/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "svx/dlgutil.hxx" #include "labdlg.hxx" #include "transfrm.hxx" // define ---------------------------------------------------------------- #define AZ_OPTIMAL 0 #define AZ_VON_OBEN 1 #define AZ_VON_LINKS 2 #define AZ_HORIZONTAL 3 #define AZ_VERTIKAL 4 #define AT_OBEN 0 #define AT_MITTE 1 #define AT_UNTEN 2 #define BMP_CAPTTYPE_1 1 #define BMP_CAPTTYPE_2 2 #define BMP_CAPTTYPE_3 3 // static ---------------------------------------------------------------- static sal_uInt16 pCaptionRanges[] = { SDRATTR_CAPTIONTYPE, SDRATTR_CAPTIONFIXEDANGLE, SDRATTR_CAPTIONANGLE, SDRATTR_CAPTIONGAP, SDRATTR_CAPTIONESCDIR, SDRATTR_CAPTIONESCISREL, SDRATTR_CAPTIONESCREL, SDRATTR_CAPTIONESCABS, SDRATTR_CAPTIONLINELEN, SDRATTR_CAPTIONFITLINELEN, 0 }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SvxCaptionTabPage::SvxCaptionTabPage(Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rInAttrs) : SfxTabPage(pParent, "CalloutPage", "cui/ui/calloutpage.ui", rInAttrs) , rOutAttrs(rInAttrs) { get(m_pCT_CAPTTYPE, "valueset"); Size aSize(m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->LogicToPixel(Size(187, 38), MAP_APPFONT)); m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->set_width_request(aSize.Width()); m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->set_height_request(aSize.Height()); get(m_pMF_ABSTAND, "spacing"); get(m_pLB_ANSATZ, "extension"); get(m_pFT_UM, "byft"); get(m_pMF_ANSATZ, "by"); get(m_pFT_ANSATZ_REL, "positionft"); get(m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL, "position"); assert(m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->GetEntryCount() == 6); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) m_aStrHorzList.push_back(m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->GetEntry(i)); for (int i = 3; i < 6; ++i) m_aStrVertList.push_back(m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->GetEntry(i)); m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->Clear(); ListBox *pLineTypes = get("linetypes"); assert(pLineTypes->GetEntryCount() == 3); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) m_aLineTypes.push_back(pLineTypes->GetEntry(i)); get(m_pFT_LAENGE, "lengthft"); get(m_pMF_LAENGE, "length"); get(m_pCB_LAENGE, "optimal"); for(sal_uInt16 nBitmap = 0; nBitmap < CAPTYPE_BITMAPS_COUNT; ++nBitmap) { FixedImage *pImage = get(OString("legtyp") + OString::number(nBitmap+1)); m_aBmpCapTypes[nBitmap] = pImage->GetImage(); } //------------install ValueSet-------------------------- m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->SetStyle( m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->GetStyle() | WB_ITEMBORDER | WB_DOUBLEBORDER | WB_NAMEFIELD ); m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->SetColCount(5);//XXX m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->SetLineCount(1); m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->SetSelectHdl(LINK( this, SvxCaptionTabPage, SelectCaptTypeHdl_Impl)); Image aImage; m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->InsertItem(BMP_CAPTTYPE_1, aImage, m_aLineTypes[0]); m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->InsertItem(BMP_CAPTTYPE_2, aImage, m_aLineTypes[1]); m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->InsertItem(BMP_CAPTTYPE_3, aImage, m_aLineTypes[2]); FillValueSet(); m_pLB_ANSATZ->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this,SvxCaptionTabPage,AnsatzSelectHdl_Impl)); m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this,SvxCaptionTabPage,AnsatzRelSelectHdl_Impl)); m_pCB_LAENGE->SetClickHdl(LINK(this,SvxCaptionTabPage,LineOptHdl_Impl)); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxCaptionTabPage::Construct() { // set rectangle and working area DBG_ASSERT( pView, "Keine gueltige View Uebergeben!" