19.989999999999998 0.05 1 65535 1 10 1 400 1 10 19.989999999999998 0.05 1 -19.989999999999998 19.989999999999998 0.05 10 19.989999999999998 0.05 10 True False True False From file... True True False Gallery True True False True False cmd/sc_alignleft.png True False cmd/sc_alignhorizontalcenter.png True False cmd/sc_alignright.png False 6 Bullets and Numbering True 0 0 dialog False vertical 12 False end Reset True True True False True 0 _OK True True True True True True False True 1 _Cancel True True True True False True 2 _Help True True True True False True 3 True False True end 0 490 True False 12 True False 0 none 78 True True 6 never never in True True liststore1 False False 0 False 0 True False Level False True 0 True False vertical 6 True False 0 none True False 12 6 vertical True False 3 6 True False Type: True numfmtlb 0 0 0 True False Select the level(s) that you want to modify. To apply the options to all the levels, select “1-10”. 1 0 True False Start at: True startat 0 0 4 True True start True 1 True adjustment2 1 For ordered lists, select the value of first item of the list. 1 4 True False Character: True bullet 0 0 1 Select... True True True Select the character for the unordered list. 1 1 Select image... True True True 0 True bitmapmenu Select a graphic bullet. 1 3 True False Color: True color 0 0 2 True True False 0 True Select the color of the list characters for ordered and unordered lists. 1 2 False True 0 True False Properties False True 0 True False 0 none True False 12 6 3 6 True False Before: True prefix 0 0 0 True False After: True suffix 0 0 1 True True True True Enter the text to display after the numbering. 1 1 True True True True Enter the text to display before the numbering. 1 0 True False Separator False True 1 True False 0 none True False 12 6 3 6 True False vertical True False 3 6 True False Width: True widthmf 0 0 0 True False Height: True heightmf 0 0 1 True True True True adjustment1 2 Enter the width of the graphic bullet character. 1 0 True True True True adjustment5 2 Enter the height of the graphic bullet character. 1 1 False True 0 0 0 2 True False 6 True True True 100 True adjustment4 100 For character unordered and ordered lists, set the relative size of the list character. The relative size applies to the Before and After text as well. 1 0 True False _Rel. size: True relsize 0 0 0 True False center vertical Keep ratio True True False True True Check this box to preserve the height to width ratio of the graphic bullet. False True 1 1 1 0 1 2 True False Size False True 2 True False 0 none True False 12 6 3 6 True False Indent: True indentmf 0 0 0 True False Width: True numberingwidthmf 0 0 1 True True True 0,00 True adjustment6 2 Enter the distance from the left edge of the containing object to the start of all lines in the list. 1 0 True True True 0,00 True adjustment7 2 Enter or select the width of the list element. 1 1 Relati_ve True True False True True Relative to the upper list level. The entered value is added to that of this field in the level before. If “Indent: 20mm” on list level 1 and “Indent: 10mm Relative” on list level 2 will result in an effective indent of 30mm for level 2. 1 2 True False 6 True True True image2 True Align bullet on the center of the list element. 1 0 True True True image1 True Align bullet on the left of the list element. 0 0 True True True image3 True Align bullet on the right of the list element. 2 0 1 3 True False Alignment: 0 0 3 True False Position False True 3 True False 0 none True False 12 6 3 6 Slide True True False True True Applies the modification to the whole slide or page. 0 0 Selection True True False True sliderb Applies the modification to the selection. 0 1 Apply to Master True True True center Click to apply the modification to all slides that use the current master slide. 1 0 2 True False Scope False True 4 False True 1 True False 0 none 170 True False True True in True False 150 True False True True 0 True False Preview False True 2 True True 1 reset ok cancel help