False 6 Sign Signature Line True 0 0 dialog False vertical 2 False end gtk-help True True True True True True 0 True gtk-cancel True True True True True True 1 Sign True True True True True True True 2 False False 1 True False 6 6 6 6 True True 6 6 True False True 0 none True False 6 12 True False 6 12 True True True True Type your name here Enter your name as signer of the document. Your name will be inserted above the signature horizontal line. 1 0 True False start Your Name: True edit_name 0 0 True False start Certificate: True btn_select_certificate 0 2 Select Certificate True True True Click on the Select Certificate button to open the Select Certificate dialog box, where your certificates are listed. Select the certificate suitable for signing the document. 1 2 4 True False start or 2 0 Use Signature Image True True True 3 0 Clear True True True 4 0 True False start 6 Best image size: 600 x 100 px 3 1 2 True False Sign 0 0 True False True True 0 none True False 6 12 True False 6 12 True False start Add comment: True edit_comment 0 2 True True True True in 60 True True True True Enter comments about the signature. The comments are displayed in the Description field of the certificate. 0 3 True False start Instructions from the document creator: True label_hint_text 0 0 True False start 12 edit_comment This area displays the instructions entered by the document creator when adding the signature line. 0 1 True False More 0 1 False True 0 help cancel ok