetDecimalDigitsTo1(*m_pTopMF); lcl_SetDecimalDigitsTo1(*m_pBottomMF); lcl_SetDecimalDigitsTo1(*m_pEdShadowSize); } FrameSelFlags nFlags = FrameSelFlags::Outer; if( mbHorEnabled ) nFlags |= FrameSelFlags::InnerHorizontal; if( mbVerEnabled ) nFlags |= FrameSelFlags::InnerVertical; if( mbTLBREnabled ) nFlags |= FrameSelFlags::DiagonalTLBR; if( mbBLTREnabled ) nFlags |= FrameSelFlags::DiagonalBLTR; if( bIsDontCare ) nFlags |= FrameSelFlags::DontCare; m_pFrameSel->Initialize( nFlags ); m_pFrameSel->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SvxBorderTabPage, LinesChanged_Impl)); m_pLbLineStyle->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SvxBorderTabPage, SelStyleHdl_Impl ) ); m_pLbLineColor->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SvxBorderTabPage, SelColHdl_Impl ) ); m_pLineWidthMF->SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SvxBorderTabPage, ModifyWidthHdl_Impl ) ); m_pWndPresets->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SvxBorderTabPage, SelPreHdl_Impl ) ); m_pWndShadows->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SvxBorderTabPage, SelSdwHdl_Impl ) ); FillValueSets(); FillLineListBox_Impl(); // connections bool bSupportsShadow = !SfxItemPool::IsSlot( GetWhich( SID_ATTR_BORDER_SHADOW ) ); if( bSupportsShadow ) AddItemConnection( svx::CreateShadowConnection( rCoreAttrs, *m_pWndShadows, *m_pEdShadowSize, *m_pLbShadowColor ) ); else HideShadowControls(); if( mbUseMarginItem ) AddItemConnection( svx::CreateMarginConnection( rCoreAttrs, *m_pLeftMF, *m_pRightMF, *m_pTopMF, *m_pBottomMF ) ); if( m_pFrameSel->IsBorderEnabled( svx::FrameBorderType::TLBR ) ) AddItemConnection( svx::CreateFrameLineConnection( SID_ATTR_BORDER_DIAG_TLBR, *m_pFrameSel, svx::FrameBorderType::TLBR ) ); if( m_pFrameSel->IsBorderEnabled( svx::FrameBorderType::BLTR ) ) AddItemConnection( svx::CreateFrameLineConnection( SID_ATTR_BORDER_DIAG_BLTR, *m_pFrameSel, svx::FrameBorderType::BLTR ) ); // #i43593# - item connection doesn't work for Writer, // because the Writer item sets contain these items // checkbox "Merge with next paragraph" only visible for Writer dialog format.paragraph AddItemConnection( new sfx::CheckBoxConnection( SID_ATTR_BORDER_CONNECT, *m_pMergeWithNextCB, ItemConnFlags::NONE ) ); m_pMergeWithNextCB->Hide(); // checkbox "Merge adjacent line styles" only visible for Writer dialog format.table AddItemConnection( new sfx::CheckBoxConnection( SID_SW_COLLAPSING_BORDERS, *m_pMergeAdjacentBordersCB, ItemConnFlags::NONE ) ); m_pMergeAdjacentBordersCB->Hide(); SfxObjectShell* pDocSh = SfxObjectShell::Current(); if (pDocSh) { Reference< XServiceInfo > xSI( pDocSh->GetModel(), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xSI.is() ) bIsCalcDoc = xSI->supportsService("com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument"); } if( bIsCalcDoc ) { m_pRemoveAdjcentCellBordersCB->SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SvxBorderTabPage, RemoveAdjacentCellBorderHdl_Impl)); m_pRemoveAdjcentCellBordersCB->Show(); m_pRemoveAdjcentCellBordersCB->Enable( false ); } else m_pRemoveAdjcentCellBordersCB->Hide(); } SvxBorderTabPage::~SvxBorderTabPage() { disposeOnce(); } void SvxBorderTabPage::dispose() { m_pWndPresets.clear(); m_pUserDefFT.clear(); m_pFrameSel.clear(); m_pLbLineStyle.clear(); m_pLbLineColor.clear(); m_pLineWidthMF.clear(); m_pSpacingFrame.clear(); m_pLeftFT.clear(); m_pLeftMF.clear(); m_pRightFT.clear(); m_pRightMF.clear(); m_pTopFT.clear(); m_pTopMF.clear(); m_pBottomFT.clear(); m_pBottomMF.clear(); m_pSynchronizeCB.clear(); m_pShadowFrame.clear(); m_pWndShadows.clear(); m_pFtShadowSize.clear(); m_pEdShadowSize.clear(); m_pFtShadowColor.clear(); m_pLbShadowColor.clear(); m_pPropertiesFrame.clear(); m_pMergeWithNextCB.clear(); m_pMergeAdjacentBordersCB.clear(); m_pRemoveAdjcentCellBordersCB.clear(); SfxTabPage::dispose(); } VclPtr<SfxTabPage> SvxBorderTabPage::Create( vcl::Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet* rAttrSet ) { return VclPtr<SvxBorderTabPage>::Create( pParent, *rAttrSet ); } void SvxBorderTabPage::ResetFrameLine_Impl( svx::FrameBorderType eBorder, const SvxBorderLine* pCoreLine, bool bValid ) { if( m_pFrameSel->IsBorderEnabled( eBorder ) ) { if( bValid ) m_pFrameSel->ShowBorder( eBorder, pCoreLine ); else m_pFrameSel->SetBorderDontCare( eBorder ); } } bool SvxBorderTabPage::IsBorderLineStyleAllowed( sal_Int16 nStyle ) const { if (maUsedBorderStyles.empty()) // All border styles are allowed. return true; return maUsedBorderStyles.count(nStyle) > 0; } void SvxBorderTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet* rSet ) { SfxTabPage::Reset( rSet ); const SvxBoxItem* pBoxItem; const SvxBoxInfoItem* pBoxInfoItem; sal_uInt16 nWhichBox = GetWhich(SID_ATTR_BORDER_OUTER); MapUnit eCoreUnit; pBoxItem = static_cast<const SvxBoxItem*>(GetItem( *rSet, SID_ATTR_BORDER_OUTER )); pBoxInfoItem = static_cast<const SvxBoxInfoItem*>(GetItem( *rSet, SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, false )); eCoreUnit = rSet->GetPool()->GetMetric( nWhichBox ); if ( pBoxItem && pBoxInfoItem ) // -> Don't Care { ResetFrameLine_Impl( svx::FrameBorderType::Left, pBoxItem->GetLeft(), pBoxInfoItem->IsValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::LEFT ) ); ResetFrameLine_Impl( svx::FrameBorderType::Right, pBoxItem->GetRight(), pBoxInfoItem->IsValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::RIGHT ) ); ResetFrameLine_Impl( svx::FrameBorderType::Top, pBoxItem->GetTop(), pBoxInfoItem->IsValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::TOP ) ); ResetFrameLine_Impl( svx::FrameBorderType::Bottom, pBoxItem->GetBottom(), pBoxInfoItem->IsValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::BOTTOM ) ); ResetFrameLine_Impl( svx::FrameBorderType::Vertical, pBoxInfoItem->GetVert(), pBoxInfoItem->IsValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::VERT ) ); ResetFrameLine_Impl( svx::FrameBorderType::Horizontal, pBoxInfoItem->GetHori(), pBoxInfoItem->IsValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::HORI ) ); // distance inside if( !mbUseMarginItem ) { if ( m_pLeftMF->IsVisible() ) { SetMetricValue(*m_pLeftMF, pBoxInfoItem->GetDefDist(), eCoreUnit); SetMetricValue(*m_pRightMF, pBoxInfoItem->GetDefDist(), eCoreUnit); SetMetricValue(*m_pTopMF, pBoxInfoItem->GetDefDist(), eCoreUnit); SetMetricValue(*m_pBottomMF, pBoxInfoItem->GetDefDist(), eCoreUnit); nMinValue = static_cast<long>(m_pLeftMF->GetValue()); if ( pBoxInfoItem->IsMinDist() ) { m_pLeftMF->SetFirst( nMinValue ); m_pRightMF->SetFirst( nMinValue ); m_pTopMF->SetFirst( nMinValue ); m_pBottomMF->SetFirst( nMinValue ); } if ( pBoxInfoItem->IsDist() ) { if( rSet->GetItemState( nWhichBox ) >= SfxItemState::DEFAULT ) { bool bIsAnyBorderVisible = m_pFrameSel->IsAnyBorderVisible(); if( !bIsAnyBorderVisible || !pBoxInfoItem->IsMinDist() ) { m_pLeftMF->SetMin( 0 ); m_pLeftMF->SetFirst( 0 ); m_pRightMF->SetMin( 0 ); m_pRightMF->SetFirst( 0 ); m_pTopMF->SetMin( 0 ); m_pTopMF->SetFirst( 0 ); m_pBottomMF->SetMin( 0 ); m_pBottomMF->SetFirst( 0 ); } long nLeftDist = pBoxItem->GetDistance( SvxBoxItemLine::LEFT); SetMetricValue(*m_pLeftMF, nLeftDist, eCoreUnit); long nRightDist = pBoxItem->GetDistance( SvxBoxItemLine::RIGHT); SetMetricValue(*m_pRightMF, nRightDist, eCoreUnit); long nTopDist = pBoxItem->GetDistance( SvxBoxItemLine::TOP); SetMetricValue( *m_pTopMF, nTopDist, eCoreUnit ); long nBottomDist = pBoxItem->GetDistance( SvxBoxItemLine::BOTTOM); SetMetricValue( *m_pBottomMF, nBottomDist, eCoreUnit ); // if the distance is set with no active border line // or it is null with an active border line // no automatic changes should be made const long nDefDist = bIsAnyBorderVisible ? pBoxInfoItem->GetDefDist() : 0; bool bDiffDist = (nDefDist != nLeftDist || nDefDist != nRightDist || nDefDist != nTopDist || nDefDist != nBottomDist); if ((pBoxItem->GetSmallestDistance() || bIsAnyBorderVisible) && bDiffDist ) { m_pLeftMF->SetModifyFlag(); m_pRightMF->SetModifyFlag(); m_pTopMF->SetModifyFlag(); m_pBottomMF->SetModifyFlag(); } } else { // #106224# different margins -> do not fill the edits m_pLeftMF->SetText( OUString() ); m_pRightMF->SetText( OUString() ); m_pTopMF->SetText( OUString() ); m_pBottomMF->SetText( OUString() ); } } m_pLeftMF->SaveValue(); m_pRightMF->SaveValue(); m_pTopMF->SaveValue(); m_pBottomMF->SaveValue(); } } } else { // avoid ResetFrameLine-calls: m_pFrameSel->HideAllBorders(); } if( !m_pFrameSel->IsAnyBorderVisible() ) m_pFrameSel->DeselectAllBorders(); // depict line (color) in controllers if unambiguous: { // Do all visible lines show the same line widths? long nWidth; SvxBorderStyle nStyle; bool bWidthEq = m_pFrameSel->GetVisibleWidth( nWidth, nStyle ); if( bWidthEq ) { // Determine the width first as some styles can be missing depending on it sal_Int64 nWidthPt = static_cast<sal_Int64>(MetricField::ConvertDoubleValue( sal_Int64( nWidth ), m_pLineWidthMF->GetDecimalDigits( ), MapUnit::MapTwip, m_pLineWidthMF->GetUnit() )); m_pLineWidthMF->SetValue( nWidthPt ); m_pLbLineStyle->SetWidth( nWidth ); // then set the style m_pLbLineStyle->SelectEntry( nStyle ); } else m_pLbLineStyle->SelectEntryPos( 1 ); // Do all visible lines show the same line color? Color aColor; bool bColorEq = m_pFrameSel->GetVisibleColor( aColor ); if( !bColorEq ) aColor.SetColor( COL_BLACK ); m_pLbLineColor->SelectEntry(aColor); m_pLbLineStyle->SetColor(aColor); // Select all visible lines, if they are all equal. if( bWidthEq && bColorEq ) m_pFrameSel->SelectAllVisibleBorders(); // set the current style and color (caches style in control even if nothing is selected) SelStyleHdl_Impl(*m_pLbLineStyle); SelColHdl_Impl(*m_pLbLineColor); } bool bEnable = m_pWndShadows->GetSelectItemId() > 1 ; m_pFtShadowSize->Enable(bEnable); m_pEdShadowSize->Enable(bEnable); m_pFtShadowColor->Enable(bEnable); m_pLbShadowColor->Enable(bEnable); m_pWndPresets->SetNoSelection(); // - no line - should not be selected if ( m_pLbLineStyle->GetSelectEntryPos() == 0 ) { m_pLbLineStyle->SelectEntryPos( 1 ); SelStyleHdl_Impl(*m_pLbLineStyle); } const SfxPoolItem* pItem; SfxObjectShell* pShell; if(SfxItemState::SET == rSet->GetItemState(SID_HTML_MODE, false, &pItem) || ( nullptr != (pShell = SfxObjectShell::Current()) && nullptr != (pItem = pShell->GetItem(SID_HTML_MODE)))) { sal_uInt16 nHtmlMode = static_cast<const SfxUInt16Item*>(pItem)->GetValue(); if(nHtmlMode & HTMLMODE_ON) { // there are no shadows in Html-mode and only complete borders m_pShadowFrame->Disable(); if( !(nSWMode & SwBorderModes::TABLE) ) { m_pUserDefFT->Disable(); m_pFrameSel->Disable(); m_pWndPresets->RemoveItem(3); m_pWndPresets->RemoveItem(4); m_pWndPresets->RemoveItem(5); } } } LinesChanged_Impl( nullptr ); if(m_pLeftMF->GetValue() == m_pRightMF->GetValue() && m_pTopMF->GetValue() == m_pBottomMF->GetValue() && m_pTopMF->GetValue() == m_pLeftMF->GetValue()) mbSync = true; else mbSync = false; m_pSynchronizeCB->Check(mbSync); mbRemoveAdjacentCellBorders = false; m_pRemoveAdjcentCellBordersCB->Check( false ); m_pRemoveAdjcentCellBordersCB->Enable( false ); } void SvxBorderTabPage::ChangesApplied() { m_pLeftMF->SaveValue(); m_pRightMF->SaveValue(); m_pTopMF->SaveValue(); m_pBottomMF->SaveValue(); } DeactivateRC SvxBorderTabPage::DeactivatePage( SfxItemSet* _pSet ) { if ( _pSet ) FillItemSet( _pSet ); return DeactivateRC::LeavePage; } bool SvxBorderTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet* rCoreAttrs ) { bool bAttrsChanged = SfxTabPage::FillItemSet( rCoreAttrs ); bool bPut = true; sal_uInt16 nBoxWhich = GetWhich( SID_ATTR_BORDER_OUTER ); sal_uInt16 nBoxInfoWhich = rCoreAttrs->GetPool()->GetWhich( SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, false ); const SfxItemSet& rOldSet = GetItemSet(); SvxBoxItem aBoxItem ( nBoxWhich ); SvxBoxInfoItem aBoxInfoItem ( nBoxInfoWhich ); const SvxBoxItem* pOldBoxItem = static_cast<const SvxBoxItem*>(GetOldItem( *rCoreAttrs, SID_ATTR_BORDER_OUTER )); MapUnit eCoreUnit = rOldSet.GetPool()->GetMetric( nBoxWhich ); // outer border: ::std::pair<svx::FrameBorderType,SvxBoxItemLine> eTypes1[] = { { svx::FrameBorderType::Top,SvxBoxItemLine::TOP }, { svx::FrameBorderType::Bottom,SvxBoxItemLine::BOTTOM }, { svx::FrameBorderType::Left,SvxBoxItemLine::LEFT }, { svx::FrameBorderType::Right,SvxBoxItemLine::RIGHT }, }; for (std::pair<svx::FrameBorderType,SvxBoxItemLine> const & i : eTypes1) aBoxItem.SetLine( m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderStyle( i.first ), i.second ); aBoxItem.SetRemoveAdjacentCellBorder( mbRemoveAdjacentCellBorders ); // border hor/ver and TableFlag ::std::pair<svx::FrameBorderType,SvxBoxInfoItemLine> eTypes2[] = { { svx::FrameBorderType::Horizontal,SvxBoxInfoItemLine::HORI }, { svx::FrameBorderType::Vertical,SvxBoxInfoItemLine::VERT } }; for (std::pair<svx::FrameBorderType,SvxBoxInfoItemLine> const & j : eTypes2) aBoxInfoItem.SetLine( m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderStyle( j.first ), j.second ); aBoxInfoItem.EnableHor( mbHorEnabled ); aBoxInfoItem.EnableVer( mbVerEnabled ); // inner distance if( m_pLeftMF->IsVisible() ) { // #i40405# enable distance controls for next dialog call aBoxInfoItem.SetDist( true ); if( !mbUseMarginItem ) { // #106224# all edits empty: do nothing if( !m_pLeftMF->GetText().isEmpty() || !m_pRightMF->GetText().isEmpty() || !m_pTopMF->GetText().isEmpty() || !m_pBottomMF->GetText().isEmpty() ) { if ( mbAllowPaddingWithoutBorders || ((mbHorEnabled || mbVerEnabled || (nSWMode & SwBorderModes::TABLE)) && (m_pLeftMF->IsModified()||m_pRightMF->IsModified()|| m_pTopMF->IsModified()||m_pBottomMF->IsModified()) ) || m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( svx::FrameBorderType::Top ) != svx::FrameBorderState::Hide || m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( svx::FrameBorderType::Bottom ) != svx::FrameBorderState::Hide || m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( svx::FrameBorderType::Left ) != svx::FrameBorderState::Hide || m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( svx::FrameBorderType::Right ) != svx::FrameBorderState::Hide ) { const SvxBoxInfoItem* pOldBoxInfoItem = static_cast<const SvxBoxInfoItem*>(GetOldItem( *rCoreAttrs, SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER )); if ( !pOldBoxItem || m_pLeftMF->IsValueChangedFromSaved() || m_pRightMF->IsValueChangedFromSaved() || m_pTopMF->IsValueChangedFromSaved() || m_pBottomMF->IsValueChangedFromSaved() || nMinValue == m_pLeftMF->GetValue() || nMinValue == m_pRightMF->GetValue() || nMinValue == m_pTopMF->GetValue() || nMinValue == m_pBottomMF->GetValue() || (pOldBoxInfoItem && !pOldBoxInfoItem->IsValid(SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::DISTANCE)) ) { aBoxItem.SetDistance( (sal_uInt16)GetCoreValue(*m_pLeftMF, eCoreUnit ), SvxBoxItemLine::LEFT ); aBoxItem.SetDistance( (sal_uInt16)GetCoreValue(*m_pRightMF, eCoreUnit ), SvxBoxItemLine::RIGHT ); aBoxItem.SetDistance( (sal_uInt16)GetCoreValue(*m_pTopMF, eCoreUnit ), SvxBoxItemLine::TOP ); aBoxItem.SetDistance( (sal_uInt16)GetCoreValue(*m_pBottomMF, eCoreUnit ), SvxBoxItemLine::BOTTOM); } else { aBoxItem.SetDistance(pOldBoxItem->GetDistance(SvxBoxItemLine::LEFT ), SvxBoxItemLine::LEFT); aBoxItem.SetDistance(pOldBoxItem->GetDistance(SvxBoxItemLine::RIGHT), SvxBoxItemLine::RIGHT); aBoxItem.SetDistance(pOldBoxItem->GetDistance(SvxBoxItemLine::TOP ), SvxBoxItemLine::TOP); aBoxItem.SetDistance(pOldBoxItem->GetDistance(SvxBoxItemLine::BOTTOM), SvxBoxItemLine::BOTTOM); } aBoxInfoItem.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::DISTANCE ); } else aBoxInfoItem.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::DISTANCE, false ); } } } // note Don't Care Status in the Info-Item: aBoxInfoItem.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::TOP, m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( svx::FrameBorderType::Top ) != svx::FrameBorderState::DontCare ); aBoxInfoItem.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::BOTTOM, m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( svx::FrameBorderType::Bottom ) != svx::FrameBorderState::DontCare ); aBoxInfoItem.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::LEFT, m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( svx::FrameBorderType::Left ) != svx::FrameBorderState::DontCare ); aBoxInfoItem.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::RIGHT, m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( svx::FrameBorderType::Right ) != svx::FrameBorderState::DontCare ); aBoxInfoItem.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::HORI, m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( svx::FrameBorderType::Horizontal ) != svx::FrameBorderState::DontCare ); aBoxInfoItem.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::VERT, m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( svx::FrameBorderType::Vertical ) != svx::FrameBorderState::DontCare ); // Put or Clear of the border? bPut = true; if ( SfxItemState::DEFAULT == rOldSet.GetItemState( nBoxWhich, false )) { bPut = aBoxItem != static_cast<const SvxBoxItem&>(rOldSet.Get(nBoxWhich)); } if( SfxItemState::DEFAULT == rOldSet.GetItemState( nBoxInfoWhich, false ) ) { const SvxBoxInfoItem& rOldBoxInfo = static_cast<const SvxBoxInfoItem&>( rOldSet.Get(nBoxInfoWhich)); aBoxInfoItem.SetMinDist( rOldBoxInfo.IsMinDist() ); aBoxInfoItem.SetDefDist( rOldBoxInfo.GetDefDist() ); bPut |= (aBoxInfoItem != rOldBoxInfo ); } if ( bPut ) { if ( !pOldBoxItem || !( *pOldBoxItem == aBoxItem ) ) { rCoreAttrs->Put( aBoxItem ); bAttrsChanged = true; } const SfxPoolItem* pOld = GetOldItem( *rCoreAttrs, SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, false ); if ( !pOld || !( *static_cast<const SvxBoxInfoItem*>(pOld) == aBoxInfoItem ) ) { rCoreAttrs->Put( aBoxInfoItem ); bAttrsChanged = true; } } else { rCoreAttrs->ClearItem( nBoxWhich ); rCoreAttrs->ClearItem( nBoxInfoWhich ); } return bAttrsChanged; } void SvxBorderTabPage::HideShadowControls() { m_pShadowFrame->Hide(); } #define IID_PRE_CELL_NONE 1 #define IID_PRE_CELL_ALL 2 #define IID_PRE_CELL_LR 3 #define IID_PRE_CELL_TB 4 #define IID_PRE_CELL_L 5 #define IID_PRE_CELL_DIAG 6 #define IID_PRE_HOR_NONE 7 #define IID_PRE_HOR_OUTER 8 #define IID_PRE_HOR_HOR 9 #define IID_PRE_HOR_ALL 10 #define IID_PRE_HOR_OUTER2 11 #define IID_PRE_VER_NONE 12 #define IID_PRE_VER_OUTER 13 #define IID_PRE_VER_VER 14 #define IID_PRE_VER_ALL 15 #define IID_PRE_VER_OUTER2 16 #define IID_PRE_TABLE_NONE 17 #define IID_PRE_TABLE_OUTER 18 #define IID_PRE_TABLE_OUTERH 19 #define IID_PRE_TABLE_ALL 20 #define IID_PRE_TABLE_OUTER2 21 IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvxBorderTabPage, SelPreHdl_Impl, ValueSet*, void) { const svx::FrameBorderState SHOW = svx::FrameBorderState::Show; const svx::FrameBorderState HIDE = svx::FrameBorderState::Hide; const svx::FrameBorderState DONT = svx::FrameBorderState::DontCare; static const svx::FrameBorderState ppeStates[][ svx::FRAMEBORDERTYPE_COUNT ] = { /* Left Right Top Bot Hor Ver TLBR BLTR */ /* ---------------------+--------------------------------------------------- */ /* IID_PRE_CELL_NONE */ { HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_CELL_ALL */ { SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_CELL_LR */ { SHOW, SHOW, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_CELL_TB */ { HIDE, HIDE, SHOW, SHOW, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_CELL_L */ { SHOW, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_CELL_DIAG */ { HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, SHOW, SHOW }, /* IID_PRE_HOR_NONE */ { HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_HOR_OUTER */ { SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_HOR_HOR */ { HIDE, HIDE, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_HOR_ALL */ { SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_HOR_OUTER2 */ { SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, DONT, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_VER_NONE */ { HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_VER_OUTER */ { SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_VER_VER */ { SHOW, SHOW, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, SHOW, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_VER_ALL */ { SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, HIDE, SHOW, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_VER_OUTER2 */ { SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, HIDE, DONT, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_TABLE_NONE */ { HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_TABLE_OUTER */ { SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_TABLE_OUTERH */ { SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, HIDE, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_TABLE_ALL */ { SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, HIDE, HIDE }, /* IID_PRE_TABLE_OUTER2 */ { SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, SHOW, DONT, DONT, HIDE, HIDE } }; // first hide and deselect all frame borders m_pFrameSel->HideAllBorders(); m_pFrameSel->DeselectAllBorders(); // Using image ID to find correct line in table above. sal_uInt16 nLine = GetPresetImageId( m_pWndPresets->GetSelectItemId() ) - 1; // Apply all styles from the table for( int nBorder = 0; nBorder < svx::FRAMEBORDERTYPE_COUNT; ++nBorder ) { svx::FrameBorderType eBorder = svx::GetFrameBorderTypeFromIndex( nBorder ); switch( ppeStates[ nLine ][ nBorder ] ) { case SHOW: m_pFrameSel->SelectBorder( eBorder ); break; case HIDE: /* nothing to do */ break; case DONT: m_pFrameSel->SetBorderDontCare( eBorder ); break; } } // Show all lines that have been selected above if( m_pFrameSel->IsAnyBorderSelected() ) { // any visible style, but "no-line" in line list box? -> use hair-line if( (m_pLbLineStyle->GetSelectEntryPos() == 0) || (m_pLbLineStyle->GetSelectEntryPos() == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) ) m_pLbLineStyle->SelectEntryPos( 1 ); // set current style to all previously selected lines SelStyleHdl_Impl(*m_pLbLineStyle); SelColHdl_Impl(*m_pLbLineColor); } // Presets ValueSet does not show a selection (used as push buttons). m_pWndPresets->SetNoSelection(); LinesChanged_Impl( nullptr ); UpdateRemoveAdjCellBorderCB( nLine + 1 ); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvxBorderTabPage, SelSdwHdl_Impl, ValueSet*, void) { bool bEnable = m_pWndShadows->GetSelectItemId() > 1; m_pFtShadowSize->Enable(bEnable); m_pEdShadowSize->Enable(bEnable); m_pFtShadowColor->Enable(bEnable); m_pLbShadowColor->Enable(bEnable); } IMPL_LINK(SvxBorderTabPage, SelColHdl_Impl, SvxColorListBox&, rColorBox, void) { Color aColor = rColorBox.GetSelectEntryColor(); m_pFrameSel->SetColorToSelection(aColor); m_pLbLineStyle->SetColor(aColor); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvxBorderTabPage, ModifyWidthHdl_Impl, Edit&, void) { sal_Int64 nVal = static_cast<sal_Int64>(MetricField::ConvertDoubleValue( m_pLineWidthMF->GetValue( ), m_pLineWidthMF->GetDecimalDigits( ), m_pLineWidthMF->GetUnit(), MapUnit::MapTwip )); m_pLbLineStyle->SetWidth( nVal ); m_pFrameSel->SetStyleToSelection( nVal, SvxBorderStyle( m_pLbLineStyle->GetSelectEntryStyle() ) ); } IMPL_LINK( SvxBorderTabPage, SelStyleHdl_Impl, ListBox&, rLb, void ) { if (&rLb == m_pLbLineStyle) { sal_Int64 nVal = static_cast<sal_Int64>(MetricField::ConvertDoubleValue( m_pLineWidthMF->GetValue( ), m_pLineWidthMF->GetDecimalDigits( ), m_pLineWidthMF->GetUnit(), MapUnit::MapTwip )); m_pFrameSel->SetStyleToSelection ( nVal, SvxBorderStyle( m_pLbLineStyle->GetSelectEntryStyle() ) ); } } // ValueSet handling sal_uInt16 SvxBorderTabPage::GetPresetImageId( sal_uInt16 nValueSetIdx ) const { // table with all sets of predefined border styles static const sal_uInt16 ppnImgIds[][ SVX_BORDER_PRESET_COUNT ] = { // simple cell without diagonal frame borders { IID_PRE_CELL_NONE, IID_PRE_CELL_ALL, IID_PRE_CELL_LR, IID_PRE_CELL_TB, IID_PRE_CELL_L }, // simple cell with diagonal frame borders { IID_PRE_CELL_NONE, IID_PRE_CELL_ALL, IID_PRE_CELL_LR, IID_PRE_CELL_TB, IID_PRE_CELL_DIAG }, // with horizontal inner frame border { IID_PRE_HOR_NONE, IID_PRE_HOR_OUTER, IID_PRE_HOR_HOR, IID_PRE_HOR_ALL, IID_PRE_HOR_OUTER2 }, // with vertical inner frame border { IID_PRE_VER_NONE, IID_PRE_VER_OUTER, IID_PRE_VER_VER, IID_PRE_VER_ALL, IID_PRE_VER_OUTER2 }, // with horizontal and vertical inner frame borders { IID_PRE_TABLE_NONE, IID_PRE_TABLE_OUTER, IID_PRE_TABLE_OUTERH, IID_PRE_TABLE_ALL, IID_PRE_TABLE_OUTER2 } }; // find correct set of presets int nLine = 0; if( !mbHorEnabled && !mbVerEnabled ) nLine = (mbTLBREnabled || mbBLTREnabled) ? 1 : 0; else if( mbHorEnabled && !mbVerEnabled ) nLine = 2; else if( !mbHorEnabled && mbVerEnabled ) nLine = 3; else nLine = 4; DBG_ASSERT( (1 <= nValueSetIdx) && (nValueSetIdx <= SVX_BORDER_PRESET_COUNT), "SvxBorderTabPage::GetPresetImageId - wrong index" ); return ppnImgIds[ nLine ][ nValueSetIdx - 1 ]; } sal_uInt16 SvxBorderTabPage::GetPresetStringId( sal_uInt16 nValueSetIdx ) const { // string resource IDs for each image (in order of the IID_PRE_* image IDs) static const sal_uInt16 pnStrIds[] = { RID_SVXSTR_TABLE_PRESET_NONE, RID_SVXSTR_PARA_PRESET_ALL, RID_SVXSTR_PARA_PRESET_LEFTRIGHT, RID_SVXSTR_PARA_PRESET_TOPBOTTOM, RID_SVXSTR_PARA_PRESET_ONLYLEFT, RID_SVXSTR_PARA_PRESET_DIAGONAL, RID_SVXSTR_TABLE_PRESET_NONE, RID_SVXSTR_TABLE_PRESET_ONLYOUTER, RID_SVXSTR_HOR_PRESET_ONLYHOR, RID_SVXSTR_TABLE_PRESET_OUTERALL, RID_SVXSTR_TABLE_PRESET_OUTERINNER, RID_SVXSTR_TABLE_PRESET_NONE, RID_SVXSTR_TABLE_PRESET_ONLYOUTER, RID_SVXSTR_VER_PRESET_ONLYVER, RID_SVXSTR_TABLE_PRESET_OUTERALL, RID_SVXSTR_TABLE_PRESET_OUTERINNER, RID_SVXSTR_TABLE_PRESET_NONE, RID_SVXSTR_TABLE_PRESET_ONLYOUTER, RID_SVXSTR_TABLE_PRESET_OUTERHORI, RID_SVXSTR_TABLE_PRESET_OUTERALL, RID_SVXSTR_TABLE_PRESET_OUTERINNER }; return pnStrIds[ GetPresetImageId( nValueSetIdx ) - 1 ]; } void SvxBorderTabPage::FillPresetVS() { // basic initialization of the ValueSet m_pWndPresets->SetStyle( m_pWndPresets->GetStyle() | WB_ITEMBORDER | WB_DOUBLEBORDER ); m_pWndPresets->SetColCount( SVX_BORDER_PRESET_COUNT ); // insert images and help texts for( sal_uInt16 nVSIdx = 1; nVSIdx <= SVX_BORDER_PRESET_COUNT; ++nVSIdx ) { m_pWndPresets->InsertItem( nVSIdx ); m_pWndPresets->SetItemImage(nVSIdx, Image(m_aBorderImgVec[nVSIdx-1])); m_pWndPresets->SetItemText( nVSIdx, CUI_RESSTR( GetPresetStringId( nVSIdx ) ) ); } // show the control m_pWndPresets->SetNoSelection(); m_pWndPresets->Show(); } void SvxBorderTabPage::FillShadowVS() { // basic initialization of the ValueSet m_pWndShadows->SetStyle( m_pWndShadows->GetStyle() | WB_ITEMBORDER | WB_DOUBLEBORDER ); m_pWndShadows->SetColCount( SVX_BORDER_SHADOW_COUNT ); // string resource IDs for each image static const sal_uInt16 pnStrIds[ SVX_BORDER_SHADOW_COUNT ] = { RID_SVXSTR_SHADOW_STYLE_NONE, RID_SVXSTR_SHADOW_STYLE_BOTTOMRIGHT, RID_SVXSTR_SHADOW_STYLE_TOPRIGHT, RID_SVXSTR_SHADOW_STYLE_BOTTOMLEFT, RID_SVXSTR_SHADOW_STYLE_TOPLEFT }; // insert images and help texts for( sal_uInt16 nVSIdx = 1; nVSIdx <= SVX_BORDER_SHADOW_COUNT; ++nVSIdx ) { m_pWndShadows->InsertItem( nVSIdx ); m_pWndShadows->SetItemImage(nVSIdx, Image(m_aShadowImgVec[nVSIdx-1])); m_pWndShadows->SetItemText( nVSIdx, CUI_RESSTR( pnStrIds[ nVSIdx - 1 ] ) ); } // show the control m_pWndShadows->SelectItem( 1 ); m_pWndShadows->Show(); } void SvxBorderTabPage::FillValueSets() { FillPresetVS(); FillShadowVS(); } static Color lcl_mediumColor( Color aMain, Color /*aDefault*/ ) { return SvxBorderLine::threeDMediumColor( aMain ); } void SvxBorderTabPage::FillLineListBox_Impl() { using namespace ::com::sun::star::table::BorderLineStyle; struct { sal_Int16 mnStyle; long mnMinWidth; LineListBox::ColorFunc