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SvxCaptionTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& _rOutAttrs) { SfxItemPool* pPool = _rOutAttrs.GetPool(); DBG_ASSERT( pPool, "Wo ist der Pool" ); SfxMapUnit eUnit; nCaptionType = m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->GetSelectItemId()-1; _rOutAttrs.Put( SdrCaptionTypeItem( (SdrCaptionType) nCaptionType ) ); if( m_pMF_ABSTAND->IsValueModified() ) { eUnit = pPool->GetMetric( GetWhich( SDRATTR_CAPTIONGAP ) ); _rOutAttrs.Put( SdrCaptionGapItem( GetCoreValue(*m_pMF_ABSTAND, eUnit ) ) ); } // special treatment!!! XXX if( nCaptionType==SDRCAPT_TYPE1 ) { switch( nEscDir ) { case SDRCAPT_ESCHORIZONTAL: nEscDir=SDRCAPT_ESCVERTICAL;break; case SDRCAPT_ESCVERTICAL: nEscDir=SDRCAPT_ESCHORIZONTAL;break; } } _rOutAttrs.Put( SdrCaptionEscDirItem( (SdrCaptionEscDir)nEscDir ) ); bEscRel = m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->IsVisible(); _rOutAttrs.Put( SdrCaptionEscIsRelItem( bEscRel ) ); if( bEscRel ) { long nVal = 0; switch( m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->GetSelectEntryPos() ) { case AT_OBEN: nVal=0;break; case AT_MITTE: nVal=5000;break; case AT_UNTEN: nVal=10000;break; } _rOutAttrs.Put( SdrCaptionEscRelItem( nVal ) ); } else { if( m_pMF_ANSATZ->IsValueModified() ) { eUnit = pPool->GetMetric( GetWhich( SDRATTR_CAPTIONESCABS ) ); _rOutAttrs.Put( SdrCaptionEscAbsItem( GetCoreValue(*m_pMF_ANSATZ, eUnit ) ) ); } } bFitLineLen = m_pCB_LAENGE->IsChecked(); _rOutAttrs.Put( SdrCaptionFitLineLenItem( bFitLineLen ) ); if( ! bFitLineLen ) { if( m_pMF_LAENGE->IsValueModified() ) { eUnit = pPool->GetMetric( GetWhich( SDRATTR_CAPTIONLINELEN ) ); _rOutAttrs.Put( SdrCaptionLineLenItem( GetCoreValue(*m_pMF_LAENGE, eUnit ) ) ); } } //NYI-------------the angles have to be added here!!! XXX---------------------- return( sal_True ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxCaptionTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& ) { //------------set metric----------------------------- FieldUnit eFUnit = GetModuleFieldUnit( rOutAttrs ); switch ( eFUnit ) { case FUNIT_CM: case FUNIT_M: case FUNIT_KM: eFUnit = FUNIT_MM; break; default: ;//prevent warning } SetFieldUnit( *m_pMF_ABSTAND, eFUnit ); SetFieldUnit( *m_pMF_ANSATZ, eFUnit ); SetFieldUnit( *m_pMF_LAENGE, eFUnit ); SfxItemPool* pPool = rOutAttrs.GetPool(); DBG_ASSERT( pPool, "Wo ist der Pool" ); sal_uInt16 nWhich; SfxMapUnit eUnit; nWhich = GetWhich( SDRATTR_CAPTIONESCABS ); eUnit = pPool->GetMetric( nWhich ); nEscAbs = ( ( const SdrCaptionEscAbsItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( nWhich ) ).GetValue(); SetMetricValue( *m_pMF_ANSATZ, nEscAbs, eUnit ); nEscAbs = static_cast(m_pMF_ANSATZ->GetValue()); nWhich = GetWhich( SDRATTR_CAPTIONESCREL ); nEscRel = (long)( ( const SdrCaptionEscRelItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( nWhich ) ).GetValue(); //------- line length ---------- nWhich = GetWhich( SDRATTR_CAPTIONLINELEN ); eUnit = pPool->GetMetric( nWhich ); nLineLen = ( ( const SdrCaptionLineLenItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( nWhich ) ).GetValue(); SetMetricValue( *m_pMF_LAENGE, nLineLen, eUnit ); nLineLen = static_cast(m_pMF_LAENGE->GetValue()); //------- distance to box ---------- nWhich = GetWhich( SDRATTR_CAPTIONGAP ); eUnit = pPool->GetMetric( nWhich ); nGap = ( ( const SdrCaptionGapItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( nWhich ) ).GetValue(); SetMetricValue( *m_pMF_ABSTAND, nGap, eUnit ); nGap = static_cast(m_pMF_ABSTAND->GetValue()); nCaptionType = (short)( ( const SdrCaptionTypeItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( GetWhich( SDRATTR_CAPTIONTYPE ) ) ).GetValue(); bFitLineLen = ( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( GetWhich( SDRATTR_CAPTIONFITLINELEN ) ) ).GetValue(); nEscDir = (short)( ( const SdrCaptionEscDirItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( GetWhich( SDRATTR_CAPTIONESCDIR ) ) ).GetValue(); bEscRel = ( ( const SfxBoolItem& ) rOutAttrs.Get( GetWhich( SDRATTR_CAPTIONESCISREL ) ) ).GetValue(); // special treatment!!! XXX if( nCaptionType==SDRCAPT_TYPE1 ) { switch( nEscDir ) { case SDRCAPT_ESCHORIZONTAL: nEscDir=SDRCAPT_ESCVERTICAL;break; case SDRCAPT_ESCVERTICAL: nEscDir=SDRCAPT_ESCHORIZONTAL;break; } } nAnsatzRelPos=AT_MITTE; nAnsatzTypePos=AZ_OPTIMAL; m_pMF_ABSTAND->SetValue( nGap ); if( nEscDir == SDRCAPT_ESCHORIZONTAL ) { if( bEscRel ) { if( nEscRel < 3333 ) nAnsatzRelPos = AT_OBEN; if( nEscRel > 6666 ) nAnsatzRelPos = AT_UNTEN; nAnsatzTypePos = AZ_HORIZONTAL; } else { nAnsatzTypePos = AZ_VON_OBEN; m_pMF_ANSATZ->SetValue( nEscAbs ); } } else if( nEscDir == SDRCAPT_ESCVERTICAL ) { if( bEscRel ) { if( nEscRel < 3333 ) nAnsatzRelPos = AT_OBEN; if( nEscRel > 6666 ) nAnsatzRelPos = AT_UNTEN; nAnsatzTypePos = AZ_VERTIKAL; } else { nAnsatzTypePos = AZ_VON_LINKS; m_pMF_ANSATZ->SetValue( nEscAbs ); } } else if( nEscDir == SDRCAPT_ESCBESTFIT ) { nAnsatzTypePos = AZ_OPTIMAL; } m_pCB_LAENGE->Check( bFitLineLen ); m_pMF_LAENGE->SetValue( nLineLen ); m_pLB_ANSATZ->SelectEntryPos( nAnsatzTypePos ); SetupAnsatz_Impl( nAnsatzTypePos ); m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->SelectItem( nCaptionType+1 ); // Enum starts at 0! SetupType_Impl( nCaptionType+1 ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxTabPage* SvxCaptionTabPage::Create( Window* pWindow, const SfxItemSet& rOutAttrs ) { return( new SvxCaptionTabPage( pWindow, rOutAttrs ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_uInt16* SvxCaptionTabPage::GetRanges() { return( pCaptionRanges ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SvxCaptionTabPage::SetupAnsatz_Impl( sal_uInt16 nType ) { switch( nType ) { case AZ_OPTIMAL: m_pMF_ANSATZ->Show(); m_pFT_UM->Show(); m_pFT_ANSATZ_REL->Hide(); m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->Hide(); nEscDir = SDRCAPT_ESCBESTFIT; break; case AZ_VON_OBEN: m_pMF_ANSATZ->Show(); m_pFT_UM->Show(); m_pFT_ANSATZ_REL->Hide(); m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->Hide(); nEscDir = SDRCAPT_ESCHORIZONTAL; break; case AZ_VON_LINKS: m_pMF_ANSATZ->Show(); m_pFT_UM->Show(); m_pFT_ANSATZ_REL->Hide(); m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->Hide(); nEscDir = SDRCAPT_ESCVERTICAL; break; case AZ_HORIZONTAL: m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->Clear(); for (size_t i = 0 ; i < m_aStrHorzList.size(); ++i) m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->InsertEntry(m_aStrHorzList[i]); m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->SelectEntryPos(nAnsatzRelPos); m_pMF_ANSATZ->Hide(); m_pFT_UM->Hide(); m_pFT_ANSATZ_REL->Show(); m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->Show(); nEscDir = SDRCAPT_ESCHORIZONTAL; break; case AZ_VERTIKAL: m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->Clear(); for (size_t i = 0 ; i < m_aStrVertList.size(); ++i) m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->InsertEntry(m_aStrVertList[i]); m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->SelectEntryPos(nAnsatzRelPos); m_pMF_ANSATZ->Hide(); m_pFT_UM->Hide(); m_pFT_ANSATZ_REL->Show(); m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->Show(); nEscDir = SDRCAPT_ESCVERTICAL; break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvxCaptionTabPage, AnsatzSelectHdl_Impl, ListBox *, pListBox ) { if (pListBox == m_pLB_ANSATZ) { SetupAnsatz_Impl( m_pLB_ANSATZ->GetSelectEntryPos() ); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvxCaptionTabPage, AnsatzSelectHdl_Impl, ListBox *, pListBox ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvxCaptionTabPage, AnsatzRelSelectHdl_Impl, ListBox *, pListBox ) { if (pListBox == m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL) { nAnsatzRelPos = m_pLB_ANSATZ_REL->GetSelectEntryPos(); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvxCaptionTabPage, AnsatzRelSelectHdl_Impl, ListBox *, pListBox ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK( SvxCaptionTabPage, LineOptHdl_Impl, Button *, pButton ) { if (pButton == m_pCB_LAENGE) { if( m_pCB_LAENGE->IsChecked() || ! m_pCB_LAENGE->IsEnabled() ) { m_pFT_LAENGE->Disable(); m_pMF_LAENGE->Disable(); } else { m_pFT_LAENGE->Enable(); m_pMF_LAENGE->Enable(); } } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK_NOARG_INLINE_START(SvxCaptionTabPage, SelectCaptTypeHdl_Impl) { SetupType_Impl( m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->GetSelectItemId() ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG_INLINE_END(SvxCaptionTabPage, SelectCaptTypeHdl_Impl) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SvxCaptionTabPage::SetupType_Impl( sal_uInt16 nType ) { switch( nType-1 ) { case SDRCAPT_TYPE1: m_pFT_LAENGE->Disable(); m_pCB_LAENGE->Disable(); LineOptHdl_Impl( m_pCB_LAENGE ); break; case SDRCAPT_TYPE2: m_pFT_LAENGE->Disable(); m_pCB_LAENGE->Disable(); LineOptHdl_Impl( m_pCB_LAENGE ); break; case SDRCAPT_TYPE3: m_pFT_LAENGE->Enable(); m_pCB_LAENGE->Enable(); LineOptHdl_Impl( m_pCB_LAENGE ); break; case SDRCAPT_TYPE4: m_pFT_LAENGE->Enable(); m_pCB_LAENGE->Enable(); LineOptHdl_Impl( m_pCB_LAENGE ); break; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxCaptionTabPage::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { SfxTabPage::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) ) FillValueSet(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SvxCaptionTabPage::FillValueSet() { m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->SetItemImage(BMP_CAPTTYPE_1, m_aBmpCapTypes[0] ); m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->SetItemImage(BMP_CAPTTYPE_2, m_aBmpCapTypes[1] ); m_pCT_CAPTTYPE->SetItemImage(BMP_CAPTTYPE_3, m_aBmpCapTypes[2] ); } //======================================================================== SvxCaptionTabDialog::SvxCaptionTabDialog(Window* pParent, const SdrView* pSdrView, sal_uInt16 nAnchorTypes) : SfxTabDialog( pParent, "CalloutDialog", "cui/ui/calloutdialog.ui") , pView(pSdrView) , nAnchorCtrls(nAnchorTypes) , m_nSwPosSizePageId(0) , m_nPositionSizePageId(0) , m_nCaptionPageId(0) { assert(pView); //Keine gueltige View Uebergeben! //different positioning page in Writer if (nAnchorCtrls & 0x00ff) { m_nSwPosSizePageId = AddTabPage("RID_SVXPAGE_SWPOSSIZE", SvxSwPosSizeTabPage::Create, SvxSwPosSizeTabPage::GetRanges ); RemoveTabPage("RID_SVXPAGE_POSITION_SIZE"); } else { m_nPositionSizePageId = AddTabPage("RID_SVXPAGE_POSITION_SIZE", SvxPositionSizeTabPage::Create, SvxPositionSizeTabPage::GetRanges ); RemoveTabPage("RID_SVXPAGE_SWPOSSIZE"); } m_nCaptionPageId = AddTabPage("RID_SVXPAGE_CAPTION", SvxCaptionTabPage::Create, SvxCaptionTabPage::GetRanges ); } void SvxCaptionTabDialog::PageCreated( sal_uInt16 nId, SfxTabPage &rPage ) { if (nId == m_nPositionSizePageId) { ( (SvxPositionSizeTabPage&) rPage ).SetView( pView ); ( (SvxPositionSizeTabPage&) rPage ).Construct(); if( nAnchorCtrls & SVX_OBJ_NORESIZE ) ( (SvxPositionSizeTabPage&) rPage ).DisableResize(); if( nAnchorCtrls & SVX_OBJ_NOPROTECT ) ( (SvxPositionSizeTabPage&) rPage ).DisableProtect(); } else if (nId == m_nSwPosSizePageId) { SvxSwPosSizeTabPage& rSwPage = static_cast(rPage); rSwPage.EnableAnchorTypes(nAnchorCtrls); rSwPage.SetValidateFramePosLink( aValidateLink ); } else if (nId == m_nCaptionPageId) { ( (SvxCaptionTabPage&) rPage ).SetView( pView ); ( (SvxCaptionTabPage&) rPage ).Construct(); } } void SvxCaptionTabDialog::SetValidateFramePosLink( const Link& rLink ) { aValidateLink = rLink; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */