True False 6 vertical 12 True False 0 none True False 6 12 True False 6 6 False True start _Company: True company 0 0 0 False True start First/last _name/initials: True firstname 0 0 1 False True start _Street: True street 0 0 4 False True start City/state/_zip: True city 0 0 7 False True start Country/re_gion: True country 0 0 8 False True start _Title/position: True title 0 0 9 False True start Telephone (home/_work): True home 0 Home telephone number 0 10 False True start Fa_x/email: True fax 0 0 11 False True 6 True True center True True First name Type your first name. 0 0 True True center True True Last name Type your last name. 1 0 True True center True 7 Initials Type your initials. 2 0 1 1 False True 6 True True center True True City Type the city where you live. 0 0 True True center True True State Type your state. 1 0 True True center True 15 Zip code Type your ZIP in this field. 2 0 1 7 False True True 6 True True center True True Title Type your title in this field. 0 0 True True center True True Position Type your position in the company in this field. 1 0 1 9 False True 6 True True center True True Home telephone number Type your private telephone number in this field. 0 0 True True center True True Work telephone number Type your work number in this field. 1 0 1 10 False True True 6 True True center True True Fax number Type your fax number in this field. 0 0 True True center True True email address Type your email address. 1 0 1 11 Use data for document properties True True False True 0 True Mark to use the data in document properties 0 12 2 False True start Last/first/father’s _name/initials: True ruslastname 0 0 2 False True 6 True True center True True Last name Type your last name. 0 0 True True center True True Father's name Type your father's name 2 0 True True center True 7 Initials Type your initials. 3 0 True True center True True First name Type your first name. 1 0 1 2 False True start Last/first _name/initials: True eastlastname 0 0 3 False True 6 True True center True True Last name Type your last name. 0 0 True True center True True First name Type your first name. 1 0 True True center True 7 Initials Type your initials. 2 0 1 3 False True start _Street/apartment number: True russtreet 0 0 5 False True 6 True True center True True Street Type the name of your street in this field. 0 0 True True center True 15 Apartment number Type your apartment number 1 0 1 5 False True start _Zip/city: True izip 0 0 6 False True 6 True True center True True City Type the city where you live. 1 0 True True center True 15 Zip code Type your ZIP in this field. 0 0 1 6 False True True True True center True True Type the name of your street in this field. 0 0 1 4 False True True True True center True True Type your country and region 0 0 1 8 False True True True True center True True Type the name of your company in this field. 0 0 1 0 True False Address False True 0 True False 0 none True False 6 12 True False 6 6 True False OpenPGP signing key: True signingkey 0 0 0 True False OpenPGP encryption key: True encryptionkey 0 0 1 True False True No key Select your OpenPGP key from the drop-down list for encrypting ODF documents. 1 1 True False True No key Select your OpenPGP key from the drop-down list for signing ODF documents. 1 0 When encrypting documents, always encrypt to self True True False True 0 True Mark this checkbox to also encrypt the file with your public key, so you can open the document with your private key. 0 2 2 True False Cryptography True False True 1 Use this tab page to enter or edit user data.