mpColor1Fn; LineListBox::ColorFunc mpColor2Fn; LineListBox::ColorDistFunc mpColorDistFn; } aLines[] = { // Simple lines { SOLID, 0, &sameColor, &sameColor, &sameDistColor }, { DOTTED, 0, &sameColor, &sameColor, &sameDistColor }, { DASHED, 0, &sameColor, &sameColor, &sameDistColor }, { FINE_DASHED, 0, &sameColor, &sameColor, &sameDistColor }, { DASH_DOT, 0, &sameColor, &sameColor, &sameDistColor }, { DASH_DOT_DOT, 0, &sameColor, &sameColor, &sameDistColor }, // Double lines { DOUBLE, 10, &sameColor, &sameColor, &sameDistColor }, { DOUBLE_THIN, 10, &sameColor, &sameColor, &sameDistColor }, { THINTHICK_SMALLGAP, 20, &sameColor, &sameColor, &sameDistColor }, { THINTHICK_MEDIUMGAP, 0, &sameColor, &sameColor, &sameDistColor }, { THINTHICK_LARGEGAP, 0, &sameColor, &sameColor, &sameDistColor }, { THICKTHIN_SMALLGAP, 20, &sameColor, &sameColor, &sameDistColor }, { THICKTHIN_MEDIUMGAP, 0, &sameColor, &sameColor, &sameDistColor }, { THICKTHIN_LARGEGAP, 0, &sameColor, &sameColor, &sameDistColor }, { EMBOSSED, 15, &SvxBorderLine::threeDLightColor, &SvxBorderLine::threeDDarkColor, &lcl_mediumColor }, { ENGRAVED, 15, &SvxBorderLine::threeDDarkColor, &SvxBorderLine::threeDLightColor, &lcl_mediumColor }, { OUTSET, 10, &SvxBorderLine::lightColor, &SvxBorderLine::darkColor, &sameDistColor }, { INSET, 10, &SvxBorderLine::darkColor, &SvxBorderLine::lightColor, &sameDistColor } }; m_pLbLineStyle->SetSourceUnit( FUNIT_TWIP ); m_pLbLineStyle->SetNone( SVX_RESSTR( RID_SVXSTR_NONE ) ); for (size_t i = 0, n = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aLines); i < n; ++i) { if (!IsBorderLineStyleAllowed(aLines[i].mnStyle)) continue; m_pLbLineStyle->InsertEntry( SvxBorderLine::getWidthImpl(aLines[i].mnStyle), aLines[i].mnStyle, aLines[i].mnMinWidth, aLines[i].mpColor1Fn, aLines[i].mpColor2Fn, aLines[i].mpColorDistFn); } sal_Int64 nVal = static_cast<sal_Int64>(MetricField::ConvertDoubleValue( m_pLineWidthMF->GetValue( ), m_pLineWidthMF->GetDecimalDigits( ), m_pLineWidthMF->GetUnit(), MapUnit::MapTwip )); m_pLbLineStyle->SetWidth( nVal ); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvxBorderTabPage, LinesChanged_Impl, LinkParamNone*, void) { if(!mbUseMarginItem && m_pLeftMF->IsVisible()) { bool bLineSet = m_pFrameSel->IsAnyBorderVisible(); bool bMinAllowed = bool(nSWMode & (SwBorderModes::FRAME|SwBorderModes::TABLE)); bool bSpaceModified = m_pLeftMF->IsModified()|| m_pRightMF->IsModified()|| m_pTopMF->IsModified()|| m_pBottomMF->IsModified(); if(bLineSet) { if(!bMinAllowed) { m_pLeftMF->SetFirst(nMinValue); m_pRightMF->SetFirst(nMinValue); m_pTopMF->SetFirst(nMinValue); m_pBottomMF->SetFirst(nMinValue); } if(!bSpaceModified) { m_pLeftMF->SetValue(nMinValue); m_pRightMF->SetValue(nMinValue); m_pTopMF->SetValue(nMinValue); m_pBottomMF->SetValue(nMinValue); } } else { m_pLeftMF->SetMin(0); m_pRightMF->SetMin(0); m_pTopMF->SetMin(0); m_pBottomMF->SetMin(0); m_pLeftMF->SetFirst(0); m_pRightMF->SetFirst(0); m_pTopMF->SetFirst(0); m_pBottomMF->SetFirst(0); if(!bSpaceModified && !mbAllowPaddingWithoutBorders) { m_pLeftMF->SetValue(0); m_pRightMF->SetValue(0); m_pTopMF->SetValue(0); m_pBottomMF->SetValue(0); } } // for tables everything is allowed SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags nValid = SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::TOP|SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::BOTTOM|SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::LEFT|SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::RIGHT; // for other objects (paragraph, page, frame, character) the edit is disabled, if there's no border set if(!(nSWMode & SwBorderModes::TABLE) && !mbAllowPaddingWithoutBorders) { if(bLineSet) { nValid = (m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( svx::FrameBorderType::Top) == svx::FrameBorderState::Show) ? SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::TOP : SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::NONE; nValid |= (m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( svx::FrameBorderType::Bottom) == svx::FrameBorderState::Show) ? SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::BOTTOM : SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::NONE; nValid |= (m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( svx::FrameBorderType::Left) == svx::FrameBorderState::Show) ? SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::LEFT : SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::NONE; nValid |= (m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( svx::FrameBorderType::Right ) == svx::FrameBorderState::Show) ? SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::RIGHT : SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::NONE; } else nValid = SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::NONE; } m_pLeftFT->Enable( bool(nValid & SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::LEFT) ); m_pRightFT->Enable( bool(nValid & SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::RIGHT) ); m_pTopFT->Enable( bool(nValid & SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::TOP) ); m_pBottomFT->Enable( bool(nValid & SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::BOTTOM) ); m_pLeftMF->Enable( bool(nValid & SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::LEFT) ); m_pRightMF->Enable( bool(nValid & SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::RIGHT) ); m_pTopMF->Enable( bool(nValid & SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::TOP) ); m_pBottomMF->Enable( bool(nValid & SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::BOTTOM) ); m_pSynchronizeCB->Enable( m_pRightMF->IsEnabled() || m_pTopMF->IsEnabled() || m_pBottomMF->IsEnabled() || m_pLeftMF->IsEnabled() ); } UpdateRemoveAdjCellBorderCB( SAL_MAX_UINT16 ); } IMPL_LINK( SvxBorderTabPage, ModifyDistanceHdl_Impl, Edit&, rField, void) { if ( mbSync ) { sal_Int64 nVal = static_cast<MetricField&>(rField).GetValue(); if(&rField != m_pLeftMF) m_pLeftMF->SetValue(nVal); if(&rField != m_pRightMF) m_pRightMF->SetValue(nVal); if(&rField != m_pTopMF) m_pTopMF->SetValue(nVal); if(&rField != m_pBottomMF) m_pBottomMF->SetValue(nVal); } } IMPL_LINK( SvxBorderTabPage, SyncHdl_Impl, Button*, pBox, void) { mbSync = static_cast<CheckBox*>(pBox)->IsChecked(); } IMPL_LINK( SvxBorderTabPage, RemoveAdjacentCellBorderHdl_Impl, Button*, pBox, void) { mbRemoveAdjacentCellBorders = static_cast<CheckBox*>(pBox)->IsChecked(); } void SvxBorderTabPage::UpdateRemoveAdjCellBorderCB( sal_uInt16 nPreset ) { if( !bIsCalcDoc ) return; const SfxItemSet& rOldSet = GetItemSet(); const SvxBoxInfoItem* pOldBoxInfoItem = static_cast<const SvxBoxInfoItem*>(GetOldItem( rOldSet, SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER )); const SvxBoxItem* pOldBoxItem = static_cast<const SvxBoxItem*>(GetOldItem( rOldSet, SID_ATTR_BORDER_OUTER )); if( !pOldBoxInfoItem || !pOldBoxItem ) return; ::std::pair<svx::FrameBorderType, SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags> eTypes1[] = { { svx::FrameBorderType::Top,SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::TOP }, { svx::FrameBorderType::Bottom,SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::BOTTOM }, { svx::FrameBorderType::Left,SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::LEFT }, { svx::FrameBorderType::Right,SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::RIGHT }, }; SvxBoxItemLine eTypes2[] = { SvxBoxItemLine::TOP, SvxBoxItemLine::BOTTOM, SvxBoxItemLine::LEFT, SvxBoxItemLine::RIGHT, }; // Check if current selection involves deletion of at least one border bool bBorderDeletionReq = false; for ( sal_uInt32 i=0; i < SAL_N_ELEMENTS( eTypes1 ); ++i ) { if( pOldBoxItem->GetLine( eTypes2[i] ) || !( pOldBoxInfoItem->IsValid( eTypes1[i].second ) ) ) { if( m_pFrameSel->GetFrameBorderState( eTypes1[i].first ) == svx::FrameBorderState::Hide ) { bBorderDeletionReq = true; break; } } } if( !bBorderDeletionReq && ( nPreset == IID_PRE_CELL_NONE || nPreset == IID_PRE_TABLE_NONE ) ) bBorderDeletionReq = true; m_pRemoveAdjcentCellBordersCB->Enable( bBorderDeletionReq ); if( !bBorderDeletionReq ) { mbRemoveAdjacentCellBorders = false; m_pRemoveAdjcentCellBordersCB->Check( false ); } } void SvxBorderTabPage::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::STYLE) ) FillValueSets(); SfxTabPage::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); } void SvxBorderTabPage::PageCreated(const SfxAllItemSet& aSet) { const SfxUInt16Item* pSWModeItem = aSet.GetItem<SfxUInt16Item>(SID_SWMODE_TYPE, false); const SfxUInt32Item* pFlagItem = aSet.GetItem<SfxUInt32Item>(SID_FLAG_TYPE, false); if (pSWModeItem) { nSWMode = static_cast<SwBorderModes>(pSWModeItem->GetValue()); // #i43593# // show checkbox <m_pMergeWithNextCB> for format.paragraph if ( nSWMode == SwBorderModes::PARA ) { m_pMergeWithNextCB->Show(); m_pPropertiesFrame->Show(); } // show checkbox <m_pMergeAdjacentBordersCB> for format.paragraph else if ( nSWMode == SwBorderModes::TABLE ) { m_pMergeAdjacentBordersCB->Show(); m_pPropertiesFrame->Show(); } } if (pFlagItem) if ( ( pFlagItem->GetValue() & SVX_HIDESHADOWCTL ) == SVX_HIDESHADOWCTL ) HideShadowControls(); } void SvxBorderTabPage::SetTableMode() { nSWMode = SwBorderModes::TABLE; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */